How to make a flowerbed from scrap materials. How to make flower beds and flower beds with your own hands from scrap materials? Other unnecessary materials for decoration

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A dacha is a great place not only for work, but also for relaxation, and the main guarantee of quality outdoor recreation is the creations of nature. A flower bed will help complement the natural landscape at the dacha, and if you make it and design it in accordance with your preferences and wishes, then it will also bring maximum comfort, as well as a sense of pride in your creation. Do-it-yourself flowerbeds create an incredibly cozy environment and help you find a use for unnecessary things.

Flowers are undoubtedly a wonderful decoration, but they require careful care to grow properly. Almost anyone can make flower beds and flower beds with their own hands, the main thing is to have the desire and any available materials that will be used for aesthetic design. It is worth noting that a properly designed flower bed is the most advantageous option compared to flowers that grow in random order on your site.

It’s quite simple to create flower beds and flower beds on your site with your own hands, however, we advise you to choose the right plants. For these purposes, novice gardeners are better off using perennial plants that survive the cold well and delight summer residents with their flowering every year. Another option is to make several flower beds on the site, in which plants that bloom in different seasons will grow, so that there will always be fresh flowers on your summer cottage.

It is equally important to correctly arrange the plants on the site; in simple words, the plants should be combined with each other, and the proximity of some species to others should only have positive sides. We also advise you to pay attention to the supply of water to your flower garden, so the plants will receive enough moisture regardless of weather conditions.

So, you have decided to create flower beds with your own hands at the dacha. Sooner or later, all summer residents decide to do this, even those who are, in principle, far from gardening. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to imagine a country house without flowers, because they not only decorate the landscape, but also favorably emphasize the main elements. In addition, a properly located flower bed will help hide imperfections on the site.

If you have never encountered the issue of creating a flower bed near your house with your own hands before, and preferred to entrust the solution to this problem to professionals, then we advise you to follow the advice from our article. The flowerbed will look most attractive only in a sufficiently lit place; in addition, it must fit into the overall landscape design.

To create a beautiful flower garden with your own hands, just follow these rules:

- if the plant has a high leg, it is advisable to plant it in the central part of the flowerbed;

- plants in the same flower bed should match each other in color as closely as possible;

- as for the density of planting, flowers are planted more densely at the edges, and when moving towards the center of the flowerbed, it is worth leaving an increasing distance between each plant.

The simplest flower beds with your own hands at the dacha can be made from brick. Regardless of the general style of the landscape on your site, a composition made of classic red brick will look advantageous and combine perfectly with the flowers planted in the flowerbed.

A brick flowerbed can have any appearance, among summer residents, flower beds that are ideally flat or curved and oblong in shape are especially popular.

Advice: if you are making a flowerbed in an area with unfavorable soil, it is advisable to dig a hole 15 centimeters deep, fill the bottom with concrete and fill it with fertile soil.

Do-it-yourself flower beds are most often placed at the very entrance to houses, along country paths, or on a special alley with plants, where they are in harmony with other decorations of the site and trees.

DIY flowerbed for beginners

It’s not at all difficult to organize flower beds at your summer cottage with your own hands. At the same time, in order for the flower garden to really please with its appearance, the flowers on the site must be planted according to the correct pattern.

Beginning gardeners can start growing flowers from perennial varieties; most of these plants are not picky about care and survive unfavorable conditions well in the summer.

When planning a flower bed on a site, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

- regardless of what plants will grow in your flowerbed, it is extremely important that their heads are turned towards the sun;

- when placing a flowerbed near a hedge, take into account the fact that the flowers will delight not only you, but also your neighbors;

— when organizing a flowerbed with your own hands, leave enough distance between each plant so that it can develop normally;

- before planting, study the information about the height of the flowers you are planting, because the distance between plants of the same variety depends on the heights.

It is worth noting that some flowers, mainly those that bloom continuously, can only grow in the shade. This fact should also be taken into account when planning a flower bed.

Flowerbeds for beginners are distinguished not only by their ease of execution (they are mainly made from scrap materials), but also by the flowers growing on them. Beginner gardeners prefer plants that do not require special care. You can borrow ideas for DIY flower beds for beginners either from our article or by using your own imagination.

DIY flowerbed from scrap materials

Planting flowers at your dacha that will delight you and those around you with their appearance is not at all difficult, but you can approach this procedure with your imagination and create a real work of art at your dacha. A do-it-yourself flowerbed made from scrap materials is a fairly common experiment among novice gardeners, because often there are things in the house that are no longer used, but it’s a pity to throw them away. It is these things that most often become the basis for a future flower bed.

Before making a flowerbed with your own hands from scrap materials, carefully examine all your old things; it wouldn’t hurt to look into the attic or barn. If you have replaced windows in your house, but for some reason you haven’t thrown out the old ones, it’s time to use them. Such a window can be mounted on the wall of the house, painted in a bright color and equipped with a box for flowers. It would seem such simple steps, but you already have the most unusual flower garden ready, which will be the envy of all your neighbors.

You can make flower beds and flower beds in your dacha yourself from old furniture. Drawers different sizes can be placed like a train along the garden path, in addition, from larger boxes you can make a bench with flower beds on the sides. Do not forget to coat the cabinets with a special water-repellent solution before use, otherwise they will simply get wet and lose their appearance after the first rain.

Another great idea for a flowerbed made from scrap materials with your own hands is to make a flowerbed in an old stump. It often happens that old trees on a site have to be cut down because they become dangerous. However, do not rush to uproot the stump, because inside it you can make an unusual flower bed that will fit perfectly into the surrounding natural landscape.

DIY tire flowerbeds

Do-it-yourself flower beds made from tires are the most common option for decorating a summer cottage for subsequent planting of flowers. Many novice gardeners, deciding to organize a flower garden at their dacha, decide to choose car tires as the basis. Of course, it is much easier to purchase a ready-made flowerpot at a flower shop, but, you must admit, it is much more pleasant to admire a flowerbed that was created only by your own efforts.

There are no special requirements for tires from which flowerbeds for a summer cottage will be made with your own hands. Typically, tires that were once used are used; if there is plenty to choose from, it is better to give preference to heavily worn imported tires. Such tires have a more elastic structure and are much easier to work with.

Before starting any work, it is advisable to thoroughly wash the tire and clean it of foreign contaminants.

Making a flower bed from a tire with your own hands can be schematically divided into four stages:

1. Lines are drawn on a clean tire along which the cut will be made in the future;

2. Cutting is carried out along the contour;

3. The tire turns out. The process is quite labor-intensive and must be approached with maximum responsibility;

4. Design of the finished flower bed. A black worn-out tire looks unattractive, and you probably won’t want to plant flowers in such a flowerbed. Immediately after completion of the work, it is better to paint the tires; you can choose the color based on your wishes.

As you can see, beautiful flower beds with your own hands can be made from quite unexpected objects. The most important thing is to approach this process creatively with all your imagination, and then you will definitely be able to create a real work of art on your site.

DIY stone flower bed

A flowerbed made of stones with your own hands is an option for those who want to profitably decorate the landscape space in their summer cottage, but do not plan to invest significant sums of money in this event. Today, flower beds made of natural stone occupy a leading position among other landscape decorations; such structures are used not only in private gardens in country houses, but also in city parks and squares.

It is worth noting that if you are planning to make a flowerbed of stones with your own hands on your summer cottage, you do not need to purchase materials from the store at all - the necessary components can always be found on your site or in the nearest garden.

Beautiful DIY flower beds made of natural stone fit perfectly into any design. Among the most popular materials for decorating flower beds in the garden are:

- Sandstone. This material is not picky and does not require special conditions when used. It has an unusual appearance, porous and layered structure;

- Limestone. A sedimentary rock that also has an unusual structure. When decorating a garden, it is better to give preference to the light gray or cream color of the breed;

- Slate. A mixture of rock minerals that has a lamellar structure. Do-it-yourself flower beds near the house are often simply strewn with crumbs of this material; it looks not only elegant, but also unusual;

- Pebbles. The most common material that is found everywhere. It is worth noting that generally, before covering the flowerbed with pebbles, the flowerbed is filled with cement so that the decoration is held more securely;

- Granite. A reliable material that does not deform and demonstrates resistance to both high humidity and sudden temperature changes, as well as extreme frosts. Decorating a flowerbed with your own hands from this material, although done simply, looks attractive and bewitching;

— Quartzite. The most unusual material for creating stone flower beds. It has a smooth structure and iridescent surface.

DIY bottle flower beds

Probably, each of us has at least once encountered the fact that there are more and more unnecessary plastic and glass bottles in the house, but we don’t want to get rid of them, because they are such a practical thing. You are absolutely right, you can always find a use for bottles, and even better, make flower beds from bottles with your own hands, which will become a wonderful decoration for your flower garden.

Decorating a flowerbed with your own hands is an entertaining and unusual activity, especially when you use components that seem to be completely unsuitable. By the way, there are many options for flower beds made from bottles, while both plastic and glass containers are used as materials.

You can decorate flower beds in your yard with your own hands using an unusual decoration in the form of a fence made of bottles. For these purposes, 1.5 liter plastic bottles that are placed in the ground with their necks are best suited. To make the structure more stable, you can pour a little sand into the bottles.

From a plastic bottle you can make not only a flower bed, but also decorations for your flower garden. Craftsmen skillfully transform ordinary plastic bottles into flowers, and sometimes into fairy-tale characters that decorate children's flower beds.

Interesting DIY flower beds can also be made from glass bottles. So, for example, you can make an unusual horizontal flower bed that looks extremely unusual. To make such a flowerpot, you will need a sufficient number of glass bottles, preferably of the same color, as well as a base (you can use an iron barrel, cutting which you will get two bases at once).

Laying bottles horizontally requires patience and some skill, but final result you will undoubtedly be pleased. If you still don’t know how to decorate a flowerbed with your own hands, then it’s time to start collecting glass bottles.

Do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed

A do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed is an excellent decoration for your summer cottage, which is also quite functional, and also allows you to significantly save space due to the vertical arrangement of flowers. Creating a beautiful vertical flower bed is not at all difficult, but it will look much more attractive on your site than a regular flower pot.

A DIY vertical flower bed is a great space saver. Depending on the type of structure and the type of its fastening, vertical flower beds are usually divided into:

- ground flower beds. They have several tiers and are installed on open ground or a specially prepared site;

- wall flower beds. They easily stand against a free wall, helping to make the most of the free space;

- wall-mounted. Attached to the wall;

- suspended. They are attached to special structures that keep them suspended.

Decorating a flowerbed with your own hands, on which the plants will later be arranged in several tiers, can be different, here everything depends only on your imagination. Please note that when forming a vertical flower bed, it is advisable to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

1. The foundation for the future multi-tiered flower bed is being prepared;

2. An irrigation system is organized;

3. The soil is laid;

4. The most suitable plants are planted.

A vertical flowerbed with your own hands must be securely fastened so that the soil does not fall off. By the way, to secure the soil in a flower bed, it is better to use special trellises or nets.

A great idea for a flowerbed of this type is a DIY tire flowerbed. In order to make such a product multi-tiered, it is enough to use tires of different diameters that are installed on top of each other. Be sure to ensure that the plants receive a sufficient amount of moisture in a flower bed of this type.

DIY brick flower beds

As we have already decided, do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds in the country are the main decoration in the entire landscape design. At the same time, the more unusual the flowerbed looks, the more it will attract the eye. Among novice gardeners, making a flower bed out of brick with your own hands is especially popular. It is worth noting that this solution favorably emphasizes the appearance of your flower garden, largely due to the fact that the brickwork looks harmonious and practically does not stand out against the background of flowers. With all this, such masonry is quite functional, it copes with loads, withstands high humidity and adverse conditions environment. In addition, do-it-yourself brick flower beds are a fairly budget option; perhaps, since the construction of your dacha, you may have even lost a few extra bricks; it’s time to use them.

Before making design flower beds with your own hands from brick, we advise you to decide on the location of the flower bed. So, it is advisable to plant a flower garden in places with sufficient lighting; in addition, there should be a source of water nearby that will be used for irrigation.

Beautiful flower beds at the dacha made of bricks with your own hands can be of the following type:

- circular, usually such flower beds go around trees or ponds;

— island (standard round flower beds);

— stepped (vertical and multi-level flower beds);

- rectangular flower beds.

Are you wondering how to make a flowerbed with your own hands from brick? We can assure you that there are no particular difficulties in working with brick, and the financial costs will be minimal. All that is needed are the bricks themselves, as well as mortar to secure them.

The process of making a flowerbed for beginners with your own hands consists of the following steps:

1. The site is marked;

2. A hole no more than 30 centimeters deep is dug across the entire area of ​​the future flowerbed. Gravel and sand are placed at the bottom for better drainage.

3. Place along the perimeter of the flower bed;

4. After the solution has completely hardened, soil suitable for plants is poured into the future flowerbed;

5. 15 days after completion of work, flowers are planted.

DIY flowerbed fencing

After completing the work on making a flower bed, all gardeners are faced with a rather important question: how to organize the space on the site so that all the flower beds are combined into one composition?

Interesting DIY flower beds will not look complete if they are simply placed on the site. However, if you use special fences for flower beds, which can be made in the form of a small fence, even different types flowers in different flower beds can be combined into a single composition.

It is worth noting that such fences have not only aesthetic, but also practical significance. For example, they will help protect plants from pets or small children. It is worth noting that ordinary roses, if they grow without a fence, can seriously injure a curious baby. It’s not at all difficult to frame flower beds that bloom all summer with your own hands and using available materials. In this case, it is advisable to determine the height in advance. The optimal one is no more than 40 centimeters in height so that you can get comfortable access to flowering plants.

If you do not plan to protect the flower beds in the yard with your own hands, but only supplement them with fencing, then you can organize a small fence from plastic bottles. Such a fence will not only strengthen the soil in the flowerbed, but will also allow you to use plastic bottles, which are in bulk at any dacha.

Another option for fencing flower beds in the country is stone fencing. They can also perform both purely aesthetic and protective functions. If you don’t know how to decorate a flowerbed in your yard with your own hands, then it’s time to give preference to a stone fence. It will look advantageous against the backdrop of the natural landscape, and the implementation of the idea will not require any special financial costs.

If the stone fence is not high, it is enough to simply install a row of massive cobblestones around the circumference of the flowerbed. If the fence is planned to be higher, then it is better to make a concrete base, so the masonry will be stable and reliable. Do-it-yourself flower beds in the yard look good even if they are framed with specially made fences, which can be easily made from ordinary chipboard.

DIY borders for flower beds

We have already dealt with the question of how to make a flowerbed with our own hands. It remains to decide how to properly distinguish the flower garden on a summer cottage from the general landscape. It is worth noting that flower beds that simply merge with the natural landscape will look beneficial if your site follows a natural and natural style.

It is better to decorate flower beds that bloom all summer with your own hands using special borders. Such structures not only look beautiful, but also allow you to securely secure the soil in the flowerbed, preventing it from crumbling. Another benefit of a border is that it will protect your flower bed from invading weeds and plants that can negatively affect the growth of your plants.

The most common type of border is a ditch, which is dug around the flower bed. Such borders are especially popular in England. To create an excavated border, simply dig a U-shaped groove and fill it with wood chips or peat.

A mosaic border would also be a good idea for a DIY flowerbed. It does not have any practical significance, but it allows you to highlight your flowerbed in your summer cottage among other natural landscapes. You can create a mosaic either from special materials or from ordinary fragments of dishes of different sizes. The mosaic is laid on fresh cement that has not had time to harden. The main advantage of such a border is that with the help of a mosaic you will lay out a unique and inimitable pattern that will not be found on any other summer cottage.

You can also highlight flowering flower beds with your own hands using a small border made of bricks, which can be installed in the ground in the form of teeth. Such a fence has one significant drawback - when cold weather sets in and the temperature drops below zero, the bricks in the ground will begin to actively collapse. You can replace bricks with concrete blocks, which are used as... Such bricks are not only stronger, but will also last much longer.

DIY children's flowerbed

Have you decided to teach your child to garden? It's time to create a special children's flowerbed on the site with your own hands. Such a flowerbed will differ from the usual one in special decorations, as well as plants that quickly ripen and begin to bloom, delighting the gardener with the result.

Are you wondering how to decorate a flowerbed with your own hands? If your child is already preparing to go to school, then you can completely entrust him with the design of the flower garden and the choice of plants. Then it will even be interesting to see how the child decided to plan his garden space. But it is better to control very young children, while providing them with sufficient freedom to act. This way you can instill a love of gardening in your child from a very early age.

Flower beds that bloom all summer are ideal for children. If you choose the right plants, they will not only give quick result, but will also delight the young gardener throughout the season.

You can buy seeds for your future flower bed at the nearest flower shop; you can entrust the choice to your child, or purchase several types of seeds yourself and at home simply show the colorful bags to your child, giving him the right to choose. It is better to give preference to annual plants; they are not picky about environmental conditions, in addition, at the end of the season it will be enough to collect the seeds and not prepare the plants for the cold.

If you want the fastest results, give preference to seedlings, which, if planted correctly, will delight your child with flowering within 1-2 weeks.

Interesting DIY flower beds for children can be created if they are supplemented with various decorative elements. So, for example, from plastic bottles for a children’s flowerbed you can cut out both flowers and fairy-tale characters that will interest the child and make him return to the flowerbed again and again.

DIY flowering flower beds are a wonderful addition to the garden landscape that add coziness to the space. As you saw from the article, creating an unusual composition of flowering plants on your site is not a problem at all, in addition, if you use improvised materials, then such a flowerbed will cost mere pennies.

DIY flower beds. Video ideas.

A flower bed is a real decoration for any garden plot or local area. Usually these mini-oases have a beautiful curly shape and are fenced with small fences. However, flower beds can be made from absolutely any thing. It's time to sort through the deposits in the barn and garage and choose for creativity those items that, it would seem, are no longer suitable for anything. It’s easy to make flowerbeds with your own hands from available materials - all you need to do is apply a little imagination, patience and desire to create unique installations from fresh flowers and objects in your local area, which can thereby be given a second life.

Those who want to amaze guests and neighbors with the beauty and uniqueness of their garden plot often invite landscape designers to visit. The profession of these people is to create unique beauty from flowers by combining them in every possible way. However, the services of such people are quite expensive. What to do if you want to decorate your dacha, but don’t have the extra money for it? Of course, use your own imagination and use your ability to search for the necessary information on the Internet! And, having learned something new and interesting, put it into practice.

New life for old things - crafts for the garden

Schemes and shapes of flower beds, methods of combining plants by color and shape can easily be found in gardening magazines or on websites for flower fans. At the same time, one version of a flower bed can be combined with another at your request and, thus, it is often possible to create completely unique, inimitable and very beautiful installations.

But before we present options for flower beds that can be made from old unnecessary things, let’s get acquainted with what types of flower beds exist.

Table. Types and types of flower beds and flower beds.

Name, photoCharacteristic

All plants begin flowering at the same time, but the flowers differ in color and type of buds, as well as in size.

In this case, flowers are planted in groups, selected according to the timing of flowering so as to evenly replace each other as some fade.

A flowerbed in which plants of the same type, type, and color are planted.

In this case, all the plants spread directly over the surface of the earth, covering it tightly.

Walls, fences, and garden buildings are decorated in this way. Boxes with flowers stacked on top of each other, where plants grow through the cracks in the containers, can also serve as a vertical flower bed.

Such flower beds are usually formed around bushes and tree trunks.

Simply put, this is a flower border enclosing a garden path or lawn.

A flowerbed-slide with inclusions of stones and driftwood, which is covered with all kinds of, usually low, plants - small perennials.

Any flower bed that is formed in a wide vase or other container can be portable and often decorates alleys or the porch of a house.

A flowerbed, to create which various additional structures can be used.

Each of these types of flower beds can be improved and turned into a real work of art. And creating an unusual art object based on an ordinary flower garden is an excellent opportunity to try yourself as a landscape designer.

What are the benefits of unusual flower beds?

There are several main reasons why flower beds from old shoes, teapots or chests of drawers may appear on some gardeners' plots.

  1. Such flower beds attract the attention of guests, demonstrating the owner’s creativity.

  • This is a great opportunity to give a second life to old things (grandmother’s chest of drawers, etc.) that you don’t dare send to a landfill.
  • You can involve children in the creation of such flower beds, who will willingly take part in turning improvised means into bright art objects.
  • Unusual flower beds will make your dacha or garden look like a fairy-tale park.
  • The beautiful views that result are calming and calming, allowing your eyes to rest.
  • With the help of such flower beds you can create stunning relaxation areas.
  • If you think through such a flowerbed correctly, then you can use it to hide the shortcomings of a garden plot (for example, an unflattering wall of a barn) or to use that place in the country where you cannot grow vegetables.
  • What can you make a flower bed from?

    You can make unusual flower beds with your own hands from almost anything. For example, flower beds made from car tires have already become familiar, but still remain relevant. Moreover, if earlier they were simply filled with soil where flowers were planted, now gardeners are trying to give them unusual shapes - swans, flowers, shuttlecocks and much more can be easily created from an outdated tire and an ordinary large knife.

    Often flower beds are formed from stones, driftwood, and embankments. It is enough to pour a mound of soil, compact it, cover it with pieces of brick or large pebbles, and on top lay several picturesque branches selected from the forest, plant flowers - and the original alpine hill is ready.

    A very beautiful flower garden can be created from old furniture. In this case, anything can be used - the frame of an old sofa, chairs, beds, chests of drawers.

    Favorite, but, like tires, the usual “bases” for flower beds are plumbing equipment. Old pipes, bathtubs, sinks can become not only a pond, but also a flowerbed itself.

    Flowerbeds on wheels have recently become increasingly popular. Moreover, absolutely any product that has wheels can be turned into an original flower garden. If you have an old bicycle, then just attach a couple of leaky buckets to it, paint them and plant vines in them - that’s it, your unusual transport is ready! Broken and rusty cars, motorcycle cradles and other items are used for the same purpose.

    On a note! It’s especially chic to turn an old “Zaporozhets” or “Moskvich” into a flowerbed. Everyone will definitely envy such a flower garden. And you shouldn’t feel sorry for the old car - no one will drive it anyway.

    The fence around the house is often decorated with old shoes, which are turned into original flowerpots. Make drainage holes in the soles, fill the boots with soil, plant flowers and hang them by the laces from the railings. You can also form real installations from shoes by placing them in rows on a shelf - here you have a ready-made vertical flower bed, which, if desired, can be easily disassembled and the plantings moved to another place.

    Teapots, barrels, basins and other items can become hanging mini-flower beds or beautiful flowerpots. Even an old stump that you have been meaning to uproot for a long time can become a wonderful flower garden. The most important thing is to show your imagination and see what you can turn an ordinary and seemingly worthless object into.

    Do-it-yourself vertical flower beds - a magnificent decoration for a summer house

    Where to begin?

    Where to start creating an unusual homemade flower bed? The first step is to clear out the old junk in your shed or garage. Then you need to think over the design of the flower bed and choose a place for its location. To do this, carefully examine the area and choose a piece of land that is clearly visible. It should also be relatively well lit.

    On a note! It is best to place flower beds (and especially unusual ones) where they will be clearly visible from the house or porch, as well as from the street, if you want to please people passing by with their beauty.

    When you create a flowerbed project, be sure to draw the shape of the flower bed on paper, and also mark where and what flowers should be. Consider their flowering time, growth rate, petal color, height and much more. If you are forming compositions from perennials, then you should select plants with special care - if next year it is easy to replace with others, then perennial crops will grow in your flowerbed for several years.

    Those items from which it is planned to create a flower garden should, if necessary, be washed, provided with drainage holes, painted, and unnecessary parts removed. If this is some kind of container, then expanded clay must be poured onto the bottom as a drainage material so that excess moisture does not accumulate in the soil itself.

    DIY tire flower bed

    We present to your attention two master classes on creating flower beds from scrap materials. Let's try to make a flower garden from old tires and ordinary logs. Since car “shoes” are very often used as the basis of a flower bed, let’s start with them.

    Step 1. Select the tire sizes you need. Tire wear is not important here - it can be completely “bald”. But the tire itself must be intact. Also take and sharpen a regular kitchen knife well. It is best to take one with a pointed tip and a larger blade to make cutting more comfortable.

    Step 2. On the surface of the tire, draw a zigzag along which you will cut the rubber to give the tire a “flower” shape. It is convenient to draw with a pen (in the image the zigzag is indicated by a red line to make it easier to see).

    Step 3. The thinnest layer of rubber is in the sidewall of the tire, so start cutting from there. And having already made a hole in it, cut the rubber up and down from it.

    On a note! Before cutting, make sure there is no metal cord inside the sidewall. The cord is usually found in truck tires.

    Step 4. On the outer corners, cut the pattern almost to the beginning of the tread.

    Step 5. Cut out the entire design in the same way.

    Step 6. Turn the tire over and, starting to cut the rubber in the middle of its side, cut off the excess.

    Step 7 On the edge reverse side Make cuts in a circle around the trimmed tire until the beginning of the tread.

    Step 8 Now turn the tire inside out. The preparation for the flower bed is ready.

    This blank can be painted, dried, and then filled with soil and flowers can be planted.

    Video - Flowerbed from a tire

    Tire prices


    DIY flowerbed made from old chairs

    Very nice and unusual flower beds can be made from old chairs. To do this, you will need the chairs or stools themselves, some paint, sandpaper, brushes and, of course, desire.

    How to make a flowerbed from old chairs

    Step 1. First, remove the old paint from the chairs and carefully sand their surface with sandpaper. If necessary, they can be partially disassembled, but there is no need to rush. It is important to decide how the container with flowers will be attached. It is quite possible that it will be placed in a hole cut in the seat. In this case, cut this hole to the size of the pot.

    Step 2. Remove dust from the surface of the chairs and coat them with paint. It is most convenient to paint from spray cans. The procedure should be carried out outdoors, as the paint has a very strong odor that is difficult to remove. After this, dry the chairs thoroughly.

    Step 3. You can also paint the pot or flower boxes if desired.

    Step 4. You can create a beautiful floral design on the backs of chairs using paints and brushes. It is best to paint with acrylic paints.

    Step 5. After the drawings have dried, install the pots, add soil and plant the plants.

    Video - DIY log flower bed

    Bottles are also good

    Original and interesting design solutions can be realized if you try to use bottles as a flowerbed (or rather, its fencing). In this case, both plastic and glass are suitable.

    If you fill plastic bottles with sand (for weight) and stick them around the perimeter of the flower bed, you get a very durable fence that is not afraid of any weather conditions. At the same time, bottles, if they are colored, do not need to be painted. But if desired, an original ornament may well appear on their surface.

    Do you want to decorate your property with original garden beds, but don’t know where to get ideas from? Here you will find the best examples of flower arrangements that will transform your garden in a matter of moments! We will tell you how to make a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands, give examples and several master classes with photos.

    A flowerbed made with your own hands is one of the best ways decorate the area, add originality and expressiveness to it. A beautiful flower bed will become the most attractive corner of your yard and, perhaps, even a kind of connecting link that unites the house, garden, plants and outbuildings into a single harmonious composition. You can use absolutely any materials, even the most unusual ones, to make flower beds.

    Regardless of the attractiveness of the flowers, a flowerbed that does not have a fence will look unfinished. The fenced flowerbed will immediately be transformed and become more neat. Such fences, by the way, are necessary not only to mark boundaries, but also for many other purposes - for example, they prevent the spread of plants (especially ground cover) throughout the area. In addition, the sides protect fragile shoots from pets walking around the site.

    Of course, today ready-made forms and fences for flower beds are sold, made of wood, stone, plastic and even metal, but after construction/repair work there are always excess building materials, pipe cuttings, wood, pieces of bricks - in a word, everything that you want Can be used to make lovely flower beds. For example, the remains of linoleum or metal tiles can serve as fencing.

    Polyethylene containers are a real problem for a responsible summer resident. The solution may be to use plastic bottles to create flower beds. This solution is recommended for areas where there are a lot of moles - the bottles from which the flower fence is made will become a serious obstacle for pests. You can even alternate bottles of different colors to make the arrangement look more colorful.

    Note! Before digging, it is advisable to fill the bottles with sand or soil - this way they will not be deformed and will become more stable.

    New life for old things - we use improvised means!

    People often transport unnecessary things to their dacha. Various chests, boxes, chairs, shoes and clothes - all this lives here last days to completely dry out or burn in a fire. But you can also make beautiful and original flower beds from old things!

    Some flowers spend the winter in the apartment, and are transported to the site only in the summer. But they don't have to be planted in the ground - you can leave them directly in the box, and then, when autumn comes, move them back into the house.

    Boxes can also be used to create vertical flower beds. These conditions are ideal for hanging crops and succulents. You can hang such structures on a wall, fence or other vertical surface.

    If you have drawers from old chests of drawers or bedside tables lying around, don’t rush to send them to the landfill - instead, use them to organize a compact flower bed. The color and shape of the boxes may vary, as well as the overall style. But they will all be harmoniously combined with colors.

    Sometimes even seemingly useless things like old shoes can find a new life. You can plant flowers there, and then hang your shoes somewhere (even by the laces). Moreover, the older the shoes, the better - there will certainly be no stagnation of water in shoes with holes.

    Another option for creating an original flower bed is to use an old iron cage. Plant climbing crops in it and hang it on a tree or inside a gazebo.

    Very unusual flower beds are also made from glass wine bottles. This is guaranteed to surprise your guests! But be careful when removing the bottom, otherwise you may cut yourself.

    A small but very functional flower bed can be made from a piece of burlap. Make a bag from the material and hang it, for example, on a pole. What is typical, it is suitable for both flowering crops and fragrant herbs (you can add the latter to tea directly from the “bed”).

    To create a flower bed, you can also use things that are simply lying on the street. A striking example of this is a dilapidated log. Take it, cut out a longitudinal depression and plant flowers there (this option will be described in more detail below).

    A stump that you couldn’t get rid of can also turn into a flower bed. Tie pots to it with wire and plant spectacular flowing flowers there.

    But another option is a milk river, as if pouring out of a can. But in this case it is very important that the green background is monochromatic.

    Is your old bicycle no longer a means of transportation? But you can turn it into the highlight of your garden! Paint it, and instead of the trunk, install this container with flowers.

    The next example is a full-fledged composition. Combine old garden tools with flowers and experiment.

    A massive stone vase will also look good as a flower bed. As an option, you can use a large clay pot for this purpose (this one can stand in the open air for several seasons).

    Today, mailboxes are hardly ever used, but you shouldn’t throw yours away! Make a compact flowerbed out of it and hang it on the gate.

    Video - Making flower beds from old things

    Master Class. Do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed

    Vertical flower beds have become increasingly popular in recent years. Let's look at a short step-by-step instructions for making such a flower bed using multi-colored flowers. The best option for composition is, of course, .

    For work you will need the following consumables:

    • wire mesh;
    • plastic ties;
    • soil mixture for flowering crops;
    • large flower pot;
    • strong cellophane.

    After preparing everything you need, get to work. For the convenience of visitors, the information is presented in table form.

    Table No1. Instructions for creating a vertical flower bed for the garden.

    Steps, photoDescription of actions

    Take the wire mesh and make a cylinder out of it to serve as a vertical base. Use plastic ties to secure the edges of the mesh. Place the resulting cylinder in the flower pot.

    Take some strong cellophane and wrap it around the chicken wire.

    Using the same plastic ties, attach the edges of the film to the vertical base.

    Fill the resulting form with pre-prepared soil mixture for flowering crops.

    Also fill the flower pot with soil (this will make the wire mesh more stable).

    Cut holes in the film for planting flowers. Be sure to do this in a checkerboard pattern.

    Plant flowers in the holes, then water carefully.

    Also plant a few plants on top (also water them afterwards) to make the composition look complete.

    Water the finished vertical flower bed regularly and apply fertilizer in a timely manner. In this case, it will look the same as in the photo (or even better!).

    Wire mesh prices

    wire mesh

    Master Class. DIY flowerbed "Palette"

    We are all artists at heart, and therefore we must take a creative approach to creating something beautiful (including an ordinary garden flower bed).

    To make such a flowerbed yourself, first decide on the flowers that will decorate it.

    In addition, you will need pots in which the seedlings will be transplanted and where they will bloom throughout the summer.

    Also prepare a rake and shovel - they will also be needed.

    As a base, you can use a sheet of plywood, polystyrene foam (not recommended, since the material is light and can be blown away by the wind) or furniture board.

    To secure the base, prepare clamps in advance.

    You will also need paint or stain, varnish.

    So, first, take the base and draw a palette on it with a marker.

    After this, cut out the shape using a jigsaw.

    This is what the finished base should look like.

    After this, make the fastenings. The sample drawing below shows what they should look like.

    To make flower bed fastenings, use bars.

    Using clamps, attach the fasteners to the base of the future flower bed.

    Using pipe scraps, you can make stands for rakes and shovels.

    After this, decorate the garden tools - for example, paint them with polka dots or paint them one color.

    Then take the base of the flowerbed and, if furniture board or plywood was used in production, cover it with stain, and then with varnish.

    Wait for the coating to dry and install the flower pots. That’s it, the beautiful “Palette” flowerbed with your own hands is ready!

    Video - Making a flower bed from a wheel

    Master Class. DIY flowerbed “Turtle” made from car tires

    We offer another interesting option for creating a beautiful garden flower bed. Step-by-step instruction is given below.

    Table No. 2. Instructions for making a flowerbed “Turtle”.

    Steps, photoDescription of actions

    The finished flowerbed of tires will look something like this.

    To begin, prepare:
    - tires with studs (2 pcs.), always one without steel cord;
    - screwdriver;
    - paint for external works, brush;
    - self-tapping screws 3.5x55 mm (15 pcs.);
    - a large knife.

    In a tire that does not have a steel cord, cut out the bead on both sides and cut it into four identical fragments.

    As a result, you should have the following elements from which the paws will be made.

    Cut a couple of rectangular sections on each of the blanks.

    As a result, the workpiece should look like this.

    The second tire, from which the body will be made, may be slightly larger. Mark it into six equal parts, make slits at the border of the sidewall and tread - one narrow (for the tail), one round (for the head) and four wide (for the paws).

    Insert the pre-made paws into the corresponding slots, fix each with two self-tapping screws.

    Here is another photo, from a different angle.

    Connect the edges of each paw as shown in the image: on one side with a self-tapping screw, and on the other with a wire staple (similar to a stapler). As a result, the paw will be narrow near the body, and voluminous on the other side.

    Take a piece of tire, make a tail out of it and attach it with the same screws.

    You can use a spray bottle to make the head.

    The hole for the head that you made earlier should be such that it itself is located at an angle of 45 degrees. Secure the bottle with a self-tapping screw (it should go right through, as in the image).

    When assembled, the flowerbed should look like this.

    Paint the flowerbed (you can use two colors, as in the example). Tread elements can be used to emphasize the texture of the turtle. If the tires are “bald”, come up with your own design.

    Color your head too. The turtle, as you can see, is smiling contentedly. That's it, the flower bed is ready (just wait until the paint dries)!

    Flowerbeds of annuals - diagrams

    Flowers for flower beds are selected according to color, variety and many other factors. And to make flower beds from annuals, the diagrams of which you will find in, on your own, you do not need to have the skills of a landscape designer. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly before starting work and become familiar with the basic rules for creating flower beds.

    Master Class. Do-it-yourself log flowerbed

    To make such a composition you will need the following consumables:

    • log (diameter – 40-50 cm, length – about 200 cm);
    • flower seedlings;
    • gravel;
    • primer;
    • film.

    In addition, the work will need:

    • simple scissors;
    • chainsaw (can be electric);
    • wooden hammer;
    • bit.

    So, everything is ready, you can start working directly.

    Table No. 3. Instructions for creating a flower bed from an old log.

    Steps, photoDescription of actions

    First, clear one side of the log of bark (this is where the chisel comes in handy).

    Make cross cuts on one side of the log in increments of 50 cm and a depth of about ¼ of its diameter.

    Cut off part of the log from the side where the cuts were made, so that the result is a longitudinal surface.

    Make cuts on this surface as shown in the image.

    Use a chisel to remove sawn-off pieces of wood and create a sort of “trough.”

    Use scissors to cut the film to the shape of the resulting “trough”, and then lay it down.

    Place gravel on top of the film and a thin layer of fertile soil on top.

    Plant flower seedlings and enjoy the resulting beauty!

    Prices for wood primer

    wood primer

    Master Class. DIY floating flowerbed

    A floating flowerbed is a kind of plant island moving across a body of water. It looks amazing, and making such a flower bed at home is quite simple. Essentially, it is a plastic or wooden base with a sealing mesh and soil placed on top for planting flowers. Instead of soil, you can even use pebbles or hydrogel, but it is important that there are already aquatic inhabitants and other plants in the reservoir (they indicate the presence of nutrients).

    What plants are suitable for this? In principle, any, but be sure to take into account the floating ability of the structure, because too large plants can easily flood the island. We also note that it is better to give preference to crops that love moisture (sedge, lilies, papyrus, variegated potted flowers or ornamental grass).

    First, decide what material you will use to make the island. Determine the dimensions yourself, as well as the immersion depth (preferably about 7 cm from the bottom). Please note that the soil should not be washed away by water. Use gravel to adjust the diving depth.

    1. A ready-made tray (or, alternatively, a mesh pot) can be purchased at the store.
    2. The container can also be made from boards (you will get a small box with holes), treated with impregnation to protect it from moisture. Such a box must be covered with spunbond or geotextile, and then covered with a drainage layer and soil.
    3. The third option is to use plastic bottles. They need to be cut, holes made in the base, and then covered with the same geotextile.

    It is quite obvious that a container filled with soil will not float on its own - for this you need:

    • cut out rectangular frames from packaging foam (the kind left over after purchasing household appliances) that will hold the island on the surface (they are attached to the top of the flowerbed, and not to the base);
    • foam the perimeter of the flowerbed and its upper part with foam;
    • make a pontoon from plastic bottles along the edges of the island;
    • use an inflated car inner tube.

    What about floating flower pots?

    They can also be launched into the water, but the reservoir must be small and necessarily without aquatic inhabitants. For example, you can cut out a foam base for flower pots, like the one in the image below, to ensure stability in the water. However, such floating pots will need to be watered regularly.

    How to decorate a floating structure?

    1. You can disguise the unattractive edges of the island with earth, moss or branches.
    2. You can also install LEDs on such a flower bed, the operation of which is controlled using a remote control.
    3. Finally, you can put animal or bird figures there (for example, a ceramic stork).

    Note! Before launching a floating flower bed, it must be tested! If it is unstable, then it should be modified. Also keep in mind that the flowers will grow, which will change the balance of the island.

    Master Class. DIY flowerbed made from old chairs

    To make such an original flower bed, prepare:

    • old chairs;
    • spray paint;
    • sandpaper.

    All other materials depend solely on your imagination. You can, for example, use a wooden box instead of a pot. In any case, first remove the old paint from the chairs and sand them thoroughly.

    Clean the chairs from dirt and dust, and then paint. It is quite obvious that it is better to do this outside, because there is no doubt about the toxicity of the paint.

    If necessary, you can also paint the flower pot.

    When the paint is dry, you can paint the chairs. We recommend using acrylic paints for this, included in the paint-by-numbers kit. These do not wash off and do not require varnish.

    Thanks to such original flower beds, it is quite possible to create entire compositions.

    This one, for example, is made from old shoes and children's sneakers that no one has worn for a long time.

    Flowerbed from an old bicycle

    As you can see, you can make a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands, and there are really many options. We hope the master classes offered here will help you with this!

    Video - DIY stone flower beds

    A flower bed is a real decoration for any home and garden. It adds charm and sophistication to the surrounding environment. There are many options for creating a beautiful and even unusual flower bed. Many would prefer to call a landscape designer, but you can create natural beauty with your own hands. Read about unusual, vertical, bottle and other flower beds in our article below.

    A flower bed with flowers pleases with its appearance and brings aesthetic pleasure. While having morning tea on the veranda, your gaze falls on a beautiful floral ensemble. But to create it, you need to work a little. First of all, you need to choose a place for the flower bed: in front of the gate, behind the house, near the gazebo or along the paths. Where on the property is there space suitable for flower plantings? Measure out the territory.

    Prepare the material that will be used to decorate the flowerbed: tires, stones, wooden stakes, mesh, etc. To harmoniously design a flower bed, you first need to draw a planned sketch. It will be easy to navigate the plantings and the structure.

    The most important thing in the formation of a flower bed will be the selection of soil. It is necessary to select as much land as is needed for planting flowers. If this is an alpine hill, then the amount of soil should be poured in excess. The soil of the flower garden must be fertilized; plants on such soil will quickly take root and delight the owners and their guests with their beauty.

    Beautiful flowerbed with your own hands, step by step with photos

    Almost every gardener dreams of a beautiful flower bed, but not everyone succeeds. On our website you will find beautiful compositions that even the most inexperienced landowner can reproduce. See the selection below.

    round flower bed

    Select a conditional space that will later be filled with flowers. Dig it up, fertilize it, and then plant it in rows around the circumference, starting from the edge and ending in the middle. This way you can understand whether the composition will be placed evenly.

    Between the rows of flowers you can plant herbs, low-growing shrubs, flowers of various colors and bud shapes. In the future, the flowerbed can be supplemented with beautiful figurines or new plantings. For example, as in the photo below, the flower spacing is replaced by potted planting of petunias. The central place in the composition is occupied by a tall bush.

    oval flower bed

    For an oval shape, the area is prepared in advance. Soil, small stones, material for framing - are planned in advance in the required quantity. First, we dig up the ground, form flower beds, plant flowers and frame them.

    Now it’s the turn to fill up the bare areas of the ground with small stones or residues from processing wooden structures. As required material Pebbles, stone chips or ordinary wood chips will help us. If desired, the flowerbed area is decorated with figurines and lamps. After some downtime, the flowerbed can be disbanded. Remove the slate fence and put stones in its place.

    floral ensemble

    Beautifully planted flower beds look very harmonious, but beautifully located ones add zest to the flower ensemble. A flower bed of several small flower beds will look amazing in any yard. This will simultaneously complement the space for observing natural beauty. The flowerbed area can be located next to a gazebo, swing, or in the home garden.

    Prepare borders on your garden plot. Flowerbeds should be located within the boundaries of the circle. One part can be decorated in one color, the other in a different shade, and the color combination can be alternated. The flower bed should be located on a slight elevation; for this, it is framed with slate or wooden planks, like a supporting wall.

    Subsequently, containers with a wooden support are filled with earth and flowers. Next year they can be disbanded, for example, high beds can be set aside for growing vegetables. But, if you still want to create a new flower arrangement, continue decorating your yard.

    DIY stone flowerbed, step by step with photo

    It would seem that flowers and stones are an impossible combination. But in our case, rest assured that the result will be a wonderful composition.

    stone flower bed

    A stone flowerbed will fit perfectly on any site with a slope or a flat location. We mark the plowed area in advance with stonework. We make so-called stone sides around the entire perimeter. We will make stone borders between the allocated space and combine different floral sketches. Fill the free space with small stones.

    We decorate the center of the flowerbed with a large boulder or a group of large stones. We select flowers according to climatic conditions. We also think through the tone combination in advance. An equipped stone flowerbed will last for many years. Over time, it can be raised or a transition between tiers can be made.

    alpine slide

    Alpine slide - will fit harmoniously into any area of ​​the garden. In the shade, near the barbecue area or gazebo, a beautiful stone flowerbed will delight you with its beauty. The essence of such a slide is the stone reinforcement. The formed pile of earth is strengthened in tiers with stone cobblestones. The lower tier is laid out with the largest stones.

    Next, the stone flowerbed is divided into zones. Often, several types of plants are used in such plantings: flowers, herbs, shrubs, trees. Each shoot is separated by a stone path. A free plot of land can also be sprinkled with small stones.

    DIY flowerbed for beginners

    You can create a beautiful flower bed under the kitchen window, in front of or behind the fence, in the garden, near sidewalk paths or between them. Let's make a simple flowerbed, without stone thresholds and wooden supports. On the selected area, mark the place where the flowers will be located. If it's a lawn, remove the grass top.

    Dig up the soil. Dig holes for flowers or sow seeds. To begin with, you can plant a flowerbed with one variety of flowers, so it will be easier to care for them. If you wish, choose varieties of the same type that are simultaneously similar. Further, the number of varieties can be increased. To complete the flower bed, you can use a small fence.

    Based on the results, water the flower bed generously. You just need to do this after installing the fence. There is no point in doing it until the work is completed, otherwise you will be smeared with dirt. In addition, when installing a fence, plants can be damaged.

    Do-it-yourself vertical flower beds, step by step with photos

    Vertical flower beds save a lot of space. In the garden plot, it is important to choose a place to place the planting. A high flower bed usually attracts the eye from the first minute, so you need to plant lush, bright or even climbing flowers in containers.

    flower bed made of plastic pipe and aluminum mesh

    One of the successful examples of a vertical flower bed is a flower garden, equipped with a large-diameter plastic pipe, a sewer pipe with a diameter of 150 mm and a chain-link mesh. The mesh is rolled into a tube, the ends are fastened with pieces of aluminum wire or plastic clips.

    The mesh is wrapped with black or green film on top; this color will harmonize with the planting. The inside is filled with earth. On top of the film, punctures are made through the plastic so that a plant can be placed in the hole. Instead of a pipe, you can take several pots. Flowers are planted and the finished flowerbed is moved to a permanent location.

    flowerbed of pots

    A flower bed made of pots, made on a vertical basis, is excellent for both indoor and outdoor placement. The fixing base can be different, from a metal or wooden rod to a rope rope.
    To create a flower bed, we will prepare several plastic or metal pots; ceramic ones are not suitable for these purposes, because... When exposed to outdoor conditions, the ceramic surface will deteriorate; moreover, this material is very fragile.

    The number of pots should be selected based on the height of the flowerbed; the higher the flowerbed, the more pots. If desired, they can be painted in a suitable color. It is advisable to take a metal pipe with a diameter of 25 mm as a support. After the pots have dried, the first pot is strung on a support and installed vertically, the pipe is driven through the pot to stabilize the vertical flower bed into the ground, to a depth of 20 or 30 cm. The pot can contain ordinary soil, sprinkled with decorating crumbs. This first pot will be the base of the flower bed. Next, on top of the first vessel, through the top, a second pot is placed on the pipe at an angle, soil is poured into it, a flower is planted or seeds are sown. Next, through the top, the next pot is added to the pipe. After all the pots are installed, the plants are watered. For stability, it is better to take the lower pot with a larger diameter than the upper ones.

    If you plan to place a hanging vertical flower bed, then the pots are attached to a vertical wall or post. Such a flower bed is assembled according to the diagram given above.

    finished vertical flower bed

    A vertical flower bed requires a lot of effort to create and implement the intended design. However, most supermarkets have solved this problem for us and sell ready-made designs that need to be partially modified. A wooden support, special shelves with fasteners or a row of plastic pots - all this can be used in your garden.

    All that is required of the gardener is to fill the flower containers with soil and plant the plants there. A minimum of time spent and the finished flowerbed will delight its owners in just a couple of hours. This option is ideal for those who are starting to delve into the basics of gardening.

    DIY tire flowerbed, ideas with photos

    Waste material should not always be thrown into the trash. It can be very useful on the farm, for example, like these old tires. Just look at the masterpieces home craftsmen have created from them:

    • Flowerbed minion. Several tires of different diameters lined up in a row, painted in just a couple of colors and decorated with several covers, will transform the yard and make it more fun;

    • Watch. With such a flower bed, the owners will be able to keep up everywhere. After all, the hands on the clock can be made quite real;

    • Cup. A flowerbed-cup is one of the most common options for creating from tires, but it is precisely this color that makes it a real masterpiece. The traditional Russian flowerbed ornament invites you to have a cup of tea in the shady garden.

    DIY bottle flower bed

    Plastic bottles are a container that is used by almost every inhabitant of the Earth. If you count how much water, juice, and lemonade we drink from them, you can build a whole mountain, but it’s better to use them for business. For example, make a flower bed out of bottles. To create a home flower garden, both plastic and glass bottles of various sizes are suitable.

    • Swan flower bed made of plastic bottles;

    • Multi-tiered flowerbed made of glass bottles;

    • Flowerbed piglet from a 5-liter bottle.

    How to decorate a flowerbed with your own hands

    Every gardener can create a flowerbed on his own. With a combination of desire and opportunity, real masterpieces can live in the garden, but you must follow some rules:

    • It is not necessary to use templates; a flowerbed can be made based on your personal imagination. For example, build it according to the shape ladybug, slides with branches and logs. The main thing is that flowers can live in this creation;
    • If you don’t have any imagination for decorating a flowerbed, open the Internet. On our website you will definitely find a suitable option or complement your idea;

    • To create a flowerbed, you shouldn’t immediately run to the store, remember about the deposits of unnecessary things, maybe it’s their turn?
    • Place the flowerbed in an area where the flowers will feel comfortable. Do not plant plants in too shady or sunny places. Also think about space, flowers need freedom;
    • It is better to select nearby plants for the flower bed according to their flowering time. Do not forget that each plant has its own lifespan. Soon it will lose color and the flowerbed will be empty, so plants should be planted in tiers or rows with different terms flowering. When some flowers shed their bright buds, others begin to bloom;
    • It is also worth making distinctions between species based on height of growth. You should not plant small flowers between tall bushy creatures. Small flowers will not have enough light, and it will look completely inharmonious. As a rule, tall flowers are planted in the center of the flowerbed, in the corners or in the background;
    • Color combination. The most popular in floriculture is the combination of white and pink, pink-violet or yellow-red shades. Beautiful colors are always pleasing to look at;
    • At the end of planting, be sure to remember to water. Even if you are planting ready-made materials, for their comfortable adaptation to new conditions, you should moisten the soil.

    Do-it-yourself flower beds from improvised means, with photos
    • Flowerbed-carousel;

    • Flowerbed-bicycle;

    • Flowerbed-washbasin with plates.

    DIY flowerbed diagrams

    An important fact in the design of a flower bed is the successful placement of plants. The type of flower garden depends on this. A beautifully created panel of flowers attracts attention. To do this, you need to draw up a diagram of the flower bed in advance, which is usually drawn up by landscape designers. But today we will do without them. See below for ready-made diagrams for creating flower beds.

    • Central flowerbed;

    • Summer flower garden. According to this pattern, it will bloom all summer;

    • A simple flowerbed with tulips.

    video: unusual flower garden

    It is difficult to imagine a dacha without flowers - on any plot there will always be at least a few flowering bushes. And for real flower lovers, the dacha attracts attention from afar with the abundance of colorful flower beds and flower beds, arches of roses and clematis. Anyone can make flower beds at their dacha with their own hands, and the most ordinary materials will do.

    Types of flower beds

    Flower beds differ in shape, size, flowering time, and compositional combinations. Most often, the following types of flower beds are used in the country:

    It should be noted that vertical, suspended and multi-level compositions require not only constant maintenance, but also high costs. In addition, the process of creating such a flower garden is very labor-intensive. The easiest way is to plant an irregular or monoflower bed, and proper placement and selection of plants will make it spectacular and attractive.

    To create original flower beds, many craftsmen use any available materials. These can be old stumps, fallen tree trunks, car ramps, unnecessary plastic barrels, wooden boxes and even real cars that have fallen into disrepair. Borders made of natural stone, glass bottles, and wicker look very beautiful.

    In order for the composition to always look bright and fresh, and at the same time be in harmony with the surrounding landscape, you need to carefully select not only the shape of the flower bed and the materials for laying it, but also the plants themselves. Moisture-loving flowers should not be placed in small containers, especially hanging ones, where the soil dries out much faster. For vertical and arched structures, you need to select climbing vines with abundant flowering and a large number of leaves. In multi-level flower beds, you cannot plant tall, dense plants in the foreground, otherwise they will cover everything else.

    Prices for pots, flower stands

    Pots, flower stands

    Laying a simple flower bed

    During the work you will need:

    • shovel;
    • crushed stone;
    • stones for borders;
    • cement mortar;
    • black soil

    Step 1. Choosing a location

    Choosing a place for a flower garden is the most important stage. A lot depends on what plants will be planted there: some flowers love open, well-lit areas, others prefer shade, others need protection from drafts and wind. Inappropriate conditions reduce the decorativeness of flowers and the flower bed loses its attractiveness.

    Step 2. Marking

    When a place is chosen, markings are made the desired shape. It can be a circle, oval, square or rectangle, or any other geometric shape. The perimeter of the flower bed is marked with twine stretched on pegs. If the soil in the area is soft and not overgrown with grass, you can simply outline the contours with a sharp rod.

    Step 3. Preparing the pit

    Inside the perimeter, use a shovel to select a layer of earth to a depth of 20-30 cm. For drainage, the bottom is laid out with crushed stone, broken brick or stone, leveled well and compacted. If the groundwater in the area is too high, before laying the drainage, the bottom is lined with film or roofing felt, the edges of which are brought out and temporarily reinforced with stones.

    Step 4. Decorating the border

    Now you need to decorate the walls of the flower bed: using cement mortar, lay a border of stones around the perimeter of the pit. If the area is completely overgrown with grass, dig a shallow trench 15 cm wide around the hole and fill it with small crushed stone or gravel.

    Step 5. Planting

    When the solution hardens, the flower garden is filled with fertile soil and left for 1-2 weeks. During this time, the soil will compact and settle a little, so you will have to add more black soil. Then all that remains is to plant the flowers and level the soil.

    The border can be made not only from stones or bricks; The edging made from bottles buried upside down, from short wooden rods, or from neatly cut planks looks great. If a composition is created from several flower beds at once, the borders should be the same.

    If there are old withered trees on the site, they will become an excellent material for small picturesque flower beds. You can use not only trunks, but also stumps, as well as round cuts of thick branches. So, the tree is cut down, leaving a stump with a height of 30 to 70 cm. Using available tools, a recess is knocked out on top of such a size that the flowers can take root well. A through hole is drilled on one side through which excess moisture will drain.

    The walls of the stump must remain thick enough, otherwise the tree will begin to collapse faster under the influence of moisture. Another important point: if the cause of the death of the tree was disease, and not old age or exposure external factors, it cannot be used for a flower garden. The disease can spread to flowers, and all efforts will be in vain. In any case, treating the stump with protective agents will not be superfluous.

    The finished stump is filled with fertile soil and left for ten days. When the soil settles, add more, lightly compact and level it. After this, you can start planting plants. When choosing flowers, you should take into account the diameter and height of the stump: on small ones, it is enough to plant a couple of tulip or daffodil bulbs and plant some small perennial, but on stumps with a large diameter, a whole flower arrangement will fit. In stumps with a height of 0.5 m, hanging flowers or low-growing vines look great.

    Tree trunks can also be easily used to decorate a summer cottage. The length and diameter of the barrel are not particularly important.

    So, the process of making a flower garden from a log has the following order:

    • the tree is trimmed on both sides, branches are sawed off;
    • if necessary, remove the bark;
    • Having retreated 15-20 cm from the edge, make a transverse cut on the trunk with a hacksaw;
    • perform the same actions from the other end;
    • the wood between the cuts is knocked out to create a container in the form of a trough;
    • the bottom is drilled in 2-3 places, the inner walls are treated with an antiseptic;
    • fill the inside of the log with soil and compact it a little.

    After a few days, the soil needs to be replenished, and after that you can plant flowers.

    The flower garden created from old acacia cuttings looks original. To do this, the tree trunk is cut into several pieces 20 cm thick. The bark must be left, it gives the composition a natural look. The middle of the cuts is knocked out, leaving a thin bottom. If you couldn’t do this carefully and the bottom turned out to be broken, you should stuff a piece of plywood or a wide board underneath.

    A flower garden is formed: three saw cuts are laid out on a flat, compacted area so that they touch each other closely. Fill them with fertile soil and sprinkle with large wood shavings or wood chips. Another cut is installed on top, placing it exactly in the center of the composition. The top cut is also filled with soil and planting begins. It is important to choose the right flowers here. So that they match each other and do not cover the walls of the flower garden.

    Flower garden from an overturned barrel

    Such original flower beds are a good solution for hilly areas. Almost any elongated container is suitable for creating a composition. This can be a plastic or wooden barrel, an aluminum can, or buckets of different sizes. Moreover, the container fits even with damage, because only one side remains visible.

    Select a suitable elevation and lightly excavate its top. Place the barrel or bucket on its side and dig in well so that the container does not move. Inside, the bottom is lined with mulch film and soil is poured. The slope located at the opening of the barrel is carefully loosened, cleared of weeds and also sprinkled with flower soil. When the ground settles, low-growing flowers can be planted.

    To create the effect of a spreading puddle, it is recommended to plant creeping and hanging plants with white or blue flowers. For example, if you use an aluminum can and white daisies, it looks as if milk is pouring out of a fallen can and turning into flowers.

    Petunias look beautiful in such a flower garden, as well as multi-colored violets and small carnations. You can use an old unnecessary wheelbarrow: it is placed on one side of the hill, tilted slightly so that the lower edge rests on the top, and strengthened with improvised means. Then they fill the wheelbarrow with earth, and at the same time prepare the soil on the mound. Plants are planted over the entire surface of the elevation and in the wheelbarrow itself; it is better to use bright and colorful flowers.

    Video - DIY flower beds at the dacha

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