Why a broken egg with a yolk. Folk sign "Egg

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There were many signs associated with the Easter egg. It was impossible, for example, to eat an egg and throw (let alone spit out) the shell out the window into the street. The peasants believed that throughout the entire Bright Week, Christ himself with the apostles in beggarly rags walks the earth, and through negligence, one can get into him with a shell.

With the help of an Easter egg, the living receive relief from all diseases and misfortunes. If the egg received from the priest during Christening is kept in the sanctuary for three or even twelve years, then it is only worth giving such an egg to the seriously ill to eat - and all the ailment will be removed from them as if by hand.

An Easter egg can bring out any disease. Indeed, the Easter egg is believed to have incredible powers.

On the day of Easter, the hostess must leave the consecrated egg and put it behind the icon. God grant that there is no opportunity to use it. But if someone gets very seriously ill, then they took out this egg and, with special prayers, rolled it out over the sore spot. After that, it was necessary to dig an egg on the grave of a person who, during his lifetime, bore the same name as the patient.

There was also a belief that with the help of an Easter egg, the souls of the dead could receive relief in the next world. To do this, you just need to go to the cemetery, christenate with the dead three times, then break the egg, crumble it and feed it to the “free” bird, which, in gratitude for this, will remember the dead and ask God for them.

But most of all, the Easter egg helps in agricultural work: it is only necessary to bury it in grain during the Easter prayer service, and then go out with the same egg and grain for sowing, and a wonderful harvest is guaranteed.

The peasants also believed that the egg also helps in extinguishing fires: if a righteous person takes such an egg and runs around a burning building three times with the words “Christ is Risen”, the fire will immediately subside, and then stop by itself. But if the egg fell into the hands of a person of a dubious lifestyle, then the fire will not stop.

Then only one remedy remains: throw the egg in a direction opposite to the direction of the wind and free from buildings. It was believed that then the wind would subside, change direction, and the strength of the fire would weaken.

There is an old tradition. When people come home after a church service, each member of the family takes a consecrated dyed egg, and everyone knocks eggs. Whoever has an egg that remains whole will be the healthiest for a whole year.

Finally, the egg helps even treasure hunters. After all, every treasure, as you know, is guarded by an unclean force specially assigned to it, and when they see a person approaching with an Easter egg, the devils will certainly get scared and rush in all directions, leaving the treasure without any protection and cover. Then it remains only to take a shovel and calmly dig out the cauldrons of gold.

On Easter, there are signs that are associated with the weather. So, for example, it is believed that if Easter is a cloudy or snowy night, then the year will be fruitful, but the milk yield will be very poor. And vice versa, if it is clear, then wait for a crop failure, but the chickens will lay just perfectly. And if the sun is dim during sunrise, then this is not just a crop failure, but also a swine pestilence.

on Sunday you can neither bring eggs into the house nor put them under a brood hen. (Derbyshire).

If primroses are brought into the house for the first time in spring, there must be at least thirteen of them. How many flowers are brought into the house, how many chickens or goslings will hatch from each masonry this season. (Norfolk).

If the owner of the horse eats eggs, let him see that their number is even, otherwise trouble will happen to the horse. (Ireland).

If only chickens hatch from a whole masonry, this portends death in the house. (Scottish border).

If you throw the shell of a boiled egg into the fire, the hen that laid it may stop laying eggs. (North Lincolnshire).

If the eggs are carried over running water, they will not hatch into chicks.

If, after eating a boiled egg, you do not hit the eaten shell with a spoon, you will not see happiness. (everywhere).

Pierce the egg with a pin, and let the white flow into the glass, add three more parts of water there. Then put some of this mixture in your mouth and go for a walk. The first name you hear will be the name of your betrothed (or betrothed). (Everywhere. One lady confessed to us that, having performed a similar ceremony, she heard the name Lancelot. However, she did not like this name, she repeated the fortune-telling and married George!).

Collecting eggs and bringing them into the house when it gets dark is a bad sign. (Derbyshire, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire).

After eating a boiled egg, you need to break the eaten shell so that the witches do not swim in it on the sea and sink ships. (Cornwall and Devonshire).
The latter custom was very common in the fishing ports of Cornwall and Devonshire. It is still popular, and not everyone knows about the superstition with which it is associated. In the old days, it was believed that witches, floating in the sea in eggshells, could sink ships and send fishermen and sailors to the bottom; and we remember how dismayed the wife of a Devonshire fisherman was when she failed to break eggshells after eating. "The Connoisseur" N9 reports: "It is widely believed that witches can swim to India in eggshells." And Sir Thomas Browne, in one of his many writings, notes that witches can write or prick someone's name on eggshells and thus "harm a person." Where did this superstition come from? Hard to say. The ancient Romans also had a custom of breaking the shells of eaten eggs so that enemies could not harm them through magic. Obviously, there is some connection between our belief and the custom of the ancient Romans, due to the Roman conquest of England. Many of these customs, practiced by the ancient Romans, can still be found among us today. that eggs should also not be taken out of the house after sunset. "Stamford Mercury" dated October 29, 1852, placed a letter from one reader. It was about a man who wanted to buy eggs. Arriving in East Markham, he asked a farmer's wife if they had any eggs to sell. The woman said that there is; then he offered to buy them right now to take them home in his britzka. “You won’t have time,” the hostess objected. “Don’t you see that the sun is already setting?” primroses, a certain priest added that once he was called to reconcile two women. As it turned out, they quarreled because one of them gave the child the other one primrose, and she decided that she did it on purpose so that her hens hatched only one chicken from each clutch. Indeed, only one chick hatched from the first clutch, in connection with which a quarrel arose between the women. Twice we had to deal with a custom in our country, mainly common in Denmark. On New Year's Eve, Danes of both sexes take a freshly laid egg, pierce the sharp end with a pin, and drop three drops of protein into a bowl or basin of water. Drops blur in the water and take on bizarre shapes resembling tree branches. It is believed that these patterns can be used to learn about the character of the future husband (or wife) and the number of children who will be born in marriage. In connection with the ban on throwing eggshells into the fire, Sir Charles Igglesden tells a story that happened to him. He lived in an apartment in Paradise, and once, in a conversation with the landlady, he mentioned this superstition. In response, the hostess said: "Two years ago, I had to lay four hens - just in time for Christmas, when eggs are in price. And so two gentlemen who hunted snipe here came to me for breakfast. I boiled four eggs for them, two each to everyone. They ate them, and what do you think they did? They threw the shells into the fire. They wanted to free their jam bowls. I didn't attach any importance to it then - but the next morning my hens did not lay any eggs, and the next a day, and a week later. Four layers stopped laying. I fed them warm, they all ate and did not lay. And now tell yourself: maybe this is not superstition at all, but pure truth, and you still shouldn’t throw the shell into the fire? the woman was unaware that hens that started laying at the same time should stop laying at the same time. Here is another love divination associated with eggs. If you take an egg and fry it dry, take out the yolk and put salt in its place, and eat it instead of supper before you go to bed, you will dream of your betrothed. In Index Villarum (Baines) it is written that: "Ms. , Oxon (Surrey), did this, and she dreamed of a gray-haired old man, similar to the one she later married. I heard about it from her own lips. "Someday he takes a boiled egg and rolls it along the spine of each cattle, starting with a horse and ending with a sheep. They roll from head to tail and then let the egg itself through the manure. The meaning of the ceremony is that the cattle walk around in the summer as round as an egg, and horses In addition, they ran as fast as an egg rolled quickly over the manure. In conclusion, the egg is eaten by those who performed this ceremony, and other eggs are boiled for other family members. "Fortune telling on eggs belongs in rural life to some girls ... Starting fortune-telling, the old women take warm water into a glass and dissolve in it egg white. When the protein is released, various figures are reflected. Fortune-telling begins from these figures. The figure reflecting the church portends: a girl - a quick wedding, an elderly one - death. A figure reflecting a ship with sails portends: a married woman - the imminent arrival of her husband, a girl - return to marry on the narrow side, a young man - a distant journey. If a squirrel suddenly sinks to the bottom of a glass, then this threatens with a dangerous disaster, death, fire, eternal unmarried life ". [Compare divination by a squirrel dissolved in water, common in Denmark and England].
To cure a fever, go to the nearest crossroads at midnight and bury an egg there. Repeat this five times and bury five eggs. The fever will be buried along with the eggs. (Devonshire and elsewhere).

The sign that watches are considered a bad gift came to us from China, because it was believed that they were an invitation to a funeral. In Russia, the interpretation has changed a little, but the negative connotation has remained the same - you risk forever quarreling with the one to whom such a gift was presented.

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A sign to break an egg in a dream and in reality

Attitude towards eggs modern man unequivocal - this is a tasty, healthy and easy-to-prepare product that should always be in the refrigerator. We break this gift of nature against a knife, fork, edge of a frying pan or a cup for dough, without even thinking about the method, time, and meaning of this event. And only when the egg falls on the floor, unsuccessfully spreading in a huge spot, does it cause annoyance. But a broken egg on the floor is not an accident. This is a sign that can tell you about something to come.

Signs about broken eggs

The meaning of the sign depends on the circumstances in which the shell cracked and what was inside.

  • If one or more eggs burst on the way from the store or from the farm to your home, then this may mean problems in your personal life. A crack on one shell is a sign of an impending quarrel with your soulmate, and half a dozen broken soft-boiled is a symbol that your love or family relationship is going to hell.
  • Breaking an egg in the kitchen is a good omen, it promises good luck. Even better if you managed to catch the fugitive on the fly. Even if the shell cracked at the same time, you will still be able to grab luck by the tail in life.
  • It's bad luck to break a rotten egg. Usually this promises troubles related to the sphere of health.
  • It is very good if you saw two yolks inside - this promises big profit.
  • Why break a raw egg no yolk? Such instances are extremely rare. Therefore, the signs about them are twofold - some promise something very unusual that awaits you in life, others - the loss of something important, without which you cannot imagine your existence.

How to get rid of negativity?

If what is predicted by fate does not suit you, you can try to neutralize the effect of the omen. To do this, sweep the shell along with the contents onto a white sheet of paper using another sheet folded in half. Crumple everything together and take it over the threshold / over the fence.

Found broken - why?

It’s bad if you found a broken egg under your doorstep. A conspiracy has been made on him to bring damage to you. You need to do the same as described above - remove the find with sheets of paper. But it’s not enough to take it away - you need to bury it. And wash the threshold well with an unnecessary rag, which also needs to be thrown away. After that, the threshold under the door is sprinkled with salt, and the door itself is sprinkled with holy water.

Break an egg For many people this process means nothing. We are used to breaking eggs with a knife, fork, on the edge of a pan, plate or table, and we don’t even think about how we do it, at what time, and what does this event mean according to folk signs and superstitions.

And only when the egg accidentally slips out of the hands, falls on the table or floor and breaks, does it cause annoyance. But a broken egg is not just an accident. Many signs and ancient superstitions are associated with broken eggs, which carry folk wisdom and can tell a lot about upcoming events.

The fact is that according to the beliefs of our ancestors, the egg was considered a symbol of the birth of a new life, a sign of the future, and the egg yolk was a symbol of the young Sun. In ancient times in Rus', chicken eggs were used in magical rituals, rituals and conspiracies, they rolled out illnesses and ailments, removed damage and the evil eye.

That is why in the old days people collected a lot of people telling about what happens if you break an egg.

The egg fell and broke - signs by time of day

If we take into account ancient signs and superstitions, then the situation when an egg accidentally falls and breaks almost always promises impending trouble. To correctly interpret the meaning of the sign, you need to take into account the time when this happened.

Accidentally break an egg in the morning, - it means that a quarrel is likely today, and all planned affairs may fail, so nothing global and large-scale should be conceived for this day.

Break a chicken egg by accident after 12 noon, - a sign of monetary losses. Before you make any purchase on this day, you should think carefully whether it is worth doing or not.

If you break an egg in the evening, - a sign of minor troubles, restless sleep.

An egg broke - why according to signs?

The meaning of signs about broken eggs also depends on the circumstances under which the shell cracked and what was inside.

If an egg rolls off the table unexpectedly or some other surface and crashed, this sign warns that envious people and ill-wishers have appeared who can do harm on the sly. Try not to trust strangers.

If one or more eggs burst on the way home, this sign can mean problems in your personal life. At the same time, a crack on one egg promises a quarrel with the other half, and several soft-boiled eggs warn of big problems in love or family relationships.

If you they carried a lot of eggs, and only two of them broke, - this sign portends positive changes in the love sphere. Dating is possible, which will turn into a romantic relationship. If this happened to a person who already has a loved one, it means that harmony and fidelity reign in the relationship.

Break an egg by accident in the kitchen, - a good omen, portending good luck. It is even better if, during the fall of the egg, you have time to catch it on the fly. Even if the shell cracked at the same time, you will still be able to catch Luck.

Bad omen - by accident break an egg and see that it is spoiled or rotten. As a rule, this sign promises health-related troubles.

Very a good omen if there are two yolks inside a broken egg. For an unmarried single girl, this promises a long-awaited meeting with her beloved and a quick wedding. For a married woman, such an egg portends a replenishment in the family. A pregnant sign predicts the birth of twins. If a man saw two yolks, this is a sign of unexpected and large monetary profit.

It is extremely rare, but there are eggs without yolk. Superstition about them is interpreted in different ways. Some say that break an egg without yolk - a sign to something very unusual that will happen in life. Others argue that this promises the loss of something important, without which it is almost impossible to imagine one's existence.

If dreamed about breaking an egg, then in this case different dream books predict completely different events: the collapse of plans, a large gift from a loved one, a big loss or serious damage, a quarrel, troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, when interpreting a dream about a broken egg, it is better to focus on your feelings and how the dream was - joyful or dreary. And already depending on this, and choose a sign.

Very bad - to find a broken egg under your threshold or in front of front door . This means that most likely, a black conspiracy has been made on you or your family for damage or illness.

To neutralize the negative and remove damage, you need to collect a broken egg on a white sheet of paper, using another one folded in half. Crumple everything together, take it out into the street away from the house and bury it in the ground with the words: “The egg and the lining are in paper, damage and the evil eye are in the ground.” After that, wash the threshold well with a rag, which is also then thrown away. Sprinkle the threshold and the place in front of the door with salt, and sprinkle the door itself with holy water.

For many centuries, people have considered the egg not only as a very nutritious product, but also as a magical item. This perception is connected with the fact that the fragile shell hides a new, still very vulnerable and at the same time incredibly strong life. It is not for nothing that witches and healers often use the egg in various rituals and medicinal potions, and folk observation has given rise to many signs associated with it.

  • Be careful when carrying purchased eggs from the supermarket. Losses on the way home promise problems in personal life. Having found the remains of the yolk and protein, smeared on the package, analyze family or love relationships. It is possible that the crack that has appeared can still be cemented.
  • Number of broken eggs also matters. If you had to part with two copies, then you should not be upset because of such a small loss. On the contrary, there is reason for great joy, because such a sign convinces of the absolute devotion of your chosen one (chosen one). But three eggs broken at a time are preparing you for serious material losses.
  • The place where the eggs broke should be suggestive. If an egg accidentally rolled onto the floor and broke there, this is a signal that there is a secret ill-wisher in your environment. Such an envious person, acting on the sly, can bring you a lot of trouble. However, the action of the omen can be prevented by catching the egg on the fly. It doesn't matter if you even crush it, the main thing is that the product remained in your hands without reaching the floor.

It is somewhat more difficult to neutralize the effect of broken eggs found on the threshold of a dwelling. After all, they speak of someone's persistent desire to destroy your family life. In this case, you must immediately remove the dirt without touching it with your hands, and then thoroughly rinse the threshold with salt. It will be useful to additionally sprinkle the entrance with holy water.

  • It is useful to pay attention to the time of day at which the unfortunate loss occurred. Egg, broken in the morning, will turn away luck from you for the whole day. Love confessions will remain misunderstood, and the work will fall out of hand. The trouble that happened after lunch portends a small financial loss.
  • The contents of the egg can enhance or neutralize the effect of the omen. If it turned out to be spoiled, then a good omen will not work, and a bad omen will surely come true. A double yolk is a rarity, so popular rumor ascribes considerable power to it, capable of neutralizing a negative effect or increasing a positive effect.
  • Breaking an egg on purpose, for example, for fortune-telling or cooking, you should remember that in this case, signs do not work, and do not worry in vain. However, it is considered useful to knock with a spoon on an empty shell after a boiled egg is eaten so that happiness does not turn away from you. Of particular importance is the Easter tradition of beating eggs. The owner of the surviving "shell" is guaranteed good health for the year ahead.

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