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The Bull Terrier breed has received a special status - it is called “the dog with a rat face.” With its appearance, it caused conflicting opinions in the world community. She was prescribed the characteristics of a killer dog and at the same time she was considered a reliable friend and guard.

The founder of the breed is the Englishman James Hinks. Thanks to him, experimental fighting dog puppies with an elongated rat muzzle were born. The exterior of bull terriers was formed as a result of 10 years of crossing the extinct breed of white terrier and English bulldog, with admixtures of Dalmatian blood.

The main goal is to get a fearless dog with a high pain threshold, has been achieved. The beauty and aesthetics of the animal’s external appearance were not considered.

At the end of the 19th century, the breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club. At the beginning of the 20th century it was allowed to reproduce. Keeping a bull terrier has become a prestigious occupation that emphasizes social status.

Bull Terrier - description

Previously, this breed of dog was used for baiting wild animals and dog fighting. Since the ban on bloody spectacles, the breed has come a long way of socialization and managed to adapt to the requirements of modern people.

The Bull Terrier today is a loyal friend, a cheerful companion and an active athlete. Myths about its mortal danger have been dispelled. He is the embodiment of intelligence, endurance, strength and dexterity. His extraordinary appearance makes him look like a giant rat. The photo of a dog with a rat's face confirms this.

Bull Terrier - a dog with a rat face

Breed standard

The Bull Terrier has an international breed standard, deviations from which are considered a fault:

  • The body is athletic, muscular, strong.
  • The head is oval, ovoid in shape.
  • The muzzle is elongated, arched.
  • The neck is strong.
  • The jaws are powerful, the compression force is 25 atmospheres.
  • The mouth is big.
  • The bite of the teeth is cross-shaped.
  • The ears are erect, V-shaped, close set.
  • The nose is pronounced and large.
  • The eyes are small, triangular in appearance, slanted, wide and deep set.
  • The tail is short and not docked.
  • Average weight 30 kg, not limited by standard.
  • Height at withers is from 40 to 55 cm. Males are larger than females.
  • Life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Coat and colors

The coat is hard to the touch, short, smooth, uniform. The color of the fighting dog with a rat face is varied. White color is considered the most prestigious. Acceptable colors: brindle, red-brown, black and tri-color. The shape and location of white and other spots are not regulated by the standard.

Character and education

The nature of the “boules” is specific. They have an extraordinary mind and can read a person’s thoughts. From the first days, it is necessary to extinguish the foci of their aggression and direct the strength and energy of the dogs in the right direction. With proper upbringing of a puppy and its early socialization, a good friend and protector will grow up.

Bull Terriers are hyperactive and require long-term physical and mental training. They are willful and stubborn. They are not characterized by cowardice and betrayal. Ready to protect the owner at the cost of life. Affectionate in the family, loyal to children and powerful in the world around them. Any representatives of the fauna are treated as prey. Walking without a leash is prohibited.


Training a Bull Terrier requires a lot of time and effort. To achieve results, strict and humane methods are needed. Physical punishment is prohibited; the bull remembers insults. These dogs need the strong-willed hand of a competent breeder. Otherwise, you can get an uncontrollable and dangerous animal.

Care and maintenance

In terms of grooming, the Bull Terrier is not difficult, he is clean:

  • Brush the coat with a rubber mitten 2-3 times a week, daily during the shedding period.
  • Clean your ears once a week.
  • Wash your eyes daily.
  • After walking, wipe with a damp towel.
  • Bath with shampoo as needed.
  • Trim the claws.


Composition of natural food:

  • meat 60%;
  • cereals 20%;
  • vegetables 20%.

Allowed: sea fish fillet, fermented milk products, offal. It is better to choose industrial food of the luxury, premium, and holistic classes.


High-quality representatives of the breed have strong immunity. Hereditary diseases include:

  • partial or complete deafness;
  • loss of vision;
  • kidney diseases.

Other diseases arise due to poor care and maintenance (dermatitis, heart failure, pancreatitis).

Pros and cons of the breed

Like all dogs, the English Bull Terrier has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Has intelligence

Difficult to train

Suitable for apartment living

Does not tolerate frost and heat well

Shedding is not pronounced

Presence of genetic diseases

Easy to care for

Suitable for experienced dog owners only

Playful and active

Difficult to educate, complex character

Acts as a companion

Prone to aggression

Has security and protective qualities

Doesn't get along with other pets

Strong and dexterous

Jealous, capricious, vindictive


Free range is prohibited


You can buy a bull terrier puppy in Russian nurseries. The price varies depending on the color, exterior and pedigree of the regalia. A SHOW-class puppy is estimated at 40-50 thousand rubles, a PET-class puppy from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. You should not buy a puppy from breeders of dubious reputation.

For a long time, rats were a sign of unsanitary conditions and frightened humanity, becoming a harbinger of illness or hunger. They were considered pests until charming ornamental animals appeared, which in intelligence and sociability can compete with the usual cats and dogs.

When planning to get a rodent, it is important to introduce hamsters in order to provide the animal with the most proper care and living conditions.

Rat head

The animal's head has the following features:

  • elongated shape;
  • large size relative to the body;
  • sharp nose;
  • small black eyes;
  • rounded small ears.

It is divided into the anterior section - the muzzle, and the posterior section. The rat's head is separated from the body by a short and thick neck. The outer ear looks like a movable shell. The auditory canal extends from its base deep into the temporal bone.

The muzzle area includes:

  • eye sockets;
  • cheeks;
  • chewing area.

The oral slit is located on the anterior and lateral edges of the muzzle. The nostrils are placed at the top of the nose close to each other. A vertical groove begins just below the nose, allowing the upper incisors to be exposed even if the rodent keeps its mouth closed.

There are vibrissae near the tip of the nose. Organs of touch that help the animal navigate and evaluate objects along the way. The eyes are set deep and protected by movable eyelids. Rodents are also characterized by the presence of a third eyelid - a nictitating membrane, and a red glow in the eyes.

How many teeth does a rat have

A specific dental system is a distinctive feature of wild and ornamental rodents. The total number of teeth is 16, of which 12 are chewing molars and 2 pairs of elongated incisors in the central part of the jaw. There is a significant gap between them and the molars.

The purpose of the incisors is to bite. Sharp and strong, they allow the animal to feed not only on grain, but also on insects, as well as smaller animals. Because of this, the wild rat often acts as a predator. Also, the special strength of these pairs of teeth allows rodents to cope with wood, concrete and steel wire.

Therefore they need regular sharpening. When keeping ornamental animals, it is necessary to provide them with special devices, otherwise the animal may suffer from overgrown teeth. Enamel is present only on the front surface of the incisors. The back is covered with dentin, a softer substance that wears out quickly.

Molars are equipped with cusps or ridges for successful chewing of food. In adults they are erased. The enamel is preserved only on the sides; the middle is also covered with dentin.

Rodent body

The rat's body has an elongated shape. Divided by:

  • dorso-thoracic region, which includes the dorsal and interscapular regions;
  • lumboabdominal, divided into the abdomen and lower back;
  • sacrogluteal, including the pelvic and sacral regions.

Wool: what the rat's body is covered with

The rodent's skin is covered with patchy hair. Thick and long guard hairs are designed to protect the skin from external damage. The undercoat, also called underfur, is essential for maintaining body temperature.

All hairs consist of horny substances. The base is attached to the hair follicle, into which the ducts of the sebaceous glands are open. The secreted fat is intended to lubricate the coat and skin, providing elasticity.

Rat body temperature

Normally, the body temperature of a decorative rat is 38.5-39.5 degrees. A slight increase may suggest stress, heatstroke, or initial stage infections. A temperature of 40.5 degrees is a signal to urgently go to the clinic, but it must be brought down immediately. This is done by using ice packs or rubbing small pieces of ice on the ears.

A drop in temperature is much more dangerous and indicates advanced infectious disease or shock. In this case, it is necessary to lift it with heating pads, and then immediately take the pet to the veterinarian.

Rat paws

The rat's front legs include:

  • armpits;
  • shoulder;
  • elbow;
  • forearm;
  • brush.

The hind legs of a rat are divided into:

  • hip;
  • shin;
  • heel area;
  • tarsal area;
  • metatarsus

How many fingers does a rat have?

The rat's fingers are very mobile. On the front legs thumb reduced, looks like a short stump. The remaining fingers are fully developed.

The hind legs have all 5 toes; they are larger in size than the front legs. The palms and soles are bare.

A complete introduction to your pet will help you make the right choice and purchase a healthy pet that will delight the owner for several years.

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06/19/2017 by Eugene

Anyone who is less familiar with different breeds is interested in rat-faced dogs. What features does such an animal have? What kind of breeds are there? You will get answers to all these questions in our article.

The Bull Terrier is the only dog ​​breed that resembles a rat. Many people have the opinion that this is a very angry, aggressive, stupid and ugly animal. But few people say that even a Spitz, Dalmatian or Chow Chow can be many times more dangerous than the breed in question.

As you probably know, any dog ​​is a reflection of its owner. And here it doesn’t even matter what breed your pet will be. After all, some people buy a puppy in order to subsequently raise a devoted companion. At the same time, others strive to raise a fighting specimen that will frighten everyone around them with just its appearance.

Therefore, it is better to discard all prejudices and learn more about what a dog with a rat face really is.

General description of the breed

When creating the breed in question, the traditional qualities of the future dog were not taken into account. On the contrary, it was necessary to achieve other indicators:

  1. Aggressiveness.
  2. Endurance.
  3. High pain threshold.

Bull Terriers were primarily used in dog fighting and animal baiting. Accordingly, this is a fighting dog with the following characteristics:

  1. Approximate weight – 25 kilograms.
  2. Height – from 40 cm for females and up to 55 cm for males.
  3. The head is egg-shaped, set low on a muscular neck.
  4. The jaws with teeth are very powerful and have a scissor bite. It is this sign that will give the muzzle a characteristic rat appearance, although experienced dog breeders dismiss this opinion as dubious.
  5. The ears are close-spaced, erect, triangular in shape.
  6. Large nose with developed nostrils.
  7. A short tail that tapers towards the end.
  8. Small eyes, widely set, triangular in shape.

The bull terrier's physique is quite powerful. A rounded chest, muscular limbs - all this speaks of the strength of the breed. At first glance, it may seem to you that this is a clumsy animal. However, in practice it is a very dexterous, agile and nimble dog. One can only envy the bull terrier's jumping ability.

The color of the dog can be either white or colored. The first option is the most preferable, followed by the tiger color. Other colors are also not considered a defect or defect.

The character of a dog directly depends on its upbringing. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to say that bull terriers are very aggressive. If the puppy at a young age understands that the owner is the leader and needs to be obeyed, then everything will be fine.

In most cases, the Bull Terrier is playful, restless and active. Therefore, if you want to adopt such a dog, be prepared for long walks. This pet is suitable for young and energetic owners.

As the experience of many dog ​​breeders shows, the Bull Terrier is a very cheerful, beautiful and cheerful dog. All mentions of a rat's face are the consequences of black PR since the late nineties.

Journalists are doing everything to “drown” this breed. But contrary to popular belief, the bull terrier has developed intelligence. Yes, he can be capricious and will not obey if the owner’s commands are unreasonable.

You, as the owner of such a pet, will need patience, love and care, which will allow you to raise a balanced individual.

Don't forget that you need to walk your dog from a young age.

How to keep and care for a Bull Terrier

The breed is a smooth-haired dog, so you won’t need any complicated care. Your pet may shed twice a year. Wool can be easily removed with a brush or a special mitten.

After walks, you don’t need to bathe your dog; just wipe it with a sponge or damp towel.

Check your ears and eyes regularly for inflammation. Whites may have hearing problems. There are cases when puppies are born deaf.

The Bull Terrier's mobility indicates that it really needs to be exercised. Therefore, active walks, playing with a ball, jumping over the bar - all this is necessary to maintain the good physical condition of the dog. After such walks, the dog will be calm and docile. And with insufficient loads, don’t be surprised why he goes crazy and turns everything upside down.

How to choose a puppy

Bull Terrier puppies are very beautiful babies. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will tell a small pet that it is a dog with a rat’s muzzle.

As you already know, this is a special breed, so to purchase it, it is advisable to visit a good nursery or contact an honest breeder. Otherwise, you run a very high risk of buying a sick or outbred puppy.

You can pick up the baby at the age of 2.5 months from the mother. During this time, all necessary vaccinations are carried out in the nursery.

When choosing your future four-legged friend, pay attention to the condition of the teeth. At this age there should be 12 of them.

Get your hearing checked. To do this, clap your hands and look at the baby's reaction. Familiarize yourself with the pedigree and check whether the puppy meets the standard.

To summarize the article, we note that now you know the name of a dog whose muzzle resembles a rat's. We told you about the characteristics of the breed and the nuances of choosing a puppy.

The Bull Terrier is a fairly smart dog, and with proper training you will get a reliable friend who will give you a lot of positive emotions.

We are sure that after reading the words “a dog with a rat face” in the title of our article, many of the owners of these animals will be offended by the author. After all, for them, their beloved four-legged friend is the smartest, most loyal and most beautiful. Perhaps someone sees similarities with the famous rodent - let's not judge them harshly.

Just recently, the domestic media presented the bull terrier as an evil, stupid, aggressive and extremely unattractive creature. At the same time, no one mentioned that sometimes the seemingly harmless Spitz, the cute Dalmatian or the charming Chow Chow are much more aggressive than the Bull Terrier, and that these dogs can be dangerous.

It all depends on what goal a person pursues when purchasing an animal. Some people need a loyal companion, while others want a killer dog next to them. Most often in our time, the latter category of owners includes teenagers who thus want to establish themselves among their peers.

But let’s leave emotions aside and try to figure out what she really is like - “a dog with a rat’s face.” Perhaps, after reading this article, someone will change their opinion about this animal.

Bull Terrier: description

Unfortunately, not all breeds of dogs were bred by humans in order for the four-legged pet to become true friend and a reliable companion. The cruel entertainment of people dictated different requirements for some dog breeds - aggressiveness, endurance, increased strength. They were used for dog fighting and baiting animals. The Bull Terrier is a medium-sized fighting dog weighing 25 kilograms. Height - from 40 (females) to 55 cm (males).


The bull terrier, the photo of which you see in the article, has a very unique and recognizable egg-shaped head. It sits quite low on the muscular, strong neck. The jaws and teeth are very powerful, with a cross bite. These external signs are probably what lead some people to say that it is a dog with a rat face. Although, in our opinion, the comparison is rather dubious.

The ears are triangular, erect, located close to each other. The nose is large, the nostrils are well developed. The tail is short, tapering towards the end. triangular, widely set.

Body type

This powerful and muscular animal is the Bull Terrier. The characteristics of the breed indicate that rib cage he has a round one. The limbs are muscular and strong. Despite its apparent massiveness, the bull terrier is very dexterous, agile and agile. It has excellent jumping ability.


The bull terrier, a photo that can be seen in all cynological publications, can have either a pure white color or a colored one. The first option is preferable, followed by brindle. Other colors are not a defect or defect.


Now let's figure out whether a dog with a rat's face is really dangerous. The Bull Terrier breed is distinguished by strength and agility. Its relationship with a person, like that of other dogs, depends 99% on how the puppy is raised. If from the very early age he realized that the owner is a leader, obedience to whom must be unquestioning, then best friend difficult to find.

The Bull Terrier breed, or rather its representatives, has the following traits: they are playful, restless and active creatures. If you decide to get a bull terrier, get ready for many hours of daily walks. Therefore, such a dog is more suitable for energetic and young owners.

If, when you mention the name of this breed, you imagine a dog with a rat's muzzle, this means that you have come under the influence of the black PR launched in our press regarding this animal in the late 90s. In fact, he is a cheerful, cheerful and quite likeable dog.

Contrary to what journalists claim, the Bull Terrier is different high level intelligence. Yes, he is capricious and jealous. Will not obey if he considers the owner's commands to be unreasonable. The owner will need love, patience and care to raise the dog correctly. We must not forget that she needs early socialization. Since this is a very intelligent dog, it will happily respond to a friendly and kind attitude and will readily obey a fair owner.

A smooth-haired dog (the bull terrier is one of these varieties) does not require complex care. Twice a year - in autumn and spring - she molts. Wool can be easily removed with a fine brush or a special mitten. After a walk, it is not necessary to bathe the dog - just wipe it with a damp towel or sponge.

It is necessary to check your pet's eyes and ears for inflammation, although it is extremely rare for a bull terrier to suffer from ear diseases. Breed characteristics indicate more serious genetic hearing problems, especially in white individuals. They are often born completely deaf.

Since the Bull Terrier is very active, walks with it should be long and active. Let your pet run around to his heart's content, play with a ball, and jump over the bar. This will help maintain excellent physical condition of your pet, since these dogs are prone to obesity. And after such an active walk at home, the dog will be calm and peaceful.

Choosing a puppy

Puppies of this breed are very cute babies. It is unlikely that anyone would dare to describe such a little thing with an offensive phrase - “a dog with a rat’s face.” This breed is special, so if you decide to purchase such an animal, you should contact a specialized nursery or a well-established breeder. Do not buy a dog from the market or from an advertisement. In this case, you risk purchasing a sick or outbred puppy.

The baby can be taken away from its mother at the age of two and a half months. By this time, he will have received all the necessary vaccinations at the nursery. When purchasing, pay attention to the teeth. At this age, the puppy should have twelve of them - six on top and bottom.

It is imperative to have your hearing checked (we talked about this problem). To do this, just clap your hands and see if the puppy reacts. It is advisable to meet the baby’s parents and look at their pedigrees. Usually, obvious deviations from the standard are visible even to a non-professional.

Raising a puppy

The Bull Terrier is a hyperactive dog, so you need to start raising a puppy from the first days of its appearance in your home. The new resident should have a place to rest, a designated place for food, where there should be bowls for food and water.

First of all, the owner must make it clear to the baby that he is the master of the house. You cannot follow the puppy’s lead, allowing him to climb onto the sofa or beg at the master’s table. Small bull terriers are very smart. They quickly understand that they cannot take food from strangers or pick it up from the ground, etc. If you understand that you cannot raise a puppy on your own, contact a professional dog trainer.

How much does a bull terrier cost?

The cost of any animal depends on various factors- the presence of a pedigree, the “merits” of the parents, the physical condition of the baby, his exhibition prospects. Answering the question: “How much does a bull terrier cost?”, it should be noted that the price range today can range from 15 to 70 thousand rubles. The average price for bull terrier puppies in well-known nurseries varies from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. A lower price should alert the buyer.

Let's sum it up

Representatives of the Bull Terrier breed can be briefly described in a few words: strong and dexterous, wise and friendly, loyal and kind. These dogs require early socialization and mandatory training. Suitable for experienced and active owners. You need to know that the bull terrier, like many other dog breeds, will not perceive a nervous and insecure person as a leader, as well as a cruel, offending animal. This dog will submit and respond to care and love, and will be devoted only to those he respects, and such respect must be earned.

We exhaust ourselves with training and pay close attention to every muscle on our body. But there are also plenty of these muscles on the face. And you shouldn’t forget about them.

It was proven a long time ago that even the most expensive creams “will not work” if the muscles on the face are weak and atonic. Fortunately, keeping them in good shape is not difficult. Moreover, such activities do not require either purchasing a card to a prestigious club or serious time investment. It is enough to remember a couple of exercises and repeat them as soon as you have a free minute.

Rat face

First, we wrinkle our nose, as in Figure 1. As if we tasted or smelled something nasty. And then we stretch the bridge of the nose and nasolabial area down (Fig. 2). Emphasis on the work of the bridge of the nose and the upper part of the nose. This may be difficult at first. Therefore, it is possible and even worth practicing in front of a mirror.

Eyebrows up and down

Imagine that you are sitting in front of your interlocutor. It is necessary, looking into his eyes, to be openly surprised or just as openly frown. The most important thing is to hear your muscles. Pull your eyebrows towards the sky so that you feel tension in the back of your head. The forehead, of course, will wrinkle. There is no need to be afraid of this. It's better to wince in training than in real life. An important element is the movement of the eyebrows. We need to force them to move from their usual place they have lived in for years.

Lips - "O-U-Y"

An excellent exercise that artists often use to develop their articulatory apparatus. First, we stretch out our lips with a pipe, depicting the letter “U”.

Then we stretch the letter "U" into the letter "O". Then from “O” we make “Y”. And so on in a circle for 1.5–2 minutes. The result will be “U-O-Y”, repeated continuously.

The lip muscles should be constantly tense. You can even sing these vowel sounds if no one is listening.

By the end of the exercise, you should feel numbness in your lips. If it’s not there, it means you didn’t try hard.

Gnawing a nut

Imagine a walnut that you definitely want to chew yourself, like in childhood. First, stretch the jaw down as much as possible.

Then we crack this nut with the left side. Then we stretch the jaw and chew the nut again, but with the right side.

This results in stretching of the jaw and training of the left and right bite. Attention! There is no need to clench your teeth.

In addition to training the nasolabial area and jaw muscles, the jaw joint is also trained.

If it creaked or clicked for you, it will soon stop.

Lips left and right

Variation of the previous exercise. With tense lips we move left and right. We don’t close our teeth, this is important.

Full face

Now the hardest part is training the entire face. First, we stretch the face, as in Figure 1. The eyebrows are up, the eyes are fully opened, the nasolabial area is stretched down, the lower jaw is necessarily pulled back. And don't be afraid of yourself. Next comes compression (Fig. 2). Eyebrows move down. The eyes close tightly.

Cheeks and cheekbones rise up. The lips depict the letter “Y”, as in the third exercise. The lower jaw returns to its original place, the teeth do not shrink. The hardest, but at the same time the most necessary thing in this exercise is to learn how to perform it with tension in all the muscles of the face.

After the exercise, your muscles will become tired and you will feel a surge of warmth. And after a month they will tell you that the skin has become more elastic, there are fewer wrinkles and the face looks fresher. Your girlfriends, who don’t throw around such compliments, will say this.

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