Watch dogs are the main character. Minor characters

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Who will outdrink whom, Chess, Cash Run.

  • Achievements .
  • general information

    Developer: Ubisoft. Publisher: Ubisoft.

    The time for a complete 100% completion of the game is 50 hours.

    Watch_Dogs. Walkthrough

    In Watch_Dogs, Chicago is subject to the Central Operating System (ctOS), which contains information about all the inhabitants. And whoever gains access to it will gain control of the city.

    Aiden Pearce is a prominent hacker with a criminal past, whose actions caused a tragedy. To avenge his family, he goes on the warpath - and you along with him. Aiden is able to hack and use everything that is connected to the city's information network - everything that surrounds him. Access security cameras, upload personal data, track people's location, control traffic lights and public transport...

    System requirements
    Watch_Dogs. Passage of the game on PC

    Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
    CPU 4 x 2.66 GHz
    (Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66Ghz)
    (AMD Phenom II X4 940 3.0Ghz)
    8 x 3.5 GHz
    (Intel Core i7-3770 3.5 GHz)
    (AMD FX-8350 X8 4GHz)
    video card 1 GB Video RAM
    (Nvidia GeForce GTX 460)
    (AMD Radeon HD 5770)
    DirectX 11
    2 GB Video RAM
    (Nvidia Geforce GTX 560ti)
    (AMD Radeon HD 7850)
    DirectX 11
    25 GB 25 GB
    operating system Windows Vista (SP2)
    Windows 7 (SP1)
    Windows 8 (64bit)
    Windows Vista (SP2)
    Windows 7 (SP1)
    Windows 8 (64bit)

    Passage of story missions. Act 1

    Act I mission selection menu:
    , , , , , , , , , , , .


    The game begins in the lobby of the expensive hotel "Merlaut" (Merlaut). Hacker Aiden Pearce (Aiden Pearce) and his accomplice Damien Brenks (Damien Brenks) break into the computer of one of the guests and steal money from an electronic account. But the protection system detects a hack in time, and the hacker is calculated. Aiden Pierce manages to escape from the scene of the crime, but his name is already becoming known.

    After that, we see how an unknown customer instructs the killer Maurice (Maurice) to kill the entire family of the hacker. After some time, a motorcyclist attacks Aiden Pierce's car and shoots her. The 6-year-old niece of the protagonist, Lena Pearce, dies in the accident.

    Mission 1. End of the eighth inning
    watch dogs. Walkthrough. Bottom of the Eighth

    After 11 months, Aiden Pearce finds his family's killer. In the basement of the baseball stadium we enter the technical room, we interrogate the killer Maurice. The customer's name cannot be found.

    We start playing. Aim (right mouse button) and shoot (left mouse button) at Maurice. But it was only a threat, there were no cartridges in the gun. When the hero turns away from the interrogated, we are preparing to repel the blow of the enemy (the "F" key is a quick action).

    Objective: Leave the locker room when ready

    Hack the mobile phone lying on the floor (key "Q" - hack). Listening Maurice audio recording 01 from the phone. On the right, you can hack a soda machine, but this is a useless action. On the shelf to the left of the door you can find medicines. At the left wall we take chemical component.

    We leave the room. On the way we meet another armed enemy with a tattoo on the floor of his face, but our accomplice neutralizes him in time. The accomplice fakes the murder of two people, and then reveals that he has already called the police. We urgently need to leave this place.

    Objective: Sneak past the Police

    There are two corridors ahead. First, we pass into the right corridor, in front we break open the washing machine. The police will go to this noise. We go to the left corridor. On the way, you can hide behind boxes and other objects (key "C"). We approach the car, turn left and exit the underground parking lot.

    Goal: Hack the camera

    We climb onto the trash can (spacebar), and from it to the second floor. Here on the left wall at the top we see a surveillance camera, hack it (hold down the “Q” key).

    Goal: Follow the data flow line to its source

    After hacking, the view from the camera is turned on. We aim the lens at the opposite wall, from here we hack the second video camera.

    Objective: Unlock the door

    From the second chamber we see two policemen, and to the right below them there is a switchboard on the wall, we break it open.

    Objective: Reach the upper level

    We pass forward, on the way we see a policeman.

    Goal: Use a lure to distract the coop

    On the nearest table we take electronic parts. Open the weapon menu (middle mouse button), select the "Baits" section (switch positions by moving the mouse), assemble the device from the parts (key "E"). We throw the device to the specified point (the "G" key).

    As the policeman walks to the right at the sound, we quietly move forward to the escalator.

    We pass into the hall, where there are a lot of people. Hiding behind the counter, we can view the personal data of people standing nearby (the "Z" key). Some of them allow you to withdraw some money from your mobile account. In the corridor we approach the ATM, we take the stolen money.

    We pass along the corridor. Ahead behind the glass we see the fans at the stadium. We turn left, behind the glass doors we see two policemen. Here, Aiden Pierce calls a familiar hacker, nicknamed Hooligan17 (Badboy17), and asks for help to gain access to the information network of the building.

    Goal: find and hack the guard system (Find and hack the guard with the access code)

    On the ceiling above the policemen we find a camera, break it open. We look forward from the camera, on the second red column we break open another video camera. From here we crack the phone of one of the guards on the right.

    Goal: Hack into the stadium's network

    We turn the video camera to the left, we see a red column next to the doors, we break open the shield on it.

    Goal: Create a blackout

    We get into the server room, here we turn off the power supply above the cabinets.

    Goal: to leave the stadium (Escape the stadium)

    The lights are turned off. Ahead, two guards move to the left, one continues to look to the right. We quickly pass to the opposite wall behind the back of the guard. Then we go along the wall to the left side. The police will not notice us even at a distance of a couple of meters. We leave the room.

    On the way out, the hero calls his Asian accomplice, his name is Jordi Chin. Then we go through the cafe to the street.

    Objective: Leave the police search area

    Police cars are already gathering outside the stadium building. We just move forward without drawing attention to ourselves. Geordie Chin suggests going to the left, where a getaway car is already prepared in the garage. But you can hide in another way: at the crossroads you can turn left, walk to the river bank, get on a boat and go away.

    Objective: Reach your hideout

    We open the global map (key "M"), on the western island we see the goal of the task, we swim to it. We go to the motel, on the second floor we enter our room.

    In your room, you can hack the device lying on the table, listen to audio recording of Aiden Pearce 05. On the bedside table in the corner we take electronic parts, in the bathroom we take chemical components and unstable chemical components. At the chest of drawers near the bathroom, you can change the hero's clothes, but so far there is nothing but a standard costume.

    Goal: go to sleep (Go to sleep)

    Having examined all the shelter, we lay down on the bed, we fall asleep until the morning.

    Teaching mission. Crime detection
    watch dogs. Walkthrough site

    Goal: Exit your motel room

    We go outside, we see several people and their personal data.

    Purpose: to check people for crime around your hideout (Profile people for potential crimes near your hideout)

    We walk around the motel, hack into ordinary people's cell phones in search of information. Someone can eavesdrop on a conversation, someone can download a melody to their mobile, someone can withdraw a small amount of money from their mobile account.

    After some time, a criminal action will be discovered in the neighboring quarter.

    Purpose: to study potential crime areas (Investigate the potential crime area)

    We focus on the minimap in the lower right corner, go to the blue triangle symbol. We approach the courtyard where the crime is being committed. But you can’t go there right away, first you need to collect evidence.

    Hack the camera hanging on the building next to the Italian store. We turn the camera into the alley on the right, hack the second camera. We direct the 2nd camera down, shoot how two people communicate. The camcorder triggers an alarm.

    Goal: stop the crime (Stop the criminal)

    We catch up with the fleeing criminal. You can shoot at him from afar, but if we take him alive, we will get more experience. You can catch up with a person at the intersection if you break the traffic light in time and turn on the red light. We stun the criminal (key "F").

    Additional mission completed. For this we get an increase in reputation.

    Mission 2. Big brother
    watch dogs. Walkthrough. 2. Big Brother

    After completing the first missions, we can safely move around the city. To continue to complete the main story quests, turn on the map (key "M"), find the yellow hexagon symbol (the next mission is in the northern part of the left island), make a route to it (left mouse button). Arriving at the place, hold down the "E" key to start the mission.

    Goal: Join the party in the backyard

    We approach the house, decorated balloons. This is the house where the remaining family of the hero lives - sister Nicky and her 10-year-old son Jackson. On the path we go around the house on the right side. Meet the family in the backyard.

    Objective: Enter Nicky's house (Head inside Nicky's home)

    We keep talking at home. At this time, Nicky receives a call from a stranger.

    Objective: Listen in on Nick's phone

    Hack the phone and listen to the conversation. A stranger is threatening our family. Determine the location of the caller.

    Objective: Take down the suspect

    We go outside and immediately get into the nearest car. On an adjacent street, the suspect leaves in his car, we are chasing him. It is impossible to cut along the neighboring streets, as the suspect will go to an underground tunnel to another island.

    To stop the criminal's car, you can hack traffic lights at intersections. When his car stops, we go out and shoot the enemy.

    Goal: Hack the caller's phone for answers

    We break into a mobile phone, find out some information. Further, the hero contacts the hacker Hooligan17. Together they agree to hack the city's ctOS network to get the information they need.

    Mission 3. Backstage Pass
    watch dogs. Walkthrough. 3. Backstage pass

    Looking for: Buy the 416 assault rifle

    We enter the weapons store, we communicate with the seller (key "E"). In the purchase menu in the second tab, we buy weapons 416 for $ 1200.

    Objective: Locate a guard with the access code

    We drive up to a closed area, highlighted in red on the minimap. We bought a rifle as a last resort, it is not necessary to shoot here. It is also not necessary to enter a closed area.

    We stand in front of the closed gate, break open the video camera hanging on the pole on the right. Hack the 2nd chamber in the lower right corner of the building, from it into the chamber above the stairs.

    Goal: Hack the guard for the access code

    Inside the room behind the right wall is a guard who has an access code. We pass into the camera on the left, inspect the guard and download the code from him.

    Goal: Use access code to reach the servers

    We return to the previous chamber above the stairs. From here we look forward, hack the sound device, which attracts the attention of the guards. We quickly move to the video camera on the chest of one of the guards. When the guard goes and looks behind the boxes, we break open the shield on the wall. We get into the line hacking menu.

    Puzzle Network. Here we rotate the circles with switches (key “Q”) so that they close the line, coloring it blue. Section 1 is a straight line. 2nd section - a line with one loop, here it is necessary that two blue lines come to the castle symbol at once. 3rd section - a line with a loop, where one node is colored red - this is a burglary detection device. It is better to turn the red node last, because after turning it, the countdown timer will turn on.

    Hacking the line, we get into the video camera inside the server room. We hack the server, we get access to the city network of this area.

    Goal: Leave the area

    If you do not arrange a firefight in the mission, then leaving the zone will be as easy as shelling pears.

    Teaching mission. network hacking
    Walkthrough Watchdogs

    Objective: Find the enemy hacker (Find 2XTheTap)

    Aiden Pearce isn't the only successful hacker in town. Right before the start of the next story mission, someone remotely hacks into our cell phone and starts downloading all the data. We can only roughly determine the location of the enemy hacker.

    The hacker is somewhere in a small park, you need to find him among ordinary passers-by. The only thing known is that he must have a cell phone. The screen shows the progress of downloading our data. If we fail to reach 100%, the mission will fail.

    The hacker turns out to be a man walking around the park wearing a brown jacket (perhaps the appearance of the person is chosen randomly with each new passage).

    Goal: Kill the hacker before he escapes (Kill 2XTheTap before he evades)

    The found person must be killed. If we don’t catch him on foot, he will cross the road and get into the car, you will need to catch up with him by car.

    Hiding from the crime scene. You can easily break away from police cars if you raise the sliding bridge behind you or close the metal gate behind you.

    Purpose: enable the application of online contracts (Access the Online Contract App)

    After completing the mission, the game prompts us to look at a list of such additional missions, for this we open the map (the "M" key), go to the map of online contracts (the "right" key). Such missions are highlighted on the map. purple. Initially, in each district of the city there is one such task. You can play online contracts only if the game is connected to UPlay servers (not available on pirated copies of the game).

    Goal: select a contract and request a target (Select Online Hacking and request a target)

    Select any task and try to enable it. Even if it fails to connect to the UPlay server, the task will still be completed.

    The threat of hacking has been eliminated, now you can return to the passage of the story mission.

    Mission 4. A seat in the back seat
    Passage of Watch Dogs. 4. Backseat driver

    Asian mercenary Jordi Chin offers to perform one of the tasks assigned to him by the customers.

    Objective: Reach the West Island for the driving contract

    On the spot, we get the task to lead a person through police checkpoints.

    Objective: Reach the fugitive undetected

    We're going north. We constantly look at the minimap, yellow circles appear there - search zones, if we do not leave such a circle in time, then the police will begin to pursue us. If caught, first you need to hide from the police, then continue the task.

    We approach the garage, break open the gate, inside we find a car and an armed man in the back seat.

    Goal: Escape the lockdown area undetected

    We are on a small intermediate island, here all the bridges are blocked, the only way out of the encirclement is to go to the south of the island. Two parallel streets lead south, but they are constantly patrolled by police cars and one helicopter. Our task is to drive through the alleys, hiding from the police. When one of the cars of the cops will pass by, turn off the engine and hide in the car (key "F"). When the danger has passed, we turn on the car engine again and drive on.

    Objective: Deliver the fugitive and avoid all detection

    On the southern edge of the island, one of the roads is not blocked, we pass through it. We go to the designated area. Inside, there is a disassembly between the client and the customer, Lucky Kunn. Let's leave this place.

    Mission 5. Open your world
    watch dogs. open your world

    Goal: Meet with Badboy17

    We go to the underground passage, we meet with the hacker Hooligan17, who turns out to be an informal girl named Clara Lille. It downloads utilities to our phone for hacking the city's ctOS network (now we have access to almost all the abilities on the "Skills" tab). But now you need to get access to the ctOS central office.

    Objective: Reach the ctOS Executive Offices

    On the underground parking we go to the goal. There is a restricted area patrolled by a dozen guards. You won’t be able to pass unnoticed here, but before the start of the battle, you can hack a video camera to inspect the area, count the guards, and possibly eliminate someone with an electronic explosion. After that, we enter the zone and shoot the guards. The locked door can be opened by breaking the shield on the wall on the right.

    Objective: Locate a guard with the access code

    We enter the office. Here, on the lower floor, we also hack the cameras, count the enemies, then destroy them with precision. We get an access code from one of the guards, he walks along the central path of the lower floor. On the second floor we find a panel for using the access key.

    Purpose: to gain access to an unsecured computer (Hack the access point to breach the unsecured laptop)

    We hack the network. This time the puzzles have become an order of magnitude more difficult.

    1 network. First, turn the switches on the left and right to power the central node of the network. We remove the lock from the central node. Then we turn the left switch to the position from the bottom to the left, the central one - from the bottom up and to the right, the right one - from the left to the top.

    2 network. We turn the switches so that the flow of information goes first up, then to the lower node, and from it to the right to the final node. (If you get confused, you can start building the flow from the end node to the start one, so one single solution will be immediately visible).

    Goal: Hack the laptop (Hack the laptop to upload a virus and give Clara access)

    Having hacked the network, we look through the video camera at the boss of the security department of the Bloom corporation. While he is talking on the phone, we download a virus to him and hack into his computer.

    Objective: Escape the Plaza

    Access has been obtained, now we quickly leave the building - through the second floor we go out into the street.

    Purpose: to prevent the police from being called (Escape the Police scan undetected)

    Enemies have discovered a hack in the system, and are now trying to call the police. Hacker Hooligan17 gives us a special Jam Coms ability - blocking outgoing calls ("G" key). We immediately use this ability so that the enemies are left without reinforcements (the ability temporarily stops the yellow search zone).

    Mission 6. Thanks for the advice
    Passage of Watch Dogs. 6. Thanks for the tip

    Goal: Reach the mystery caller's signal source

    We come to a deserted alley, climb the boxes to the second floor. There are many items around that can be hacked and blown up, but while we do not touch them, they will come in handy later.

    Goal: Pinpoint the signal's location

    On the wall we see a ctOS network shield, but its signal is protected on both sides.

    Goal: Find and activate the ctOS Boxes

    Hack the video camera on the right on the wall. From the camera we look to the right at a high illuminated area, there we break open the second video camera. With the 2nd camera we look down at the site, we break open the first signal blocker.

    The second blocker cannot be seen from here. We return to the control of the hero, go down, go to a well-lit alley. At the left wall around the corner we see a small elevator. From above, around the corner, next to the elevator, there is a video camera, we hack it. We look directly from the camera, on the opposite wall we break open the second blocker.

    Purpose: Access the building network to reach the signal source

    We return to the ctOS shield and begin to hack it.

    1 network. On both sides we bring the signal to the blocked node, open it. The triple switch is turned down, the unlocked switch is turned to the right.

    2 network. We bring a signal to the blocked node from three sides, open it. First we draw the upper signal to the left, along the upper path we bring it to the end point. On the unlocked switch, we draw the signal to the right. Another signal is carried out along the lower path.

    Goal: Investigate the apartment

    The view from the camcorder is turned on. Hack the camera near the laptop. Then we hack the phone. An old acquaintance gets in touch - hacker Damien Brenks.

    Goal: kill all enemies or escape (Kill all fixers or escape)

    At this time, the alley was surrounded by hired killers and killers. You can’t leave the shelter, so we hack cameras and explosive devices around to kill enemies.

    In a minute, the light will go out in the alley. In the dark, we can quickly get out of the environment. We leave from behind the shelter, we run forward, we jump to the ground, we run into the door on the right, we get to the underground parking lot. From here we leave by car and leave the danger zone.

    Objective: Follow the traced call to Damien

    We arrive at the memorial. Near the statue of infinity we find old man Damien. He tells us everything he knows and offers to work together as before, but Aiden Pearce refuses.

    Passage of Watch Dogs. Remember

    We just come to the cemetery, watch a video - a memory.

    Mission 7. And this is not pizza
    Watch_Dogs. Walkthrough Not the Pizza Guy

    Geordie Chin informs us that after the showdown under the stadium, a man with a tattoo on his face survived. Now he is in jail and ready to testify against us. We need to get in touch with the prison authorities.

    Objective: Climb to meet Jordi on the patio deck

    We climb along the right column to the balcony of the second floor. Our accomplice has already tied up the tenants of the apartment and set up a sniper point here. (In one of the rooms we find audio recording of Malcolm Deodato 02). Our task is to get to the other side of the river.

    Objective: Infiltrate the rail yard

    We get down from the balcony, go down to the pier. We sit in the boat, sail to the left pier on the other side. Before entering the restricted area, we hack the video camera, through it we blow up a couple of enemies. We go in and finish off the rest. Sniper Jordi will help us.

    Objective: Eavesdrop on the enemy boss (Interrogate the Fixer Boss)

    Ahead is a locked door. The blocker is located on the wall of a small two-story building near the shore. You can hack the camera on the second floor of the building, look down through the latticed balcony and break the blocker.

    We enter the door, we interrogate the wounded boss of the eliminaters Lance Brenner. It tells the story of a man named Angelo Tucci, who arranges illegal torture and interrogation in prison.

    Goal: kill the fixers or escape (Kill all fixers of escape)

    We go back to the street, enemy reinforcements have already arrived here. You can only kill nearby enemies, run along the right wall, and quickly return to the boat. One of Aiden Pearce's abilities is to temporarily disable the helicopter's electronics, use it (first you need to purchase it in the skills menu). Temporarily turning off the helicopter, we board the boat and leave the danger zone.

    Mission 8. Spoke in the wheel
    Watch_Dogs. Walkthrough on PC. A Wrench in the works

    Objective: Find Angelo Tucci's niece (Use the Profiler to find Angelo Tucci's niece)

    Hacker Clara Lille did not find Angelo Tucci himself, but she roughly located his niece. Let's go look for her.

    We enter the lobby of the skyscraper building. There is a musician with a trumpet near the "Connelly Square" sign, and next to him is our target - Helena Tucci.

    Goal: hack the niece's phone (Hack the niece's phone)

    You can’t get close, we hack the phone from at least 8 meters. At first, the hero calls Helena's phone, introducing himself as a policeman. After that, Helena will call her uncle. At this moment, we hack into her phone and determine where her relative is.

    Goal: Kill Angelo Tucci before he reaches the prison

    Angelo is driving on the east freeway, moving from north to south. We go out into the street, get into the first car that comes across, reach the right intersection, turn right, after that we can go straight to the freeway without turning anywhere.

    On the highway, we leave the car across the road, go out and pick up a rifle. It's good to have a sniper rifle with you, but a regular assault rifle will work too. (If enough money has already been accumulated, then in general you can buy a grenade launcher in a weapons store). Angelo Tucci is driving in a motorcade of three cars, we need to aim at the middle one.

    Objective: Eliminate Angelo before he escapes

    If it was not possible to kill Angelo with an aimed shot, then we shoot the car at the wheels, so it will not go far. We kill the enemy.

    Objective: Kill Angelo's alies or escape

    It's easier to destroy two more bandit cars than to run away from them.

    Mission 9. Redhead doesn't suit you
    Watch_Dogs. Dressed in Peels

    The hero comes to prison and surrenders to the police to get to the witness. He is placed in one of the cells.

    Goal: Escape your cell

    We look out the door window. In prison, almost all the guards have a hidden video camera on their chests. Hack the first camera.

    We are trying to break into the guard's camera on the opposite side of the second floor. If we can’t aim, we try to get into it through other video cameras.

    From the camera of the second guard, we hack the video camera in the control room. Hack the remote control inside the room.

    Objective: Locate the survivor

    Going out into the corridor, we immediately hide behind the columns (key "C"). The guards must not be seen, they must not be hit from behind either, otherwise the mission will fail. We examine everything through video cameras, then we begin to move. Running between the columns, we get to the stairs, wait until the guard turns away below, go down and hide under the stairs. We run into the control room of the first floor.

    Objective: Access the network to view the exercise yard

    We pass through the room to the landing. On the second floor in an empty room you can take electronic parts And audio recording of Malcolm Deodato 03. On the third floor, a guard is on duty in the room, you can’t go there, but you can open the doors and hack the cell phone on the table from afar, for this we get Damian Brenks audio recording 08.

    In the next block of the building we go down to the first floor, run into a separate room. Here, only two guards move through two rooms. We break into the video camera of the first guard, through it we break into the second, and then - the shield on the wall.

    1 network. First, turn all the switches on the top and bottom. Only after that turn the triple switch to the left. We unlock the node, from the triple switch we draw the signal to the right to the final node.

    Objective: Find the stadium survivor: Raul Lionzo

    We switch between video cameras, peer into the faces of prisoners to see their names. The one we're looking for is lying down at the double gate at the entrance to the exercise yard. We see how two guards take Raul to the basement for torture.

    Objective: Get to the survivor in the basement

    We break open the video camera on the first guard, from it we break open the shield in the far right corner. We return to the hero. We lean against the wall, imperceptibly move forward. We wait until both guards turn away in the other direction, at this time we quickly run into the opened elevator.

    Objective: Take out the survivor in the basament

    We enter the room, we take a shotgun on the box, we begin to shoot enemies.

    After the victory, a heavily armored enemy will descend into the basement. We hide behind the corners, constantly shoot at the armored car, break open explosive devices. As soon as the enemy approaches, we run back around the other corner. Having dealt more than 20 shots, we destroy the enemy.

    We go to the door, break it open. We communicate with prisoner Raul Lionzo, who has a tattoo on the floor of his face.

    Goal: Exit the prison

    We pass into the hall. There's a locked barred door here. We enter the right door, in the room we find medicines, Ingredients And audio recording of Malcolm Deodato 04. Through the window of the room we break open the shield behind the bars. We go outside.

    Goal: escape from the police (Escape the Police)

    On the street we were surrounded by policemen. We immediately hide behind the nearest shelter. We get into any car, accelerate and drive onto the springboard in the far left corner of the roof. So we get on the subway rails. You can drive along the rails to another island, the police cars will not catch up with us, and the helicopter can be hacked with a special skill.

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    As we know, the next part of the game about hackers Watch Dogs 2 went on sale the other day. This time you will play as another hero named Marcus in the city of San Francisco. But the developers did not forget about the fans of the first part and therefore added several old characters. In this article, we will introduce all watch dogs 2 characters.

    Marcus Holloway from watch dogs 2

    Marcus Holloway - main character in Game Watch Dogs 2. Marcus is a talented hacker who has teamed up with the DedSec hacker group in the city of San Francisco to fight against the corrupt ctOS system.

    Wrench from watch dogs 2

    Wrench- member of the DedSec group, best friend Marcus and a professional hacker. DedSec knows a guy who is in a hacker group and is also a full-fledged anarchist. A rather ambiguous personality, no one knows who he is, as Wrench wears a bizarre mask with an eye-level LED display that shows various emotions in the form of emoji.

    Sitar from watch dogs 2

    Sitar- is also a member of DedSec and, accordingly, an ally of Marcus.

    Joshua from watch dogs 2

    Joshua- the most human of the entire DedSec group. Rarely expresses his opinion, but he is an important member of the group. Joshua is the "brain" of this cell, the main coder. Any technical issue is resolved through it. This hacker can hack anything, bypass any firewall.

    Raymond "T-Bone" Kinney from watch dogs 2

    Raymond "T-Bone" Kinney- also known as T-Bone Grady is the deuteragonist of Watch Dogs, the main protagonist of Watch Dogs: Bad Blood, and the main character of Watch Dogs 2.

    Ranch Junior of watch dogs 2

    Ranch Junior- DedSec's companion robot.

    Other characters in Watch Dogs 2

    All the main characters of Watch Dogs 2 were presented above, but all the other heroes, from secondary to antagonists:

    Horace- An ally of Marcus Holloway, a hacker.
    Dumash Nemech is the main antagonist of the game. CEO Blume Corporation.
    Mark Truss- antagonist. Congressman who plans to rig an election.
    Lenny is an antagonist who is the leader of the hacker group Prime_Eight.
    Aiden Pearce is a hacker who left Chicago after the events of the first part. Ally of Marcus.
    Geordie Chin- remover. Hired Marcus to eliminate the Russian mafia.
    Zodiac- The antagonist in the DLC mission.

    Voiced by (original): Ellen David

    Yolanda Mendez is a famous child psychologist. She was involved in the treatment of Jackson Pierce from the psychological trauma resulting from the death of his sister Lena Pierce. When, on a tip from Damien Branks, Nicole Pierce was kidnapped, Jackson escaped. Aiden, who eventually found his nephew, left him in Yolanda's care. In the credits, it is revealed that she is studying Aiden Pearce and is writing a book about him.

    Charlotte Gardner

    Voiced by (original): Holly O'Brien

    Charlotte Gardner is Vice President of Communications at Blume Corporation, responsible for positive reaction people and media on ctOS. In public speeches, he praises ctOS, assures him of its effectiveness and benefits for Chicago, despite ongoing hacks and exploitation of the system by hackers.

    Donna Poppy Dean

    Voiced by (original): Olunike Adeliyi

    Donna Dean grew up in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Chicago, The Words. Unable to pay off her debts, she was sold into slavery as a teenager. At the time of her meeting with Aiden, she was a living toy for visitors to one of the "Gentlemen's Clubs" of Chicago, where, in order to avoid even the possibility of escape, tattoos were applied to the upper part of the neck, which are used as a club tracking device.

    Status: Deceased
    Profession: Philanthropist

    "It's suicide, you know? Kill me and you'll open a door you can never close..." words by Joseph DeMarco to Aiden Pearce.

    Joseph DeMarco is one of the most important and influential philanthropists in the Chicago digital art scene. He is a sponsor of the Dot ConneXion team. Also a kill target in Watch Dogs. Demarco can be killed in the mission "Killing Demarco" where Pierce met Geordie at the Dot ConneXion expo, as shown in the E3 gameplay video.

    The Dot ConneXion website mentions that Joseph DeMarco died "in a tragic and completely unplanned accident".

    This means that the death of the character is confirmed and he most likely will not appear at all in final version games.

    Police file:

    Records show that he was charged with various crimes, including perjury, conspiracy and incitement to murder. However, due to the events taking place in Watch Dogs, he was acquitted of all charges.

    Tyrone Bedbug Hayes

    Voiced by (original): Randall Charles Wilkinson

    Tyrone "Bedbug" Hayes is a lieutenant of the Black Viceroys and part-time cousin of Anthony "Iraq" Wade. Probably brought up by his grandmother, not very smart, and quite lazy. Upon joining Viceroy, Bedbug was immediately given an honorary rank in the gang due to family ties to Iraq. We despise Iraq because he is lazy and cowardly like their grandmother's bulldog. Trying to impress his brother and get to the top of the gang hierarchy.

    Nicholas Crispin

    Voiced by (original): Julian Casey

    Nicholas Crispin - Twelve years before the events of Watch Dogs, he escaped to Europe from the United States of America. During his stay in Europe, he gained a reputation for being rude, killing his mistresses, and was even accused of torturing people and acts of cannibalism. Returned to the United States at the invitation of Lucky Quinn to a human auction.

    Lena Pierce

    Voiced by (original): Teal Bishoprick

    Lena Violet Pierce - daughter of Nicole Pierce, was born three years after the birth of her older brother Jackson Pierce. Together with her brother, she was very close to her uncle Aiden, for whom these children were like their own, and he was like a father to them. She liked to go to Chicago's Pawnee area. She was interested in dolls, music, animal worlds and dancing.

    Died as a result failed attempt intimidate Aiden Pearce. Her death had a very profound effect on her family. Lena Jackson's brother got PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), which left him unable to talk to anyone except his mother.

    Jackson Pierce

    Voiced by (original): Nicholas Bowde

    Jackson Kent Pierce is the son of Nicole Pierce and the older brother of the deceased Lena Pierce. Was in a car with his uncle Aiden and younger sister Lena who was attacked and killed. After this incident, he developed PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), which left him unable to speak to anyone except his mother, Nicole Pierce.

    bad blood

    In Aiden's audio log, which can be found in Nicole's house, it is revealed that Jenson now lives in St. Louis with his mother in a much larger house. Aiden says with joy in his voice that his nephew has again become the child he was before the death of his sister, and almost forgot about that terrible incident.

    Nicole Pierce

    Voiced by (original): Anna Hopkins

    Nicole Anna Pierce was born five years later than her older brother Aiden Pierce. IN early age moment, together with his brother and mother, they left for the United States to protect themselves from their father.

    At some point, she married and had two children: Jackson and Lena, both of whom were very close to their Uncle Aiden. She divorced her husband sometime between 2006 and 2012. After the death of her daughter Lena, Jackson remained her only child. Aiden vowed to protect them from all threats to which they might be exposed.

    Bad Blood

    In this add-on, if you enter her house, you can find an audio recording of her brother Aiden. He claims that Nicole and her son now live in the city of "St. Louis", and that he rented a hotel in that city to see them. He also talks about how his nephew, Jackson, was able to recover from the incident with the death of his younger sister, Lena.

    Donovan Rushmore

    Voiced by (original): Michael Perron

    Donovan Rushmore - Mayor of Chicago. Maintains relationships with BLUME Corporation and business people to implement ctOS in Chicago. Essentially, Mayor Rushmore was chosen by BLUME to promote ctOS. To win the election, the "Candidate" program was used, which uses something close to mass hypnosis. Using ctOS, the Candidate outputted small doses of information that convinced the people of Chicago to vote for Donovan Rushmore. He himself was blackmailed by Lucky Quinn. The video in which Rushmore killed Rose Washington served as compromising evidence.

    Rose Washington

    Voiced by (original): Mylène Robic

    Rose Washington - Along with Raymond Kinney and Tobias Frewer, she pioneered ctOS, and was involved in the development of ctOS in the bunker. She was forced to resign from BLUME Corporation around the same time that Raymond Kinney was forcibly fired from the same company. After that, she stayed in Chicago to investigate the ins and outs of BLUME. Unfortunately for her, she was ultimately used as a pawn by BLUME and Lucky Quinn to blackmail Donovan Rushmore and get Chicago into their own hands. They used ctOS along with the Candidate program to manipulate Rose Washington and Donovan Rushmore's relationship, and through this manipulation lead to an incident in which Rushmore kills Rose. All this was recorded on camera, and became compromising material, which blackmailed Mayor Rushmore.

    _Age: 39

    _Location: Owl Motel, Parker Square

    _Fraction: Hacker

    Aiden Pearce is a skilled computer hacker who has full access to the central operating system (ctOS) of the city of Chicago and is obsessed with surveillance, security, and control. His close people in the past were seriously affected and in order to avoid a repetition of events, Aidan became much more circumspect. His obsession has reached such an extent that he began to control his own family, although the latter are unaware of this. He is the main character in Watch_Dogs and is described as someone who tries to stay neutral at all times. Thanks to his Profiler, Aiden can access control of any computer system around him at any time. This allows him to control the entire city and use it as a weapon. He can both jam and listen telephone conversations, and control traffic lights, sliding bridges, interfere with the movement of an electric train, connect to city surveillance cameras, and so on.

    Appearance: looks like white man medium height with medium length brown hair. He wears black boots and jeans, a light gray sweater, a dark brown coat, and an olive-colored baseball cap. He also occasionally wears a black buff over his nose and mouth to hide his face. At the beginning of the events of the game's plot, Aiden is 39 years old.

    Story: Aiden was born in Belfast, which is located in Northern Ireland, but is a US citizen. The local police have a warrant for his arrest and Pierce has to always be on the alert and avoid any contact with law enforcement. His family's reasons for moving to America are unknown, but presumably because of his desire to break with the underworld. Aiden grew up in a dysfunctional area and is used to seeing violence around him, so it's no wonder that this dirt immediately draws him in. It is Pierce's criminal past that has led to a serious family tragedy that pushes him to take control of all of Chicago. He uses the city as his weapon to find and hunt the people who caused this misfortune. In order to protect his loved ones from trouble, he watches over them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in secret from themselves. Unfortunately, his family will be threatened once again and Pierce is forced to take justice into his own hands to face a corrupt system by any means necessary.

    I see, all of a sudden, so many connoisseurs and wise men have accumulated, typing with a slight movement of their fingers about what the second part is *sheep game because of the stupid plot with hipsters, and the first part is all exquisite neo-noir. The second part of the "doggies" is much better than the first.

    Yes, yes, even all this stupid frivolity helped the sequel a lot. This allowed the game to make a lot of crazy episodes and diversify additional missions for once (awesome achievements for Ubisoft, let's be honest). I remember references to "Alien" and "Predator", creative screensavers of "Dedsec" itself, a very funny episode with breaking into ATMs, where you analyzed people through the camera and, according to your convictions, gave / did not give them money; I also remember a parody of Martin Shkreli is a hated by all billionaire pharmacist who loves hip-hop (the way his main characters fooled was really funny). what cheerful in the second part it was. It was just that the script was written by adults who have little understanding of the current trends of Internet culture. An unexpected reference to the film "Short Circuit" and the general hypertrophy of all this carbon monoxide nonsense confirm this. something, if all the shortcomings lie on the surface, and your hate is backed up by popular opinion - easy glory, in our case likes.

    And what about the original? Neo-noir at the level of stereotypes - Aiden Pearce in a coat with a deliberately sore throat, very secondary archetypes of the criminal world, and even with hacker ones in addition (punk, visually simple hack, mega-hacks). The soundtrack played on the atmosphere in the first part, a couple of missions in the style of the first minutes of the film "Drive" and at times gloomy weather - that's it. Audio recordings added a little depth, but for the most part they gave a clearer understanding of Maurice's motivation and the Default (in a rat mask) praised by the narrow-minded players. The gloomy surroundings of the first part do not work , because he, unfortunately, is not backed up by anything. Aiden Pearce is not Agent 47 - it makes no sense for him to be an overly depressive phlegmatic person. This causes so many complaints from me due to the fact that he sometimes behaved like a generally ordinary person .Apparently, such an image goes very well with a smartly staged trailer, and revenge is an ideal basis for building a simple plot. I do not argue that there were moments in the game: T-Bone with his insane set of traps, again moments in the spirit of a tense introduction to "Drive", partly the finale, in which Aiden understood that the people's avenger was getting rid of garbage contrary to his happy life.

    The debut "work_together" was clearly made schematically and without enthusiasm, as if the developers relied only on the stand-out concept of hacking, and there was no talent to tell exactly the story with all these inspiring resources of the campaign. Therefore, the second part so sharply became positive, because the excessive earthiness immediately binds hands.

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