Fortune telling for the betrothed during the day. How to find out the name of your future husband by his hand? Christmas fortune telling for your future spouse

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Surely, the most common fortune telling, which all representatives of the fair sex resort to, is fortune telling for the betrothed. All single girls are very interested in finding out what kind of prince fate has in store for them, so this method has been actively used for many centuries.

How to guess:
Focus and don't think about anything for 2-3 minutes. Free your mind. Imagine your future chosen one, your wedding, marriage. Start fortune telling - draw 5 cards.

Select the first card:

Tell your fortune again

Tell your fortune again

You can repeat fortune telling, but it’s better after 5-10 minutes.

We bring to your attention time-tested fortune telling methods that will tell you the appearance, name and other signs of your future spouse.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a ring

You will need to find a very ordinary glass with a flat bottom. It is unacceptable that there are drawings or edges on it.

Fortune telling is performed in a calm environment, so that no one disturbs you or distracts you from what is happening.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

This method of fortune-telling shows the highest results at Christmas and during the week of Christmastide.

Before 12 o'clock at night, you should prepare a mirror and bring several Christmas tree branches. Before you go to bed, write down on the mirror the name of the person you are interested in or your secret wish. The next morning, as soon as they wake up, they look at the mirror.

If the entry disappears, this means the obligatory fulfillment of what you want, and also portends your imminent marriage. And if no changes have occurred, everything in your life will remain the same as it was.

But know that this will be a bad omen for the person whose name is inscribed on the mirror. For this reason, before you begin to perform fortune telling, it would be a good idea to think carefully. In addition, you can always use your wish instead of a name.

Find out other interesting methods of fortune telling from this video

Herbal divination

If you are interested in collecting herbs and enjoy making herbal teas for the winter, you can use this effective fortune telling.

You will need to stock up on twelve varieties of different herbs. For each of them, come up with a specific desire, what you expect in the field of personal relationships in the near future.

To do this, take pieces of paper and write on them everything that you dream about or what you fear.

For example, “This year I will meet my soulmate,” “I will be alone throughout the year,” “I am marrying my lover,” and so on.

Then you will need to carefully attach each strip to the flower. Then, when this manipulation is completed, you blindfold yourself with a ribbon and randomly pull out a flower with a note. What is written in it will definitely come true during the current year.

Fortune telling by the name of the future spouse

This method is very simple and easy to implement in real life. You will need to stock up on several sheets of paper, each with any name of the man written on it. Place the leaves in any container (you can use a hat for this purpose).

Then you need to shake the leaves and pull out one of them to choose from. The name you pull out will be the name of your future spouse.

Fortune telling by rice grains

Take a jar of rice and place it in front of you. You need to hold your left hand over it so that your palm faces down. Mentally concentrate on your request, and then ask it out loud.

Then take a handful of rice out of the container and scatter it on a napkin. Count the fallen rice grains.

If the number of them is odd, it means that you are receiving a negative answer to your question from the Higher Powers, and if it is an even number, the answer is positive.

Fortune telling by bulbs

You need to take the bulbs and put the name of the potential groom on each of them with a felt-tip pen or paint. Then all the bulbs are placed in jars with water, and we wait until one of them begins to sprout.

The bulb that sprouts first represents the winner of the tournament. This means that your spouse will be called exactly as indicated on it.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

There are very interesting variations of telling fortunes about your future spouse using night dreams.

Fortune telling with a comb

When you are about to go to bed, you need to place a comb with a mirror under your pillow and say the following words at this moment:

“My betrothed, my mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my hair.”

The main condition of the described method is to go to bed with uncombed curls.

Fortune telling with a castle

Only those girls who have long hair can use this method. The fortune telling is that before going to bed you will need to braid your hair. And when you are already falling asleep, put a new lock into the braid, lock it with the key and say the following:

“My betrothed, the mummer, come to me in a dream, ask for the key and open the lock.”

After this, the key goes under the mattress, and you wait until your betrothed comes to you in a night dream.

Fortune telling with water

There is another interesting way to tell fortunes about your future husband using water. Before going to bed, you will need to place a jug of water and a mug at the head of the bed. And before you fall asleep, say the following words out loud:

“You will get tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have fresh water, come to me, I’ll give you a drink of it.”

Then you are baptized three times and can go to bed peacefully. After this, your future spouse should appear to you in a dream and ask you for a drink of water.

There are many different fortune telling for your future spouse. The main thing in this process is sincere faith in positive result and compliance with all rules of fortune telling. Also, the highest results are obtained from fortune-telling performed during the holidays, since at this time our world is in close contact with the otherworldly, and it becomes possible to obtain hidden information.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

As soon as girls grow up, they develop an interest in their future chosen one, destined by fate.

Fortune telling for a betrothed has been popular since ancient times. Our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers bewitched their future groom.

To this day, there are many different ways to find out which of the guys will become a reliable support in the future life.

You can see the groom in a dream or find out a little more about him using other proven means, which have been resorted to since ancient times.

But let's talk about everything in order.

At night, when everyone goes to bed, the girl should sit by the closed window and light a candle. Say to yourself: “Betrothed, mummer, drive past the window.”

If after some time she hears people driving loudly screaming and whistling, then this is a good sign, promising a cheerful married life and a rich groom.

If they pass or drive by very quietly, then the future spouse will have a poor financial situation.

Fortune telling by fence

A girl who wants to know her fate walks along the fence, counts the stakes and says: “Rich, poor, widower, single.” Whatever word he stops at, that’s what her husband will be.

Fortune telling by comb

In the barn or in the house at night you need to hang a comb on a thread with thoughts of your beloved.

According to an old belief, the groom should come at night and comb his hair. In the morning you can tell by the color of his hair what he will be like.

Fortune telling with water before bed

Before going to bed, the girl takes a full glass of water, holds a lock over it and says: “Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink.”

The lock needs to be closed.

Place the lock on a glass of water.

Whoever dreams and asks for a drink is the future groom appointed by fate.

Fortune telling for the groom before bed

A method of divination similar to the previous one.

Before going to bed, a girl needs to eat salty food. At night, make a wish: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.”

Whoever helps you quench your thirst in a dream is the future groom.

Card reading

At night, the girl puts four kings under her pillow and says: “Who is my betrothed, dream about him in my dreams.”

He should appear in a dream in the form of one of the kings.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with the king of diamonds

At night, under her pillow, a girl, in order to perform a ritual of divination for her future groom, puts the king of diamonds and wishes: “Dream about the betrothed, dream about the mummer.”

Before going to bed, you need to carefully clean yourself up: wash your face, comb your hair, you can also put some beautiful decoration under the pillow next to the card.

Whoever you dream about this night will be the one with whom you will develop a love relationship in the future.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with keys

The keys are hung out the window late at night. When someone who comes (a goblin or a devil) moves them, the girl asks about the name of her future husband. A voice calls a name.

Fortune telling on a towel

At night, they hang a clean white towel outside the window and say: “Mummer, come and dry yourself.” If the towel is dry and untouched in the morning, then the girl will not get married this year. If wet, then expect a marriage proposal and early marriage.

Fortune telling options
Fortune telling with mirrors
Fortune telling by 6 matches
How to tell fortunes about your wife
Fortune telling for the future wife

This prediction technique is best carried out in an uninhabited or abandoned room, but any dark room in your house will do. When all the conditions are met, you will need to say a special spell: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner. Amen". It is better to say these words with your hair down and without belts.

Many people believe that a mirror is a door to the other world, so you should not take this technique and its rules lightly.

Soon after this, a vision should appear in the mirror - the image of your future groom. As soon as the image appears, look at it carefully to remember it, and then quickly say the words: “Beware of me” to drive away the vision. It is believed that if this is not done, something may get out of the mirror and cause some harm to the fortuneteller. The veracity of this belief is difficult to verify, but experienced esotericists advise not to tempt fate and perform fortune telling according to all the rules.

Fortune telling by 6 matches

This is another ancient prediction technique that can be used to tell fortunes for your betrothed. Prepare 6 matches in advance and, when night falls, place them at the head of your bed, in a structure like a well. Afterwards, carefully cover the matches with a pillow and say the spell: “My betrothed, my mummer, come to my dream to drink some water. Amen".

Immediately after this, you should go to bed and think that your betrothed will appear to you in a dream. Try to concentrate on his image, imagine him the way you want to see him.

The well of matches can be replaced with another attribute, namely a mug with a lock. Take your own mug and put a lock on its handle. The lock must be locked with a key. After this, the mug is placed in a dark place, and the key is placed under the pillow with the words: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me, take the key, unlock the well. Amen".

The most difficult thing in this technique is remembering the dream. If you quickly forget what you dreamed at night, put a piece of paper and a pen next to you as soon as you wake up - immediately write down all the details of the dream on paper so that later you can remember all its details.

How to tell fortunes about your wife

Contrary to popular belief, Christmas fortune-telling was used not only by women and young girls, but also by men who want to receive some information about their future wife in advance.

Men throughout history have guessed and continue to guess today, and they often choose more complex and dangerous methods than women.

Fortune telling for the future wife

There are many simple methods of Christmas fortune telling with which you can find out the name of your future wife. Below are the simplest and most popular of them.
First option

Exactly at midnight in the period from January 7 to January 13, you need to go out into the street, stand near the entrance to your house and wait for the first woman passing by. A woman's age is not that important. When the woman appears, you need to approach her and ask her name. It is believed that this is the name of the fortuneteller’s future wife. It is also worth noting that women can also use this technique, but they will need to ask the name of the first man they meet.
Second option

Take several small sheets of paper and write different women's names on them, one sheet - one name. The more sheets with different names are prepared, the more effective the ceremony will be. All sheets will need to be placed in an opaque container or bag, where they must be thoroughly mixed. After this, you need to stick your hand into the container and pull out the first sheet you come across. The name that is written on it is the name of your future wife.

If you believe in the possibility of knowing your own destiny, then you should definitely try to carry out the ritual of fortune-telling; fortunately, our ancestors, who sincerely believed in this possibility, invented a huge number of options for such fortune-telling.

The traditional time for ceremonies for grooms is the eve of the Nativity of Christ. At this time, a variety of fortune-telling was carried out in Rus', many of which can be easily repeated today.

Fortune telling with mirrors

This is an ancient magical ritual for which you will need two mirrors. different sizes. Mirrors must be installed on a flat surface, with their reflective sides facing each other, while the smaller mirror should be located as close as possible to the performer of the ceremony.

Two wax candles are installed between the mirrors. When all these conditions are met, you will only have to look at the candles through a smaller mirror. You will see a kind of corridor that will become darker and darker. It is believed that if you peer into this resulting darkness long enough, you can glimpse your own future.

Fortune telling in the name of a future husband will not lose popularity, as girls want to know who they will marry down the aisle. There are many ways to help determine the name of your future boyfriend or spouse.

In the article:

Fortune telling for the future husband using a bow

There are many different rituals that will help you find out who will be betrothed, what a man will look like with a specific person.

To make sure what your spouse will be called, they use an ancient ritual. According to tradition, the ceremony is held on the night of January 13-14, on Old New Year, which is also called Generous (Vasiliev) evening.

On this night, everything regarding married life is clarified. To find out the name of the betrothed, exactly 7 days before the date, they buy several bulbs, write them on the heads of the intended grooms, and put the bulbs in different containers filled with water. On the indicated night they say:

Oh onion, onion, whisper, who will be the groom?

Measure the length of the seedlings using a ruler. According to legend, the betrothed will be the one whose name is carved on the bulb with the longest feathers.

How to find out the name of your future husband? You will need pieces of paper, a pen and a ring on a string or chain. They write the names of the men on different pieces of paper and turn the sheets over with the inscriptions facing down. They take the ring, hang the jewelry on a chain or thread, and say:

Ring, ring, tell me who to open my heart to.

They pass a homemade pendulum over pieces of paper. According to legend, the narrowed one will be the one above whose leaf the amplitude of the pendulum’s oscillation is greatest.

Simple rituals for determining a guy's name

To carry out the first fortune telling, you need to go out at midnight, turn to the first male person you meet and ask his name. Some believe that it is better to carry out fortune telling only on Christmas Eve; other experts argue that the answer will be correct regardless of what time of year the ritual is performed.

One of the most common ways to find out who the guy will be is fortune telling with a comb. Before going to bed, you need to arm yourself with a wooden or stone comb, comb your hair and say:

Betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.

Place the comb under the pillow and go to bed. Before going to bed, you cannot visualize the image of an ideal guy, since fortune telling will not be accurate, but will reflect thoughts. It is better to get rid of any fantasies and thoughts about your future spouse. The betrothed will definitely come at night and comb his hair with a comb; in a dream they ask what his name is.

Fortune telling for your future husband with a walnut shell

To carry out the ritual, you need to use a small vessel with water, a small candle, a walnut shell, plasticine, and various pieces of paper. When starting fortune telling, they write different male names.

Attach the leaves to the sides of the container with water using plasticine. Take a small candle, attach it inside a nut shell, and lower the boat into the center of the container. They watch for the boat, which will stop near a piece of paper with the name of the future husband.

Fortune telling with cherry pits

A simple ritual of a humorous nature. You need a lot of cherry pits. Each participant takes a large bunch of seeds. One leader required.

The girl who conducts the ritual is armed with a list of male names. When one name is said, each participant throws out one cherry pit. For a girl, fortune telling ends when only one bone remains. It is believed that the name with which the fortune telling ends will be the name of the future spouse.

How to find out the name of your betrothed by hand

The friend takes her hand and twists it tightly, as if she were wringing out laundry, making a “nettle.” The distance between the two hands should be at least 10 centimeters. Clamps the hand on both sides. Among the stains and folds that form on the skin, the letter with which the betrothed's name begins appears.

Simple rituals will help you find out who will become the groom and lead you down the aisle. Fortune telling is more of an entertainment, so you should not take the results of rituals as an axiom. You can change your destiny yourself at any time.

Many girls think about what their loved one will be like and how to tell fortunes about their betrothed in a dream. It's always interesting to see and find out in advance the same one. After all, you can miss your destiny, but thanks to fortune telling you can find out his name and what he will look like. Usually this is what is used to tell fortunes about the mummer. There are many fortune tellings. They can be carried out in a dream or before it. Tell fortunes in the name of future love. And many more different options.

On New Year and Christmas, people have been telling fortunes about their betrothed for a long time. What do girls not use for this ritual? Let's look at the simplest and most memorable fortune telling for your betrothed in a dream.

  1. The night before you go to bed, take a deck of cards and pull out the king of diamonds from it. Speak to her with these words: “Dream about me dressed up in disguise!” Place the card under your pillow and go to sleep. In a dream you will see your loved one.
  2. For the next fortune telling, which is performed on Christmas night, you will need a comb. She should be spoken to: “Your betrothed come to me at night and comb your hair with a comb!” Your mummer will come to you in a dream. Remember what he looked like.
  3. Before going to bed, place a bowl of jam at the head of the bed. Say: “My betrothed mummer, I will give you all the sweetness. Come and try it!”
  4. For the week of Christmas, place a jug of water and a glass at the head of your bed. Before going to bed, in order for the fortune-telling to come true, say: “When you get tired, my dear, come and drink some water!”
  5. During the Christmas holidays, wear one sock before going to bed and place a pair under your pillow. Say: “Betrothed, come undress me!”
  6. On Christmas Eve you can tell fortunes using a glass of water and forks. You need to place a glass at the head of the bed, and place two forks on it in a cross. This night your dreams will reveal your betrothed in a dream.
  7. Weave a bridge from sticks or branches and place it under your head, saying the words of the spell: “My betrothed, dear to my heart, come across the bridge, find your love!”
  8. If you want to know what your future lover’s name will be, then write cards with many male names on Christmas Eve. Place them under your pillow. The next morning, take out the first piece of paper you come across. Whatever name is on it - that’s what your loved one will be called according to fate.

You can tell fortunes about your betrothed in a dream like this.

An hour and a half before bedtime, eat a hearty meal, and spicy, well-salted food, which certainly makes you thirsty. Some fortune tellers advise eating a decent handful of salt before going to bed and saying: “My betrothed, come and give me some water to drink!” In a dream, your chosen one will dream of you and give you water to drink. Be sure to remember what it looks like because fate will try to take you away from it, since you are disrupting the course of events. It’s better to sketch his face on a piece of paper.

These are only the most famous fortune-telling for your betrothed before bedtime. There are many different interpretations of these rituals. The main thing is to choose which one you like.

Fortune telling for your betrothed before bedtime

On the mirrors

For this ritual you will need:

  • Two mirrors (large, medium);
  • Two candles.

Helpful Tips:

  1. For the ceremony, it is advisable to sit without a belt.
  2. Hair should be down.
  3. Be sure to choose a quiet room. An attic space is ideal.

How to guess:

To find out your betrothed, mirrors are placed opposite each other; the middle mirror should be closer to you. Candles are placed between the mirrors. Say: “My betrothed, come and have dinner with me!” They look through a smaller mirror, so it turns out to be a corridor that darkens in depth. You need to look into this darkening corridor. After some time, the figure of your betrothed begins to be visible in it. When you see the outlines of his face, immediately say: “Screw me!” If you don't do it during this time. There is a belief that the betrothed will jump out of the mirror and grief may happen.

On the apple, on the night of Ivan Kupala

On the night of this holiday, you need to go to the garden and pick the ripest and most beautiful apple. When you get home, cut it in half and remove the core. On a small piece of paper, write your lover's name and yours. Insert instead of the core. Connect the two halves of an apple with a red thread and bury it in the garden. In a week you can dig it up and see the result.

  1. If the apple turns black and begins to rot, your love will not last long. It's just a passing fad.
  2. If the fetus remains unharmed, you are together by fate. And a long and strong relationship awaits you.

Fortune telling for your betrothed at night by the shoe

This fortune telling is usually carried out on the morning of Christmas. First of all, the girl must go out into the yard and throw her shoe on the road. As soon as the man picks him up, you need to find out his name. Your betrothed will have the same name.

Fortune telling by the window

In this version of fortune telling, you need to listen. It is usually carried out when everyone in the girl's house is asleep. The girl must put out the candle and say: “My betrothed, my mummer, drive past my window!”

  1. If the first passers-by drive loudly and whistle, it means she will have a cheerful and rich life.
  2. If it is quiet and without words, then the boring and poor groom is waiting for the fortuneteller.


Her loved ones and relatives can also tell fortunes for the bride. But the girl should not be present during the ceremony. Usually they take a padlock with a key and lock one of the girl’s things. They lock it, place it at the head of the bed and say: “Betrothed, mummer, come, unlock your bride, and get her out of captivity!” Whoever comes this night for the key to the lock will be the betrothed.

Fortune telling for the mother of the bride

If a girl’s mother wants to find out what kind of family her daughter will live in, then she needs to bake a round pie on the night from Thursday to Friday. Cut three pieces from it and place on them:

  1. A coin.
  2. A button.
  3. A piece of coal.

Place it outside the window.

  1. If the next morning there is no piece of pie with a coin, the groom will be wealthy.
  2. If the piece with the button disappears, the groom will be poor and will have to live with his mother-in-law.
  3. If there is no piece of coal, the groom will not be rich, but hardworking.

There is fortune telling for your betrothed for the night, which can only be suitable for strong-willed girls.

They spend it around midnight in a bathhouse or in another secluded place.

  1. You need to cover the table with a new tablecloth and put two cutlery. But remove piercing devices away from this room.
  2. Close all windows and doors.
  3. Sit at the table and put fruit or candy on your plates. Berries will also work. The main thing is not to bring anything fried, boiled or meat.
  4. With your hands on the table, say the spell: “Betrothed and mummer, come to me for dinner!”
  5. After the phrase, noise usually begins outside the window, in its various manifestations.
  6. When the mummer comes to you, you need to be silent and take a closer look at what he looks like.
  7. After he sits down, ask: “What’s his name?”
  8. He will tell you his name and take something out of his pocket. Immediately shout: “Get out of my place! Perish, my mystery!
  9. The spirit will disappear, but the thing will remain.

Do not forget the words of the conspiracy, otherwise the spirit of the betrothed may play a lot of mischief.

Fortune telling about your betrothed is always interesting and exciting. But don't forget about precautions.

Perhaps you just need to wait and fate will bring you together with your betrothed.

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