Methodical piggy bank. Scenario of the holiday "September 1 - Knowledge Day" Quiz games riddles elementary school September 1

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?


Knowledge Day is a holiday of books,

Flowers, friends, smiles, light!

Study approximately, student, -

This is the most important thing today!

Dear Guys! You have become seventh and ninth graders, which means for some of you this is the last school year. So Let's You and I will smile and have a little fun! Our game will consist of competitions.

  • Children are divided into teams. They come up with team names and choose captains.

1 competition "Questions are jokes."

  • Each team gives answers to joke questions. Whose team answers first and correctly wins points.
  1. Which hand is best to stir tea? (Better with a spoon).
  2. What belongs to you, but is more often used by others? (Name).
  3. When making soup, what is thrown into the pot first? (Sight).
  4. What does a hippopotamus have that other animals do not? (Little hippopotamus).
  5. The electric train ran from north to south, the wind blew from south to north; Which direction was the smoke coming from the train? (An electric train cannot have smoke.)
  6. What is completely full of holes, but holds water? (Sponge).
  7. Who has 2 arms, 2 wings, 2 tails, 3 heads, 6 legs? (Rider holding a chicken in his hands).
  8. How to throw an object in a straight line so that it returns to the same point on its own? (You have to throw it up).
  9. How to jump from a 10-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).
  10. What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6).
  11. In which country are hooligans not “banned”? (In Australia, because the “bullies” are birds.)
  12. What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don't? (Anchor).
  13. Is it possible to light a match underwater? (It is possible if there is water in a glass).
  14. How can a thrown egg fly 3 meters without breaking? (You need to throw it 4 meters, and then it will fly 3 meters intact).
  15. How to sit in galoshes? (You need to take the shape of a felt boot).
  16. Why do guys have red hair in Paris? (On the ground).
  17. Whoever doesn’t have it, doesn’t want to have it; whoever has it, can’t give it away? (Bald head).
  18. How can you read the word "riddle"? (Left to right only).
  19. At the beginning and at the end it is cold, and in the middle it is warm. What is this? (Calendar year).
  20. Which city is baked from dough? (Kalach).
  21. Which river is the scariest? (Tiger).
  22. He rides on someone else's back, but carries the load on his own. What is this? (Saddle).
  23. What should a referee check when he enters the field to conduct a match? (Whistle).
  24. Why did the boy make a hole in his umbrella? (To better see when the rain will stop).
  25. When do people have so many eyes, how many days have passed in a year? (January 2).
  26. What bird does not lay eggs, but hatches from them? (Rooster).
  27. How many peas can fit into a glass? (Not a single one - peas don’t go).
  28. What is the shortest month? (May).
  29. Which bird is named after the dance? (Tap dance).
  30. What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons).
  • The teacher sums up the results of the first competition.

2 competition “Draw a proverb.”

  • One person from each team.
  • Condition: you need to draw a proverb (by lot), and the command is to name this proverb.
  1. Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.
  2. One head it's good, but two better.
  3. If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.
  • The result of the competition.

3 competition "Pantomime".

  • One person from the team takes part.
  • Condition: it is necessary to depict the hidden proverb so that the whole team can guess it.
  1. You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.
  2. Seven times measure cut once.
  3. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  • The result of the competition.

4 competition "The prize is a surprise."

  • The teacher shows the book in which the bookmark is placed and names the total number of pages in the book. He invites the playing teams to guess the page on which the bookmark is placed. Whoever guesses it gets this book and gets a point for their team.
  • The result of the competition. Total score.

5 competition "Forty seconds."

  • 2 people from each team take part.
  • Task: in 40 seconds, complete all the tasks that are written on their piece of paper. You just need to remember that you only have 40 seconds left!
  • Here is what is written on the participants' sheets:
  1. Sit down 2 times.
  2. Jump on your left leg 5 times.
  3. Raise your hands up 2 times.
  4. Read all assignments carefully.
  5. Shout your name loudly.
  6. Meow loudly twice.
  7. Kiss any two people.
  8. Turn around yourself three times.
  9. Laugh at yourself.
  10. Shake hands with three friends.
  11. Jump on right leg 5 times.
  12. After you have read all the tasks, complete only 13 and 14.
  13. Squat down.
  14. Place the piece of paper in front of you.
  • After all participants have completed the task, the teacher says:

Teacher. If you carefully read and completed task No. 4,

you only have to complete No. 13 and No. 14.

  • The teacher sums up the results of the competition.

6 competition "True Balls".

  • For this entertainment you need Balloons(15 pieces) and two sets of cards, some with questions written on them, others with answers. The answer cards are in balloons. The question cards are shuffled. The teacher starts first. Asks a question to any student. The student needs to pop the balloon and find out the answer. The game continues along the chain (boys ask girls questions and vice versa).
  • The trick of this game is that any question has any answer. There are no winners or losers here.

Questions for cards.

  1. Are you a well-mannered and patient person?
  2. Are you capable of noble deeds?
  3. Do you criticize your teachers?
  4. Are you tired of schoolwork?
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  6. Do you want to go abroad?
  7. Do you like to spend money on trifles?
  8. Do you like fooling around?
  9. Do you like to eat delicious food?
  10. Are you sometimes obnoxious to others?
  11. Do you quarrel with your friends?
  12. Do you step on people's feet?
  13. Do you dream of having a car?
  14. Are you afraid of dangerous adventures?
  15. When do you have to smile?

Answers for cards.

  1. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
  2. You shouldn’t ask such questions, knowing my character.
  3. I have nothing to answer you for this.
  4. And I won’t say it under torture.
  5. This topic is unpleasant for me.
  6. This is my secret, I don’t want others to know about it.
  7. I allow myself this pleasure once a week.
  8. Only when I'm in a bad mood.
  9. Of course, otherwise I would be bored with life.
  10. Not without it.
  11. Only in my thoughts.
  12. This has never happened and never will happen.
  13. This is the greatest pleasure for me.
  14. Something happened.
  15. Only awake.

7 competition "Comic rituals."

  • Whose team turns out to be the friendliest and most emotional wins the point.
  • Teams in this competition will perform a ritual.

Rubbing in the balm of zeal.

A piece of ordinary chalk, one for the whole class, can “work” as such a “balm.” You can simply rub this chalk over your palm and then rub off the stuck white powder. The one who rubs it more thoroughly will study harder.

  • The teacher announces the results of the game.

Teacher. Before you, dear ninth graders, set off on the 9th grade marathon, take a few instructions.

1. “Get knowledge on your own. It is dishonest to take advantage of the results of a comrade’s work.”

Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

2. “Speak thoughtfully rather than quickly.”

Thomas More

3. “You can’t be a real mathematician without being a little poet.”

K. Weierstrass.

4. “People stop thinking when they stop reading.”

5. “A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.”

6. “Whoever does not want to learn will never become a real person.”

Jose Julian.

7. “Education has bitter roots, but sweet fruits.”


8. “Success is 10% luck and 90% sweat.”

9. “There are no victories without defeats.”

Ancient Chinese wisdom.

No matter what difficulties you encounter along the way,

I wish you not to be afraid of them.

If only we could overcome all these difficulties

And without losses we could achieve our cherished goal!

I wish you: “No fluff, no feather!”

  • The teacher gives the children boxes with bells(bells for last call)
  • An envelope of answers, opinions, wishes...(its contents can be used at the “last bell” celebration). The whole class answers questions written on their palms.

Questions: 1. How did you feel when you went to school today?

2. What do you expect from the coming school year?

3. What do you like about our school?

4. What is your most memorable day of summer?

5. What do you remember about the first day of school?

6. I wish (something) to myself, my class, my friends, my teachers.

  • Photo for memory.


This game has several variations. All of them can be used independently. Let the presenter choose what suits him.

Option 1. All participants stand in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball in his hands. He throws the ball to any player and says one of four words: “earth”, “water”, “air”, “fire”. The one to whom the ball is thrown must catch it and, if it says “earth,” respond with the name of some animal living on earth, to the word “water” with the name of a fish, and to the word “air” with the name of a bird. When you hear the word “fire,” you need to raise the ball above your head, turn around, respond with the same word “fire” and throw the ball to the leader. Whoever gets the answer wrong becomes the leader.

Option 2. This game is also called “Half the words are yours.” The leader stands inside the circle. Several times in a row he says loudly as he walks: “Fishes, animals, birds.” Suddenly he stops in front of one or another player and says one of these three words. Before the leader counts out loud to three, the player must name the fish, animal or bird, depending on what word is said. The one who fails to give the correct answer within this time becomes the leader.


All participants stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. They choose the third wheel. He goes outside the circle. At the signal (ring the bell, clap your hands, say “One, two, three - start!”), the leader goes out of the circle and tries to catch up with the player who is running along the outside of the circle. While running, a player can change places with anyone standing in the circle, then the one with whom the player changed becomes the third wheel, and the driver catches him. If the leader catches the player, then the player becomes the leader, and the leader becomes the player, and the game continues until it gets boring or until the time allotted for it runs out.


For this game you need to draw two circles on the ground (the small circle must be inside the large one). Participants are divided into two groups. The first group, holding hands, stands around a large circle drawn on the ground (outside it), the second group - inside the small one. The task of each participant is to force others to step into the forbidden territory located between the two circles, while holding his own. The participant who steps into the forbidden territory is eliminated from the game. The game continues until there is not a single player left on one of the teams.


For this relay race, all participants need to be lined up in several columns, with a row of pins built in front of each column. The first participant closes his eyes and tries to loop around all the pins. At the same time, the remaining group tells him the direction of movement. The difficulty is that when all groups start shouting at the same time, it is extremely problematic to isolate the voices of your group from the general noise of the team. When the first participant has reached the last pin, the group shouts to him: “That’s it!” With these words, the participant opens his eyes and runs back to his group, passing the baton to the next participant and standing behind the last one. If the participant heard the word “That’s it!” not his group and opened his eyes ahead of time, then he returns and does everything from the very beginning. The group that runs out of players faster than others wins.


This relay involves as many participants as can fit in a gymnastics hoop. All participants are lined up in two columns. The first participant is placed in the hoop. His task is to run with the hoop to some end point (this could be a chair, table, pin, stump), go back, take the next participant and go the same way with him. The relay race should continue until there are no more participants on the team. The team that does everything faster than the other wins.


This competition develops attention and logical thinking in young schoolchildren. The leader prepares two sticks in advance, which he breaks into several pieces. The pieces from these sticks should be poured onto the floor (ground) and mixed. Two participants are invited to restore the sticks to their original form. The participant who collects his stick first wins.

There may be more participants, but at the same time a larger number of sticks are prepared in advance, which also need to be broken in advance.


It is better to hold this competition outdoors (you can do it in the schoolyard), as there is more space there. Participants are divided into two identical teams, which line up one behind the other. On the ground (floor, asphalt) you need to draw a line from which the start will be given. The first participant makes a standing jump with both legs. The next participant jumps from the place where the first one jumped (a mark is placed where the jumper’s heels were). This is how all participants perform their jumps in turn. The winner will be the team whose last mark is further away than the other.


For this game, you need to choose two captains from all the participants. These captains approach any participant and invite him to become a “tail”, while saying the following words:

- I am a snake, a snake, a snake, do you want to become my “tail”?

If the participant agrees, then he must crawl between the captain’s legs and stand behind him, taking him by the waist. Then the captain with the “tail” approaches the other player and offers the same thing. If the player does not agree, then the captain must convince him in another way (make him laugh by telling an anecdote or funny story, read a poem, sing a song). After this, the convinced participant crawls under the captain’s feet and stands in the “tail”. The winner will be the “snake” whose captain is more convincing than the other and gathers a larger “tail.”


Everyone present takes part in this game. This game develops attention. All players must stand in a circle and hold hands. All together they run in a circle. The presenter stands in the center of the circle and says: “Apple, wormy apple. The wind blows, it falls." After the presenter finishes saying this phrase, all participants should quickly squat down. The participant who cannot do all this quickly, i.e. takes at least one step, does not sit down or falls, leaves the game.

The game continues until one participant remains. He will be the winner. If all participants are attentive (which is rare), then the game can continue as long as necessary, or until the children get tired of playing it.


This game is played by two people. They are given an empty basket. At some distance from the participants, you need to place two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. An empty bucket should be placed next to the participants. The participants’ task is that, upon a signal (ring a bell, whistle, clap their hands), they must run with their basket to the bucket, choose either carrots or potatoes from the vegetables, put them in their basket, go back and put the vegetable in the empty one. bucket. The participant who completes the task faster than the other will win.

This competition can be held as a team relay race. In this case, the basket will serve as a relay baton, which will be passed on to the next participant. The team that fills its team bucket faster than the other will win.


This game is best played in the schoolyard. In it, children get acquainted with the names of cities. The names of cities will be useful to them later in geography lessons and in life. So, you need to draw on the ground big circle. All participants stand inside this circle. Everyone chooses the name of the city. If the participants do not yet know the names of the cities, then their older comrades will tell them.

One leader is selected from all participants. He throws the ball up and names a city. The player whose city the host named must catch the ball. If he managed to catch the ball, then he, in turn, can throw the ball up and name any city. And if he doesn’t catch, then all the players scatter in different directions while he catches up with the ball. When the player grabs the ball, the leader shouts: “Stop!” And then all the “cities” freeze in place.

The player with the ball chooses any “city” and determines by eye how many kilometers it is. Every kilometer is a step. He goes to the “city” and counts his steps. If, after the specified number of steps, he can, without leaving his place, reach the participant (“city”) with his hand (and the participant should not move away), he becomes the “city”, and the player who was touched becomes the leader. The game starts again from the circle.

2015-201 6 academic year

Location: on site

Working group: organizers: O.E. Legoshina, O.V. Mystruk

Responsible for music: A.I. Samko,

responsible for registration: students of grades 11 and 9b,

Responsible for gifts for first-graders: O.E. Legoshina, L.B. Egorova

responsible for the performance of first-graders: S.G. Reima and N.S. Lemko

09.00 – 10.00 – songs about school are played

10.00-ruler (all key teachers should be with the classes and monitor discipline)

Participants in the scenario: Vedas: E. Legoshina and A. Zhurina, sketch: Dunno and the button (Ilya with Oksana), song by A. Sirotkin, 11th and 9b grades preparing congratulations, poems, gifts, gel balloons with paper doves, ringing bell

VED 1: Good morning, school!

VED 2. Good morning, dear children, guests, teachers and dear parents!

VED 1. Today is the day you start studying, new meetings with the huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to you.

VED 2. Good mood to you and those who came here for the first time, and to those who spent so many interesting and useful years in our school.

VED 1. Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!

VED 2: It seems like yesterday we were standing,
Celebrated the holidays with joy,
Which after the school year
How long ago did it start?..
But queen nature
Relentless, and the months of summer
In past. And the new school uniform is put on.

VED 1: To school, to school - the morning calls,
To school, to school - the wind sings.
The lesson will be interesting
Be happy all year!

VED 2: Just half an hour - and the first call
He will call everyone back to class again.
School doors will open again.
Tomorrow school days will begin.
Well, today is a festive hour!
In chorus: We congratulate you all on this holiday!

VED 1: The first September morning brings with it something new, leading us along uncharted roads of knowledge. This is the beginning of a long school journey for first-graders and the start of the last school year for ninth-graders.

VED 2.: Where is our replenishment?

VED 1. Here. And they look forward to being called to the lineup. After all, today they are the most important characters of the holiday. It is for them that the first school bell in their lives will ring today. Let's greet our first-graders to thunderous applause.

(The school melody sounds, first graders with 11th grade with class teacher take a lap of honor to the song “FIRST GRADE”)

VED 2. School, under the Russian anthem stand still. The right to raise the flag of the Russian Federation is granted……………………………………………………………….

(Russian anthem plays)

VED1. The ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open.

VED 2: The situation is not new and quite understandable,
If the director took the floor,
Everything is in complete silence.
We wait with excitement every time,
What will he tell us now?

VED.1 The word of greeting is given to the school director

Marchenkova Nina Mikhailovna (N.M. should introduce new teachers)

Guests are present at our celebration ______________________________


VED 2: Dear first-graders!
The first time you came to school,
For the first time in first class,
Everything is new for you today,
Everything worries you now!

QUESTION 1: Dear kids,
We know you were prepared!
Tell your poems
You're already tuned in!

Performance by first graders

1. We were preschoolers,
We went to kindergarten.
We made from clay
And horses and bunnies...

2.We know a little letters
We learned to count.
We can count on our fingers:
One two three four five...

3.And now, and now
Open the door for us, school!
Give us a gift soon
Painted ABC books!

4.We want to learn quickly,
Make friends with the ABC book!
From page to page
We'll read it by spring!

5.We will learn before the summer
Draw, write, count,
And always in all subjects
We'll get five!

6.And now, and now
Open the door for us, school!
Welcome us to school:
Hello, we are -
First grade!

VED 2. On the difficult road to the land of Knowledge, your first teacher will be your mentor, friend and assistant. The floor is given to __________________________________________________________________.

First teacher: Dear first graders!

I'll open it for you
Knowledge of the bright path.
And you won’t go on your own,
Together we will go
Along unknown paths
Into the world of unknown wonders.
It will be a little difficult for us
But we have the Key of Knowledge.
He will open any door
Will invite you to the world of knowledge.


Dunno runs out to the microphone. He is covered with bags and briefcases.

Dunno : Disperse! Make way! Let me get through in the end!
Dunno approaches the presenters, places their briefcases and bags on the asphalt, and wipes his forehead with his sleeve.
Dunno : (Addressing the presenters): Am I late? Hello! It took me three days to get ready and I was completely exhausted. Now everything is in order! Now, so to speak, he is armed to the teeth. Do you think it's easy? Knowledge, it weighs so much! But I was determined to become smart. And when I decided, that’s it: I’ll die, but I’ll become. (Begins to collect bags in his hands) Where do you sign up for school here?
Button appears from the ranks of students.
Button: Dunno! Dunno! Here you are... (Takes a breath) I barely caught up! (Addresses the audience) Hello! And forgive me for interfering, I understand that today is such a big holiday...
Dunno: Very big! Simply huge! I'm going to school! (Places all the briefcases on the asphalt again)
Button: Yah?
Dunno: Exactly! Do you see how much you collected? (Points to briefcases and bags)
Button : What did you collect?
Dunno: Well, things are different... For studying. And books... You know what I found at home - I brought everything!
Button: All?
Dunno: All!
Button : That's what I thought! Please give me back my book “For Those Who Knit.”
Dunno: Knitting what?
Button : Well, all sorts of things - socks, mittens, blouses...
Dunno: Ah-ah-ah! Please! I think we won't do any knitting today.
Dunno gives away the book. Button looks into Dunno’s bag and takes out an iron from there.
Button: Why do you need this?
Dunno : It's just an iron! You must go to school neatly dressed. So I grabbed the iron, in case I remembered my trousers. Also, if I get into a fight with someone, I can apply it to the bruise. Like this.
Dunno shows. The button opens the next bag and takes out a broom.
Button : Well, why is this?
Dunno : And an acquaintance advised me to do this, he said that if they sweep the school out of the school, then at least they will sweep it with my broom - it won’t be so offensive!
Button : Yes, your friend has a good sense of humor. But you don't need all this!
Dunno : Isn't everything really necessary?
Button : And you ask the guys, because they were going to lessons. Let them tell you what you need to take with you to lessons.
Button : Well, do you now understand how a real schoolchild should behave?
Dunno : Understood! It turns out that I wasted three days in vain getting ready...
Button : But now I’ve become smarter! We also learn from mistakes. You know, Dunno, let’s congratulate the guys on the holiday.
Dunno : But as?

Button: In poetry.
Dunno: It's September again
And the school is like a big ship,
Ready to set sail -
The school year begins again!
Button: Victories, wonderful discoveries,
Bright, significant events.
Conquer the expanses of knowledge
And keep the “excellent” course

VED 1. Thank you, Dunno and Button, for these congratulations! Well, we continue our holiday.


Dear kids! Put your ears on top!

Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.

Masters of tests and essays.

Professors for passing tests and exams.

Inventors of the newest types of cribs.

The oldest students at the school are eleventh graders.

And I am pleased to give the floor to them.

1. Dear first graders! Today is the most joyful day of your life!

Today you came to us just as boys and girls.

And in just a few minutes you will become students of our school.

And we, as her oldest students, want to give you some advice!

2. We are a little older than you

And we are burning with desire

Convey your order

And our wishes!

3. Chew on science for later

Don't leave.

Then there is soup with a cat!

Read more!

4. Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to your elders

Hurry up everyone for recess

Don't rush!

5. Love physical education -

It will be useful in life

Correct your figure

Pump up your muscles.

6. And you all need to remember:

Mind strength is more important!

Faith, friendship – that’s what’s sacred!

You are stronger with them.

7. Smile more often, wider,

Laugh loudly.

Respond to misfortunes

With my kindness.

8. Well, be brave on the long journey

School-like, interesting!

And don’t forget on the road

Home, friends and song!

graduates give first-graders gifts and balloons with doves

Ved.1: And now, dear first-graders, together with class. the leader will release the balloons into the sky and at the same time you need to make your most cherished wish, and it will definitely come true. Stand in a circle, all together grab the string with the balls and say the words: “One - two - three! Fly with a dream into the sky! " (Balloons are released to the music).

Well, maybe we can take a little break from official speeches? I propose to organize a small warm-up competition. Now we will conduct a quiz among the students of our school. I invite one representative from each class to the stage. (You yourself can determine which classes to invite students from. Each student is given a sign with possible answers, that is, with the letters: a, b, c and d. After the presenter has voiced the question, the students must raise a sign with the correct answer, in their opinion.)


September 1st is...
A) hard day
B) day of knowledge
C) boiled milk day
D) day of losers

Continue the line - there are miracles there, the devil wanders there...
A) there is McDonald's there
B) there is Wi-Fi there
C) the mermaid sits on the branches
D) you can sleep there all day long

What notifies the beginning of a lesson?
A) fireworks
B) firecracker
B) SMS from the teacher
D) call

When can you leave school?
A) when they were drafted into the army
B) when you want to sleep
C) when all the lessons are over
D) when will an SMS arrive from the teacher?

Thanks to our participants for playing. We hope that this comic quiz for September 1st cheered you up and pumped you up. And before you fall asleep again, we invite our musical group to perform the song “Life”.

Ved. 1: Friends, there is a holiday in the schoolyard again!
Let the first bell ring in September!
Friends, it’s a holiday again, the Day of Knowledge!
Ring, bell, good journey, good hour!
Dear school, welcome each of your classes!

(The bell comes in)

I called for the last time on May 25th
And then I said, saying goodbye to spring:
“Relax, sunbathe,
Have fun, don't fight.
Read different books
Don’t forget about me!”
Now I'm calling again,
To invite you to school!
Start the school year
Absorb knowledge again!
Everyone learn together
Be sad and have fun!
Thank you everyone for coming
And they brought smiles,
A sea of ​​aromas
Hello guys!

Ved. 2: A loud bell rings daily for students. And today he is waiting to notify about the beginning of the school year, about the start of classes. The right to give the first call is granted to the student(s)________________________________


The school bell is ringing
Ved. 1
: Ring, bell! Ring, ring!
Cheerful, sad, daring!

Ved. 2: Another lesson awaits you in life,
Childhood is passing away quietly!..

Ved. 1: Ring, bell! Ring, ring,
Opening lessons!

Ved. 2: We move forward towards knowledge,
Without knowing fatigue!

Ved. 1: According to our tradition, the youngest students - 1st grade - are the first to enter school. Our graduates will guide you to the beginning of your school journey.

The first and 11th grades go to school to the music (SCHOOL YEARS?)

VED 2 At this point, the solemn assembly dedicated to the First Bell holiday is considered closed.

VED 1. The first bell rang for the new school year. We congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge! HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR TO EVERYONE. And now everyone is going to their first lesson of the new school year.

The class is divided into two teams.

Presenter 1. To obtain permission to leave the port, you must pass a quick survey. For each correct answer, the team receives a pass token.

There will be the most unusual, witty, illogical, confusing and catchy, very funny questions.

II. Quick poll

1. Which is correct: membranous tympanum or membranous tympanum? (Eardrum.)

2. What is the lower back? (Explanatory note.)

3. What is zavalinka? (Failed exam.)

4. What is the name of school limestone? (Chalk.)

5. The famous invention of Rubik. (Cube.)

6. Which apple is not a fruit? (Ophthalmic.)

7. This is the name of a herbaceous plant and - rather offensively - of an unlucky student. (Burdock.)

8. Human vice attributed to donkeys. (Stubbornness.)

9. A literary character who has seven Fridays a week. (Robinson Crusoe.)

10. Title of a prisoner of the Chateau d'If, known from the novel by A. Dumas. (The Count (novel “The Count of Monte Cristo”).)

11. What animal is sometimes compared to a student who cannot be woken up even by a cannon shot? They say he sleeps like... (marmot).

12. What do a horse and a lion have in common? (Mane.)

13. Kolomna measure of length. (Verst.)

14. “Guide” to Kyiv. (Language.)

15. Zodiac bull. (Calf.)

16. What is the name of a woman who flies on a heavier-than-air machine? (Baba Yaga.)

III. Literary island

Leading. Our ships have already entered the territorial waters of the literary island. The customs office of this state offers the following conditions: you need to answer the questions and then draw up a burim.

I know you've read a lot.

And I want to offer you

About your favorite books

Here to talk now.

1. Questions

1. What province was Lefty from? (From Tula.)

3. What road is discussed in the famous poem by N.A. Nekrasov, where is Apollo Belvedere mentioned? (About the iron one.)

Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!

The azure steppe, the pearl chain

You rush as if like me, exiles

From the sweet north to the south. (M.Yu. Lermontov.)

5. To whom are these lines addressed by A.S. Pushkin? Finish the stanza

My friends, our union is wonderful!

He, like the soul, is indivisible and eternal -

Unshakable, free and carefree,

He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.

Wherever fate throws us

And happiness wherever it leads,

We are still the same: the whole world is foreign to us;

Our Fatherland is ... (Tsarskoe Selo).

(A.S. Pushkin addresses his fellow lyceum students.)

2. Burime

Teams receive cards with rhymes and write a poem to go with them. Rhymes: different - holiday; calendar - September; autumn - inspiration; every house rings.

IV. Mathematical Island

Leading. The shore of the mathematical island appeared in the distance; we will soon land at it, but only one person per team can go down to land. We invite the strongest mathematicians to the island.


1. Captain Flint's 14 best friends each had one leg, and Flint himself had two. How many legs, not counting the wooden ones, were under the table when all fifteen sat down? (16 legs)

2. Captain Flint's best parrot learned 1,500 curse words in different languages: 270 in English, 330 in French, 250 in Spanish. The rest he gleaned from the great Russian language. How many curse words has Flint's personal parrot learned in Russian? (650 layer.)

3. One pirate asked Flint: “How many letters are in the Greek alphabet?” Flint didn't know this. Answer this question. (The words “Greek alphabet” have 16 letters.)

2. Fun quiz

1. What is one thing hunters, drummers and mathematicians can’t do without? (No fraction.)

2. Which polygon is a high military commander? (Pentagon. In Greek pentagonon. The Pentagon is the building of the US War Department in the shape of a pentagon, in a figurative sense - the US military department.)

3. Find the arithmetic mean of the hedgehog and the snake. (Barbed wire.)

4. What mathematical law, known to everyone since elementary school, has become a popular proverb? (The sum does not change by changing the places of the terms.)

5. What does each word, plant, equation have? (Root.)

6. What geometric figure “moons” as a gymnastic apparatus in the circus? (Trapezoid.)

Games, competitions and entertainment on September 1 for schoolchildren.


For this game you will need a jump rope 1.5-2 m long. Several people can participate at the same time. All participants stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. He takes a jump rope in his hand (you can take a rope or cord with a soft ball tied at the end) and says: “Catch, fish, big and small!” begins to rotate the rope so that its end falls under the feet of the participants. The participants' task is to ensure that the jump rope does not touch their feet. To do this, when approaching the feet of the “fishing rod,” you need to jump so that the rope passes under your feet. If one of the participants steps on the “fishing rod”, then he is considered caught and at the same time changes places with the leader. The game can be limited in time or played until all participants are in the role of leader.


This fun game designed for all participants who stand in a circle, holding hands tightly, choose a “sparrow” and a “cat”. The “sparrow” is placed in the center of the circle, and the “cat” is placed behind the circle. The “cat’s” task is to run into the circle and catch the “sparrow”. The rest of the participants should not let the “cat” near the “sparrow”. The game continues until the “cat” catches the “sparrow”. In this case, the game ends and a new “sparrow” and “cat” are selected.


In this game, all participants need to be divided into pairs. The pairs line up on one line drawn by the leader. At some distance (about 3 m) another line is drawn. Participants stand with their backs to each other and grab their partner with their arms bent at the elbows. At the leader’s signal (ring the bell, clap your hands, say: “One, two, three - pull!”), the pairs rush to the indicated line. Having reached the mark, they return.

In this case, first one participant walks facing forward, and then vice versa. The winner is the pair that returns to their place faster than the others.


All participants are divided into two equal teams. In front of each team, at some distance, a chair is placed on which a raincoat, umbrella and hat are placed. At the command of the leader: “March!” the first participant runs up to the chair, puts on a raincoat and hat, then, opening his umbrella, shouts: “It seems like it’s starting to rain!” After that, he takes everything off and runs back to his team. The rest of the players do the same.

The team that finishes the relay faster than the other wins.


A large stake is driven into the ground before the game. A rope 2 m long is tied to it. Around the stake (not very close, about 1 m away) various small objects (sticks, cones, etc.) are placed in a pile. This is the “noodle” that the players want to steal. One of them is the presenter. He is a "cook". Having grabbed the free end of the rope and pulled it tight, the “cook” quickly walks or runs around the pot (cola). They put a tourniquet in his hands. But the players are impatient to taste the “noodles,” and they try to grab one of the objects stacked near the pot. Players can only take one item each time.

The “cook” guards the “noodles” and runs around in a circle with a tourniquet, trying to make the players dirty. In his other hand he holds a taut rope. The one who is covered with a tourniquet must put back everything that he managed to take away. The game ends when all the “noodles” are cleared up. And the one who has the most “noodles” on his hands wins.


All present players take part in it. They all move chaotically at the words of the presenter: “Atoms are molecules, atoms are molecules.” Then the presenter suddenly shouts out a number (for example, three). In this case, everyone must form teams (hug, hold hands) of as many people as the number was named (in our case, three people each). Then the “fermentation of atoms” occurs again, and the command sounds again. The one who does not have enough space in the molecule becomes the next leader. The game can continue for a period of time determined by the players.


All participants stand in a wide circle. One of the players throws the ball through the center of the circle. At the same time, he names a word (noun). The one who catches the ball simultaneously adds a verb that has a suitable meaning. For example: “a cloud is floating”, “a fire is burning”. Whoever calls the nonsense is out of the game. The winner is the last participant left. Since first-graders do not yet know what a “noun” and a “verb” are, they are explained that they need to name the object and what to do with it.


All participants stand in a circle, and the leader counts them all in numerical order. Everyone must remember their number, and then all the players shuffle, and again everyone stands in a circle. The leader stands in the center. He names any two numbers that must change places, after shouting: “ Where where" The leader's task is to take the place of one of those players who run from place to place. The participant who remains without a place becomes the leader.


This game develops attention, which first-graders will need in their future school life. The game is to guess the person who is changing movements. To do this, all participants stand in a circle. One volunteer goes out the door and he will guess.

When the volunteer leaves, the remaining ones choose the most mobile person (leader) who will change movements. When the volunteer returns, everyone starts clapping at the same time. Then, following the leader, they change movements, for example, stomp (but this must be done unnoticed by the guesser). If a volunteer guesses the leader, then the leader, in turn, becomes the guesser.


All participants line up in two chains opposite each other - these are “chickens”. At the front of each chain is a “chicken”. At the leader’s signal, the “hens” must touch (spot) the “chickens” from another chain and protect their own. A “Chicken” touched by a “Chicken” from another chain goes into her chain. The “hen” who has the most “chickens” at the end of the game wins.


It is better to play this game if it is a warm, sunny day on Knowledge Day. And if the game is played indoors, then you can play in any weather.

All participants are divided into two teams, each receiving one ice cube (preferably the cubes are the same size). The team's task is to melt the ice before the other team. The cube must constantly move from one player to another. Participants can warm it in their hands, rub it, etc. The team that melts its piece of ice faster wins.


This is just a fun game to get 1st graders into the holiday spirit. All participants stand in a circle and take each other’s hands. The conditions of this game are as follows: whoever hears the name of the beast, which was whispered to him in advance, but so that no one hears, must fall, and the rest must hold him back. The presenter begins the story: “I’m walking through the zoo and I see a lion (everyone is standing), I go further, I see a crocodile (everyone is standing), I turn the corner, and there is a hippopotamus (everyone is standing)... I decided to leave and I see. .. HARE". Then the following happens: everyone falls, because they whispered “HARE” to everyone.

Only for this game you need to put something soft in advance, for example mats, which are in any school gym, or mattresses and blankets if the game is played at home.


From all the participants, one leader is chosen, who turns away from the rest of the players. Everyone else joins hands and tries to get entangled without breaking hands. Then they call the leader: “Unravel us!” The presenter must untangle the entangled participants, but also without tearing their hands.


This competition develops dexterity and reaction in children. For this, you need to prepare cookies in advance, preferably ones that are difficult to crumble. All participants are divided into two teams. In front of each team you need to put a large plate with such cookies and give them a ball in their hands. At the leader’s signal (this could be ringing a bell or clapping your hands), the first team members must throw the balls up and, while they are flying, have time to grab the cookies from the plate (the more, the better). In this case, the cookies should not break or crumble. The team with the most whole cookies at the end of the competition will win. They can become prizes for the winning team.


For this competition you need to prepare in advance 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans. Interested participants are divided into two teams of 4 people. Everyone is given “gardening tools” in their hands, distributed as follows: 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down hoops); 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in a hoop); The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can); The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).

All actions take place one after another. The winner is the team that finishes the “garden work” faster than the other.

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