Fighting game characters. The Best Guest Characters in Fighting Game History

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Weird, wild, and... what the hell? In the fighting game wardrobe.

Fighting games have always been full of tacky clothing, whether it's the work of eccentric developers, experimental players, or quirky DLC. Want something weird? Wear your best costume because we're entering the arena of the extraordinary in search of the funniest extra costumes.

We'll kick off our exhibition of foolishness with the Wii U version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2, the inspiration for this article and the most extreme example of Nintendo branding getting out of hand. Like other franchises that washed up on the shores of the Big N, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was "Nintendified" before its release on Wii U.

Only, instead of including Nintendo characters or references to its products, the game added a lot of themed costumes and items for its already funny heroes. If you've ever wanted to see a panda in a Toad costume or a muscle-bound Mario, hurry up and take advantage of the opportunity. It was difficult to choose just one costume that would capture all the craziness of this mix, but the choice fell on Alex the dinosaur, a lizard dressed as Princess Peach. All that remains is to find out what they were smoking at Namco Bandai.

You could easily fill the entire list with mind-bending costumes from Dead or Alive 5. This is the easiest target in the genre with so many swimsuits, bunny suits, safari shirts and clown outfits. So why did we go with Zac's metallic catsuit? Look for yourself - he is insane even by DoA standards, which is already an achievement.

He doesn't just look like Iron Man cheated on the Silver Surfer with Teletubby. It feels like Team Ninja were trying to make something that would haunt players' nightmares. Zack certainly looked out of this world before, but he certainly wouldn't want to be caught dead or alive outside the arena in that outfit.

Street Fighter X Tekken became a goldmine for cosplayers when it released DLC that allowed characters to dress up as other heroes. One of the strangest wardrobe combinations was Chun Li in a panda costume.

Furries aside, after showing the female Street Fighter icon turned into a raunchy mascot for all-female MMA, we wonder if her agent read the entire contract before signing her up for this crossover. The description of the costume says it's cute, but it seems like "creepy" and "makes you question your sexuality" are more appropriate descriptions.

We wanted to mention Super Smash Bros. here, and thanks to Solid Snake's extra costume from Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii, we succeeded. We're willing to believe that Snake might need to get lost in the grass, the snow, the Matrix, and even an exhibition of marble statues, but the leopard camouflage makes us doubt it. It definitely doesn't suit him, and hiding among the leopards has been a bad idea so far. Maybe we are confusing the leopard pattern with the cheetah pattern, but doubts still linger.

Fighting games have always been full of scantily clad costumes, but Mileena's Flesh Pit costume overloaded our absurd meter. It doesn't matter that she looks like the product of a union between the Crypt Keeper and a Barbie doll. This enraged clone's extra costume is just one teleport-kick away from a wardrobe malfunction of cosmic proportions. You can imagine players who went through all the intricacies of the Tower of Trials to unlock this costume wondering where everything else went when Mileena entered the arena.

Meet Ken Masters. Martial arts lover loving husband, a caring father and... what is this... a budget stripper? Judging by Mr. Masters' extra costume in Super Street Fighter IV, the Capcom team started studying cowboys at a nearby strip club and ended up there.

Whatever their inspiration for this dollar store outfit, between that tight T-shirt and the trendy fringed vest, we wouldn't be surprised to see bills sticking out of... that... leather codpiece. We've seen our fair share of weird costumes in Super Street Fighter IV, but Stetson's release of an actual cowboy hat based on this costume puts cowboy Ken Masters in a whole new absurd light.

To show that "funny" doesn't mean "bad," let's introduce Deadpool's extra costume from Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Based on a witty homage to Deadpool's sidekick, Cable, it's perfect for a killer with a crazy way of thinking. The only drawback is that there are few pockets.

The Cable Pool isn't the only costume in Marvel vs. Capcom, which brings humor to the roster of characters in this mash-up. Not far behind are Frank West's Megaman Armor, She-Hulk's Judicial Suit, and Sir Arthur's Zombie Makeup.

The Rumble Roses series is a hub for impractical costumes. Its developers, Yuki Future Media Creators and Konami, even made collecting sexy clothes a key element of the game - each victory or achievement is accompanied by the receipt of new barely covering clothes. In our research (all for you), we sifted through hundreds of pictures from Rumble Roses to select the one that shows off the level of madness.

The choice fell on the Sergeant Clements uniform for Dixie Clements because it creates so much surprise for so little price. Leather braces, cap and bracers... Looks like a porn parody of a porn parody.

Speaking of impractical costumes for female characters, consider Ivy's racy dress from SoulCalibur V. We've come to terms with Namco's obsession with certain details of her appearance, but the sexy Christmas tree left us more confused than excited or intrigued. The outfit was virtually tailored by Shimazaki Mari, the designer behind Bayonetta's look, and the gold, tinsel-covered outfit even appeared in the ad.

But this can be forgiven due to the fact that our attention was distracted by the huge... numbers in the release date. We could have chosen other Ivy costumes, but we wanted to create a festive atmosphere.

Alas for you, poor Blanca. Lost his mother at birth, crashed into the jungle and turned into a sub-Hulk. As if that wasn't enough reason to see a therapist, Capcom dressed him up in a tight safari guide outfit. Aside from the fact that he looks ridiculous, the idea of ​​strapping Blanca with a constant reminder of his unfortunate fate sounds a little cruel.

After all, it’s unlikely that poor Jimmy wants to remember in the middle of a fight how he had to eat mutant eels and wash himself in mud as a child. In the end, we appreciated the image of a tourist trip during which something went wrong, but we still want to roll our eyes.

Big Daddy's plush outfit for PlayStation All-Stars is as funny as a pit bull in a princess dress (Tekken, you can take it). He's fooling us. After all, these hulking bodyguards from BioShock are meant to be feared, not invited to tea. Among all kinds of macho men, gods of war and devilish clowns, his soft appearance sticks out like a thorn. On the other hand, you can also meet fat princesses, cartoon rappers and the kid from Ape Escape, so it looks like he’s not the only one who wants a hug after the fight.

To be clear, we find this treatment of Big Daddy ridiculous, but the idea is cool. Especially when you realize that the inspiration was taken from the Big Daddy doll that can be seen in the BioShock 2: Sea of ​​Dreams trailer.

If you think about it, Bloody Roar's entire gameplay revolves around additional costumes. Each character can transform into the form of a Zoanthrope, half-man, half-beast, which gives him new powers and diversifies his repertoire of fighting techniques. These extra costumes aren't just for showing off, they're a key element to a successful game. Chameleons and chimeras, tigers and moles, bats and elephants all make Bloody Roar Extreme a high point for the series in terms of its imaginative roster of fighters who are unintentionally funny to watch.

We know what you're thinking. That we just pulled Bloody Roar by the ears to show how a wolf beats up a bug. Yes you are right. Thank you.

It took Sega four versions of Virtua Fighter 5 to hone its mastery of costume absurdity. It grew from one costume DLC to another and with many character customization options in the not-quite-final versions of Virtua Fighter 5: Final Countdown. And finally, in the Japanese version of D, the developers added this example of the strange. Sega, what did you and Cage not share?

You can understand that the anorexic stormtrooper costume was supposed to make the ninja even cooler, but the look of it makes you want to say, “Use a sandwich, Cage!” And the busty cybor just looks embarrassing.

Long before Nintendo popularized mascot-heavy fighting games in Super Smash Bros., Sega was experimenting with its own all-star match in Fighters Megmix for the Sega Saturn. In it, the player could unlock Deku, a poorly drawn Mexican bean who fought with the help of a bird under a sombrero. His (isn't that "he"?) extra costume included a logo hat that vibrates when he loses.

It's not really that crazy of a costume, but the fact that there were multiple versions of the Mexican Killer Bean in any given game makes Mr. Deku a worthy addition. By the way, besides him, among the secret characters were the palm tree from the Sega AM2 logo, the Hornet car from Daytona USA, a polar bear and a guy named Mr. Meat... Now you understand how difficult it was to choose just one from the Fighters Megamix team.

After this squid costume for Anna Williams, we'll never look at seafood the same way again. And guess what? We like it. This seductive cephalopod outfit was created by mangaka Ogure Ito, also known as Oh! great (creator of Air Gear and On Earth and in Heaven) as part of a collaboration between the Project Tekken team and their peers in the manga industry. They came up with stylish additional costumes for Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

Ito's design is quite remarkable by the standards of hyper-sexualized squids, making the costume one of the most unique in the game. It must be said that it’s scary to even think how many tentacle fanarts and stories it has spawned since its release. Despite falling under the NSFW category, Anna's sexy squid costume is one of the most strangely mesmerizing ones we've seen so far. In the sense that we are defeated, but we do not give up.

Not funny enough? Do you think you can add something? We limited ourselves to one character per game, leaving the ring for those who want to come out and add something of their own. What's your best suggestion?

Not long ago we witnessed an enchanting fight. Solange attacked Jay-Z himself, demonstrating a series of punches, and then even threw a front kick. On this occasion, we have compiled a list of ten heroines (albeit virtual) of famous fighting games who not only look great, but can also give a worthy rebuff to any representative of the male tribe.

Chan-Li (Street Fighter universe)

It is logical that the first woman to appear in a one-on-one fighting game opens our list. The girl's name consists of two characters: Chan (spring) and Li (beauty), but some fans of the fighting game believe that this nickname Chan-Li is just a camp name from the surname Changli. As for the signature style of fighting, the fragile beauty’s arsenal includes the famous “hot” combination of hyakuretsukyaku kicks - even the most devoted fans of the series cannot learn this name.

The girl can be seen in two films based on Street Fighter. And if in the 1994 film adaptation with Van Damme she is just one of the supporting characters, then the film “Street Fighter: The Legend of Chan-Li,” released five years ago, is completely built on her story.

April O'Neil (TMNT: Tournament Fighters)

There's a game in the Mutant Turtles series where April O'Neil doesn't need to be saved. The yellow-suited journalist is one of the fighters in Sega's TMNT: Tournament Fighters, and is the only game in which April is playable. Together with the turtles, the girl saves teacher Splinter, going to a fighting tournament in another dimension.

In the latest film about green mutants, April will be played by Megan Fox, but we strongly doubt that she will be able to perform at least some of the arsenal of techniques of the heroine of this fighting game. In the picture above, for example, a fragile girl is performing a wrestling backbend with a heavy turtle (say hello to back injuries!).

Ivy (Soul Calibur universe)

One of the most popular heroines in the Soul Calibur fighting game universe. According to legend, Ivy is the daughter of the pirate Cervantes, who turned into a monster due to his obsession with the sword Soul Edge. The girl vowed to destroy the sword, and then off we went...

Tina Armstrong (Dead or Alive universe)

Games from the Dead or Alive series are generally more about sex than about fighting. After all, at a time when Mortal focused on more blood, DOA introduced an innovation that made female characters' breasts bounce when they moved. That's why you should choose blonde Tina Armstong or give up violence altogether and play Dead or Alive: Paradise.

In the film adaptation of Dead or Alive, Tina was played by Jamie Pressly, who at the beginning of the film beats up Liu Kang himself... well, that is, Robin Shue.

Sonya Blade (Mortal Kombat universe)

Sonya is the real deal with her fists. An American intelligence officer has been in the series since the first part, and her famous neck grab with her legs has become one of the most recognizable techniques in the history of fighting games.

Vanessa Lewis (Virtua Fighter universe)

Far from it main character fighting game, but one of the most striking female characters in the series. He first appears in the fourth part of Virtua Fighter as a guard for the main character Sarah Bryant. But this girl got into our top not thanks to some superpowers, but thanks to her appearance. In Virtua Fighter 4, she looks like a stripper who abuses the tanning bed. True, in the next part there was not a trace of the tan left, but before Vanessa, it seems that there had never been such a tanned heroine in fighting games.

Nina Williams (Tekken universe)

A beautiful, cold-blooded killer of Irish descent - could there be anything better? Nina Williams participates in all Iron Fist tournaments (read: appears in all Tekken series).

Interesting fact: throughout all the games in the series, Nina does not show any interest in guys. The creators explain this fact by saying that the only man she trusted was her father.

Honey (Candy) (Fighting Vipers universe)

The only heroine on our list who doesn’t fight to save the universe (her father, her friend, the honor of her family). A 16-year-old student from the Fighting Vipers series dreams of becoming a clothing designer, and her main goal in fighting is to show off her own wardrobe.

Super moves with high leg lifts, a bright outfit - she has it all. In the European and American versions of the game, the girl was named Candy, and if you spend a little time on the old toy, you will soon be able to unlock additional costumes for the young heroine.

Orkid (Killer Instinct universe)

The girl's success lies in her mystery. Very little is known about Orkid from Killer Instinct: we know that she is a spy, working undercover in the secret organization Ultratech. That's all. Why she is taking part in the first tournament, what her true intentions are - this is unknown. But why do we need to know such trifles if there is this mysterious look and these short green shorts? As for enemies, Orkid first of all fights against his brother Iago, and then everyone else comes to hand.

Harley Quinn (DC Comics universe, fighting game Injustice: God Among Us)

The Joker's girlfriend looks most striking in the fighting game Injustice: God Among Us. A tight suit, a mask (we talked about mystery!) and contempt for the good guys - a worthy set for bad girl. As the game progresses, Harvey helps his boss, quarrels with him, and even cuts his throat at the end for laughing at her idea of ​​marrying her. Is there a better example of how an angry woman is the most dangerous creature?

TOP 10: The sexiest, most charming and famous girls from fighting games of all time.

It is better not to conflict with them, even if we are talking about a big, pumped up guy, since the size of the enemy does not play a big role for them. They are very attractive, but underneath their appearance lies a powerful warrior who will not let himself be offended. It is very difficult to call the participants in our rating representatives of the fairer sex, since they are not at all defenseless. Girls are able to knock you down not only with their beauty, but also with a series of crushing blows. It's time to check who's on this list.

No. 10. Character - Wonder Woman / Diana from Injustice: Gods Among Us

A warlike Amazon who came to Earth from her home to watch over people and protect them. Princess Diana always stands on the side of truth and justice. The girl spends more of her time in the human world, but at the same time does not forget about the culture and traditions of her people. Behind the attractive appearance of the heroine hides a powerful warrior who is capable of beating a much more dangerous opponent to a pulp. Wonder Woman uses the traditional weapons of his people - the blade, shield, bracelets and lasso of the Truth. Its magical power will not allow the enemy to free himself, gradually strengthening his grip upon resistance, in addition, it can force a person to speak only the truth. However, Diana She has a very hot temper, so she can do rash things. Like most Amazons, she honors the main rule of the leader of Themyscira - to always be peacemakers against male tyranny.

Short story:

Wonder Woman together with the rest of the heroes from the Justice League, they travel to a parallel universe, where they try to correct the crimes committed by the madman Joker. This character is one of the most beautiful and famous in the DC universe.

No. 9. Character - Kitana from Mortal Kombat 2

She had long ago proven to the rest of the tournament participants that a fan is not only an exquisite device that helps in the heat, but also an unsurpassed weapon that can be used to chop the most dangerous fighter into pieces. The girl's life was extremely unfavorable. She is already more than 10,000 years old, but in appearance she is a princess Kitana remained just as attractive. The mother, Queen Sindel, died under mysterious circumstances. Since then, her daughter has faithfully served King Shao Kahn. He entrusted his servant only with the most dangerous work. The evil tyrant hid the real past for a long time Kitans until she found out the truth herself. It turned out that she lived all the time in intrigues and lies, even Milena, whom she considered her sister for many years, was in fact a clone created by the magician Shang Tsung. The princess no longer wanted to be near her stepfather, so at the first opportunity she leaves the walls of the palace. In a fit of anger, Shao Kahn throws all his strength behind the fugitive.

Short story:

The character is first introduced in the second part of the game MK 2. Kitana immediately fell in love with players for her cold-blooded fighting style. Kitana ranked 40th on the list of the 50 Greatest Female Characters in Video Games History behind The 50-Greatest Female Characters in the History of Video Games. This is not the entire list of nominations...

No. 8. Character - Felicia from Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors

A cat girl who was very lonely because society thought she was a monster, although let's face it... Young Felice on the contrary, she did not lose heart and strived to learn more about the world around her and achieve success in life. She spent her childhood in a monastery, where she was raised by a nun named Rose. There were no hobbies, and there were no friends; the only outlet was the TV, where the girl enthusiastically watched music programs. Soon she began to gradually master the art of singing. After the death of his guardian Felice decides to leave his hometown and go in search of worldwide recognition. On her way, the traveler meets a group of like-minded people who were also cat girls. Thus began a great career where Felice became the main performer. By nature, she is a very kind, sensitive and positive character who is not alien to the suffering of other people. Later she founded an orphanage.

Short story:

First appeared in a fighting game Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors(1994). Felice She seems like a kind girl who is always willing to play with a ball of thread or sharpen her claws and bask in the sun, but in fact she is ready at any moment to plunge her large claws into her opponent and tear him apart. Quite a nice combination. Over the years Felice became the face of the entire series, and later the character began to appear in other games.

No. 7. Character - Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury

A ninja girl who learned from an old sensei the very ancient and dangerous martial art of Ninjutsu - the art of being patient. With time May learned to defend herself and even release fire spheres at her enemies. In battles, she is an unsurpassed master, but very often the girl defeated guys without a single blow, captivating with her beauty and deep neckline. May I always dreamed of a quiet life with my beloved boyfriend Andy Bogard, naturally he should be no less cool and strong. Her character is very cheerful and overly dreamy, sometimes her desires and ideas are very far from real events.

Short story:

Mei Shiranui found in all parts of the fighting game Fatal Fury, in some episodes Samurai Showdown and other games. Initially, the developers planned to create a professional male fighter, but then decided to create Mei Shiranui.

No. 6. Character - Cammy White from Street Fighter 2

An incredibly strong personality, not only physically, but also emotionally, she adores cats, despite her attractiveness, she does not like it when people sympathize with her. The girl's childhood was very vague. Initially, the blue-eyed blonde was a puppet who carried out orders to eliminate given targets. Later, thanks to her determination, the heroine finds out that she was born as a result of a special cloning experiment. Its creator M. Bison explained Cammy that her genetic code is directly connected to him and if he dies, then her life will also fade away. Despite this fact, the girl enters the battle. Having freed other experimental subjects, she loses consciousness and memory. The Delta Red organization arriving at the scene decides that they simply need such a brave and uncompromising person. The British service is conducting a special operation, freeing the heroine’s body from the influence of M. Bison. Now Cammie White serves faithfully in the ranks of the delta as an independent employee.

Short story:

The fighter was introduced in the game for the first time Super Street Fighter 2. Since then Cammy is the face of the series, after Chun-Li.

5 out of 10 rounds in the category TOP 10: The Sexiest, Most Charming and Famous Fighting Game Girls of All Time you have already survived, but other girls from the games are still ahead. We hope you can resist their beauty.

No. 5. Character - Ivy Isabella Valentine from Soul Calibur

A beautiful girl who became a victim of her parents' obsession. Isabel was brought up in a wealthy family, although her real parents simply left the child near the walls of one estate. After some time, she learns that she is adopted, but she received this information very calmly, because she considered only those people who supported her in difficult times to be important. For years Isabella Valentine I watched my father with interest; he spent whole days in the laboratory to find the secret of eternal youth using the Soul Edge sword, but large investments and painstaking work over many years never bore fruit. After some time, Count Valentine dies without making a discovery, and after him Countess Valentine leaves the world. All these terrible events undoubtedly left their mark on the character of the young heiress, who vowed to complete the work of her parents.
Ivy began her own experiments until she found out that the Soul Edge blade actually releases dark energy that can take souls. This information infuriated the girl’s devastated personality, she decided to destroy this weapon by any possible and impossible means and no matter what or who would have to be sacrificed for this.

Short story:

Isabella Valentine became one of the first participants in the fighting game Soul Calibur. The girl appeared before the players as a negative character, but despite this, her goal was noble - to destroy the Soul Edge sword forever, it’s just that the methods for achieving this very goal are not very correct.
Thanks to her appearance, Ivy has become one of the most popular characters in the series. She has appeared in many parts of the game. Soul Calibur and even became famous outside of it.

No. 4. Character - Christie from Dead or Alive 3

This example once again convinces you that evil can very often be attractive... It would seem that she is an incredibly beautiful girl that some guy would love to meet, but you shouldn’t draw premature conclusions, because behind her pretty face hides a merciless hired killer. Maybe, Christie can, without hesitation, stick a knife in the back of his companion on the first date. Behind the character Christie a very narcissistic, heartless, proud, arrogant and cruel person. For her, people are quite predictable and pitiful creatures. The mercenary knows very well that she is very beautiful; this fact has more than once helped her when tracking down her next victim.

Short story:

First appeared in the game Dead or Alive 3. The girl is hired by Victor Donovan, he instructs her to kill Elena Douglas so that she does not have time to reveal his insidious plan. Christie quickly finds her target, transforming into a harmless maid.
Series Dead or Alive has always been famous for its beautiful fighters of the opposite sex in revealing outfits. Christie very popular in the series, although it is not a pioneer. She was seen in other games and the film DOA: Dead or Alive, where actress Holly Valance plays the role of the fatal killer.

No. 3. Character - Black Orchid / Orchid from Killer Instinct

An incredible dove with great... talents. The girl's main weapon is small laser swords; they are somewhat reminiscent of phosphorus sticks that are used at discos. The girl fights very subtly and gracefully, so when you see the heroine in a nightclub, you can’t immediately tell whether she’s dancing or just beating up another persistent fan. Orchid very curious, sometimes an excessive craving for the unknown drags her into incredibly dangerous situations.

Short story:

Black Orchid became one of the first fighting game fighters Killer Instinct, which came out back in 1994. In the story, she was a double agent working for the company Ultratech, where they developed secret drugs. The agent ended up at the tournament purely by chance, but this did not frighten her, because Orchid knew perfectly well martial arts and could take care of herself. The players remembered her more as a girl with beautiful shapes.

No. 2. Character - Nina Williams from Tekken 5

A difficult childhood without a father made him Nina cold-blooded, indifferent and independent person. The attractive blonde devoted her entire future life to martial arts, so criminals in the alleys were extremely unlucky when meeting her. Despite her appearance, the girl very rarely started romantic relationships with men, completely immersing herself in her work as an assassin and participating in Iron Fist tournaments. Sister Anna remained the only close person, and she was constantly at odds with her.

Short story:

In Game Tekken 5 Nina Williams begins to recover his lost memories after suspended animation. The girl's memory begins to return when she meets her sister Anna Williams. A serious conflict breaks out between them, which must be resolved at another Iron Fist competition.

No. 1. Character - Sophitia Alexandra from SoulCalibur: Lost Swords

Good evening. What genre comes to mind first when you want to play something with your friend? Fighting game, of course. In this article, I have collected the best fighting games that have been released over the past six years. Get your fists ready!

Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition key for Steam for 475 rubles.

Mortal Kombat is a huge series of games that children and adults know about. Over the course of several decades, it has become noticeably prettier, and its prettier version, thank the gods, has appeared not only on consoles, but also on PC. This caused many to go crazy, gathered in groups and went home. Many still cannot be found. This is how it influences Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition for the untrained mind.

On the PC version you can play with 32 characters, which is very good. This makes the game more dynamic; and it doesn’t matter whether you play alone or with a friend. Elaborate graphics, beautifully designed techniques, a great story - all this awaits you if you download the version for PC or any other console.

At the same time, everything that every fan of the series has respected for decades has not disappeared. Various “fatalities”, “babalities”, weapons that fighters make appear briefly (as a child, between me and my friends, learning how to get a weapon from a certain character was a great joy), and much more. Kill time with Mortal Kombat: Complete Edition terribly easy. Go for it.

BlazBlue Calamity Trigger

BlazBlue Calamity Trigger key for Steam for 430 rubles.

This is one of the best fighting games with manga graphics to appear on consoles or PC. It also has quite a lot of parts, and BlazBlue Calamity Trigger turned out to be one of the best... Unlike other parts, it is available on PC, which obviously makes you smile while rubbing your hands.

Each character has a set of special attacks and several Distortion Drives, which make battles dynamic and unpredictable. Also, each hero can use the Astral Heat strike - a super-blow that kills the enemy with one hit under certain conditions.

It is also interesting that in BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger There are three types of blocks that work differently in different situations. For example, you need to use the barrier carefully, because if it runs out, the force of the blows to your hero will be stronger by 50% for a certain number of seconds. The second type of block generally requires a refined reaction (you need to block the blow 0.13 seconds before it hits). So, of course, the game is definitely worth trying with a friend.

Super Street Fighter 4

Super Street Fighter 4 key for Steam for 220 rubles.

One of the best parts of another famous fighting game that came to PC from consoles. To be honest, the game appeared in arcades in 2008, but since the site only talks about consoles and computers, the game was able to enter the time segment. Street Fighter 4 turned out to be a worthy continuation of the series, but Super Street Fighter 4 has added new characters and several new features.

The six-button control system welcomed players with open arms, and the combat system added new depths in the form of “focus attacks” and “ultra combos.” But, in general, the entire main combat system is made up of bits and pieces of other parts. The ability to use dashes to move quickly and get up quickly if you are dropped has returned. The high jump, alas, is no longer available to everyone.

IN Super Street Fighter 4, as in the original version, two different energy scales: the first (super combo scale) is needed in order to perform super combos. It has four divisions and has been familiar to everyone for a long time, and the second (vengeance scale) is needed to perform ultra-cobmo, which I wrote about above. The events of the fourth part, by the way, take place after the events of the second and before the events of the third. These are the pies. Capcom likes to complicate things.

Street Fighter X Tekken

Street Fighter X Tekken key for Steam for 960 rubles.

Almost all fighting game fans dream of heroes different games collided and began a fierce struggle for something. Well, friends, why shouldn't Capcom please you? There you are Street Fighter X Tekken is a war between two groups of famous fighters. It even appeared on PC. Is it true.

The combat system is very similar to any of Capcom's. You select two characters at once into battle, between whom you can switch even during a combo. There is one energy bar that allows you to use improved versions of super moves and team strikes.

If you purchase all the DLC, the number of characters in the game will be fifty! This is not small when compared with other fighting games. Here, after all, there are two games in one. If your friend loves Tekken and you happen to... Street Fighter- don’t worry and download Street Fighter X Tekken: You will definitely like it.

Injustice: Gods Among Us

Injustice: Gods Among Us key for Steam for 530 rubles.

One rather interesting fighting game called Injustice: Gods Among Us, which is based on the DC Comics universe. The combat system itself is no different from other masterpieces gaming industry, but in it you can not only punch the face of your least favorite hero, but also interact with the external environment. For example, Batman can attach explosives to a car to blow it up, and Superman can use the car as a projectile to throw it.

As you fight, you'll fill up a special energy meter to use its charges to extend combos and unleash super attacks. Each hero has different “tricks”, and therefore the battles become dynamic and exciting. There are a total of 33 characters in the game, which is quite a lot. Those who truly love DC Comics will be crazy about this fighting game.

Injustice: Gods Among Us appeared even on mobile platforms. Most likely, this is precisely why the game has become popular: playing it on a tablet or phone is still a pleasure. The plot was written in collaboration with DC Comics writers, which means there should be no inconsistencies in the story.

Key Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 for Steam for 530 rubles.

Those who love the fairly famous anime called "Naruto" can plunge into the world of ninjas and various techniques with the help Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. There you will be met by as many as 80 characters. Honestly, this game is worth trying even for those who don’t like or even hate anime, since the combat system in this game is beyond praise. The story is also interesting, but only those who have watched the series can understand it.

Unlike regular fighting games, here you choose a second or even a third character not to play as, but so that he can come to the rescue and literally make one blow to the enemy. They can be used all at once, and therefore when it turns out that both players use all their friends, the battlefield contains 6 characters: this terribly dynamic and colorful mess of blows and colors will delight any fan of fighting games.

Unfortunately, not all characters will be available to play with a friend: to unlock them, you will have to go through the story. Also, unlike all sorts of Tekken And Street Fighter, the battlefield is three-dimensional and can be navigated along both the Y and X axis. This makes battles even more exciting and dynamic. Therefore, every self-respecting fighter should try this creation. Moreover, it is completely translated into Russian by 1C-Softclub.

WWE 13

WWE 13 key for XBOX for 1030 rubles.

Our list cannot do without one of the parts of the wonderful fighting game that takes you to the WWE ring. One of the best parts is WWE 13, as its innovations simply blew up the fans and turned the usual computer “waving their fists” into a sphere of unpredictability and fierce struggle. New “chips” can be listed forever.

The most important thing is that now your match will be full of surprises. The developers call these surprises "Exciting Moments": you can break the ring or even intercept an opponent's punch or throw, turning it into the last thing he sees in that ring today (That's how I talk). Serious work has been done on the sound design: now it has become more realistic and voluminous. Character body animations are now more realistic thanks to the new engine, and the weight of a character's body affects what it can do to the enemy and the ring. And these are just the most important advantages.

If you count all the characters WWE 13(Regular and downloadable), then there can be about 100 of them. You can participate in regular, doubles matches, and even bring 6 divas (girl wrestlers) into the ring at the same time. Everything is in your muscular hands! You can also create your own wrestlers, your own arenas and sets of moves. Even titles can be edited. There is nothing impossible in this wonderful fighting game, so be sure to try it.


Skullgirls key for Steam for 320 rubles.

Another game whose graphic style is between “cartoon” and “manga”. All the characters are attractive girls who do not share something between themselves (our girls are like that). Alas, there are not as many of them as in those games that you read about above, but the combat system itself is quite dynamic and interesting.

This is where the list of the best fighting games ends. As always, I will say that the author’s opinion may not coincide with the reader’s opinion, but this is not a reason to incite disputes and skirmishes. You need to live in peace.

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