The thermal springs of Karlovy Vary treat what. Karlovy Vary - all sources with map and description

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The main natural healing factor of Karlovy Vary is thermal sodium-carbon dioxide-sulfate springs containing compounds of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, lithium, bromine and other substances. Mineralization up to 7 g/l. The chemical composition of water from all sources is approximately the same and differs mainly in temperature and, accordingly, carbon dioxide content: from 0.37 to 0.75 g/l).

The mineral waters of Karlovy Vary are used mainly for drinking treatment, the water from the Mill Spring is bottled, and the water from the Vřídlo Spring is the basis for all balneotherapeutic procedures used in the resort (carbon dioxide, oxygen, radon, pearl and other baths, swimming in pools, intestinal lavage, irrigation, rinsing, etc.). In addition, natural Carlsbad salt is obtained from mineral waters by evaporation, which contains 18% sodium chloride, 36% sodium bicarbonate, 44% sodium sulfate, about 2% potassium sulfate, as well as small amounts of calcium, magnesium, iron, lithium salts, fluorine, bromine and other elements.

What and how is treated in Karlovy Vary

The resort treats patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and biliary tract, as well as metabolic disorders ( diabetes, obesity and others). There is a resort clinic, balneotherapy clinics, a drinking gallery, pump rooms of individual springs, numerous hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums. In medical institutions, physical therapy is widely used, different kinds massage, electrotherapy and phototherapy, heat therapy (including mud baths and applications). For measured walks there is a path - over 100 km of paths that pass through the most picturesque places of Karlovy Vary.

All doctors speak Russian and English.

Karlovy Vary offers programs that include full treatment services, their duration is 7, 14 or 21 days. The treatment course includes:

  • accommodation in a sanatorium or hotel (see also the list of all hotels and sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary)
  • initial medical examination and laboratory tests
  • meals (full board), diet according to doctor's recommendations
  • comprehensive sanatorium treatment in accordance with the course of procedures prescribed by the doctor after examination and study of tests (2–4 procedures per day)
  • drinking course appointment
  • final medical examination and laboratory tests

Based on the examination results, the spa doctor prescribes an individual treatment program for each patient, taking into account the state of health and diagnosis. To quickly select an individual course of treatment, it is recommended to take an extract from your medical history with you. The recommended duration of treatment is from 7 to 28 days, the maximum result is usually achieved in 21 days.

We have devoted a separate article to the methods of spa treatment in Karlovy Vary, which, characteristically, is called: “Procedures in Karlovy Vary.”

Walking around Karlovy Vary

Healing springs of Karlovy Vary

There are as many as 79 springs in Karlovy Vary, 13 of them have been developed and are used for drinking courses. The composition of mineral water from different sources is similar, but due to different temperatures and carbon dioxide content, it has different effects. Colder springs usually have a mild laxative effect, while warmer ones have a softening effect and slow down the secretion of bile and gastric juice.

  • Garden colonnade
    • Snake Spring, 30 °C. Discovered in 2001, this spring contains fewer minerals than the resort's other springs, but much higher amounts of CO2. It flows out of the snake’s mouth directly into the Garden Colonnade.
    • Garden spring, 47.4 °C. The source was discovered in the mid-19th century during the construction of the foundation for the Military Sanatorium. It was originally called the "Imperial Spring". It comes to the surface on the territory of the Military Sanatorium near the colonnade. Access to the source is open every day from 6:00 to 18:30.
    • Spring Freedom, 60 °C. It was opened in the second half of the 19th century during the construction of Lazne III. It received its current name after the 2nd World War. Previously it was called Spa, then Franz Joseph I. The altanka with a spring is located between Lazne III and the Mill Colonnade.
  • Mill Colonnade (1871-1881, Joseph Zitek): Under the 132-meter-high colonnade, supported by 124 Corinthian columns, there is an orchestra pit and five mineral springs.
    • Rock spring, 53 °C. Until 1845, it flowed into the Teplu River, but after the area was laid out, its water was brought to the current Mill Colonnade.
    • Libushi spring, 62 °C. Once called the spring of Elizabethan roses, it arose by combining four smaller springs.
    • Spring of Prince Wenceslas I, 65 °C. Water from this source was used to produce Karlovy Vary medicinal salt. They say that at the end of the 18th century, its water content and strength could be compared with Vřidl. Prince Vaclav is led to two vases.
    • Spring of Prince Wenceslas II, 58 °C. It flows out in front of the colonnade, opposite the orchestra pit.
    • Mill spring, 56 °C. Since the 16th century it has been used for spa treatment, previously - mainly for preparing baths. Water from the popular spring could once be purchased in almost all Czech pharmacies.
    • Rusalka Spring, 60 °C. From the 16th century until 1945 it was called the New Source. The water flowing from it was at one time in even greater demand than water from the Mill Spring.
  • Market Colonnade (1883, Fellner and Helmer) - a wooden structure built in the Swiss style, according to the plan, it was supposed to cover the hot springs for only a few years. But after it stood above the Market and Charles IV springs for more than a hundred years, the city began to preserve it and completely reconstruct it.
    • Market source, 62°C. Since its discovery (1838), the source has disappeared and reappeared several times. Several wells were made, thanks to which water from the source can still be prescribed by spa doctors.
    • Charles IV spring, 64 °C. Medicinal properties This source may have influenced the decision of Charles IV to build his resort here. The discovery of Karlovy Vary is depicted on a relief located above the spring.
  • The castle colonnade (1911-1913, Friedrich Ohmann) is located directly above the Market Square. It consists of two parts: the colonnade of the Upper Source and the colonnade of the Lower Source. In the internal spaces of the lower part there is a relief of the Spirit of Springs. For many years the colonnade was closed, but after a comprehensive reconstruction, since 2001 it has been open to the public again.
    • Lower Castle Spring (55°C) and Upper Castle Spring (50°C). In fact, we are talking about one source, the water from which is supplied to two vases. But due to the fact that the Upper Spring is located at a high altitude, its temperature and CO2 content are different. The lower castle spring is located on the market square for public use. The spring in the Castle Colonnade is intended only for clients of the Castle Spa.
  • Vrzhidelni colonnade (1969-1975, prof. Votruba). Since the 16th century, the geyser of hot mineral water has been covered by many buildings: a baroque structure, an Empire colonnade, cast iron or temporary wooden colonnades. The next and so far the last building surrounding the hot spring dates back to the late 60s of the 20th century. A tourist route will soon be opened in the old part of the underground of this colonnade, and an exhibition of minerals will be displayed at the top.
    • Vřídlo, 72 °C. The productivity of this geyser is approximately 2000 liters of mineral water per minute. Today this is the only source supplying water for bathing. But Vrzhidlo is also used in drinking courses. The colonnade contains a total of 5 containers with source water at temperatures of 72, 57 and 41 °C. Due to pressure, a column of water from the source can rise to a height of 12 m. The pavilion is open from 6:00 to 19:00.

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Carlsbad drinking rules

It would be a big misconception to consider water from Karlovy Vary springs to be a simple “mineral water” that you can drink whenever and as much as you want. In fact, it is a natural structure containing salts, trace elements and biologically active substances, not intended for constant or unregulated use. And when using it, you must follow a number of rules:

  • It is recommended to consume Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water after consultation with a knowledgeable spa physician.
  • To achieve the full therapeutic effect, it is recommended to drink Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water directly from the source. The point, of course, is not that you have to choke on water directly in the pump room: you need to collect it there, for example, in a pump room, so that later, for example, during a walk, you can leisurely consume it in the amount recommended by the doctor.
  • It is recommended to drink Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water exclusively from traditionally shaped porcelain or glass cups. However, the shape of the container can be non-traditional, the main thing is that it is not plastic.
  • It is not recommended to combine the course of treatment with drinking alcohol or smoking. Even passive inhalation of tobacco smoke is harmful.
  • An important part of the drinking cycle is movement, so it is recommended to combine drinking water with slow walking.
  • The drinking course should take place in a state of mental peace and relaxation, without haste.
  • It is recommended to repeat the drinking course at intervals prescribed by your doctor.
  • Mineral water should not be used to water plants or pour it onto the floor of colonnaded spaces.
  • When drawing water from a source vase, for hygienic reasons, you should not touch the source column or outlet tubes.

Indications for spa treatment

Thanks to the special properties of Karlovy Vary mineral springs and the possibility of their almost universal use, patients with many diseases are successfully treated at the resort gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders. Here are the main indications:

  • stomach ulcer and duodenum, inflammatory diseases intestines
  • functional bowel disorders
  • acute and chronic gastritis
  • chronic catarrh of the stomach
  • recovery after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, including removal of the gallbladder, resection of the stomach and intestines
  • pancreatic diseases
  • hyperlipoproteinemia
  • proctocolitis and Crohn's disease
  • liver diseases
  • cholecystitis
  • diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • gout

As for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, despite a fairly widespread opinion, they cannot be called “core” for Karlovy Vary. However, at the resort you can still alleviate the conditions caused by functional disorders spine with pain syndromes, osteoarthritis and arthritis. But such treatment will be largely auxiliary.


Doctor's answers to questions about treatment in Karlovy Vary

The most pressing questions about the features, pitfalls and other nuances of treatment and recovery in Karlovy Vary are answered by health resort physician, physiotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Elena Khorosheva:

  • Which sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary specialize in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system?
  • Which sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary specialize in liver treatment?
  • Which sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary specialize in kidney treatment?
  • Is it possible to go to Karlovy Vary for independent treatment?

The best countries for treatment and health resorts

All articles about treatment and health improvement on “Subtleties”

  • Hungary: Budapest, Heviz,
  • Germany (and Germany vs Switzerland): cancer treatment, cardiology and cardiac surgery, neurosurgery
  • Jordan (Dead Sea)
  • Spain or

Karlovy Vary became famous in the Middle Ages for the healing properties of its thermal springs. People from all over the world come here to improve their health.

The main feature of the Karlovy Vary springs is that they are almost identical in chemical composition, but have different carbon dioxide content and temperature.

In ours we have collected all the useful information that you will need when preparing for your trip.

We went through all the sources listed on the official website of Karlovy Vary, checked their current state and are ready to provide you with our report.

Map of Karlovy Vary mineral springs

No. 1, Vřídlo (Geyser)

Temperature: 72°C

Location: Geyser colonnade

Water from this source is prescribed for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. This is the only source that supplies water for bathing. At the moment, the geyser hall is closed for reconstruction.

The colonnade contains a total of 5 containers with thermal water at temperatures of 72, 50 and 30 °C.

No. 2, named after Charles IV

Temperature: 64°C

Location: Market Colonnade

The healing properties of this spring led Emperor Charles IV to the decision to establish a resort here.

No. 3, Lower Castle

Temperature: 55°C

Location: Market Colonnade

The chemical composition of the water is almost identical to the thermal mineral water from the 1st Geyser spring.

The market column has recently been restored and looks impressive.

No. 4, Upper Castle

Temperature: 50°C

Location: Castle spa

In fact, this is one source, from which water is supplied to two vases. But due to the fact that the upper source is located higher, its temperature is lower.

The Karlovy Vary website states that this source is for public use. In fact, it turned out to be closed. Perhaps only for the winter.

No. 5, Market Source

Temperature: 61°C

Location: Market Colonnade

Since the discovery of the spring in 1838, it has disappeared and reappeared. Since then, several wells have been made, thanks to which water from the “Market” spring can still be prescribed by spa doctors.

No. 6, Melnichny

Temperature: 56°C

Location: Mill Colonnade

One of the most popular sources among vacationers. Water in which improves metabolism well.

No. 7, Mermaid

Temperature: 60°C

Location: Mill Colonnade

The seventh spring at one time was even more popular than Melnichny. Its properties are similar to source No. 9.

Mill Colonnade

No. 8-a, named after. Wenceslas I

Temperature: 65°C

Location: Mill Colonnade

Water from this source was used to produce Karlovy Vary medicinal salt.

No. 8-b, named after. Wenceslas II

Temperature: 58°C

Location: in front of the Mill Colonnade

This source is deprived of attention among tourists, perhaps due to its location, outside the colonnade. Although it is located, on the contrary, very conveniently, next to a huge number of benches.

No. 9, Libushi

Temperature: 62°C

Location: Mill Colonnade

Source No. 9 regulates metabolism well. It arose due to the combination of four smaller sources.

No. 10, Skalny

Temperature: 53°C

Location: Mill Colonnade

The rock spring effectively regulates metabolism. Until 1845 it flowed into Tepla; later its water was brought to the Mill Colonnade.

No. 11, Freedom

Temperature: 60°C

Location: Gazebo "Freedom"

Source "Freedom"

The water in this source is exactly 60°C. In the second half of the 19th century, a wooden gazebo was built over the source, which is now a historical monument and protected by the state. The source is located between Lazne III and the Mill Colonnade.

No. 12, Garden

Temperature: 47°C

Location: At the Garden Colonnade, in the building of the Military Sanatorium

Healing water from the Svoboda spring is popular among vacationers due to its pleasant sour taste. Located in the building of the Military Sanatorium, near the Garden Colonnade. Opening hours are from 6:00 to 18:00.

No. 15, Snake Spring

Temperature: 30°C

Location: Garden colonnade

Garden Colonnade, Snake Spring

One of the most popular sources, to which there is always a queue. Contains less minerals, but more carbon dioxide.

Little-known sources

The official website of Karlovy Vary additionally lists three more sources that we have never heard of. We decided to find each of them and see what condition they are in at the moment.

No. 13, Dorotka

Location: Pavilion Dorotka

Dorotka is an unusual Karlovy Vary mineral spring; it is rather the release of dry carbon dioxide with a small amount of water. The source was located in the Dorotka stone pavilion near the former gas and light therapy hospital (Lazne IV). Since 2012, the pavilion has been closed to visitors.

No. 14, Stepanka

Temperature: 14°C

Location: in the park in front of the Richmond Hotel

This source was discovered at the end of the 19th century. Thanks to its unique composition, rich in iron, it has become part of drinking treatment. At the beginning of the 20th century, it disappeared and was only found in 1993.

In 1997, a wooden gazebo by Alois Klein was built over the spring.

Unfortunately, this source was closed for the winter in March.

No. 16, Ferrous spring

Temperature: 11.9°C

The spring was first discovered in 1852, and already in 1856, on the orders of the doctor Rudolf Manl, this water began to be taken for medicinal purposes. As the name already makes clear, the water from this source is rich in iron.

This is the coldest source of Karlovy Vary, unfortunately, it is deprived of the attention of guests of the resort town.

We found the pavilion, not without difficulty - it is located on Bezručova Street (not far from the Trznice station).

Karlovy Vary - public transport 2019

The main feature of the thermal mineral water springs in Karlovy Vary is that they have the same chemical composition. But they have different temperatures (from 30 to 75 °C), which is important when a doctor prescribes a specific source for a specific disease. The fact is that hotter springs are prescribed for people with high acidity and irritable bowel syndrome. Sources with lower temperatures are suitable for people with low acidity and those suffering from constipation. Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water has a complex effect on the body. In addition to treating the stomach and intestines themselves, it is useful for diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, normalizes liver activity, improves metabolism, and stabilizes blood sugar levels. It has been proven that a drinking treatment course of Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water is an effective auxiliary therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Karlovy Vary thermal water saturates the body with beneficial microelements, which indirectly affect the condition of bone and cartilage tissue in organism.

Map of the springs in Karlovy Vary

Source No. 8 "Book of Wenceslas"

Spring No. 8 “Prince Wenceslas II” (58 °C)

Source No. 4 "Gorni Zamecki"

Spring No. 4 “Upper Castle” (50 °C)

Source No. 3 "Dolni Zametski"

Spring No. 3 “Zamkovy Nizhny” (55 °C) in its chemical composition almost coincides with thermal mineral water from the Geyser spring.

Source No. 7 Rusalchin "Source Rusalka"

Spring No. 7 “Rusalka” (58 °C) is similar in its properties to source No. 9.

Source No. 10 Skalni "Rock Spring"

Spring No. 10 “Skalny” (53 °C) effectively regulates metabolism.

Source No. 6 Mlynski "Mill Spring"

Spring No. 6 “Mlynsky” (56°C) improves metabolism well.

Spring No. 1 "Vrzhidlo" (Geyser)

Source No. 1 “Geyser” (72°C) - prescribed for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. In the Geyser Colonnade there is thermal mineral water with a temperature of 30°C and 41°C - it has a laxative effect, 72°C - has a binding effect, 57°C - has a universal effect.

Source No. 11 "Source Freedom"

Source No. 11 “Freedom” (60 °C) promotes the dilution of bile and helps the production of pancreatic enzymes.

Source No. 15, "Snake Spring"

Spring No. 15 “Snake” (30°C) is the coldest, contains fewer minerals than other springs, but it contains more carbon dioxide.

Karlovy Vary mineral water has the following indications for use:

    metabolic disorders and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;

    weight normalization;

    increased level blood sugar and cholesterol;

    left spinal syndromes;

  • reduced immunity

As a result of the use of a drinking treatment course with water from local sources, the secretory activity of the liver increases, the secretion of bile increases, which leads to the elimination of chronic inflammatory processes.

As a result, the function of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, the motility of the stomach and intestines is normalized, and therefore the quality of digestion improves. Thanks to these positive changes in the body, there is better absorption of vitamins, enzymes, minerals and other nutrients.

It has been proven that Karlovy Vary water improves metabolism, so it is very effective in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels and normalizing weight.

Drinking treatment also improves the elimination of various toxic substances from the body. As a result, immunity grows before our eyes. Local doctors confidently claim that they can put even a bedridden patient back on his feet in three weeks.

Treatment in Karlovy Vary is also indicated for problems with the musculoskeletal system. To combat arthrosis, compresses with local parafango mud are effective, which activate the work of the corresponding centers in the brain and adrenal glands, increasing hormonal and vitamin metabolism in the body.

This course removes painful sensations and enhances recovery processes. Parafango also has an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect.

Local water is also used in the form of mineral baths: whirlpool baths, with carbon dioxide, and herbal infusions. Thermal salts and mud are also used for external treatment. This composition further enhances the healing effect.

Actually, in Karlovy Vary you can take a course not only of hydrotherapy. Vacationers are provided with services such as magnetic therapy, various types of massage (classical, aromatic, reflex, underwater), electrotherapy, mineral water inhaler, and gas injections.

Europe's first laser therapy center operates in the Bristol resort complex. Thanks to him, holidaymakers have an excellent opportunity to perform low-traumatic operations using a laser.

For example, get rid of birthmarks, stretch marks, tattoos, remove capillary vessels on the face and legs, smooth out wrinkles and scars, remove tonsils and polyps, undergo treatment for snoring.

There are also weight loss programs in Karlovy Vary. Diet, massage, lymphatic drainage, general rinsing of the body with mineral water - and ten to fifteen extra kilos are gone!

King Charles IV was also treated with the local unique water. A story has survived to this day about how, back in 1370, he injured his leg while hunting. The monarch suffered from unbearable pain for a long time, continuing to move on horseback.

Suddenly his horse stumbled and slipped into a hot stream. The rider's feet sank into the water. And a miracle happened - the wound stopped hurting. In gratitude, the king founded Karlovy Vary here.

Interestingly, in the first years of operation of the resort, patients from among the representatives of the European aristocracy were treated only by immersion in mineral baths. Taking local mineral water internally for medicinal purposes began only in the 18th century.

In total, there are as many as 132 hot mineral springs in the vicinity of the Karlovy Vary resort. Of these, only twelve are used for medicinal purposes. Chemical composition The water in them is the same - sodium - bicarbonate - sulfate acidic.

They differ only in temperature. Its gradation starts from 34° C and reaches 73° C.

A positive result of treatment with the mineral waters of the Karlovy Vary hot springs will be a noticeable improvement in your condition, which usually occurs four weeks after your stay here.

There is probably not a person in our country who has not at least once heard the name of the Czech city of Karlovy Vary. And many even visited this amazing resort city during tourist trips to the Czech Republic. What is so attractive about a small Czech town?

View from above of the Karlovy Vary resort area

The secret of Karlovy Vary’s popularity is its romantic history and the healing properties of the local mineral water. The founding of the city in the 14th century is associated with a romantic legend. Once the famous Czech king and part-time Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV was hunting in dense forests near his residence in Loket Castle. And while hunting, he chased one particularly large and strong deer. The deer ran quickly, but the king was relentless in his pursuit of the game. Finally, Karl managed to shoot a well-aimed arrow and mortally wound the animal, but at the last moment, instead of falling dead, the deer, gathering its last strength, jumped from a high cliff into the stream flowing below. When the king went down to the stream, there was no trace of the deer.

Such a miraculous healing of the animal interested the emperor, and when, after bathing in a hot stream, the muscles and joints that ached from hours of racing stopped hurting, Karl realized healing properties this stream and ordered the founding of a city here, which later, after the name of the king, became known as Karlovy Vary or Carlsbad, in the German manner. And on the rock from where the deer jumped, there is now a cozy gazebo, climbing into which you can admire the beautiful view of the romantic medieval town spread out below. This gazebo is called “Jeleni skok”, which translated from Czech means “deer jump”.

View of the main source of Karlovy Vary from the observation deck of Peter the Great

And the city founded by the king grew and developed, attracting people from all over Europe with its thermal springs. Outstanding poets Goethe and Schiller, composers Chopin and Beethoven, statesmen, kings and emperors came to Karlovy Vary for treatment with water. One of the viewing gazebos in the forest above the resort part of the city is named after the great Russian Emperor Peter I, who visited Karlovy Vary twice at the beginning of the 17th century.

And if in the second half of the 20th century, under socialism, Vary lost a significant part of its former popularity, losing the palm in Central Europe to the famous German one, then starting from the 90s of the last century they quickly began to restore their former image, especially thanks to the growing flow of tourists from Russia.

In total, today there are 12 active springs in Karlovy Vary, although local residents jokingly say that there are actually thirteen springs in Karlovy Vary, meaning the famous herbal balm “Becherovka” created by local pharmacist Jan Becher, which is loved by many lovers of strong balms during all over the world. An excursion to the Becherovka production plant is offered to vacationers in Karlovy Vary, among many other interesting and educational excursions.

But besides excursions, in Karlovy Vary you can find many interesting and exciting activities to keep yourself busy in between getting water treatments. You can stroll along the Tepla embankment, a river with a telling name, on both banks of which there are many interesting shops selling famous Karlovy Vary souvenirs - porcelain dishes, pomegranate products and delicious, freshly baked Karlovy Vary waffles - “platkas”, and other local souvenir paraphernalia.

The thermal waters of Karlovy Vary lie at a depth of about 2000 meters, from where they burst to the surface in powerful jets - the height of the fountain of the main source No. 1 (“Vřídlo”) is up to 12 meters, the water temperature is 73 degrees. The temperature of other sources is from 39 to 65 degrees. For more than six hundred years that have passed since the discovery by Charles IV of the healing power of Karlovy Vary water, the Aesculapians have tried all sorts of ways its use - patients drank water in buckets, sat in baths for ten hours, washed their stomach and intestines with water. In any case, the result was always almost the same - people felt much better.

There is only one indispensable condition - in order to get the healing effect from Karlovy Vary water, you need to drink it fresh, without leaving the source. Karlovy Vary mineral water packaged in glass or plastic containers significantly loses its medicinal effect (although bottled by Mattoni, this water is in good demand and is sold in many countries around the world). Perhaps the reason is the special atmosphere of peace that prevails in this resort city, or perhaps something else. But the fact remains - if you want to be treated with the healing water of Karlovy Vary, get ready for the road and go to the Czech Republic, there is no other way. And the local hydropathic clinics will offer all conceivable and inconceivable methods of treatment using miraculous mineral water - oral administration, baths and hydromassages, contrasting souls and swimming in the pool and much more.

In terms of composition, Karlovy Vary mineral water is classified as lightly carbonated sodium carbonate with the presence of potassium, calcium, iron and bromine. In total, the local water contains over 50 microelements, so successfully selected by nature itself that the effect produced by drinking this water often exceeds the most optimistic expectations of those who come for treatment. Well, since the city itself, with its absolutely incomparable architectural variety of cute houses with colorful facades and pointed roofs, and the surrounding hills covered with dense forests with many dozens (they say that the total length of trails is about 200 kilometers) equipped walking routes offer a lot interesting for leisure activities, and in the vicinity of Karlovy Vary there are interesting medieval castles and fortresses of the Czech Republic, it is not surprising that Karlovy Vary is becoming more and more visited by tourists as a city in the Czech Republic, the second most popular after Prague.

Karlovy Vary resort area, with the Imperial Hotel in the background

Not the least role in the growth of Karlovy Vary’s fame was played by the competent promotion of sites dedicated to the city and its thermal springs on the Internet. Modern life is such that a process such as, for example, website promotion in St. Petersburg or Moscow, or even Prague, can provide significant support to a real business and bring it to a leading position in its industry. And in the future, it is quite possible that Internet advertising will be able to replace traditional forms of promoting business projects.

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