Trade college on Kamenskaya. History, achievements of trade and economic college

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State budgetary professional educational institution of the Novosibirsk region "Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College"

Impeccable experience in the educational services market since 1936!

New plans and the desire for better are a characteristic feature of the college’s workforce.

Much attention is paid to scientific and methodological work in the college. Today, the principle of self-organization of students’ educational activities comes to the fore, so the traditional lesson has been replaced by such classes as a lecture with elements of independent work, seminars, training lessons, binary lessons, triad lessons, lessons based on practice, lessons with elements of advanced learning , conference lessons, business games, debate lessons, KVN lessons and others. While preserving the best traditions, the methodological activities of the team reach a higher level of quality in accordance with the requirements of the modern moment. The college annually holds exhibitions of methodological works of teachers, independent creative and research works of students.

The educational part of the college is working towards increasing the overall and quality performance of students and maintaining the student population. The work of the departments is connected with all college services, student parents, and organizations related to the educational process.

Much attention is paid to educational work in the college. Over its long history, the educational institution has developed strong traditions; the following events are held annually: “Initiation as a student,” “Health Days,” “Memorial Evenings for May 9,” “Professional Excellence Competition,” “Hello, we are looking for talents,” “ Knight Tournament”, “Miss College”, “Evening in Foreign Languages” and many others. An annual cycle of traditional affairs has been developed.

The college library is actively involved in the educational process: students are provided with modern literature, a fund of textbooks and manuals on electronic media is being formed. Library staff introduce students to reading fiction and literature through library lessons, poetry evenings, literary compositions, exhibitions and presentations of various literature.

The college has various sports sections: football, tennis, volleyball, skiing. Students improve their health in gym college. Students of our educational institution are prize-winners and winners of the city and regional sports competitions among students of secondary educational institutions.

Our college students receive scholarships from the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region, the Novosibirsk City Hall, and the Union of Lawyers.

The strategy of the entire teaching staff was the firm conviction that it is necessary not only to train a future industry specialist endowed with professional competencies, but also to educate a person who is a true citizen of his country.

A metropolis like Novosibirsk is in dire need of highly qualified young personnel capable of adequately applying skills, experience gained in practice, creativity and initiative in the activities of the city’s growing retail network.

The level of training of a graduate of a secondary specialized educational institution is determined not only by theoretical knowledge, but also by practical skills and professional competencies.

Taking into account their chosen specialty, students undergo internships at leading trade enterprises and organizations in the city.

The Center for Continuing Education is a kind of experimental platform for the educational institution. The center's activities are varied:

training and retraining of food and non-food sellers, cashiers, sales floor administrators, accountants, HR managers

advanced training courses for various categories of industry specialists (salespeople, commodity experts, department heads, marketers, sales floor administrators, managers, managers)

short-term seminars on various topics.

The implementation of the above services requires the center to work hard to study the labor market of the city and region, actions aimed at adapting vocational education to the needs of the economy, and ensuring that the acquired knowledge meets the requirements of the employer.

The college is waiting for its future students who are focused on receiving a highly professional education!

Impeccable experience in the educational services market since 1936!

New plans and the desire for better are a characteristic feature of the college’s workforce.

Much attention is paid to scientific and methodological work in the college. Today, the principle of self-organization of students’ educational activities comes to the fore, so the traditional lesson has been replaced by such classes as a lecture with elements of independent work, seminars, training lessons, binary lessons, triad lessons, lessons based on practice, lessons with elements of advanced learning , conference lessons, business games, debate lessons, KVN lessons and others. While preserving the best traditions, the methodological activities of the team reach a higher level of quality in accordance with the requirements of the modern moment. The college annually holds exhibitions of methodological works of teachers, independent creative and research works of students.

The educational part of the college is working towards increasing the overall and quality performance of students and maintaining the student population. The work of the departments is connected with all college services, student parents, and organizations related to the educational process.

The college library is actively involved in the educational process: students are provided with modern literature, a fund of textbooks and manuals on electronic media is being formed. Library staff introduce students to reading fiction and literature through library lessons, poetry evenings, literary compositions, exhibitions and presentations of various literature.

College students receive scholarships from the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region, the Novosibirsk City Hall, and the Union of Lawyers.

The strategy of the entire teaching staff was the firm conviction that it is necessary not only to train a future industry specialist endowed with professional competencies, but also to educate a person who is a true citizen of his country.

A metropolis like Novosibirsk is in dire need of highly qualified young personnel capable of adequately applying skills, experience gained in practice, creativity and initiative in the activities of the city’s growing retail network.

The level of training of a graduate of a secondary specialized educational institution is determined not only by theoretical knowledge, but also by practical skills and professional competencies.

Taking into account their chosen specialty, students undergo internships at leading trade enterprises and organizations in the city.

The Center for Continuing Education is a kind of experimental platform for the educational institution. The center's activities are varied:

Training and retraining of food and non-food product sellers, cashier controllers, sales floor administrators, accountants, and HR managers.

Advanced training courses for various categories of industry specialists (salespeople, commodity experts, department heads, marketers, sales floor administrators, managers, managers).

Short-term seminars on various topics.

The implementation of the above services requires the center to work hard to study the labor market of the city and region, actions aimed at adapting vocational education to the needs of the economy, and ensuring that the acquired knowledge meets the requirements of the employer.

The college is waiting for its future students who are focused on receiving a highly professional education!

The Ministry of Labor, Employment and Human Resources of the Novosibirsk Region invites everyone to get a good education by enrolling after nine grades at the Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College.

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Admission to the college is carried out based on the average score of the applicant’s certificate, and, which attracts many students, there is no need to take additional exams and the Unified State Exam. The training itself is only in the native Russian language. If you decide to enroll in this educational institution, then the employees will help you fill out and collect all the relevant documents, as well as when choosing a future specialty, based on the tastes and desires of a possible applicant.

At the Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College, 9th grade graduates can receive the following specialties:

  • 02/38/04 Commerce
  • 02/38/05 Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods
  • 02/38/01 Economics and accounting (by industry)
  • 02/43/11 Hotel service
  • 02/38/03 Operational activities in logistics
  • 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security

Documents that must be collected for enrollment:

  • 1. Depending on what class you are entering after, fill out an application in the prescribed form, following the sample.
  • 2. Passport or other document that serves as proof of identity, as well as citizenship. You need the original version and a copy certified by a notary.
  • 3. An original document on the education received.
  • 4. Four three-by-four photographs.
  • 5. To enroll in full-time study, you must submit a medical certificate in the required form.
  • 6. If the applicant worked before admission, he must submit a certificate from his place of work, which will indicate the specialty in which he worked there.

Upon graduation from this educational institution, the student receives secondary vocational education. When studying, you have the opportunity to choose on what basis the training will take place, on the basis of general education or secondary general education. The period of study in the first case will be 3 years 10 months, and in the second case 2 years 10 months. In the case of secondary education, the applicant receives basic knowledge, basically studies in more depth what he studied at school, and when choosing training on the basis of general education, he repeats what he once studied, plus he learns subjects related to his future profession.

The institution provides two forms of education: full-time and part-time. In the first case, if a student studies well, he can receive a good scholarship and free food. In the second case, the cost of training depends on the chosen future specialty. It does not differ much and ranges from 46 thousand Russian rubles to 50 thousand.

FGOU SPO "Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College" - impeccable experience in the educational services market since 1936!

In 1936, by decision of the People's Commissariat of Internal Trade and the decision of the regional internal trade, a technical school of Soviet trade was opened. By order of the Internal Trade of the USSR Union, Georgy Stepanovich Narozhnov was appointed director of the Novosibirsk College of Soviet Trade.

The first graduating class of the technical school was very small - only 17 people. All documents of these graduates are carefully stored in the archives of the educational institution. But already in 1940 the graduation rate was 161 people. In 1941, the technical school trained 130 specialists. The Great Patriotic War became a difficult test for our people; literally in the first days of the war, many teachers and students of the technical school went to the front. Education was interrupted for 2 years. In April 1943, during this difficult time for our homeland, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Novosibirsk Regional Executive Committee found it possible and necessary to restore the educational institution. At this time, the technical school worked in extremely difficult conditions: classes were held only in three classrooms in three shifts. By September 1, 1943, second-year students - 60 people, third-year students - 26 people, and 180 people were again admitted to the first year. During these difficult years, the director of the educational institution was Gennady Yakovlevich Blank.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War Due to the great need for trade specialists, the student population increased from year to year.

Its leaders played a huge role in the formation and development of the educational institution. Their names are remembered with deep respect by colleagues and students:

Skorov Vasily Yakovlevich

Melnikov Alexander Evstafievich

Karavaeva Valentina Ivanovna

Shadurov Oleg Vikentievich

Lunev Anatoly Stepanovich

For more than fifteen years, the team has been led by Lyudmila Ivanovna Lyubavskaya, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, an active and energetic person.

In January 1994, the Russian Trade Committee decided to rename the Novosibirsk Trade and Commerce College into the State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College".

Lyudmila Ivanovna Lyubavskaya headed the college in difficult times: political and economic conditions were changing in the country, traditions and the usual way of society were being destroyed. All this required the manager to make fundamental decisions in management, update the content, forms and methods of training, and respond flexibly to the educational needs of the individual and the needs of the industry. A complete reconstruction of the educational and material base was carried out. New laboratories and classrooms were created in accordance with the curriculum. Computer technologies began to be actively introduced into the educational process, software for teaching and monitoring knowledge was created, and film projection, radio and television equipment was purchased.

Developing, keeping up with the times, the college has always been educational institution represented by several generations of teachers. The experience of veteran teachers and mentors is passed on to young ones.

Much has been accomplished in 72 years, but much remains to be done.

New plans and the desire for better are a characteristic feature of the college’s workforce. College departments are a source of personnel for the country:

Specialty Commodity Science - the same age as the educational institution, opened in 1936. Experienced teachers work at the department of commodity disciplines. The distinctive ability of the specialty is the applied nature of commodity science disciplines: work with product samples, tasting, laboratory and practical classes. The teachers of the department perfectly combine traditions and innovations in teaching activities, which confirms high level methodological support.

Specialty Management dates back to 1992. Teachers of the department implement professional educational programs of basic and higher level training. The advantage of the department is the youth, democratic nature of the teachers, and openness to everything new and interesting. Innovative educational and pedagogical ideas are embodied by teachers in methodological support.

Specialties Marketing and Commerce are implemented by teachers of the Department of Marketing and Commercial Disciplines. The emergence of these specialties was determined by the educational demands of society and the needs of the industry. The department is distinguished by business and partnership relations with trade enterprises, with the Siberian branch of the Russian Association of Marketers. Despite the youth of the specialties (commerce - 1992, marketing - 1996), graduates are competitive in the labor market.

Specialty Law opened in 1992 on the basis of the specialization “Legal activity in commercial organizations”. Experienced teachers of the department not only train lawyers for trade organizations and other sectors of the Russian economy, but also improve legal culture and provide legal assistance to teaching and student staff of the college.

Specialty Economics and Accounting - one of the oldest in the educational institution - its history begins in 1936. Teachers of the department widely use information technology in teaching. Highly qualified teachers allow you to adapt the content educational process to the constantly changing conditions of the Russian economy, which ensures the competitiveness of graduates of the specialty.

Department of General Educational Disciplines . The base contingent is students with basic general education. Teachers teach a wide range of disciplines: from mathematics to philosophy. The institution of supervision of an educational institution was born from the experience of teachers of the department. Teachers of the department of general education disciplines successfully participate in the scientific, methodological and educational work of the college.

Much attention is paid to scientific and methodological work in the college. Today, the principle of self-organization of students’ educational activities comes to the fore, so the traditional lesson has been replaced by such classes as a lecture with elements of independent work, seminars, training lessons, binary lessons, triad lessons, lessons at practice bases and in the exhibition pavilions of the Siberian Fair , lessons with elements of advanced learning, conference lessons, business games, debate lessons, KVN lessons and others. While preserving the best traditions, the methodological activities of the team reach a higher level of quality in accordance with the requirements of the modern moment. The college annually holds exhibitions of methodological works of teachers, independent creative and research works of students.

NTEC Library is actively involved in the educational process: students are provided with modern literature, a fund of textbooks and manuals on electronic media is being formed. Library staff introduce students to reading fiction and literature through library lessons, poetry evenings, literary compositions, exhibitions and presentations of various literature.

Academic part of the college works towards improving the overall and quality performance of students and maintaining the student population. The work of the departments is connected with all college services, student parents, and organizations related to the educational process.

Much attention is paid to educational work in the college. Over the seventy-year history, the educational institution has developed strong traditions; the following events are held annually: “Initiation as a student,” “Health Days,” “Memorial Evenings for May 9,” “Professional Excellence Competition,” “Hello, we are looking for talents,” “Knightly tournament”, “Miss College”, “Evening in Foreign Languages” and many others. An annual cycle of traditional affairs has been developed.

The college has various sports sections: football, tennis, volleyball, skiing, tourism. Students improve their health in the college gym. Students of our educational institution are prize-winners and winners of the city and regional sports competitions among students of secondary educational institutions.

Our college students receive scholarships from the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region, the Novosibirsk City Hall, and the Union of Lawyers.

The strategy of the entire teaching staff was the firm conviction that it is necessary not only to train a future industry specialist endowed with professional competencies, but also to educate a person who is a true citizen of his country.

A metropolis like Novosibirsk is in dire need of highly qualified young personnel capable of adequately applying skills, experience gained in practice, creativity and initiative in the activities of the city’s growing retail network. The level of training of a graduate of a secondary specialized educational institution is determined not only by theoretical knowledge, but also by practical skills and professional competencies.

Taking into account their chosen specialty, students undergo internships at leading trade enterprises and organizations in the city.

The definition of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists is a kind of experimental platform for an educational institution. The center's activities are varied:

Training and retraining of food and non-food product sellers, cashier controllers, sales floor administrators, accountants, and HR managers.

Short-term seminars on various topics.

The implementation of the above services requires the center for advanced training and the entire team to work hard to study the labor market of the city and region, actions aimed at adapting vocational education to the needs of the economy, and ensuring that the acquired knowledge meets the requirements of the employer.

By 2008, FGOU SPO NTEC proved that the college is one of the leading secondary vocational educational institutions cities and countries, having received high praise for their activities at the global level. FGOU SPO "Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College" received a certificate International Education Society, London (IES). The IES international certificate complements the educational certificate issued by the educational institution, as it provides the employer with valuable and comprehensive information about the completed education and the level of the institution that provided the education. The international certificate obtained by the college is accepted by the labor market around the world.

Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College" is waiting for its future students who are aimed at obtaining a highly professional education!

Opening hours from 10.00.-17.00. - daily, except Saturday and Sunday.

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