Do dreams come true on the 4th lunar day? Fourth lunar day

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Symbol: tree of paradise, symbol of the knowledge of good and evil

Stones: sardonyx, green jade

4th lunar day according to its energy. If yesterday it was necessary to be as active as possible, then today you need to spend time quietly, it is best to do quiet, household chores. The fourth lunar day should be devoted to concentration and sublime thoughts. Therefore, it is better to spend it in solitude. It is suitable for walks in the forest, meditation, prayers, commemoration of ancestors, reading sacred books, searching for and finding a Spiritual teacher. On the 4th lunar day, our intuition, or as some say, the inner voice, stops whispering to us and already speaks out loud. Listen to your soul, and even your wildest dreams will come true.

The fourth lunar day is the most favorable time to start training.

All undertakings of the fourth lunar day are inevitably associated with receiving and comprehending information. Any new business will be successful if it is conscious and thoughtful.

The 4th lunar day is very good for business related to information technology, telephony and communications, as well as the World Wide Web. It’s a good idea today to think about those projects, deals, contracts in which there is some uncertainty for you. You may well receive information that can clarify everything for you. It is advisable to avoid making decisions. Get information, think it over, and decide the next morning, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “the morning is wiser than the evening.”

It is believed that this year, especially if you dream of deceased relatives. An unfavorable sign on the 4th lunar day is hair matted during sleep. This means that you confuse the concepts of good and evil, sometimes mistaking white for black and vice versa.

It is no coincidence that the symbol of the fourth lunar day is the Tree of Knowledge. Be prepared for the fact that you will receive a lot of news, a lot of fresh information and unexpected information. Today you can learn something new about the state of your affairs, information will come in which direction to move next. If you are tormented by some situation, then on this day you have the opportunity to find out its essence, why it was given to you.

In general, the 4th lunar day is quite suitable for all endeavors (especially for searching for missing people and things), but it should be spent alone and not make hasty decisions. Before you start a new business, think it through carefully. On the 4th lunar day, the Universe shows us the results of our efforts and the reactions of others to our actions.

The first half of the day of the fourth lunar day has a positive background. Everyone becomes friendly, makes contact easily, new perspectives, new opportunities appear, the main thing is to notice them. At this time it is favorable to take risky actions. But, in the second half of the day, the mood already drops, conflict increases, and you can easily succumb to provocations. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your emotions and put out quarrels in time. Don't give in to resentment and don't let anyone make you feel guilty. Then the second half of the day will bring you good luck. On this day you should not make hasty decisions. The energy of 4 lunar days can push you to commit unseemly acts, which you may later regret. The saying “measure twice, cut once” will be especially relevant in this case.

In esoteric terms, this day is responsible for verbal magic. Words spoken on the fourth lunar day have special power. You can use this to significantly improve your life. For example, repeatedly repeating and singing the word “love” to different tunes will help you strengthen and even attract love. It is useful on this day to sing songs that carry the information that you would like to see in your life. In general, we carefully monitor the words and say only the brightest and most pleasant things.

If you are going on a trip, it is best to go to the regions and cities where your ancestors are from. This will help you gain strength and know yourself.

Now let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of the 4th lunar day for the most important areas of our lives.


The fourth lunar day is not the best day for pursuing your personal life, but on this day you can analyze it, look for clues in your soul to improve love relationships, relationships with children and relatives. If it’s difficult to work on your own, and you constantly feel the burden of accumulated problems, then you can visit a psychologist, psychoanalyst, or psychotherapist. Of course, no one will solve our problems for us, but experts will help us understand the causes of troubles, and awareness is already 90% of their solution.

Also, the fourth lunar day is completely unsuitable for a romantic date, especially if you have high hopes for it. The fact is that on this day people are prone to apathy. Therefore, the inattention of a loved one to your person can cause you irritation and resentment.


On the 4th lunar day, all types of work with wood will be very successful. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what you do with it: wash the parquet floor, plan, saw, burn, cut or paint a wooden fence. In general, the fourth lunar day is the ideal time to resolve all everyday issues.


On the fourth lunar day, you should not waste time and energy on useless activities and conversations. They will take away your strength. Moreover, today the cervical vertebrae and larynx are the most vulnerable. It is better to remain silent once again or be alone than to treat various diseases later. On the 4th lunar day, emotional and physical fatigue is contraindicated. On this day, an energetic restructuring of our body takes place, requiring large internal costs. Illnesses that begin on this day can be severe and protracted if treatment is not started immediately. The day is ideal for preparing healing herbal infusions and decoctions. In your diet, give preference to raw vegetables and fruits. Under no circumstances should you consume meat or alcoholic beverages on the 4th lunar day.

Business and money

On the 4th lunar day, it is better not to start new things, but to continue those started earlier. Today you can still correct the mistakes you have made; the Universe provides hints and the opportunity to correct things.

Financial receipts on the 4th lunar day are most often delayed or the amount may not be what you expected.

The birthday fell on the 4th lunar day. People born on this day are the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret: it is desirable that everyone unravel this secret within themselves on an intuitive level.

It is difficult for such people every 18th lunar day - at this time they are weakened and they do little. Relationships with those born at this time are also extremely difficult.

Those born on this day are messengers of heaven. Endowed with statesmanship, close to the highest circles. usually have a strong large family. but they should take special care to protect their home and property.

They are bad at being passive in business (waiting is not their strong point), and analyzing the harmony of influences. Difficulties in consolidating established positions, obtaining an objective assessment of undertaken obligations, and the ability to do something independently

Those born on the 4th lunar day are highly dependent on upbringing and heredity. Their main drawback is selfishness, which arises primarily in this case from a sense of security.

People born on this day may be the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret. It is advisable for each person to figure it out for himself (this is his personal life task). People 4 l.d. - carriers of a certain cosmic energy and great vitality. Every word they say is significant and causes certain actions and consequences. If a person of this day has poor command of words, it is better for him to learn to remain silent. A child, in the absence of proper upbringing, can grow up malicious and selfish.

We all come from childhood and the influence of our parents and their upbringing leaves an imprint on our entire future life. It will take a lot of effort from parents to set him on the right path; but their love, patience and understanding for such a child are a gift from God and the help of Heaven.

People born on the 4th lunar day are usually extremely selfish and proud from childhood. They are difficult to educate, are quick-tempered, stubborn, and cause a lot of trouble to their parents. People on the 4th lunar day have some kind of secret that they unravel throughout their lives. Few people truly understand them, and they themselves can never fully understand themselves. They have a complex character, woven from contradictions, but they are very interesting people - those around them are drawn to them, and there is never a dull moment with them. People of the 4th lunar day are verbal magicians, capable of programming reality and using words to influence other people and change the flow of time. They should be very careful with their statements - every word they say carries a powerful charge. And sometimes it’s really better for them to remain silent, since their words can turn against them.

The life task of such people is to discover the cosmic secret through internal self-awareness.

A person was born in the first quarter of the lunar cycle. Morning of the month - "Artemis". I came to explore this world, get acquainted with it, solve tactical problems and build tactical plans, make up my mind, look around and launch all life processes, affairs of relationship.

Those born in the 1st quarter are “small children” preschool age and their life task, the purpose with which they were born is the same as that of babies - to get acquainted with this world, learn to communicate, take care of themselves and “behave among people.”

Those born in the first quarter of the Lunar cycle are eternal “preschoolers,” people of a virgin soul that has not yet acquired much experience. They, like children under three years old, know little, but they learn and absorb information easier than others. They sleep a lot and physically and spiritually it is difficult for them to wake up; they need rest more than others. Because every day they, like small children, receive more impressions from life than “adults.”

It’s as if everything is new to them, they take everything at face value, it’s easier for them to open up to the world and other people.

They draw strength from the Earth, like babies from their mother; like babies, they need physical care, comfort, and warmth. Having become adults, our “kids” continue to be nourished by the Earth, trips to nature give them strength, and all sorts of rituals like “lean against a birch tree” help them more than others. In a word, remember the kids, and everything will become clear to you.

Those born in the 1st phase are allowed a lot and are forgiven more than others, because they have not yet reached that degree of “adulthood”, which imposes great responsibility.

The quality of life of those born in the first quarter, as well as the quality of life of children, depends in almost everything on the “parents” - on the environment in which they live. If their loved ones take good care of them, then their whole life can turn out to be a continuous “happy and carefree childhood.” If they are unlucky with their surroundings, it is the hardest for them to cope with difficulties - life in the “childhood of a street child” mode is perhaps the most difficult of all possible options. To improve the quality of your life. Those born in the first quarter just need to find good, caring “parents”.

The best partners and life companions for people of the first phase of the Moon are considered to be people born in the third lunar phase. Those same “caring parents” are most often found among those born in the 3rd quarter, born as “adults”, whose task is precisely to live adulthood, work, raise children, take care of your parents, etc.

Which famous people were born on the 4th lunar day? On this day such famous people were born as:

  • Nikolai Yudenich - military leader (birthday July 30, 1862);
  • Svetlana Savitskaya - cosmonaut (birthday August 8, 1948);
  • Anatoly Sobchak - politician (birthday August 10, 1937);
  • Muammar Gaddafi - ruler (birthday September 13, 1942);
  • Jimmy Carter - Ruler (birthday October 1, 1924) Moon in Scorpio;
  • Nicolaas Tinberg - founder (birthday April 15, 1907);
  • Alexy I - clergyman (Scorpio birthday October 8, 1877);
  • Georgy Gladyshev – chemist (Virgo birthday September 19, 1936)

The fourth lunar day is one of the best for implementing new projects; it is also favorable for any kind of trading operations.

At the same time, it is important to approach everything in a balanced and thorough manner; today, under no circumstances should you jump in and draw any hasty conclusions. It is also better to refrain from long trips, both business and entertainment.

Time to implement planned projects, make serious deals and conclude contracts.

In accordance with the lunar calendar, today you should not expect any bright events or negative moments; the 4th lunar day, as a rule, passes smoothly, without threatening any shocks. It is advisable to avoid noisy companies; prefer a quiet holiday outside the city, immersed in your inner world.

What do dreams mean on the fourth lunar day?

On the 4th lunar day, dreams are very colorful and rich, their plots are extremely kind with a happy ending. Green plants removed during this period are a very good sign, but if various knots, curls or ropes are removed, then it is worth delaying the implementation of your plan. Dreaming about ancestors indicates certain family problems.

Often on this lunar day, dreams warn of troubles in the future or bring solutions to problems that have tormented you for a long time. It is only important to correctly interpret what you see, and to be as objective as possible.

The 4th lunar day is happy for undertakings, including searching for missing things or people. But he can also become unhappy, but only through the fault of the person himself, if he finds himself in the sphere of some fatal circumstances or takes up arms against his neighbor. A day favorable for all kinds and types of water structures. A child born on this day may grow up to be a big egoist or even become a criminal; parents will have to exert all their strength and skill to guide him on the right path. Diseases can become dangerous due to various kinds of complications if serious attention is not immediately paid to them. Dreams, especially colored ones, come true.

A day of active contacts, good for trading activities. Diplomacy and risk-taking are increasing. However, you should try not to make hasty decisions. There is a danger of falling victim to the machinations of your rivals. It's good to spend this day in nature.

4th Lunar day - the day of knowledge, making choices. Don’t forget about the “money” on the windowsill and create your own money signs.

The 4th lunar day helps to adequately assess your own strengths and plan future actions taking into account available capabilities and resources.

Today it is better not to be alone, but to be with your family, not to overwork yourself physically and emotionally.

Everything we say out loud today can easily come true. Therefore, we talk and talk and talk more and more about our future financial successes.

In the evening, when the thin crescent of the new moon first appears in the sky, go to the window, ring it and rustle your money and say: “You, month, should look young, but there will be no money in my wallet!” Repeat three times - recommended by village magic.

Symbol of the 4th lunar day - Tree of Knowledge

4th lunar day, when the doors to any information open for you, and, above all, that which is located in the depths of your own consciousness and subconscious.

On the 4th lunar day, not only the essence of the reality around you is revealed, but also your own inner world; today you will appear before yourself without unnecessary masks.

How the 4th lunar day will go for you personally will depend on what is hidden inside you, how sincere and pure your thoughts are. Therefore, it is impossible to unambiguously characterize it in general; for some, a meeting with their inner “I” will be an interesting and exciting event, but for others it may disappoint. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly differentiate for yourself the concepts of good and evil, and adjust your views in a more positive direction.

On the 4th lunar day, you need to make decisions, the results of which will predetermine the course of events throughout the entire lunar month; you need to decide for what purposes you will use the information received today.

On the 4th lunar day, you need to continue the vigorous activity that you started on the 3rd lunar day. The only thing is that today you shouldn’t force things, be careful, analyze whether you are doing everything as planned. This is a great day to understand whether you have chosen the right tactics of behavior for yourself, whether your actions do not affect the interests of others, whether your relationship with the world and with yourself is harmonious. Take a closer look around, listen to yourself, and, if necessary, make some changes and additions to your action plan.

The 4th lunar day is the best suited for dotting all the i’s, understanding whether the path along which you move through life is exactly yours, and to what extent the goals you set meet your true desires. After all, only by following his true purpose can a person achieve the highest possible results and live a full life.

After all, when we are really busy with our own business, the Universe itself helps us and everything turns out in the most favorable way for us. Therefore, analyze your actions, compare your goals with your life priorities and draw the necessary conclusions. However, nothing will change dramatically on the 4th lunar day itself, since it is characterized by a certain stability of energy flows.

Try to avoid all sorts of temptations on the 4th lunar day, take your time with important decisions and pay more attention to your loved ones.

On the fourth day of the lunar cycle, people involved in business are advised to reconsider the state of their financial affairs. Perhaps you need to change your tactics in handling business matters.

During this period, strive to gain as much knowledge as possible, analyze it and apply it in practice. Read more specialized literature that will help you run your business, and also just read journalistic magazines and review advertising brochures. There you can see a lot of new and necessary things for yourself.

This is the time to streamline your business and enterprise. It is better to do everything on this lunar day to increase the efficiency of your business than to lag behind your competitors for a long time.
On these lunar days, you should not spare either time or money to increase the productivity of your enterprise.

Tibetan astrological schools believe that the fourth lunar day is very good for trading operations.

Today it is not recommended to register your marriage, since further family life cannot be called simple. It will be difficult for spouses to meet each other and show diplomacy in resolving any emerging issues and conflicts. In a relationship, the spouses seem to spend all their time on top of a volcano. Quarrels and irritation with each other will haunt you constantly. Most likely, the marriage will be accompanied by constant infidelity, which, of course, will not help strengthen it.

Today you need to think a hundred times whether you should decide on this marriage union and what it can bring to you in the future.

On the fourth day, problems with the throat may arise or the cervical vertebrae may begin to bother you. If your job involves sitting in one place or working at a computer, you need to stretch your cervical spine. And people who work in areas related to public speaking (teachers or lecturers) or singers should take a break from work and spend more time in silence. Try, if possible, to strain your ligaments less and drink more warm liquids.

Try to walk more in the fresh air today. Take a foray into the forest or, if this is not possible, just take a walk in a city park. During your walk, try to be in those places where there are most thickets of trees (especially oaks and ash trees) and various flowers. This will help you achieve harmony within yourself and recharge your energy.

On the fourth day, dreams can predict what temptations await you in reality. If you take the dream seriously and decipher it correctly, you can get the key to what you should do in future situations, where you should be especially careful and what actions will entail negative consequences.

We should not forget that today's dreams reflect more what is happening in your soul and in your head than what is happening in reality.

Today’s dreams will make it clear whether you have taken the right path and how righteous your actions are.

The 4th lunar day is considered favorable, especially for children's haircuts. If you've been wanting to visit a salon and get a pedicure, now has never been a better time. The master will relieve you of calluses and other defects on your feet that previously bothered you.

Today you can apply hair dye. Gray hair will be covered perfectly, the color will be uniform, and the hair will be shiny. However, it is not advisable to cut your hair. Spend more time outdoors. It is recommended to cleanse the skin using various masks. Don't give free rein to negative emotions. If you give in to your aggression, you may not recognize yourself. This can lead to self-destruction. Be restrained in your impulses and words.

On the 4th lunar day, give preference to stewed, steamed or boiled vegetables. Eat all kinds of salads. Definitely say no to anything fried. You should eat well. But satisfying does not mean excessive. Drink more herbal teas, better soothing ones, with the addition of chamomile, mint and lemon balm.

It is better to stay away from unfamiliar products, as they may lead to allergic reaction, and even poisoning. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try them at all. Just put off experimenting with food for a couple of days. Eat what comes from nature.

If you previously led a not particularly active lifestyle and are hesitant to start visiting the fitness center now or in a few days, we recommend that you do not put it on the back burner. Even if you feel like you want to be lazy, don’t give in.

Your faithful assistant on the 4th lunar day is your willpower. If you are already actively engaged, continue to gradually gain momentum and the results will soon follow. If you decide to add new exercises to your complex, you should not do it today. It’s better to practice a little more according to the old scheme. Meditate more and do deep relaxation exercises.

The 4th lunar day is very ambiguous. This lunar day contains two extremes at the same time - positive and negative. In general, the day is considered passive and not very favorable.

The symbol of the day is the Tree of Knowledge¹, the choice between good and evil.

The fourth day is the day of meeting yourself!

Since the symbol of the day is the Tree of Knowledge, it means that the 4th lunar day is the period of receiving information. It is on this day that the truth about your real situation at the moment may be revealed to you.

And do you know who you are going to face? With yourself, with who you really are. The fourth day, like a mirror, will show your true face, and you will not be able to hide behind any mask.

No matter who you are: a successful businessman or a beggar, an athlete or a scientist, on this day you will still encounter your real, and not an invented “I”. That is why the fourth day is considered bad by some and good by others. Everything depends on ourselves, on our lifestyle, which we lead, on our spiritual and mental qualities and on.

The only question is whether we are afraid to face ourselves or, on the contrary, this thought seems surprisingly interesting and attractive to us. In order not to be frightened by this meeting with your present self, it is very important to have time to draw the line in your soul between Good and Evil, God and the Devil, and to unambiguously determine your place in their confrontation.

The 4th lunar day is the day of your choice

Everything depends on you. You can use the knowledge you gain for creation or destruction. And what you choose will largely depend on which direction the entire lunar month will “flow.”

If the third lunar day was given for active actions, then the fourth day was for “consolidating” them.

Continue to move forward, but at the same time carefully analyze whether you have lost your way or made any mistake. The 4th lunar day provides an excellent opportunity to see how the world around you reacts to your actions taken in the first three lunar days.

Most likely, you will be able to understand how harmoniously you fit into the surrounding reality. This period will give you the opportunity to “fit” into the rhythms of the Universe as best as possible. You can find your groove, figure out everything that previously tormented you and gave you no peace.

On the fourth lunar day, as a rule, nothing changes, either for the better or for the worse: everything remains as it was. This period is characterized by stability and balance. Tibetan astrologers, based on the Vedic lunar calendar, believe that the fourth day is ideal for working with wood, be it artistic wood carving or carpentry.

In accordance with the Christian esoteric tradition, on the 4th lunar day a person is tempted by the devil: it was on this day that Adam and Eve committed the Fall. Christian schools instruct their adherents to exercise extreme caution regarding various temptations and temptations during this lunar period.

In resolving important issues on these lunar days, it is better to rely not on the first impression, but on your intuition. You will have to think a lot about yourself, your parents, your friends, and life in general. Try to remember spirituality, the immortality of the soul.

The concept of “business” is not very suitable for the 4th lunar day. Indulge in idleness and reflection. Pray and meditate. Devote the day to communication with family, friends, relatives. Have a quiet family dinner by candlelight. But remember that heavy alcoholic libations are not welcome.

Social influence of the fourth day

The day is bad for group affairs. Otherwise neutral.

Household influence

On the 4th lunar day it is easy to spin, work with thread, tend to the flower garden, and walk in nature. Long-lost items may be found. Good day for trading, bad for travel.

Medical influence

If a person falls ill on this day, the illness is very difficult.

Mystical influence

Any activity must be thought out. This is a day of working with the voice, singing, recitative, etc. are shown. Day of remembrance, prayers. An unfavorable sign could be tangled hair or threads.

It’s better to spend the day in solitude and try not to make hasty decisions: first you need to think things through thoroughly. On this day one is supposed to focus on singing sacred hymns.

Group work is contraindicated; you cannot pick flowers or cut down trees. It’s good to walk through the forest on this day. If on the night preceding this day you see threads and your hair gets tangled, then you should abandon your plan.

Impact on those born

People born on this day are highly dependent on upbringing and heredity. Their main drawback is selfishness, which arises primarily in this case from a sense of security.

Also, those born on the 4th lunar day are the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret: it is desirable that everyone unravel this secret within themselves on an intuitive level.

Effect on conception

The 4th lunar day is the birthday of the clan. Perhaps one of your ancestors will return to your family. A gentle child will be born, but may grow up to be lazy.

Stones: sardonyx, amazonite (brings joy to the home), green jade.

How does the fourth day of the lunar month affect business?

For businessmen, the 4th lunar day gives a chance to carefully analyze the financial affairs started on the second and third lunar days, identify where there are weak points and eliminate them.

A very good time for collecting, accumulating and processing new information. This is the time to streamline your business and enterprise. It’s better to do everything at this time to increase the efficiency of your business than to lag behind your competitors for a long time.

On the 4th lunar day, you should not spare either time or money to increase the productivity of your enterprise. According to the Vedic lunar calendar, it is believed that the fourth lunar day is very good for trading operations .

What will a marriage be like on this day?

The 4th lunar day is not the best time to formalize family relationships. During this period, it is best to refrain from entering into marriages, otherwise the married couple will always remain in an ambivalent state - the spouses will never be able to find a compromise that satisfies both of them, they will constantly quarrel and be at odds with each other.

It is even possible that partners in such a marriage will often cheat on each other, and their family happiness will always be on the verge of collapse. On these lunar days, it is better for lovers to once again weigh the pros and cons of their union.

How does the 4th lunar day affect health?

On the fourth lunar day, you need to pay close attention to the throat area and cervical spine² - now they are especially vulnerable.

Those who work at a computer are advised to rest and stretch their necks more often, and for those who have to talk a lot at work, for example, teachers or lecturers, it is advisable to remain silent as much as possible during this period. If this is not possible, then you should drink hot tea more often and not overstrain your vocal cords.

It is very good for health to take a walk in the forest or park on the fourth lunar day. You need to be close to flowers and trees as much as possible; it is especially good to be near an oak or ash tree. This will help you balance the energy flows in your body and bring it into a more harmonious state.

Recommendations for sex on the fourth day of the lunar month

You need to be very careful with intimate relationships. For those who are not married, it is important to avoid sexual relations during this period. Those who are bound by the bonds of Hymen are recommended to engage in “lighter” forms of sex, for example, limit themselves to oral sex or petting³.

Some healers warn that during this lunar period there is a high probability of catching any venereal disease, and Christian mystics generally advise abstaining from sex for this period.

The meaning of dreams

Dream images of the fourth lunar day, as a rule, indicate the possibility of “temptation”, that is, in a dream the situation of a possible “fall from sin” is symbolically played out. By correctly interpreting the predictions of this period, you can unambiguously determine those places in your life in which the chance of “getting screwed” is most likely.

Just remember that we are, first of all, talking about your inner spiritual world, and not about society with its material needs. In a nutshell, dreams and predictions of the fourth lunar day will show you which side of the Tree of Knowledge you are on.

What is the esoteric aspect?

According to the Christian esoteric tradition, it was on the fourth lunar day that Eve and Adam ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and learned Good and Evil.

Many mystical schools and traditions, due to the fact that during this period access to sacred information flows opens, consider this time the most suitable for transmitting secret knowledge, deepening mystical experience, receiving any special instructions and instructions from their teacher, guru or spiritual leader .

Any word carries not only an act of will; verbal magic, the magic of the word, is expressed in words. Certain, even seemingly meaningless words, give rise to action on the subtle - astral and mental planes. If a person owns, he can influence his destiny.

Prayers and everything we say out loud and in our thoughts operate on this principle. A vibration is created, which includes a chain of sequential actions, and one vibration creates another. The repetition of certain sounds has a particularly strong effect.

Healing sounds⁴ help a person self-heal and self-regulate. It is especially favorable to pronounce them on the waxing Moon on 4,6 and 7 lunar days. Although, they always have a beneficial effect.

Sound exercises should be performed in a moderate rhythm and little by little. All sounds must be sung with an emotional upsurge.

  • "AND"- long and drawn out. Stimulates the brain, eyes and nose. They can treat runny noses, sinusitis and eye inflammation. It stimulates the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and all elements of the skull. When singing the sound “I,” the skull vibrates; if you sing this sound for a long time, the person feels joyful excitement. This good remedy against bad mood.
  • "E"- stimulates the throat, parathyroid gland, trachea. You should try to sing this sound high enough.
  • "ABOUT"- generally harmonizing.
  • "A"- stimulates the upper part of the lungs. Long And the link >>>

    Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

    ¹ The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - according to the biblical book of Genesis, a special tree planted by God along with the Tree of Life in the middle of the Garden of Eden. Symbolizes knowledge, including ethical categories, the ability to consciously distinguish between good and evil (Wikipedia).

    ³ Petting is a form of sexual activity that involves obtaining satisfaction from partners by stimulating erogenous zones without direct contact of the genitals (

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