Homemade kvass for okroshka, recipe (step by step with photo). Kvass for okroshka at home step-by-step recipe with photos How to make okroshka kvass at home

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Russian okroshka is called that because they put finely in it
chopped products (in the old style - crumbled), and chilled

The vegetable basis of okroshka is, first of all, green
onions, cucumbers, radishes, potatoes, herbs and some other vegetables. Put in
okroshka and sets of lean meat or lean fish. For cooking
classic okroshka, it is recommended to add hard-boiled eggs to bread kvass
yolks, ground to taste with mustard, sugar, horseradish and salt, which
will give this refreshing dish a slight spiciness. And of course
The defining component of this summer dish is bread kvass.

Which kvass to choose for okroshka?

If purchased, then store-bought kvass for
Okroshki must be okroshka, i.e. not sweet. But the most
the best bread kvass for okroshka, of course, homemade

Now we’ll tell you how to prepare homemade kvass for okroshka.

rye bread, cut it into small slices and keep in a heated
oven until covered with a dark brown crust. It is important
Do not overcook the bread, otherwise the kvass for okroshka will taste bitter.

Fill the crackers with hot water (80°) and leave to infuse for
few hours. Then strain the infusion and add granulated sugar.
and yeast previously diluted with water (you can also throw in a handful
washed raisins). For 1 liter of kvass you will need 50 g of rye crackers, 1 tbsp.
a spoonful of sugar, 1.5 g of yeast, 6 glasses of water, a few raisins. Khlebny
let the kvass brew for about 8 hours in a warm place, then strain and
refrigerate. Here's how to prepare homemade kvass for okroshka.

note that the recipe for Russian okroshka can be made not only with kvass, but also
on yogurt, kefir, cucumber or cabbage brine and even on

For lovers of this popular foamy drink, here is a recipe for okroshka made from beer.

5 hard-boiled eggs, grind them with salt and add a little
Sahara. Peel 400 g fresh cucumbers and cut them into cubes.
Finely chop two onions. You can also introduce cutting
other vegetables to your liking. Fill all products with 1 liter of fresh
beer and stir.
When serving the dish, put sour cream on a plate and
finely chopped parsley and dill. Suitable for beer okroshka
add finely chopped pieces of dried or smoked fish.

To conclude our story, here is a recipe for original okroshka, taken from Russian cuisine.

"Having fried
a couple of partridges, cut them into pieces exactly the same as 200 g
veal, 200 g stewed meat, half salted, well boiled
ox tongue, 300 g boiled lean ham, 6 peeled cucumbers and 6
boiled eggs.
Place all this in a bowl, add the freshest
sour cream, pour 15-18 glasses of effervescent kvass, a little salt and
crushed pepper. If desired, you can add green onions and dill. IN
It’s good to add small pieces of ice to the okroshka.”

As you can see, our
ancestors were not fools to eat. Of course, and now all the ingredients of this
meat-rich dishes are quite affordable. As a last resort, partridges
Can be replaced with chicken fillet.

Bon appetit.

Kvass is an original Slavic drink. From Arkhangelsk to the shores of the Adriatic, from the Urals to the Oder River, people drink alovina, kiselitsa, parovets, kisel, zhur. Behind all these names lies kvass. In the old days, the drink had a degree, and what a degree! Kvass was served at weddings and feasts. In many Slavic languages ​​this is reflected in colloquial speech. For example, the Russian argonym “kvasit” means “to drink strong alcohol.” This drink is prepared from malt and flour (or rye bread). Sometimes honey, fragrant herbs, berries and fruits are added to kvass. And how many types of this drink are there! Kvass is white, dark (or classic), beet, berry, honey, milk. The drink can serve as the basis for preparing cold summer soups. Okroshka will be tasty if you use white kvass for it. It differs from its classic brother not only in color, but also in its light refreshing taste with a slight sourness. Read about how to prepare white kvass in this article.


This drink not only perfectly tones and refreshes. And its pleasant taste is not its only good quality. White kvass is rich in vitamins, especially group B. If you drink this drink regularly, you will have healthy skin, shiny and Thick hair, strong nails. White kvass also improves intestinal microflora. It contains amino acids and trace elements. You can experiment with kvass by adding berry and fruit juices, honey and herbal infusions to it.

White kvass: old Russian recipe

In our climatic conditions, the main grain has always been rye. Its grains were sprouted, mixed with flour, poured with boiling water and simmered for a long time in a Russian oven. Then they were left to cool and kept warm for several days. But how to prepare white kvass at home, that is, in an ordinary modern kitchen where there is no Russian stove? If you cannot get sourdough (one tablespoon), it is permissible to replace it with rye bread crusts and raisins. Grape berries contain a lot of wine yeast. Fifty grams of raisins will start the fermentation process. But first, let’s dilute 300 g of rye flour with three liters of boiling water. You need to pour while stirring so that lumps of dough do not form. Add one hundred grams of honey to this mass. If desired, we will enrich the bouquet of the future drink with currant or mint leaves. You can add a little grated horseradish, but again this is optional. When the mixture has cooled to 35 degrees, add the sourdough starter (or raisin bread crusts). Stir, cover and leave in a warm place for a day and a half. Kvass is considered ready when abundant foam appears on the surface. Then we filter the drink, bottle it, and put it in the refrigerator. Do not pour out the cloudy sediment. It can be used as a starter for a new portion of the drink.

Intoxicating white kvass made from flour

As we remember, in the old days this drink was alcoholic. It was also called “cooked”. We will grow the starter for him ourselves. Pour warm water over the rye flour and leave it warm for five days. During this time, a colony of yeast bacteria will develop, and it will be possible to make white kvass. The recipe for the “brewed” drink involves pouring rye flour cold water and its gradual heating. So, we stick to the same proportions. For 300 g of flour - three liters of water. Place the pan on low heat and bring to a boil, then immediately turn off the gas. Stir with a wooden spatula until completely homogeneous. You can even lightly whisk the mixture. To prevent the flour from producing lumps, you can add three tablespoons of sugar to it. When the mixture, which resembles batter or sour cream, has cooled, add a spoonful of sourdough and place a crust of dry rye bread on top. After two or three days spent in the warmth, the drink will ferment. Let's wait until the end of the stormy period, then strain through cheesecloth. This kvass can reach a strength of up to 9°.

Recipe with added malt

This component is nothing more than sprouted wheat grains. With malt, homemade white kvass will ferment faster and will be more effervescent and foamy. In addition, wheat neutralizes bitterness, makes the taste of the drink softer, and the color lighter. It is better to use natural rye sourdough in the preparation. Let's take a loaf of Borodino bread and cut off the crust. Cut the crumb into cubes. Place on a baking sheet and dry in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about half an hour. Pour one hundred grams of crackers into a bottle. Add three soup spoons of malt. Fill with three liters of boiling water. Wrap the bottle well and leave until it cools completely. Take the starter (one hundred grams) at the peak of its activity. Let's dilute it in a small amount of the cooled mixture, then pour it into the bottle. Add one hundred grams of sugar, stir and place under a water seal for a day at room temperature. Then we strain and bottle it. The drink is consumed chilled. This kvass has a degree. So drinking it before driving a car is not recommended.

With wheat crackers and yeast

There are many ways to make white kvass ferment. In this recipe, yeast acts as such a catalyst. It is better to prepare white crackers yourself. The store-bought product contains many preservatives that will ruin all the work. Grind the crackers to crumbs using a blender or rolling pin. Boil a liter of purified water for about two minutes. Place the crumbs from the crackers in an enamel pan. Pour boiling water over it, cover and let stand for three hours. During this time, you need to mix the contents several times. Dissolve ten grams of yeast in a small amount of warm water and leave in a warm place for an hour. Then we combine it with the infusion of crackers. Add 50 g of sugar. Stir and leave in a warm place for ten hours. During this time, foam should appear. Put a slice of lemon and six raisins into the prepared bottles. Filter the kvass through cheesecloth. We cork the bottles and put them in the refrigerator.

White kvass for okroshka

The base for cold soup should have a distinct sourness. Therefore, white okroshechny kvass is prepared in a slightly different way. Traditionally it is made from barley and rye malt. Three types of flour are also used. These are wheat, buckwheat and rye. Yeast is used to start the fermentation process. And mint is added as a flavoring. How to make traditional kvass for okroshka? Knead the dough from the indicated types of flour and boiling water. Then dilute it with plenty of warm water. Add malt, yeast and mint infusion. After two days in a warm place, the soup base can be strained and used.

Simplified recipe for kvass for okroshka

Yeast, malt, several types of flour... Is it possible to do without all these complex components? Can! And only Borodino bread will replace them all. After all, it is baked using all of the listed products. Therefore, it is an ideal raw material for preparing white rye kvass at home. First, brew a bunch of mint in a glass. After some time, strain off the herbal infusion. Cut half a loaf of bread into cubes and put it in a three-liter jar with 50 grams of raisins. Pour in warm mint infusion. Pour in two liters of bottled purified water. Cover the jar and put it in a warm place for a day. After this, the kvass can be strained. If it is not used immediately for preparing okroshka, it should be stored in dark bottles and in a horizontal position.

White kvass can be flavored not only with mint. Currant leaves, lemon, and lime are also added to it. For a sweeter taste, add honey and molasses to the drink. Very interesting drinks are made from a mixture of white kvass with various fruit and berry juices. You can buy sourdough starter. To do this, you need to purchase a drink at the market. It's a little cloudy. This grounds is the leaven. You can work with her. But to prevent the bacteria from withering away, do not forget to feed them with sugar.

Surely many people know that industrially produced kvass is not used to prepare real okroshka, since it is sweet. Here you need kvass with a more sour taste, which is also called white - this is what is used in homemade okroshka recipes. True, if you wish, you can find white kvass in the store, but today I offer you a simpler version of this drink - let's prepare bread kvass, which is also great as a base for this cold first course.

According to classical technology, white kvass for okroshka is usually prepared from rye and barley malt, with the addition of rye or wheat flour. However, although this process is not complicated, it is too long, so we will make okroshka kvass from rye crackers with yeast with a minimum amount of sugar.


Water (3 liters) Black bread (400 grams) Sugar (50 grams) Dry yeast (1 teaspoon)

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The recipe for this simple and tasty drink includes the following ingredients: water, rye bread (I like Borodino bread, but Darnitsky or any other rye-wheat bread is perfect), yeast and granulated sugar. You can use absolutely any yeast: I use a level teaspoon of dry yeast - that’s 3 grams. The same number of fast-acting ones is needed. If you decide to add fresh (pressed), take 3 times more - 9-10 grams.

First of all, the pieces of rye bread need to be dried and browned in the oven. About 20-25 minutes at 190-200 degrees. Make sure the bread doesn't burn.

Meanwhile, boil water and add granulated sugar to it. Mix everything and leave to cool to room temperature. You can speed up the process by placing the pan in a sink or bathtub with cold water.

The bread has browned and dried well - let it cool completely too.

We return to sweetened water - literally pour half a glass and add yeast there.

Mix thoroughly until the yeast is completely dissolved.

Now put the slices of fragrant bread in water with sugar. We dried them so that the bread would not immediately become soggy in the liquid and turn into porridge. Well, for the aroma, of course.

Add diluted yeast to the rest of the products. Mix carefully so that the bread does not fall apart.

Cover the pan with gauze and leave to ferment at room temperature for 10-12 hours.

After the allotted time, the fermentation process should be completed. Outwardly, this is almost imperceptible, but if you disturb the slices of bread, the surface of the contents of the pan will become covered with foam.

Now you need to thoroughly strain the kvass through a sieve or 2-3 layers of gauze.

Pour the drink into bottles and put it in the refrigerator to mature. Now you can add 10-12 raisins if you like kvass that is very saturated with gases. After another 12-16 hours in the refrigerator, the bread kvass for okroshka will be completely ready.

If you need a lot of this amount to prepare okroshka, you can pour a certain amount of sugar into one bottle and shake everything thoroughly. Then you will get a sweetish kvass that can be drunk as a soft drink.

When opening bottles, be careful: foam may spill onto the table. In general, homemade kvass can be stored in the refrigerator for several days - it will certainly last 5 days.

I hope the recipe for homemade kvass for okroshka will be useful to you and in the hot weather you will definitely prepare this ice-cold soup. It will be very tasty, I promise!

Before telling you how to prepare homemade kvass for okroshka, beloved by all Russians, it is worth noting why you should not buy it. Bottled or draft drinks are prepared using completely different technologies.

It is only suitable for drinking and not always if you carefully study the composition. It is strictly forbidden to use it for cold soup. The result will not be okroshka, but a parody of a traditional Russian dish, which, most likely, will have to be thrown away.

Advantages of homemade kvass:

  • made immediately before preparing okroshka, so it’s always fresh;
  • Only proven natural ingredients are used;
  • has a pleasant bready smell;
  • has a rich taste.

Kvass, which is made at home, should be sharp, but slightly sour. It gets these bright properties from dried black bread, which is the main component of the drink. It can be replaced with ready-made crackers.

They can be prepared gradually for the summer. As soon as there are a few pieces of rye bread left, the housewife dries them in the oven and puts them in a paper bag. In the summer, such a preparation will come in handy when you have to make kvass often.

Attention! When drying bread, you should not burn the crust. If the crackers are burnt, then bitterness will pass into the kvass, which will completely ruin the okroshka.

How to prepare kvass for okroshka

Sweet kvass has been extremely popular for many centuries. But this is not what we will talk about further, because okroshka requires a completely different drink - white. It is also added to beetroot soup, botvinya, and kholodnik.

Agree, the main thing in okroshka is quality kvass. It must be white, as was originally intended in classic recipe. Life goes on, national cuisine acquires new traditions that have proven themselves quite well. In this case, it is necessary to consider different recipes for preparing kvass for this ice soup.

White okroshechny kvass was originally prepared with flour. Sometimes not just one variety was taken, but several at once, which affected the taste of the finished drink. Over time, varieties of kvass appeared, because they began to prepare it using other ingredients:

  • crackers;
  • honey;
  • yeast;
  • currant leaves;
  • molasses;
  • malt;
  • Sahara;
  • mint;
  • grated horseradish, etc.

Several of the most accessible kvass recipes for okroshka are discussed below in more detail.

1. Okroshechny kvass made from rye bread

  • 100 g rye bread;
  • 5 g yeast;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 4 liters of water.

Preparing the okroshka drink is very simple:

  1. The bread is cut into small cubes, which are dried in the oven or fried in a frying pan without oil. The color of the bread should become deep brown.
  2. Boiled water must cool down. The prepared bread is poured over it. The leaven is left for 5 hours.
  3. The infusion is filtered through cheesecloth. Diluted yeast is added to the liquid.
  4. The pan with the drink is moved to a dark place where fermentation will occur. You need to leave it for 8-10 hours.
  5. As soon as foam appears on top, you can remove it and strain the liquid again.

The yeast drink for okroshka is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator to prevent peroxide.

2. White kvass on breadcrumbs with mint

It will take only 2 days for the kvass with mint to stand. But then you can prepare delicious okroshka, which has a specific mint aroma.

Products taken for cooking:

  • a bunch of mint;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • 0.5 kg rye bread;
  • 2 liters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. First, finely chop the mint. The greens are poured with a glass of water, covered with a lid and infused for 10-15 minutes.
  2. The bread should be cut into cubes and dried in the oven.
  3. Place crackers and raisins in a glass jar, pour in mint infusion and add water.
  4. The neck of the jar is tied with gauze. The dishes are placed in a warm place for fermentation for a day.
  5. The drink must be strained, poured into a dark glass bottle, and kept in the refrigerator for another day.

Kvass for okroshka with rye flour

In the villages, flour kvass used to be constantly prepared. In such cases, bread was not used, it was replaced by rye flour. The grain was ground immediately before preparing the base.

List of products for 2.5-3 liters of water:

  • 200 g flour;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. natural honey.

How to prepare rye kvass:

  1. Mix flour with water until all lumps disappear.
  2. Add honey and stir again.
  3. Place the container in a warm place for fermentation, covering the top with a cloth napkin or gauze.
  4. After 2 days, filter and leave in the dark for another 1-2 days.

The grounds that remain after filtering can be used as a starter for a new batch of the drink. You can add a little honey and fresh flour to it. If you want to have dark-colored kvass, you can pre-fry the grain or flour.

Kvass for sourdough okroshka

Many people are put off by the preparation of kvass due to the long fermentation of the product. Then you can use ready-made starter for white kvass, which is sold in stores. The search for it is not successful in all cities, then you will have to prepare the starter yourself from ordinary flour and water.

Preparing the starter is simple:

50 g of flour is poured into a jar, 50 ml of water is added. Stir the ingredients until a viscous mass is obtained. It must be left in the sun for 12 hours to ferment.

Divide the resulting mixture into 2 equal parts. You will have to pour out one part, add the same products to the rest (50 ml of warm water and 50 g of flour).

After 12 hours, repeat again. In about 4 days the starter will be ready. Half is taken for kvass, and the rest is not thrown away. In a closed jar, the mass is sent to the refrigerator. Then again it will be possible to feed it with a new portion of flour and water and use it for its intended purpose.

And now about how to make kvass from this starter. For 3 liters of boiled hot water take:

  • 100 g rye flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 100 g of sourdough;
  • a sprig of mint or a little grated horseradish.

Kvass for okroshka is made simply:

  1. Flour is mixed with hot water. We need to let her steam.
  2. The starter is poured into the cooled solution, sugar and mint (or grated horseradish) are added.
  3. Leave the jar in the room for a day. If you want to get a more vigorous drink, you can let it ferment for 2 days. Then the kvass is filtered and sent to the refrigerator or directly into okroshka.

Knowing how to make delicious kvass for okroshka yourself at home, you can go to the kitchen. And let the surrogates remain on store shelves: they are for summer soup no good.

The traditional recipe for white okroshka kvass includes a simple set of ingredients, including rye flour, water and sugar. For the first time, a starter is prepared, which is then diluted with warm water, fermented and filtered. But there are also simpler recipes.

Today I will tell you how to make bread kvass at home from rye crackers, with a minimum amount of sugar, using dry yeast. I will cook it in a 3-liter jar - in my opinion, the most convenient container for ripening kvass. A step-by-step recipe with photos and detailed descriptions will help you easily cope with the task. In less than two days you will get a great drink, invigorating and effervescent, which is perfect for seasoning homemade okroshka.

Total time: 2 days / Cooking time: 15 minutes / Yield: 1.5 l


  • rye bread - 250 g
  • warm boiled water - 2-2.5 l
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. l.
  • dry yeast - 1/2 tsp.


Big photos Small photos

    Rye bread I cut it into medium-sized cubes, 2x2 cm. You will need 250-300 grams of bread, which is about 1/4 of a loaf. It needs to be dried in the oven for a special aroma and so that it does not immediately turn sour in water.

    I spread the bread cubes in an even layer on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven. The temperature should not be too high, about 120-130 degrees. During the drying process, I turn it over several times, the result should be crispy crackers, but not too overcooked or burnt. If you overdo it, the kvass will become bitter.

    I put the rosy crackers into a 3-liter jar. They should fill it about 1/4 full or a little more. I fill it with hot boiled water (80 degrees) - up to the hangers of the jar. I leave it until it cools.

    After 3-4 hours, when the liquid reaches room temperature, add sugar, raisins and a little dry yeast. I cover it with a lid and lightly turn the jar in the air so that the yeast dissolves (alternatively, you can dilute it separately in a small amount of warm water). I cover it with gauze and leave it like that for 24 hours. Kvass should ferment in a warm place. Depending on the temperature environment The ripening time can vary significantly and reach from 1 to 3 days if it is hot or, conversely, cool.

    In ripened kvass, the crackers will rise to the neck of the jar, bubble and play, and foam will appear, which indicates the readiness of the drink. This means it’s time to strain the liquid from the crumb. I squeeze the soggy bread through cheesecloth, strain the drink into a clean container - glass or food-grade plastic bottles with lids are suitable.

    I pour the liquid into prepared bottles (I got a little more than 1.5 liters), screw the lids on tightly and put them in the refrigerator to steep for 8-10 hours. And don’t rush to throw away the bread crumb. It can be used as a starter for the next batch of kvass - to do this, I return it to the jar and fill it with warm, but not hot, boiled water with sugar and repeat the process, but without adding yeast.

Bread kvass is completely ready for use. In the cold, the fermentation process stops, a small natural sediment falls to the bottom of the bottle, which is due to the use of natural raw materials. All that remains is to chop the vegetables and season the soup with a portion of the chilled drink. Bon appetit!

On a note

You can season the okroshka with cold kvass or prepare an emulsion from mashed yolk, kvass and sour cream - it will turn out even tastier!

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