Spells for hair to make it thick and beautiful. Plot against hair loss Plot against hair loss

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Ancient natural magic helped our ancestors maintain beautiful thick hair into old age. It is still recommended to use ancient customs and spells so that hair does not thin and always looks neat, healthy and attractive. The magic in these conspiracies is based on the action of natural substances and energies that are attracted at a special time.

An ancient spell to make hair grow quickly

If the curls do not want to grow and split, then you can use the following plot. He is told to take a herbal decoction. Usually nettle is taken (preferably fresh, if possible). But you can also make a decoction from burdock or chamomile roots.

When you prepare the decoction, read these words:

“The sun and dew, the forces of the earth, the heavens - everything feeds the grass! Grass into water, water into hair! Just as the blades of grass are strong, so is my hair: thick, silky, alive with the warmth and moisture of nature! Let everything that is in the grass go into your hair! So that everyone can admire them, admire the thickness of the hair of the Servant of God (name)! Amen!"

Pour the broth over your head after washing. You need to do this every time you go to the bathhouse (or swim). In a month you won’t recognize your own hair. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise you’ll have to go to the hairdresser every week or have your hair braided!

A spell to stop hair loss

If your hairstyle begins to rapidly thin out, then you need to correct this matter. There is a special ritual for this. Take the comb you use most often. And on the waxing Moon, read the following words on it seven times in a row:

“Bird to grain, Moon to Sun, Blade of grass to root, Hair to hair. Amen!"

It is recommended to read the plot on Monday. Leave the comb so that the moon shines on it. Start using it in the morning. When combing your hair, imagine how the moonlight is absorbed into it, coming from the teeth of the combing device. Hair loss will stop. And after a while new hairs will appear.

Morning spell to strengthen hair

This short spell should be practiced every day in the morning. Before combing your hair, raise your hands above your head, clasp them together and say (out loud):

“The moon is born every night! So the hair of the Servant of God (name) increases! There are countless stars in the sky! So there is a hair on my head! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Now comb your hair. Just keep in mind that you don’t just need to run a comb through your hair a couple of times, but thoroughly comb each curl. In the old days, girls were forced to scratch a hundred times on each side. But if you don’t have time for such a long combing, then at least get to twenty. Here, magic will be present and an ordinary head massage, which will contribute to the restoration of hair.

Since ancient times, girls have trusted the health of their hair to the forces of nature, asked them for protection from illnesses and believed that all the necessary help was indeed provided. It is far from a new fact that our ancestors used natural gifts not only as medicines and food. With the help of herbs and natural resources, it was easy to get in touch with higher powers. Along with the recipes, healers read various conspiracies. Such conspiracies could easily restore beauty, health and youth. The hair loss spell is quite popular among women. Knowledge about it was passed on among women through many generations.

But long before man believed in magical properties surrounding nature, he tried to influence the world around him with the power of words.
Thousands of years ago, requests for help and prayers took shape in special spells used in various life situations. Some of those ancient rituals have survived to this day, albeit in a slightly modified form. A spell or ritual for hair loss is an ancient remedy with which you can significantly improve their condition.

Of course, modern medical and cosmetic means for body care are extremely effective, therefore, in order to achieve the most successful result, you need to combine traditional means of treatment and ancient rituals.

The power of rituals and traditional medicine

Hair loss is a common problem that can affect people of any age.
Premature baldness is most often a consequence of some disease, so you need to try to cure not only the symptoms, but also the disease itself.

There is a fairly voluminous section of magic dedicated to the health and length of hair. This is not surprising, because in ancient times they had a special meaning for humans. Healthy hair for a woman was considered an important sign of beauty, and long hair for a man in many nations was a symbol of strength, military courage and valor.

Rite of loss

This magical ritual is performed only on the full moon. You need to stand at the threshold of your own house, join your hands on your chest in a lock, then raise them in this form above your head, and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“As the new month is born after the full moon, so let the hair of God’s servant (name) be born. Let your hair grow, let it be healthy, let there be as many of it as there are stars in the night sky, in the clear sky. As stated. So it will come true. Amen".

Ritual for another person

This ritual is designed so that the performer and the target will different people. The performer must place the palms of his hands on the head of the target of the ritual and for several minutes imagine how the energy of strength and growth flows through his fingers onto the hair. After this, you need to raise your hands a little so that they are above the “patient’s” head and say the words of the magic spell:

“Just as new stars are born in the sky every day, so the servant of God (name) will have hair on his head, new hair will appear. Just as no one can count the stars in the night sky, so no one can count the hair of God’s servant (name), and it will never fall out. Let the hair on the head of the servant of God multiply, let his head thicken. As I said, so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Midday plot against loss

“Grain to grain, grain to pole, the sun reaches for the light. The comb reaches to the crown of the servant of God (name). An asterisk to an asterisk, and a hair on the head of God’s servant (name) to a hair. The hair will be healthy, the hair will be thick, as it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Decoction for hair strength

Before performing the ritual, you need to cook a decoction of dry burdock leaves; when it boils, you need to add a little onion juice to it. Afterwards, let the broth cool, rub it in every day and read the words of the conspiracy:

“In an open field there are two roads, one of them is green, strong, full of grass, the other is bare, deserted and long. If you follow the first road, you will never come anywhere, but if you follow the second, you will reach the Alatyr-stone. I will follow the right path, I will go out to a strong stone, and next to that stone three girls are sitting. Rusa is the first maiden, with a lily scythe. Black is the second girl with a slanting pitch. Red-haired third girl with a red scythe. How those three girls’ hair is strong, how their hair grows, does not get lost, does not break, but only increases. So it is with me, servants of God (name), hair will grow, become thick. The hair will grow, it will not break, it will not split. Let it be so. Amen".

Only proven conspiracies are used against hair loss, which even experienced magicians resort to. Universal spells will help people of different ages, gender and religion. They use a ritual against hair loss without lengthy preparation using simple magical attributes (they are easy to find in the house).
The ritual works instantly. The next day, the amount of hair that remains on your comb or clothes will decrease several times. Soon such a problem as hair loss will no longer worry a man or woman at all. The conspiracy has a cumulative effect, and the magic that gives power to special words lasts for several weeks. As soon as your hair returns to normal, you can carry out additional protective rituals to protect your curls from damage in the future.

Ritual with mirrors

To do this, you will need to take a mirror and put it in water. While you are watering your head, look in the mirror and say:

“Let every hair of mine gain the strength of water. May it never fall out, fade or break. Let the split ends go away completely. Let neither hard water, nor diseases of my head, nor bad thoughts break it. I ask only for myself. I'm not worried about others. Let my curls blow in the wind, gain strength from the sun and be strong like the earth. Let all the elements come to their defense. Amen".

Ritual using water

To do this, you need to take a bowl filled with water. It is best to read this plot at dawn:

“I want this water to help me with my huge problem. Let it work on my hair and it will never fall out again. Empower them with your amazing and nourishing power. So that there are as many of them as there are droplets in you.”

You will need to rinse your curls with this water after washing. For better effect perform the ritual several times. Psychologists say that conspiracies against hair loss are a way of influencing a person’s mind. The point is that the signal goes to the brain. In the future, it spreads to tissues and cells. This explains positive result conspiracies.

Prayer for hair loss

Sit near the window and start combing your hair. Be sure to do this for a young month. While combing, say a prayer. The prayer goes like this:

“Like grain in a field, like light in the sun, like a comb to my body, so let curl stick to curl. I want them to never fall out of my head again. I read for the new moon to make it come true.”

Lime blossom ritual

It is necessary to pour clean water into the vessel. Add 9 linden flowers to it. Looking at the water, recite the following spell:

“Linden has very beautiful green leaves. She flaunts them every day. So I want to show off my curls. I want them to no longer fall out, but to grow to the envy of others.”

The ceremony is carried out every day for a week. After each ritual, it is necessary to rinse your hair with charmed water after washing.

If you need a strong conspiracy against hair loss, then it is best to contact a specialized magician. He will advise you on a ritual and spell that will make your hair the envy of others for many years to come. And remember, all rituals must be performed exclusively on the waxing moon.

For maximum effect, it is recommended to combine cosmetic procedures with folk remedies, because each of these methods has its own positive traits. And, if you combine them, then all the people around you will envy your curls.
Conspiracies against hair loss cleanse a person’s internal energy well. And, if it is clean, then your hair will grow better and look beautiful. If you want the ritual to work better, then you need to “program” yourself for a positive result. The stronger the faith, the stronger the action will be. To increase the effect of the spell, use folk herbs. They must be insisted and washed hair after each shampooing. Believe that a positive result will please you very soon. Have you decided to conspire against thick hair loss? Then don't hesitate!

What is needed for the ritual

Each ritual consists of preparation, performing magical actions and reading a special text. But an important role in all the upcoming event is played by the mood of a person. The way he believes in a conspiracy and trusts the magic he invokes.
Hair, a beautiful hairstyle - a person’s health can be judged by his appearance, by how much he takes care of himself. If simple hair products do not give the desired results, you need to prepare small but powerful magical attributes:

holy water;
comb (regular comb);

A universal conspiracy that can be performed several times a year will help against hair loss. The first results of magical influence can be judged from the first days.

How the ritual is performed

A ritual that will take no more than half an hour will help prevent hair loss. The conspirator (male or female) needs to wait until nightfall so that the Moon is visible in the sky and from the window of the house. The ritual is carried out in several successive stages:

The conspirator needs to wash himself with holy water. The face, hands and body are washed.
Candles are lit on the windowsill. The conspirator should stand in front of the mirror and carefully comb his hair. You need to move the comb carefully through the strands, without unnecessary sudden movements.
The ritual against hair loss will work if the conspirator raises his hands above his head (his hands must be clasped) and, looking at his own image in the mirror, says the words of the spell:

“Like a spikelet in a field, my hair grows. Don’t break, don’t tear, but strengthen yourself. Swarm on my head and never cut it.”

After the ritual, the candles must be extinguished and hidden. Before going to bed, the conspirator combs his hair again with the same comb that was used in the ritual. The procedure should be carried out the next morning, while the conspirator reads the “Our Father” prayer. The moon will enhance the work of the spell and give your hair healthy shine and strength.


To prevent hair loss from coming into your home, and with it brittleness and dryness of strands, people have come up with a whole bunch of warnings and rituals. Girls are sure that they should not leave their hair anywhere, especially in a hair salon. Trouble must also befall those who choose a specialist older than themselves. And if every fallen hair is not collected to fill the bundle with water, then a worldwide catastrophe may occur. Conspiracies are a separate issue. If you read hair spells, you can not only increase hair growth, but also improve your mood.

Ancient hair spells

The first thing you can try is to comb your hair regularly and say, “Grow your braid to my admiration, don’t let my hair fall out.” The better you treat your head with a massage brush, the stronger the spell becomes. Girls should play with the mirror against hair loss. They say that you need to put it in a container filled with water, and then look into the mirror surface, seeing yourself there as a beauty with gorgeous hair. Yes, self-hypnosis is a good thing, and suddenly it will work. Although it seems to us that visualization should also work when looking at a mirror hanging on the wall.

Yes, we also forgot about the spell. We look in the mirror, slowly saying “grow hair huge, thick, thick, beautiful; Beware of dryness, avoid falling out.” You can also make masks against hair loss. Especially magical are those cooked with eggs. We take an egg, break it, smear it on the head, saying “eggs for Easter on the table, for more on the head.” Fun, isn't it?

Girls are also advised to blow off their lost hair on the 15th lunar day, standing on the porch; talk to the comb in as incoherent words as possible (probably so that no one will guess). Here is a set of magic words that are said to stop hair loss in women - “key, lock, tongue.” Why not “mane, nose, chest of drawers”? In general, as already mentioned, the main thing is to believe. At the same time, a number of “sorcerers” are confident that reading hair spells is more effective than undergoing treatment from a trichologist. Or maybe it’s the girls’ gullibility, their suggestibility? More than one guy has yet to publicly announce that a charmed comb or words spoken into a soaked mirror helped him.

Let's remember other old conspiracies and rituals that do not relate to hair. For example, to avoid bedbugs in the house, one of the small and smelly representatives of the annoying insects was led around the village on a string so that all its other brothers would also leave. Of course, if everyone is put on a leash and taken away from the house, the problem can be solved. Just look at the magic ring finger. They can cure headache, boil. The only thing you need to do is move your finger around the problem area. And the treatment of impotence by peeing through a wedding ring, with fresh blood from a cock's comb? Horror, let's look at more modern hair rituals.

Modern conspiracy for hair growth

Before reading the plot against hair loss, you need to choose the right magical remedy for baldness. If you are a girl, a man with mild baldness is suitable for you - 5% Kirkland Minoxidil For young people with a more serious problem, removing bald spots will help. So, waking up early in the morning, a man needs to go to the mirror, take 1 ml of lotion into a pipette and, peering at the smooth movements of his hand, distribute the product onto the affected areas. If you poorly control the process, spreading the drug on your hair, bypassing the skin, you should not expect a good result.

Next comes the plot for hair loss: “I’ve done everything, now it’s time to go to work.” In the evening, the magical distribution of the product in front of the mirror should be repeated. The only thing is that you need to change the words of the conspiracy a little. The evening ritual should be ended with the following words: “Great, now you can watch a movie, play a game.” You cannot go to bed immediately after the ceremony. Dermarollers with titanium needles will help enhance the magic. They will protect you from negative influences from the outside. Remember that when using minoxidil, you will have to fight the demons that force you to apply dimexide along with the lotion. By succumbing to them, you risk seeing the skin begin to peel off from a living person.

Note: Rolling the dermaroller over the skin increases the rate at which the lotion is absorbed. Its use leads to an additional increase in blood flow to the follicles, which dimethyl sulfoxide is not capable of. It is not necessary to use the device daily. They only treat clean scalp.

Girls who bought the charmed foam can perform the ritual once a day. The best solution is to do it in the evening. Minoxidil is more preferable in rituals than finasteride. Men who use the first remedy will not have to wonder ahead of time how the ritual with a ring or cockscomb is performed. The first sign that the conspiracy has worked is “hair loss.” It can last from two weeks to several months (usually no longer than one). To notice a good result in the form of overgrowth of bald areas, simple manipulations should be performed within 4 months. Androgenetic alopecia requires long-term treatment.

In order not to be disappointed in modern minoxidil conspiracies, patients should familiarize themselves with the concepts of cyclicity and synchronization. This will help you understand why improvements occur in bursts and are more noticeable during certain phases. Remember that injecting the drug is a huge mistake. It is recommended to use a hair loss remedy for AGA. It will save women with thinning partings, young men whose hair loss lasts up to five years. The parietal region heals better; the frontal region should be helped with a scalp roller. A bald spot that formed more than ten years ago can be removed with a wig or hair transplant.

Attention: the dermaroller requires cleaning and treatment with disinfectant solutions after each use.

Charmed shampoo: when your hair does not fall out, but looks very bad, you should use a charmed shampoo. Take the medicinal product and apply it to wet hair. Massage your scalp and say “Tricominchik help: revive the weakened, restore the thin ones.” We read the plot for hair growth for a minute, twice a week.

Rituals with mirrors, eggs or burdock oil They steal your time, which could be used for treatment. Do not allow the mouth to become overgrown - for androgenic alopecia, rely on minoxidil.

An effective plot against hair loss will help weakened strands in the winter, when the entire body of a woman or man is sorely lacking in vitamins, and in the summer, when the hair loses the necessary moisture. Any woman can easily read a conspiracy against hair loss at home, because universal conspiracies against hair loss are easy to prepare and perform on the days when the Moon is waxing. What will be needed to perform the ritual?

Magic for hair health and beauty

Conspiracies against hair loss are very popular among both men and women. Appearance modern man- this is his calling card, therefore care for curls should include not only cosmetic, but in some cases magical care. The plot against hair loss should be read from memory on a specific day of the week.

The haircut and condition of the hair determine a person’s life, and although men and women pay a little attention to their hairstyle, taking care of their hair with the help of magic is not at all difficult. A magical rite will solve the problem of split ends, hair loss in just a few days. The problem that spoils appearance, will no longer disturb either man or woman. But it is worth remembering that the conspiracy against hair loss should be read only correctly and as clearly as possible, otherwise there will be no special effect.

Which ritual to choose?

There is neither point nor opportunity in reading too many conspiracies. Emergency help Doesn't leave your hair much time to think. To prevent hair from falling out, for a strong effect, you will need to choose the appropriate rite:

  • to the growing moon;
  • for a big Orthodox holiday;
  • on Maundy Thursday;
  • to powerful magical attributes.

A protective prayer for any chosen rite will help save the conspirator's hair in the future. You should not be afraid that after the rite on the growing moon, the hair will begin to “crumble” again. The plot is selected thanks to one’s own intuition and inner instinct. If the ceremony repels and causes internal contradictions, it should not be performed.

A universal magic remedy for healthy hair

Against hair loss, only proven conspiracies are used, which even experienced magicians resort to. Universal spells will help people of different ages, genders and religions. They use a ritual against hair loss without lengthy preparation using simple magical attributes (they are easy to find in the house).

The ritual works instantly. The next day, the amount of hair that remains on the comb or clothes will decrease several times. Soon, such a problem as hair loss will cease to excite a man or woman at all. The conspiracy has a cumulative effect, and the magic that gives power to special words is valid for several weeks. As soon as the hair returns to normal, additional protective rituals can be carried out to protect the curls from damage in the future.

What is needed for the ritual

Each ritual consists of preparation, performing magical actions and reading a special text. But an important role in all the upcoming event is played by the mood of a person. The way he believes in a conspiracy and trusts the magic he invokes.

Hair, a beautiful hairstyle - a person's health can be judged by his appearance, by how much he takes care of himself. If simple hair products do not give the desired results, it is necessary to prepare small but strong magical attributes:

  • holy water;
  • comb (regular comb);
  • mirror;
  • candles.

A universal conspiracy that can be performed several times a year will help against hair loss. The first results of magical influence can be judged from the first days.

How the ritual is performed

A ritual that will take no more than half an hour will help prevent hair loss. The conspirator (male or female) needs to wait until nightfall so that the Moon is visible in the sky and from the window of the house. The ritual is carried out in several successive stages:

  1. The conspirator needs to wash himself with holy water. The face, hands and body are washed.
  2. Candles are lit on the windowsill. The conspirator should stand in front of the mirror and carefully comb his hair. You need to move the comb carefully through the strands, without unnecessary sudden movements.
  3. The ritual against hair loss will work if the conspirator raises his hands above his head (hands must be folded into the lock) and, looking at his own image in the mirror, says the words of the spell:

“Like a spikelet in a field, my hair grows. Don’t break, don’t tear, but strengthen yourself. Swarm on my head and never cut it.”

After the ritual, the candles must be extinguished and hidden. Before going to bed, the conspirator combs his hair again with the same comb that was used in the ritual. The procedure should be carried out the next morning, while the conspirator reads the “Our Father” prayer. The moon will enhance the work of the spell and give your hair healthy shine and strength.

Hair loss spell

During the waxing moon, a special prayer is needed for strong hair growth. Prayer words must be learned by heart, otherwise a strong ritual will not work. The conspiracy is pronounced with the sincere belief that magic will help make your hair not only beautiful, but also healthy. To carry out the ritual, you will need several hairs that have already fallen out. The spell is cast specifically for dead hair.

Preparing for secret action

A beautiful appearance will be given by ancient but simple magic. Filled with the power of the night celestial body. The Moon is a spell enhancer, no matter what it is cast for. Each word of the spell must be read with an understanding of how the anti-hair loss charm works.

Preparing for covert action is easy. For strong growth of strands you will need:

  • Holy water;
  • a few hairs that have already fallen out;
  • crest.

For a strong effect, the conspirator remains completely alone and waits for the moment when the Moon appears. It is impossible to read a plot in cloudy weather. For the magic text to work, the first stars must appear in the sky.

Conspiracy text

As soon as the moonlight floods the window of the conspirator's house, the man blows the dead hairs out the window and pronounces the words of the spell:

“As soon as the Young Moon is born, the braids on my head will be born. My hair will be strong, strong, alive. Like the stars in the sky, so is the braid on your head. They will multiply, but not fall out. Amen".

You need to read the spell exactly three times, after which the window needs to be closed, and the comb that was lying on the windowsill should be washed with holy water. Such a charged object will not allow your hair to be damaged again by external negative factors.

Conspiracy for the waxing moon

The most effective, proven remedy for weak strands can be bought at a pharmacy or beauty salon, but it does not guarantee a 100% result. Another thing is magic that promotes the growth of braids even in people with low immunity and diseases of internal organs.

“Water is a sister, helper and magician! Help me get rid of my problem, share your strength, give me health. To have braids on the head, the head was strewn with them, like drops in a glass.”

The braids are washed with enchanted water and then carefully combed. An effective remedy can be used throughout the year.

Beautiful and thick hair is a real dream for a woman, a mirror of her thoughts and mood. Since ancient times, representatives fair half humanity tried to improve the structure and shine of hair. In many cases, resorting to the help of white magic.

Gorgeous hair is a source of spirituality

Hair is a powerful, magical agent. They must be protected from the hands of others, because it is the curls that are used in many rituals and conspiracies, and in many cases for love spells, hexing and rituals associated with death.

If the hair does not grow, fades, splits or falls out, then irreversible painful processes occur in the body. But what to do if medicine cannot help in this situation and the curls do not gain the same look? Maybe we should turn to effective conspiracies that will prevent hair loss?

The magical power of hair

Our ancestors believed that curls have colossal magical powers. They are not easy to decorate a woman. Gorgeous hair is a source of spirituality that connects outer space with people. It was hair that all magicians and sorcerers treated with special caution and a certain trepidation. They were sure that by cutting off their braids or changing their hairstyle, they could make adjustments to their destiny.

People who lived in ancient times treated girls with short hair with fear and apprehension. However, to stay without long and thick curls in the past was easy enough. Women were shorn for disobedience to their father. A rival or an envious person could deprive her of curls. From this we can conclude that the plot for hair growth has been relevant at all times. Beauties believed in magic, rites and rituals that increased the beauty of curls. Belief in magic can work miracles.

Despite the fact that nowadays every beautiful woman has a lot of cosmetics in her arsenal that can accelerate the growth of hair and strengthen it, almost all female representatives still turn to the magical secrets of our ancestors.

White magic can solve hair growth problems

Proper rituals for hair growth

White magic can solve your hair problem. With the help of spells and rituals, curls are filled with strength, grow quickly, do not fall out, and become lush and shiny. There are a huge number of conspiracies. Your heart can tell you which method to use. What do you need to know when performing hair rituals? How to ensure that magic words have enormous power and the result is effective?

  • Read conspiracies only for the waxing moon. The dark sun is the strongest source of energy. It is worth remembering that performing the ritual during the new month will give 100% success. While reading the plot, the woman should be rested and full of faith in magic.
  • Do not drink alcohol before performing a magical ritual.
  • If you need a comb for a spell, it is better to purchase a wooden or stone comb.
  • Staying indoors and saying prayers during the menstrual cycle is prohibited.
  • Be confident in the magic words. Faith is one of the main rules for a positive outcome.

The most powerful spell to make your hair grow by leaps and bounds

This ritual must be performed after sunset, when the new moon has risen into the dark sky. Pour water into a wide basin. If there is an opportunity to purchase melt liquid or from a spring, take advantage of it. After the water has been collected, lower the mirror into it, sit on a chair and admire yourself, mentally imagining long, thick braids. Then begin reading the magic words, pronouncing them clearly and thoughtfully:

“My hair will grow like wheat in a field. May Mother Earth give health to the roots of your hair, may the wind cleanse them, and may the rays of the sun strengthen them. Fall from my head onto my shoulders in a lush braid, enchanting everyone around you with your beauty. Amen".

It is necessary to carry out the ritual when the new moon has risen into the dark sky

After the spell has been read, pour the magic liquid into a bottle or jar, take it outside, find an intersection and sprinkle it in all corners. It is very important to have your back to the new month. Remove the mirror so that no one looks at it except the participant in the ceremony.

Conspiracies against hair loss

When reading any conspiracy, do not forget to believe in the words of prayer. Ask the Lord for help. The magical power of conspiracies lies in true faith, only then miracles happen. An ordinary, meaningless set of words will not give thickness to your hair, will not strengthen the roots on your head, will not give length and shine to your hair. When performing a ritual against hair loss, mentally and spiritually trust in the power of God and this problem will disappear.

This plot is very simple: after twelve at night, when the young moon appears outside the window, take a wooden comb, comb your hair, reading in a whisper:

“The beneficent power of nature endow the comb with magical power. Let this power touch my hair and help it grow stronger, gain strength and shine. Let the magical sources of the whole Earth help my braids grow, each hair will become healthy and strong. Amen".

Perform the ceremony for seven days in a row. Magic words have enormous power, after fifteen days you will notice changes. The scalp will become thicker, hair loss will stop, and you will feel lightness and peace of mind.

For a ritual against hair loss you need to use a wooden comb

Healthy strands are guaranteed. Spell on birch leaves

This ritual not only promotes rapid growth hair, but will also prevent hair loss. The spell uses birch leaves, so the spell is spent in spring or summer. For prayer to work quickly and effectively perform a ritual for the waxing moon. Ten days before the planned date of the ritual, take 18 birch leaves, immerse them in a container with sacred water and close the lid tightly. Then hide this composition in a dark place. For ten days, every evening, read the prayer over a container with birch leaves:

“Just as a birch tree boasts of its beautiful and lush foliage, so I, God’s servant (name), will admire my braids. I call upon the strength of the tree to make my strands healthy, beautiful and silky. Amen".

When ten days have passed, it is necessary to moisten the curls with the charmed water. This procedure They start from the roots to the very ends. If the ritual is carried out correctly and with faith in success, then in a month your curls will begin to grow faster, and you can forget about hair loss forever.

Finally, I would like to advise all girls who decide to use hair growth spells. Never read a spell from a sheet; it is better to memorize it. If you can’t memorize the prayer, then rewrite it in your own hand. Always believe in the power of white magic, repeat the words of the conspiracy several times. In this case, the letters will be charged with new energy force. By following all the tips, your hair will always radiate health, fullness and shine.

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