According to Feng Shui, ordinary stones. Magical and healing properties of amethyst, talismans, amulets made of amethyst

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Amethyst symbolizes peace, sincerity and sincerity. It is good to wear beads or a ring with amethyst if you are experiencing anxiety, emotional disturbance, or are in a state of internal discord. The deep internal energy of amethyst helps to find peace and inner harmony. The Indians believed that amethyst contains the forces of Ether and Water, which, when combined, help control emotions. Amethyst also inspires hope. Perhaps the most important feature of amethyst is that objects placed over an amethyst crystal are cleansed and enhance their energy. Although what is more important for us is that amethyst helps identify secret information. An amethyst crystal will help you find answers to questions about professional growth, choosing a profession, or changing a profession.

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Amethyst If you are going to use only one stone in your magical rituals, let it be an amethyst. Amethyst is one of the best semi-precious stones that is suitable for almost all purposes. It has been used since time immemorial in

Amethyst - stone, which is very popular among crystals and is affordable. Mother Nature has generously gifted people with the most different types and the forms of this beautiful mineral.

The most expensive deep violet amethyst

One of the most common types of amethyst is a clutch of crystals or a geode, as well as a natural stone. The deeper the color of an amethyst, the more expensive it is.

Amethyst crystals can be seen in esoteric and gift shops. There are also many jewelry items with this stone.

What are the energy and healing properties of amethyst, where is it mined, and how can it be used in Feng Shui practice?

Features of amethyst

The color of the crystal, which can vary from pink to purple, indigo and violet, speaks of the strong healing properties of the crystal.

Amethyst cleanses any space of negative vibrations, radiating high quality energy, and creates an atmosphere where there is a desire to return again and again, as to a source of personal strength.

It calms and cools unnecessary emotions, facilitates the transition to more consciousness, ridding the mind of unnecessary thoughts.

Amethyst helps in meditation

On a physical level, amethyst strengthens immune system, has a healing effect on the skin and respiratory organs.

The ancient Greeks believed that the mineral protects the body from the effects of alcohol, and in Greek means “a stone that protects its owner from intoxication.”

Where is amethyst mined?

Most stones are brought from Uruguay and Brazil. The mineral is also mined in Canada, the USA and South Korea. The highest quality amethyst is mined in Russia.

How to use amethyst in feng shui practice?

In Feng Shui practice, amethyst is used to purify space and the Mineral elevates thoughts, helps and brings a person to high levels consciousness.

If quarrels often occur in the house, amethyst will help cool the ardor and teach the household to understand each other.

The bonding of the crystals and the amethyst geode improve the feng shui of the home very effectively

Amethyst - stone and the medicine of the Bagua sectors northeast (Development and Personal Growth), southeast (Wealth and Abundance), south (Inner light, Reputation and Glory).

The amethyst crystal can be placed on the child's desk and in the living room. If you are going through a very emotional time in your life, you can wear jewelry with cooling amethyst, put the crystal in your pocket or in your car.

What is the best crystal?

The highest quality amethyst crystals have deep, rich indigo tones. If “clouds” and patterns are visible in the thickness of the crystal, it is also very effective.

The deep purple color of amethyst resonates with the higher chakras or energy centers - the third eye and crown chakra. Therefore, amethyst is used for meditation and opening blocks that interfere with obtaining higher knowledge.

The shape of the crystal should be chosen depending on your needs. Natural amethyst crystals are inexpensive. They can be put in a pocket, purse or as an interior decoration in a bowl.

Among the huge number of stones and crystals, a group of the most famous and popular can be distinguished. Since ancient times, stones have been ascribed special properties - they were used for healing, looking into the future, and using them in various spiritual practices. The tradition of using crystals in the ancient art of Feng Shui lifts the curtain on the attitude towards crystals in the east in ancient times. By the way, jewelry works on the same principle as natural stones and products made from them. I love to hang my jewelry with natural stones everywhere. For example, - Well, why not Feng Shui?

Stones and crystals in the art of feng shui work different ways. They attract the necessary energy into the room, strengthen the personal energy field, cleanse and protect from negative energy, and so on. It is fashionable to use various Chinese amulets, especially jade ones - money frogs, mandarin ducks and other figurines. But a person with a Russian mentality does not always "resonate" with exotic amulets. It is better to approach this issue creatively. Consider the 8 best, I would say, "orthodox" feng shui stones - how they are used, how and where they are placed.

Clear quartz

This is a crystal with many beneficial properties- it cleanses and protects space from negative vibrations, strengthens the energy field. It easily accumulates any specific quality of energy, be it attracting love or helping in passing exams. Pure clear quartz contains all the colors of the rainbow and can be programmed to help. This crystal should be in every home or office. It is a staple of feng shui crystals and a favorite of interior designers because it goes with any style and décor. Door handles, candlesticks or interior decorations can be made from it. It can be stones of various shapes - natural crystals, polished crystal balls, and so on - transparent quartz contains all the colors of the rainbow, shimmering when exposed to light.

Place Clear Quartz in areas that need fresh, clean energy that combines the power of sunlight and clean fresh water. You will not be able to position this crystal incorrectly, because anywhere in your home or office, clear quartz will generate positive energy. The only advice - do not put it close to the bed. This stone is too active for the bedroom, however, this applies to many stones with a crystalline structure.

Rose quartz

Rose Quartz emits pure, soft, gentle energy of love and healing. It soothes and washes away pain and frustration, as well as any other negative energies that are blocking your heart. Rose Quartz is considered to be healing when it comes to love in all its forms and manifestations - be it lack of self-love or painful romantic experiences. This stone is strongly connected to your heart and constantly radiates a calming flow of love. This is the best stone for the bedroom, both for adults and for children.

You can put a few pieces of rose quartz in or on your nightstand drawer. You can create a crystal grid or even place it under your pillow, especially when you are trying to make sense of your love experiences. Rose quartz is the #1 feng shui crystal for love and marriage. You can put stones in the shape of two hearts or rose quartz mandarin ducks as a symbol of perfect love.


Amethyst, especially deep purple- stone of meditation. It helps clear your energy and support you in your pursuit of deep spiritual experience. There is a very wide range of shades of this stone, from light lavender to intense deep indigo. The deeper the color of the crystal, the more powerful and expensive the stone. The most powerful are tall geodes with deep and clear purple crystals. Such stones heal any space by transforming low and negative energies into peaceful and powerful light energy. You can also use a few small crystals to cleanse a room and generate calm spiritual energy in any space.

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for your altar or meditation space; it can also be used as a feng shui treatment for personal and spiritual growth. If you are lucky enough to have a deep colored amethyst, keep it away from the sun to prevent it from discoloring.


Jade is the most valuable stone in classical feng shui. This stone has a very long history use in China. Jade still has a reputation as the number one stone for healing, the most famous amulets made from it are money frogs and the laughing Buddha. The market is full of imitations of this stone, this applies to all popular feng shui cameos, so if your heart is set on jade, make sure it is a real stone. Genuine jade emits beautiful energy - calming, renewing and activating. Jade is a friend who accepts you for who you are and at the same time radiates optimism and wise energy that helps you become better. Its balanced harmonious energy makes a woman wise, gives love and acceptance of the world (all is well).

Deep green jade is ideal for the health and family areas as well as areas of abundance. Jade has different shades. Blue jade, for example, can be placed in the quarry area.

Eye of the Tiger

It is easy to understand the energy of the tiger's eye - the tiger is careful, strong, fast and always reaches the goal. This stone is very popular in Feng Shui. His defensive powers are very strong and manifest very quickly. The beauty of the tiger's eye protects and nourishes you while creating a stronger, more dynamic, balanced, energetic sphere around you. Because of the strong earth energy, the tiger's eye is used in feng shui as an earth element and to heal areas that are either powered by this energy or contain the earth element. You can place the stone in the area of ​​love and marriage, in the nursery and in the area of ​​creativity. The energy of this stone is amazing, as is the number of variations in its colors and varieties. It is a must-have stone in feng shui, especially since it is very affordable.


Despite the fact that pyrite is often called "fool's gold", it is very popular in feng shui specifically for healing the energy of well-being. Pyrite has wonderful properties that you can use to improve energy in your home or office. And this is one of the best healing crystals for the office - with it fresh, active, optimistic energies and the energy of discipline come into the room. It is also a cleansing and grounding stone. Pyrite often comes in beautiful shapes, such as balls and cubes, so it's easy to introduce it into any space as a feng shui décor element. Pyrite carries the energy of metal and gold, to which it is very similar (when it was first discovered, it was mistaken for gold). It is the best feng shui stone to improve the energy of wealth and money and to heal these areas. You can place the stone in the Abundance zone of your home or office, or wear it as jewelry if you feel the need for pure and disciplined energies. Pyrite is one of the best stones for those who have water and metal as elements associated with birth (according to feng shui).


Carnelian - one of the most beautiful stones, for many - the most beloved. There are always stones that will speak more than others. Carnelian radiates earthly caring warmth and wisdom. The color of the stones ranges from pale yellow to fiery orange. The energy of carnelian is permeated with happiness and optimism, while it is very calm. Thanks to its beauty, carnelian is one of the best cameos for jewelry. Carnelian must be worn if you need to strengthen your energy and overcome limitations. It is also one of the best stones if you need to activate your physical energy and strengthen your first and second chakras.

Therefore, carnelian harmoniously combines elements such as fire and earth. You are free to use it in any of the areas that can benefit from warm energy. The presence of carnelian is welcomed in the field of love and marriage, as well as in the area of ​​personal growth and spirituality.


Ammonite is neither a stone nor a crystal, but nevertheless, it made it to our list of the best feng shui stones and crystals due to its unique properties. The Ammonites have developed their wonderful qualities over 100 million years of their existence. These fossilized shells of ancient molluscs bring extraordinary energy to any space - cleansing, very powerful and "connecting". The amazing spiral design of this fossil shows how this energy works - it radiates in a constant rotation and clears the room of any stagnation and low energy residue. Information about it is stored in a solid and unchanged form - there is nothing momentary or temporary. How different this is from our perception of time as a fleeting illusion...

Colorful ammonites are in high demand in Feng Shui. Beautiful fragments of jewelry-quality ammonites are also used. Ammonites come in a variety of colors ranging from airy whites to bright deep reds that are uplifting and energizing. Of course, the larger the stone is in your space, the more incredible effect it can have. R The placement of ammonites is limited only in terms of color. For example, if you have a bright red ammonite, you yourself would not want to place it in your home in the health zone. If the color of the fossils is neutral, this ancient beauty can be placed in any zone.

So, you have 8 main feng shui crystals for your home and office: clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, jade, tiger's eye, pyrite, carnelian and ammonite. Many good stones are not on this list - you probably noticed that citrine, for example, is not here. It is very popular in feng shui, and citrine amulets are no less popular. But this stone is hard to buy - almost 90% of commercially available citrine is a heat-treated amethyst.

If you are new to feng shui, it is best to start with this list of 8 stones, and then add other beautiful and powerful crystals and stones to your arsenal, such as tourmaline, smoky quartz, hematite, black onyx, jasper and others. Where to buy stones? This is the most difficult question, even despite the large number of thematic exhibitions in Moscow and the huge offer both on the Internet and in off-line sales. This needs to be discussed - write, I will share what I know. When going shopping for stones, try to find time so as to avoid rush. When you choose stones for yourself, it is important to feel their energy - the crystals you need will attract your attention more. And sometimes love for a crystal suddenly overtakes you right at the moment when you first see it.

Source of information and inspiration here

Our home is our fortress. A place where we will never invite random people, and where loved ones are always welcome. According to ancient Chinese knowledge, Feng Shui, our home is divided into several “thematic” zones, and each of them has a special energy. In ancient times, they believed that if you strengthen it with the help of natural stones, you can attract any benefits into your life: love, prosperity, protection from damage... Modern experts nod their heads in agreement for good reason - there is such a science as crystal therapy.

Natural minerals are capable of accumulating both destructive and creative energy, and our task is to distinguish and select the latter. With its help, we learn to carry out the correct zoning of the house in this article!


The hallway is the “gate” of the house, a meeting place for all the energies that are allowed into your apartment - both with the “plus” and “minus” signs. Moreover, if all household members do not even think about bad things, guests can bring negative vibrations. That is why it is believed that powerful amulets should be placed in the hallway. Among them are obsidian, quartz, rock crystal. In the absence of all of the above, you can turn to transparent stones that allow light to pass through.

Obsidian or quartz is placed opposite the entrance to the house - so that the stone is the first to “greet” arriving guests and neutralize any negativity. Of course, no one demands from you any sophisticated interior design in terms of organically incorporating natural stones into the decor of the apartment, and it is not necessary to place pebbles near the door. Obsidian, a stone of unusual color (or, to be more precise, volcanic glass) is used to make gift figurines, decorative boxes, and beads that can be hung above the door. Quartz is also suitable in any form and of any variety: pink, amethyst, and citrine, as well as jasper, carnelian and aventurine.


Living room - from the word "guests": the spirit of the holiday, friendly gatherings and good mood should not leave this apartment area for a long time. The energy of the living room is active, creative, unlike the bathroom, which will be discussed below.

Stones located in this zone “work” to activate vitality family members, attracting wealth, material opportunities.

Products made of rock crystal and transparent stones purify the aura of the room and improve the relationship between those who are in it. If a wall of misunderstanding often arises among households or there is no end in sight to quarrels, try to correct the current energy of the living room with the help of aventurine and - especially - rose quartz, which suppresses all types of aggression in the bud.

Jewelry or crafts made from citrine will help get rid of the "poor man's psychology" that has settled in the head and tune in to permanent financial success in business.

Products with amethyst charge for love of life, faith in the best, even if the hands are already falling. And yet, in plain sight, in front of the guests, it is not worth keeping the amethyst for a long time - “communicate” with it only at special moments when it is necessary to make adjustments in the living room biofield, and at other times keep it in a jewelry box.

If it is necessary to improve the financial situation of the family, interior items made of malachite, emerald, jade, marble, pyrite and all the same rock crystal should take place in the living room. In addition, wealth is “lured” with jewelry made of precious metals - gold and silver.


Kitchen = hearth. The place is sacred in a sense: it is believed that together with food we get energy for life, and also, gathering at the table with the whole family, we strengthen family ties. The warmth of these meetings, as well as the increase in the energy of households, support minerals of all shades of sunny yellow. Among them, yellow calcite and carnelian are mainly distinguished. Knowledgeable people say that both stones in some mysterious way even help to better assimilate food! The main thing is that the "kitchen" minerals should be rounded - without sharp protrusions and piercing corners.

Blue, like the July sky, lapis lazuli, also, oddly enough, is listed as an assistant in the kitchen, but he has different “working” tasks. Vases, figurines, and maybe salt and pepper shakers made of lapis lazuli are utensils for those who would do well to moderate their appetite. It is believed that the energy of the mineral is aimed at restoring balance in the body, as well as turning to the mind, and not indulging one's weaknesses.


The children's room is the center of the child's universe, especially before adolescence. Try to surround it with the right “planets” 😊

Citrine will help stimulate interest in learning, knowledge of the world, discoveries and experiments. It is said that this mineral also helps improve memory and speech skills.

Fluorite and other blue stones, as well as beryl, develop systematic thinking, increase the ability to analyze, help to concentrate and not be distracted from studies. One “but”: stones should not be placed in a child’s room by force, only with the permission of its owner.

It is customary to keep products made of rose quartz near the crib of the little ones - its positive vibrations are aimed, according to knowledgeable people, at maintaining the health of the baby.


This location should be kept under seven seals for random guests - you shouldn’t take them to the bedroom even for the sake of sightseeing tour around the house, if you do not want the joint energy of the spouses to undergo negative changes. It is also not recommended to store too many stones in the bedroom: there is a high risk of distorting the “calm” biofield of the room intended for relaxation.

If you suffer from insomnia or nightmares, you can take a closer look at the Labrador. This unusually colored stone should be placed in a visible place, but not near the head of the bed.

If it is necessary to eliminate the coldness between spouses, to increase mutual interest and attraction, stones of all shades of the most passionate color - red - can be placed on the bedside table. In the “love zone” there can be jewelry with rubies, garnets, carnelian, jasper in warm colors.

The magical properties of amethyst are primarily due to the origin of the stone. A variety of quartz with predominantly violet shades in the Christian tradition was called the stone of the Apostle Matthew, in Ancient Rus' amethyst was known as the bishop's stone, and in Europe since ancient times it has been known as the stone of Bacchus, since one of its most manifested properties is to protect and cleanse from intoxication .

Amethys and the rejected Dionysus

Amethyst is the most valuable variety of quartz (silicon oxide) with a milky white base with numerous inclusions of all shades of purple. When exposed to sunlight, dark purple amethyst turns pale. When exposed to cold, the stone regains its original color. The highest quality amethysts are mined in deposits in the Urals, as well as in Brazil and Uruguay, India, the USA, Sri Lanka, Azerbaijan, Armenia and the countries of Central Asia.

In ancient times, amethyst was worn as a necklace around the neck, believing that this way you can protect yourself from infection during epidemics.

The ancient Greeks drank wine from amethyst cups, being sure that they would not get drunk. Such a legend is also known: the beautiful nymph did not want to fall into the hands of Dionysus (Bacchus) and preferred to be petrified. The nymph's name was Amethys. This is how the amethyst stone was born. It is believed that amethyst has a special connection with people who have such names: Arseny, Arkady, Andrei, Eugene, Leonid, Maxim, Roman, Antonina, Violetta, Elizabeth, Marina. However, medicinal properties amethyst apply to all who are ready to use the power of this stone.

Jewelry with amethyst has a special power

In Egypt, amethyst was given the shape of a scarab beetle, which was then inserted into chest deceased. Alive, amethyst helped to get rid of unreasonable feelings of guilt, fears and endowed with courage and fortitude. The Egyptians took amethyst with them during long journeys in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances and evil people along the way. The stone must be kept with you.

As long as it was in contact with the skin, its owner remained safe and could avoid trouble in the most difficult situations where others could not find a way out. The stone gives clarity of mind and even at the initial level a certain ability to foresee. The owner of the amethyst subconsciously chooses a safe direction for himself.

If your main goal is protection from various kinds of dangers, before you start using amethyst, set an appropriate energy program for it - on any day on the growing moon, say wishes to the stone in your own words, describe what kind of protection you are counting on. After this, always carry the stone with you.

The healing power of the bishop's stone

The owner of amethyst will soon find that he has become more restrained in responding to stressful situations, is able to control emotions and think clearly. This stone helps to normalize work not only nervous system, but also has a positive effect on the functioning endocrine system, improves blood circulation and blood composition, and also eliminates various defects on the skin and promotes its rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles, nullifying freckles and large age spots.

Water infused with amethyst will help the body cope with colds.

This stone can also be used for diseases of the kidneys and liver. Of course, there is no question of any cancellation of the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Amethyst as a whole strengthens the energy of a person, harmonizes all levels of consciousness. If you wear amethyst earrings, you can improve your eyesight, and an amethyst ring on your ring finger will help to significantly strengthen the body's defenses.

You need to wear amethyst on the body all the time, only in this case there will be a lasting effect.

Other pronounced properties of amethyst: the ability to relieve headaches and normalize sleep, prevent the development skin diseases, correct speech defects, serve as an antidote for poisoning, relieve nervous tension. However, the strongest property of amethyst is its anti-alcohol effect. In order to cope with addiction, you need to drink water infused with amethyst. The second way to get rid of alcohol addiction is to wear this stone at the level of the solar plexus.

The magical properties of amethyst

In addition to affecting the physical body, amethyst affects the thin shells of a person. Take a comfortable position, put the amethyst in your right palm (if you are right-handed) and cover with your left. Hold the stone in your hands for a few minutes, while trying to focus on internal sensations. You will notice how quickly the stone reversed the polarity of your thoughts and moods. Instead of gloomy forebodings, irritation and dissatisfaction, you can feel how hope arose inside, inspiration and a desire to change life for the better suddenly came.

It is believed that amethyst is able to save a person from evil intentions, helps to overcome mental pain, get rid of anxiety and insecurity.

If you are feeling insecure, anxious, or just need to pull yourself together and show your best side, wear an amethyst pendant - best of all, a small size, not for show, but under your clothes. If you wear an amethyst in silver in the form of a ring or pendant around your neck, only faithful friends and joint activities with them, for example, a business project, will be successful. If you wear amethyst in gold, your energy will always remain in balance.

The owner of an amethyst, as a rule, has a heightened intuition

Amethyst can be used during meditation. The stone will help to relax more quickly and deeply, abstract from the train of thoughts and calm the mind, increase the ability to concentrate and give a feeling of peace. Amethyst affects the ajna chakra (above the eyebrows in the center of the forehead) and the crown chakra sahasrara (above the crown of the head), stimulating the development of clairvoyance and clairvoyance abilities. The aura becomes more stable and clear. If you want to get rid of nightmares, keep an amethyst wrapped in a red velvet fabric under your pillow.

Carry an amethyst wrapped in purple silk in your work bag or briefcase and you will always be in good standing with high-ranking officials. A dark purple amethyst can be worn in a similar way in order to be successful in trade and in general in financial affairs. The image of the Moon and the Sun is applied to the amethyst in order to turn it into a talisman that protects its owner from any type of negative energy. Such a charm perfectly protects against damage, the evil eye, curses and many other types of negativity, sending a negative message back.

Love amulet

In Feng Shui, amethyst is used to achieve prosperity and strengthen relationships between spouses. For example, if quarrels begin to arise frequently in the family, an amethyst crystal should be placed under the bed on the foot side. Amethyst will create a strong energetic connection between spouses. If the family has financial problems, the amethyst should be placed in the southwestern sector of the house. Amethyst is considered a symbol of mutual and faithful love. If a man wants to strengthen his relationship with his wife, he must independently buy an uncut amethyst for himself on one of the first three days of the new moon and have it with him all the time. If you want to add passion to sexual relations, you need to wear amethyst at the level of the navel.

A woman can purchase this stone for herself if she experiences difficulties conceiving a child. Amethyst will give her the joy of motherhood.

The tablets, considered the heritage of the Sumerians, say that amethyst can inspire love in the one who gives you this stone. Amethyst erases the memory of former love and opens the heart to new affection. That is why, if you are already married, do not accept gifts in the form of jewelry with amethyst, so as not to end up in a love triangle.

Do not accept a gift of amethyst from a person of the opposite sex, otherwise you risk tying yourself with love bonds with him

You can achieve a sustainable effect if you wear amethyst constantly. And to prevent quarrels or any other discord in relationships, you need to periodically clean the amethyst from negative energy, if you were wearing this jewelry during a conflict situation. It is enough to leave the stone for 3-5 minutes under running water - and the amethyst will again begin to broadcast positive energy.

Most important property amethyst - the ability to strengthen the connection with the higher self. The stone will become your spiritual guide and will help you make the right decision in any situation.

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