Morning exercises in elementary school. Morning exercises at school

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

1. A set of morning exercises

Gymnastics before classes.

This gymnastics contributes not only to the normal physical development of children. but also the formation of the habit of systematic physical education. it creates the necessary psychophysical prerequisites for the organized start of lessons. allows you to get back to work faster. Its main goal is to energize, not tire. Rational duration 5-6 minutes for primary schoolchildren, for middle and high school children school age 6-8 minutes. During this time, you can perform from 4 to 8 rhythmic gymnastics exercises with a small dosage. The load in the set of exercises increases and decreases gradually.

At the beginning of each set of exercises, walking with various positions and movements of the arms is provided. A series of running, dancing and jumping exercises, which is desirable in each complex, can last 20-30 seconds, followed by walking and breathing exercises.

Gymnastics exercises before training sessions should cover all major muscle groups. The recommended sequence is as follows:

1) exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle;

2) exercises for the trunk muscles and posture;

3) exercises for leg muscles;

4) general impact exercises aimed at strengthening the activity of the circulatory and respiratory organs (running, jumping, racing, dance elements);

5) calming exercises.

It is better to organize gymnastics before classes separately by age group (grade).

Complex 1

1. Walk slowly. Breathing is uniform; 2-3 steps - inhale, 3-4 - exhale. Keep your head and torso straight. Hands perform free movements. (Load dosage 20-30 seconds).

2. Stretching. From and. p. - basic stance, hands to shoulders, elbows down, for 2 counts (to yourself) raise your arms up - to the sides, bend in the thoracic part of the spine and rise up - inhale. For 2 subsequent counts (but more slowly), lowering your arms to the starting position and tilting your head forward - exhale. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 9-10 times).

3. Tilts to the side. I. p. - basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart, hands to shoulders, elbows slightly pressed, chest forward for 2 counts, tilt the torso to the left, raise your arms up, look up - inhale, return to i for the next 2 counts. n. The same - in the other direction. (Load dosage from 9-10 to 13-14 times).

4. Squats. I. p. - o. With. Feet width apart, toes parallel. For 2 counts, slowly bending your knees and spreading your knees to the side, lower yourself into a half-squat, resting on your full foot, arms forward, palms down. Straighten up for 2 counts. When lowering, exhale; when straightening, inhale. (Load dosage from 9-10 to 13-14 times).

5.Walking is calming. Relax your arms and shoulders, breathe deeper. (Load dosage 45-50 seconds).

6. Rotation of brushes. I. p. - o. p., arms to the sides, hands clenched into a fist for 4 counts, circular movement of the hands up - back - down - up. For the next 4 counts, make circular movements in the opposite direction. Stay straight, bend over, breathe freely. (Load dosage from 6-7 to 9-10 times. At the beginning, perform at an average pace, then more slowly and with great effort).

7. Touching the floor with your foot. I. p. - o. p., right leg in front on the toe, hands on the belt, torso straight. For 7 counts, alternately touch the floor with your heel and toe. At the count of 8, place your foot. The same with the left foot. Breathing is voluntary. (Load dosage from 4-5 to 6-7 times).

8. Running in place. (Dosage 140 steps in 1 minute, 2-3 minutes).

Complex 2

1. Walk slowly with a gradual increase in pace. (Load dosage 40-45 seconds).

2. Flexion and extension of the arms. I. p. - legs apart, hands in front, fingers intertwined with palms facing out. 1- forcefully bend your arms, place your hand on your chest, palms inward – inhale. 2 – forcefully straighten your arms in i. p. – exhale. (Load dosage 13-14 times)

3. Raising on your toes. I. p. stand by some object, the front of the foot on the edge of a board 3-4 cm thick. 1-8 alternately raising and lowering on the toes, arms forward. 9-16 – calm walking in place with deep breathing. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 7-8 times).

4. Side bends. I. p. - o. s., legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 bends to the left, left hand behind the back, right hand behind the head - exhale. 3-4 – i. n. - inhale. The same - in the other direction. When tilting to the left, bend your right leg; when tilting to the right, bend your left leg. (Load dosage from 10-11 to 13-14 times).

5. Squats. I. p. - stand with your right side to the back of the chair, put your right hand on the back, your left hand on your belt. 1-2 – sit down on right leg, left leg forward (bent or straight) – dash exhale, 3 – put left leg to the right, 4 – stand up and turn to the chair with the other side – exhale. The same thing - with the other leg. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 7-8 times, deep squat, swing leg straight).

6. Walk slowly. (Load dosage 30-40 seconds)

Complex 3

1. Walking slowly, with some acceleration towards the end. (Load dosage 1 minute)

2. Stretching. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. On 1-2 (count) - take your arms back to the sides, turning your palms up, bend tensely in the thoracic part of the spine, rise on your toes, look up, take a deep breath: on 3-4 (count) return to i. p. – relax, lower your shoulders and head slightly forward – exhale. (Load dosage from 10 to 12 times).

3. Tilts to the sides. I. p. – feet shoulder-width apart. 1-2 - springy tilt to the left, right hand swing to the side - up above your head, left hand behind your back: 3-4 - changing the position of the hands, springy tilt to the right, breathing arbitrarily. (Load dosage 12-13 to 14-15 times in each direction, possibly with a pause, with a large amplitude).

4. Walk calmly with deep breathing. (Load dosage up to 1 minute)

5. Tense deflection. I. p. - standing with his back to two chairs arranged (with seats). 1 – place the shin of your left leg on the seat of a chair, pull your toe, hands on the back of the nearest chair; 2-3 bending tensely, lean forward (back), move your hands to the back of the far chair, actively helping the bending, - inhale; 4 – i. p. – exhale. The same with the right foot. (Load dosage from 4-5 to 6-7 times with both legs).

6. Breathing exercise. I. p. - o. s., left hand on the chest, right hand on the stomach; 4 times - abdominal breathing, 4 times - chest breathing, 4 times - mixed breathing. (Load dosage 3-4 times)

Approximate sets of exercises with a gymnastic stick for morning exercises (exercises)

Complex 1

I. p. - o. s., stick to shoulder.

1-4 - four steps in place, raising your knees high;

5-8 - turn left and back;

9-16 - repeat counts 1-8, but turn right.

Repeat 3-4 times.

I. p. - stand, stick below.

1- step right forward, stick forward;

2- stand on your toes, stick up (pull yourself up);

3- lower your entire foot, stick forward;

5-8 - the same with the other leg.

Repeat 3-4 times. Options: a) step to the side or back; b) when pulling up (on the count of 2, turn left or right).

I. p. – stand, stick vertically in front, standing on the floor (support with one hand).

1-2 - squat, resting your hands on the upper end of the stick;

5-8 - the same, but twice as fast (for each count).

Repeat 4-6 times. Options: a) squat quickly and stand up slowly (count 1 and 2-4); b) the same, but vice versa; c) squat on one leg, the other forward.

I. p. - the same.

1-2- right swing back with hands supporting the stick and tilting (springing 3 times);

5-8 - the same, but with the other foot.

Options: a) swing the leg to the side (supported by a stick); b) swing back, but bending the leg back.

I. p. - stand, stick below (grip shoulder-width apart).

1- bending the left one, place the toe on the stick;

2- straightening your leg, pull your hands up;

3- bend the left;

5- the same on the other leg.

I. p. - the same.

1-2 - alternately step over the stick and straighten up;

3-4 - alternately step over the stick in and. P.

Repeat 4-5 times.

I. p. - stand with your legs apart, the stick with the free end in front on the floor (grab one end with both hands).

1-3 - circular movement of the body to the left and back (try to describe a circle on the floor with the free end of the stick);

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 4-6 times.

I. p. - the same, but the stick is below (grab the ends).

1-2- bending your right arm, move the stick above your head and down behind;

3-4 - bending your left arm, move the stick over your head to i. P.;

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 3-4 times. Options: a) on the count of 1-2 the same and on 3 – with the right hand back to i. P.; b) count 1-4 several times in a row in one direction (2-4 times), then in the other direction.

1-jump the legs apart;

2- jumping stand crosswise, right front4

3 - same as 1;

4-i. n. (foot stand together);

5-8 - the same, but the stance is crossed, the left one is in front.

Options: a) when jumping into a standing position, legs apart, stick up; b) combination: four jumps on both in place, on 5-8 the same as on 1-4.

I. p. - walking in place, stick to shoulder (30 sec.) and exercise to improve posture.

1-stick on the head, left step to the side;

2- stand on your toes, stick up (stretch);

3 - same as 1;

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 3-4 times. Options: a) on the count of 2, stick on your shoulder blades (stretch); b) the same, but with steps back.

Complex 2

I. p. - closed stance, stick below (grab by the ends).

1- left one step to the side, stick forward;

2- stand on your toes, stick up, tilt your head back (stretch, inhale);

3- lower your feet, stick forward;

5-8 - the same with the other leg.

I. p. – stand with legs apart (narrow), stick vertically in front (support with one hand).

1-2 - squat on the right, left forward (with both hands supporting the upper end of the stick);

5-8 - the same on the other leg.

Repeat 4-6 times.

I. p. - the same.

1-3 - swing the right back three times (leaning on the stick with both hands);

5-8 - same with the other leg.

Options: a) swing once with the right and left; b) a combination of exercises 2 and 3 (alternately).

I. p. - stand, stick below.

1- swing left to the side, stick to shoulder to the right;

3-4 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 4-6 times. Options: a) i. n. sticks forward or up; b) from i. n. stick at the top, arc with the stick to the left (when swinging with the left) and vice versa.

I. p. – stick stance at the bottom behind (grip shoulder-width apart)

1- bend forward, touch the floor with the stick (at the heels);

3- bend forward, swing the stick back (to failure);

Options: a) 1-3 – three forward bends (spring), stick to the floor; b) 1-2 – lean forward and slowly stick the stick back; 3 – jerk back.

I. p. - emphasis on the knees with palms resting on a stick.

1-2 - hold the ends of the stick vertically, turn the body and head to the left;

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 4-6 times.

I. p. - lying on your back, stick at the top (on the floor).

1-2- tuck (lying), stick on the shin (near the rises);

Options: a) execution on each account; b) the same, but with the legs extended forward and the stick forward.

I. p. - gray hair, stick on the chest (or at the top).

1-2 - sit at an angle, stick to toes;

3-4 - swing legs apart (on a stick);

5-6 - the same back;

Options: a) execution on each account; b) jumps of one (alternately) and then two jumps of two.

I. p. - stand, stick on the shoulder blades (grab the ends).

1-4 - four jumps (small) moving to the left;

5-jump the legs apart. stick up;

6- jumping stance, stick on the shoulder blades;

7-8 - the same again;

9-16 - repeat the exercise, but returning to the place (i.e. jumping with movement to the right);

17-32 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 2-3 times. Options: a) instead of jumping legs apart - 5-8 turns 90 degrees to the left (4 times); b) turn left around and back; to the right around and back; c) jump your legs apart, one in front, the other behind.

I. p. - the same. Walking in place (20-30 sec.) with slowdown.

1-2- stand on your toes, with a half turn to the left, stick the top (stretch, inhale);

5-8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 2-3 times.

Complex 3

I. p. – legs apart (narrow), stick on the shoulder blades.

1-2- stand on your toes, turn your torso to the left, stick up (stretch, inhale);

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 2-3 times.

I. p. - stand, stick below.

1- right step forward, stick to the chest;

2- putting the left one, squat, stick up;

3- stand left back on your toes, stick on your chest;

4- step back in and. P.;

5-8 - the same with the other leg.

Repeat 3-4 times.

I. p. - stick stand on the head.

1- left on the toe to the side, turn the body to the right, stick up (emphasizing the turn to the right with the hands);

3-4 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 4-6 times.

I. p. – legs apart (wide), stick at the top.

1-2- bending the right (lunge to the right), stick behind the head to the left, turn the head to the left;

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 4-6 times. Options: a) the same, but for each account; b) the same, but according to o. With. with a preliminary swing of the leg to the side.

I. p. - gray hair, stick on knees (grip shoulder-width apart).

1- bend forward with a stick over the toes (towards the heels);

2- straighten up, stick up;

3-4 stick back;

5- support lying behind;

7-8 - upward movement of the stick in and. P.

Repeat 3-4 times.

I. p. - the same.

1- bend your legs, stick up (toes touch the floor);

2- straighten your legs (sitting at an angle), the stick is slanted to the left;

3- bend your legs, stick up;

5-8 - the same, but the stick is slanted to the right.

Repeat 3-4 times. Options: a) 1 - stick on the chest, 2 - to the shoulder, free end to the toes; b) sit at an angle, but legs apart, etc.

I. p. - the same, but legs apart (narrow).

1-2 - with a turn to the left, leaning on the left end of the stick, resting sideways;

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 3-4 times. Options: a) moving the stick up, and then turning and stopping; b) lying on your side while simultaneously swinging your leg to the side.

I. p. - stand, stick on the shoulder blades.

1- jump into a standing position with legs apart, stick up;

2- jump in i. P.;

3- jump with a turn in a circle to stand with legs apart, stick up;

4- jump in i. P.

Repeat 6-8 times. Options: a) turn after three jumps into a stance with legs apart, i.e. 7-8; b) turns by 1 and by 3 (i.e. continuously).

I. p. - stand, stick below (grip shoulder-width apart, fingers).

1-2 - two jumps in place (like preparation for jumping over a stick);

3- jump over a stick;

4- releasing the left end of the stick, move it forward.

Repeat 4-6 times.

I. p. - stand, stick below.

1-3 - three small steps forward on your toes, lifting the stick (smoothly) up, tilt your head back;

4- put the right one on, stretch;

5- stand on your entire foot, stick on your chest;

6- stick down;

7-8 - turn around.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Complex 4

I. p. - stand, stick below (grab by the ends or shoulder width).

1-4 - four steps in place, stick at the count of 2 forward, 3-4 - down;

5- jump, stick to chest;

7-8 - repeat 5 and 8.

Repeat 4-6 times.

I. p. – legs apart, stick below.

1-2- with a turn to the left, stand on your toes, stick up, tilt your head back (stretch, inhale);

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 3-4 times.

I. p. - the same, but with a stick behind the head.

1- left on the toe to the side and tilt to the left;

3-4 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 4-8 times. Options: a) three tilts (spring) in each direction; b) the same, but the second tilt with raising the stick up.

I. p. – legs apart (narrow, feet parallel), stick below.

1- squat (on a full foot), stick forward;

3- squat, stick up;

Repeat 4-6 times. Options: a) three spring squats (1-4); b) the same, but on the third squat the stick is up.

I. p. - stand, stick below.

1- right swing to the side, stick up;

2- lunge with the right, the stick is slanted to the left, turn the head to the left;

3- push with the right, leg to the side, stick up (head straight);

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 3-4 times.

I. p. - stand, stick vertically in front (support with hand).

1- squat on the right, left on the toe to the side (with both hands supporting the stick);

2- change the position of the legs with a push (jump);

5-swing the right back, bending it to failure;

7-8 - repeat 5 and 6.

Repeat 3-4 times.

I. p. - stand, stick below.

1- left back on the toe, stick up to the right shoulder;

2- left swing forward, free end (right) forward (towards the toe - until it touches);

3- left back on the toe, stick up to the shoulder;

5-8 - same with the other leg.

Repeat 4-6 times. Options: a) leg on the toe to the side, stick up and out and a counter swing of the leg towards the end of the stick; b) the same, but with a preliminary rotation of the body (retracting the stick for the swing).

I. p. - kneeling, legs apart (shins parallel), stick below.

1-2 - tilt back, stick up;

3-4 - sitting on the heels with a forward bend (stick on the floor);

5-6 - bending your arms, “crawling”, touching your chest to the floor, lying point-blank on your hips;

7- bending, sitting on the heels with an inclination (the stick slides);

Repeat 4-6 times.

I. p. - stand, stick at the bottom behind.

1- jump, stand legs apart (right in front, left behind), stick behind back to the right, turn head to the right;

3-4 - the same from the left leg (in the other direction);

5 - jump into a standing position with your feet apart, take the stick back;

7-8 – repeat 5 and 6.

Repeat 3-4 times. Options: a) perform 8 jumps in the first part, then the second part; b) combination: option “a” once and twice as shown above.

I. p. - stand, stick on the shoulder blades.

1-2- with a half turn to the left, stand on your toes, stick up (stretch, inhale);

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

Repeat 3-4 times. Options: a) from a legs stance apart (narrow); b) the stick is not up, but on the back of the head while simultaneously tilting the head back (stretching).

A set of physical education exercises

1. I. p. - hands behind the head. 1-2 - take your elbows back, bend - inhale, 3-4 - and. p. – exhale (8-10 repetitions).

2. I. p. - stand with legs apart. 1 - arms to the sides, turn your head to the left, 2 - rise on your toes, tilt your head back, arms up, palms inward, 3 - turn your head to the right, arms to the sides, 4 - i. p. (8-10 repeats).

3. I. p. - hands behind the head. 1 – turn the body to the right, arms to the sides, 2 – i. p., 3-4 - the same to the left, 5 - half-squat, arms up, 6 - i. n., 7 – half squat, arms forward, 8 – i. p. (4-6 repeats).

4. I. p. - arms bent at the elbows. For each count, “shaking” the brushes (for 16-32 counts).

5. I. p. - hands to shoulders. 1 – half squat, left arm up, right arm forward, head turn to the right, 2 – i. p., 3 – half squat, right arm up, left arm forward, head turn to the left, 4 – i. p. (4-6 repeats). Take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-6 seconds.

Physical education minute

After 20-30 min. During the lesson, students show signs of mental fatigue. Fatigue sets in separate groups muscles associated with working posture. If children are not switched to another type of work in time, this can lead to deterioration in health and poor posture. Therefore, alternating mental work with active rest in the form of a physical exercise minute is simply necessary.

The required duration of a physical training minute is 1.5-2 minutes. The optimal number of exercises in a complex is 2-4. In the first and second grades, a teacher should conduct a physical education minute, and starting from the third grade, a physical educator can do this. The complex includes the simplest rhythmic gymnastics exercises for the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, shoulder girdle, torso, and especially the back muscles that straighten the spine.

So, after completing written work, it is necessary to include exercises for the hands with clenching the fingers into a fist and unclenching them, shaking the hands and arms, alternately relaxing the muscles of the hands. To eliminate stagnation in lower limbs and pelvic organs, you should perform various squats, small leg swings, stepping in place, running and jumping. The sequence of exercises in the complex should be as follows:

1.) exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle;

2.) posture exercises;

3.) exercises for leg muscles;

4.) bending and turning the body.

When selecting exercises, one must also take into account the limited space for performing them; physical training minutes are also possible while sitting at a desk.

A set of exercises while sitting at a desk for primary and secondary school students

I. p. - sitting at a desk, arms bent to the sides, forearms to the top, hands in fists.

1-2 - circles with arms forward;

3-4 - circles with arms back.

The same, squeezing and unclenching your fingers on each count.

Repeat 4 times. The pace is average.

I. p. - sitting at a desk, hands forward.

1- hands in front of you, hug yourself tightly;

2- move your elbows back, bend your arms to the sides, forearms up, tense your back muscles;

3 - same as count 1;

Repeat 4 times. The pace is slow and average.

I. p. - sitting at a desk, hands down.

1- tilt to the right, touch the floor with your right hand, hold the back of the desk with your left;

The same in the other direction.

Repeat 4 times in each direction. The pace is slow and average.

I. p. - sitting at a desk, facing the aisle, grab the desk seat with your hands.

1-2 - legs bent forward;

Do the same, alternately raising the right and left legs. Repeat 4 times. The pace is average.

Morning exercise complex .

1. Walking in place - 30 seconds

2. “Stretch”. From the main stance, forcefully bend your arms towards your shoulders. Rising on your toes, straighten your arms up (stretch, look at your hands), lower your arms to your shoulders and return to i. p. 16 times.

3. "Vertichek". I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands on the belt. Move your head in a circular motion, trying to reach your shoulder with your ear, touch your chest with your chin and tilt your head back as far as possible. The direction of movement changes after each time. 16 times.

4. "Fan". I. p. - stand with legs apart, arms to the sides, hands clenched into a fist. Circular movements of the arms in the lateral plane. Change the direction of the circles after 4 times. A total of 32 times.

5. "Flower". I. p. - stand with your legs apart, hands behind your head, elbows back, head back. Bend your head forward until your chin touches your chest and bring your elbows forward. Bend over again. p. 16 times.

6. "Antenna". I. p. - stand with your legs apart slightly wider than your shoulders, arms to the sides, hands in a fist. Turns the body left and right. Do not move your legs, keep your arms in the same plane as your shoulders. 16 times.

7. “Thin Rowan.” I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands on the belt. Raising one hand up until it touches your ear, tilt your torso in the opposite direction. Straighten up, tilt in the other direction, changing the position of your hands. 16 times.

8. Hula Hoop. I. p. – legs apart, hands on the belt thumb forward. Circular movement of the pelvis with maximum amplitude (as if rotating a hoop). Alternate the direction of movements. A total of 32 times.

9. "Pump". I. p. – stand with your feet together, toes closed. Springy bends forward, trying to gradually reach the toes, legs straight. 16 times.

10. "Swallow". I. p. - main stand. Raise your arms up in arcs forward while simultaneously moving one leg back. Bend over, look at your palms. Lowering your arms down, place your foot. Then with the other foot. 16 times.

11. "Spring". I. p. - lunge forward, arms to the sides or on the belt. Springing movements, bending and unbending the leg 3 times, on the fourth jump change the position of the legs. 32 times (8 shifts).

12. 1st option: jumping rope – 30 sec. 2nd option: running in place, raising your hips high. 20 sec.

13. walking in place, gradually slowing down the pace. 30 sec.

14. Water procedures.

A set of gymnastics exercises before classes

On command, take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-6 seconds.

1. Walking in place with legs raised high, maintaining correct posture (32-48 counts).

2. I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands behind head. 1-2 – tilt the torso back, arms to the sides – inhale, 3-4 – and. n. - exhale (8 repetition).

3. I. p. - wide stance with legs apart, hands on the waist. 1 - turn the body to the right, bending the right hand, arms to the right, 2 - the same to the left (6-8 repetitions).

4. I. p. - hands on the belt. 1 – lunge to the right, arms to the sides, 2 – i. p., 3 – half squat, arms up, 4 – i. p., 5-8 - the same to the left (4-6 repeat).

5. I. p. - crouching emphasis. 1-2 - stand up, right back on your toes, arms up, bend over - inhale, 3-4 - and. p. – exhale, 5-8 the same, left back (4-6 repeat).

6. I. p. - walking in place, maintaining correct posture (for 32-48 counts). While walking in place, take 4 steps with your arms up at your sides and inhale, for the next 4 steps with your arms down and exhale. (4-6 repetitions).

7. I. p. - o. With. 1 - right to the right on the toe, left hand up, right hand forward, 2 – and. p., 3-4 - the same with the left hand in the other direction with a change in the position of the hands. (4 reps).


A set of exercises to develop the physical quality “flexibility”

Cervical spine.

Exercise 1. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

1-4 - head tilt to the right, the same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times.

Exercise 2. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

1-4—tilt the head forward, trying to “curl up,” as it were.

Same thing back. Repeat 2 times.

Exercise 3. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

1-4 head turn to the right.

Exercise 4. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

1-4 – circular rotation of the head to the right.

The same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times.

Shoulder joints.

The shoulder girdle takes part in respiratory movements; the high mobility of its joints affects the amount of inhalation and exhalation. In addition, good mobility in the shoulder joints is extremely important for maintaining correct, beautiful posture.

Exercise 1. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides.

1-7 – “hug yourself by the shoulders, trying to raise your elbows higher and move your fingers as close to the spine as possible.

8-i. p. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 2. I. p. - standing at a distance of a step, facing the back of a chair, feet shoulder-width apart.

1-7 - leaning forward, put your hands on the back of the chair and, without bending your elbows, stretch shoulder joints to the floor;

8 - i. n. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 3.I. p. – standing, bend your right arm with your elbow up so that your fingers touch the shoulder blade.

1-7 - pressing with your left hand on the elbow of your right, try to lower your palm lower;

8 – change the position of your hands. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 4. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms forward.

1-7 bend your right hand to the glue shoulder, take your right elbow with your left, pressing on it, try to bring your right hand closer to your left shoulder;

The same in the other direction. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 5. I. p. - standing, arms crossed behind your back.

1-7 - take the brush of one by the elbow of the other hand;

8 – i. p. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 6. I. p. - standing, twist the hands of the lowered hands behind the back.

1-7 – turn your shoulders, trying to bring your elbows closer to each other;

The same with raising the intertwined hands back. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 7. (performed with a jump rope folded in four; rubber band).

I. p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, pick up a jump rope.

1-4 – raise your arms up and, without bending your elbows, move them back (pulling the rope)

5-8 – the same in reverse order. Repeat 6 times. The distance between the hands can be gradually reduced.

elbow joint.

Its natural mobility, as a rule, is sufficient for most people and does not require special training. However, in people with highly developed muscles, full extension is often impossible. elbow joint, which is associated with an increase in the tone of the forearm flexor muscles. On the contrary, in people with poorly developed muscles, even hyperextension can be observed in this case.


The flexibility of the entire human body is largely determined by the mobility of the spine. It is the spine that is more susceptible to age-related changes associated with limited mobility. This is expressed by the beginning fusion of the vertebrae, and bone “whiskers” appear between them. Negative phenomena are also intensified as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, when the spine experiences no less overload than when lifting excessive weights.

Exercise 1. I. p. - standing in a horizontal forward bend, legs apart, hands on knees;

1-2 - raise your lower back, lower your head, round your back;

3-4-lower your lower back, raise your head, bend over. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 2. I. p. – Sitting, legs bent with knees up, chest pressed to hips, hands on heels;

1-4- try to straighten the legs without lifting the torso from the legs;

5-8 – return to i. n. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 3. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.

1-4- put your feet on the floor behind your head;

5-8- return to i. p. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 4. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.

1-4 – bend in the chest, leaning on your elbows and without lifting your pelvis and head from the floor;

5-8 – return to i. p. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 5. I. p. - lying on your stomach, legs apart, bent, grasp your feet with your hands;

1-4- try to straighten your legs, lifting your upper body;

5-8 return to i. n. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 6. I. p. - lying on your back, legs slightly apart, arms along the body;

1-2 – move your torso to the right without lifting your back from the floor;

3-4 – return to i. P.

Exercise 7. I. p. - sitting, legs as wide apart as possible, hands behind the head.

1-2 - tilt your torso to the right, trying to touch the floor behind the knee of your right leg with your elbow;

The same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 8. I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent with knees up.

1-2 – tilt your knees to the right, trying to touch the floor with them, and your head to the left;

The same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 9. I.P. - sitting, legs bent apart, feet on the floor, arms bent in front of the chest.

1-2- turn your torso to the left, touch your left knee with your right elbow, take your left hand as far back as possible and place it on the floor;

The same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 10. I. p. – standing – legs apart.

1-4- - circular movements of the body to the right;

5-8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.

Hip joint.

The largest in the human body. It is the attachment point for large, well-developed muscles. These muscles enable a person to perform a variety of movements - running, jumping and many others. Mobility hip joint It is also important for developing the correct position of the pelvis, and therefore posture.

Exercise 1. I. p. - lying on your back.

1- bend your right leg, holding your shin with your hands;

2- straighten your leg with your hands;

3- bend your right leg, holding your shin with your hands;

Same with the other leg. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 2. I. p. - sitting.

1-3 – lean forward, trying to touch your chest with your legs, arms forward, do not bend your knees;

4 – i. p. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 3. I. p. - sitting on your knees and heels.

1-3- straighten up and bend over, trying to bring your hips forward as much as possible;

4 – i. p. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 4. I. p. - standing on the left knee, bent right leg in front, hands on the right knee.

1-3 – move the left thigh and pelvis forward and down;

The same with the other leg. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 5. I. p. - standing with your right side to the chair, holding the back.

1-3 – squatting on the left, move the right one as far as possible to the side, the body is vertical;

The same to the other. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 6. I. p. - wide stance, hands on hips.

1-3 – half squat on the right, bend forward;

The same to the other (Fig. 69). Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 7. I. p - sit your legs apart, palms in front of you on the floor with your fingers suddenly facing each other.

1-3 lean forward, trying to put your elbows on the floor;

4-i. p. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 8. I. p. - wide stance.

1 – bend forward, place your palms on the floor;

2 – spread your heels to the sides;

3 – spread your socks to the sides;

4 - spread your heels to the sides;

5 – move your heels inward;

6 – move the socks inside;

7 - move your heels inward;

8 - i. n. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 9. I. p. – emphasis while sitting behind, legs bent apart.

1 – lower your right knee inward, trying to touch the floor with it;

The same with both legs at the same time (Fig. 72) Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 10. I. p. - sitting, legs bent, feet together, knees apart.

1-3 – resting your hands on your knees, lower them as low as possible to the floor;

4 – i. n. (Fig. 73). Repeat 16 times.


Its mobility in most people is usually satisfactory. At the same time, there are cases of underextension in the knee joints, as well as overextension in them. In the latter case, knee-joint becomes especially vulnerable to injury due to sudden stress or unsuccessful landing after jumping. Often, without receiving sufficient loads, the joint is rebuilt. To avoid this, it is necessary to strengthen the joint by constantly exercising it. However, you can not get involved in deep squats. This can lead to overload of the knee joint.

Exercise 1. i. p. – standing, hands on the belt.

1-2 – sit down without lifting your heels from the floor (the angle between the thigh and shin is 90 degrees);

Exercise 2. I. p. - standing, right leg in front, left leg behind.

1-3- bending the right leg, lunge on it, hands on the knee;

4 – i. p. The same in the other direction (Fig. 78).

Exercise 3. I. p. – emphasis while sitting behind.

Bend your legs one by one, imitating riding a bicycle (Fig. 79).

Exercise 4. I. p. standing, hands on the belt.

1-2-half squat, horizontal circle with knees to the right;

3-4-i. n. The same in the other direction (Fig. 80).

Exercise 5. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent up, hips vertical, knees horizontal.

1-2 – circular movement of the shin to the right. The same to the other (Fig. 81).

Exercise 6. I. p. narrow stance, hands on the belt.

1 – 2 – squatting, bring your knees together in front;

3-4 i. item (Fig. 82).

Exercise 7. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt.

1-2 - sit to your right;

Karnyushkina Anna Nikolaevna

Research work aimed at identifying the most interesting exercises for morning exercises before the start of the lesson in primary classes.




Today, the success of children in school is largely determined by their level of health. The relevance of the problem of doing morning exercises is due to the following data:

  1. In our country in last years, according to official statistics, there is a persistent tendency towards deterioration in the health indicators of children of both preschool and school age;
  2. The number of absolutely healthy children has significantly decreased.

Under the current conditions, measures are needed to help the child cope with the increased workload. You need to start with morning exercises.

The most important means of all-round development of children is morning exercises. Morning exercises must be included in the student’s daily routine, which is very important for strengthening nervous system, warnings colds. After awakening, the body is not able to quickly engage in work at full load, since the excitability of the central nervous system is reduced, some lethargy and drowsiness are observed, and performance is usually somewhat reduced. By evenly affecting the muscles, morning exercises activate breathing and blood circulation, eliminate congestion in the soft tissues And internal organs. Gymnastics before classes have a beneficial effect on the body, helping to regulate the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

The purpose of our research iswas to instill in elementary school students an interest in morning exercises.

Objective of our research- create a set of exercises that are aimed at developing posture, strengthening vision, improving blood circulation, as well as developing rational breathing and are interesting for children.

Main content of the work

At the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year, a survey was conducted among primary school students, since in the period from 7 to 10 years old they develop the habit of taking care of their physical condition and a reasonable regime of physical activity. This survey showed that 29% of the children participating in the survey do morning exercises on their own.

To instill in primary school students an interest in morning exercises, we have created a set of exercises (for 5 school days) that are aimed at developing posture, strengthening vision, improving blood circulation, as well as developing rational breathing and are interesting for children. We also decided that it is advisable to carry out morning exercises with musical accompaniment, since performing exercises to music increases the expressiveness of motor actions, helps coordinate the movements of students, increases the amplitude, and plasticity of movements.

Music disciplines students, increases their attention and performance. Positive emotions arising during exercise to music enhance their physiological effect.

Complexes of morning exercises

All exercises are performed to the music of Gennady Gladkov “Bremen Town Musicians”.


1. I.p. - main stand (o.s.)

2. I.p. - hands on the belt

1 - turn the head to the right;

2 - i.p.;

3 - turn the head to the left;

4 - i.p.;

5 - head tilt forward;

6 - i.p.;

7 - head tilt back;

8 - i.p.

3. I.p. - hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right;

2 - i.p.;

3 - tilt to the left;

4 - i.p.

4. I.p. - o.s.

5. I.p. - feet shoulder width apart

2-3 - jerks with arms, inhale;

Repeat the exercise 5 times.

The elasticity and mobility of joints increases.

6. I.p. - legs shoulder-width apart, knees bent, toes apart.

1-2 - we make a movement with our right foot, as if we are pulling out a foot in a boot that is stuck in a swamp, inhale;

3 - when the knee is almost bent, we sharply straighten it forward and upward, as if we were throwing a boot off our foot, exhale;

4 - return to the starting position and inhale.

The duration of the exercises is 40 seconds.


1. I.p. - o.s.

Repeat the exercise 3 times, each lasting 20 seconds. The exercise normalizes blood circulation in the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle and stretches the spine.

2. I.p. - o.s.

Walking in place at a pace of 70-80 steps for 1 minute.

4. I.p. - hands in front of the chest

Repeat the exercise 8 times.

The elasticity and mobility of the hand joints increases.

5. I. p. - hands on the belt

Perform circular movements of the body (with a large amplitude) in one direction or the other. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

6. "Hot Embers"

The leg muscles are strengthened and joint mobility is improved.

7. I.p. - o.s.


1. I.p. - o.s.

1-2 - arms through the sides up, stand on your toes, inhale;

3-4 - arms down to the sides, lower onto your heels, exhale.

Repeat 4 times. The exercise normalizes blood circulation in the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle and stretches the spine.

2. I.p. - o.s.

2 - i.p.;

4 - i.p.;

6 - i.p.;

8 - i.p.

The exercise is aimed at developing the neck muscles.

3. I.p. - feet shoulder width apart

1 - left hand up, right hand down;

2-3 - jerks with arms, inhale;

4 – return to the starting position, exhale.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.

The elasticity and mobility of the hand joints increases.

4. I.p. - hands to shoulders, keep head straight

1-2 - circular movements with arms bent forward;

3-4 - circular movements with arms bent forward;

5-6 - circular movements with arms bent back;

7-8 - circular movements with arms bent back.

Repeat the exercise 4 times.

The elasticity and mobility of the hand joints increases.

5. I.p. - hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right;

2 - i.p.;

3 - tilt to the left;

4 - i.p.

Repeat 4 times. Exercises strengthen the lateral muscles of the torso.

6. I.p. - o.s.

2 - i.p.;

4 - i.p.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

The leg muscles are strengthened and joint mobility is improved.

7. I.p. - o.s.

Walking in place and raising your arms in different directions. Exercise calms your heartbeat and breathing.


1. I.p. - o.s.

1-2 - arms through the sides up, stand on your toes, inhale;

3-4 - arms down to the sides, lower onto your heels, exhale.

Repeat 4 times. The exercise normalizes blood circulation in the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle and stretches the spine.

2. I.p. - hands on the belt

1 - turn the head to the right;

2 - i.p.;

3 - turn the head to the left;

4 - i.p.;

5 - head tilt forward;

6 - i.p.;

7 - head tilt back;

8 - i.p.

Repeat 5 times. The pace is slow.

The exercise is aimed at developing the neck muscles.

3. I.p. - hands in front of the chest

Perform jerks with your elbows back, connecting your shoulder blades.

Repeat the exercise 8 times.

The elasticity and mobility of the hand joints increases.

4. I.p. - hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right;

2 - i.p.;

3 - tilt to the left;

4 - i.p.

Repeat 4 times. Exercises strengthen the lateral muscles of the torso.

5. I.p. - o.s.

Raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, bend your elbows so that your hands hang down freely. Quickly, but not sharply, we make turns to the sides with the upper part of the body, trying not to move the head. In this case, the hands should swing. It looks like a duck walk. The duration of the exercise is 15 seconds.

6. "Hot Embers"

Jump alternately on your left and right legs, as if on hot coals. You can shout - Ay! Ay! Ay!

The leg muscles are strengthened and joint mobility is improved.

7. I.p. - feet - shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered.

Breathe with your stomach for 1.5 minutes: draw in your stomach and exhale calmly through your nose without holding your breath. Then, “inflating your stomach like a ball,” inhale and hold your breath. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times, increasing the number by 2 each week. The exercise calms the heartbeat and breathing.


1. I.p. - o.s.

1-2 - place your left hand on your right side, your right hand on your left, as if holding the edges of a T-shirt; slowly raise our arms as high as possible (as if taking off a T-shirt) and stretch thoroughly - inhale;

3-4 - without standing on your toes, slowly lower your straight arms with your palms down through your sides - exhale.

Repeat the exercise 3 times, each lasting 20 seconds.

The exercise normalizes blood circulation in the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle and stretches the spine.

2. I.p. - o.s.

1 - turn your head to the right, fix your gaze on some object (a point on the wall, a flower on the window);

2 - i.p.;

3 - turn the head to the left, a short gaze delay and a loud sound of surprise: “Oh!”;

4 - i.p.;

5 - turn the head to the right, hold your gaze and sound of relief: “Uh...”;

6 - i.p.;

7 - turn your head to the left, fix your gaze on some object (a point on the wall, a flower on the window);

8 - i.p.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

The exercise is aimed at developing the neck muscles.

3. I.p. - hands to shoulders, keep head straight

1-2 - circular movements with arms bent forward;

3-4 - circular movements with arms bent forward;

5-6 - circular movements with arms bent back;

7-8 - circular movements with arms bent back.

Repeat the exercise 4 times.

The elasticity and mobility of the hand joints increases.

4. I.p. - feet shoulder width apart

1 - left hand up, right hand down;

2-3 - jerks with arms, inhale;

4 – return to the starting position, exhale.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.

The elasticity and mobility of the hand joints increases.

5. I.p. - hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right;

2 - i.p.;

3 - tilt to the left;

4 - i.p.

Repeat 4 times. Exercises strengthen the lateral muscles of the torso.

6. I.p. - o.s.

1 - squat, stretching your arms forward;

2 - i.p.;

3 - squat, stretching your arms forward;

4 - i.p.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

The leg muscles are strengthened and joint mobility is improved.

7. I.p. - o.s.

1-2 - arms through the sides up, stand on your toes - inhale;

3-4 - arms down to the sides, lower onto your heels - exhale.

Repeat 4 times. Exercise calms your heartbeat and breathing.

For six months, these sets of morning exercises were performed by elementary school students.

At the end of the year, we conducted a repeat survey and found that the number of students doing morning exercises on their own increased by 7%.

Exercises performed by primary school students Table 1

Number of students

Do morning exercises independently at home and at school

Do morning exercises only at school

They don't do morning routine








1st classes (35)

2nd classes (30)

3rd grade (29)

4th grade (37)

Total (131)

Diagram 1

Based on the data obtained, the following conclusions were made.

To instill in students an interest in doing morning exercises on their own, you need to:

1. Conduct morning exercises in schools, since morning exercises make a person more focused, energetic, organized, and energize him for the whole day.

2. Perform morning exercises with musical accompaniment, since music helps to better organize classes - it disciplines students, increases their attention and performance.


1. Vinogradov P.A. Physical Culture And healthy lifestyle life. - Moscow, 1990.

2. Kopylov Yu.A. Learn to breathe correctly // Physical culture at school. - 1994. - No. 4. - pp. 16-18.

3. Kopylov Yu.A., Polyanskaya N.V.Physical education and recreational activities in secondary school. - Moscow “Chistye Prudy”, 2005.

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