What to do in the village to earn money? What a personal subsidiary plot (LPH) can do? Raising a household in the countryside.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Maintaining a private farm - good idea for additional income, but raising cattle takes more than one year. The costs are especially significant for a beginning farmer. We have prepared this cheat sheet for those who are just thinking about becoming the owner of a private household plot. You will learn how to get state support for running a personal household and what areas of development of private household plots are the most promising.

What kind of farm is considered a personal subsidiary?

Federal Law No. 112 “On personal subsidiary plots” brings terminological clarity.

Private household plots include individuals who are engaged in the production and processing of agricultural products for their own supply, and not for commercial sale. They can sell excess production on the market or to friends. If this is done at a stationary market, then all livestock products there undergo veterinary control.

“We don’t have much work in our village; those who get a job with a local farmer are lucky, but the rest have to rely only on subsidiary farming,” says Valery Voronin, owner of a private household plot from the Mikhailovsky district. – In almost every yard there is a cow, sheep, poultry and even rabbits. The piglets began to be transferred due to increased cases of ASF. Thanks to the farm, you can feed yourself and earn money by selling surplus.

Is it necessary to register private household plots?

Registration of personal subsidiary plots is not required.

However, in every rural settlement there is a household register, where all information about private household plots is entered (full name of the owner, as well as data of all family members living with him, area of ​​land, number of farm animals, birds and bees, machinery and equipment).

Since the production of products in private household plots is not a business activity, their owners do not keep any records, do not pay income taxes and are not inspected by supervisory authorities, except in cases of compliance with legal requirements.

Where to begin?

Personal subsidiary farming can be carried out from the moment of state registration of land rights. For this purpose, a plot of land is used within the boundaries of the settlement (household plot of land) and beyond.

On the land within the village, you can engage in the production of agricultural products, build a residential building and utility rooms in compliance with urban planning, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety and other standards.

But the field land plot is used only for the production of agricultural products, without the right to erect buildings on it.

How much land and animals can a private plot owner have at his disposal?

In the Volgograd region, the following standards have been established for private household plots: 0.5 hectares of land within the village and 2 hectares outside it. There is no direct limit on the number of livestock for personal farmsteads.

What assistance does the state provide?

Private household plots can count on an annual free veterinary examination of livestock, the organization of veterinary care and artificial insemination, and the fight against infectious animal diseases. In addition, they are reimbursed for part of the costs of purchasing farm animals that are alternative to pig farming - large and small cattle, rabbits, and poultry.

– We also provide assistance to the creation of marketing, processing and servicing agricultural consumer cooperatives. Owners of private household plots can unite and create a cooperative in order to sell their products more profitably - hand over milk, meat and vegetables for processing, since factories need large volumes and then they give a higher price. To develop cooperation, grants are allocated from the regional and federal budgets.

Thus, small cooperatives can count on a grant of 5 million rubles, and large ones - up to 70 million. A good example of cooperation is the association of owners of private household plots in the Kikvidzensky district. A cooperative was created there a couple of years ago, which has already received 4.4 million rubles for the development of the material and technical base.

“Our cooperative includes about 60 owners of private household plots,” says chairman Ekaterina Alexandrova. – It was created for organized collection of milk and more profitable sale to the dairy plant. Using the grant we received, we built a production facility, bought two coolers, a milk tanker and 26 cows, which are now rented free of charge from members of the cooperative. Now we are collecting milk in four nearby villages. We pay the population consistently; they receive money twice a month.

To receive more significant support measures, it is more profitable for owners of private household plots to register their farms as peasant farms, which will allow them to develop and grow. Then they can receive a preferential loan of up to 5%, subsidies for livestock production and grants for the construction of family farms or for beginning farmers.

There are farms that have already “grown out of private household plots”; they have large herds of animals and a decent income, but they do not want to report, veterinary inspections and pay taxes. This is a paradox, and experts believe that the legislation needs to clearly state how many animals can be kept in private household plots and which will be classified as peasant farms. Then there will be no confusion and the treasury will receive additional taxes, which will be used for the development of the same village.

Many people are tired of noisy cities and dusty, polluted streets and want to find solitude in the countryside. However, a problem arises here - the almost complete lack of work. It is this moment that becomes a stumbling block for most people who want to change their place of residence. Let's try to understand the problem and find a way out of the situation.

Relevance of business ideas for villages and villages

Of course, there is little work in the village, and it is, one way or another, associated with physical labor. This is true, but you can create a job yourself, that is, start a business. In rural areas there is real freedom for an inquisitive person; the main thing is to carefully analyze all the possibilities, and a solution will be found.

In order to answer the question “what kind of business can be opened in rural areas?”, it is necessary to determine what actually exists in this area.

First of all this Earth, on which you can grow various plants or graze livestock.

There is People who need various goods, which means they can engage in trade.

A village is an endless expanse of free land where you can build a small factory, engage in handicrafts, or do something else. That is, in the village there are opportunities for earning money and self-realization - you just need to discover and implement them.

Before deciding what kind of business to start in rural areas, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and also analyze your capabilities. We will consider in detail business ideas suitable for the village, so that everyone can decide for themselves what to do in the village to earn money.

Crop farming as a business idea in the village

The simplest and least expensive, from a financial point of view, way to earn money. It is necessary to find land for planting, cultivate it and plant it.

In rural areas there will definitely be an expert in plant growing who will help at first, since people there have been producing fruits from generation to generation.

Some of the grown products can be consumed by yourself, and the rest can be sold. The first buyers will be summer residents who know a lot about naturally grown products and take them with great pleasure. However, their number is small, and you can’t earn a lot of money from summer residents.

We'll have to find sales channels in other places, for example, in the nearest large settlement where there is a market. Here you can organize a point yourself and sell goods yourself, or be a supplier for someone else.

The choice of crop type to grow depends on the area, conditions and competition. You need to start from the conditions already in place. To do this, you need to analyze everything and select the most profitable types of cultivated plants.


  • easy to organize;
  • small initial capital;
  • flexibility (you can change the crop grown);
  • the ability to consume the products yourself;
  • it is easy to attract outside help (for work).


  • seasonality;
  • risks associated with weather affecting crop yields;
  • not always high profitability;
  • difficulties with selling products.

It is easy to become a farmer and start growing crops, but it is unlikely that you will be able to get a large income in the initial stages. Here questions arise with the sale of products. If, for example, it’s easy to sell a few bags of potatoes, then several tons is already a big problem.

However, if it is possible to supply products to any enterprises or canteens, then you can make a fortune.

Example of a business plan (growing potatoes)

Plot- 30 acres.

Initial Investment:

  • walk-behind tractor - 40 thousand rubles;
  • equipment (plow, hiller, etc.) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of seed potatoes - 10 thousand rubles;
  • total: 70 thousand rubles.

Productivity- 250 kg per 1 hundred square meters.

Total harvest- 7,500 kg.

Wholesale price per kg - 20-25 rubles.

Total income will be 150-180 thousand rubles.

Profit- 80-110 thousand rubles. per season.

Livestock: natural products from farms

However, let's get down to business. Running a business in rural areas is beneficial for several reasons reasons:

  • low competition;
  • large selection of activities;
  • the ability to change the direction of business depending on conditions;
  • availability of natural products;
  • lack of management and pressure from above;
  • possibility of self-realization.

Anyone who is accustomed to the frantic rhythm of cities, constant “drive” and stress is unlikely to love the countryside. This is a place for lovers of peace and quiet. Doing business is just as leisurely and measured. Here it is much easier to find yourself and realize your dreams in practice.

What kind of business can you do in the village? Those who love animals will take up animal husbandry, those who love flowers will take up floriculture, and so on. Everyone can not only find something they like, but also make money from it. It's enough to just want it.

Housekeeping is a daily chore for the rural population, but it can be turned into a stable income. This is not as simple a matter as it might seem, therefore, in order to make money on your farm, you need to decide on the direction and draw up a detailed business plan.


Business Description

Not only rural residents, but also people who have a small plot of land or utility room are thinking about how to make money on their farm.

Economic business can be called:

  • breeding of domestic animals;
  • growing vegetables and fruits;
  • beekeeping;
  • food preparation.

Which one to choose depends on your capabilities and desires. If there is a suitable room for keeping livestock and a place to store feed, take up livestock farming. If you have a plot of land, grow a garden, vegetable crops, or create a flower garden.

Goods and services

The resulting product, which will generate money, depends on the choice of the range of activities. When considering the idea of ​​a home business, pay attention to all possible sources of income from it. This may be the business object itself, products made from it, or services provided with its help.

Breeding animals will bring the entrepreneur such products as:

  • meat;
  • leather;
  • feathers;
  • eggs;
  • milk.

From the listed raw materials, leather, fur and down products can be made, as well as sour cream, butter and other food products. Both offspring and adult animals generate income. By growing vegetables and fruits, you can sell the harvest, planting material and products from them. Beekeeping produces honey, wax, propolis, which are highly valued on the market.


More and more people are beginning to value a healthy lifestyle, in particular healthy eating. Therefore, the relevance of housekeeping as a way to earn money is increasingly increasing.

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a household to eat healthy food. Some people don't want to do this, but still appreciate homemade products. Therefore, there is always a demand for farm products, but it varies everywhere.

Activities Options

When choosing a type of activity, rely not only on the existing conditions and opportunities, but also on your knowledge and experience. After all, in every case there are features that you need to know.

The most famous things to do in the village are:

  • livestock farming;
  • agriculture;
  • beekeeping.

Other types of entrepreneurship are less common:

  • mushroom cultivation;
  • breeding fish, crayfish, worms;
  • production of feed or fertilizer.

About different options for activities from personal experience in the video of the channel “We live well. Life in the village and self-sufficiency."


The choice of livestock for breeding determines the availability of a sales market, maintenance conditions and the cost of the down payment.

The simplest type of livestock farming is raising chickens or quails. What you will have to spend money on is cages, food, veterinary medications and the purchase of young animals. Chickens begin to lay eggs after six months, quails after a month. Broiler meat can be sold after only 3 months of cultivation.

It’s even easier to buy an incubator and sell chickens, ducklings, and goslings. But this type of activity is seasonal.

Larger animals - rabbits, pigs, goats - already need hay for the winter. To do this, you need a hayloft or other storage room.

The most expensive and difficult to raise is the cow. But at the same time, milk and dairy products will find their buyer in any city or village.


This is a very popular and promising way to earn money. Many enterprises buy honey from private beekeepers. Net profit beekeeper about 50% of the initial costs for the year.

But here you cannot do without an experienced specialist, since the craft of a beekeeper is not taught anywhere. Such knowledge is given only with experience.

Growing vegetables and fruits

The main direction of growing a vegetable garden is the use of greenhouses. Since they bring the most profit out of season.

In greenhouses you can grow seedlings for sale, and then vegetables a couple of times a year. This way you can significantly increase your income.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the cultivation of strawberries. This berry is well appreciated by buyers and can be harvested several times a year.

Bird Farm Beekeeping Raising cattle Growing strawberries in a greenhouse

Description and analysis of the sales market

The success of business development largely depends on the sales market and consumers. Not everyone will buy chicken meat or milk the same way. In addition, it is necessary to gain the trust of customers and cope with competitors. Therefore, before starting your business, analyze the market and potential customers.

The target audience

The ideal option for starting a business is to have a regular customer: a store, a food processing plant, etc. In this case, you only need to organize the work in such a way that the consumer’s needs coincide with the manufacturer’s capabilities.

If you plan to sell products yourself, keep in mind that the needs of different segments of the population differ from each other. While chicken eggs are in great demand in the city, in rural areas there are chickens in almost every yard. Therefore, it is better to do this business in the suburbs, not far from large settlements. But chickens are in greater demand in the countryside.

Competitive advantages

To stand out from your competitors, pay great attention to product quality and variety. It is more profitable for people to contact the manufacturer for young animals and immediately purchase good food for raising them. If you grow vegetables, fruits or mushrooms, freeze or pickle them for the winter.

This will not only help you beat your competitors, but also increase your customer base and income.

Promotion and advertising

You should start advertising and promoting your farm even before it opens. Communicate with wholesale buyers and processing plants. Regular advertisements in stores, markets and other crowded places will also be useful.

How to open and what is needed for this?

Those who have already decided on the type of business activity often do not know how to properly open a personal business and what needs to be done to earn good money. The answer is different for each individual case.

There are several common aspects that all businessmen face:

  • registration of permits and certificates;
  • search for premises;
  • purchase of equipment and tools;
  • selection of suitable personnel.

In addition, you need to find and purchase planting material or young growth, fertilizers or feed, and much more.

Required documents

To work at a high level, have good clients and make big profits, you need to officially register your farm.

To do this you will need:

  • business registration;
  • obtaining certificates about the condition of animals and vaccinations;
  • obtaining a certificate from the SES;
  • obtaining permission from fire safety authorities.

In some cases, this list may be supplemented or decreased.

Search for premises

The size and type of premises depends on the type and volume of activity. You can grow livestock in a small area, but for greenhouses you will have to allocate a large plot of land.

To save on rent, small animals can be housed in tiered cages. The location of the premises also affects the cost of rent: the further away from large settlements and junction stations, the lower the rent.

Premises requirements

The main requirement for a room is the required area. The amount of work and total earnings depend on it.

Keep in mind that certain types of animals do not fully develop in close quarters, while others, on the contrary, must grow in small cages. On average, livestock farming requires an area of ​​10 acres, and greenhouses - about 100.

Purchase and installation of equipment

The list and quantity of equipment and tools is different in each case. The cheapest option would be to purchase farming tools. Although if you have large areas, you cannot do without Vehicle for cultivating the land and harvesting crops.

In the case of livestock farming, equipment will be required to facilitate working conditions or to automate it, for example:

  • bulldozer equipment;
  • rope-scraper type installations;
  • scraper conveyors;
  • milking machines.

To store food you need separate refrigerators or freezers.


It is impossible to run a business alone; this requires workers with experience in this industry.

Each specialist must engage in a certain type of work. One person is responsible for cultivation, the second is responsible for harvesting and processing products, and the third is responsible for sales. finished products and searching for clients. Due to this, labor productivity increases.

Step-by-step instruction

Before starting his own business, a farmer needs to draw up an accurate business plan, which will include all initial expenses, monthly investments, calculate possible earnings and the payback period for the event. Such planning will allow you to correctly allocate funds and time to open a business.

Action Guide:

  1. Analysis of the sales market, your preferences and capabilities.
  2. Choosing a direction of activity.
  3. Preparation and execution of documents.
  4. Selection and equipment of premises.
  5. Land preparation.
  6. Purchase of fertilizers, equipment, feed.
  7. Team recruitment.
  8. Advertising development and promotion.

Financial plan

  • initial costs, including paperwork, rent of premises, purchase of equipment, raw materials and other things;
  • monthly expenses;
  • estimated profit over a period of time based on calculations of the cost and quantity of goods.

Regular expenses

In the process of developing a farm, there is always a certain list of costs that must be met monthly:

  • rent;
  • purchase of feed, fertilizers and other consumables;
  • staff salaries.

When calculating a business plan, these costs affect the profitability and payback period of the enterprise.

Approximate investments, profits and payback periods

Opening dates

Calculate opening dates together with your business plan. Consider possible unforeseen situations with the supply of equipment or arrangement of the premises. Collecting all permitting documents also takes some time.

Risks and payback

The main risks are animal diseases and adverse weather conditions. A businessman practically cannot influence them, but he can try to foresee them and take them into account in the development plan. Many branches of agriculture do not require large expenses, and their payback occurs within a year. The prospects of the business also lie in the fact that the demand for high-quality agricultural products is only growing every year.

Probably one of the most difficult, but at the same time interesting places to develop your own business is the village. How to make money in the village? Many entrepreneurs refuse to even think about this topic, citing the fact that there are practically no opportunities for real income outside the city limits. But is it? Especially for you, we analyzed and selected the most promising ideas for developing your own business in the village.

Idea No. 1. Sawmill

Despite the fact that a sawmill is far from being in the village, it would be simply blasphemous not to mention this option for earning money. After all, there will be absolutely no difficulties in terms of organization in this case. All you need is a woodworking shop, machines and trained carpenters.

Idea No. 2. Mobile store

This is another interesting way to make money in the village. This idea is especially relevant in the warm season - during this period, the population of the village can increase significantly due to the townspeople coming to relax. As a rule, local retail outlets in late spring and summer simply cannot cope with the huge influx of customers, and therefore a mobile store can bring you a good income.

Idea No. 3. Tourism

For residents of modern megacities, the only place where they can enjoy the closeness of nature and take a break from the constant bustle and noise is the village. How to make money in the village knowing this? The answer lies on the surface - the tourism business in the province has always remained one of the most low-cost and profitable types of business.

Of course, there are not many who are ready to escape from civilization for good, and therefore the presence of the Internet and mobile communications will be a huge plus in addition to a picturesque lake, a green, fresh forest, and the opportunity to go skiing on winter days.

In fairness, it is worth mentioning some of the disadvantages of this business - in particular, you will need quite large investments in renting village houses and advertising. In addition, there is a certain dependence on the weather and other factors - there is always a risk of not finding clients for the entire season.

Idea No. 4. Breeding animals

Livestock farming is a profitable business in the village, although it is quite difficult. Much depends on the scale: in order to reach high level income, you will need to build a barnyard with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters, purchase piglets or other animals, and feed. Optionally, open a processing workshop. However, you will have to wait for income for quite a long time, for several years, since you will have to wait until the animals grow up. You can increase your profit by purchasing a smokehouse and selling smoked meat.

Idea No. 5. Growing mushrooms

Of course, nothing beats a walk through the morning forest and picking mushrooms on your own. However, city residents prefer to buy ready-made canned food and packaged mushrooms, not having time for such forays and trusting those who are better versed in different types forest gifts. Therefore, growing them for sale is a really good income in the village with minimal costs and stable average profitability.

Idea No. 6. Beekeeping

It's amazing how many opportunities the village opens up for entrepreneurs. How to make money in the village by breeding bees? Despite the difficulty in organizing your own apiary, this business is 100% worth it. Before starting work, it is worth consulting with experienced beekeepers, or even better, taking a special course. On average, it costs about 70-80 thousand rubles to set up an apiary for 40 hives and purchase all the necessary equipment. From each hive you can get from 20 to 50 kilograms of high-quality honey.

Idea No. 7. Plant growing

Agriculture is one of the oldest human activities. It began its development even before our era. Nowadays, growing vegetables, fruits and grains is no less important. All calculations are based on the crops you plan to work with.

A rough idea of ​​costs and profits can be obtained using potatoes as an example. The main investment is needed to buy potatoes. 10 thousand kilograms in the fall can be purchased at a wholesale price - 10 rubles per 1 kilogram. As a result, we get 100 thousand.

On average, one kilogram of planted potatoes yields 5 kilograms of extra yield. Remember that to calculate profits, you will need to subtract the costs of purchasing or renting a large plot of land, as well as transportation and diesel fuel for planting and subsequent harvesting.

Idea No. 8. Dairy production

Dairy production is another interesting idea for those who are thinking about how they can make money in the village. The main expense item in this case is the purchase of cows. On average, one animal can be purchased for 8,000 rubles. In order for such a business in the village to bring you significant income, you need at least 10 cows - this will allow you to get up to 10 liters of milk per day from each.

Among the main advantages of this type of activity, it is worth highlighting that in the summer you do not have to spend money on buying food - animals can be taken to pastures, which are located near any village. If you prepare food for the winter on your own, then costs can be limited only to transport services.

Root crops, straw and grain for feed can be purchased at wholesale prices or grown on your own or rented plots.

Among other things, you will need a machine for storing and transporting milk, specialized equipment (separator, butter churn, etc.).

Idea No. 9. Breeding worms

Surprised? Meanwhile, this is a fairly profitable business in the village, because the demand for certain breeds of worms and their waste products, used as fertilizers, is growing every year. Especially in demand

Idea No. 10. Opening an online salon

Let’s take a break from the “traditional” ways of making money in the countryside and talk about how those who are not at all attracted to agriculture can earn money in the provinces. One option is to open an Internet club with high-speed network access and a sufficiently large number of computers. High tech are becoming more and more firmly established in life modern man, and if just a few decades ago villages were, as it were, “cut off from the world,” now the situation has changed dramatically - people communicate on social networks, look for useful information, play and work on the Internet. This means that you will never have a shortage of clients.

Idea No. 11. Handicrafts

And this option is suitable for creative people, people who like to do things with their own hands. At your disposal are the priceless gifts of Mother Nature, beautiful and “living” materials. You can choose one of many directions. Here are just a few ideas to consider:

  • weaving furniture and making crafts from straw and wicker;
  • creating cute souvenirs from wood and pebbles;
  • production of garden decorations and country figurines made of polymer stone and plaster.

You can master these activities quite quickly, and in cities such handmade items are sold very expensively. You can launch mass production of crafts and decorative items - for this you will need to find interested people, train them and equip a place to work in your home.

In addition to general control and management, organizing an advertising campaign, searching for a sales market and establishing relationships with points of sale will also fall on your shoulders.

Idea No. 12. Eco-camping

Unlike conventional agritourism, in this case you will not have to spend money on renting or buying houses, because we are talking about organizing an unforgettable vacation with tents, which is so highly valued by residents of noisy cities. It is noteworthy that in this case it is not necessary to go through the registration procedure and formalize your activities - unless you plan to hang bright posters and advertising signs throughout the area.

Nevertheless, you cannot do without good advertising: the most powerful source of clients will be the Internet. You can create your own small website or blog and promote it in your region using well-chosen keywords. An important psychological aspect is posting high-quality, large and truly beautiful photographs. Advertisements can also be placed on third-party resources: specialized forums, blog platforms, social networking groups, and so on.

It is important to think through Additional services and entertainment: they will become your trump card in the competition. This could include a variety of walks and excursions, interesting games and quests for young people, and performing rural tasks that are unusual for city dwellers.

Idea No. 13. Selling exclusive products

This is exactly the situation when the number of buyers does not matter - given the specificity of the product, there will not be too many of them. However, even the most unusual products will find a buyer. You can produce healthy goat milk, hazel grouse, ostriches, etc. Shopping centers and prestigious restaurants are ready to buy similar products in whole quantities, even with a huge markup, because by offering their customers something unusual, new, they, in turn, , make a “knight’s move” in the competition.

Idea No. 14. Installation of a mini-boiler room

And the last business idea for today that can be implemented in rural conditions is the installation and launch of your own mini-boiler house on your site. This option is relevant for the private sector without hot water supply and heating. The cost of such equipment is from $1000, and firewood, gasoline or wood chips can be used as fuel. Another about 3-4 thousand dollars will be required to lay pipes to the houses of neighbors who agreed to pay for hot water (from 25 dollars monthly).

Now you know how many unusual and interesting ways the village offers entrepreneurs to make money.

How to make money in the village? Try, experiment and share your ideas and success stories!

Someone starts a personal household just to have organic food at home for the table, and often just a few hundred square meters and very little time is enough for this. And someone organizes their own business - here the volumes of private household plots are different, and there are more worries. What portal users breed in the first and second cases, what they feed and how they are treated - we learn how to manage the farm from the experience of the most successful FORUMHOUSE livestock breeders in this week’s topic.


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Forum thread:

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Earthworms can be used in different ways: to fertilize the garden with vermicompost, to feed poultry, to process manure, or simply for fishing. Users of the portal reveal all the secrets of vermicultivation in the topic.

What kind of incubators are produced, what are their advantages and disadvantages, how to assemble it yourself without experience - everyone who is going to raise poultry on their own will find this topic useful.

The taste of goat's milk as a child Markoshka I tried it at my grandmother’s and it will forever remain in her memory. Perhaps it was then that the dream of owning her own farm was born, which the portal participant had many years later. How the owners switched from caring for the garden and chickens to goats - read in the topic.

. KendyEva I dreamed of living in a village since I was 20, and one day this dream came true. When, while looking for a house, she saw a lake with swans, she realized: this is what she had been looking for for so long. Now the family has already settled into a house and acquired a household, and our readers fell in love with this touching story.

Once upon a time, this family moved into their own house, taking with them a considerable household: three dogs (and in the process getting two new ones), two cats, a bird and a 240-liter aquarium. And already in the new place there are significantly more pets - a variety of birds have appeared, and all of this lives and enjoys on 4 acres. How a mother of four children manages everything is on topic.

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