Plasmolifting of the head for hair. Photos before and after, contraindications, reviews

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Healthy shiny curls adorn a woman and give her a healthy, blooming look. However, unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, and styling with chemicals damage hair. If strengthening shampoos and nourishing masks do not save, plasma lifting comes to the rescue.

Indications for plasma lifting of the head

Plasmolifting is an injection procedure to improve the quality of skin and hair. As an active component, the client is injected into the deep layers of the skin with his own plasma.

Plasma is the substance that gives blood its liquid state. This is a light yellow liquid consisting of water, minerals, beks, and lipids. Plasma is beneficial for the body because:

  • the albumin protein contained in it carries nutrients into the deep layers of the skin and participates in protein synthesis;
  • globulin increases cellular immunity and performs a transport function;
  • vitamins and minerals activate cellular renewal and heal the skin.

Indications for the procedure are various scalp problems:

  • dandruff;
  • excessive hair loss;
  • oily scalp;
  • damage to the hair structure due to chemical or thermal effects;
  • dryness, brittleness, dullness of hair.

However, before you sign up for plasma lifting, you need to consult a trichologist who will find out the reasons for the poor condition of the scalp and select the appropriate treatment.

Often, lifeless hair is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle, disrupted work and rest patterns, and vitamin deficiency.

It is worth noting that plasma injection is ineffective if hair problems are hereditary and genetic in nature or are a consequence of a disease of one of the body systems.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Plasma injections have many advantages:

  1. The method is hypoallergenic. For the procedure, a derivative of the client’s own blood is used, which eliminates the rejection of the substance.
  2. The risk of infection is minimal. Plasma contains antibodies that strengthen the immune system.
  3. Effect due to internal resources. Plasma naturally and delicately awakens follicles and improves skin condition.
  4. Long preparation for the procedure is not required.
  5. The recovery period does not take much time. The skin is completely in order within a week.
  6. General anesthesia is not required. Local anesthesia does not cause serious damage to health.
  7. Plasmolifting does not leave scars or scars. The plasma is delivered through small punctures that heal quickly.
  8. Long lasting effect. The procedure starts a natural regeneration process, which in the future will not have to be constantly adjusted.

But, like all other cosmetic procedures, plasma lifting has some disadvantages:

  1. The method is painful. Many people report severe pain when applied to the thin skin on their temples.
  2. The need for a course of procedures. One visit to a cosmetologist will not be enough to consolidate the effect; the trichologist will recommend 3-6 sessions.
  3. Taking tests before plasma lifting. To ensure good blood quality and eliminate the risk of infection through plasma, you will have to donate blood and wait for the results.
  4. No immediate effect. The results of the course will appear gradually.
  5. High price.
  6. Presence of contraindications.


Plasmolifting cannot be performed for a number of diseases and conditions:

  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • low hemoglobin and platelet levels;
  • damage and neoplasms in the treated area;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 18 years.

Stages of plasma lifting

The procedure is invasive and requires preparation and aftercare.

In addition, it is important to pay attention:


Before the injection session, a consultation with a trichologist is required, who will assess the condition of the hair and the need for plasma lifting. Next, the client does a blood test for biochemistry, vitamins, the presence of viruses and allergies to anticoagulants - substances that are added to the plasma to preserve all its nutritional properties.

  1. For 2–3 days, limit your consumption of fatty, sweet, salty and alcoholic foods.
  2. Stop taking blood thinning medications two days before.
  3. Wash your hair immediately before the procedure.
  4. Carry out plasma lifting in the first half of the day on an empty stomach.

Plasmolifting session

The procedure algorithm is as follows:

The average session takes from 40 minutes to an hour. Plasma begins to act on the scalp immediately, but you will see the effect after a course of procedures. Usually the course is 3-6 visits to a cosmetologist with a frequency of 2 weeks to a month.


Punctures from the procedure heal quickly, especially if you follow the recovery instructions:

  1. After the procedure, do not wash your hair for 2 days and it is advisable not to touch your hair at all.
  2. For 3 days, avoid going to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, and avoid direct sunlight.
  3. It is not recommended to do hair styling or curling for 3-4 days.
  4. For a week, it is forbidden to apply masks with irritating ingredients to the scalp: onions, pepper, mustard, alcohol.

Video: plasma lifting of the scalp

Difference from mesotherapy

The principle of the plasma lifting procedure is similar to mesotherapy - the introduction of an active substance intradermally to activate metabolic processes.

What makes these procedures different is the substance inside the syringe. In plasmolifting it is autoplasma, and in mesotherapy it is cocktails of several drugs.

Mesotherapy is characterized by an immediate effect. But, as a rule, it is not long-term: the injected substances are absorbed, and the resources of skin cells are depleted. In addition, it is difficult to predict the body's reaction to drugs injected under the skin. Whereas plasma is the client’s individual material, which triggers natural renewal processes in the body gently and effectively.

After the examination, the trichologist will refer you to the most suitable procedure.

Results of the procedure

The effect of plasma lifting cannot but rejoice:

  • reduction of hair loss;
  • thickening of the hair shaft;
  • getting rid of dandruff and oily scalp;
  • improved hair quality: curls are more vibrant, shiny, and do not split;
  • activation of new hair growth.

But, unfortunately, sometimes the client’s plasma is not suitable for healthy hair. This is due to the quality of the blood, which may be poor due to hidden or overt diseases.

If a girl’s hair is falling out, she puts all her energy into treating it: masks, proper care, massage. But sometimes such complexes do not help. A completely new procedure has appeared in the beauty industry - plasma lifting for hair, and we want to tell you about it, what its price is and present a photo of the results after the session.

How the procedure is performed

Plasmolifting is latest development Russian scientists. Back in the 20th century, it was proven that everything in our body is configured for self-healing: cells spinal cord, placenta, etc. Based on this information, scientists have suggested that absolutely any disease can be cured with plasma. This is how plasma lifting into hair appeared.

Plasma occupies most of the blood. It contains everything useful material and minerals known to mankind. There are many methods by which this liquid is used to restore patients after severe injuries or operations; plasma transfusion is considered much more effective than blood fluid transfusion.

To perform plasma lifting, the patient’s blood, processed and purified by a special vacuum method, is taken. Its processing is carried out using special tubes and centrifugation (rapid rotation of the liquid around its axis). Under the influence of high speed and the complete absence of pressure, a unique substance is released from the blood - plasma, saturated with elements necessary for treatment.

The substance is placed in syringes with a very thin needle and injected into the hairline according to the principle of mesotherapy. The needle advances from top to bottom, i.e. from the frontal part to the back of the head and so on over the entire area of ​​the head. On average, it is recommended to repeat the course 4 times, every other week; in total, it will take a month to restore the structure of the strand.

Many people are afraid of the possible pain of plasma lifting, but we can assure you that the sensations will be the same as with it - unpleasant, but not painful. Penetration of the syringe occurs only a millimeter, in some cases less. If necessary, your doctor may suggest that you numb your head with local medications. After the session, you can immediately go about your business, because... with the right approach and cooperation with a competent doctor, there should be no side effects: dryness, pain at injection sites, redness or itching.

Lifting is a modern and quick way cure hair, get rid of alopecia, help curls restore their structure and help split ends. But its main advantage lies in the speed of the effect. The first results will be noticeable in just a couple of days - the strands will fall out much less, and within a week they will stop being frizzy and will be more manageable.

Many trichologists recommend after plasma lifting special care, in order not only to enhance the effect of the procedure, but also to prolong its effect. To do this, you periodically need to take and make nourishing masks, do not forget to wear a hat every time you go outside in the cold season, try to limit the use of a straightener and hair dryer at least for the first time, they spoil the structure of the curls and contribute to the consumption of collagen.

When prescribed by doctors plasmolifting for hair treatment:

  1. With intense loss;
  2. During treatment or prevention of alopecia;
  3. If the strands have changed their structure after any procedure - dyeing, perm, keratin straightening;
  4. They became lifeless and dull, brittle and disobedient.

Video: how plasma lifting restores hair growth


Despite the opinion of trichologists who claim that plasma lifting is absolutely safe, every patient is still a little afraid. Plasma is a rather complex compound, and even transfusions from it are done only in extreme cases. When is hair lifting cannot be carried out:

  1. For oncological diseases;
  2. During exacerbation of chronic diseases (including allergies);
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding (during these happy moments of life, a woman’s body is very weakened, stress and even a slight loss of blood can become a serious problem);
  4. For blood diseases or diseases transmitted through direct contact;
  5. If the analyzes do not comply with the standards.

Before the procedure, you are required to conduct a full examination of the body, and if doctors find any abnormalities, the course will not be carried out.

Photo - Before and after plasma lifting

All reviews about plasma lifting for hair are positive, but despite such a stir, girls still do not run headlong to beauty salons. All because of the price - the procedure is far from cheap.

Photo - Injections in the head

Another disadvantage is that you won’t be able to save money; it can’t be done at home. One forum of trichologists very heatedly discussed this problem and it all came down to the fact that even if you agree and extract the required amount of blood from your blood, it is simply impossible to inject it yourself.

Of course, perhaps in smaller cities hair rejuvenation will be more accessible, either during discount periods or with a salon discount card.

Lifting location

A very difficult question is where to do plasma lifting so that it is of high quality and affordable. We recommend that you first talk to your friends and acquaintances; there is a very high chance that someone you know has already done it.

  • Where does the needle go after the procedure?
  • Where do the test tubes come from?
  • How to treat the syringe and hands.

All this seems like little things, but your life literally depends on them.

The condition of a person's hair can say a lot about his appearance and health.

Beautiful and well-groomed curls are difficult and painstaking work, especially when they are unhealthy, then all efforts to care for them will be in vain.

Fortunately, recently a new method has emerged to resolve such a delicate issue. It quite effectively solves the problem from the inside, that is, it treats the scalp itself. This is plasma therapy, which will be discussed in this article.

Plasma therapy, or otherwise plasmolifting of the scalp, is a relatively new word in cosmetology and trichology. Using this method, cosmetologists successfully fight baldness, excessive hair loss and solve other skin problems. This is an invasive procedure in which the patient is injected with his own blood, which has previously been specially processed in a centrifuge.

Platelets are released from the blood, thus making blood plasma, so it is injected under the skin of the scalp.

Such injections are designed to activate the body's stem cells and improve skin health, thereby solving many problems that previously could not be corrected by traditional methods.

This method may seem very painful to some, but in reality it is not. Painful sensations are minimized here, but they are certainly compensated by the result of the procedure.

The number of sessions of such therapy is determined by the doctor, but due to the effectiveness of the method, usually 4-5 sessions of plasma therapy for hair are enough, there may be more, but only if necessary. The break between courses is about two weeks, during which time the skin has time to recover and the injected plasma is completely absorbed by the body.

Features of the technique

The procedure is exclusively a salon procedure; it is impossible to carry it out independently at home, as it requires special knowledge, conditions and equipment. Despite the seriousness of the impact, it is very short-lived and takes approximately 20-40 minutes. After the injection of blood plasma under the skin, the hair follicles begin to activate and their active growth resumes.

The capabilities of the procedure allow you to solve the following problems:

  • age-related changes leading to deterioration of hair structure;
  • problematic scalp;
  • baldness and hair thinning;
  • decreased activity of hair follicles;
  • problems associated with metabolism, and as a result - excessive oily skin.

The result will not be noticeable immediately; you should be patient. The first positive changes will be noticeable after a month, it all depends on the growth rate in each specific case, age also matters general state patient's health.

Indications for use

This method is used not only by women, but also by many men who want to stop the process of baldness and regain the hair of their youth. Plasma therapy is a procedure after which the condition of the scalp significantly improves.

This happens due to the active division of stem cells in the body.

This method will be very useful for the following indications:

  • fragility and fragility of the hair;
  • loss or complete baldness of the scalp;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • rehabilitation after harmful effects environment;
  • fungal skin infections;
  • lack of shine and elasticity.


This treatment method has virtually no contraindications, but there are still some temporary or permanent restrictions:

  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • lactation;
  • open wounds, cuts and inflammations;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • viral diseases.

As you can see, there are no special contraindications for this method and they are all limited to the standard list for such procedures.

Main stages of the procedure

The procedure itself, although not long, is technically quite complex.

It is carried out only in a clinical setting, as it requires special equipment.

Preparing for a hair plasma lifting session is not difficult; it is enough not to eat fatty foods for 24 hours and wash your hair thoroughly in the evening; this can be counted among the “advantages” of this procedure.

In addition, a few days before the start of the session, the patient is prescribed a blood test, this is necessary to make sure that there are no contraindications or infections that could harm the body. Before starting, blood is taken from a vein from the patient, most often the volume does not exceed 100 ml. Then, using a special centrifuge, plasma is separated from it.

While the device is working, the doctor treats the skin with a disinfecting solution, as with any subcutaneous injection. If there is excessive sensitivity, some clinics may provide anesthesia, but in most cases it is not required. After this, the process of introducing the active substance under the skin of the scalp begins.

The total duration of the session takes only 20-30 minutes. After which the patient is given time to rest and can go home.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the new method, both specialists and patients note the following;

  • this type of treatment does not require special preparation;
  • the session goes quite quickly;
  • no complications arise after the course of therapy;
  • stable and long-lasting effect;
  • has few contraindications;
  • use of natural substances, no chemicals, only the patient’s own blood;
  • very short recovery period after the session.

Disadvantages include the fact that some may find the procedure unnecessarily painful, as well as its high cost.

Results, effectiveness, before and after photos

Since the hair growth rate is 2-3 mm per week, to see the first results you need to wait a month and a half. It is after this period of time that the visible effect will be noticeable. After another 2-3 months, the result will surprise you. Your hair will become shiny and thick, and your hairstyle will become simply luxurious. The duration of the effect of such treatment may vary.

It is noted that the result will please you for at least 2 years. In case of a particularly severe diagnosis, maintenance therapy may be required: 1-2 sessions annually, but this is extremely rare.

We invite you to look at the results:

After the procedure, a recovery period of approximately 2-4 days is required. At this time, it is recommended not to wash your hair or apply various therapeutic masks. Baths and saunas are also excluded. You should also protect your head from aggressive environmental influences, namely, do not stay in the cold or open sun for a long time.

If there is a need to go outside, you must wear a hat appropriate for the weather. After the recovery period, it is recommended to do maintenance procedures, such as nourishing and moisturizing masks and other standard scalp care measures.

This technique goes well with mesotherapy, gas-liquid peeling

Required number of sessions and average prices

The required number of sessions is determined by the doctor. As a rule, they are carried out no more than 5 times, but for particularly complex problems they can be increased.

The average price of one session ranges from 8,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Thus, full treatment will cost approximately 40,000 rubles. This is the minimum amount that you will have to pay for a wellness course.

Plasmolifting of the head is an effective procedure that helps with baldness or severe hair loss. New technology allows you to heal your scalp and hair using the patient’s own plasma.

When completing a full course of plasma lifting, the hair structure is completely restored and growth improves.

In case of hair loss, after the first session, already on the third day you can notice a significant improvement; after the second session, the hair loss completely stops, since the process of dying of the hair follicles stops.

There is also an improvement in hair growth, the very first session normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, eliminates dandruff, the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, etc.) on the scalp is suppressed, and the hair becomes stronger.

After completing the platelet-rich course plasma, hair grows healthier and thicker. The number of sessions is selected individually, in some cases two or three procedures are sufficient, in others longer treatment is required.

Indications for plasma lifting of the head

Plasmolifting of the head is used for age-related changes to improve the condition of the skin, eliminate dryness, flaking, inflammation of the sebaceous glands, severe hair loss, baldness, and dandruff.

Preparation for plasma lifting of the head

Plasmolifting of the head requires a preparatory stage. First of all, the patient is prescribed general analysis blood, which must be donated no later than 30 days before the procedure, the doctor also examines the condition of the scalp and hair.

Based on the analysis, the specialist will advise on possible side effects, the effectiveness of the procedure, etc. In addition, the clinic will check for the presence of chronic diseases or other possible contraindications.

Harm of plasma lifting of the head

Plasmolifting of the head in modern conditions fully adapted for cosmetic use. This technique is widely used and has no analogues in terms of effectiveness and safety.

Some people wonder about possible negative effects that may occur after the procedure, however, nothing of the kind has been recorded to date.

Plasma for the procedure is obtained from the patient’s blood, so all possible negative reactions excluded, including allergic rashes.

To obtain plasma, specialists use modern equipment; in addition to plasma, depending on the condition of the scalp and hair, the dermatologist may include vitamins, microelements, etc. in the therapeutic cocktail.

Problems after a plasma lifting session can arise if the procedure is performed incorrectly (insufficient experience or skill of a specialist, poor-quality equipment, etc.).

The tube in which the patient's blood is collected contains anticoagulants (to prevent clotting), to which an allergic reaction may occur.

Before platelet-rich plasma it is mandatory to undergo preparatory stage, during which all necessary tests are taken.

After plasma lifting, slight redness or bruising may appear at the injection site.

Head plasma lifting procedure

Plasmolifting of the head is carried out after collecting all the necessary tests and examinations.

The procedure begins with the collection of venous blood (up to 100 ml), which is placed in a special tube with anticoagulants, then the blood is placed in a centrifuge, where the process of purification of leukocytes and erythrocytes begins. After this, the purified blood (plasma) is prepared for injection - additional microelements, solutions, etc. are added (if necessary).

After all the preparatory work with blood, plasma is injected into the patient’s problem areas of the skin (all over the head or only in certain places).

Plasma is administered to the patient immediately after preparation, as it tends to quickly clot. The specialist makes shallow and quick injections; the session takes only a few minutes. During administration, the patient may not feel severe pain, redness and swelling may remain at the injection sites, which will go away on their own after 2-3 days.

There are no special requirements regarding recovery after the procedure. The patient is recommended not to wash his hair for several days after the procedure and avoid direct sunlight, otherwise there are no restrictions.

Plasmolifting of the scalp

Plasmolifting of the head, in comparison with other methods, has one important advantage - the use of the body’s own resources. With the help of specialists, the patient’s own blood plasma, saturated with platelets, is injected under the skin of the scalp (into layers inaccessible to most cosmetic products).

Due to the large number of platelets under the skin, intensive stimulation of regenerative processes begins, cells begin to produce collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid etc.

For the scalp and hair, plasma injections can significantly improve the condition and health of the hair, get rid of dandruff, excess oiliness and other problems.

Plasmolifting of the scalp is widely used for baldness, thinning or severe hair loss, and dandruff.

By activating the process of natural stimulation of scalp cells, hair follicles receive more oxygen and nutrients, resulting in less hair loss and better growth. The procedure allows you to activate even “dormant” or “inactive” follicles.

Plasmolifting of the scalp

Plasmolifting of the head takes about 30 minutes; during the procedure, when injecting plasma, the patient may feel quite tolerable pain, but if desired, the specialist can apply a special anesthetic to the skin.

A lasting noticeable effect after plasma lifting of the scalp can be observed after 2-3 sessions.

On average, a specialist prescribes 4 sessions per month, but depending on the condition, the number of procedures may be less or more.

At the same time, platelet-rich plasma, to achieve greater effect, can be combined with other cosmetic procedures.

Contraindications to plasma lifting of the head

Plasmolifting of the head, like other procedures, has contraindications.

This method is not suitable for autoimmune diseases, HIV infection, coagulation disorders and diseases of the blood system, viral hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, cancerous tumors, herpes, inflammatory processes on the skin or pustular wounds, acute infectious diseases, with suppressed immunity, chronic diseases internal organs, mental disorders, with tissue prolapse.

Where is head plasma lifting done?

Plasmolifting of the head is done in specialized medical centers or clinics.

An important point when choosing a clinic is the highly qualified doctor, sufficient experience in this field, you should also pay attention to the equipment with which the procedure will be carried out.

Price for plasma lifting of the head

Plasmolifting of the head, as already mentioned, is done in medical centers or clinics. The cost of the procedure depends on the clinic, the qualifications of the specialist, and the equipment used.

On average, the cost of one procedure is 1200 – 1500 UAH, some clinics offer discounts when purchasing the entire course.

The modern market offers a variety of hair care products. These can be all kinds of masks, shampoos, as well as specialized procedures. The latter includes plasma lifting for hair. The procedure allows you to restore the beauty of your curls and improve the condition of your hair on your head.

What's happened

Plasmolifting is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting your own plasma directly into the skin on the head. The technique is used to stimulate the processes responsible for tissue regeneration.

To carry out the procedure, venous blood is required, which is taken from a person experiencing problems with scalp hair. Platelet-rich plasma is separated from the liquid by spinning the material in a centrifuge.

By the way! There is no exact information about the place of invention of this technology. It is believed that plasma was first used for hair restoration in Japan. There is also an opinion that this procedure was invented by European cosmetologists.

There are several types of plasma lifting, differing in approach and technology:

  • Regen Lab;
  • PRP therapy;
  • plasma therapy and others.

Isolation of plasma from the blood makes it possible to increase the activity of platelets, which are responsible for the operation of many processes in the body, by 5–10 times. This effect prevents hair loss. Moreover, plasma improves blood microcirculation and metabolism, increases local immunity, and destroys pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, hair begins to grow faster.

Plasma injections are carried out using a medical syringe. The first results from the action of the substance become noticeable almost immediately. Hair after plasma lifting becomes strong.

Indications for use

Main indications for plasma lifting:

  • baldness (alopecia) of various types;
  • intense hair loss caused by congenital or acquired factors;
  • hair thinning;
  • thinning hair caused by chemical damage;
  • dandruff;
  • oily skin on the scalp.

Note! Plasmolifting technology minimizes the likelihood of infection of the body with pathogenic bacteria.

The procedure allows you to achieve the following results:

  • stop the death of hair follicles;
  • reduce the intensity of hair loss;
  • strengthen hair follicles;
  • increase the elasticity and thickness of the hair;
  • restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands, due to which dandruff disappears.

Plasmolifting provides a long-term effect. A repeat set of procedures will be required after 2 years.

Plasmolifting is carried out in beauty salons. Best reviews have metropolitan centers. When choosing a salon, it is recommended to pay attention to the following factors:

  • type of equipment used;
  • availability of training certificates for salon staff;
  • nature of reviews.

If this is possible, you should also pay attention to how specialists work. It is important that the cosmetologist uses disposable syringes. In addition, specialists must sanitize instruments after each procedure.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the procedure, it is necessary to undergo examination by a trichologist and other doctors to identify contraindications to plasma lifting. It is also necessary 2-3 days in advance:

  • give up alcohol, fried, spicy and fatty foods;
  • consume more fluids and fruits;
  • do not take blood thinners (Aspirin and other anticoagulants).

On the day of the procedure, you are allowed to drink a glass of water. Before plasma lifting you need to wash your hair.

Stages of implementation

The plasma lifting procedure for hair is carried out over several stages:

  1. Venous blood collection. The cosmetologist collects up to 8–16 ml of liquid at a time. The blood is placed in a centrifuge, which separates the plasma. The device, due to the rotation of the liquid, reduces the number of leukocytes and red blood cells, but increases the concentration of platelets.
  2. Treatment of the scalp with an antiseptic composition. The latter eliminates the possibility of the addition of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Plasma is injected using a syringe under the skin over the entire surface of the head. At this moment, the body reacts to the supply of the substance by increasing the production of collagen. The forehead is treated first. Then the plasma is injected into the right and left parts of the head, and finally into the back of the head.

Important! Injections are given into each part of the head using a new needle.

On average, it takes about one hour to complete all manipulations. The next session is carried out 10–14 days later (the date is selected individually). The first results from plasma lifting become noticeable after 3-4 procedures. No more than 2–6 sessions can be performed per year.

Intensity pain problems that arise during the procedure depend on the degree of sensitivity of the skin and the treatment area. If necessary, apply an anesthetic composition to the scalp.

After each procedure, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • do not wash your hair for 1–2 days;
  • avoid direct sunlight;
  • refuse to visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool and head massage for three days;
  • Do not use a hair mask for 5 days.


The cost of plasma lifting depends on the type of equipment, the number of consumables used, the duration of treatment (number of sessions) and the beauty salon. Also, the price of the procedure is affected by what kind of plasma is used: enriched or regular.

In the capital, on average, they ask for about 9-10 thousand rubles for 3 sessions.

Precautionary measures

Due to the fact that the blood of a person experiencing problems with hair growth is used for injections, the procedure has few contraindications. However, in some cases it is not recommended to resort to plasma lifting. The hair restoration method is not used if the following circumstances are identified:

  • oncological pathologies;
  • blood disease;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • infectious pathologies such as ARVI or herpes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of anticoagulants (used to prevent blood clotting).

Plasmolifting is contraindicated for women during pregnancy, lactation or menstruation.

Attention! After the procedure, the skin in the places where the needle was inserted becomes swollen and red. This effect lasts for 1–2 days.

If the cosmetologist does not comply with the rules for storing and operating the devices necessary for the procedure, pathogenic microorganisms may attach after the session, which causes tissue inflammation. In addition, plasma lifting can cause exacerbation of chronic skin pathologies.

Plasmolifting and mesotherapy: which is better?

Plasmolifting and mesotherapy differ in the type of substances used for hair restoration. In the first case, plasma is used, and in the second, a medicinal composition is used, which more often causes allergic reactions.

Mesotherapy is more effective in terms of the speed of achieving visible results. However, this procedure allows for short-term results. A repeated course of plasma lifting is carried out after two or more years. Mesotherapy is started after 6–12 months.

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