When the moon is in the sign of Leo. Revealing the secrets of the lunar health calendar: Moon in Leo

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The Moon in Leo promotes an upbeat, cheerful mood. Muscles bulge, play, determination reigns, a person gathers his courage, dares to make a decision. The boundaries are somewhat blurred and seem easily overcome. It seems to us that we can do everything, are capable of everything, just a little more - and the whole world is at our feet.

In the days of Leo, we want everyone to praise us and give us compliments. Do not be stingy with kind words for others - they will answer you in kind.

Leo is good for celebration and fun. Presentations go well. It is advisable to dress smartly, put yourself in order and go somewhere where there are a lot of people and a festive atmosphere reigns: to the theater, to a concert, to visit. These days people pay especially great attention to appearance: the way you look will certainly be noticed. If you want to make a favorable impression, use Leo days to the fullest.

Moon in Leo (Leo days) – HEALTH

The impulse of the Moon in Leo makes the entire circulatory system “sing.”

Now she is much more active than on other days. On Leo days, sometimes your back hurts more and your heart goes a little crazy.

Moon . Those with heart problems should avoid tiring travel and anything that overstrains the heart and circulatory system. It is advisable to refrain from unnecessary worries. Do not put stress on the heart, as this can result in a heart attack or heart failure. In the days of Leo, a person is susceptible to various radiculitis. You cannot waste physical strength in vain, as this will require significantly more energy expenditure than usual. After such a waste of energy, when the Moon moves into the sign of Virgo, a painful state may occur. Therefore, physical strength during the stay of the Moon in Leo should be spent sparingly. Nervousness and insomnia may occur.

At this time, all vascular diseases and diseases can be treated nervous system(convulsions, trembling). Treatment of lower legs, joint diseases, and organs of vision is recommended. Do not touch moles, warts and rough spots on the skin.

When the Moon is in Leo, it is excluded surgical intervention in the area of ​​the heart, the entire cardiovascular and circulatory systems, the spine and chest, diaphragm, spleen. Heart surgery is contraindicated, as well as anything that puts a strain on the heart. However, in Leo days, you can operate on the eyes and legs and put stress on these areas of the body. They will pass safely plastic surgery on the face to correct the shape of the chin, eliminate folds and deposits on the neck and hips. Removal allowed benign tumors, thermal and surgical lifting, peeling, physiotherapy.

Moon in Leo (Leo days) – BEAUTY, HAIR CUT

The Moon in Leo is very favorable time for cutting hair. Hair becomes stronger and more voluminous. If Leo's days fall on a full moon, the effect of the haircut is enhanced. If the child's first haircut is done at this time, then the baby will eventually develop a lion's mane.

On Leo days, hair perm works well - it turns out especially curly. For those who do not strive to get a curly mane, but prefer light curls, getting a perm during the Moon in Leo is not recommended.

Your appearance will benefit if you take mineral and radon baths these days, as well as steam baths and hot masks - they are very refreshing.

On Leo days, you can choose your own cosmetics and do your makeup - the choice will be successful. But shoes bought these days quickly wear out and become unusable.

Moon in Leo - influence on plant growth and development

Leo is the second sign of the Fire verse. The Sun patronizes him. Therefore, it is considered one of the driest and barren signs. When the Moon passes the sign of Leo, at this time you absolutely cannot plant or replant anything. The only exception is green beans.

In general, on Leo Days the mood is always high, you want to have fun and relax. Therefore, arrange a holiday for yourself and the earth. Rest and do not disturb her if it is possible to reschedule the planting.

Leo days are good for collecting medicinal herbs, drying root vegetables and fruits. If there are dry branches on trees and bushes. Weed and fight weeds. But, it should be remembered that these days plants are very sensitive to damage, so care is necessary not to damage neighboring plants, along with weeds.

Lunar Leos are distinguished by a good sense of humor and nobility, they love to be in society and catch admiring glances. They are born leaders, but they are fair and honest. In order to achieve success and make a career, they need sincere support from loved ones. They know how to truly make friends, but they will not tolerate betrayal and hypocrisy. They rarely make scenes in public, valuing their reputation. Vain but generous people who can be extremely generous towards people less successful in life.

Leo is a passionate, ambitious nature, but on occasion she can go into the shadows if she is not noticed or praised. He often exaggerates his merits and talents in order to once again prove his importance in secular circles. They boldly take on any project in order to rise above those who are weaker and more inexperienced. The moon sign of Leo manifests itself in a person in those moments when he wants to win freedom and climb onto a pedestal. Sacrificial personalities in love, but not to extremes. These are jealous, stubborn people who rarely let go of those for whom their feelings have faded.

He loves everything related to art and creativity. He can easily take risks and adventures if the situation demands it. But he thinks through everything to the smallest detail in advance, so as not to find himself in the position of a losing “hero”. The Moon in Leo shows a worthy, strong-willed, self-confident person. They happily give out instructions because they consider themselves to be right in any dispute. They experience difficulties and hardships calmly, without demonstrating their emotional lamentations to others.

Luck often becomes a faithful “girlfriend”, who has a lot of non-standard solutions to the problem in stock. These are caring, gentle lovers, so hurting their feelings would be a huge mistake.

Moon Sign Compatibility

You can easily build a warm and long-term relationship with a Lunar Leo if you reveal the secret of their character and habits. Take time to get to know him better, as a colleague and lover.

Compatibility horoscope: the moon in the zodiac sign Leo is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Let's consider the characteristics of a person whose Moon is in the sign of Leo. Feeling + design = emotional image.

If the Moon is in Leo in the horoscope

This position of the planet testifies to the fiery character, bright ambition and expressed independence. With negative character development, a tendency to show off, egocentrism, as well as pomposity and pompous self-expression develops.

Such a person strives to push himself to the forefront and become ahead of everyone. Addicted to luxury, strives for power, thirsts for pleasure, is wasteful and boastful. There may be a clear overestimation of one’s own strengths and an exaggerated opinion of oneself.

Arrogance, the ability to easily deceive others, unconscious pride and the desire to manipulate others are formed. With the harmonious formation of personality, a person displays rare enthusiasm, an enviable sense of responsibility and duty, as well as a steady desire for excellence.

Then he can be called devoted, faithful, kind, generous and filled with deep love for people. This factor conveys a special sense of self-esteem, self-confidence and ardor in everything.

The person is generous, kind, warm-hearted, sincere and hardworking. He has a strong understanding of his own importance and intuitively perceives himself as an aristocrat by birth, called upon to lead those around him.

He is a wonderful actor, striving to convince others of the truthful authenticity of the role he plays, as if striving to “outplay” everyone. Emotionality is emphasized and deliberate. Usually there is no doubt about the significance of your person.

He exalts himself constantly, even without any reason. Sometimes he behaves theatrically and dramatically. He is extremely sensitive to criticism directed at himself and wants to be both father and mother to everyone around him. Such a person is characterized by ambition, nobility and a developed intuitive gift. In achieving the goal he shows enviable persistence and diligence.

Character of a person with the Moon in Leo

Does not tolerate a subordinate position, shows increased attention to the opposite sex. She loves positions and titles, likes to do only the most important things, taking full responsibility for the result.

Strives to participate in large-scale affairs, feels uncomfortable if he has not been able to find proper use for himself in life. Has good intelligence, aimed at achieving high goals. High sensuality is combined with a thirst for achieving the highest spiritual ideals. Decisive and courageous, persistent and fiery in everything in which he finds himself involved.

Such a person is accustomed to relying only on himself. In financial and official matters he shows rare nobility and honesty. In general, he is friendly and peaceful, especially if he finds a harmonious environment. The mind is lively, insightful and persistent.

Pronounced aptitude for leadership and organizational skills. He is sincere in love and attentive to his appearance. The nature is open, ardent, thirsty for great achievements and grandiose plans. Successful in art and politics - even in prosaic everyday affairs.

Loves pleasures, especially if they do not interfere with his social and energetic growth. Usually such a person commands the trust and respect of those associated with him. He has the gift of foreseeing both the near and distant future, is witty, multi-talented, loves to explore situations and solve riddles.

Moon in the sign of Leo. By nature he is a benefactor and reformer. Brave and courageous, fair towards subordinates. Looks confidently into the future, not afraid of any difficulties, no matter how great they may be.

Having decided to take any action, he persistently insists on its implementation. Often acts with the viewer in mind. Loves to be the center of attention. Connection with rich and powerful people is very important for spiritual and social development.

How to communicate with a person whose Moon is in Leo

He likes to demonstrate the power he has, has the power to influence the behavior of other people, and is able to purposefully shape their opinions and views. Loves to overthrow the foundations and interfere with the plans of fate.

He rarely thinks about what society thinks about his actions. Frank and demonstrative, easily angered, but quickly forgives offenders and offenders. Generous in gifts, selfless in service, stable in principles and unyielding in the pursuit of goals. Under the influence of his own feelings and emotions, he sometimes loses his prudence and ability to analyze. In general, emotions influence the mind too noticeably, which often makes a person intolerant of certain people and specific activities.

This is a wonderful fighter, but too emotional a leader. It is very important that the fire of feelings does not complicate perceptions and does not interfere with observation of the real state of affairs. The person is diligent, caring, and has great power potential. Loves noisy new companies, especially if he manages to be the center of attention. He cannot stand situations in which he is not noticed.

Loves luxury, splendor and chic. He is very hospitable and loves to take part in celebrations and feasts more than anything else in the world. He has excellent artistic taste and perfectly perceives even the most profound works of art. He is devoted and faithful to close people.

He doesn’t give up what he loves for anything in the world. His life is usually full of both loyal friends and persistent enemies, whom he acquires due to excessive arrogance, insolence and arrogance. At times he is openly boastful and likes to invent tall tales. There is a strong desire to have power over others and to bestow others with the expression of an authoritative opinion.

Moon in the sign of Leo. Good intelligence is combined with high spirituality and a strong desire for ideals. This person can be called a romantic and a humanist, very susceptible to flattery and prone to dramatizing any life situation. Wants to love and be loved more than anything in the world. He is very vain, loves to pose and show off his feelings. A developed sense of humor is often used to suppress the activity of enemies.

Moon in Leo

The Moon in this sign gives rise to emotionality, combined with the desire to conquer, shine and impress. At the same time, it gives good chances for success, so that a person under the influence of this combination usually succeeds in business, and in society is a “star” of any, even the most fashionable, company.

The Moon in Leo evokes a desire for material comfort, even luxury. Moreover, people exposed to its influence are usually able to provide this luxury not only for themselves, but also for their loved ones. However, such people will not engage in an activity that does not affect them emotionally at all, even if it promises benefits. They achieve success in unusual, creative endeavors.

In relation to others, those who have experienced the influence of the Moon in Leo are usually caring and helpful. But this is only if they encounter obedience, respect and admiration. Otherwise, the other side of the coin may appear.

People under the influence of the Moon in Leo become vain and self-confident. Any doubt about their superiority can cause an aggressive reaction and rudeness.

Moon in Leo for a woman

These ladies are real queens. They can be excellent wives, but only if they are convinced that they have truly found themselves a king. At the same time, mistakes are typical for them, and they do not immediately find family happiness.

Moreover, these are not at all the women who will sit quietly at home. They love children very much and take care of them devotedly, but you shouldn’t expect perfect housekeeping from them. Such ladies are committed to luxury and are not at all opposed to getting the funds for it on their own. They often make risky decisions, and deliberately, “playing with fire.”

When the Moon is in Leo, a woman needs to be treated like a queen. She will definitely appreciate it. It is advisable to give her some luxurious gift. Also, you should not disturb her if during this period she gets into her head to throw a noisy party, buy an unusual dress, or try to fly a hang glider. Most likely, the endeavor will be successful.

Moon in Leo for a man

In such cases, individuals emerge with claims, and justified ones at that. A man under the influence of the Moon in Leo becomes active and energetic. He copes well with any job and receives the well-deserved respect of his colleagues. He also likes to be paid for his work and earns it honestly.

IN family life such men are usually caring and faithful, but only if they are sure that they have met exactly the right woman. They need a spouse who can successfully show off to their friends. Lunar Leos do not like boring, predictable women.

At the same time, they want to remain the head of the family. They like to have the last word always and in everything, and expect unconditional respect from their family. They will turn themselves inside out for this, but their loved ones will always have the best.

When the Moon is in Leo, it is better not to argue with a man. But if on such days the wife puts on a beautiful dress, puts on appropriate makeup and expresses a desire to follow her husband’s wishes in everything, the result will be pleasant for both parties.

Moon in zodiac signs. The Moon is in Leo in the natal chart of a man, a woman, or a child. Moon in the zodiac sign Leo in astrology.

Moon in Leo in the natal chart is ruled by the Sun and in the zodiac sign Leo, the Moon strives to express itself through the Sun. Those. a person with the Moon in Leo will have an internal desire to stand out, to be the best; it is important for him to be valued, respected, and admired. On occasion, such a person will always boast of his knowledge, skills, in general, if he has something to “shine off”, then he will not miss his chance. It is of great importance in which zodiac sign the Sun is located in the natal chart. The stronger the Sun, the more active the Moon in Leo will be.

In any case, the Moon in Leo will give a subconscious feeling of pride and self-respect, and with the afflicted Moon in Leo, arrogance and self-centeredness will be shown.

Leo is a theatrical sign and the Moon, coming here, gives a person a tendency to exaggerate any of his emotions and experiences, both negative and positive. Although the sign of Leo belongs to the fixed cross and the mood of a person with the Moon in Leo will not change often, his habits will also be stable.

A person with the Moon in Leo will behave calmly and confidently in a new environment. Finding himself in an unfamiliar team, he will try to demonstrate his self-sufficiency. The Moon in Leo gives a person an independent character and introduces some stubbornness.

The Moon in Leo makes a person ambitious and ambitious, he has an inner desire to take a high position in life. But whether he actually realizes this desire, for this it is necessary to consider the position of the Sun in the zodiac sign. With a weak Sun in the natal chart, a person with the Moon in Leo will find it difficult to satisfy his subconscious leadership and organizational needs.

With a harmonious Moon in Leo, we can say that this is a man of a broad soul, he has inner nobility, generosity, generosity and is able to forgive the weaknesses of other people. Sometimes a person with the Moon in Leo can do good deeds for show under the influence of an internal impulse, so that others will appreciate him.

Despite the fact that the zodiac sign Leo belongs to the element of fire, people with the Moon in Leo have patience and know how to restrain their emotions. A person with the Moon in Leo has inner dignity and maintains self-control even in extreme situations.

The fire of Leo is constant and warm, it warms but does not burn, and people whose Moon is in the zodiac sign Leo are usually good-natured.

The Moon in Leo in a man increases loyalty and devotion to his chosen one, because... Leo is a permanent (fixed) sign. A man with the Moon in Leo will keep his feelings for a long time - both good and bad. If a man with the Moon in Leo falls in love with a woman, then for her sake he will be capable of much. The Moon in Leo for a man inclines him to look for a woman who is bright, attractive, active and self-confident. A man with the Moon in Leo will choose a woman of whom he can be proud. The Moon in a man's zodiac sign Leo makes him powerful; the last word should always remain with him. And if in the natal chart the Moon in Leo is affected, the Sun and Mars occupy a strong position, then such a man can become a real dictator in the family.

A woman with the Moon in Leo will also have ambition and inner stubbornness. A woman with the Moon in Leo knows how to be faithful, but such a woman is not too economical; she will prefer fulfillment in society and in her career, especially if the Sun occupies a strong position in the horoscope. As a mother, a woman with the Moon in Leo will be caring; such a woman loves children.

A child with the Moon in Leo loves to be the center of attention. And the parents of such a child should praise and admire him more often. The moon in Leo for a child makes him open and cheerful; such a child loves active games. Parents of a child with the Moon in Leo should welcome all his creative impulses, i.e. do not impose your stereotypes - “how it is right”, “how it should be”, but give the child the opportunity to experiment on his own in his games and hobbies.

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Moon in Sagittarius

Today you may have to fight for justice, defend your rightness, your views and beliefs, teach others or hear moral teaching addressed to you. The energy of the day is conducive to learning and travel. Today it may come to your mind good ideas. This day corresponds to an optimistic attitude; you will want to do good deeds, or there will be broad gestures towards you. It's good to go to church. The day favors active, mobile, dreamy people and everyone who studies.

moon in zodiac sign Leo

The Moon in Leo gives an open subconscious, acting, a tendency to dramatize a situation, a desire to attract to your inner world, to evoke empathy. In general, the Sun gives revelation, revealing those traits that are most manifested, the Sun in us shows the inner world, therefore the Moon, visiting the Sun, reveals the inner world. You will therefore be attuned to such situations and, first of all, perceive in any situation those aspects in which you can reveal your inner world. Therefore, you perceive any situation in life from the point of view of the opportunity to express your inner “I” and the possibility of creativity.

Medical contraindications. You may have a vulnerable heart unless the Sun was in a fire sign. It is quite dangerous for you to put a strong strain on your heart, as you can get a heart attack or heart failure. You may be susceptible to various radiculitis, impaired blood circulation, a tendency to spasms of the heart vessels, diseases of the spine, chest to lower back and skin diseases.

During the transit Moon in Leo, operations in the back and chest cavity are contraindicated. In addition, it is better not to waste physical energy in vain, since this requires much more physical energy. This waste of energy can lead to a painful condition. Therefore, in general, physical strength in the case of the Moon in Leo should be spent sparingly.

During such transits, it is possible to treat all vascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system (convulsions, tremors), treatment of lower legs, joint diseases, and diseases of the organs of vision is recommended.

If solar Leo can calmly (even with some pride) say to himself: “Yes, I am proud and always want to be first,” then lunar Leo will never say that to himself, because this is his secret goal and intimate desire, the fulfillment of which he will passionately subconsciously achieve, but will never admit it.

Moon Leo needs personal praise like air; Without her he withers, but with her he flourishes. The harmonious Moon makes Leo a darling of fate, indifferent to everything except generation and flattery; defeat gives him a strong complex of social non-recognition and an impulse to study reality and adapt his flow to it. With proper elaboration, the afflicted lunar Leo can become a good dramatic actor - on stage and in life; in her absence - behavior like a capricious prima donna.

Lunar Leo is outwardly more stable than lunar Aries, it is more difficult to “cut off” with criticism; nevertheless, Leo suffers from it, perhaps more: firstly, Aries switches more easily, and secondly, Leo needs personal recognition, and Aries needs recognition of his business, and not of himself.

Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Moon in Leo: Vivid emotionality. An inner world open to everyone, theatricality in the expression of emotions, acting talent. An unconscious sense of personal importance and power. The mood for creative self-realization. The capacity for strong love.

At best - unconscious personal responsibility for everything that happens in society, enormous creative potential, selflessness in love, generosity of soul.

At worst - extreme egocentrism, narcissism, eccentricity in the manifestation of emotions, Don Juanism.

In harmonious aspects, it gives a person self-confidence, nobility, loyalty, devotion, generosity, generosity in monetary matters, warmth, good-heartedness, an elevated way of thinking, sublime and noble feelings, simplicity and cordiality. Tenacious, lively, witty and cheerful person with good organizational skills. Sincerity in feelings, love of success and fame, popularity, care in clothing and great care for appearance. Very careful in behavior and behavior. Pure-hearted nature. Love of art, pleasure, sports, games, entertainment. Position of trust, respect, responsibility, social success.

S. V. Shestopalov. Handbook of Astropsychology

With your warmth, love and nobility, you arouse in those you love a feeling of affection and devotion. This is very good because you will never settle for anything less! You need to be adored, to be worshiped, and in return you shower your care, warmth and attention. You have a highly developed sense of pride; you need to be recognized and appreciated. The deepest wounds to your heart are inflicted by those who do not pay attention to you. You are an open, sincere, decent person, and you cannot stand all kinds of games that dishonest people resort to.

Pride, a penchant for theatricality and a desire to be the center of attention. Thirst for admiration, recognition, romance and sympathy. They love children, parties, art, sports, entertainment. They love to command, especially at home, and can become unbearable. The desire to love and be loved makes you radiant and courteous. There are many failures along the way. Physical ailments: heart disease, convulsions, scrofula, skin diseases, poor circulation, blood poisoning.


Leo is a masculine, “fiery” sign, ruled by the Sun, the king of the planets. A person with the Moon in Leo is usually determined and brave. Such people make good leaders. They are generous and fair towards their subordinates. They have a high opinion of themselves and feel that they were born to play a high role in society. They look confidently into the future, having decided to do something, but are also firm in their decision. Sometimes they act with the viewer in mind and love to be the center of attention. They act well when associated with rich or powerful people, and also live in high places. These people behave in a powerful manner, they are selfish, they have the power to influence other people and shape their opinions. They don't particularly follow established traditions and don't care what society thinks about their actions. They have a frank and independent character, are quick to anger and quick to forgive.

The ancient text Brihad Jataka says that one whose Moon is placed in the sign of Leo will have an irritable nature, he will have a wide face and large cheeks, brown eyes;

he will have few children. Such people have dislike for the other sex, love animal food, visit forests and mountains, get angry for a long time over trifles, suffer from hunger, thirst, stomach pain and toothache. They are generous in gifts, brave in battle, stable in their principles, arrogant and attached to their mothers. Under the influence of their own feelings and emotions, they may lose prudence and the ability to analyze, especially in matters related to their wife and children. They are diligent and may have considerable powers of observation and perception, but their emotions will noticeably influence their mind, and this can make them intolerant in some matters. The fire element of Leo, when mixed with the mental nature of the Moon, creates a restless mind and gives the character of a wonderful fighter.

Indubala. Planets in signs. (Indian tradition).

No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Openness, open-mindedness, self-confidence, organizational skills, popularity. The Moon in Leo loves to be visible, to “shine”: the soul is turned to the outside world. She inspires self-confidence: a person is probably right if he has no embarrassment to open his soul. And even if a person does not show his characteristic artistry, there is always a feeling that he has something behind his soul (although this may be the same appearance as the reliability of the Moon in Taurus: the manifestations of this most ephemeral planet are deceptive, unlike the qualities given by the Sun). This situation is fruitful for writers - optimistically looking towards the future created by Man (Chernyshevsky, Saint-Exupery), for political figures who win over the masses (Mahatma Gandhi, but also Mao Tse-Tung, as well as Gorbachev). It also distinguishes national heroes (Gagarin, Chkalov), who during their lifetime bear not only responsibility for their cause, but also the burden of world fame. The Moon in Leo is open to all senses, receptive to the richness of sensations and colors. She helped express complex color combinations to Vrubel (Pisces sign). If Cancer is inclined to get used to the natural scale, the Moon in Leo strives to convey its sensations. Her royal dignity is oppressed by poverty and monotony of emotions (characteristic of the next sign). In everyday life, it gives a love for beautiful things and luxury: a person strives for his home to have a decent appearance and look like a palace.

Sensitivity becomes less intuitive, but it finds ways of external expression more easily and responds more to everything external. A woman certainly wants to be liked, to be adored, to shine, but with dignity and sophistication. Men are attracted to brilliant women who are pretty and can be trumped.

Both sexes have a taste for luxury, beautiful things, and art.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary.

The Moon in Fire signs gives impulsive expression of oneself, a tendency to change the world in accordance with one’s attitudes, and an unwillingness to adapt to people and circumstances.

Moon in Leo. Solar Moon. Gives an open subconscious, acting, a tendency to dramatize a situation, a desire to attract to your inner world, to evoke empathy. The desire to command, to patronize.

Just listen to me!

Just watch me!

Do you love me? Wonderful!

Now let go. Do not be bored!

It is important to understand, however, that this child has such a high need for attention that if affirmative attention is absent, negative attention may be sought, since this is the only way to be noticed. He can learn to take the stage and, when appropriate, give it up to someone else and even support him from the wings, but standing backstage for too long will not make him happy.

However, when all eyes are on him, he can be so embarrassed that it will take a lot of encouragement for him to try again.

You need to provide this child with as much encouragement, feedback, and love as possible to give him a solid foundation from which to shine at his best. Give him the opportunity to find a specific stage in which he feels comfortable. Form a playgroup with other parents. Find out about creative preschools. Look for the opportunity to send him to a children's dance club or theater studio from a very young age. Create a "costume room" with your old clothes and accessories and encourage him to invite friends over to play masquerade and act out his own little skits. Find your own time to play with him, make up stories, games, compete in sports. Your child needs to do things with others.

The character of such children is gentle and affectionate. They are capable of love, but at the same time they require reciprocal love. They need constant confirmation that they are loved. Try to teach them to value themselves regardless of the opinions of others. Otherwise, they will gain recognition in any way available to them. They want to feel a little special and needed. Explain that this feeling must first be developed within themselves.

Such children are generous and throw away not only things, but also time. But if this generally positive trait is exaggerated, it already smacks of extravagance. Explain to them the difference and teach them self-discipline. They are very sensitive and easily offended. This comes primarily from internal insecurity and a strong need for the approval of others. After all, they like things to be done their way. The better they think about themselves, the higher their internal self-esteem, the more difficult it is to offend them. Tell them that you understand their need to be themselves, but that other people have the same right.

When the pride of such children is hurt, they become selfish, arrogant, arrogant and stubborn. Try to develop self-discipline skills and teach them to control their emotions. On the other hand, children with the Moon in Leo are noble, honest, loyal and have all the makings of good leaders. They try to stand out from the general background, and, as a rule, they succeed. They love to be among people, they need the attention of others like air, without it they feel upset and unhappy.

It is likely that such children will have a tendency to exaggerate. Take this very seriously and try to keep manifestations of this quality to a minimum. If a child wants to become a good leader in the future, he needs to look at life more adequately and, at a minimum, avoid outright lies. Otherwise, those around him will simply stop believing him. By the way, it is difficult for him to cope with this bad habit - it requires a fair amount of courage.

For children born under the Moon in Leo, pride is one of the main character traits. Self-esteem is extremely important for them; their perception of life depends on it. Try not to forget about this, because The best way forcing them to give up something they don't want is to hurt their pride. You just need to criticize very tactfully, as if by chance, in the interval between two compliments. And don’t forget to emphasize that by correcting their shortcomings, they will become even better and, undoubtedly, will achieve the approval of others (which they so crave).

They are often attracted to the theater. They love the stage, they love acting, this is where their dramatic abilities flourish, plus, of course, applause. They love to look impressive, they love luxury. They know how to appreciate real art and themselves have extraordinary talent. The life of an actor is the life that will bring them happiness. They love to have a lot of fun and, to their credit, they know how to do it. Try to show how much you value and respect your child, he simply needs this for inner peace

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(Waxing Crescent).
At 12:28 the period of the Moon without a course ends
At 12:28 the Moon moves from Libra to the sign of Scorpio.
At 14:50 the 9th Lunar day begins.
until 14:50 the 8th Lunar day continues

Symbols - Phoenix, fire.
Day of purification of soul and body.
It’s good today to honestly admit to yourself your sins.
The day is good for liberation from them - it will be easy to repent, it will be easy to forgive the sins of other people.
So don't miss this opportunity: this is the day of repentance.
Think about your life, remember the past.

Cleansing the soul with Fire is one of the effective practices of this day.
Food for cleansing Fire can serve not only as wood in an outdoor fire or in a home fireplace, but also as the wick of an ordinary candle.
With the help of psychological rehabilitation methods they can be transformed from negative to positive.

You cannot be dissolute and selfish on this day.
Good cook medications from any diseases.

Don't guess about the future.

A dream on this day can be prophetic.
In a dream, you can see hints about your true purpose in life, about what you need to do.

Medically Complete fasting is allowed and it is mandatory to follow a diet and cleanse the stomach and intestines.
Attention should also be paid to the peripheral nervous system.

A child conceived on this day will live a bright but difficult life.
Traveling and returning to the homeland.
He will be happy to the point of intoxication and unhappy to the point of giving up on life.
Strength of mind. Renaissance.

Those born on this day are not destined for external beauty, therefore, they will be able to attract the attention of their superiors, the surrounding world and the public only with their intelligence and knowledge, as well as diligent work, conscientiousness and goodwill.
These people are often very original.
There are wonderful artists.
They have the ability to be reborn.
at 14:50 the 9th Lunar day begins

The symbol is a bat.
Critical day.
The energy of these lunar days negatively affects a person.
Anxieties, fears, and dark thoughts are possible.
You should be wary of deception and all kinds of temptations.

On this day it is very easy to succumb to illusions and seductions.
For example, increased self-esteem may appear - try to avoid this, otherwise you will be punished for your pride.
A righteous person, or even one who has learned to restrain his baser instincts, has no need to fear the days of Satan.
Bad things do not stick to such people, but, on the contrary, return to the sender.
For a person who has already initially chosen evil (that is, for a servant of dark forces), these days are support in life.
Such a person is active during this period, he is lucky in business, he can easily seduce his acquaintances into sinful actions.
A passive person can make any day critical for himself lunar calendar, but he is especially vulnerable these days.

It is better to spend this day in calm, everyday work.
It is better not to take on new business - there is a risk of making a mistake in assessing your capabilities and failing the business.
It's better not to show emotions.
Possible bad luck, receiving bad news.
The day on which we receive signs that we need to pay attention to.

It is necessary to cleanse yourself of physical and astral toxins, actively defend yourself from negativity, and forgive offenders.
You can't look in the mirror, it's especially bad if you break it.

Bad signs - spilling milk, a pressing feeling in the chest (many problems have accumulated and we need to return to assimilating spiritual food).

Not the most pleasant information. Shadows of the past may creep out.

You don’t need to believe dreams on this day.
They may be painful, difficult, scary, but do not be afraid of anything.

Medically You should pay attention to the chest if the principles of love for one's neighbor are constantly violated, attacks of intercostal neuralgia, angina pectoris, and gout appear.
Salt foot baths are recommended.

Contraindicated for intimacy and conception.
An insidious and witchcraft day.
A child who comes to you on this day may be a dangerous villain, otherwise his life will go through terrible trials and he will become a saint.
Don't take risks.

Those born on this day will live a long and fruitful life.
They are often unhappy: they need to constantly clean themselves, get rid of toxins, both physical and astral.
They may be in poor health, but if they perceive it as a challenge.
If they fight for internal and external purity, then their problems will become a new step in development.

Moon sign Leo

People with the Moon in Leo love to be the center of attention, if, of course, the situation is comfortable for them. At home they can do a lot of funny things and have a great sense of humor. They also have leadership talent, and may even strive to manage their relatives and friends. They want to organize and entertain those around them, but are sometimes too lazy to do anything with them. Their natural leadership skills help them delegate, although deep down they want to be fairer and take part in work with everyone.

To succeed, Leo people need support, someone who loves them and cares about them. If they feel offended, they may become overly dramatic and sulk for a long time. Fortunately, they prefer to make scenes away from prying eyes because they believe that such behavior in public places can damage their image. They always maintain decency, as social status is everything to them. They can be a little vain and act like snobs at times, but they are very loyal.

Leo Moons are usually very sociable and popular. They are honest by nature, as they have a strong sense of justice. However, having a passionate nature, they may be prone to exaggeration. When they get carried away, they may say things that they will not be able to remember later. Sometimes they are overly generous, which can suppress the people for whom they try so hard. However, they need to be thanked and may be offended if you remain silent.

Pride is incredibly important to Leo people. Their ego may push them to take on any project that will increase their influence. They are attracted to power and high status. Stubbornness is what helps them get what they want. At the same time, they can be very idealistic and willing to make great sacrifices for an idea they believe in wholeheartedly.

They protect their property as well as the freedom of other people. In relationships, they can be very jealous, even if they have no reason to be so. If they break up with someone, it hurts their ego rather than breaking their heart.

People with the Leo moon sign may be gifted with artistic talents or simply have an interest in art. They have the aura of people endowed with power, and at the same time worthy. They do not like risk and will not get involved in something if they are not sure that they will come out on top. They don't want others to see their failure.

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