What does the letter yu look like? Koshkarova Lyubov Antonovna A manual for developmental education (for reading by adults to children) “What do the letters of the alphabet look like?”

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Preparing a child for school. The educational complex includes the following tasks and exercises: learning to read, learning letters and sounds, punctuation marks in sentences and simple numbers, tasks for intelligence and creative thinking.

Learning to read. Sounds "yu" and the letter "Yu"

Target: formation of reading skills, development of phonemic hearing, development of stability of attention.

Material: worksheet, pencils. Card with the letter Y.

"Yu" looks like a spinning top

What was spinning on the floor

Spun like a top

And she fell on her side.

"Skirt", "chandelier" and "love" -

Here are words with the letter "U".

- What letter are we talking about? Correct about the letter Y.
- Listen to the words and name the first sounds in these words: SKIRT, JULIA, SOUTH, YULA.
- That's right, these are the sounds of YU. And they are written with the letter Y.

The teacher shows the children a card with the letter Y. The children trace the letter with their fingers. They write it with their finger on the table.

- Let's do a sound analysis of the word SKIRT with you.
- How many syllables are in the word SKIRT? (Two).
- What is the first sound in the word SKIRT? (Sound th).
- The second sound in this word? (y).
- Third sound? (b).
- Fourth sound? (To).
- Fifth sound? (A)
- And when we write the word SKIRT, the first letter in this word is Y. The letter Y consists of two sounds yu.
- If the letter Yu is at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, then it means two sounds YU.
- Listen to the next word - LUKE.

We carry out sound analysis of the word LUKE.

- Let's draw a conclusion. If the letter Yu appears after a consonant, then it indicates the softness of the consonant sound and denotes the sound U.
- The letter Y is a vowel, and we denote vowels in red.
- Color the letter Y red.
- Color the diagram of the “yu” sounds with green and red pencils. Y - green, because The consonant sound is soft. U – red, because vowel sound.
- What do you think the letter Y looks like?
- Circle and complete the letters Y.

Learning to read. Words starting with U

Target: formation of reading skills.

Material: worksheet.

Read the words line by line and then in columns.

Underline soft consonants with one line.

Connect words that begin with the same syllable with a line.

Learning to read. Sounds "YA" and letter "YA"


Material: worksheet, pencils, card with the letter Y.

Today we will get acquainted with a new letter. Listen to the poem that poetess Svetlana Ignatova wrote about this letter:

The letter "I" is proud of itself:

Everyone strives to be more important.

Yacht, apple, earth, -

Here are words with the letter "I".

- What letter are we talking about? Correct about the letter Y.
- Listen to the words and name the first sounds in these words: APPLE, ANCHOR, EGG, PIT.
- That's right, these are the sounds of YA. And they are written with the letter Y.

The teacher shows the children a card with the letter Y. The children trace the letter with their fingers. They write it with their finger on the table.

- Let's do a sound analysis of the word PIT with you.
- How many syllables are in the word YAMA? (Two).
- What is the first syllable? Second?
- What is the first sound in the word YAMA? (Sound th).
- The second sound in this word? (A).
- Third sound? (M).
- Fourth sound? (A).
- And when we write the word YAMA, then the first letter in this word is YA. The letter YA consists of two sounds ya.
- If the letter I is at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, then it means two sounds YA.
- Listen to the next word - MEAT.

We conduct a sound analysis of the word MEAT.

- Let's draw a conclusion. If the letter I comes after a consonant, then it indicates the softness of the consonant sound and denotes the sound A.
- The letter I is a vowel, and we denote vowels in red.
- Color the letter I red.
- Color the diagram of ya sounds with green and red pencils. Y - green, because The consonant sound is soft. A – red, because vowel sound.
- What do you think the letter I looks like?
- Circle and complete the letters Y.

Learning to read. Reading words with the letter "I"

Target: formation of reading skills, development of mental action of analysis-synthesis.

Material: worksheet, pencils.

Read the syllables line by line and then in columns.

Divide the words into syllables.

Place emphasis on these words.

Underline the word that has the most syllables.

Circle the words where the letter I is written at the beginning of the word. What sounds does the letter I represent if it is at the beginning of a word?

Learning to read. Proposal schemes. Punctuation marks

Target: formation of reading skills, development of mental action, analysis-synthesis.

Materials: worksheet, pencils.

- Now you and I will read the sentences, but today they will be unusual. Look at the first sentence. What is interesting in it? That's right, at the end of the sentence there is not a period, but a new sign. This is called a question mark. And the sentence is also called interrogative. When a question mark is at the end of a sentence, the sentence itself should be read as if you were asking. Watch me read this sentence (the teacher gives a sample reading).

Similarly, the teacher introduces children to the exclamation mark and the incentive sentence.

- Make diagrams for the proposals.
- Find words in the sentences with the letter Y. How many words did you find? (One).

Mathematics. Composition of numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5

Target: teach children to remember the composition of numbers 2, 3, 4, 5.

Material: worksheet, pencils.

Let's fill the houses correctly with numbers.

In the first house on each floor, adding the numbers should result in the number 2.

In the second house on each floor, adding the numbers should result in the number 3.

In the third house on each floor, adding the numbers should result in the number 4.

In the fourth house on each floor, adding the numbers should result in the number 5.

Development of thinking. Say the opposite

Target: development of speech, formation of the ability to select words that have opposite meanings.

Choose the opposite words.

  • Cheerful - ... (sad).
  • Deep - ... (shallow).
  • Sharp - ... (dull).
  • Smooth - ... (rough).
  • Hot Cold).
  • Wet - ... (dry).
  • Bright – ... (dim).
  • Well-fed - ... (hungry).
  • Thin -... (thick).
  • Wide narrow).
  • Clear - ... (cloudy, stormy).
  • New – ... (old).
  • Mathematics. Examples. Problem solving

    Target: teaching children addition and subtraction, consolidating the signs +, - and =, consolidating the image of numbers, learning to create examples.

    Materials: worksheet, pencils.

    - Look at the picture, who is drawn in the picture?
    - Let's make a problem about birds.
    - How many birds are sitting on the branch?
    - How many birds have arrived?
    - Knowing this data, can we create a task?
    - Create a task.

    There were 3 birds sitting on a tree branch. Another bird flew up to the tree. How many birds are there in the picture?

    - State the condition of the problem.
    - What is the question in the problem?
    - Solve the given problem.
    - Compose and write down an example for the problem on the worksheet.
    - Addition or subtraction problem? What sign will be in the example?
    - Read the resulting example.
    - Make up a subtraction problem using the same picture.
    - What task did you complete?
    - What are the conditions and questions of the problem?
    - Compose and write down the solution to the problem on the worksheet.

    Development of mental actions. Analysis-synthesis

    Target: development of analysis-synthesis.

    Material: ball.

    The teacher organizes a game on the carpet. Children stand in a circle, the teacher stands inside the circle.

    The teacher throws the ball to the children and asks them to continue the phrase.

  • Man is the heart, machine is...
  • Dinner - in the evening, breakfast - ...
  • The bird flies, the snake...
  • Summer is hot, winter is...
  • Pen - we write, ... - we draw.
  • Bread is brown, milk is...
  • An airplane is a hangar, a car is...
  • Dress - tailor, shoes -...
  • Preparing your hand for writing. Sticks

    Target: formation of grapho-motor functions.

    Material: worksheet

    Circle and complete the sticks.

    The teacher asks homework children.


    Goodbye, goodbye, come to us again,

    Goodbye, goodbye, you're very good.

    Goodbye, goodbye, come to us again.

    Goodbye, goodbye - we'll have fun playing!

    Irina Gurova


    Correctional and educational:

    Introduce the letter "Y".

    Continue to develop skills in sound, syllabic analysis and synthesis; analysis of the verbal composition of a sentence with a preposition.

    Exercise in restoring the meaning of a deformed phrase, in composing a simple common sentence with prepositions.

    Continue teaching how to solve puzzles.

    Correctional and developmental:

    Develop visual and auditory attention, memory, letter gnosis, thinking, spatial concepts.

    Promote the development of general and finger motor skills, graphic skills.


    Continue to develop the ability to interact amicably in a group, listen carefully to the teacher and each other.


    Tops made of cardboard according to the number of children, spinning tops; diagram-profile of articulation of sounds [j], [у]; table showing the letter “Y” and corresponding pictures; cards with printed tasks; colour pencils; cards with printed syllables and words for reading; ball; material “proposal diagram”; board, chalk

    Progress of the lesson:

    I. Organizational moment. Development of finger motor skills. Setting the goal of the lesson.

    Children are sitting at tables. Each one has a top made of cardboard. The speech therapist suggests launching your tops and observing how beautifully the colors mix as they rotate.

    Speech therapist: “Guys, a top is a small spinning top. And mine is big, real (shows). The word "Yula" begins with the letter "Y". Today we will meet her.

    II. Characteristics of the sounds [j], [y] according to articulatory-acoustic characteristics.

    The speech therapist explains that the letter “Yu”, like the letters “I”, “E”, “E”, means two sounds when it is at the beginning of a word and in the middle after a vowel.

    III. Introducing the letter "Y". Development of visual perception, spatial concepts.

    Examination of the letter (discussion: what elements it consists of and how they are located).

    Does the letter “U” love the sun? (he doesn’t like it because he “looks” to the right).

    Reading poems about the letter “U”:

    1. To prevent “O” from rolling away,

    I'll nail it firmly to the post.

    Oh look what happened:

    It turned out... the letter “Y”. (A. Shibaev).

    2. I recognize my spinning top,

    When I look at the letter “U” (F. Bobylev).

    3. In the arena, the tamer -

    Lord of the formidable tigers,

    It's like the letter "U" with a ring

    He boldly faced the tigers. (V. Stepanov)

    What else does the letter “Y” look like? (children's answers).

    Find the letter “U” among other letters, take it and trace it with your finger.

    Color the letter "Y" on your cards with a red pencil.

    IV. Reading syllables with the letter "U". Game exercise “Going down in the elevator.”

    The speech therapist reminds children that the letter “U” means two sounds - [j], [y], when it is at the beginning of a word and in the middle after a vowel. He further explains that the letter “U” softens the consonant after which it is located. In this case, it means one sound – [y].

    After this is carried out game exercise“Going down in the elevator” (reading syllable rows laid out from letters on the board and located in the direction from top to bottom):



    3. PJ, KY, TY, NU, MJ, SY, BJ, etc.

    V. Development of general motor skills, auditory perception, attention. Physical education minute.

    The speech therapist invites children to listen carefully to the words. If the word contains the letter “U”, then you need to raise your hands, and if not, squat down: “Yunga, world, cat, south, yurt, skirt, chalk, young man, brush, top, Jupiter...”

    VI. Development of skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

    Completing tasks on cards (the material was prepared in Microsoft Word and printed on a color printer).

    Perform a sound-syllable analysis of the words “Yura” and “Lyuba” (draw diagrams with colored pencils under the corresponding pictures).

    Print the words below the diagrams.

    Fill in the missing letters "U" in the words. Read the sentence.

    VII. Reading words with the letter "Y".

    1. South, cabin boy, yurt, cabin, wash, bathe, ride.

    2. Luda, raisin, plus, key, raisin, cranberry.

    VIII. Restoring the meaning of deformed phrases. Working on a sentence with prepositions. Exercise with the ball “Words quarreled” or “Sentence fell apart.”

    The speech therapist throws a ball to the children one by one and names the words. Children return the ball, make up a sentence and find a word with the letter “U” in it.

    Birds, autumn, fly away, south, to. – In autumn, birds fly south.

    Spring, fly, south, from, birds.

    Lights, wardrobe, skirt, put away, in.

    Julia, from, package, get, raisins.

    Chair, spinning top, under, lie down.

    Jura, cranberry, swamp, find, on.

    An analysis of one sentence according to the children’s choice is carried out: “What is the first word in the sentence? What's the second word? Name the third word. Are there any other words in this sentence? How many words are there in total? A proposal diagram is laid out on the board.

    IX. Development of sound-letter synthesis and thinking skills. Completing an entertaining task on a card, solving a puzzle.

    The speech therapist again offers to take the cards and draws attention to the new task:

    The letters in the boxes are mixed up. Make words from the letters, print them under the boxes and connect them with the corresponding pictures.

    In front of the children, the speech therapist draws a puzzle on the board and offers to solve it. Answer: "Blizzard".

    X. Summing up the lesson.

    The speech therapist asks children to answer the following questions:

    Which letter are you familiar with?

    What have you learned about the letter "Y"?

    What tasks did you do well?

    What was difficult for you?

    A differentiated assessment of the students’ activities is given.

    Publications on the topic:

    Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson with children of a preparatory school group with TNR (ONR) “Sound and letter H”

    Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson in a preparatory school group “Differentiation of sounds [H] - [T’]” Goals: correctional and educational: - to give children an understanding of the mechanism of formation of the sounds Ch - Th in comparative terms; - build skills.

    Summary of a speech therapy lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory school group with TNR “Sounds [Z] - [Z`]. Letter Z" Topic: “Sounds Z - Z`. Letter Z." Goal: To strengthen children’s understanding of the sounds [З] and [З`], to introduce them to the letter “Z” Objectives: Educational.

    Goal: to promote the formation of ideas about the sound and letter Ch. Objectives: Correctional and educational: - to promote the formation of an image.

    Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Sound [b] and letter B” Topic of the lesson: “Sound [b] and letter B.” Goal: consolidation correct pronunciation sound[b]. Objectives: 1. Improvement of sound and letters.

    In 1st grade, after learning all the letters of the alphabet, children are asked to complete the project “What does a letter look like?” In the poems of Soviet writers, before the eyes of amazed first-graders, letters begin to come to life. The letter A turns into a rocket, the letter Z into a beetle, the letter M into a swing, etc.

    While working on a project, first-graders draw a letter, bringing it to life. Then they learn a poem about their letter. The verse can be written under the picture. Each child brings their own project to class and it turns out to be a fun ALPHABET.

    Let it begin with the stork
    Like the alphabet
    Starts with A

    Letter A, letter A
    Alphabet head
    Vova knows, Sveta knows,
    And it looks like a rocket.

    Letter B with a big belly
    In a cap with a long visor

    Letter B will wake up early.
    Letter B - barrel with tap.
    Wash your face! Be healthy,
    Bogatyr Boris Bobrov!

    There are two arms nearby
    Here you go
    Glasses for a frog

    Before us is the letter G
    Stands like a poker

    There he stands, blowing smoke,
    Letter D stove pipe

    It came in handy in the garden
    Instead of a rake I worked hard

    This letter is wide
    And she looks like a beetle
    And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle
    Makes a buzzing sound

    This is J
    And this is K
    whole beetle
    And half a beetle

    Along the white field
    In the fog and snow
    They wander slowly
    Ram's Horns (Letter Z)

    Look at the gate:
    Why is she not the letter I?
    Between two straight boards
    One lay diagonally

    Signalman holding two flags
    With flags it's like the letter K

    The alphabet will continue our
    Letter L - forest hut

    Here is the swing
    Letter M!
    Here to swing
    Can everyone

    On the letter N
    I'm on a ladder
    I sit and sing

    There I will find the letter N,
    Where the hammock hangs in the garden.

    Look at the wheel
    And you will see the letter O

    At hockey, at football
    Letter P - gate to the field

    The letter P is a sail on the mast,
    Floats into the distance, touching the sky

    Crescent moon in the dark sky
    The letter C hung over the house

    The hammer knocks: “Knock, knock!
    Letter T I'm an old friend"

    U - bitch. In any forest
    You will see the letter U

    Fedya walks with his hands on his hips
    So I learned my lessons

    We are not horned
    Not angry
    We are the goats
    Not goats

    Letter C -
    Hook at the bottom
    Exactly with a faucet tank

    Yes, you guessed it right:
    We write h as four.
    Only with numbers, friends,
    We can't confuse the letters

    Shura raked the hay
    I forgot the pitchfork in the hay

    On the comb
    SH is similar
    Three teeth in total
    Well then!

    And the poor letter Y
    Wanders around with a stick, alas

    The letter R is upside down
    With a soft sign turned around

    Above the meadows in the blue
    The letter E flies by

    So that O doesn't roll away,
    I'll nail it firmly to the post.
    Oh look,
    What's happened:
    It turned out... the letter U

    Look, friends,
    I made a birdhouse.
    And she flew into a birdhouse
    Instead of a bird - the letter I

    Download -

    Watch the video with your child about the letter on slide 2. When the letter “yu” is at the beginning of a word, it denotes two sounds - [th"], [y]. Name the words with these sounds at the beginning (south, southern, yula).

    Come up with your own words with the letter Y at the beginning of the word.

    Read the verses on 3, 4 slides. Let the child name words where the sounds [th"], [u] are heard at the beginning. Julia - say the word slowly so that it is clearly heard that at the beginning of the word there are two sounds [th" y]. Ask the question: what letter will we write if we hear these sounds at the beginning of a word? the letter Y. Write the letter in the album. Think about what the letter looks like. Draw the letter to the image. Try to learn one of the poems.

    Watch a fragment of the cartoon. Discuss the content of the passage with your child. Watch your child's speech. Help build sentences correctly. Name words with new sounds. Remind the child that the sounds [th "], [y] are denoted by the letter "y".

    Read the poem on slide 6. Compare the option proposed by the author with his drawing “What a letter looks like.” Who did it better?

    Letter writing slides for first graders. Good luck!

    Training for Call-centers “Serving English-speaking clients”. The program is built on the principle of “2 in 1”, that is, participants simultaneously develop customer service skills and increase the stock of active English phrases and expressions. For typical situations, algorithms for optimal responses to English language that employees can use at work as a service standard.

    Class: 1


    • introduce students to the vowel letter Yu, yu;
    • develop speech, logical thinking, memory;
    • cultivate hard work and friendship

    Visibility and equipment: cards, textbooks, demonstration table.


    I. Organizational moment

    II. Formation of new knowledge, skills and abilities

    1. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson

    Vowels on the board

    a and
    o e
    s I
    at e

    – Name the vowels that indicate the hardness of consonants.
    – Name the vowels that indicate the softness of consonants.
    – Why are the letters e, i, e called special? (indicate 2 sounds)

    to her? e]
    I [th? A]
    to her? O]

    – Today in class you will learn another, fourth, special vowel letter.
    - Guess the riddle:

    Spins on a sharp leg.
    It buzzes like a bug.
    If he wants, he can gallop a little,
    If he wants, he will lie on his side. (Yula)

    On the board there is a picture of a spinning top. The word is printed.

    – Let’s say the word yula, divide it into syllables.
    - How many syllables are in this word?
    – Let’s determine which syllable the stress falls on?
    - Let's say the word 2 times differently. (yu "la, yula")
    – Which syllable is stressed?

    A diagram is posted on the board.

    – Let’s slowly pronounce the first syllable of the merger [th? y]
    – What conclusion can be drawn? (the letter yu means 2 sounds)
    – The letter yu denotes 2 sounds at the beginning of a word and after vowels.

    2. Game “Who is attentive?”

    – Clap your hands if you hear it in the words: Yura, apple, humor, pit, spinning top, street, skirt, Elena.

    3. Physical education minute

    4. Introducing a new letter

    – And now you will become acquainted with the letter Yu, yu.

    In the arena the tamer -
    Lord of the formidable tigers.
    It's like the letter Y, with a ring.
    He boldly faced the tigers.

    -What does the letter yu look like? (Children's answers)
    – When we name this letter, we pronounce 2 sounds [th? y]. If this letter is at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, then when reading you just need to name the letter.

    5. Reading words

    a) from the board

    sing - sing
    draw - draw
    play - play
    read - read

    b) from a textbook p. 171

    6. Expressive reading lullaby on p. 170

    - Find words with the letter u in this song.

    7. Solving the riddle on p.171

    I sew skirts and trousers,
    I dress the whole family (Needle)

    8. Work from a picture. Answers on questions.

    – Who is in the picture? (Hedgehog)
    -What is the hedgehog doing? (Irones his trousers)
    - Can a hedgehog be called industrious? (Children's answers)
    What kind of work can you do at home? (Children's answers)

    9. Physical education minute

    10. Game “Say the Word”

    Spinning on one leg
    Carefree, cheerful.
    A dancer in a colorful skirt,
    Musical… (spinster)

    Pigs love the letter u:
    Without it you can’t say... (oink)

    11. Reading the text on p. 172. Answers to questions

    – Who had a spinning top?
    – Who asked for the spinning top?
    – What did Yura answer?
    - How did the top sing?
    – What can you say about Yura?

    III. Lesson summary

    What letter did you learn about in class?
    – Why is she special?

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