How to chew food or therapeutic chewing. Health and longevity: why food should be chewed thoroughly? Why You Should Chew Your Food Thoroughly

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Modern man sorely lacking time, he needs to have time to do everything and go everywhere. Everyone knows that you need to chew your food thoroughly, but not everyone does it. Some are accustomed to fast swallowing, others to snacking on the go, and others simply have nothing to chew on due to lack of teeth and lack of time for prosthetics. Meanwhile, not only our health, but also the harmony of the figure depends on the amount of chewing food.

Rapid ingestion of food causes the development caries, gastritis, stomach ulcers and obesity. The longer we chew food, the less we eat, which means we lose weight faster. As studies by scientists have shown, if a person chews food 40 times instead of 12 times, then the calorie content of his diet is reduced by 12%. This reduction in calories by chewing food thoroughly is the cheapest way to lose weight. After all, in this way the average person can achieve the loss of extra 10 kg per year. However, in this way, those who prefer to follow a diet consisting of foods that do not need to be chewed will not be able to lose weight. For example, those who eat exclusively yogurt, puree soup, juices and liquid cereals.

During the experiments, scientists found that who is longer chews, he eats up faster. In the hypothalamus of our brain there are neurons that need the hormone histamine, which begins to be produced only after a person begins to chew. Histamine sends satiety signals to neurons in the brain. But these signals reach the hypothalamus only after 20 minutes from the beginning of the meal, so until this time the person continues to eat. And if he swallows food quickly and in large chunks, then before the signal of saturation is transmitted, he already manages to gain extra calories.

In case of careful chewing food, we do not give the body the opportunity to overeat. Histamine not only serves to signal satiety, but also improves metabolism. Therefore, paying attention to chewing, a person not only begins to eat less, but also helps to accelerate the process of burning extra calories.

To lose weight, you need to eat slowly and chew thoroughly food, and stop eating should leave some free space in the stomach. As the Japanese advise, eat until you have eight parts of the stomach full out of ten. When a person constantly overeats, his stomach stretches, and more food is needed to fill it. So there is a vicious, harmful to the harmony of the figure and health vicious circle. Avoid distractions while eating, such as reading or watching TV. In this case, it is very difficult for the body to determine when to stop eating.

Thorough chewing of food favors more fast digestion and absorption of food. After all, digestion does not begin in the stomach, but in. The better you chew food, the more it interacts with saliva. Saliva contains a protein - amylase, which promotes the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simple ones already in the mouth. In addition, saliva is rich in various enzymes, hormones, vitamins and biologically active substances that contribute to better chewing of food and its rapid movement through the digestive tract.

Prolonged chewing of food releases large amount of saliva, which favorably affects not only digestion, but also improves the condition of the teeth. The components of saliva form a protective film on the teeth and strengthen the enamel of the teeth. Chewing for teeth and gums is a kind of muscle training in the gym. When chewing solid food, strong pressure is exerted on the teeth, which increases the blood supply to the gums and teeth, which is the prevention of periodontal disease. To load the gums and teeth with work, try to include more apples, carrots, cabbage, nuts, barley porridge and other foods that require long chewing in the diet. Chew food, evenly loading all the teeth, alternately with the left, then with the right side of the jaw. Do not drink milk, tea, juice, drinks, water, or other liquids with food. By swallowing food along with liquid, you do not chew it and thereby deprive it of the possibility of interacting with saliva.

Based observing the life of a cow, we can safely say that you can chew non-stop around the clock. Such thorough chewing food for people is certainly not acceptable. How many times do you need to chew food to achieve better weight loss? Someone advises - 100-150 times, and some - 50-70 times. It really depends on what you're chewing. If it is difficult to grind a carrot for 50 times, then a minced meat cutlet can be done for 40 times. Yes, and the condition of everyone’s teeth is different. So chew until your teeth turn the food into a homogeneous liquid mass!

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Hello dear readers.

Do you know that there is a very simple healing technique that cures many diseases, especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. , duodenitis, diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas are difficult to cure without the use of this method.

So, get acquainted - therapeutic chewing.

The essence of this technique is so simple that you might be surprised that it can cure diseases. But do not rush to conclusions, read the article and try it. You will quickly feel the beneficial effects of therapeutic chewing.

Of course, if you have a disease, for example, gastritis, already running, you cannot defeat it with one method, I already wrote about this in an article. But without chewing your food thoroughly, you won't be able to fully recover.

IN modern world people got it right. Eating on the run, overeating, eating leads to obesity and development chronic diseases all organs and systems. To maintain excellent health and remove toxins, they will be used often. The combination of the method of proper chewing of products with one of the methods contributes to the prevention of diseases and the fastest getting rid of many diseases. Let's talk about how to chew food properly.

An excursion into the history of the emergence of the technique

The founder of the method of proper chewing of food is the American physiologist Horace Fletcher. After 40 years, his health began to crack, diseases appeared one after another, worsening general state and reducing performance. He was diagnosed with a "bouquet" of ailments from the side of digestion, cardiovascular and endocrine system had psychological problems. A sharp deterioration in health led to the refusal of insurance companies to pay medical insurance for long courses of therapy.

Despite the difficult streak in life, Fletcher did not become depressed, but tried to find the roots of his problems. He came to the conclusion that the deterioration of health arose as a result of malnutrition - snacking on the go, violation of the daily routine, fast eating while watching the press and television programs. Thanks to his knowledge in physiology, the doctor described in detail the causes of ailments with malnutrition. Based on scientifically based findings, he created an effective method of therapeutic chewing, which was called fletcherism.

Briefly about the process of digestion

According to the physiology of digestion, food begins to be digested already in oral cavity. Food contains essential nutrients that are essential for the life of the body. These are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. For absorption in the digestive tract, nutrients must be broken down into smaller particles that can enter the bloodstream. In this state, they are delivered by the circulatory transport system (special proteins) to cells and tissues.

Food components are broken down by the digestive juices of the mouth, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, and liver. They contain enzymes that break down large nutrient molecules into smaller particles. Carbohydrates begin to break down already in the oral cavity, and then in the duodenum 12. Thus, the body prepares them for further digestion in the digestive tract. Proteins and fats are broken down mainly in the stomach and small intestine. For proper digestion, food must be mechanically crushed by teeth, chemically treated with saliva. And the more the better.

The essence of the method of therapeutic chewing

Method medical nutrition is based on the physiology of digestion and is aimed at maintaining the health of all organs and systems. Fletcher proved that chewing one portion of food in the oral cavity should account for at least 30 chewing movements, ideally about 100. As a result, the food bolus is completely saturated with saliva, softens, liquefies and enters the esophagus without swallowing movements, as if sliding down the throat and without spasms moves along the esophagus. This phenomenon has been called the "Fletcher food probe".

Of course, you don't have to go to the point where food passes without being swallowed, but remember, the more you chew, the better.

The technique of thoroughly chewing food was known in oriental medicine. It was actively used by yogis. Thanks to the correct way of eating, they were saturated with a small amount of food, healed physical and spiritual ailments, life expectancy was at least 100 years. With a small amount of food consumption, yogis maintained a cheerful state during the day, and maintained a healthy sleep at night.

There is another aspect here.

The fact is that when we chew slowly and focus only on food (we don’t get distracted, we don’t talk, but we feel the food, its taste), we energetically interact with it. All this leads to the fact that we take more from food. useful substances, energetically and physically we are saturated faster. We need less food now.

The digestive organs become healthier and stronger.

Yogis knew about all this. No wonder there is a legend that the stomach of a yogi is able to digest even a rusty nail. There is a deal of truth in it.

Have you noticed that when someone cooks food, tastes it, they get satiated faster? And he no longer wants to sit down and eat with everyone. He just energetically interacted with food. Draw your own conclusions.

Every person who wants to maintain good physical shape throughout life should know how to chew food properly. Here are the main principles of the healing technique:

  • do not fill your mouth with food, it is necessary to place food in the oral cavity in small portions, filling it halfway;
  • chew food slowly - the number of minimum chewing movements can, for example, be calculated by the formula: one movement for an existing tooth, three for a missing or diseased tooth. For example: if you have 32 healthy teeth, then chew food 32 times, you can increase the number of jaw movements by 2-5 times. But that's about all. The main principle - the more the better;
  • while eating, try to achieve maximum contact of the food bolus with the tongue, which has a large number of receptors. This allows you to activate the work of the digestive glands through nerve impulses into the central nervous system;
  • eating should take place in a calm environment, provided there is no irritability and anger. Negative emotions disrupt the process of splitting food;
  • the meal should not be accompanied by other activities (reading, talking, watching TV), while eating, you need to concentrate on the taste of dishes, smells, the process of chewing and saturation. Those. energetically interact with food.

Fletcher suggested a 5-week course of the technique, during which a person uses therapeutic chewing at each meal. During this period, a healthy way of eating is fixed at the reflex level and then maintained for a long time. With the extinction of skills, the course can be repeated.

Scheme of a 5 week course of healing chewing:

  1. The first week - each serving of food in the mouth is crushed for 1 minute.
  2. Second week - 2 minutes.
  3. Third week - 3 minutes.
  4. Fourth week - 2 minutes.
  5. Fifth week - 1 minute.

The technique must be used at every meal, otherwise the effect will be reduced to zero. In this case, all Fletcher's recommendations should be followed.

Of course, in the modern world with a frantic pace of life, it is difficult to constantly adhere to the recommendations for long chewing. Do then, at least periodically, such courses, and during breaks try to chew based on the availability of free time. When you feel beneficial changes and learn to eat with energy benefits, you will enjoy chewing thoroughly, and you will no longer want to stupidly quickly swallow food, like animal.

Benefits of therapeutic chewing

Positive changes in the body are noticeable after the first course of application of the technique. The attitude towards food is radically changing - a person enjoys dishes, enjoys a meal, gains strength, emotional upsurge, feels true happiness.

The positive impact of the Fletcher method on health:

  • the effect of separate nutrition without difficulties in compiling a diet - nutrients are split sequentially during slow chewing;
  • a decrease in the volume of food consumed by 2-5 times - proper chewing contributes to the normalization of the satiety center in the brain, which prevents malnutrition and obesity;
  • a set of natural body weight. Fat people lose weight, thin people gain weight;
  • small energy costs for the digestion of a small volume of products - energy goes to the recovery and healing processes in the body;
  • improvement of the work of digestion and other body systems - nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, sexual;
  • getting rid of many diseases;
  • maintaining the correct biorhythms - active daytime wakefulness, calm and uninterrupted sleep at night;
  • maintaining a good mood and a state of emotional uplift.

Now you know how to chew food properly. Use the technique at every meal and enjoy good health, excellent mood, good performance. To enhance the healing effect, combine proper chewing with or wet (with water) fasting.

And then you will be healthy and happy! What do you want!

I suggest to look interesting video about therapeutic chewing:

Sincerely, Sergey Tigrov

It is well known that you should eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. However, few people remember what this advice is based on, what benefits it brings to our body.

But the fact is that the process of digestion starts already in the mouth, at the moment when we begin to chew food.

At this moment, the salivary glands and those organs where the food will go for further processing begin to function. In the mouth, food is crushed by the teeth and processed by saliva enzymes. Processing is the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simple, simple carbohydrates are more easily processed by the body.

Why careful chewing is necessary

  • Well-chewed food is digested and absorbed by the body faster.
  • The more thoroughly a piece is chewed, the better it is processed by enzymes, the faster the nutrients are absorbed by the body.
  • A large number of chewing movements improves the taste of food, as saliva breaks down complex carbohydrates.

Why You Shouldn't Overload Your Digestive System

  • Poorly chewed and swallowed in large pieces of edible complicates the process of digestion.
  • Large fragments of edible move worse through the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The smaller the swallowed particle, the less air got with it, which means that there will be no bloating, as well as increased gas formation.

Why You Should Eat Slowly

The signal that the stomach is full is transmitted by the brain after 20 minutes. Fast eaters have time to overeat before they receive a signal that they have already eaten.

If you are one of those who diligently chew pieces, eat slowly, then you have time to understand that you are full, which means you do not overeat.

How many times do you need to chew food

There is no consensus on how many chewing movements should be done before swallowing a piece.

The prevailing opinion is that solid foods should be chewed 30-40 times, while soups, liquid cereals, mashed potatoes are recommended to be chewed 10 times.

How to learn to chew slowly

To learn the skills of slow, quality chewing, take the following tips into service:

  • Make it a habit to eat in places specially designed for this;
  • While eating, avoid talking, watching TV and other distractions, try to focus directly on the dishes;
  • You can try to slow down the speed of the meal with chopsticks;
  • During the meal, you need to keep your back straight, breathe deeply, slowly.

Using these simple tips, you can improve the digestion process, improve health, lose weight more successfully.

Digestive problems are the fate of many unfortunates in our time. Flatulence, constipation, diarrhea literally poison life. Anyone who does not have such problems will never understand a patient with indigestion. But he has pain, discomfort, irritability, which eventually leads to depression.

People with weak intestinal motility are worried about the feeling of fullness, colic, abdominal cramps. All this is superimposed on an unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling associated with the retention of gases or their excessive release to the outside. Healthy people it seems ridiculous, but those who have encountered and have been facing these manifestations of an intestinal ailment for a long time are not laughing.

Digestive problems are associated with many diseases: ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, gallstone disease, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, tumors. Whatever ailment "captures" the body, its consequences will negatively affect the metabolism and the work of the gastrointestinal tract. People with such diseases should always monitor their diet. They are simply obliged to maintain a diet, eat regularly and varied, consume only natural products in the right combination and, of course, support the body with the right medicines. But there is another important point.

The fact is that the digestive process is a multi-stage action. It begins with an important moment - chewing food. Do not be surprised! GlavRecept.Ru found out, often, it is on how well you chewed food that the further course of the digestion process depends.

What happens in the mouth?

When we remember a dish or inhale the delicious and fragrant smell of food, saliva is produced in the mouth. This means that the digestive process has already begun. In the mouth, its initial stage takes place - food processing. Food takes the form of a food bolus.

Food bolus - food that has undergone light processing in the mouth. It enters the oral cavity, crushed and wetted with saliva, subjected to a weak chemical attack. This is possible because saliva contains a small amount of enzymes and has weak antibacterial properties. The primary task of the oral cavity is to thoroughly grind food so that it can move freely along the digestive tract and be processed from all sides by enzymes.

The processing of food in the mouth is based on the main stage - chewing. That's why it's so important. At no other stage of digestion will there be a similar processing of the food bolus. If you have chewed your food badly, neither the stomach nor the intestines will do it for you. In them, a lump of food is exposed only to acids and enzymes. There can be no talk of mechanical processing of food. The digestive system can do no more than crush food boluses and turn them over.

Chew badly - get problems

Many swallow large pieces, it seems to them that nothing terrible is happening. This is not so: the esophagus, stomach, intestines suffer. They have to pretty much "sweat" to push a piece into subsequent sections, grind it with the help of digestive juices. The body will try to correct your "under-chewed" mistake.

Hastily swallowed pieces are like lumps. The larger they are, the worse the digestive tract. Gastric juice and enzymes hardly penetrate into the bowels of food pieces. And this is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

  1. Injury to the esophagus. Large unchewed pieces first enter the esophagus. They can easily injure him. Such a development of events will worsen your condition, turn eating food into a painful process.
  2. Lack of nutrients. A large food piece does not lend itself well to enzymatic processing, that is, not all of its components are processed and absorbed into the blood. The habit of grabbing food on the fly and swallowing it without chewing leads to a deficiency of many necessary compounds: iron, proteins, vitamins, etc.
  3. Reproduction of bacteria. Not only does poor chewing of food threaten a deficient condition, it also promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Countless hordes of microorganism tend to penetrate our body with food. Undoubtedly, the stomach with the help of hydrochloric acid kills uninvited guests, but not all. In the gastric compartment, food is digested from half an hour to an hour and a half, provided that it is thoroughly chewed. Small pieces are washed with an acidic composition and disinfected. Safely, they enter the next digestive stage. If large pieces are swallowed, the stomach does not have time to kill all the bacteria in the allotted time. Inside the food bolus, microorganisms will remain alive and unharmed. What happens next? Pieces with armies of bacteria enter the intestines, in favorable conditions for their reproduction. There they grow in numbers and cause intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis.

Chew and don't worry

Chewing is an integral part of the digestive process that has evolved over thousands of years. Our digestive system is aimed at the fact that the food will be in the mouth for a relatively long time. You are chewing on a tasty piece, and the language recipes at this time evaluate the nature of the food, its taste. Having done this, they send the received data to the brain. The brain center processes information and "orders" the stomach, glands, intestines to prepare for the ingestion of food.

Digestive organs immediately begin to work hard in anticipation of the food mass. Food enters the stomach, where the acidic and enzymatic environment has already been prepared. They process the swallowed piece in order to then send it to the intestines. The same thing happens in the intestines. It turns out that with proper chewing, the food bolus is completely processed. All nutrients are extracted from it to the fullest extent possible.

Now let's describe the picture when you swallow pieces of food on the go without tasting it. In this case, the stomach will accept lumps that the receptors of the tongue did not have time to recognize. Accordingly, no signals will be sent to the brain, and the digestive tract will not prepare for the intake of food. The stomach, "taken aback" by such a rapid appearance, will begin to form an acid-enzyme environment that will not be able to effectively process food pieces. At this moment, the stomach will look like a hostess, to whom guests suddenly came. It is unlikely that he will have time to properly digest food. Some vitamins and other microelements will "pass by".

If you ate once or twice on the go, it's okay. Another thing is if such an attitude to the digestive process has become a habit with you. It is unacceptable to treat your own body negligently!

Why do we chew badly?

Chewing "poor quality" has several reasons: habit, diseases in the oral cavity, lack of teeth.

Most often you can meet people who have such an attitude towards digestion has become a habit. They lead a dynamic lifestyle and do not want to be distracted and waste time eating. If you belong to this category of people, try to change your habits, force yourself to chew food slowly. Over time, you will learn how to eat properly.

As for the second and third reasons, they are completely removable. It is clear that it is difficult to chew food without molars. The same happens if in the oral cavity pain due to diseases of the gums, teeth. Contact your dentist and correct the situation, then you can eat properly and sleep peacefully.

Our digestion is a mechanism that sometimes fails. Often we ourselves are to blame for this, because we do not monitor what we eat and how we eat. Pay attention to the manner of your chewing and maybe then a lot will be revealed to you. Take care of your health, because it should be enough for a lifetime!

We are taught from childhood to eat slowly and chew our food thoroughly. Of course, for what it is necessary, no one explains.

And even now, being already in adulthood, not everyone knows why it is necessary to chew the same piece of food many times. But many scientists argue that those who adhere to this principle help their body get rid of excess weight, and also normalize its work as a whole.

Why is it so necessary

A long time ago, the inhabitants of the countries of the East became aware of the relationship between the chewing process and the state of health. It is with this fact that many associate the longevity of Eastern people, as well as the fact that they practically do not suffer from obesity. So why should you follow their example and start chewing your food thoroughly?

  • Thorough chewing helps to strengthen gums. The muscles that are involved in chewing need to be trained in the same way as I do all the other muscles of the body. Experts say that a person's teeth and gums are subjected to a load of 10-110 kg while eating. Thus, in the process of active chewing, the blood flow in the gums increases, thereby reducing the risk of developing diseases associated with the oral cavity.
  • Saliva. While chewing food, saliva is produced several times more than at rest. The more thoroughly a person chews, the more saliva is produced. This contributes to the strengthening of tooth enamel, the formation of a protective film on the surface of the teeth, as well as better absorption of the absorbed food. In addition, human saliva contains beneficial enzymes and biologically active substances. A whole complex of vitamins, minerals, hormones come with saliva into the body during chewing.
  • Stomach, pancreas, liver. It is the work of these organs that improves with careful chewing of food. How longer man chews food that has entered the mouth, the more gastric juice is produced, which is responsible for the quality and speed of processing and digestion of food.
  • Reducing the load on the heart. Indeed, thorough chewing helps to ensure that large pieces of food do not enter the stomach and do not put pressure on the diaphragm, which in turn puts a strain on the heart.
  • Nutrients. During chewing, absorption of nutrients occurs. Many food products containing carbohydrates, for example, groups, potatoes, sweets, getting into the mouth, begin to be gradually processed, digested already here. Therefore, the slower a person chews food, the more he reduces the load on his digestive system.

In addition, due to the fact that gastric juice is not able to penetrate into large pieces, the stomach can only process small pieces. As a result, all unprocessed food enters the intestines, and then excreted from the body.

By the way, scientists have proven that the slower a person chews food, the faster he is saturated, respectively, the faster the feeling of satiety comes to him, and he eats less than if he swallowed pieces of food on the go.

What is the danger of poorly chewed food

We move our jaws: the number of chewing movements

How many times do you need to chew food? Different specialists have different answers to this question. Therefore, you can choose the average value.

For it to happen good absorption of solid food, it must be chewed 35-45 times. Food like Soups, mashed potatoes or cereals are enough to chew about 10-15 times.

Yogis advise liquid food to be held in the mouth a little before swallowing so that it mixes with saliva. At the same time, it is recommended to chew solid food at least 90-110 times. They recommend chewing food about 30 times in the beginning, and then increase this amount over time.

  1. Week #1: 25 sec/piece.
  2. Week #2: 30sec/piece.
  3. Week #3: 1 minute/piece.
  4. Week #4 onwards: 1.5 minutes/piece.

How to learn to chew properly

There is a Chinese chewing technique with which each person can significantly improve their health on their own. It's all about therapeutic chewing. How does it work? This technique involves a course of therapeutic chewing, which lasts 5 weeks.

This technique contributes to the development of a conditioned reflex in humans. People who regularly use this chewing system claim that they have no problems with gastrointestinal tract, liver and nervous system.

In addition, this type of nutrition helps not only to normalize the state of the body, but also contributes to weight loss in the presence of fullness or weight gain in case of insufficient body weight.

How it helps you lose weight

Usually, problems with excess weight begin to appear when our rhythm of life changes, and we cannot afford to eat properly and regularly.

In the morning tea / coffee and rather to work, so as not to be late. I dined as I had to: either on the run, or I didn’t have time at all. But in the evening, trying to compensate for the half-eaten, many people eat so much that it is “hard to breathe” later.

That is, by and large, the whole problem is overeating. In addition, if it occurs constantly, then the stomach is stretched, and more food is placed in it than it should be.

That is why scientists advise eating slowly and chewing thoroughly. So, even if you ate a little during the day, and in the evening you want to eat to satiety, then you will not succeed, because thanks to slow and thorough chewing, you will be satiated much faster and with less food.

Scientists from China even conducted an experiment.

As subjects, 30 men were selected, differing in weight category. Dividing the participants into two groups, they asked one of them to chew food 15-20 times, and the other 40-50 times. 2 hours after eating, take blood from all participants in the experiment for analysis on the level of the hunger hormone (ghrelin). In those young people who chewed their food 15 times, the amount of ghrelin was much higher than in the volunteers from the second group. That is, it means that those who chewed food more slowly and more times experienced hunger much later. And those who chewed their food only 15 times faster became hungry.

Therefore, we can safely say that more thorough chewing of food helps to not feel hungry for longer and fight against hated extra pounds faster.

In order to learn how to eat properly and slowly, you need to follow simple tips:

So, thanks to these simple rules, you can significantly improve your digestion, help fight extra pounds, and also normalize the work of the whole organism as a whole.

Thus, Proper chewing of food contributes not only to the normalization of the digestive process, but also to the restoration of the whole organism. Comes back to normal nervous system, weight. Adhering to such a diet, you will almost immediately notice changes in your body for the better.

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