How to send a message to the past using a pre-known rabbit? Transfer of information by organisms to their past and reception of information from themselves from the future Based on my theory, I can give some advice.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Renowned theoretical physicist Dr. Roy Mallet works at the University of Connecticut. But once he was a little boy who read H. G. Wells' Time Machine. Mallett was 10 years old when his father died. While reading this book, the idea of ​​time travel captured his imagination. He dreamed of going back in time to prevent his father's death.

It wasn't a passing fad. He studied physics in college and was especially interested in black holes. He believed that understanding black holes would allow him to get closer to understanding time travel. At this time, black holes were considered something unimaginable, but at least science recognized them. However, the idea of ​​time travel was perceived as "unimaginable madness," Mallett says.

A series of coincidences helped him deal with this issue.

“Black holes were just a front for me,” he jokes.

Albert Einstein described time as the fourth dimension. He said that time and space are connected, so physicists talk about time-space. It is believed that near black holes there is a curvature of time-space. Mallett was interested in whether these conditions could be reproduced on Earth.

He had graduated from college and was ready to start researching right away. But it was a time of economic decline, and it was difficult to get into research institutes. He started working with lasers: he studied their cutting characteristics for industrial use. Two years later, he finally got the job he wanted at the University of Connecticut.

To understand the essence of his research, one should recall two theories of Einstein:

  1. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, time is affected by speed. It has already been proven that in laboratory conditions subatomic particles can be transported into the future by strong acceleration. Particles arise in the future in a new state, not disintegrating during the usual period of time. The aging of particles slows down when they are accelerated.
  2. According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, time is also affected by gravity. Clocks on orbiting satellites move at a slightly different pace than clocks on Earth, unless they are specifically tuned.

Dr. Mallett knew that gravity could affect time, and light could create gravity. Suddenly it dawned on him: “Lasers!”

From his previous work with lasers, he was reminded of a ring laser that creates circulating light. “Maybe circulating light can do the same thing to gravity as black hole, he thought. He was interested in the idea of ​​whether a circular laser could create a time warp in order to form a loop - the present, the future, and then the past.

An illustration showing what a hypothetical time machine might look like. The laser creates rotational motions of light, bending time-space inside the machine. Illustration: Professor Chandra Roychoudhuri'slaboratory, courtesyofDr. Ron Mallett

If a laser could create such a loop, then information could be sent back in binary form. You can create a series of neutron spins that represent 1s and 0s and thus create a binary message, Mallett explained.

If Dr. Mallett had received the desired research job immediately after graduation, he would not have acquired the experience with lasers and the necessary knowledge that he needed so many years later. “I had an experience that my colleagues working in this field did not have. It allowed me to make this breakthrough that would not have been possible otherwise,” says Dr. Mallet.

Now the difficult task was to test this theory by mathematical calculations. And again chance intervened. After this idea was born, Dr. Mallett was diagnosed with heart disease. He took sick leave and had a lot of free time.

Freed from his committee duties and lecturing, he concentrated entirely on his research.

“If I didn’t have that time, I don’t know if I would have been able to make a breakthrough or even just work through this idea,” he recalls.

It took him six months to prove that light moving in a circle can bend space. Then it took several years to prove that the curvature of space can cause the curvature of time. Although it was a long, painstaking effort, Dr. Mallet notes that it took Einstein 10 years to prove that gravity affects time.

“It was worth it…seeing the equations that prove time travel is possible is exciting,” says Dr. Mallet. New inspiration came when a scientific journal published his paper on time travel.

Excitedly, he made a presentation of his discovery to relativity experts at a conference held by the International Society for General Relativity and Gravity. He was especially afraid to talk about time travel in front of Dr. Bryce DeWitt, a famous physicist who worked with Einstein. Devitt was giving the talk right before Dr. Mallet's speech, which made the task even more difficult.

At the end of Dr. Mallet's presentation, Dr. DeWitt stepped out in front of the audience and said, "I don't know if you can see your father again, but he would be proud of you."

This offer alone made him feel that his years of labor had not been in vain, his original purpose had been accomplished. Although, as a child, he dreamed of preventing his father's death, he felt that the discovery made was more than enough.

For young Mallett, his father was an ideal and an object of respect. His mother worked hard to raise Mallet and three other children in the Bronx area of ​​New York. In the 50s in America, a black woman was not easy to find Good work The family quickly fell into poverty. He realized how difficult it was for her, a 30-year-old widow whose husband died of a heart attack at a young age, to work to feed her children.

Dr. Mallet described his life and his discovery in Time Traveler: A Scientist's Personal Mission to Realize the Life of Time Travel.

How long will it take to create a time machine?

Dr. Ron Mallet doesn't work in the garage with a soldering iron like Doc Brown from Back to the Future. He is a theoretical physicist, not an experimental physicist. This means that he is only working on mathematical proofs that in the future the time machine will be able to work. But to build it is the task of experimental physicists.

Start-up costs alone could be $250,000. These funds will be used to study the feasibility of the project, which will determine the cost of the pilot phase.

Donations for this research are made to the University of Connecticut Foundation. “So far, $11,000 has been raised from generous donors, ranging from enthusiastic schoolchildren who donated $15-$25, to a committed young couple ($500) to a bereaved parent ($1,000),” says Dr. Mallett.

He believes that after conducting a feasibility study, the entire further process will take five years.

Philosophical questions

If one day a time machine is built, what will happen when it is turned on? A message from the future may come immediately.

The time machine will only be able to forward messages in time when it is enabled. If the machine stays on for 100 years, it will be possible to send binary messages for any period of time within those 100 years. A person from the future can know what day the machine was activated and send a message at that time.

But if we could go back in time and solve all the problems in the world, if we could go back and prevent all the bad things that happened in our lives, what would we do for our personal growth? How would our society change?

Dr. Mallet says the movie Time Patrol with Jean-Claude Van Damme captures this idea well. Van Damme's character controls time travel so that people can't use it for their own purposes. His wife dies and he is tempted to go back in time to save her.

“For what purpose to use time travel should be decided by society, not individuals,” says Dr. Mallett. The Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest particle accelerator, is controlled by an international consortium. From his point of view, the use of the time machine will be controlled in a similar way. He believes that time machines will be no more common than nuclear reactors. People will not have personal time machines in the yard for arbitrary use.

From Dr. Mallett's point of view, The best way using a time machine to warn people of natural disasters to prevent thousands of deaths from tsunamis and hurricanes.

Almost as long as there has been a person, there have been letters. The man felt a great desire to send his letter to others. But before people learned to write, they asked for help from messengers or friends to pass on any information to another person.

But only after the invention of writing, people could convey their thought to another person without intermediaries.

In ancient Egypt, the messages were tightly wound on a special stick, and they were written on papyrus. After writing, they gave this stick to the messenger, who carried it to the recipient. The importance of transmitting information was already understood by people at that time. Messengers were protected by a special law and enjoyed privileges. Heralds from ancient greece enjoyed similar rights.

In ancient Rome, the road network developed very well, and people came up with faster transport and the recipients of the letter received much faster, and people began to move faster.

But then it was still very far from the advent of a special postal service. Only when many roads were built and trade between countries began to develop did people seriously begin to think about mail.

Special stations were placed on the roads to replace horses, a person could replace his tired horse with an already rested one. Various wagons and carriages also appeared near the stations. Of course, they carried letters, cargo and people. A special postal service appeared in a number of European countries. Letters were placed in bags, on which they wrote where to deliver them, after which they were given to the carrier.

Of course, their delivery was irregular and very slow. Everything depended on the condition of the roads and the condition of the drivers. Letters were delivered more slowly in summer and faster in winter. Only after the postal service also began to transport letters, the work immediately went faster.

Wagan's theory

Surely, before the secret apple fell on Newton's head, it fell more than once, and even now it falls on the heads of many people. The whole difference lies in the fact that, having fallen on the necessary head, the apple was the pushing force that led mankind to the law of universal gravitation. But let's be honest, gravity and attraction existed before, and all of humanity knew about its existence. Only Newton clearly deduced the formulas and gave mathematically confirmed foundations, and hence the law of attraction, but this did not change the force of attraction, it remains the same as it was before Newton.

The same can be said about the existence of lightning and electricity. Humanity initially knew, idolized lightning, and then invented electricity, now we boil water with its help, or transmit information at a distance. But before the invention of electricity, to transmit information at a distance, mankind used bonfires, pigeons, pulled strings, threw bottles with letters into the sea. Everything that we are going to talk about today existed before us and also exists like all of the above. And now I’ll tell you what was the Newtonian apple for me, which prompted me to create this theory. And so, winter morning, the beginning of a new millennium. Before I woke up, I had a dream. In a dream, I saw that I was opening a door behind which there was thick fog and the wind was blowing the fog out the door. When I woke up, I naturally forgot about the dream. I showered, had breakfast and got ready to go to work.

An hour later I open the door, there is thick fog and nothing is visible, holding on to the railing, I went down to the first floor, I lived on the third floor and when I went down, I realized that a heating pipe had burst in the basement. Opening the entrance door all the way to ventilate the entrance, I automatically turned around and saw how the fog was blowing out the door. After walking a few steps, I froze because I realized that I had seen it all. Yes, the dream I had an hour ago. Everything was repeated like in a movie. All this puzzled me, how could I see in a dream something that had not yet happened to me, but should have happened. I know that people rarely have " prophetic dreams". I thought so: I just saw what was in my head an hour ago. Therefore, the information that we receive at a given moment, our brain transports to the past. It's like Baron Munchausen pulling himself out of a swamp by his hair.

I wanted to understand the very mechanism of what is happening. If we assume that the human brain consists of a receiver of information (everything we see, feel, etc.) and a transmitter of this information. However, the whole paradox lies in the fact that this receiver receives information before this transmitter sent it. Yes! This is a paradox, however, if we imagine that the brain sends information to itself in the past, then therefore, it receives information from the future, sent by it from the future. Now such phenomena as the sixth sense, prophecy, healing, divination, shamanism, intuition, dreams - all these are links of one chain, which are easily explained on the basis of the above definition.

And now, I will give a few examples that confirm and help to better understand this theory.

1. Often there are such moments, such situations, even conversations that it seems that it has already happened to us, it is repeated, especially if it is impressive. It's called deja vu.

2. You walk down the street and in the crowd you see a familiar face, coming closer, you understand that you misunderstood, but after a couple of steps, you really meet that familiar person.

3. Thinking or talking about someone, in a second he comes up. (Light in sight)

4. You are going to call someone, the bell rings and it turns out that it is him.

5. And if you enter a room where everyone is smiling at you, most likely they just talked about you.

6. Every day we pass by beautiful people, but as the song says: “How many good girls, How many affectionate names, But only one of them worries, Taking away peace and sleep.” We pass by and forget, but I met love at first sight, most likely this is the one with whom you will see every day in the future.

Here are the words of the great Freud: We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious. Sigmund Freud

In Armenia they say: the fate of a person is written on the forehead. What an apt hit in the brain!

That is, where all the information from the future is collected, in simple terms, fate. Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their future. Consequently, shamans, fortune-tellers, etc. appeared. These people are able to get information from their subconscious, this is called God's gift. True, someone was born like that, and someone became like that after suffering stress, physical or mental trauma (there is no blessing in disguise).

Nostradamus, Vanga, Messing, Kessy. Many used their gift for good deeds, although there are cases when this gift was used for selfish purposes. After all, it is known how the priests in ancient Egypt, having a gift, influenced crowds of people, keeping them in obedience. Let's return to our theory about the transfer of information from the future to the present to oneself and from the present to the past.

An example of the application of the theory by the ancients.

Signs of the zodiac: People, reading their horoscope sign, are surprised at how correctly the definition is given, however, according to our theory, a person initially, from the moment of birth, has this information in his brain, which he received from his own future, having matured, this person will read his horoscope and naturally the brain will send information from the future to the past and the receiver of this information will form it in this way. The whole problem is that astrologers use this theory for their own selfish purposes, although they themselves do not understand where it all comes from and therefore everything is attributed to the stars. Therefore, if an employer needs a person with precisely certain predispositions, it's easy, just look at his date of birth. But this, alas, is not dictated by the stars, but information sent to us from our future.

Yes, this is all used even when applying for a job, but it is important to know the root of this predisposition. Sixth sense: In fact, every living organism has it. This is a natural process for the protection and development of all living things, from the future. The information coming to us from the future protects and makes possible the fulfillment of this future, exactly as it is in the future. If the future does not protect itself, it may be lost, or there will be a change and a departure in another direction. Therefore, from the future, we ourselves send ourselves information and the direction in which we will go, or we will form new species or modifications, which Darwin called natural selection.

Informed - therefore armed.

This applies to all living things. Later, we will consider all this from the point of view of physics. A few observations from life, which many, quite possibly, met on their life path, but did not notice. Leaving the house, I went on business, joined me on the way homeless dog, my homeless fellow traveler, walked ahead of me. We passed many intersections with him, the dog had a choice, to turn in any direction, but he walked, and turned exactly where I was supposed to turn. I saw a dog for the first time and this path was not everyday for me. As if she, one step ahead, saw where I was going and did not make a mistake all the way. Here it is appropriate to recall the octopus Pauls, who guessed the results of football matches. However, human self-interest took over and Pauls sank into summer. And now I will give an example of the transfer of information from the future to the past: Television showed a documentary about a complex operation that was performed on one woman.

The camera in the operating room was suspended from the ceiling and you can clearly see who is doing what in the operating room. Then they show an interview with this woman, which was filmed after her recovery, and she says that while under anesthesia, her soul separated and flew out of her body, she saw everything that happened in the operating room from above. Following our theory, nothing separated from her, they simply showed her this shooting, from this camera and her brain sent this signal to her own past, and she perceives this signal from her own future as a flight of the soul. It has long been known that rats are the first to leave a sinking ship.

Before the earthquake in 1988 in Armenia, according to numerous testimonies, rats ran away from the basements to the roofs of houses, therefore expect trouble. People who survived after the earthquake gave examples that it was intuition that helped them survive. Therefore, each brain transmits exactly in the frequency in which only it receives. However, there are exceptions, twins immediately come to mind. Scientists have conducted many experiments, the result of which was that the brain of twins broadcasts and receives signals, not only of their own, but also of their twin. Apparently, nature created them so identical that they perceive not only their own, but also the signals of their twin. Let's call this phenomenon the twin effect. Schools of fish are affected by this effect, let's remember how synchronously and instantly they change direction. School of fish, as a single and collective brain, protection of nature, they can be considered as a many-eyed organism. If we take into account the huge number of people transmitting signals, it is possible that the signals coincide, which can also be correlated with the twin effect, that is, it is possible to see and perceive signals from the future sent by strangers living even in different historical epochs.

Archaeologists find numerous rock paintings that depict the processes of hunting and life, but there are also strange drawings that look like rockets, tanks, people in space suits. This does not mean that the ancient artist saw it all in real life, the information may have been sent to him by the effect of twins modern people or from a more distant future. From history, the facts of the simultaneous discovery by scientists, independent of each other, of the same law, theory are known. Or, for example, composers created similar works. After all, the fact of writing a book about the sinking of the ship Titan 14 years before the tragedy of the Titanic is universally known. Brain scientists still don't know what most of the brain does. Maybe it's just a bank of information, the so-called fate.

Let's not forget that 1/5 of a person's energy is taken by the brain. Once with a friend we drink coffee and she tells me her dream, it was a whole story. I listened to her and remembered that recently I saw a movie that exactly repeated her dream. However, she said that she had not seen such a film, if you had not seen it, you might see it, I added. It is known that Morgan returned tickets for the Titanic steamship, since his friend Nikollo Tesla, with numerous requests and persuasion, brought Morgan that he had returned this ticket. Thus Tesla saved Morgan's life. Here, the intuition of the great Tesla definitely worked, and thus Tesla saved the life of his friend.

Let's recall some examples that clearly show the transmission of a signal from the future to the past: People, from ancient times, wrote fairy tales with fantastic phenomena: a mirror that shows what is happening far away, a flying carpet, a person who rides a stove, a ring or an apple that rolls and shows way, now we understand where it all comes from, airplanes, steam locomotives that smoke like stoves, television, navigators. Where did all this come from in the minds of these storytellers, long before the advent of all these technical means.

And now science fiction writers write about numerous novelties that are not yet available. Therefore, if the information comes from the future, it means that all this will be achieved by mankind. Information about the future is coming, which means it has yet to be achieved, and therefore life, according to our theory, continues. One should not even stutter about the so-called commercial doomsdays.

Based on my theory, I can give some advice:

1. Never lie, because if you have to lie tomorrow, then the information already yesterday begins to torment you.

3. Pray often. Yes, just pray, because prayer, religion, faith - our whole theory is inherent in any religion and faith.

Only, everything is laid down on a dogmatic basis, thereby ensuring a clean future for a believer and a person living according to the canons of faith. On TV they show that a demon has moved into a person. Let's look at this in terms of our theory. In this case, there is a twin effect. A person falls into the frequency of the signal sent from the brain of his "twin", for example, a pathologist, a murderer or a person who lives in nightmarish conditions. According to Wagan's theory, it becomes clear that the brain is constantly transmitting signals to itself in the past, but the question arises - where does so much energy come from?

I will answer the question with examples: Someone is shouting loudly, while the other is standing far away and listening. Which one uses more energy?

Yes, you are right, the one who screams. And in radio engineering, the transmitter uses an order of magnitude more energy than the receiver. To understand where the energy comes from, to transmit such a large amount of information by the brain. If the beam from the searchlight is directed to the mirror that we hold in our hand, then with the reflection of the beam on a far-standing screen, information about the trembling of our hand is transmitted. In this case, all the expended power falls on the spotlight. Surely nature has come up with the most rational system of writing information. New information is processed on the information carrier right there in the memory bank, supplemented with new information (everything that we see and feel now and at this moment) and is transmitted further with the information carrier to ourselves in the subconscious in the past. Let's stand in front of a mirror and look at our reflection. Do we see ourselves in the past, present or future?

Many will get confused and will respond naturally in the present. It was here that everyone who answered in the present was mistaken, because they lose sight of the fact that the light travels the distance to the mirror and back to our eyes, and therefore time passes, therefore we see ourselves in the mirror in the near past. The error lies in the fact that the fact of the passage of light at a speed of 300.000 km / s, which is the highest speed known until recently, is overlooked. In our theory, speed plays a fundamental role. And so we clearly understood and, using examples, came to the fact that information is transmitted, we also understood that a carrier of this information is needed to transmit information.

So what qualities should this carrier have?

1. Must have infinite speed

2. Have no weight

3. Penetrate and pass through any obstacles. What kind of particle can be such and where can it come from?

Presumably, this is a particle - a neutrino, the source of which is the Sun in our case. It is also assumed that our carrier of information moves opposite to the current of the Earth's orbit around the Sun at an infinitely high speed. Passing through any obstacles, our particle takes information and is guided by the fundamental formula: T=S/V V is the speed at which this path was traveled. Since our carrier moves in the opposite direction at an infinitely high speed, it carries information from the future to the past, the time for which the carrier will pass the life path is Zero, since V (speed) is infinitely large.

That is, at the end of life, what we transmit, we receive without loss of time already at the beginning of life or even earlier before birth. Since we are talking about the infinitely high speed with which our particle-carrier of information moves in the opposite direction of time, therefore, it meets our brain infinitely and since it has an infinitely high speed, the connection between the transmitting and receiving parts of the brain is continuous.

That is, the addressee is constantly in the coverage area. As a result, information about what should happen comes and lies in us before it happens. Information has always been and will be valuable. And information from the future is generally priceless. Naturally, it is of great importance in whose hands this information will fall into. It's better for everyone to have it. Because it's all the same good people more. Let's say if Hitler had a device that reads the future, he would not start anything, knowing how it ended. It was said above that although lightning has always existed, people discovered electricity, everything began to develop very quickly, from light bulbs to the Internet. Imagine what can be achieved if high-speed particles are used instead of electricity. This is the work of many generations. Mankind has been thinking about intergalactic flights and teleportation for a long time.

I am sure we will achieve this, because we have been seeing UFOs for a long time. With the help of laser beams, we created a laser hologram, why can't the future generation create even better mechanisms for overcoming time, for their various purposes. We are now digging the earth to find ancient civilizations, why our descendants cannot do this. Here it is clear that they do it carefully so that they do not accidentally kill their prop-grandfather, and therefore themselves. This makes it impossible for UFOs to be caught or contacted. How does the embryo of any creature develop before birth? The head develops faster than all parts of the body. Maybe because there is a brain that collects all the information from the future life (destiny or soul) before birth, and it is no coincidence that children are the first to recognize their mothers, even if they are adopted.

Gasparyan Vagan (May 2014)

Possibly Serious

How to send a message to the past using a pre-known rabbit?

Let's say we have a wild rabbit that can see a few minutes into the future. Being an insensitive animal, he barely registers these abilities and mainly uses them to find food, avoid predators, save time looking for mates and other similar things that rabbits do. After a few months, some scientists finally manage to capture the subject for study and experimentation.

So after some testing that determines that this rabbit is nothing special physically, we are left with one incredibly normal but prescient rabbit and a bunch of bored scientists.

So, after a while, one of the scientists realized that since this rabbit could somehow receive sensory information from the future and transmit it back to the present, it might be possible to transmit a message from the present back to the past! So now the question is: how exactly do we do this?

some restrictions:

  • the rabbit is limited only by what he can consciously perceive
  • a real rabbit knows how he will feel in the future and will react accordingly (seek if good, avoid if bad)
  • and you can't kill a rabbit or put him in an unacceptable risk situation because we only have one.

Court Ammon

Teach him to predict which football team the octopus will choose before the octopus makes his choice. Las Vegas will deal with it!


This script doesn't make sense to me. but I have published several articles on time travel. I can't figure out how this would work. Gave you plus one from asking an incomprehensible and difficult question.


I think this question might be acceptable as "the weirdest question about time travel". and I like it! :-)


Brian Woodbury

There's not much that can happen in a few minutes, so do you mind if I extend the bunny's foresight into the day?

This is a smart rabbit, so you will teach him a cool trick.

There are 20 open compartments in a box. At the end of the day, you are going to place one of two colors in each compartment; red or blue. In the morning, the rabbit is released into the study box and quickly returned to the cage. For all the blue compartments that the rabbit visits that day, he is enjoying himself. For all the red branches that the rabbit visits that day, the rabbit gets a canceled treat. You train him every day for a month (how long do rabbits live?) and he eventually learns to run fast into all the compartments he predicts will be blue while avoiding all the ones he predicts will be red.

You, the experimenter, find the top-performing stocks at the end of each day and convert their four-letter stock code to binary (5 bits per letter). Then map every 1 to blue and 0 to red. You put them in their respective compartments. Then feed the rabbit that made you rich.

Technically you sent a message to the past, but in reality you just let the rabbit tell you what he will see in the future. But it's the same, right?

Timothy Ebert

You finally realize that you have a special bunny and you want to send yourself a message at a time when you didn't know the special properties of this bunny. How does the rabbit get from the cage to the maze? What research question prompted you to create this particular arena a few years ago to make it accessible? All that aside, you would have to have a red and blue ball in each box and the rabbit would have to remove one. The rabbit has to learn a 20-bit code for each stock, and now is the best time to buy, so one code is not enough.

JDługosz ♦

Can rabbits see color?


Making money

Obviously, if a group of scientists is studying a rabbit that they claim can predict the future, the problem will be funding. So the monetization of the unique abilities of this rabbit is simply necessary. 60 seconds is not a lot of time unless we are talking about the stock market.

Here is the plan:

  • Program the computer to turn on/off the LEDs based on the stock price.
  • Train your rabbit for LED-based buttons in the future
  • Program the computer to buy/sell shares based on these button presses.

Step 1 - Materials: Skinner assembly. Go grab a Raspberry Pi, wire, LEDs, buttons, and borrow a Python book from the library (total cost: $55.70). Connect 2 buttons and 2 LEDs to your Raspberry Pi and then attach them to the rabbit cage.

Step 2 - Workout: Train your rabbit to press button 1, B1 when LED 1, L1 is on, and vice versa for B2 and L2. The difficulty is that we don't want the rabbit to click on B1 because L1 is in this moment included. We want him to press the button if it is turned on after 60 seconds. He needs to press a button in the present based on the LEDs in the future. See next section for details.

Step 3 - Programming. Program your Raspberry Pi to cycle through your favorite stocks in a predictable way. Then, for the current stock, compare its current value with the value it had 60 seconds ago. If it has increased, turn on L1 . If it has decreased, turn on L2. Finally, when the button is clicked, look for a stock that will show up in 60 seconds. If button B1 was pressed, buy this stock. If it was B2 , sell this stock.

rabbit training

We need to immediately reward the rabbit for pressing the correct button, but we won't know if it's the correct button for 60 seconds. How it works?

To train a rabbit, use the same stock market setup only with fake (predictable) data instead of real data. First use a delay of 0 seconds and reward the rabbit if it presses B1 when L1 . Once he understands this, add a little delay. If he presses B1 when L1 is on in 1 second, reward him. Keep increasing the delay until you reach the maximum recognition distance of 60 seconds.

The reason this training works is because of fake data. We know what light will be at what time, so we know if the rabbit is giving the right answers. Gradually start entering real data. The downside is that we don't know if it gave us the correct answer when we use real data. So I would use fake data 90% of the time to make sure the rabbit stays accurate.

Expansion of foresight

Making money and teaching bunnies cool tricks is great, but we scientists. Can we see into the future? Yes we can.

It might be smarter (i.e. better than O(n)), but it should expand our understanding of the future by a couple of minutes. Just add some buttons B2a , B2a and B2a , B2a . Teach the rabbit to press B1a if he sees him pressing B1 (after 60 seconds), and to press B1b if he sees that he presses B1a (after 60 seconds). Once you do that, you will be able to see 3 minutes into the future.

The reason for this is that when L1 is on, the rabbit will see it 60 seconds before it happens and press B1 . Then the rabbit will see it 60 seconds before it happens and B1a. Then the rabbit will see it 60 seconds before it happens and B1b. This button press is observed and we know that after 3 minutes L1 will turn on.


Since the computer is in use, the rabbit can press the buttons at its leisure because an active observer is not needed. The rabbit can press the buttons as often as he likes, and the computer responds accordingly. In this example, we are asking whether to buy or sell a particular stock, but in general we can ask any binary question in the future. The only requirement is that we ask in a predictable way. For example, we might ask, "Is the President alive?" and the rabbit can give us a full 3 minutes of warning about the assassination of the president. All the computer would need is to somehow judge whether the president is dead or currently alive.

When making important decisions based on rabbit behavior, there are uncertainties. For example, to get a 3-minute heads-up, we need the rabbit to see L1 and feel that he is pressing B1 . Then we want the rabbit to see him push B1 and we want to push B1a . Then we want the rabbit to see him pushing B1a and feel that he pushes B1b . The greater the distance to the head, the less likely this will happen.

When making decisions based on information from the future, there are even more uncertainties. For example, what if a rabbit tells you that the President will die in 60 seconds. Then, with precautions being taken, the assassin gets a Ferdinand-style opportunity and uses it. So the president died because the rabbit told you "the president is going to die."

1 set is basically a skin box, also you probably need a breeding population of these rabbits so you can study how they get their foresight without killing the geese that lay the golden eggs

Timothy Ebert

In this scenario, how do you make your 60 second self not respond when a signal is sent to the 180 second self? For the chain to work, the bunny (who only gets 60 seconds) has to do something at each step. I guess in anticipation you could assume that the rabbit knows what you will be doing and can adjust the message accordingly. You might also have problems if the bunny is now able to send a message to itself in the time before it was trained.


@TimothyEbert The computer does everything. If the rabbit decides to press the button, the computer will check the schedule to see what it plans to do in 60 seconds. If he plans to use fake data, he will check that the rabbit pressed the correct button. If he plans to use real data, he will buy/sell shares accordingly.

Timothy Ebert

If a computer is able to check what it planned to do in 60 seconds, then the computer is also predictive. Yes? Then I'm at a loss as to whether "it" refers to a rabbit or a computer.


@TimothyEbert The computer has scheduled when it will use live data and when it will use fake data. When the rabbit presses B1 , the computer checks the schedule. If the schedule says "in 60 seconds we will use fake data and L1 will be on", then the computer knows that the rabbit has pressed the right button.


You are essentially talking to yourself. So you need to come up with a set of rules that you will follow. Let's say we have a rabbit in a long cage and we use Morse code to communicate with ourselves. We can convince the rabbit to go to one end of the cage or the other - and designate one end as a dot and the other as a dash.

Now we have come to the time. How do you determine when a rabbit is wallowing, or when it starts to "Pass" or finishes "Pass"? Well, you teach it tricks. Teach him to roll over to start and stand on his hind legs for a few seconds to finish. WITH positive side, luring a rabbit to one end or the other can be done entirely positive method, with no negative/insurance stuff involved.

Then you allow enough time to wait and do nothing to the rabbit. This is your appointment time - you want to make sure you don't get interrupted while you're getting something.

I often send positive messages to my past. About how this idea came to my mind, I already wrote on Umka. To quote myself (from my article 3 years ago):

I often think about my past self. I try to warm myself in the past, to help, support, convey at least some news that everything will work out and be fine.

Here, for example, I go home once, it's cold, my leg hurts, I can hardly walk. And nothing makes me happy! The world as agreed - gloomy, gloomy, rainy, strict ... I go, feel sorry for myself, and then the boy to meet - jump-jump through the puddles. And smiles. Well, I smiled too. After that, it became so warm in my soul, I flew to the house, and did not hobble.

I come home, turn on the water - take a bath, and myself go to the computer, to the Internet. I open the mail, and there is a photo of a smiling kid. I smiled again and suddenly thought: what if I sent the boy with a smile to the one walking along the road? To support itself, to warm up?

Here. And recently we were at a mini-recreation center (cottage in the forest, on the shore of the lake) and I again caught the state of the Buddha (a state of complete peace, without an internal assessment of my thoughts and actions of others). Only this time I didn’t just enjoy it, but used it for good. :))) I decided to write a letter to myself in the past. It turned out to be a kind of channeling from my own Higher Self (but from the point of view of the observer, i.e. consciousness).

Dear Olechka!

Imagine the parents who prepared the necessary lessons for the child: teach him to walk, talk, identify dangerous objects in the house, find activities for the soul, etc.

Now imagine that the Higher Self is your parents, very loving and caring. In order for you to learn to distinguish between good and evil, the Higher Self creates situations in which you act as a victim (or vice versa as a villain). Since at the level of the Higher Self there is no bad and good, all experiences are perceived as learning.

If the mother explains to the child that it is impossible to touch the hot pot because it will hurt, the child will not learn the lesson as effectively as if he himself touched this pan and made sure that it is hot and unpleasant. If you feel that some situation in your life is unfair and difficult, know that you are holding a hot pot in your hands. :)

Put it back on the stove, don't wait for it to cool in your hands. Higher Self sends situations in the order of your perception maturation. How parents teach children to speak first, and only then to read books. Therefore, you will cope with all the problems and troubles.

Your experience is unique and very important for the Higher Self. You know that it is harder to learn from your own mistakes than from others, but lessons are learned many times more effectively.

I love you very much and I am proud that you study so well. :)

Here is such a letter. :) I hope it reaches the addressee.

In general, if we take the current me and the past me, then we have very little in common with that girl (girl and woman). But it was thanks to her mistakes and her actions that I became who I am.

Before, I often thought, damn it, why won't Future-Self come and help me! It's so hard for me! And now I understand that her problems ... how should I put it ... In general, not a problem at all. And the necessary lessons. Yes, difficult. Yes, sometimes cruel. But on the other hand, the Current-I learned them. Completely learned. :)

And for that, I thank my past self.

God is a tree

During the same Buddha state, a clear image came to me of how our relationship with God the Creator works. I don’t know if this image came from the Higher Self or I read about it somewhere and once, in any case, it seemed to me very correct and fair.

So, God is a tree. Let's say an apple tree. Fruits (apples) are his children (i.e. his Creations - planets, different creatures and people of the Earth as well). When apples ripen on an apple tree and are one with their Creator-tree, everything is good and harmonious, well, interesting in its own way.

But at some point, the apples decide to go on an independent journey. Some of them break, some fall on their own. Each apple has its own special journey.

When the journey comes to an end, each apple wants to experience what it is like to be together with God again. But the apple cannot return to the same tree! It would be stupid.

The apple chooses to become a tree through the seeds that are hidden within it. And it becomes God itself. Now all of us, people, are striving to find the divine seeds within ourselves so that one day we can become the same as our Creator. :)

Here. A little simplified model, but I really like it. And you? :)

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