Unified tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers. Etx or professional standard

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

ETKS Issue 30

(No longer valid. Sections: "Hydrolysis production and processing of sulfite liquors. Acetone-butyl production. Production of citric and tartaric acids. Yeast production" moved to ETKS issue No. 29)

ETKS Issue 31

(No longer valid. Section: "Production of medicines, vitamins, medical, bacterial and biological drugs and materials" moved to ETKS issue No. 29)

ETKS Issue 38

(No longer valid. Section: "Production of asbestos technical products" moved to ETKS issue No. 36)

ETKS Issue 39

(No longer valid. Section: "Production of products from cork tree bark" moved to ETKS issue No. 37)

ETKS 2020 blue-collar occupations is a unified tariff and qualification reference book, it specifies qualification requirements. Used for pricing, certification, and development job descriptions and for other purposes, which will be discussed in the article.

Many personnel management tools of the Soviet era are still relevant today, although some of the regulatory documents are morally outdated, the principle of their construction and application can be used quite successfully, especially with regard to production and the national economy. Often in the speech of personnel officers there are phrases “ETKS-2018”, “directory of 2020 blue-collar professions”. Various lists, classifiers, lists of qualification requirements - a lot of work has been put into their compilation, this is extensive material and it deserves attention. Let's figure out what is meant by ETKS.

What is ETKS and why is it needed?

This document is a list of positions with qualification requirements for the workers who occupy them. ETKS 2020 blue-collar professions is used to determine worker qualifications, assign categories, and conduct certifications. The abbreviation stands for Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory.

This is a fairly voluminous document, the main parts of which were initially approved by Government resolutions back in Soviet times, in the 80s. Since then it has been revised and edited many times. The current version has 72 issues, which are divided into sections. In them, positions are combined according to some characteristic: type of activity, sector of the national economy where they are used.

What is it needed for:

  • for tariffing. That is, in accordance with it, it is possible to determine the complexity of the work performed by the employee and, among other things, to set the wage rate;
  • to conduct certification and determine whether the employee meets the position and qualification requirements. Typically, job descriptions are developed taking this document into account;
  • to determine the correct title for a specific position. This is often difficult for managers who do not have special knowledge;
  • for the development of advanced training course programs.

How to use the directory

It is not difficult to understand how the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory for 2020 occupations of workers is structured and how to use it. Knowing the desired issue and section, you can select them from the list. You can also simply search by issue title, which gives a clear picture of the positions included and qualification requirements.

  • general characteristics of the duties performed by the worker, what functions are assigned to him;
  • description of the competencies of an employee holding a similar position.

For each profession, categories are indicated, that is, a specialist of the 1st category is more qualified and does more complex work.

If it is difficult to navigate the list of issues, use the search tool at the top of the page to find the desired classifier:

  1. Enter the job title.
  2. Click the Search button.

The search result will be a list of suitable professions, including the word entered in the search field.

Is it mandatory to use?

The question arises: is the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers, 2020, now mandatory? The answer is given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: it defines the principles of the tariff system of remuneration. General principle, established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is as follows: the more complex the duties, the higher the payment. It has been established that tariffication and assignment of categories are carried out on the basis of the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory or taking into account professional standards.

ETKS or professional standard

As stated in Labor Code of the Russian Federation, The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers is used along with professional standards. The employer has the right to decide for himself which of these documents to use.

When drawing up an employment contract and work book, other documents and certificates of employment, it is important to write down the name of the position held in strict accordance with the specified regulatory documents. This is important because if it is included in list 1 or 2 or any benefits are established for such workers, for example, upon retirement, the names must be applied exactly as in the reference book or professional standard, otherwise Pension Fund may refuse to include this period of activity in special experience, and will have to prove it in court.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Issue No. 5 ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2000 N 16

Section "Geological exploration and topographic-geodetic work"


This edition of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS) was developed on the basis of the previously existing ETKS, issue No. 5, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated November 19, 1984 No. 334/22-74. Its development was caused by changes in production technology, the increasing role of scientific and technological progress in production activities, increasing requirements for the level of qualifications, general education and special training of workers, quality, competitiveness of products in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as changes in the content of labor.

The categories of work are established according to their complexity without taking into account working conditions (with the exception of extreme cases that affect the level of complexity of work and increase the requirements for the qualifications of the performer).

The tariff and qualification characteristics of each profession have two sections.
The section "Characteristics of work" contains a description of the work that the worker must be able to perform.

The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the worker in terms of special knowledge, as well as knowledge of regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the worker must use.

The tariff and qualification characteristics provide a list of jobs that are most typical for a given category of worker’s profession. This list does not exhaust all the work that a worker can and should perform. The administration of the organization may develop and approve, in agreement with the trade union committee or other representative body authorized by employees, an additional list of works corresponding in complexity to those contained in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions of workers of the corresponding categories.

In addition to the work provided for in the section "Characteristics of work", the worker must perform work on the acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning the workplace, devices, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition, maintaining established technical documentation.

Along with the requirements for theoretical and practical knowledge contained in the “Must Know” section, the worker must know: rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety; rules for using funds personal protection; requirements for the quality of work (services) performed; types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them; industrial alarm; requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace.

This section includes professions of workers specific to geological exploration and topographic-geodetic organizations, which require knowledge of labor protection rules when performing drilling and blasting operations and work with ionizing sources, as well as knowledge of the rules for carrying out safety measures environment and subsoil Workers whose professions involve driving a car, tractor, or performing drilling and blasting and perforation-blasting operations must have the appropriate documents.

A worker of higher qualifications, in addition to the work listed in his tariff and qualification characteristics, must be able to perform work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of workers of lower qualifications, as well as manage workers of lower grades of the same profession. In this regard, the work listed in the tariff and qualification characteristics of lower categories is, as a rule, not given in the characteristics of higher categories.

When filling out a worker’s work book, as well as when changing the tariff category, the name of his profession is recorded in accordance with the ETKS.



The issue was approved by a resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development Russian Federation dated February 17, 2000 N 16.

ETKS, issue 5, was developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia.

The release contains all additions and changes previously approved by the relevant resolutions of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Russian Ministry of Labor.

The issue contains 16 names of workers' professions. Additions and changes were made to the tariff and qualification characteristics in connection with the introduction of new automated equipment, instruments and devices into production; tariff categories were increased for 7 professions, some professions were excluded, a number of professions were unified. The issue was tested in leading organizations in various sectors of the economy and received a positive assessment.

Tariff and qualification characteristics are used when grading work and assigning qualification categories to workers in organizations in various sectors of the economy, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms, where there are production or types of work indicated in this release, except for specially specified cases.


This edition of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS) was developed on the basis of the previously existing ETKS, issue No. 5, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated November 19, 1984 No. 334/22-74. Its development was caused by changes in production technology, the increasing role of scientific and technological progress in production activities, increasing requirements for the level of qualifications, general education and special training of workers, quality, competitiveness of products in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as changes in the content of labor.

The categories of work are established according to their complexity without taking into account working conditions (with the exception of extreme cases that affect the level of complexity of work and increase the requirements for the qualifications of the performer).

The tariff and qualification characteristics of each profession have two sections.

The section "Characteristics of work" contains a description of the work that the worker must be able to perform.

The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the worker in terms of special knowledge, as well as knowledge of regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the worker must use.

The tariff and qualification characteristics provide a list of jobs that are most typical for a given category of worker’s profession. This list does not exhaust all the work that a worker can and should perform. The administration of the organization may develop and approve, in agreement with the trade union committee or other representative body authorized by employees, an additional list of works corresponding in complexity to those contained in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions of workers of the corresponding categories.

In addition to the work provided for in the section "Characteristics of work", the worker must perform work on the acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning the workplace, devices, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition, maintaining established technical documentation.

Along with the requirements for theoretical and practical knowledge contained in the “Must Know” section, the worker must know: rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety; rules for using personal protective equipment; requirements for the quality of work (services) performed; types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them; industrial alarm; requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace.

This section includes professions of workers specific to geological exploration and topographic-geodetic organizations, which require knowledge of labor protection rules when performing drilling and blasting operations and work with ionizing sources, as well as knowledge of the rules for carrying out measures to protect the environment and subsoil. Workers whose professions involve driving a car, tractor, or performing drilling and blasting and perforation-blasting operations must have the appropriate documents.

A worker of higher qualifications, in addition to the work listed in his tariff and qualification characteristics, must be able to perform work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of workers of lower qualifications, as well as manage workers of lower grades of the same profession. In this regard, the work listed in the tariff and qualification characteristics of lower categories is, as a rule, not given in the characteristics of higher categories.

When filling out a worker’s work book, as well as when changing the tariff category, the name of his profession is recorded in accordance with the ETKS.



4th category

Characteristics of the work. Participation in the production of originals topographic maps(plans). Engraving and drawing relief contours with the number of contours up to 20 per 1 square. dm topographic map (plan). Engraving and drawing of hydrography and line elements of the content of a topographic map (plan), characterized by open, flat terrain with floodplains and sparse vegetation, hilly and foothill areas with the presence of a road network, open clean sands or sands fixed by grass vegetation, with a number of contours up to 30 per 1 sq. dm. Engraving of geodetic justification points. Checking the dimensions and engraving the frame and kilometer grid. Cutting from galleys and pasting of geographical names, numbers, symbols, border design, made on a phototypesetting machine. Retouching of engraved hydrographic elements. Refueling on positive copies. Correction of proofreading comments. Sharpening and straightening of engraving tools and devices.

Must know: the purpose of topographic maps (plans); fundamentals of the technology for producing original topographic maps (plans); technology for preparing topographic maps (plans) for publication; precision manufacturing and maintenance technological map(plan); standards for determining 1 - 3 categories of complexity of compilation and publishing works; conventional signs; rules for editing, sharpening and using engraving tools and devices; current instructions and guidelines for preparing original topographic maps (plans) for publication.


5th category

Characteristics of the work. Engraving and drawing the contours of the relief of a topographic map (plan) with the number of contour lines from 20 to 100 per 1 square. dm. Engraving and drawing of hydrography and line elements of the content of a topographic map (plan), characterized by flat forested areas with large swampy areas, foothill areas with the presence of plantations of industrial crops, orchards and vegetable gardens, floodplains of rivers, overgrown with forests and shrubs with the presence of oxbow lakes, channels, lakes ; rural settlements, with the number of circuits from 30 to 100 per 1 sq. dm.

Must know: technology for producing original topographic maps (plans); standards for determining 4 - 6 categories of complexity of compilation and publishing works.


6th category

Characteristics of the work. Engraving and drawing the relief contours of a topographic map (plan) with more than 100 contour lines per 1 sq. dm. Engraving and drawing of hydrography and line elements of the content of a topographic map (plan), characterized by mountain-taiga terrain, large rural settlements; industrial areas with a highly developed network of railways and highways; settlements mountainous area, with the number of contours more than 100 per 1 sq. dm.

Must know: technology for producing original topographic maps (plans); standards for determining 7 - 10 categories of complexity of compilation and publishing works.



2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Participation in topographic, geodetic and surveying works. Selection of characteristic relief points and contours. Opening and closing the center of a geodetic sign or benchmark. Installation of slats on shoes, crutches, benchmarks, stakes, piles and other selected points of the terrain. Clearing the route for sighting devices. Measuring lines with tape, cable, cord, tape measure. Hanging lines. Manufacturing and installation of stakes and sighting poles. Marking pickets during leveling. Securing benchmarks and pickets. Installation of block machines various systems, tripods with rear sights and tripods of lot devices. Stretching wire across racks, hanging and lowering weights, winding wire onto drums, and stacking drums in boxes. Lowering and securing plumb lines. Participation in measurements when surveying underground communications. Loading, unloading and transporting (carrying) field equipment, equipment and instruments. Setting up a field camp.

Must know: general concepts about topographic-geodetic and surveying works; rules for selecting characteristic relief points and terrain contours; rules for using measuring instruments; arrangement of machines, blocks, tripods; the order of arrangement of basic tripods with rear sights; purpose, rules of use, transportation, storage and packaging of topographic, geodetic and surveying instruments, tools and equipment; the procedure for clearing the route for sights, installing poles and slats; rules for fixing temporary benchmarks and pickets.



3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out topographic, geodetic and surveying works. Participation in the verification and installation of topographic, geodetic and surveying instruments and instruments at the observation point (point). Instrumental alignment of the level on the rail. Participation in reconnaissance of the area, binding of reference points and measuring the height of the sign. Preliminary search for starting points. Selecting transition points. Management of work on clearing routes for sightings. Delivery of heliotropes, lanterns, instruments for meteorological measurements, and high-precision optical instruments to the point of triangulation or polygonometry. Submission of light signals or reflected light signals from a triangulation or polygonometry point in the direction of the observed point using special instruments. Carrying out meteorological measurements at the reflector location. Carrying out simple calculations. Keeping records in a field journal.

Must know: the purpose of topographic-geodetic and surveying works; the procedure for maintaining a field journal; rules for checking and installing topographic, geodetic and surveying instruments and instruments at the observation point (point); rules and procedure for leveling the level on the staff to a plumb line; rules for finding starting points and choosing transition points; designs of geodetic and surveying signs; methods for determining the stability and rigidity of signals; correct placement of centers and reference points; requirements for visibility and image conditions; device and rules for handling heliotrope, lantern and reflectors; light alarm; rules for storing and caring for reflectors, batteries and batteries; rules for performing meteorological measurements at reflector locations; methods for testing optical instruments.



4th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out topographic-geodetic and mine surveying measurements when conducting surveys for surveying the shelf, inland waters and seas. Installation of high-precision optical instruments and reflectors and connection of their power sources. Providing communication and signaling with adjacent points. Taking readings from topographic, geodetic and surveying instruments and tools. Maintaining entries in a field journal, performing page-by-page controls and calculations to determine the average values ​​of measured values. Participation in the preparation and drawing of diagrams, profiles, graphs, as well as in the design of measurement materials. Carrying out geodetic and surveying measurements during construction and installation works. Removal of working elevation marks (altitude horizon) from one zone of the construction and installation site to another (from floor to floor, from tier to tier) using a level gauge or a hose level (communicating vessels). Instrumental control of the horizontal and vertical position of erected structures and measurement of geometric deviations from the design parameters allowed during their installation. Laying benchmarks and marks on beams, columns, mine support, etc.

Must know: features of measurements when conducting surveys for surveying the shelf, inland waters and seas; rules for installing high-precision optical instruments at the observation site, taking readings according to the nomogram; rules for maintaining technical documentation and processing the results of field observations; symbols for geodetic and surveying plans, construction and installation drawings, general plans and construction plans; signaling rules for high-rise and underground construction, including when working in the compressed air zone; removal and fixation of absolute and conditional horizons; rules and procedure for conducting control checks of the horizontal and vertical position of structures; permissible geometric deviations from the design during installation of structures and their elements.



5th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out topographic, geodetic and surveying measurements during construction and installation works using high-precision optical vertical sighting instruments. Installation of instruments and taking readings according to the nomogram. Measuring and checking the geometric parameters of blocks, columns, crossbars and other building structures. Planned and high-altitude survey of rows of piles, columns, etc. Instrumental support for the processes of installing structures in the design position and straightening crane runways. Carrying out the installation horizon in situ under the guidance of a surveyor or surveyor. Participation in the preparation and drawing of executive diagrams for mounted structures, technological blocks, assemblies.

Must know: the rules for performing topographic-geodetic and surveying measurements with high-precision vertical sighting devices during construction and installation works; rules and procedure for measuring and checking the geometric parameters of building structures, setting out the installation horizon in situ; rules for drawing up executive diagrams for mounted structures, blocks and assemblies.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Performing well logging work. Participation in installation, dismantling and repair of logging equipment at the drilling site. Checking the serviceability of logging equipment. Carrying out measurements and identifying places of current leakage. Elimination of damage to the insulation of wires and logging cables. Participation in the lowering and installation of instruments and apparatus at the wellhead. Participation in the maintenance of logging equipment and tools. Disconnection, lifting from the well, loading, unloading and transportation (transfer) of equipment and equipment.

Must know: the sequence of geophysical surveys in wells; diagrams, structure and principle of operation of logging and perforating equipment and equipment and rules for their operation; types of power sources used in geophysical research in wells and rules for handling them; rules and procedure for checking the insulation of logging cables and its repair; methods of performing soldering work; basic information about explosive materials and rules for handling them; procedure for carrying out maintenance of logging equipment; methods for manufacturing probes and splicing logging cables.


5th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out work on logging, pneumatic processing, perforation and torpedoing in boreholes up to 1000 meters deep for geophysical research of rocks. Installation of a lift, laboratories and block balance at the well. Lowering into the well and attaching downhole instruments, firing devices and torpedoes. Installation, dismantling and checking the serviceability of equipment, equipment and working schemes for logging, pneumatic processing, perforation and torpedoing in wells and for near-well and inter-well studies. Grounding device. Checking the presence of warning marks, measuring the price of the first mark and measuring the cable. Troubleshooting of equipment and tools used; elimination of damage to the insulation of braided and armored cables. Disconnection, lifting from the well, loading and unloading of equipment, equipment and equipment.

Must know: basic concepts about boreholes and their designs; order of execution various types geophysical research in wells; types, design and rules of operation, installation and dismantling of equipment, apparatus and torpedoes used in logging, perforation, torpedoing and geophysical research in wells; basics of electrical engineering; brands of cables and wires; types of power sources and rules for using them; grounding methods; types of explosive materials and radioactive substances, rules for handling them; basic rules and procedure for electrical installation work; rules for transportation and storage of equipment, equipment and special substances; rules and procedures for equipment repairs.

When performing logging, perforation and torpedoing work in drilling wells with a depth of over 1000 to 4000 m, directional wells with a depth of up to 1500 m - 6th category.

When performing logging, perforation and torpedoing work in drilling wells with a depth of over 4000 to 5000 m, directional wells with a depth of over 1500 m - 7th category.

When performing work on logging, perforation and torpedoing in boreholes with a depth of over 5000 m, in horizontal wells, with a weighted drilling mud with a density of over 1.6 g/cm3 in wells with a depth of over 1500 m - 8th category.

Secondary vocational education required.

Note. When performing work on logging, perforation and torpedoing in offshore drilling wells, the tariffs for logging workers of 4 - 7 categories are one category higher.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Management of gas logging, self-propelled logging and perforating stations, logging lifts during geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells up to 1000 meters deep. Preparing stations and lifts for transportation and operation. Selection, site preparation, as well as installation of a laboratory, generator group and lift. Installation and dismantling of equipment. Connecting stations to the power and lighting network. Lowering equipment (instruments) into the well and raising them. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and repairs of stations, laboratory, lifts, winches, gas engines and generators; changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading, unloading and transporting equipment, equipment and tools.

Must know: well designs; procedure for conducting geophysical research in wells; rules for lowering and ascent of vehicles; rules for transporting logging and perforating equipment and equipment, their design and operating rules; rules for conducting shift and scheduled maintenance and current repairs of equipment for gas logging, perforating and logging stations; types and specifications equipment, apparatus, generator and stations; brands of cables and wires; basics of electrical engineering; procedure and rules for carrying out blasting operations; rules and modes of battery charging; grounding device and methods for finding faults in the network; signs of malfunctions of gasoline engines, generators and auxiliary mechanisms of stations and methods for eliminating them.

When carrying out geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with depths of over 1000 to 4000 m, as well as in directional wells with depths of up to 1500 m - 5th category.

When carrying out geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with depths of over 4000 to 5000 m, as well as in directional wells with depths of over 1500 m - 6th category.

When carrying out geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with a depth of over 5000 m, horizontal wells, wells with weighted drilling mud with a density over 1.6 g/cm3 - 7th category.



6th category

Characteristics of the work. Control of the installation for excitation of seismic signals of pulse or vibration action. Checking and adjusting mechanical, hydraulic and electrical components of the installation. Preparation of seismic signal excitation sources for operation and their testing. Measuring the operating parameters of the installation. Excitation of a pulsed seismic signal. Maintaining communication with the seismic station. Monitoring the operation of gas, electrical, mechanical and other installation systems. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of the installation. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and routine repairs of plant systems.

Must know: the design of gas, mechanical systems, electrical and radio-electronic components of the seismic signal excitation installation, the rules of its operation and maintenance, repair and regulation; the order and sequence of seismic survey work on the profile; requirements for the installation as a source of seismic signals.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Control of a tunneling installation (unit, crane) when sinking holes. Participation in the planning of the site for the placement of a boring machine. Participation in installation, dismantling, transportation and preparation for operation of the boring machine. Participation in the performance of operations during the excavation of pits. Monitoring the condition and proper operation of equipment and tools. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and routine repairs of the boring machine. Participation in loading and unloading operations.

Must know: methods and technology for sinking pits; design and operating rules of the boring machine and electrical equipment; rules and procedures for maintenance and routine repairs of the boring machine; installed alarm system.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Installation, dismantling and repair of wooden geodetic signs, reinforced concrete pylons and concrete monoliths for centers and points of triangulation and polygonometry. Production of fundamental and ground benchmarks and leveling marks for leveling points. Clearing space for geodetic signs. Construction of gates, lifting masts and other means for lowering and lifting operations. Preparation of elements, units and assembly of wooden geodetic signs and individual parts of signs on the ground. Lifting assembled geodetic signs or individual parts of the sign with their subsequent fastening. Laying out centers and arranging reference points. Manufacturing, assembly, installation and removal of molds for casting reinforced concrete pylons, concrete monoliths and benchmarks. Marking and digging pits. Knitting reinforcement. Preparation and laying of concrete mass. Cleaning, installation and filling of benchmarks and their external design. Carrying out carpentry, excavation and concrete work during the construction and repair of geodetic marks, benchmarks, centers and points of triangulation or polygonometry. Loading, unloading and transporting equipment, tools and materials. Preparation of documents for depositing geodetic signs and benchmarks.

Must know: the purpose and structure of wooden geodetic signs, centers and points of triangulation and polygonometry, fundamental and ground benchmarks, identification marks, rock marks and benchmarks; the procedure for installing and dismantling geodetic signs and the requirements for the quality of their production; main types of connections of parts and structures; methods for lifting assembled wooden geodetic signs and their individual parts; methods and rules for fastening wooden geodetic signs, blocks, cables, ropes; technology for performing construction, installation, carpentry, excavation and concrete work; the main types and properties of building materials used in the construction of wooden geodetic marks, benchmarks, centers and points of triangulation or polygonometry; installation procedure for reinforcement cages; concrete preparation technology; types and purposes of carpentry, plumbing and instrumentation; arrangement of centers and external design of geodetic signs.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Installation, dismantling and repair of metal geodetic signs with a height of up to 20 meters and wooden geodetic signs with a height of 20 to 40 meters. Manufacturing and fastening individual parts on the ground. Installation and dismantling of lifting devices and mechanisms. Performing construction and installation work during the construction and repair of metal signs at height. Carrying out metalwork and welding work. Preparation of documents for depositing geodetic signs.

Must know: the purpose, design and elements of parts of metal geodetic signs; methods, procedures for installation, dismantling and repair of metal geodetic signs and requirements for the quality of their manufacture; methods and rules for fastening geodetic signs, their parts, blocks, cables, ropes; technology for performing construction, installation and welding works; the main types and properties of materials used in the construction of metal geodetic signs; types and purposes of welding equipment, plumbing and carpentry tools.

When installing and dismantling metal geodetic signs with a height of over 20 to 40 meters and wooden geodetic signs with a height of over 40 meters - 5th category.

When installing and dismantling metal geodetic signs over 40 meters - 6th category.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Maintenance of the generating group of the electrical exploration station. Preparing the site and installing the generator group, ensuring the required engine operating mode during measurements. Unwinding and connecting wires for the intercom and current channel. Adjustment of main engine components, contactors and relays of the generator group. Inspection, lubrication, refueling and grounding of the generator group, installation of an antenna for radio communication. Changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading and unloading of used equipment and equipment during their transportation. Performing shift maintenance and participating in routine repairs of the generator group.

Must know: generator group structure; rules for technical operation and maintenance of generators; methods for identifying and eliminating engine, generator, and transmission malfunctions; diagram of the production process using an electrical exploration station; basic information on electrical and radio engineering; wire brands.


5th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out scheduled maintenance, current unscheduled repairs of geophysical equipment, equipment, instruments and individual components at the work site or at field bases of organizations. Assembly, dismantling, adjustment, regulation and testing of small geophysical equipment, equipment and instruments. Determining the need to replace individual components (parts) and the need to send them for repairs in stationary conditions.

Must know: basics of electrical and radio engineering; basic electrical and radio circuits; types, structure, order, methods of dismantling and assembling geophysical equipment, equipment and instruments; rules and technology for maintenance, repair, adjustment and adjustment of geophysical equipment, instruments and individual components; methods of performing soldering work.


6th category

Characteristics of the work. Adjustment and repair of analog seismic, electrical prospecting, logging, gas logging and other geophysical stations, gravimeters, gravity variometers, aeromagnetometers, potentiometers, geophones and other geophysical instruments, equipment and devices. Assembly, dismantling, adjustment, adjustment, testing and standardization of geophysical equipment, equipment and instruments.

Must know: basics of electrical and radio engineering; basic electrical and radio circuits; types, design, order, methods of dismantling and assembling geophysical stations, instruments, equipment and other devices, technology and rules for setting up, adjusting, standardizing, repairing geophysical instruments, equipment, devices and their complexes; technology of electrical and radio installation works; device, rules for use and repair of measuring instruments; rules for the use and storage of technical equipment and materials during repair work; rules for handling radioactive sources.

When performing work with electronic digital complexes and radioactive sources - 7th category.

Secondary vocational education required.


2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Washing and sorting of raw materials for enrichment. Enrichment of fragments of quartz crystals and vein quartz by chipping away defective, fractured, ferruginized, substandard areas and foreign impurities using a chisel and special hammers. Separation of enriched raw materials by grade. Delivery of raw materials to the storage location. Waste removal.

Must know: external signs of varietal raw materials; basic physical and mechanical properties of materials and rocks; requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation; terms and definitions used in the classification of raw materials by variety and grade.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Processing of rock crystal for melting and jewelry and ornamental stones into raw materials by hand. Filing of off-grade areas on a scoring machine. Viewing and identifying defects in raw materials (gas-liquid and mineral inclusions) and defects in reflected electric light on light tables and under a table lamp. Separation of enriched raw materials by grade and preparation for storage.

Must know: external signs and basic physical and mechanical properties of varietal raw materials (quartz and colored stones); requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation; terms and definitions used in the classification of raw materials into varieties and grades; design and operating rules of the equipment being serviced.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Enrichment of piezo-optical quartz grades 1 and 2, Iceland spar from crystal raw materials and jewelry stones into raw materials manually. Viewing, detection of defective raw materials in reflected electric light, filing of raw materials. Measurement of the mono-area of ​​piezo-optical raw materials with a caliper with an error of no more than 1 mm. Enrichment of concentrates by stripping them manually or using devices; preparation of concentrates for stripping; starting, monitoring and stopping devices. Uniform distribution of the mineral and regulation of the yield of minerals on the device. Identifying and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of the device. Sorting and preparation for storage of enriched raw materials.

Must know: external signs and basic physical and mechanical properties of raw materials (quartz, Iceland spar and colored stones); acceptable natural defects of raw materials; requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation; the main properties of each type of raw material and their manifestations during enrichment; terms and definitions used in the classification of raw materials; classification of colored stones; design, rules of operation and maintenance of the equipment used; rules for using diamond and testing tools; rules for sampling and processing of samples; methods of stripping concentrates; associated minerals, rocks and minerals found in concentrates.


5th category

Characteristics of the work. Enrichment of "Extra" grade piezoquartz, quartzoptical and precious stones in raw materials manually. Viewing, filing and identifying defective raw materials in reflected electric light, visually and using immersion liquid. Measurement of the ion region of piezo-optical raw materials. Extraction of crystals and inclusions from host rocks using chemical etching of soluble rock components. Accounting for waste of precious raw materials. Sorting enriched raw materials and preparing them for storage.

Must know: external signs and physical and mechanical properties of raw materials (optical quartz and precious stones); permissible natural defects of raw materials characteristic of each type of stone; requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation; special properties of each type of raw material and their manifestation during enrichment; terms and definitions used in the classification of raw materials into varieties and grades; classification of precious stones; device, rules for using diamond and control and measuring tools.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Selection of furrow, scuff, hole and other samples in mine workings to determine the quality and quantity of minerals and calculate their reserves in the subsoil. Contouring and gouging out rock with high precision and tight tolerances using jackhammers, rotary hammers, pneumatic and electric samplers and by hand. If necessary, drilling holes, sawing furrows, measuring the cross-section of the furrow, scuffing area, volume and mass of samples. Labeling and packaging of samples. Moving and securing regiments. Preparing samplers, jackhammers and rotary hammers for work, connecting them to the electrical and air supply network. Selection of bottom samples in the sea and other bodies of water at a depth of up to 1500 meters. Maintenance of equipment used, identification and elimination of minor malfunctions in its operation. Maintaining technical documentation. Accounting and storage of samples.

Must know: the basics of microtectonics, textures and structures of ores; physical properties rocks and direction of fracture lines; methods of using fault lines; device, designs, operating rules for pneumatic and electric tools, drill hole layouts and their depth; types of tools used; technical conditions and standards for geological sampling and rock mining by manual and mechanized methods; rules for using the installed alarm system; installation of technical means and bottom sampling technology.

When taking bottom samples at sea and in other bodies of water at a depth of over 1500 meters - 5th category.


2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Washing of placer samples under the supervision of a geological sample washer of a higher qualification. Participation in loading sand into trays, buckets, onto washing devices and installations, wiping them, washing granular material, and settling heavy fractions. Unloading, drying and packaging of concentrates.

Must know: basic rules for washing and establishing the concentration of geological samples; composition of minerals often found in concentrates; external signs of metal-containing and waste rocks.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Washing and finishing of bulk concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and finishing devices or installations, ensuring the yield of useful minerals in the concentrate is at least 70%, with a grain size of 1 mm or more. Loading sand, sifting it, washing granular material, removing clayey matter (elutriation), concentrating heavy fractions, washing the sample to “gray” concentrate. Packaging of metal washed from samples, indicating sample numbers. Maintaining records of sample washing.

Must know: the purpose, rules and techniques of washing and finishing of concentrate samples; technological operating modes of washing and finishing devices and installations depending on the material composition of sands; rules for labeling, packaging and accounting of washed samples.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Washing and finishing of bulk concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and finishing devices or installations, ensuring the yield of useful minerals in the concentrate is at least 90%, with a grain size of 0.5 to 1.0 mm.

Must know: classification of loose rocks according to washability and methods for their elutriation in water; types of useful and related minerals; the influence of water speed on the release of concentrates from sands; rules for processing concentrate samples.


5th category

Characteristics of the work. Washing and finishing of control concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and concentration devices or installations. Washing and finishing of bulk concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and finishing devices or installations, ensuring the yield of useful minerals in the concentrate is at least 95%, with a grain size of less than 0.5 mm. Processing, labeling and recording of washed control samples.

Must know: the structure and rules for regulating washing and concentration devices or installations; characteristics and macro-signs of useful and associated minerals in concentrates; rules for processing, labeling, recording control samples.


2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Accompaniment of workers of geological organizations when moving across flat inhabited areas with the choice of the most convenient and safe direction (path) to the intended point and camp sites. Transportation of people and goods by horses, mules, donkeys, camels, deer and dogs. Packing, stowage, loading, securing and unloading cargo. Repair of harnesses, carts, sleighs and pack equipment. Caring for draft animals, obtaining and accounting for fodder, preparing feed for current needs, feeding animals.

Must know: the location and local names of the main relief elements of the work area; location of wells, settlements, wintering quarters, shelters, nomadic camps; location and passability of passes, fords, trails, roads according to the time of year; the most convenient and safest routes to the intended destination, safe parking areas; rules for transportation, packaging and placement of goods; rules for feeding and caring for draft animals; norms of maximum loads on animals depending on their condition and terrain conditions; rules for providing draft animals with first veterinary aid for injuries and illnesses.

When accompanying workers of geological organizations in high-mountainous, desert, taiga, and swampy areas - 3rd category.

When accompanying workers of geological organizations in uninhabited, mountainous, taiga, heavily swampy and desert areas, as well as when transporting people and goods by water transport- 4th category.


2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Clearing previously excavated ones, excavating new ones and eliminating small surface mine workings (ditches, trenches and pits). Accompanying a geologist along the route. Sorting duplicate samples and preparing them for testing. Compliance with the regime for using water sources and taking water level measurements. Cleaning the site during hydrometric work. Drying, crushing and sieving lithogeochemical samples of loose rocks. Making bags, washing flasks and washing sampling bags. Packing, loading, unloading field equipment, devices, instruments, equipment. Transporting or carrying (out of reach of Vehicle) cargo. Maintain and maintain field equipment, instruments, instruments and equipment. Participation in choosing a camp site, installation and removal of tents. Security of property, cleaning and ensuring normal sanitary and hygienic conditions in the parking area. Cleaning of residential and industrial premises, periodic disinfection. Carrying out earthworks. Harvesting, chopping, carrying firewood and water; cooking food. Participation in the organization and liquidation of field work.

Must know: the rules of use, storage, packaging and transportation of field equipment, instruments, tools, equipment, various types of samples located on the camp territory, and when moving a geological party; rules for handling instruments, equipment, equipment and materials; rules for acceptance, storage, accounting of food consumption and expiration dates; basics of cooking and cooking.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Selection, packaging, labeling of rock samples from natural outcrops, single ore, litgeochemical, geobotanical samples, water and gas samples, furrow and placer samples; selection of monoliths from loose rocks. Equipment for washing place samples. Washing of spot samples in a tray or ladle to a given specific gravity or color. Drying of concentrate samples. Processing of concentrates by stripping grains of various minerals and metals from gold, cassiterite, wolframite and other components. Taking readings from field instruments and recording them in a log. Measurement of parameters of surface and underground water sources. Cleaning of cross-sections during hydrometric work. Manual excavation and removal of shallow mine workings. Sitting of loose samples, ashing of biogeochemical samples, preparation and testing of well cores, duplicate samples of surface mine workings and natural outcrops, transfer of selected samples. Measuring distances. Participation in terrain reconnaissance, laying peat exploration routes for topographic and geodetic surveys. Installation of benchmarks in pits and their external design. Measurement work on water intakes and lakes. Sounding of peat and sapropel deposits. Selection, packaging, labeling of samples of peat, sapropel, mineral layers and bottom sediments for laboratory research. Participation in determining the stump content of peat deposits, forest taxation work, laying trial tape counts, electrical profiling and electrical sounding. Drilling small wells with motorized drills and manually, carrying out excavation work. Clearing sight lines. Loading, unloading and transporting (carrying) field equipment, equipment, tools.

Must know: basic information about geological surveying and prospecting work; rules for selection, packaging, labeling and transportation of rock samples and samples; rules and techniques for sampling and washing sample concentrates; rules and techniques for stripping concentrates; places of the highest concentration of concentrate minerals and metals found in concentrates; rules for operation and maintenance of field devices; basic information about the physical and mechanical properties of rocks and the conditions of their occurrence; purpose of topographic and geodetic probing and sampling instruments, rules for their use, storage and transportation; purpose of geodetic signs; rules for digging pits, clearing routes and sightings; basic concepts about forest taxation work; rules for using drilling tools and the design of motorized drills; technology for drilling wells manually and with motorized drills.


2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Participation in the installation of geophones, electrodes (groundings) on the ground and their connection to seismic or electrical survey lines. Transfer of seismic receivers, electrodes and connecting wires during the work process. Unwinding (layout) of wires for seismic, electrical exploration and auxiliary lines. Troubleshooting connections, restoring insulation and bandages. Participation in the manufacture of seismic streamers and supply lines. Preparation of sites and participation in the installation of gravimeters, logging equipment and block balance; participation in manual lowering and lifting operations. Core preparation for radiometric studies. Carrying out loading and unloading operations during installation of equipment and equipment.

Must know: the design, rules of operation, transportation and storage of equipment, instruments and equipment; basic techniques for working with installation tools.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Participation in geophysical work at a seismic station, in connecting (disconnecting) seismic streamers, in installing grounding and fencing. Maintenance of power supply systems (gasoline units, chargers, batteries). Participation in geophysical work at the blasting station and electrical exploration station. Loading (unloading) and transfer of explosives; production of passive charges in the presence of an explosive. Checking the condition and templating of blast holes. Together with the blaster, placing charges in pits, lowering them into wells, laying lines of detonating cord. Participation in eliminating the consequences of drilling and blasting operations. Detection and correction of damaged connections at an electrical exploration station. Installation of groundings and checking their quality. Maintenance of power supply systems (portable gasoline units, batteries, etc.). Installation of instruments and equipment at observation points.

Must know: the design of seismic and electrical exploration lines, the system of their connections and connections to the station; methods of working with instrumentation; device and rules for handling the engine, generator and control devices of portable gasoline units; requirements for storage, transportation, maintenance and charging of acid and alkaline batteries; instructions and regulatory documents for the operation of equipment and materials used in geophysical work; basic properties and characteristics of explosive materials, requirements for their storage and transportation; methods of mounting passive charges and their transfer; rules for handling installation tools and insulating materials; unified rules for carrying out blasting operations.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Preparation of seismic, electrical and auxiliary lines. Checking the quality of placement and connection of geophones and electrical prospecting installations (conductivity, leakage, etc.), identifying and eliminating malfunctions in their operation. Participation in the manufacture of seismic streamer sections and electrical exploration lines; installation of seismic receiver groups. Installation of various types of grounding and barriers. Search on the ground for points of a prepared observation network. Transfer and installation of gravimeters into the horizon. Checking, preparing for work and performing operational observations using radiometric instruments. Registration of gravimeter and radiometer readings in a field journal. Device of identification marks. Sensitivity testing and standardization of radiometers. Condition monitoring, preventive maintenance and participation in routine repairs of geophysical equipment.

Must know: basic information about the tasks and methodology of the corresponding type of geophysical work; organization and technology for performing production processes of field geophysical work; a system for marking observation points on the ground and installing geophysical instruments; rules for operation, maintenance, transportation and storage of geophysical instruments and equipment; basic techniques for installing electrical circuits, procedures for working with installation tools and instrumentation; instructions for carrying out work using the appropriate method (blasting operations, work with high voltage currents, ionizing radiation).

Note. When conducting geophysical research at sea from floating facilities, workers are charged one category higher.


2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Peeling, rough processing of sections and polished sections for physical and mechanical research. Measuring samples and splitting them.

Must know: the basic physical and mechanical properties of rocks and methods of their processing; abrasive materials used.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Production of simple sections and polished sections from igneous and metamorphic rocks, rocks with a quartz content of up to 50%. Grinding of cubes, plates, prisms, cylinders to study the physical and mechanical properties of rocks. Bandaging samples and checking them. Cover glass gluing. Washing of polished sections. Checking thin sections under a microscope. Preparation of adhesive compositions. Preventive maintenance and current repairs of used equipment. Labeling and recording of produced sections.

Must know: features of processing and physical and mechanical properties of rocks; rules for operating devices, tools and equipment used in processing thin sections (samples); types and purpose of grinding (abrasive) materials; types and technology of preparation of adhesive compositions; technology for processing rocks and making thin sections from them; rules for labeling and accounting of thin sections (samples); requirements for the quality of polished sections; ways to achieve precision and cleanliness of processing rocks in the manufacture of thin sections.

When producing complex and non-standard (more than 4 cm2 in area) thin sections (samples) from sedimentary, weakly cemented and fractured rocks, as well as rocks with a quartz content of more than 50% - 4th category.


names of workers' professions provided for by this

section, indicating their names according to the current

issues and sections of ETKS, 1985 edition.







The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS), issue 5, section “Geological exploration and topographic-geodetic work”, developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

2. With the entry into force of this Resolution, the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, Issue 5, approved by Resolution of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of November 19, 1984 No. 334/22-74, is no longer applied on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3. Recommend that federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations, taking into account the need, submit applications to the Central Bureau of Labor Standards for the publication of ETKS Issue 5, approved by this Resolution.

4. The Central Bureau of Labor Standards shall ensure the publication of the required number of copies of the specified issue.

Minister of Labor

and social development

Russian Federation



Resolution of the Russian Ministry of Labor






The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS), issue 5, section “Geological exploration and topographic-geodetic work” was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2000 No. 16.

ETKS was developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation with the participation of the All-Russian Research Institute of Economics of Mineral Raw Materials and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the Central Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography and taking into account the opinion of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia .

Tariff and qualification characteristics are used when tarifficating work and assigning qualification categories to workers in organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and organizational and legal forms, where there are production facilities and types of work specified in this section, except for specially specified cases.


This edition of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS) was developed on the basis of the previously existing ETKS, issue No. 5, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated November 19, 1984 No. 334/22-74. Its development was caused by changes in production technology, the increasing role of scientific and technological progress in production activities, increasing requirements for the level of qualifications, general education and special training of workers, quality, competitiveness of products in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as changes in the content of labor.

The categories of work are established according to their complexity without taking into account working conditions (with the exception of extreme cases that affect the level of complexity of work and increase the requirements for the qualifications of the performer).

The tariff and qualification characteristics of each profession have two sections.

The section "Characteristics of work" contains a description of the work that the worker must be able to perform.

The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the worker in terms of special knowledge, as well as knowledge of regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the worker must use.

The tariff and qualification characteristics provide a list of jobs that are most typical for a given category of worker’s profession. This list does not exhaust all the work that a worker can and should perform. The administration of the organization may develop and approve, in agreement with the trade union committee or other representative body authorized by employees, an additional list of works corresponding in complexity to those contained in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions of workers of the corresponding categories.

In addition to the work provided for in the section "Characteristics of work", the worker must perform work on the acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning the workplace, devices, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition, maintaining established technical documentation.

Along with the requirements for theoretical and practical knowledge contained in the “Must Know” section, the worker must know: rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety; rules for using personal protective equipment; requirements for the quality of work (services) performed; types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them; industrial alarm; requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace.

This section includes professions of workers specific to geological exploration and topographic-geodetic organizations, which require knowledge of labor protection rules when performing drilling and blasting operations and work with ionizing sources, as well as knowledge of the rules for carrying out measures to protect the environment and subsoil. Workers whose professions involve driving a car, tractor, or performing drilling and blasting and perforation-blasting operations must have the appropriate documents.

A worker of higher qualifications, in addition to the work listed in his tariff and qualification characteristics, must be able to perform work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of workers of lower qualifications, as well as manage workers of lower grades of the same profession. In this regard, the work listed in the tariff and qualification characteristics of lower categories is, as a rule, not given in the characteristics of higher categories.

When filling out a worker’s work book, as well as when changing the tariff category, the name of his profession is recorded in accordance with the ETKS.



§ 1. Engraver of original topographic maps

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Participation in the production of original topographic maps (plans). Engraving and drawing relief contours with the number of contours up to 20 per 1 square. dm topographic map (plan). Engraving and drawing of hydrography and line elements of the content of a topographic map (plan), characterized by open, flat terrain with floodplains and sparse vegetation, hilly and foothill areas with the presence of a road network, open clean sands or sands fixed by grass vegetation, with a number of contours up to 30 per 1 sq. dm. Engraving of geodetic justification points. Checking the dimensions and engraving the frame and kilometer grid. Cutting from galleys and pasting of geographical names, numbers, symbols, border design, made on a phototypesetting machine. Retouching of engraved hydrographic elements. Refueling on positive copies. Correction of proofreading comments. Sharpening and straightening of engraving tools and devices.

Must know: the purpose of topographic maps (plans); fundamentals of the technology for producing original topographic maps (plans); technology for preparing topographic maps (plans) for publication; manufacturing accuracy and content of the technological map (plan); standards for determining I - III categories of complexity of compilation and publishing works; conventional signs; rules for editing, sharpening and using engraving tools and devices; current instructions and guidelines for preparing original topographic maps (plans) for publication.

§ 2. Engraver of original topographic maps

5th category

Characteristics of the work. Engraving and drawing the relief contours of a topographic map (plan) with the number of contour lines from 20 to 100 per 1 dm 2 . Engraving and drawing of hydrography and line elements of the content of a topographic map (plan), characterized by flat forested areas with large swampy areas, foothill areas with the presence of plantations of industrial crops, orchards and vegetable gardens, floodplains of rivers, overgrown with forests and shrubs with the presence of oxbow lakes, channels, lakes ; rural settlements, with the number of circuits from 30 to 100 per 1 dm 2 .

Must know: technology for producing original topographic maps (plans); standards for determining IV - VII categories of complexity of compilation and publishing works.

§ 3. Engraver of original topographic maps

6th category

Characteristics of the work. Engraving and drawing the relief contours of a topographic map (plan) with more than 100 contour lines per 1 sq. dm. Engraving and drawing of hydrography and line elements of the content of a topographic map (plan), characterized by mountain-taiga terrain, large rural settlements; industrial areas with a highly developed network of railways and highways; settlements of mountainous areas, with the number of contours more than 100 per 1 dm 2 .

Must know: technology for producing original topographic maps (plans); standards for determining VII - X categories of complexity of compilation and publishing works.

§ 4. Measurer for topographic, geodetic and surveying work

2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Participation in topographic, geodetic and surveying works. Selection of characteristic relief points and contours. Opening and closing the center of a geodetic sign or benchmark. Installation of slats on shoes, crutches, benchmarks, stakes, piles and other selected points of the terrain. Clearing the route for sighting devices. Measuring lines with tape, cable, cord, tape measure. Hanging lines. Manufacturing and installation of stakes and sighting poles. Marking pickets during leveling. Securing benchmarks and pickets. Installation of block machines of various systems, stands with rear sights and tripods of lot devices. Stretching wire across racks, hanging and lowering weights, winding wire onto drums, and stacking drums in boxes. Lowering and securing plumb lines. Participation in measurements when surveying underground communications. Loading, unloading and transporting (carrying) field equipment, equipment and instruments. Setting up a field camp.

Must know: general concepts about topographic-geodetic and surveying works; rules for selecting characteristic relief points and terrain contours; rules for using measuring instruments, arrangement of machines, blocks, tripods; the order of arrangement of basic tripods with rear sights; purpose, rules of use, transportation, storage and packaging of topographic, geodetic and surveying instruments, tools and equipment; the procedure for clearing the route for sights, installing poles and slats; rules for fixing temporary benchmarks and pickets.

§ 5. Measurer for topographic-geodetic and surveying work

3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out topographic, geodetic and surveying works. Participation in the verification and installation of topographic, geodetic and surveying instruments and instruments at the observation point (point). Instrumental alignment of the level on the rail. Participation in reconnaissance of the area, binding of reference points and measuring the height of the sign. Preliminary search for starting points. Selecting transition points. Management of work on clearing routes for sightings. Delivery of heliotropes, lanterns, instruments for meteorological measurements, and high-precision optical instruments to the point of triangulation or polygonometry. Submission of light signals or reflected light signals from a triangulation or polygonometry point in the direction of the observed point using special instruments. Carrying out meteorological measurements at the reflector location. Carrying out simple calculations. Keeping records in a field journal.

Must know: the purpose of topographic-geodetic and surveying works; the procedure for maintaining a field journal; rules for checking and installing topographic, geodetic and surveying instruments and instruments at the observation point (point); rules and procedure for leveling the level on the staff to a plumb line; rules for finding starting points and choosing transition points; designs of geodetic and surveying signs; methods for determining the stability and rigidity of signals; correct placement of centers and reference points; requirements for visibility and image conditions; device and rules for handling heliotrope, lantern and reflectors; light alarm; rules for storing and caring for reflectors, batteries and batteries; rules for performing meteorological measurements at reflector locations; methods for testing optical instruments.

§ 6. Measurer for topographic-geodetic and surveying work

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out topographic-geodetic and mine surveying measurements when conducting surveys for surveying the shelf, inland waters and seas. Installation of high-precision optical instruments and reflectors and connection of their power sources. Providing communication and signaling with adjacent points. Taking readings from topographic, geodetic and surveying instruments and tools. Maintaining entries in a field journal, performing page-by-page controls and calculations to determine the average values ​​of measured values. Participation in the preparation and drawing of diagrams, profiles, graphs, as well as in the design of measurement materials. Carrying out geodetic and surveying measurements during construction and installation works. Removal of working elevation marks (altitude horizon) from one zone of the construction and installation site to another (from floor to floor, from tier to tier) using a level gauge or a hose level (communicating vessels). Instrumental control of the horizontal and vertical position of erected structures and measurement of geometric deviations from the design parameters allowed during their installation. Laying benchmarks and marks on beams, columns, mine support, etc.

Must know: features of measurements when conducting surveys for surveying the shelf, inland waters and seas; rules for installing high-precision optical instruments at the observation site, taking readings according to the nomogram; rules for maintaining technical documentation and processing the results of field observations; symbols for geodetic and surveying plans, construction and installation drawings, general plans and construction plans; signaling rules for high-rise and underground construction, including when working in the compressed air zone; removal and fixation of absolute and conditional horizons; rules and procedure for conducting control checks of the horizontal and vertical position of structures; permissible geometric deviations from the design during installation of structures and their elements.

§ 7. Surveyor for topographic, geodetic and surveying work

5th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out topographic, geodetic and surveying measurements during construction and installation works using high-precision optical vertical sighting instruments. Installation of instruments and taking readings according to the nomogram. Measuring and checking the geometric parameters of blocks, columns, crossbars and other building structures. Planned and high-altitude survey of rows of piles, columns, etc. Instrumental support for the processes of installing structures in the design position and straightening crane runways. Carrying out the installation horizon in situ under the guidance of a surveyor or surveyor. Participation in the preparation and drawing of executive diagrams for mounted structures, technological blocks, assemblies.

Must know: the rules for performing topographic-geodetic and surveying measurements with high-precision vertical sighting devices during construction and installation works; rules and procedure for measuring and checking the geometric parameters of building structures, setting out the installation horizon in situ; rules for drawing up executive diagrams for mounted structures, blocks and assemblies.

§ 8. Logger

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Performing well logging work. Participation in installation, dismantling and repair of logging equipment at the drilling site. Checking the serviceability of logging equipment. Carrying out measurements and identifying places of current leakage. Elimination of damage to the insulation of wires and logging cables. Participation in the lowering and installation of instruments and apparatus at the wellhead. Participation in the maintenance of logging equipment and tools. Disconnection, lifting from the well, loading, unloading and transportation (transfer) of equipment and equipment.

Must know: the sequence of geophysical surveys in wells; diagrams, structure and principle of operation of logging and perforating equipment and equipment and rules for their operation; types of power sources used in geophysical research in wells and rules for handling them; rules and procedure for checking the insulation of logging cables and its repair; methods of performing soldering work; basic information about explosive materials and rules for handling them; procedure for carrying out maintenance of logging equipment; methods for manufacturing probes and splicing logging cables.

§ 9. Logger

5th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out work on logging, pneumatic processing, perforation and torpedoing in boreholes up to 1000 meters deep for geophysical research of rocks. Installation of a lift, laboratories and block balance at the well. Lowering into the well and attaching downhole instruments, firing devices and torpedoes. Installation, dismantling and checking the serviceability of equipment, equipment and working schemes for logging, pneumatic processing, perforation and torpedoing in wells and for near-well and inter-well studies. Grounding device. Checking the presence of warning marks, measuring the price of the first mark and measuring the cable. Troubleshooting of equipment and tools used; elimination of damage to the insulation of braided and armored cables. Disconnection, lifting from the well, loading and unloading of equipment, equipment and equipment.

Must know: basic concepts about boreholes and their designs; the procedure for performing various types of geophysical surveys in wells; types, design and rules of operation, installation and dismantling of equipment, apparatus and torpedoes used in logging, perforation, torpedoing and geophysical research in wells; basics of electrical engineering; brands of cables and wires; types of power sources and rules for using them; grounding methods; types of explosive materials and radioactive substances, rules for handling them; basic rules and procedure for electrical installation work; rules for transportation and storage of equipment, equipment and special substances; rules and procedures for equipment repairs.

When performing work on logging, perforation and torpedoing in boreholes with a depth of over 1000 to 4000 m, inclined wells with a depth of up to 1500 m - 6th category.

When performing work on logging, perforation and torpedoing in boreholes with a depth of over 4000 to 5000 m, inclined wells with a depth of over 1500 m - 7th category.

When performing logging, perforation and torpedoing work in drill holes with a depth of over 5000 m, in horizontal wells, with a weighted drilling mud with a density of over 1.6 g/cm 3 in wells more than 1500 m deep - 8th category.

Secondary vocational education required.

Note. When performing work on logging, perforation and torpedoing in offshore drilling wells, the tariffs for logging workers of 4 - 7 categories are one category higher.

§ 10. Logging station operator

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Management of gas logging, self-propelled logging and perforating stations, logging lifts during geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells up to 1000 meters deep. Preparing stations and lifts for transportation and operation. Selection, site preparation, as well as installation of a laboratory, generator group and lift. Installation and dismantling of equipment. Connecting stations to the power and lighting network. Lowering equipment (instruments) into the well and raising them. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and repairs of stations, laboratory, lifts, winches, gas engines and generators; changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading, unloading and transporting equipment, equipment and tools.

Must know: well designs; procedure for conducting geophysical research in wells; rules for lowering and ascent of vehicles; rules for transporting logging and perforating equipment and equipment, their design and operating rules; rules for conducting shift and scheduled maintenance and current repairs of equipment for gas logging, perforating and logging stations; types and technical characteristics of equipment, apparatus, generator and stations; brands of cables and wires; basics of electrical engineering; procedure and rules for carrying out blasting operations; rules and modes of battery charging; grounding device and methods for finding faults in the network; signs of malfunctions of gasoline engines, generators and auxiliary mechanisms of stations and methods for eliminating them.

When carrying out geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with depths of over 1000 to 4000 m, as well as in inclined wells with depths of up to 1500 m - 5th category.

When carrying out geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with depths of over 4000 to 5000 m, as well as in inclined wells with depths of over 1500 m - 6th category.

When conducting geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells with a depth of over 5000 m, horizontal wells, wells with a weighted drilling mud with a density of over 1.6 g/cm 3 - 7th category.

§ 11. Seismic signal excitation installation operator

6th category

Characteristics of the work. Control of the installation for excitation of seismic signals of pulse or vibration action. Checking and adjusting mechanical, hydraulic and electrical components of the installation. Preparation of seismic signal excitation sources for operation and their testing. Measuring the operating parameters of the installation. Excitation of a pulsed seismic signal. Maintaining communication with the seismic station. Monitoring the operation of gas, electrical, mechanical and other installation systems. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of the installation. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and routine repairs of plant systems.

Must know: the design of gas, mechanical systems, electrical and radio-electronic components of the seismic signal excitation installation, the rules of its operation and maintenance, repair and regulation; the order and sequence of seismic survey work on the profile; requirements for the installation as a source of seismic signals.

§ 12. Drilling machine operator

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Control of a tunneling installation (unit, crane) when sinking holes. Participation in the planning of the site for the placement of a boring machine. Participation in installation, dismantling, transportation and preparation for operation of the boring machine. Participation in the performance of operations during the excavation of pits. Monitoring the condition and proper operation of equipment and tools. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and routine repairs of the boring machine. Participation in loading and unloading operations.

Must know: methods and technology for sinking pits; design and operating rules of the boring machine and electrical equipment; rules and procedures for maintenance and routine repairs of the boring machine; installed alarm system.

§ 13.

3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Installation, dismantling and repair of wooden geodetic signs, reinforced concrete pylons and concrete monoliths for centers and points of triangulation and polygonometry. Production of fundamental and ground benchmarks and leveling marks for leveling points. Clearing space for geodetic signs. Construction of gates, lifting masts and other means for hoisting operations. Preparation of elements, units and assembly of wooden geodetic signs and individual parts of signs on the ground. Lifting assembled geodetic signs or individual parts of the sign with their subsequent fastening. Laying out centers and arranging reference points. Manufacturing, assembly, installation and removal of molds for casting reinforced concrete pylons, concrete monoliths and benchmarks. Marking and digging pits. Knitting reinforcement. Preparation and laying of concrete mass. Cleaning, installation and filling of benchmarks and their external design. Carrying out carpentry, excavation and concrete work during the construction and repair of geodetic marks, benchmarks, centers and points of triangulation or polygonometry. Loading, unloading and transporting equipment, tools and materials. Preparation of documents for depositing geodetic signs and benchmarks.

Must know: the purpose and structure of wooden geodetic signs, centers and points of triangulation and polygonometry, fundamental and ground benchmarks, identification marks, rock marks and benchmarks; the procedure for installing and dismantling geodetic signs and the requirements for the quality of their production; main types of connections of parts and structures; methods for lifting assembled wooden geodetic signs and their individual parts; methods and rules for fastening wooden geodetic signs, blocks, cables, ropes; technology for performing construction, installation, carpentry, excavation and concrete work; the main types and properties of building materials used in the construction of wooden geodetic marks, benchmarks, centers and points of triangulation or polygonometry; installation procedure for reinforcement cages, concrete preparation technology; types and purposes of carpentry, plumbing and instrumentation; arrangement of centers and external design of geodetic signs.

§ 14. Installer of geodetic signs

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Installation, dismantling and repair of metal geodetic signs with a height of up to 20 meters and wooden geodetic signs with a height of 20 to 40 meters. Manufacturing and fastening individual parts on the ground. Installation and dismantling of lifting devices and mechanisms. Performing construction and installation work during the construction and repair of metal signs at height. Carrying out metalwork and welding work. Preparation of documents for depositing geodetic signs.

Must know: the purpose, design and elements of parts of metal geodetic signs; methods, procedures for installation, dismantling and repair of metal geodetic signs and requirements for the quality of their manufacture; methods and rules for fastening geodetic signs, their parts, blocks, cables, ropes; technology for performing construction, installation and welding works; the main types and properties of materials used in the construction of metal geodetic signs; types and purposes of welding equipment, plumbing and carpentry tools.

When installing and dismantling metal geodetic signs with a height of over 20 to 40 meters and wooden geodetic signs with a height of over 40 meters - 5th category.

When installing and dismantling metal geodetic signs over 40 meters - 6th category.

§ 15. Motor operator of electrical exploration station

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Maintenance of the generating group of the electrical exploration station. Preparing the site and installing the generator group, ensuring the required engine operating mode during measurements. Unwinding and connecting wires for the intercom and current channel. Adjustment of main engine components, contactors and relays of the generator group. Inspection, lubrication, refueling and grounding of the generator group, installation of an antenna for radio communication. Changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading and unloading of used equipment and equipment during their transportation. Performing shift maintenance and participating in routine repairs of the generator group.

Must know: generator group structure; rules for technical operation and maintenance of generators; methods for identifying and eliminating engine, generator, and transmission malfunctions; diagram of the production process using an electrical exploration station; basic information on electrical and radio engineering; wire brands.

§ 16.

5th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out scheduled maintenance, current unscheduled repairs of geophysical equipment, equipment, instruments and individual components at the work site or at field bases of organizations. Assembly, dismantling, adjustment, regulation and testing of small geophysical equipment, equipment and instruments. Determining the need to replace individual components (parts) and the need to send them for repairs in stationary conditions.

Must know: basics of electrical and radio engineering; basic electrical and radio circuits, types, structure, order, methods of dismantling and assembling geophysical equipment, equipment and instruments; rules and technology for maintenance, repair, adjustment and adjustment of geophysical equipment, instruments and individual components; methods of performing soldering work.

§ 17. Geophysical equipment adjuster

6th category

Characteristics of the work. Adjustment and repair of analog seismic, electrical prospecting, logging, gas logging and other geophysical stations, gravimeters, gravity variometers, aeromagnetometers, potentiometers, geophones and other geophysical instruments, equipment and devices. Assembly, dismantling, adjustment, adjustment, testing and standardization of geophysical equipment, equipment and instruments.

Must know: basics of electrical and radio engineering; basic electrical and radio circuits; types, design, order, methods of dismantling and assembling geophysical stations, instruments, equipment and other devices, technology and rules for setting up, adjusting, standardizing, repairing geophysical instruments, equipment, devices and their complexes; technology of electrical and radio installation works; device, rules for use and repair of measuring instruments; rules for the use and storage of technical equipment and materials during repair work; rules for handling radioactive sources.

When performing work with electronic digital complexes and radioactive sources - 7th category.

Secondary vocational education required.

§ 18. Concentrator of minerals and concentrates

2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Washing and sorting of raw materials for enrichment. Enrichment of fragments of quartz crystals and vein quartz by chipping away defective, fractured, ferruginized, substandard areas and foreign impurities using a chisel and special hammers. Separation of enriched raw materials by grade. Delivery of raw materials to the storage location. Waste removal.

Must know: external signs of varietal raw materials; basic physical and mechanical properties of materials and rocks; requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation; terms and definitions used in the classification of raw materials by variety and grade.

§ 19. Concentrator of minerals and concentrates

3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Processing of rock crystal for melting and jewelry and ornamental stones into raw materials by hand. Filing of off-grade areas on a scoring machine. Viewing and identifying defects in raw materials (gas-liquid and mineral inclusions) and defects in reflected electric light on light tables and under a table lamp. Separation of enriched raw materials by grade and preparation for storage.

Must know: external signs and basic physical and mechanical properties of varietal raw materials (quartz and colored stones); requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation; terms and definitions used in the classification of raw materials into varieties and grades; design and operating rules of the equipment being serviced.

§ 20. Concentrator of minerals and concentrates

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Enrichment of piezo-optical quartz grades 1 and 2, Iceland spar from crystal raw materials and jewelry stones into raw materials manually. Viewing, detection of defective raw materials in reflected electric light, filing of raw materials. Measuring the mono-area of ​​piezo-optical raw materials with a caliper with an error of no more than± 1 mm. Enrichment of concentrates by stripping them manually or using devices; preparation of concentrates for stripping; starting, monitoring and stopping devices. Uniform distribution of the mineral and regulation of the yield of minerals on the device. Identifying and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of the device. Sorting and preparation for storage of enriched raw materials.

Must know: external signs and basic physical and mechanical properties of raw materials (quartz, Iceland spar and colored stones); acceptable natural defects of raw materials; requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation; the main properties of each type of raw material and their manifestations during enrichment; terms and definitions used in the classification of raw materials; classification of colored stones; design, rules of operation and maintenance of the equipment used; rules for using diamond and testing tools; rules for sampling and processing of samples; methods of stripping concentrates; associated minerals, rocks and minerals found in concentrates.

§ 21. Concentrator of minerals and concentrates

5th category

Characteristics of the work. Enrichment of "Extra" grade piezoquartz, quartzoptical and precious stones in raw materials manually. Viewing, filing and identifying defective raw materials in reflected electric light, visually and using immersion liquid. Measurement of the ion region of piezo-optical raw materials. Extraction of crystals and inclusions from host rocks using chemical etching of soluble rock components. Accounting for waste of precious raw materials. Sorting enriched raw materials and preparing them for storage.

Must know: external signs and physical and mechanical properties of raw materials (optical quartz and precious stones); permissible natural defects of raw materials characteristic of each type of stone; requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation; special properties of each type of raw material and their manifestation during enrichment; terms and definitions used in the classification of raw materials into varieties and grades; classification of precious stones; device, rules for using diamond and control and measuring tools.

§ 22. Geological sampler

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Selection of furrow, scuff, hole and other samples in mine workings to determine the quality and quantity of minerals and calculate their reserves in the subsoil. Contouring and gouging out rock with high precision and tight tolerances using jackhammers, rotary hammers, pneumatic and electric samplers and by hand. If necessary, drilling holes, sawing furrows, measuring the cross-section of the furrow, scuffing area, volume and mass of samples. Labeling and packaging of samples. Moving and securing regiments. Preparing samplers, jackhammers and rotary hammers for work, connecting them to the electrical and air supply network. Selection of bottom samples in the sea and other bodies of water at a depth of up to 1500 meters. Maintenance of equipment used, identification and elimination of minor malfunctions in its operation. Maintaining technical documentation. Accounting and storage of samples.

Must know: the basics of microtectonics, textures and structures of ores; physical properties of rocks and direction of fracture lines; methods of using fault lines; device, designs, operating rules for pneumatic and electric tools, drill hole layouts and their depth; types of tools used; technical conditions and standards for geological sampling and rock mining by manual and mechanized methods; rules for using the installed alarm system; installation of technical means and bottom sampling technology.

When taking bottom samples at sea and in other bodies of water at a depth of over 1500 meters - 5th category.

§ 23. Washer of geological samples

2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Washing of placer samples under the supervision of a geological sample washer of a higher qualification. Participation in loading sand into trays, buckets, onto washing devices and installations, wiping them, washing granular material, and settling heavy fractions. Unloading, drying and packaging of concentrates.

Must know: basic rules for washing and establishing the concentration of geological samples; composition of minerals often found in concentrates; external signs of metal-containing and waste rocks.

§ 24. Washer of geological samples

3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Washing and finishing of bulk concentrate samples in trays, ladles, washing and finishing devices or installations, ensuring the yield of useful minerals in the concentrate is at least 70% with a grain size of 1 mm or more. Loading sand, sifting it, washing granular material, removing clayey matter (elutriation), concentrating heavy fractions, washing the sample to “gray” concentrate. Packaging of metal washed from samples, indicating sample numbers. Maintaining records of sample washing.

Must know: the purpose, rules and techniques of washing and finishing of concentrate samples; technological operating modes of washing and finishing devices and installations depending on the material composition of sands; rules for labeling, packaging and accounting of washed samples.

§ 25. Washer of geological samples

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Washing and finishing of bulk concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and finishing devices or installations, ensuring the yield of useful minerals in the concentrate is at least 90% with a grain size of 0.5 to 1.0 mm.

Must know: classification of loose rocks according to washability and methods for their elutriation in water; types of useful and related minerals; the influence of water speed on the release of concentrates from sands; rules for processing concentrate samples.

§ 26. Washer of geological samples

5th category

Characteristics of the work. Washing and finishing of control concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and concentration devices or installations. Washing and finishing of bulk concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and finishing devices or installations, ensuring the yield of useful minerals in the concentrate is at least 95% with a grain size of less than 0.5 mm. Processing, labeling and recording of washed control samples.

Must know: the structure and rules for regulating washing and concentration devices or installations; characteristics and macro-signs of useful and associated minerals in concentrates; rules for processing, labeling, recording control samples.

§ 27. Guide to geological prospecting and surveying

2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Accompaniment of workers of geological organizations when moving across flat inhabited areas with the choice of the most convenient and safe direction (path) to the intended point and camp sites. Transportation of people and goods by horses, mules, donkeys, camels, deer and dogs. Packing, stowage, loading, securing and unloading cargo. Repair of harnesses, carts, sleighs and pack equipment. Caring for draft animals, obtaining and accounting for fodder, preparing feed for current needs, feeding animals.

Must know: the location and local names of the main relief elements of the work area; location of wells, settlements, wintering areas, shelters, nomadic camps; location and passability of passes, fords, trails, roads according to the time of year; the most convenient and safest routes to the intended destination, safe parking areas; rules for transportation, packaging and placement of goods; rules for feeding and caring for draft animals; norms of maximum loads on animals depending on their condition and terrain conditions; rules for providing draft animals with first veterinary aid for injuries and illnesses.

When accompanying workers of geological organizations in high-mountainous, desert, taiga, and swampy areas - 3rd category.

When accompanying workers of geological organizations in uninhabited, mountainous, taiga, heavily swampy and desert areas, as well as when transporting people and goods by water - 4th category.

§ 28. Worker on geological work

2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Clearing previously excavated ones, excavating new ones and eliminating small surface mine workings (ditches, trenches and pits). Accompaniment of a specialist - geologist on the route. Sorting duplicate samples and preparing them for testing. Compliance with the regime for using water sources and taking water level measurements. Cleaning the site during hydrometric work. Drying, crushing and sieving lithogeochemical samples of loose rocks. Making bags, washing flasks and washing sampling bags. Packing, loading, unloading field equipment, devices, instruments, equipment. Transportation or carrying (in places inaccessible to vehicles) of goods. Maintain and maintain field equipment, instruments, instruments and equipment. Participation in choosing a camp site, installation and removal of tents. Security of property, cleaning and ensuring normal sanitary and hygienic conditions in the parking area. Cleaning of residential and industrial premises, periodic disinfection. Carrying out earthworks. Harvesting, chopping, carrying firewood and water; cooking food. Participation in the organization and liquidation of field work.

Must know: the rules of use, storage, packaging and transportation of field equipment, instruments, tools, equipment, various types of samples located on the camp territory, and when moving a geological party; rules for handling instruments, equipment, equipment and materials; rules for acceptance, storage, accounting of food consumption and expiration dates; basics of cooking and cooking.

§ 29. Worker on geological work

3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Selection, packaging, labeling of rock samples from natural outcrops, single ore, litgeochemical, geobotanical samples, water and gas samples, furrow and placer samples; selection of monoliths from loose rocks. Equipment for washing place samples. Washing of spot samples in a tray or ladle to a given specific gravity or color. Drying of concentrate samples. Processing of concentrates by stripping grains of various minerals and metals from gold, cassiterite, wolframite and other components. Taking readings from field instruments and recording them in a log. Measurement of parameters of surface and underground water sources. Cleaning of cross-sections during hydrometric work. Manual excavation and removal of shallow mine workings. Sitting of loose samples, ashing of biogeochemical samples, preparation and testing of well cores, duplicate samples of surface mine workings and natural outcrops, transfer of selected samples. Measuring distances. Participation in terrain reconnaissance, laying peat exploration routes for topographic and geodetic surveys. Installation of benchmarks in pits and their external design. Measurement work on water intakes and lakes. Sounding of peat and sapropel deposits. Selection, packaging, labeling of samples of peat, sapropel, mineral layers and bottom sediments for laboratory research. Participation in determining the stump content of peat deposits, forest taxation work, laying trial tape counts, electrical profiling and electrical sounding. Drilling small wells with motorized drills and manually, carrying out excavation work. Clearing sight lines. Loading, unloading and transporting (carrying) field equipment, equipment, tools.

Must know: basic information about geological surveying and prospecting work; rules for selection, packaging, labeling and transportation of rock samples and samples; rules and techniques for sampling and washing sample concentrates; rules and techniques for stripping concentrates; places of the highest concentration of concentrate minerals and metals found in concentrates; rules for operation and maintenance of field devices; basic information about the physical and mechanical properties of rocks and the conditions of their occurrence; purpose of topographic and geodetic probing and sampling instruments, rules for their use, storage and transportation; purpose of geodetic signs; rules for digging pits, clearing routes and sightings; basic concepts about forest taxation work; rules for using drilling tools and the design of motorized drills; technology for drilling wells manually and with motorized drills.

§ 30. Worker on geophysical work

2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Participation in the installation of geophones, electrodes (groundings) on the ground and their connection to seismic or electrical survey lines. Transfer of seismic receivers, electrodes and connecting wires during the work process. Unwinding (layout) of wires for seismic, electrical exploration and auxiliary lines. Troubleshooting connections, restoring insulation and bandages. Participation in the manufacture of seismic streamers and supply lines. Preparation of sites and participation in the installation of gravimeters, logging equipment and block balance; participation in manual hoisting operations. Core preparation for radiometric studies. Carrying out loading and unloading operations during installation of equipment and equipment.

Must know: the design, rules of operation, transportation and storage of equipment, instruments and equipment; basic techniques for working with installation tools.

§ 31. Worker on geophysical work

3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Participation in geophysical work at a seismic station, in connecting (disconnecting) seismic streamers, in installing grounding and fencing. Maintenance of power supply systems (gasoline units, chargers, batteries). Participation in geophysical work at the blasting station and electrical exploration station. Loading (unloading) and transfer of explosives; production of passive charges in the presence of an explosive. Checking the condition and templating of blast holes. Together with the blaster, placing charges in pits, lowering them into wells, laying lines of detonating cord. Participation in eliminating the consequences of drilling and blasting operations. Detection and correction of damaged connections at an electrical exploration station. Installation of groundings and checking their quality. Maintenance of power supply systems (portable gasoline units, batteries, etc.). Installation of instruments and equipment at observation points.

Must know: the design of seismic and electrical exploration lines, the system of their connections and connections to the station; methods of working with instrumentation; device and rules for handling the engine, generator and control devices of portable gasoline units; requirements for storage, transportation, maintenance and charging of acid and alkaline batteries; instructions and regulatory documents for the operation of equipment and materials used in geophysical work; basic properties and characteristics of explosive materials, requirements for their storage and transportation; methods of mounting passive charges and their transfer; rules for handling installation tools and insulating materials; unified rules for carrying out blasting operations.

§ 32. Worker on geophysical work

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Preparation of seismic, electrical and auxiliary lines. Checking the quality of placement and connection of geophones and electrical prospecting installations (conductivity, leakage, etc.), identifying and eliminating malfunctions in their operation. Participation in the manufacture of seismic streamer sections and electrical exploration lines; installation of seismic receiver groups. Installation of various types of grounding and barriers. Search on the ground for points of a prepared observation network. Transfer and installation of gravimeters into the horizon. Checking, preparing for work and performing operational observations using radiometric instruments. Registration of gravimeter and radiometer readings in a field journal. Device of identification marks. Sensitivity testing and standardization of radiometers. Condition monitoring, preventive maintenance and participation in routine repairs of geophysical equipment.

Must know: basic information about the tasks and methodology of the corresponding type of geophysical work; organization and technology for performing production processes of field geophysical work; a system for marking observation points on the ground and installing geophysical instruments; rules for operation, maintenance, transportation and storage of geophysical instruments and equipment; basic techniques for installing electrical circuits, procedures for working with installation tools and instrumentation; instructions for carrying out work using the appropriate method (blasting operations, work with high voltage currents, ionizing radiation).

Note. When conducting geophysical research at sea from floating facilities, workers are charged one category higher.

§ 33. Rock grinder

2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Peeling, rough processing of sections and polished sections for physical and mechanical research. Measuring samples and splitting them.

Must know: the basic physical and mechanical properties of rocks and methods of their processing; abrasive materials used.

§ 34. Rock grinder

3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Production of simple sections and polished sections from igneous and metamorphic rocks, rocks with a quartz content of up to 50%. Grinding of cubes, plates, prisms, cylinders to study the physical and mechanical properties of rocks. Bandaging samples and checking them. Cover glass gluing. Washing of polished sections. Checking thin sections under a microscope. Preparation of adhesive compositions. Preventive maintenance and current repairs of used equipment. Labeling and recording of produced sections.

Must know: features of processing and physical and mechanical properties of rocks; rules for operating devices, tools and equipment used in processing thin sections (samples); types and purpose of grinding (abrasive) materials; types and technology of preparation of adhesive compositions; technology for processing rocks and making thin sections from them; rules for labeling and accounting of thin sections (samples); requirements for the quality of polished sections; ways to achieve precision and cleanliness of processing rocks in the manufacture of thin sections.

When manufacturing complex and non-standard (area more than 4 cm 2 ) thin sections (samples) from sedimentary, weakly cemented and fractured rocks, as well as rocks with a quartz content of more than 50% - 4th category.





professions listed in this section



Names of professions according to current editions and sections of ETKS (1985 edition)








4 - 6

Engraver of original topographic maps

4 - 6

Geological exploration

Measurer at

topographic-geodetic and

surveying works

2 - 5

mine surveying


2 - 5

- " -


- " -


4 - 8


4 - 6

- " -

Logging station operator

4 - 7

Gas logging station operator

- " -

Logging station lift operator

4 - 5

- " -

3 - 4

- " -

- " -

Drilling machine operator


Drillhole driver


Geological exploration

Installer of geodetic signs

3 - 6

Installer of geodetic signs

3 - 4



- " -

Motor operator of electrical exploration


Motor operator of electrical exploration


- " -

Geophysical equipment adjuster

5 - 7

Geophysical equipment adjuster

- " -



and concentrates

2 - 5



- " -

Geological sampler

4 - 5

Geological sampler

- " -




2 - 5




2 - 5

- " -

Explorer on


searching and filming

2 - 4

Explorer on


searching and filming

- " -


2 - 4

- " -

2 - 3

Worker on geological survey and

search work

2 - 3

- " -

Worker on geophysical work

2 - 5

2 - 4

- " -


2 - 3

- " -



2 - 4



2 - 4

- " -





Names of professions according to current graduations and

sections of ETKS

(1985 editions)




professions listed in this section of the ETKS









2 - 5

Geological exploration

Engraver of original topographic maps

4 - 6

Engraver of original topographic maps

4 - 6


Measurer at

topographic-geodetic and

mine surveying


2 - 5

Surveyor on topographic-geodetic and

mine surveying


2 - 5

- " -


4 - 6


4 - 8

- " -


2 - 4

2 - 4

- " -

Gas logging operator


Logging station operator

4 - 7

- " -


logging station lift

4 - 5

Logging station operator

4 - 7

- " -

Drilling machine operator

Drilling machine operator


Geological exploration

Installer of geodetic signs

3 - 4

Installer of geodetic signs

3 - 6


Motor operator of electrical exploration


Motor operator of electrical exploration


- " -

Operator of a self-propelled logging station

Logging station operator

4 - 7

- " -

Geophysical equipment adjuster

Geophysical equipment adjuster

5 - 7

- " -



2 - 5

- " -

Mobile seismic operator

Seismic excitation installation operator


- " -

Geological sampler

Geological sampler

4 - 5

- " -

Explorer on


searching and filming

Explorer on


searching and filming

2 - 4

- " -


geological samples

2 - 5


geological samples

2 - 5

- " -

Worker on geological survey

and search work

2 - 3

Worker on geological


2 - 3

Geological exploration

Worker on geophysical work

2 - 4

Worker on geophysical work

2 - 5



2 - 3

Worker on geophysical work

2 - 5

- " -


Installer of geodetic signs

3 - 6

- " -



Engraver of original topographic maps

4 - 6

Measurer for topographic-geodetic and surveying works

2 - 5


4 - 8

Logging station operator

4 - 7

Seismic signal excitation installation operator

Drilling machine operator

Installer of geodetic signs

3 - 6

Engine operator of electrical exploration station

Geophysical equipment adjuster

5 - 7

Concentrator for minerals and concentrates

2 - 5

Geological sampler

4 - 5

Geological sample washer

2 - 5

Guide to geological prospecting and surveying

2 - 4

Worker on geological works

2 - 3

Worker on geophysical work

2 - 5

Rock grinder

General provisions

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (hereinafter referred to as ETKS) (issue 5) consists of the section “Geological exploration and topographic and geodetic work.”

The categories of work are established according to their complexity without taking into account working conditions (with the exception of extreme cases that affect the level of complexity of work and increase the requirements for the qualifications of the performer).

The tariff and qualification characteristics of each profession have two sections.

The section “Characteristics of work” contains a description of the work that the worker must be able to perform.

The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the worker in terms of special knowledge, as well as knowledge of regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the worker must use.

Along with the requirements for theoretical and practical knowledge contained in the “Must Know” section, the worker must know: labor safety and health rules, fire safety requirements, rules for using personal protective equipment, requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate it, production alarms, requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace.

This section includes professions of workers specific to geological exploration and topographic and geodetic organizations, which require knowledge of labor protection rules when performing drilling and blasting operations and work with ionizing sources, as well as knowledge of the rules for carrying out measures to protect the environment and subsoil. Workers whose professions involve driving a car, tractor, or performing drilling and blasting and perforation and blasting operations must have the appropriate documents.

A worker of higher qualifications, in addition to the work listed in his tariff and qualification characteristics, must be able to perform work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of workers of lower qualifications, as well as manage workers of lower grades of the same profession. In this regard, the work listed in the tariff and qualification characteristics of lower categories is, as a rule, not given in the characteristics of higher categories.

Tariff and qualification characteristics of professions are mandatory when calculating work and assigning qualification categories to workers in organizations, regardless of their forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms, where there are production facilities and types of work specified in these sections, except for specially specified cases.

When filling out documents confirming the employee’s work activity, as well as when changing the tariff category, the name of his profession is recorded in accordance with the ETKS.

For ease of use, ETKS (issue 5) provides an alphabetical index (Appendix 1) containing the names of workers' professions, the range of categories and page numbering.

Filters and navigation in the right column --->

Chapter: Geological exploration and topographic-geodetic work

  1. 4th category

    Job Description:

    Participation in the production of original topographic maps (plans). Engraving and drawing relief contours with the number of contours up to 20 per 1 square. dm topographic map (plan). Engraving and drawing of hydrography and line elements of the content of a topographic map (plan), characterized by open, flat terrain with floodplains and sparse vegetation, hilly and foothill areas with the presence of a road network, open clean sands or sands fixed by grass vegetation, with a number of contours up to 30 per 1 sq. dm. Engraving of geodetic justification points. Checking the dimensions and engraving the frame and kilometer grid. Cutting from galleys and pasting of geographical names, numbers, symbols, border design, made on a phototypesetting machine. Retouching of engraved hydrographic elements. Refueling on positive copies. Correction of proofreading comments. Sharpening and straightening of engraving tools and devices.

    Must know:

    the purpose of topographic maps (plans), the basics of the technology for producing original topographic maps (plans), the technology for preparing topographic maps (plans) for publication, the accuracy of production and content of the technological map (plan), standards for determining 1-3 categories of complexity of compilation and publishing work, conventional signs, rules for editing, sharpening and using engraving tools and devices, current instructions and guidelines for preparing original topographic maps (plans) for publication

    Work examples:


  2. Engraver of original topographic maps

    5th category

    Job Description:

    Engraving and drawing the contours of the relief of a topographic map (plan) with the number of contour lines from 20 to 100 per 1 square. dm. Engraving and drawing of hydrography and line elements of the content of a topographic map (plan), characterized by flat forested areas with large swampy areas, foothill areas with the presence of plantations of industrial crops, orchards and vegetable gardens, floodplains of rivers, overgrown with forests and shrubs with the presence of oxbow lakes, channels, lakes , rural settlements, with the number of circuits from 30 to 100 per 1 sq. dm.

    Must know:

    technology for producing original topographic maps (plans), standards for determining 4-6 categories of complexity of compilation and publishing works

    Work examples:


  3. Engraver of original topographic maps

    6th category

    Job Description:

    Engraving and drawing the relief contours of a topographic map (plan) with more than 100 contour lines per 1 sq. dm. Engraving and drawing of hydrography and line elements of the content of a topographic map (plan), characterized by mountain taiga terrain, large rural settlements, industrial areas with a highly developed network of railways and highways, populated areas of mountainous areas, with a number of contours of more than 100 per 1 sq. dm.

    Must know:

    technology for producing original topographic maps (plans), standards for determining 7-10 categories of complexity of compilation and publishing works

    Work examples:


  4. 2nd category

    Job Description:

    Participation in topographic, geodetic and surveying works. Selection of characteristic relief points and contours. Opening and closing the center of a geodetic sign or benchmark. Installation of slats on shoes, crutches, benchmarks, stakes, piles and other selected points of the terrain. Clearing the route for sighting devices. Measuring lines with tape, cable, cord, tape measure. Hanging lines. Manufacturing and installation of stakes and sighting poles. Marking pickets during leveling. Securing benchmarks and pickets. Installation of block machines of various systems, stands with rear sights and camera stands. Stretching wire across racks, hanging and lowering weights, winding wire onto drums, and stacking drums in boxes. Lowering and securing plumb lines. Participation in measurements when surveying underground communications. Loading, unloading and transporting (carrying) field equipment, equipment and instruments. Setting up a field camp.

    Must know:

    general concepts about topographic-geodetic and surveying work, rules for selecting characteristic points of the relief and terrain contours, rules for using measuring instruments, arrangement of machines, blocks, tripods, the procedure for arranging basic tripods with pillars, purpose, rules of use, transportation, storage and packaging of topographic geodetic and surveying instruments, tools and equipment, the procedure for clearing the route for sighting lines, installing milestones and slats, rules for securing temporary benchmarks and pickets

    Work examples:


  5. Measurer for topographic-geodetic and surveying works

    3rd category

    Job Description:

    Carrying out topographic, geodetic and surveying works. Participation in the verification and installation of topographic, geodetic and surveying instruments and instruments at the observation point (point). Instrumental alignment of the level on the rail. Participation in reconnaissance of the area, binding of reference points and measuring the height of the sign. Preliminary search for starting points. Selecting transition points. Management of work on clearing routes for sightings. Delivery of heliotropes, lanterns, instruments for meteorological measurements, and high-precision optical instruments to the point of triangulation or polygonometry. Submission of light signals or reflected light signals from a triangulation or polygonometry point in the direction of the observed point using special instruments. Carrying out meteorological measurements at the reflector location. Carrying out simple calculations. Keeping records in a field journal.

    Must know:

    the purpose of topographic-geodetic and surveying work, the procedure for maintaining a field journal, the rules for checking and installing topographic-geodetic and surveying instruments and tools at the observation point (point), the rules and procedure for aligning the level on the staff to a plumb line, the rules for finding starting points and selecting transition points , designs of geodetic and surveying signs, methods for determining the stability and rigidity of signals, correct placement of centers and reference points, requirements for visibility and image conditions, device and rules for handling heliotrope, lantern and reflectors, light signaling, rules for storing and caring for reflectors , batteries and batteries, rules for performing meteorological measurements at reflector locations, methods for checking optical instruments

    Work examples:


  6. Measurer for topographic-geodetic and surveying works

    4th category

    Job Description:

    Carrying out topographic-geodetic and mine surveying measurements when conducting surveys for surveying the shelf, inland waters and seas. Installation of high-precision optical instruments and reflectors and connection of their power sources. Providing communication and signaling with adjacent points. Taking readings from topographic, geodetic and surveying instruments and tools. Maintaining entries in a field journal, performing page-by-page controls and calculations to determine the average values ​​of measured values. Participation in the preparation and drawing of diagrams, profiles, graphs, as well as in the design of measurement materials. Carrying out geodetic and surveying measurements during construction and installation works. Removal of working elevation marks (altitude horizon) from one zone of the construction and installation site to another (from floor to floor, from tier to tier) using a level gauge or a hose level (communicating vessels). Instrumental control of the horizontal and vertical position of erected structures and measurement of geometric deviations from the design parameters allowed during their installation. Laying benchmarks and marks on beams, columns, mine support, and so on.

    Must know:

    features of measurements when carrying out measurements for surveying the shelf, inland waters and seas, rules for installing high-precision optical instruments at the observation site, taking readings according to a nomogram, rules for maintaining technical documentation and processing the results of field observations, symbols for geodetic and surveying plans, construction and installation drawings , general plans and construction plans, signaling rules for high-rise and underground construction, including when working in the compressed air zone, removal and fixation of absolute and conditional horizons, rules and procedures for conducting control checks of the horizontal and vertical position of structures, permissible geometric deviations from the design during installation structures and their elements

    Work examples:


  7. Measurer at topographic-geodetic and surveying works

    5th category

    Job Description:

    Carrying out topographic, geodetic and surveying measurements during construction and installation works using high-precision optical vertical sighting instruments. Installation of instruments and taking readings according to the nomogram. Measuring and checking the geometric parameters of blocks, columns, crossbars and other building structures. Planned and high-altitude survey of rows of piles, columns and so on. Instrumental support for the processes of installing structures in the design position and straightening crane runways. Carrying out the installation horizon in situ under the guidance of a surveyor or surveyor. Participation in the preparation and drawing of executive diagrams for mounted structures, technological blocks, assemblies.

    Must know:

    rules for performing topographic-geodetic and surveying measurements with high-precision vertical sighting devices during construction and installation works, rules and procedures for measuring and checking the geometric parameters of building structures, setting out the installation horizon in situ, rules for drawing up as-built diagrams for mounted structures, blocks and assemblies

    Work examples:


  8. Logger

    4th category

    Job Description:

    Performing well logging work. Participation in installation, dismantling and repair of logging equipment at the drilling site. Checking the serviceability of logging equipment. Carrying out measurements and identifying places of current leakage. Elimination of damage to the insulation of wires and logging cables. Participation in the lowering and installation of instruments and apparatus at the wellhead. Participation in the maintenance of logging equipment and tools. Disconnection, lifting from the well, loading, unloading and transportation (transfer) of equipment and equipment.

    Must know:

    sequence of geophysical research in wells, diagrams, structure and principle of operation of logging-perforating equipment and equipment and rules for their operation, types of power sources used during geophysical research in wells, and rules for handling them, rules and procedure for checking the insulation of logging cables and its repairs, methods of performing soldering work, basic information about explosive materials and rules for handling them, the procedure for carrying out maintenance of logging equipment, methods for manufacturing probes and splicing logging cables

    Work examples:


  9. Logger

    5th category

    Job Description:

    Carrying out work on logging, pneumatic processing, perforation and torpedoing in boreholes up to 1000 meters deep for geophysical research of rocks. Installation of a lift, laboratories and block balance at the well. Lowering into the well and attaching downhole instruments, firing devices and torpedoes. Installation, dismantling and checking the serviceability of equipment, equipment and working schemes for logging, pneumatic processing, perforation and torpedoing in wells and for near-well and inter-well studies. Grounding device. Checking the presence of warning marks, measuring the price of the first mark and measuring the cable. Troubleshooting the equipment and tools used, eliminating damage to the insulation of braided and armored cables. Disconnection, lifting from the well, loading and unloading of equipment, equipment and equipment.

    Must know:

    basic concepts about boreholes, their designs, the procedure for performing various types of geophysical surveys in boreholes, types, design and rules of operation, installation and dismantling of equipment, apparatus and torpedoes used in logging, perforation, torpedoing and geophysical surveys in boreholes, fundamentals of electrical engineering, brands of cables and wires, types of power sources and rules for using them, grounding methods, types of explosive materials and radioactive substances, rules for handling them, basic rules and procedures for electrical installation work, rules for transporting and storing equipment, equipment and special substances, rules and procedures repairs equipment repairs
    When performing logging, perforation and torpedoing work in drilling wells with a depth of over 1000 to 4000 m, directional wells with a depth of up to 1500 m - 6th category;
    When performing work on logging, perforation and torpedoing of boreholes with a depth of over 4000 to 5000 m, directional wells with a depth of over 1500 m - 7th category.

    When performing logging, perforation and torpedoing work in drill holes with a depth of over 5000 m, in horizontal wells, with a weighted drilling mud with a density of over 1.6 g/cubic. cm in wells more than 1500 m deep - 8th category.
    Secondary vocational education required.

    Work examples:


    When performing work on logging, perforation and torpedoing in offshore drilling wells, the tariffs for logging workers of 4-7 ranks are one rank higher.

  10. Logging station operator

    4th category

    Job Description:

    Management of gas logging, self-propelled logging and perforating stations, logging lifts during geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells up to 1000 meters deep. Preparing stations and lifts for transportation and operation. Selection, site preparation, as well as installation of a laboratory, generator group and lift. Installation and dismantling of equipment. Connecting stations to the power and lighting network. Lowering equipment (instruments) into the well and raising them. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and routine repairs of stations, laboratories, lifts, winches, gas engines and generators, changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading, unloading and transporting equipment, equipment and tools.

    Must know:

    well designs, the procedure for conducting geophysical research in wells, rules for lowering and lifting apparatus, rules for transporting logging and perforating equipment and equipment, their design and operating rules, rules for conducting shift and scheduled maintenance and routine repairs of equipment for gas logging, perforating and logging stations, types and technical characteristics of equipment, equipment, generator and stations, brands of cables and wires, fundamentals of electrical engineering, procedures and rules for carrying out blasting operations, rules and modes for charging batteries, grounding devices and methods for finding faults in the network, signs of malfunctions of gasoline engines, generators and auxiliary mechanisms of stations and ways to eliminate them
    When conducting geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with depths of over 1000 to 4000 m, as well as in directional wells with depths of up to 1500 m - 5th category;
    When carrying out geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with a depth of over 4000 to 5000 m, as well as in directional wells with a depth of over 1500 m - 6th category;
    When carrying out geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells with a depth of over 5000 m, horizontal wells, wells with weighted drilling mud with a density of over 1.6 g/cubic. cm - 7th category.

    Work examples:


  11. Seismic signal excitation installation operator

    6th category

    Job Description:

    Control of the installation for excitation of seismic signals of pulse or vibration action. Checking and adjusting mechanical, hydraulic and electrical components of the installation. Preparation of seismic signal excitation sources for operation and their testing. Measuring the operating parameters of the installation. Excitation of a pulsed seismic signal. Maintaining communication with the seismic station. Monitoring the operation of gas, electrical, mechanical and other installation systems. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of the installation. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and routine repairs of plant systems.

    Must know:

    arrangement of gas, mechanical systems, electrical and radio-electronic components of the seismic signal excitation installation, rules for its operation and maintenance, repair and regulation, procedure and sequence of seismic exploration work on the profile, requirements for the installation as a source of seismic signals

    Work examples:


  12. Drilling machine operator

    4th category

    Job Description:

    Control of a tunneling installation (unit, crane) when sinking holes. Participation in the planning of the site for the placement of a boring machine. Participation in installation, dismantling, transportation and preparation for operation of the boring machine. Participation in the performance of operations during the excavation of pits. Monitoring the condition and proper operation of equipment and tools. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and routine repairs of the boring machine. Participation in loading and unloading operations.

    Must know:

    methods and technology for sinking holes, structure and operating rules of a hole-boring installation and electrical equipment, rules and procedures for maintenance and routine repair of a hole-boring installation, installed alarm system

    Work examples:


  13. 3rd category

    Job Description:

    Installation, dismantling and repair of wooden geodetic signs, reinforced concrete pylons and concrete monoliths for centers and points of triangulation and polygonometry. Production of fundamental and pound benchmarks and leveling marks for leveling points. Clearing space for geodetic signs. Construction of gates, lifting masts and other means for lowering and lifting operations. Preparation of elements, units and assembly of wooden geodetic signs and individual parts of signs on the ground. Lifting assembled geodetic signs or individual parts of the sign with their subsequent fastening. Laying out centers and arranging reference points. Manufacturing, assembly, installation and removal of molds for casting reinforced concrete pylons, concrete monoliths and benchmarks. Marking and digging pits. Knitting reinforcement. Preparation and laying of concrete mass. Cleaning, installation and filling of benchmarks and their external design. Carrying out carpentry, excavation and concrete work during the construction and repair of geodetic marks, benchmarks, centers and points of triangulation or polygonometry. Loading, unloading and transporting equipment, tools and materials. Preparation of documents for depositing geodetic signs and benchmarks.

    Must know:

    the purpose and arrangement of wooden geodetic marks, centers and points of triangulation and polygonometry, fundamental and ground benchmarks, identification marks, rock marks and benchmarks, the procedure for installing and dismantling geodetic marks and the requirements for the quality of their manufacture, the main types of connections of parts and structures, methods lifting wooden geodetic signs in assembled form and their individual parts, methods and rules for fastening wooden geodetic signs, blocks, cables, ropes, technology for performing construction, installation, carpentry, excavation and concrete work, the main types and properties of building materials used in the construction of wooden geodetic signs, benchmarks, centers and points of triangulation or polygonometry, the procedure for installing reinforcement cages, concrete preparation technology, types and purposes of carpentry, plumbing and instrumentation, arrangement of centers and external design of geodetic signs

    Work examples:


  14. Installer of geodetic signs

    4th category

    Job Description:

    Installation, dismantling and repair of metal geodetic signs with a height of up to 20 meters and wooden geodetic signs with a height of 20 to 40 meters. Manufacturing and fastening individual parts on the ground. Installation and dismantling of lifting devices and mechanisms. Performing construction and installation work during the construction and repair of metal signs at height. Carrying out plumbing and welding work. Preparation of documents for depositing geodetic signs.

    Must know:

    purpose, design and elements of parts of metal geodetic signs, methods, procedure for installation, dismantling and repair of metal geodetic signs and requirements for the quality of their manufacture, methods and rules for fastening geodetic signs, their parts, blocks, cables, ropes, construction technology installation and welding works, main types and properties of materials used in the construction of metal geodetic signs, types and purposes of welding equipment, plumbing and carpentry tools
    When installing and dismantling metal geodetic signs with a height of over 20 to 40 meters and wooden geodetic signs with a height of over 40 meters - 5th category;
    When installing and dismantling metal geodetic signs over 40 meters - 6th category.

    Work examples:


  15. Engine operator of electrical exploration station

    4th category

    Job Description:

    Maintenance of the generating group of the electrical exploration station. Preparing the site and installing the generator group, ensuring the required engine operating mode during measurements. Unwinding and connecting wires for the intercom and current channel. Adjustment of main engine components, contactors and relays of the generator group. Inspection, lubrication, refueling and grounding of the generator group, installation of an antenna for radio communication. Changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading and unloading of used equipment and equipment during their transportation. Performing shift maintenance and participating in routine repairs of the generator group.

    Must know:

    device of a generator group, rules for technical operation and maintenance of generators, methods for identifying and eliminating malfunctions of the engine, generator, transmission, diagram of the production process using an electrical exploration station, basic information on electrical and radio engineering, wire grades

    Work examples:


  16. 5th category

    Job Description:

    Carrying out scheduled maintenance, ongoing unscheduled repairs of geophysical equipment, equipment, instruments and individual components at the work site or at field bases of organizations. Assembly, dismantling, adjustment. Regulation and testing of small geophysical equipment, equipment and instruments. Determining the need to replace individual components (parts) and the need to send them for repairs in stationary conditions.

    Must know:

    fundamentals of electrical and radio engineering, basic electrical and radio circuits, types, structure, order, methods of dismantling and assembling geophysical equipment, equipment and devices, rules and technology for maintenance, repair, adjustment and adjustment of geophysical and individual units, methods of performing soldering work.

    Work examples:


  17. Geophysical equipment adjuster

    6th category

    Job Description:

    Adjustment and repair of analog seismic, electrical prospecting, logging, gas logging and other geophysical stations, gravimeters, gravity variometers, aeromagnetometers, potentiometers, geophones and other geophysical instruments, equipment and devices. Assembly, dismantling, adjustment, adjustment, testing and standardization of geophysical equipment, equipment and instruments.

    Must know:

    fundamentals of electrical and radio engineering, basic electrical and radio circuits, types, structure, order, methods of dismantling and assembling geophysical stations, instruments, equipment and other devices, technology and rules for setting up, adjusting, standardizing, repairing geophysical instruments, equipment, devices and their complexes , technology of electrical and radio installation work, design, rules for the use and repair of measuring instruments, rules for the use and storage of technical equipment and materials during repair work, rules for handling radioactive sources
    When performing work with electronic digital complexes and radioactive sources - 7th category.
    Secondary vocational education required.

    Work examples:


  18. 2nd category

    Job Description:

    Washing and sorting of raw materials for enrichment. Enrichment of fragments of quartz crystals and vein quartz by chipping away defective, fractured, ferruginized, substandard areas and foreign impurities using a chisel and special hammers. Separation of enriched raw materials by grade. Delivery of raw materials to the storage location. Waste removal.

    Must know:

    external signs of varietal raw materials, basic physical and mechanical properties of materials and rocks, requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation, terms and definitions used in classifying raw materials by variety and grades

    Work examples:


  19. Concentrator for minerals and concentrates

    3rd category

    Job Description:

    Processing of rock crystal for melting and jewelry and ornamental stones into raw materials by hand. Filing of off-grade areas on a scoring machine. Viewing and identifying defects in raw materials (gas-liquid and mineral inclusions) and defects in reflected electric light on light tables and under a table lamp. Separation of enriched raw materials by grade and preparation for storage.

    Must know:

    external signs and basic physical and mechanical properties of varietal raw materials (quartz and colored stones), requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation, terms and definitions used in classifying raw materials by varieties and grades, design and operating rules of serviced equipment

    Work examples:


  20. Concentrator for minerals and concentrates

    4th category

    Job Description:

    Enrichment of piezo-optical quartz grades 1 and 2, Iceland spar from crystal raw materials and jewelry stones into raw materials manually. Viewing, detection of defective raw materials in reflected electric light, filing of raw materials. Measurement of the mono-area of ​​piezo-optical raw materials with a caliper with an error of no more than + - 1 mm. Enrichment of concentrates by stripping them manually or using devices; preparation of concentrates for stripping; starting, monitoring and stopping devices. Uniform distribution of the mineral and regulation of the yield of minerals on the device. Identifying and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of the device. Sorting and preparation for storage of enriched raw materials.

    Must know:

    external signs and basic physical and mechanical properties of raw materials (quartz, Iceland spar and colored stones), permissible natural defects of raw materials, requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation, basic properties of each type of raw material and their manifestations during enrichment, terms and definitions used when classifying raw materials, classification of colored stones, device, rules of operation and maintenance of the equipment used, rules for using diamond and control and measuring instruments, rules for sampling and processing samples, methods of stripping concentrates, associated minerals, rocks and minerals found in concentrates

    Work examples:


  21. Concentrator for minerals and concentrates

    5th category

    Job Description:

    Enrichment of “Extra” grade piezoquartz, quartz-optical and precious stones in raw materials manually. Viewing, filing and identifying defective raw materials in reflected electric light, visually and using immersion liquid. Measurement of the ion region of piezo-optical raw materials. Extraction of crystals and inclusions from host rocks using chemical etching of soluble rock components. Accounting for waste of precious raw materials. Sorting enriched raw materials and preparing them for storage.

    Must know:

    external signs and physical and mechanical properties of raw materials (optical quartz and precious stones), permissible natural defects of raw materials characteristic of each type of stone, requirements for raw materials by regulatory and technical documentation, special properties of each type of raw material and their manifestation during enrichment, terms and definitions used in the classification of raw materials into varieties and grades, classification of precious stones, device, rules for using diamond and control instruments

    Work examples:


  22. Geological sampler

    4th category

    Job Description:

    Washing of placer samples under the supervision of a geological sample washer of a higher qualification. Participation in loading sand into trays, buckets, onto washing devices and installations, wiping them, washing granular material, and settling heavy fractions. Unloading, drying and packaging of concentrates.

    Must know:

    basic rules for washing and establishing the concentration of geological samples, the composition of minerals often found in concentrates, external signs of metal-containing and waste rocks

    Work examples:


  23. 3rd category

    Job Description:

    Washing and finishing of bulk concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and finishing devices or installations, ensuring the yield of useful minerals in the concentrate is at least 70%, with a grain size of 1 mm or more. Loading sand, sifting it, washing granular material, removing clayey matter (elutriation), concentrating heavy fractions, washing the sample to “gray” concentrate. Packaging of metal washed from samples, indicating sample numbers. Maintaining records of sample washing.

    Must know:

    purpose, rules and techniques for washing and finishing of placer samples, technological operating modes of washing and finishing devices and installations depending on the material composition of sands, rules for labeling, packaging and accounting of washed samples

    Work examples:


  24. Geological sample washer

    4th category

    Job Description:

    Washing and finishing of bulk concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and finishing devices or installations, ensuring the yield of useful minerals in the concentrate is at least 90%, with a grain size of 0.5 to 1.0 mm.

    Must know:

    classification of loose rocks by washability and methods of their elutriation in water, types of useful and associated minerals, the influence of water speed on the release of concentrates from sands, rules for processing concentrate samples

    Work examples:


  25. Geological sample washer

    5th category

    Job Description:

    Washing and finishing of control concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and concentration devices or installations. Washing and finishing of bulk concentrate samples in trays, ladles, on washing and finishing devices or installations, ensuring the yield of useful minerals in the concentrate is at least 95%, with a grain size of less than 0.5 mm Processing, marking and recording of washed control samples.

    Must know:

    device and rules for regulating washing and concentration devices or installations, characteristics and macro-signs of useful and associated minerals in concentrates, rules for processing, labeling, accounting for control samples

    Work examples:


  26. Guide to geological prospecting and surveying

    2nd category

    Job Description:

    Accompaniment of workers of geological organizations when moving across flat inhabited areas with the choice of the most convenient and safe direction (path) to the intended point and camp sites. Transportation of people and goods by horses, mules, donkeys, camels, deer and dogs. Packing, stowage, loading, securing and unloading cargo. Repair of harnesses, carts, sleighs and pack equipment. Caring for draft animals, obtaining and accounting for fodder, preparing feed for current needs, feeding animals.

    Must know:

    location and local names of the main elements of the relief of the work area, location of wells, settlements, wintering quarters, shelters, nomadic camps, location and passability of passes, fords, trails, roads according to the time of year, the most convenient and safe routes to the intended point, safe parking areas, rules for transportation, packaging and placement of cargo, rules for feeding and caring for draft animals, norms for maximum loads on animals depending on their condition and terrain conditions, rules for providing draft animals with first veterinary aid for injuries and diseases
    When accompanying workers of geological organizations in high-mountainous, desert, taiga, and swampy areas - 3rd category.
    When accompanying workers of geological organizations in uninhabited, mountainous, taiga, heavily swampy and desert areas, as well as when transporting people and goods by water - 4th category.

    Work examples:


  27. 2nd category

    Job Description:

    Clearing previously excavated ones, excavating new ones and eliminating small surface mine workings (ditches, trenches and pits). Accompanying a geologist along the route. Sorting duplicate samples and preparing them for testing. Compliance with the regime for using water sources and taking water level measurements. Cleaning the site during hydrometric work. Drying, crushing and sieving lithogeochemical samples of loose rocks. Making bags, washing flasks and washing sampling bags. Packing, loading, unloading field equipment, devices, instruments, equipment. Transportation or carrying (in places inaccessible to vehicles) of goods. Maintain and maintain field equipment, instruments, instruments and equipment. Participation in choosing a camp site, installation and removal of tents. Security of property, cleaning and ensuring normal sanitary and hygienic conditions in the parking area. Cleaning of residential and industrial premises, periodic disinfection. Carrying out earthworks. Harvesting, chopping, carrying firewood and water, cooking. Participation in the organization and liquidation of field work.

    Must know:

    rules for the use, storage, packaging and transportation of field equipment, instruments, tools, equipment, various types of samples located on the camp territory and when moving a geological team, rules for handling instruments, equipment, equipment and materials, rules for acceptance, storage, and consumption accounting products and their expiration dates, the basics of cooking and cooking

    Work examples:


  28. Worker on geological works

    3rd category

    Job Description:

    Selection, packaging, labeling of rock samples from natural outcrops, single ore samples, litgeochemical, geobotanical samples, water and gas samples, furrow and spot samples, selection of monoliths from loose rocks. Equipment for washing place samples. Washing of spot samples in a tray or ladle to a given specific gravity or color. Drying of concentrate samples. Processing of concentrates by stripping grains of various minerals and metals from gold, cassiterite, wolframite and other components. Taking readings from field instruments and recording them in a log. Measurement of parameters of surface and underground water sources. Cleaning of cross-sections during hydrometric work. Manual excavation and removal of shallow mine workings. Sitting of loose samples, ashing of biogeochemical samples, preparation and testing of well cores, duplicate samples of surface mine workings and natural outcrops, transfer of selected samples. Measuring distances. Participation in terrain reconnaissance, laying peat exploration routes for topographic and geodetic surveys. Installation of benchmarks in pits and their external design. Measurement work on water intakes and lakes. Sounding of peat and sapropel deposits. Selection, packaging, labeling of samples of peat, sapropel, mineral layers and bottom sediments for laboratory research. Participation in determining the stump content of peat deposits, forest taxation work, laying trial tape counts, electrical profiling and electrical sounding. Drilling small wells with motorized drills and manually, carrying out excavation work. Clearing sight lines. Loading, unloading and transporting (carrying) field equipment, equipment, tools.

    Must know:

    skills in conducting routes in mountain-taiga and desert areas, basic information about conducting geological survey and prospecting work, rules for selecting, packaging, labeling and transporting rock samples and samples, rules and techniques for selecting and washing sample concentrates, rules and techniques for blowing off concentrates, places of greatest concentrations of concentrate minerals and metals found in concentrates, rules for operation and maintenance of field instruments, basic information about the physical and mechanical properties of rocks and the conditions of their occurrence, the purpose of topographic and geodetic probing and sampling instruments, rules for their use, storage and transportation, the purpose of geodetic signs, rules for digging pits, clearing routes and sightings, basic concepts about forest taxation work, rules for using drilling tools and the installation of motorized drills, technology for drilling wells manually and with motorized drills

    Work examples:


  29. 2nd category

    Job Description:

    Participation in the installation of geophones, electrodes (groundings) on the ground and their connection to seismic or electrical survey lines. Transfer of seismic receivers, electrodes and connecting wires during the work process. Unwinding (layout) of wires for seismic, electrical exploration and auxiliary lines. Troubleshooting connections, restoring insulation and bandages. Participation in the manufacture of seismic streamers and supply lines. Preparation of sites and participation in the installation of gravimeters, logging equipment and block balance, participation in manual hoisting operations. Core preparation for radiometric studies. Carrying out loading and unloading operations during installation of equipment and equipment.

    Must know:

    design, rules of operation, transportation and storage of equipment, instruments and equipment, basic techniques for working with installation tools

    Work examples:


  30. Worker on geophysical work

    3rd category

    Job Description:

    Participation in geophysical work at a seismic station, in connecting (disconnecting) seismic streamers, in installing grounding and fencing. Maintenance of power supply systems (gasoline units, chargers, batteries). Participation in geophysical work at the blasting station and electrical exploration station. Loading (unloading) and transfer of explosives, production of passive charges in the presence of an explosive. Checking the condition and templating of blast holes. Together with the blaster, placing charges in pits, lowering them into wells, laying lines of detonating cord. Participation in eliminating the consequences of drilling and blasting operations. Detection and correction of damaged connections at an electrical exploration station. Arrangement of grounding connections and checking their quality. Maintenance of power supply systems (portable gasoline units, batteries, etc.). Installation of instruments and equipment at observation points.

    Must know:

    arrangement of seismic and electrical exploration lines, the system of their connections and connection to the station, methods of working with control and measuring instruments, design and rules for handling the engine, generator and control devices of portable gasoline units, requirements for storage, transportation, maintenance and charging of acid and alkaline batteries, instructions and regulatory documents for the operation of equipment and materials used in geophysical work, the main properties and characteristics of explosive materials, requirements for their storage and transportation, methods of installing passive charges and their transfer, rules for handling installation tools and insulating materials, uniform rules carrying out blasting operations

    Work examples:


  31. Worker on geophysical work

    4th category

    Job Description:

    Preparation of seismic, electrical and auxiliary lines. Checking the quality of placement and connection of seismic receivers and electrical prospecting installations (conductivity, leakage, etc.), identifying and eliminating malfunctions in their operation. Participation in the manufacture of seismic streamer sections, electrical exploration lines, installation of groups of seismic receivers. Installation of various types of grounding and barriers. Search on the ground for points of a prepared observation network. Transfer and installation of gravimeters into the horizon. Checking, preparing for work and performing operational observations using radiometric instruments. Registration of gravimeter and radiometer readings in a field journal. Device of identification marks. Sensitivity testing and standardization of radiometers. Condition monitoring, preventive maintenance and participation in routine repairs of geophysical equipment.

    Must know:

    basic information about the tasks and methodology of the corresponding type of geophysical work, organization and technology for performing production processes of field geophysical work, a system for marking observation points on the ground and installing geophysical instruments, rules for operation, maintenance, transportation and storage of geophysical instruments and equipment, basic techniques for installing electrical circuits , the procedure for working with installation tools and instrumentation, instructions for carrying out work using the appropriate method (blasting operations, work with high voltage currents, ionizing radiation)

    Work examples:


    When conducting geophysical research at sea from floating facilities, workers are charged one category higher.

    Must know:

    features of processing and physical and mechanical properties of rocks, rules of operation of devices, tools and equipment used in the processing of thin sections (samples), types and purpose of grinding (abrasive) materials, types and technology for preparing adhesive compositions, technology for processing rocks and manufacturing from them thin sections, rules for labeling and recording thin sections (samples), requirements for the quality of thin sections, methods for achieving precision and cleanliness of rock processing when making thin sections
    When making complex and non-standard (more than 4 sq. cm in area) thin sections (samples) from sedimentary, weakly cemented and fractured rocks, as well as rocks with a quartz content of more than 50% - 4th category.
    The list of names of workers' professions provided for in this section, indicating their names according to the current issue of the ETKS, 2002 edition, is given in Appendix 2 to the ETKS (issue 5).

    Work examples:


  32. Appendix 1 to

    Alphabetical index of workers' professions

    Item no. Name of professions Range of digits Page
    1 2 3 4
    1. 4-6 3
    2. 2-5 4
    3. Logger 4-8 6
    4. Logging station operator 4-7 8
    5. 6 9
    6. 4 9
    7. 3-6 10
    8. 4 11
    9. 5-7 11
    10. 2-5 12
    11. Geological sampler 4-5 14
    12. 2-5 14
    13. 2-4 15
    14. 2-3 16
    15. 2-5 18
    16. Rock grinder 2-4 19

    Appendix 2 to
    Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory
    works and professions of workers (issue 5)

    List of names of workers' professions provided for in this section, indicating their names according to the current issue of ETKS, 2002 edition

    No. Names of professions included in this section Poison discharge range Names of professions according to the current edition of ETKS (2002 edition) Poison discharge range Issue number ET KS Abbreviated section name
    1 Engraver of original topographic maps 4-6 Engraver of original topographic maps 4-6 5 Geological exploration
    2 Measurer for topographic-geodetic and surveying works 2-5 Measurer for topographic-geodetic and surveying works 2-5 5 Geological exploration
    3 Logger 4-8 Logger 4-8 5 Geological exploration
    4 Logging station operator 4-7 Logging station operator 4-7 5 Geological exploration
    5 Seismic signal excitation installation operator 6 Seismic signal excitation installation operator 6 5 Geological exploration
    6 Drilling machine operator 4 Drilling machine operator 4 5 Geological exploration

    Installer of geodetic signs

    Installer of geodetic signs 3-4

    Geological exploration

    Rapper 3
    8 Engine operator of electrical exploration station 4 Engine operator of electrical exploration station 4 5 Geological exploration
    9 Geophysical equipment adjuster 5-7 Geophysical equipment adjuster 5-7 5 Geological exploration
    10 Concentrator for minerals and concentrates 2-5 Concentrator for minerals and concentrates 2-5 5 Geological exploration
    11 Geological sampler 4-5 Geological sampler 4-5 5 Geological exploration
    12 Geological sample washer 2-5 Geological sample washer 2-5 5 Geological exploration
    13 Guide to geological prospecting and surveying 2-4 Guide to geological prospecting and surveying 2-4 5 Geological exploration
    14 Worker on geological works 2-3 Worker on geological works 2-3 5 Geological exploration
    15 Worker on geophysical work 2-5 Worker on geophysical work 2-4 5 Geological exploration
    16 Rock grinder 2-4 Rock grinder 2-4 5 Geological exploration

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