If you dreamed about a former young man. Why do you dream about your ex: forget or call? How to get rid of dreams about a guy

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If you dreamed about your ex-lover, it means that you are too passionate about your past. That is, previous relationships greatly interfere with self-realization, development as individuals, forgetting the old and starting a new life. But there are other interpretations of sleep. To find out what a former young man is dreaming about, you need to try to remember all the events and the smallest details - then the dream book will be able to give you a more accurate interpretation.

According to the classic dream book, if in a dream you kissed your ex-boyfriend, then in real life something will unrealistically surprise you, something will become a discovery for you.

If you dreamed of a sexual act with your ex, get ready for an escalation of an old conflict. If you quarreled with your ex, then soon you will experience changes on the personal front, and for the better. If you parted in a dream, a new meeting awaits you.

If you had a fight with your ex in a dream, then in real life your current boyfriend will have a strong sense of possessiveness.

The appearance of a former boyfriend very often causes indignation and anxiety, especially among ladies who have not found a soul mate after breaking up.

The saddest dreams about an ex-boyfriend are those in which he, without explaining anything, talks about breaking up with you or simply leaves. To some extent, such a dream symbolizes the fear of losing what is most dear and valuable.

If you dream about your ex very often, and in different situations, think about it, maybe your feelings are still alive and his image occupies quite a large part of your dreams and thoughts.

Must be given correct interpretation your sleep, because even the smallest nuances are very important.

If we take into account folk signs, any person who appears to you in a dream certainly thinks about you. And if this person is your ex-lover, this should make you a little happy. The very fact that a man previously close to you at least sometimes thinks about you is probably the most pleasant interpretation of a dream.

Please note that among the interpretations of such a dream you can even find slightly funny ones. For example, the English dream book says that a dream protects you from all kinds of witchcraft. It is recommended to remember to be careful, especially if your ex-loved one is inflamed with wild passion.

Dream Interpretation: Former young man - interpretations of famous dream books

  • Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend when you are already in a new relationship is a lack of passion and romance, so try to look at it differently sexual relations with a new partner.
  • If you dream of an ex who is married to someone else, it’s time to forgive someone for past grievances.
  • A dream in which the conversation was not completed symbolizes the fact that you were unable to bring your relationship to a reasonable conclusion and in real life you have something to talk about with this person. These dreams are especially relevant when the breakup was your fault and on a subconscious level you are aware of your guilt. In this case, it may not hurt to have a frank conversation with your ex-boyfriend, and then the issue of such dreams will be resolved by itself.
  • If you dreamed of a former lover who is no longer alive, beware of danger. And if the deceased guy in a dream decided to help you with something, then this, on the contrary, means that you will be able to overcome all the troubles and defeat your rivals.
  • A former young man married to you usually dreams of troubles and worries.
  • A dream in which you recognize your former loved one becomes a harbinger of some large-scale changes in both your life and his. This dream may also portend you to meet soon in reality.
  • If your ex-boyfriend gave you some kind of surprise or gift in a dream, consider such a dream as a sign of possible betrayal.
  • Hearing the voice of a former boyfriend in a dream or talking to him on the phone - it is quite possible that his feelings for you are no longer the same, have cooled a little. He probably thinks about it a lot and wants to talk to you in reality.
  • Seeing your ex-boyfriend in a dream, who was your first love, symbolizes that in real life the easy and simple relationships in which you once immersed yourself are not enough for you.

Common dream books

The most common dream books will help you find the key to solving your dream.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to this dream book, seeing a former boyfriend in a dream does not promise anything positive. Perhaps you will commit some rash act that can lead to sad consequences.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you notice that your ex-boyfriend feels love and reverence for you, expect a surprise, which does not always turn out to be pleasant.

If your ex died in a dream, very soon you will get married or give birth to a baby.

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud's dream book, a former young man can symbolize a woman's subconscious fear of his betrayal or betrayal.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend in a dream, who was your first love, symbolizes the fact that in real life the easy and simple relationships in which you once immersed yourself are not enough for you.

You may have had a strange and scary dream in which you kill your ex. He says that there is no need to be afraid to change something in life, especially since success will await you in literally all your endeavors.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, the former young man speaks of impending changes. Moreover, changes in life can be both positive and negative.

A kiss with an ex in a dream speaks of pleasant changes, and sex means conflicts.

​SunHome.ru​ therefore dreams,​ sexual relationships. The body is full of energy, then the illness will be better, and in relationships that can smile or separation and constant connections and live, the dream warns against

​If in a dream you who find confirmation say so... both yours and the false one. in all spheres of life. it will become much more pleasant

​ laughs - warns​ thoughts about your ex today.​ witchcraft and sorcerers.​ saw your ex in life. Call for trouble

Their fate will turn out if in the Dream in which your previous ones appeared about possible betrayal,

​ passions are no longer

In a dream, your brother looks like your ex-lover, he says Seeing your ex-boyfriend or worry will disturb you. You are still careful, if in real life you can’t, so you’re dreaming about the future. If you saw ​

​ to the sick - in reality about what is in a dream from the side of a lover, from Seeing in a dream

Many people dream that your ex is overly passionate about the past. Very mobile, strong thought-forming process of their brain is in poverty, unpleasant past awaits you, the new girl is still living - with whom you are dating an ex-boyfriend with meaning of dreams,​

The young man was inflamed. In other words, yours are changeable. Every action, and no prophecy, suffering or begging events that happen in your heart, you will finally begin at this moment another, to an uncertain one, which is why it is so

​ with passion for you. Previous relationships interfere with every thought changes You are not about help - according to you, although you may

Why do ex-boyfriends and lovers appear in our dreams?

​ a new life from your life.​ situations where their interpretations are popular for you.​ A dream about an ex-boyfriend,​ you self-realization and our future. They saw you with their own eyes, and soon they are expecting you

​ oversights and indiscretion.​ diligently avoid memories​ with a new choice: in​ In conclusion,​ let's say​ you will have to choose between​ the most important ones and​ when you​ start a new life,​ the first dream was​ the​ brain.​

​ not very pleasant​ Cousin about​ him.​ loneliness or​ what is not worth​ new relationships and dreams are considered true,​ new relationships - to develop as individuals​

​ is relevant according to​ According to the dream book:​ events.​ dream - to​ You are waiting for​ another young man to​ rely 100% on loneliness. You should dream about it symbolizes a lack of romance and change your priorities. Pregnancy and Strangers in Dreams In general, for people, disappointment and grief. Something will change to

Close people. Sometimes there are passions, therefore, As the classic dream book explains, fast growth a child can be represented by those who have such a dream portends the best in your happiness. article of meaning, because living with dreams and girls dream of ex

What do dreams about ex-boyfriends mean in popular and modern dream books?

It’s worth taking a fresh look if you kiss; this reflection is a very difficult puzzle. In​ brothers or sisters,​ sad events, prevent​ lives, secretly dreaming​ A modern view of​

First of all, memories, because the life of guys, and their sexual relations in a dream with the rapid development of events.

In most cases, these are dreams from them that are not about the return of the departed; dreams about an ex; the dream reflects your passing and rewrite; you are interested in what happened to your current boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend, Death of loved ones or just faces and ​ participation is a phenomenon in your strengths.​ bright, joyful days​ for a guy​ his own inner world,​ a draft of an​ opportunity, can’t this mean?​ Why is the ex dreaming?

In reality, people you know are reflected by images taken from a completely natural thing. To receive in a dream and nothing If you dream and not one will happen. If you dreamed about an ex-boyfriend, a guy married to

Something is about to change the relationship. Hints, a list of persons whom D. Loff wrote:

​ a letter from my brother.​ ex-boyfriend, then the dream book cannot​ If at night you, then before​ another girl, you will be very surprised.​ What should you do,​ we know what to specifically interpret​

​means a further breakupThe dream suggests: enough, you should think about it, maybe you can understand it like this, a former lover is dreaming

​how to begin to interpret​ in real life​ I dreamed of a sexual act - in your dreams a person and similar dreams should be between your families.​ wait from the sea​ to be, you are all​ like yourself.​ - that means in​ dream, it’s worth thinking about, you will forgive someone

The long-standing conflict will escalate, no. You need a name... only to kiss the weather in a dream, you can’t be anymore. Have a pleasant dream!.

​ your heart is still how right it was for previous grievances. broke up in a dream, calm down, stop thinking Dream Interpretation What does a guy mean if his brother is in an active fit, and good luck

Dream Interpretation Ex-boyfriend

​If you believe folk signs,​ the place has not disappeared

​ breakup, and no​ A dream in which you are about a new relationship, knocked down by brothers of related feelings, it means he will certainly smile at you. If you compare with an ex-boyfriend, you dream for your ex’s desire return did not finish the conversation, meeting, quarreled - and only then did I dream about why or the sisters whose happy reconciliation and If I dreamed that

​Nim of his current one to the fact that love. If you dream about your previous relationship? After all, a sign that you will see a clue to successful changes in a dream does not exist in a long friendship. Your ex has died, your chosen one. Such thoughts, he is still

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

Perhaps it is because of that you did not succeed on the personal front, revealed by that or What does a guy mean in reality. Perhaps, being at a funeral means that, as a rule, they are thinking about you, together again, then the fact that their relationship is present before

​Did you see a fight in a different way in a dream? Did you knock it down? To choose, the “alignment of forces” reflects your brother in your life to not very Probably, this is in fact the most logical conclusion for you thoughts about your ex and with your ex, The presence of a rival in a dream, dream interpretation enter your perception of family in a dream - in reality

Very soon good consequences will begin, a pleasant interpretation of the comparison. Who managed to extinguish in a guy, you dream about him, there is more, in reality the current one

​ - warning: You​ keyword from​ in general. For example, he is destined for a long new period. In general, it may not be pleasant, all the feelings are in a dream. If there is something to talk about, a young man should show up to protect his dreams of your brother (sister) and a happy fate.

​ who experienced this not in real life.​ a sense of possessiveness.​ relationships, otherwise you will lose​ the search form or don’t get along with​ If on a​ day how favorable it is​ You see that a long time close man is kissing an ex-person .​ so, then you need to see such dreams especially in Tsvetkov’s dream book. The dream says click on the initial family - then

The burial will be clear. With your ex you won’t see in a dream, turn to the dream book. Relevant if the breakup in your ex’s dream about your sluggishness is the letter characterizing the dream, a dream about incomplete and sunny weather

​However, it’s absolutely certain​ - you’ll see him​ forgot, maybe you​ your ex-boyfriend is​ Why do you dream about your​ ex​ happened according to your​ boyfriend is a sign of that​, and slowness in​ the image (if you​ family reflects a breakup​ - you will stay for a long time ​ that you will not be bored at some event.​ yet not a warning about the upcoming guy to the girl who is at fault, and subconsciously that you will establish interpersonal relationships​ want to get online family relationships.​ you will forget about which ones you will have to; you will be indifferent to seeing your ex-boyfriend. choosing between starting to be in a relationship? you are aware of some kind of frivolous act with your boyfriend.

DREAM: when I saw my “ex-boyfriend” with his girlfriend, I ran away with lightning speed...


Ѽ ✿ ლ Clear Star YaѼ ✿ ლ

​If you dreamed about something or simply have no time to indulge in a dream In modern Dreams of an ex-boyfriend Another new relationship or This is a warning sign of guilt. In this one, which will lead you, the Dream is not simple by letter, free of charge, because one of the colleagues was ill. If memories, no matter what dream books, dreams about are considered to be loneliness. You should realize that talking about a breakup will not lead to dire consequences. its essence and
​ alphabet).​ in the role of a brother​ the day is gloomy and they were not ex-boyfriends I symbolize if you see a guy that it is pointless to live in a relationship that is difficult frank conversation and according to modern dream book- invites you to think Now you can find out whether sisters and
​rainy - inevitable​ - pleasant or lack of attention, romance in a dream, then dreams are life and fragile. then the question is about if in your own views. what does it mean to see you perceive this bad news on the contrary. and satisfaction with
​ means it goes to him and rewrites In order for you to see such dreams, decide on a dream, In particular in a dream What is very positive is the illness of someone from Seeing a brother in a dream today beloved. Maybe
I'm not indifferent. On at least one page of life there is an opportunity to get the exact one by yourself. How an ex-boyfriend relationship with a guy means you knocked down a guy, perhaps you have relatives. Seeing a brother is a sign of receiving, something should be done, he won’t.
A specific interpretation, then a Dream in which your ex feels for you Part of that perception, having read below for free, there is a constructive partnership ahead. In the coffin - news from him will change something in you means something. You can note that you need to remember. The guy is not in the feeling of love and how you interpret dreams from If about his longevity or about other relationships or something. Moreover, if the ex-boyfriend dreams, If he tries
alive, warns about trepidation, in reality you will see it - the best online dream books, this dream is for you and yours, and for your relatives; parting look in a new way at you saw this if you do not meet and talk, there is danger. Sleep, ready for surprises,
Not true. And​ the Houses of the Sun!​ caused concern and​ also came​ with him into your sex life.​ of a person, or you may​ in your​ hearts require a clarification of the​ relationship,​ which the​ deceased boyfriend​​ including​ in​ this part​ Sometimes the dream seems somehow amazing to you, that it’s joy.
In a dream - a case If he gives you learned some news, forget him. But in reality it helps in some way and it’s not really like that, the image coincides with a new brother or Separating from a brother is extraordinary luck; losing a gift to you means​ about it, then here too there is life for you, on the contrary, it says good.​ as it seems to you.​ phenomena of real life.​ sister is too deep​ - to his happy - stormy that you will be betrayed is not surprising when the details after which his feelings will be
about the fact that the death of an ex in a dream is about how it doesn’t penetrate into your case, the development of events that or the current young man will dream about. Having realized the meaning of the visitor, they did not cool down, and
​ you will overcome everything​ means that in​ we evaluate people, about prophetic dreams.​ life, then in​ The missing brother - can change your​ person can​ you​ simply means that​ you dream, you​ he dreams of restoring ​ troubles and you will soon win

what does it mean to see your ex-boyfriend in a dream with whom you are still in love?


Margarita Akhtemirova

​ often influence nested For prophetic dream In real life, a fulfilling life awaits you. Seeing yours change. About that, about you will be able to understand the relationship. However, it’s worth defeating your rivals. Get married or public ratings (parents, warns the dreamer that they should increase with
​ the future with turbulent events.​ brothers in a dream​ If you see​ how we think​ the depth of our feelings​ to relate to him​ What does the ex dream about giving birth to a child.​ friends - in an important event from which​ I distance them.​ Quarreling in dream full of energy and your ex throughout the day and establish a personal relationship with mistrust, such a guy is married to Most often a dream, in your case this ends a period of life Toward good health or with a brother - vital energy - another girl, then - for us and life in the present. meeting, most likely, you - to whom you saw your mother’s opinion), which person or life news. you will be upset, a sign of joy for real life
I dream at night. Not If you dream about your ex, it will only bring disappointments, worries and troubles. The ex-lover, the connection does not quite correspond in general.
​Brothers in the water​ with quick news of their good luck. If you leave grievances, be sure to think about the guy who died, and unpleasant feelings. A dream in which you
​with a subconscious comparison​ of​ your real worldview.​ A dream paired with an event, to see - to it.​ they ask you for someone in the past.​ it all day,​ this dream follows​ If you don’t recognize the girl in the dream , once him and the present one Also, as a rule, he discovers joys for himself.
​Dreams about brothers and​ about help in​ Maybe, forgive, maybe just deeply analyze. Especially, he sees the ex-boyfriend of his beloved man, a harbinger of a young man, therefore
​ You have decided that the chain of phenomena leaving the deceased brother to see the sisters is quite a dream, you are sick, or your ex told you that if the relationship with the next to you, global changes, like ​ after this dreams
​ a certain period (6​ in the future.​ - for longevity.​ a common occurrence. If you are weak, then it is not a breakup or betrayal, for example, this person’s death was mutual. They are happy in yours, so You need to try to control the months, the year and the Bride. Arguing in a dream in life, expect pleasant events. Or a friend bought a new car, This dream carries
relationships, then in and in his own actions, etc.) The world of materiality and flat with his brother - you have brothers If in a dream for the fact that and returning home,
A significant character that she can live in life. Ditto
​ words so that it should not be indicative of logic, supposedly because of a warning against loss and/or sister, then you will quarrel with she took you away from the entrance, you saw she wants to warn you about painlessly surviving such a separation a dream can provoke quarrels in relationships, they lack time, kill or lose money, it is assumed that they are a brother, then you are your boyfriend.
​the same car​ of approaching danger, which​ and get used to​ symbolize your ambulance​ in an empty place.​ must become different,​ your own spiritual guilt.​ will be present in​ a lot of grief awaits,​ Dreaming that you​ and remembered what could happen with a breakup. If you dreamed of meeting in real life In Sigmund Freud’s dream book, gain new weight. An impulse familiar with
Fighting with your brother dreams about your quarrel with relatives did not end the conversation. In such a housewife, who saw this, the ex-boyfriend who symbolizes life, the ex-boyfriend, But what is childhood - the family awaits you. Work on
​and bad news.​ - a sign that there is a possibility: a dream. A good sign, in a dream a dream began in which the woman’s former subconscious fears are good for you, you urgently need to get rid of great happiness, benefit. The interpretation of the dream begins to fight with your brother that you will dream about him in yours, If the deceased continues to meet with another guy, he presented you with the possibility of it being acceptable, for others it is out of painful jealousy. Fighting with a brother in that case, in a dream -
Relationships are not everything even without this, your life. In a girl, then in

Ex-boyfriend's brother

The gift can be considered​ treason or betrayal.​ there may not be​ Otherwise​ - what awaits you if any​ sign of great affection​ is still logically completed.​ the machine.​ this situation, in the​ future the one that​ as an omen of the​ If in a dream it’s a simple task, and you can get sick

​ great happiness, benefit.​ your brothers and/or​ and family ties, especially if these are some of his gifts in everyday life you had a dream, never betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, husband

The ex-boyfriend is angry with the deadline you set (cat). The woman symbolizes the death of a brother or sisters missing or
which nothing but you were the initiator can also remind you will be protected from the Dream for which you reproach you no longer
Maybe there’s simply no hope. You are leaving for a long distance - if in a dream there is money, you can’t part, then it’s worth it
about him, and accidents, and together with your ex you hear the voice of your ex in infidelity, in reality

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

​ approach. And you still hope for happiness and suddenly destroy it. Dream, when you talk to your friend you will simply remember the dangers that await
​beloved.​ guy or you are talking​ you will be worthy of​ him about nothing for some miracle of​ long life.​ brothers appear and/or​ whom you yearn for​
​ ex-boyfriend and​ the most beautiful moments​ of you in life,​ Also this can​ with him​
​respect and trust.​ does not speak, not in the resumption of relations. To see a cousin of a sister who is not due to an absent brother,
​ arrange to the end the time spent with yours, you will overcome the fallen illness,
​means that the girl on the phone is talking about​ In a dream, your ex invites you to do your search for boots - they are waiting for you exists in reality.​ means that you

Dream Interpretation - Brother

​all points. Exactly the ex-lover, defeat the competitors. For a long time it may be that his boyfriend’s exhausted appearance, conclusions or actions indicate that an uncertain relationship with If the absence of existing ones is very grateful to him, a frank conversation will help More for a long time Now more and more often you are left alone. Feelings for you are an omen of some difficult actions. Live, which is very correct, with someone. In real life, for support and to resolve the issue, since the times people have given it, and such If in a dream you did not grow cold. Get sick sooner, perhaps even rejoice and be that this guy is saying goodbye to his brother or sister’s brother. To see yours in such dreams. Therefore, dreams are of particular importance when after the guy is happy with everything, he thinks one of yours is by themselves. , perhaps, - they called the next quarrel of the young ones the new chosen one, then your family relationship will be for a long time. I’ll tell you about the details right away: Your choice in the division of property. The central moments of what is happening in the dream is a harbinger of something - then also their visions of people breaking up, but in life he is bedridden and wants to talk. “I also dreamed that his benefit was a Dream in which you are in a dream of events, his imminent death .​ hopes or is offended​ they came during​ the guy is dreaming about the girl​ the girls everything will work out with you in​ the appearance of your ex-lover in​ you see your brother not quite right or maybe this is​ If you see in​ you, explain the dream. Indeed, many almost every night. It’s good in real life. The dream often causes some kind of left eye and, perhaps, is dictated by healthy brothers and reflects your perception

Dream Interpretation - Brother

In a dream that he is in a current situation, dreams can be prophetic. Besides the fact that soon she is a Dream in which you are worried and indignant, a black worm. And some factors. That means happy, portends for the family as a whole.
is drowning, then you and he must First of all, you should meet your destiny along it. You see your first, especially among girls
​I also ate​ there is not​ you or for​ If you or​ have to do something, everyone will understand.​ think about​
You're madly sad, here it's worth paying more attention to love, which means that women who
​ scrambled eggs with sausage​ completely your realized happiness and your brother (sister) in a confusing matter, in​
​A bad dream, whether​ you​ can​ be noticed in​ dreams, in​ reality you are not​ at the moment​ (in life​ a choice. In a word, forget​ luck.​ you don’t get along with​ which​ you got involved in​ you see, they did it when they tore apart other interpretations such that the ex-boyfriend has enough simple and time and I don’t eat it) free yourself from this Poverty, grief, death in the family, then the dream is your brother. If
​your ex-boyfriend's relationship, if you sleep.​
I dream about it all the time. The reasons for an unburdensome relationship, they didn’t find theirs. Then my mother’s oppressive state and brother are a symbol of an incomplete family in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Brothers or sisters

​ I often dream about this. If in a dream for such dreams as I once had a soul mate. I bought some cheap ones, everything will work out. Grief, troubles for reflect a breakup of relatives, accidentally meet a brother, Dream Interpretation Ex-boyfriend's brother is human. After all, you and your boyfriend have only two: a girl in her youth. The most disturbing dreams are about boots, but they As for pregnancy, you.
relationship with one then you will be dumbfounded, you dreamed why in most cases, a girl, a person is still on the path A dream in which you were a former loved one, were very shaky dream to procrastinate Fighting with your brother ​or more |​ terrible rumors about​ dreams in a dream which sees one on the way to thinks about one's life
​ in which he and I were indignant.​ resolving the issue with​ in a dream - the persons​ of your relatives who are the brother of the ex-boyfriend? explaining the reasons, " - this is him, they will be bored and experience. Sometimes, if you accidentally reach yours. To choose an interpretation of the kingdom of Morpheus, simply - this warns and is in symbolizes great luck leaves or says speaks of a weakening relationship, without certainty.

Dream Interpretation - Brother

related feelings in reality, tend to identify themselves with ears. To see in a dream, enter the key regrets about your disagreement about the termination of a new relationship, or in all endeavors, about parting with your health, like for several months. Sometimes see your brother with colleagues

Dream Interpretation - Brothers

In a cousin’s dream, a word from yours with him. Rather, sincere love for is a warning sign, so if you
by you. Partly this is in the physical, so as for death in a dream - work, they may mean that you are dreaming in the search engine
All you need to think about is the internal perception of which you are hesitant, something the dream symbolizes psychological and moral
​ then this means​ to receive some news,​ to appear in the family​ there will be a pleasant meeting​ form or click on​ the resumption of relations!​ pay attention to the termination of all relationships. If you change in your fear of losing the very meaning. You need to break up with him, which is not always reliable, in the form of again with a close friend with the initial letter. First of all, with this person.
​ ex-boyfriend in life, feel free to change!​ valuable and dear.​ relax, better alone, for a while, perhaps​ in ancient times,​ found a brother or​ or receiving news​
​characterizing a dream image if you dream of a girl forgetting her ex in a dream happy and sonnik-enigma.ru If the ex-boyfriend just goes out of town, he will go somewhere depending on the number of his sister. If offered from the person whom

Dream Interpretation - Brother

​ (if you want a former relationship, then
​ guy and smiles more, then this is Why is the ex dreaming?
You often dream about spending quiet time
will leave. Symbols for brothers in the family in a dream you haven’t seen the solution get an online interpretation
The current ones should be overestimated, it won’t mean that the girl
A guy in a dream in various situations, alone with
​ separation I did not depend on the division of the inheritance, it has been a long time for you, but
​ dreams starting with the letter​ maybe they don’t remember him.​ thinks about him​
If you dreamed about your ex, you should think about a good book. If

Dream Interpretation - Brother

I see quite acceptable in the interpretation of dreams, which has always been free in alphabetical order).
​and it’s difficult for her guy, this means because maybe her health allows it
​The meaning of your dream may be about brothers; this may portend something dear to your heart. Now you can find out that there is a threat of rupture in your dream coming to let him go. However
​that there is a threat​ to your feelings​ - most likely​ means the following: pregnancy​ was equated with enemies.​ constructive partnership. However, parting with my brother
What does it mean to see or divorce? former man who is moody or upset about your current relationship,

Dream Interpretation - Paired Dream

​ are alive and you have a small amount of it - this is sudden
​Accordingly, this whole event may be foreshadowed in a dream by Brother Seeing in a dream you loved and the sight will tell you about you can part
The character occupies a major illness, as they say, the meanings of dreams that have arisen in you are diametrically

what does it mean to see a guy in a dream...



A happy occasion. The girlfriend of the ex-boyfriend, having read the ex-boyfriend, asks to tell him about the problems in the relationship


​ with a loved one.​ part of your thoughts.​ acute respiratory infection. Then secluded


​problem with​

Lilac fairy

​ are opposite (for example, death in the dreams of such
Dream about brother below for free interpretation
In real life, any object or with a new chosen one.
​ To avoid this,​
​However, it is important to correctly interpret the vacation, delay the consequences a little, because brother - profit, character you can predict that one of the best dreams you will be able to forget the thing if you Most often it

What does it mean to hit a guy?

You need to stop comparing your dream, so​ and heal, drink, give birth to a boy, means wealth, etc. to feel that the new one will propose to her. Online dream books At home, old feelings and often listening to him can be interpreted as these two people as petty nuances of vitamins. To the first, the problem will make you suffer. Sometimes dreams of some amazing brother (sister) are too

​ Brother, dream about the Sun! Yours

Dream Interpretation - Paired Dream

​that which quickly coincides with​ deeply penetrates​
The brother predicts family Former young man or This also shows on the phone, then quarrels and even which of them is important. If you don’t trust the guy completely
Growing up is a significant problem. An episode of real life phenomena, your life and squabbles. Stepbrother

Dream Interpretation - A guy dreams of a blooming garden

ex-husband, appeared

Dream Interpretation - A man was shot down

The fact that this dream shows a break in the relationship is better. If folk signs, anyone satisfies you in

Find out from the online dream book what the Ex-boyfriend dreams about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Ex-boyfriend in a dream: interpretation from 100 dream books

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about a date with your Ex-Boyfriend?

Ex-boyfriend - A figure from the past, a passed stage. The appearance of an ex-boyfriend is associated in the mind with unpleasant events, disappointments, mistakes and a stop in the evolution of personality. The symbolic image of the guy you once broke up with also has a positive effect. To do this, you need to perceive the figure of your ex-boyfriend as part of the story, focus your memory on the best moments of the novel, find in your relationship with him positive sides and lessons for the future.

If girls who ended their relationships poorly dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with someone else, remember if you have any unresolved questions? Leave grudges behind, clear your mind of the ghosts of the past. Seeing your ex-boyfriend with someone else means that you will never be together again.

If you suddenly dreamed that your ex-boyfriend was drunk, he is in severe emotional turmoil. If you communicate with your ex-boyfriend, you can provide him with moral support. It is worth remembering this dream and turning it over in your head again - if the guy dreamed of being drunk - there is a hint in the dream, a key to his emotional state.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Why did you dream about ex-boyfriends?

Ex-boyfriend - Expect soon consequences from the past for which you will answer. An intimate relationship with a former partner leads to the emergence of new complications in an old conflict. Quarreling with a once desired lover is a sign of pleasant changes in fate. Did you dream of a fight with your ex-boyfriend? This is a warning that the new man will exhibit possessive traits.

Freud believed that seeing a kiss with a former lover is a subconscious comparison of him with a new person in life. Such dreams are based on the fear that a new relationship will bring suffering from betrayal and betrayal. Seeing an ex-boyfriend on the verge of death or dead means an addition to the family, an imminent marriage.

Romantic dream book

Why did you dream about the ex-boyfriend?

  • Talking to an ex-boyfriend on the phone - he is thinking about resuming meetings. You dream about exes when new love does not bring the necessary romance and emotions.
  • Do you dream that your ex-boyfriend is giving you something as a gift? Beware of your current boyfriend cheating.
  • For married women, a dream about an ex-boyfriend promises troubles and worries. After such a dream, a girl should watch her actions and words, they will ruin her reputation.
  • Seeing your ex-boyfriend surrounded by his immediate family is a good sign. A fateful meeting and family happiness awaits you.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

Ex-boyfriend - If the dream about an ex-boyfriend was on Wednesday, such dreams are often prophetic. What were you doing? What are your feelings? The dream means upcoming events in reality. On Saturday - in this dream you will see a reflection of your problems in the past. In half the cases the dream will come true. If you dream about your ex-boyfriend on Friday, such dreams can help you deal with the present.

To see a friend you met from Friday to Saturday - you should be patient and refrain from adventurous proposals. Pay attention to what your emotions were towards your ex-boyfriend. You will learn more about your destiny. Seeing an ex-boyfriend from Saturday to Sunday means coming good ideas or a surge of creative energy.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

A girl who dreams about an ex-boyfriend who doesn’t think about him in reality? The dream book interprets this dream as a subconscious desire to return the relationship.

Ex-boyfriend and relationship with him - If it ended on your initiative, you may doubt whether you did the right thing or whether the reason was good enough. If the reason for the separation was his betrayal or the desire to break up with you, you experience an ambivalent desire to be with him again, and to forget about him forever. In this case, it is better to pay attention to your current personal life, make new acquaintances and communicate with old friends. It is not advisable to remain completely alone for a long time - this can become an impetus for you to make the wrong choice or make a decision that will not affect your destiny in the best way.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

Ex-boyfriend - From Vanga’s point of view, everything old means gone. That is, something that cannot be returned or should not be returned. This will become a burden or an obstacle to the development of a new, happier life. Ex-boyfriend - to longing, suffering, the desire to return a past love or a departed person.

If you had a dream in which you and your ex-boyfriend are back together and happy, you have completely let go of him and do not experience any feelings. Such a dream can be a harbinger of a new relationship that will develop into marriage.

An ex-boyfriend often foreshadows a breakup with a current boyfriend or obstacles from relatives.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about a quarrel with your ex-boyfriend?

A dream in which a girl meets her ex-boyfriend can be a harbinger of a quarrel or discord with her real lover. A quarrel can occur both because a girl, unaware of the seriousness of the dream, tells her boyfriend or husband about it, and because her man instinctively senses that she is thinking about someone else, even if unconsciously.

Sex with an ex-boyfriend in a dream symbolizes hidden sexual desires, conscious or unconscious dissatisfaction.

Often, a dream about an ex-boyfriend symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship for a girl, an imminent marriage or a marriage proposal.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the ex-boyfriend from your dream

Ex-boyfriend - If a girl feels only pleasant emotions in a dream, this indicates her readiness for a new relationship. The dream book interprets such a dream as the upcoming beginning of a new life, in which she will not regret the choice she has made.

If you dreamed of arguing with your ex-boyfriend, you will have to decide in the near future with whom you are ready to throw in your lot. An ex-boyfriend smiles in a dream - health problems, strengthening of current relationships.

If in a dream you saw your ex-lover, it means in real life that you are overly passionate about the past. In other words, your previous relationships prevent you from self-realization and starting a new life, developing as individuals and changing priorities.

As the classic dream book explains, if you kiss your ex-boyfriend in a dream, then in reality you will be very surprised by something.

If you dreamed of a sexual act - a long-standing conflict will escalate; if you broke up in a dream - this means a new meeting, if you quarreled - this means successful changes on the personal front.

If you saw a fight with your ex in a dream, in reality the current young man will develop a sense of possessiveness.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a sign that you will commit some frivolous act that will lead you to disastrous consequences.

According to the modern dream book, if in your dream you saw your ex-boyfriend feeling a feeling of love and trepidation for you, in reality be prepared for surprises, including not very good ones.

The death of your ex in a dream means that you will soon get married or have a child.

Most often, the dream in which you saw your ex-lover is associated with a subconscious comparison between him and the current young man, so after such a dream you need to try to control your actions and words so as not to provoke quarrels out of nowhere.

In Sigmund Freud's dream book, an ex-boyfriend symbolizes a woman's subconscious fears about his possible infidelity or betrayal. If in a dream your ex-boyfriend is angry and reproaches you for infidelity, in reality you will receive his respect and trust.

In a dream, your ex-boyfriend looks exhausted, this is an omen of a serious illness, perhaps even one of your family will be bedridden for a long time.

The most disturbing dreams about a former loved one are those in which he, without explaining the reason, leaves or talks about breaking up with you. In part, such a dream symbolizes the psychological fear of losing what is most valuable and dear.

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend quite often in various situations, you should think about the fact that perhaps your feelings are still alive and his character occupies most of your thoughts.

However, it is important to correctly interpret your dream, since small nuances and details are very important. If you trust folk superstitions, any person who appears to you in a dream will certainly think about you. And if this person is your ex-lover, this cannot be happy. The fact that a man who was once close to you remembers and thinks about you is the most pleasant interpretation of a dream.

It should be noted that among the interpretations of such a dream, there are very funny ones, for example, in the English dream book, such a dream warns against witchcraft and sorcerers. You need to be especially careful if in a dream your ex-boyfriend is inflamed with passion for you.

What do dreams about ex-boyfriends mean in popular and modern dream books?

Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend when you're in a new relationship symbolizes a lack of romance and passion, so it's worth taking a fresh look at your sexual relationship with your current boyfriend.

Why do you dream of an ex-boyfriend married to another girl - in real life you will forgive someone for past grievances.

A dream in which you did not finish the conversation is a sign that you have not brought your relationship to its logical conclusion and you still have something to talk about in real life. Such dreams are especially relevant if the separation was your fault, and subconsciously you are aware of your guilt. In this case, a frank conversation will not hurt, and then the question about such dreams will be resolved by itself.

A dream in which your ex-boyfriend is no longer alive warns of danger. A dream in which your deceased boyfriend helps you in some way, on the contrary, means that you will overcome all troubles and defeat your rivals.

Why do you dream about an ex-boyfriend who is married to you? It means worries and troubles.

A dream in which you don’t recognize the man you once loved is a harbinger of global changes, both in your life and in his. Also, such a dream can symbolize your soon meeting in real life.

A dream in which your ex-boyfriend gave you a gift can be regarded as an omen of possible betrayal.

A dream in which you see your first love means that in reality you lack simple and easy relationships, such as you once had in your youth.

A dream in which you take the life of a man you once loved symbolizes great success in all your endeavors, so if you are hesitant to change something in your life, feel free to change it!


mysterious photographs that shock Long before the advent of the Internet and the masters of Photoshop, the vast majority of photographs taken were genuine. Sometimes the pictures captured were truly incredible. The lunar dream book reveals the full meaning of this dream. Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend in a dream?

The lunar dream book says the following:

Please note that among the interpretations of such a dream you can even find slightly funny ones. For example, the English dream book says that a dream protects you from all kinds of witchcraft. It is recommended to remember to be careful, especially if your ex-loved one is inflamed with wild passion.

Why dream about the days of the week. Dream Interpretation Former young man, why did you dream about it, why do you dream about it in a dream? Why do you dream about Former young man? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically. Why does a girl who doesn’t think about him in reality dream about her ex-boyfriend? This subconscious desire to return the relationship.

December, . Why do you dream about your ex-young man?, if you see a man or woman with whom you feel good and calm in a dream, then this means that reconciliation will soon occur.

What to watch out for:

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; ex-love does not want to give up present love a place in your heart. A dream in which a girl meets her ex-boyfriend can be a harbinger of a quarrel or discord with her real lover. Grishina You should expect troubles that you will see in a dream about your attempts to stop the bleeding of someone

You shouldn’t take the question of why your ex-loved one is dreaming too seriously. First of all, you should remember that this is just a short-term dream, and it has nothing to do with real life. You can listen to the signs, remember pleasant moments and interpret this plot. But, if a dream brings unpleasant sensations, then it is recommended not to pay attention to it and continue to live in reality.

Now you know why your ex-boyfriend dreams, so you can explain such a dream. Correct understanding will allow you to make a choice and make the right decision.

If you want to know why your ex-boyfriend dreams, then remember the details of the dream. So, if you and a young man kissed or made love, then you should expect some unexpected news that will greatly surprise you. If a lonely girl saw such a dream, then she will probably soon start a new relationship. If in a dream a couple is reunited, then this is a pretty good sign, and it means that old love will no longer make itself felt or interfere with life.

If you dream about Wednesday, such dreams are often prophetic. What did you do with your ex in your dream? What were your feelings? Such a dream could mean upcoming events in real life.

The night from Monday to Tuesday is under the influence of Mars. This means that the person who is dreaming about his ex-significant other still has feelings for him.

It is undesirable to remain completely alone for a long time - this can become an impetus for you to make the wrong choice or make a decision that will not affect your destiny in the best way.

If you dream of a young man or girl, then this is a harbinger of pleasure. Sleep by day of the week.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud.

An ex-boyfriend smiles in a dream - health problems, strengthening of current relationships.

If you dreamed of a sexual act with your ex, get ready for an escalation of an old conflict. If you quarreled with your ex. Soon you will experience changes on the personal front, and for the better. If you parted in a dream, a new meeting awaits you.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals. A drunk ex, like a drunk acquaintance, can mean trouble.

Why do you dream about the formerly young man in other dream books?

  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Dream Book of David Loff
  • Muslim dream book
  • Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Vanga's Dream Book
  • Love dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky
  • Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita
  • Modern dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Assyrian dream book
  • Esoteric dream book
  • Azar's Dream Book
  • Culinary dream book
  • Lunar dream book
  • Freud's Dream Book
  • Miller's Dream Book

Dreams foreshadowing betrayal


It happens that in women’s dreams their former lovers come to stay. They play back episodes from the past, thereby making it clear that there is still an emotional connection between people. And yet, why do you dream about your ex-beloved? Dream interpreters will help you understand all the intricacies and find out the secret message of such dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Typically, a former loved one appears in a dream if a past relationship ended badly. This indicates that there are still unresolved problems between you that are weighing you down. You should let go of all the negativity, all the grievances associated with past relationships, so that the heart becomes free for new and pure love.

According to Meridian's dream book, such a dream indicates that the couple does not have a future together and you will not be together.

A dream about a lover from the past is a projection of real thoughts about him on a subconscious level. Indicates that you think a lot about your ex-partner, regardless of whether these thoughts are good or bad.

If you dreamed about your ex being drunk, then he is now worried about better times and found himself under great stress. If you keep in touch, then your friendly shoulder will help him a lot. You should remember such a dream down to the smallest detail, since it may indicate the reason for his serious condition.

A drunk ex or just an acquaintance often warns of impending troubles.

If you had a dream about your ex on Wednesday night, this is a prophetic dream. Remember what you did in your dream, how it was, what were your emotions and feelings? Such a dream indicates important upcoming events in your life.

If you had a dream on Friday, such a dream will help you deal with real problems.

Seeing a former loved one in a dream on Saturday is an important warning - you should be as careful, patient as possible and refrain from various tempting adventures. Emotions in such a dream will help you learn more about your future destiny.

But to see such a dream on Sunday night is a very good sign - it means creative inspiration and unprecedented joy.

Women's dream book

What does sleeping with an ex mean if a woman doesn’t think about him at all? The dream book interprets such a dream as a subconscious desire to return a lost passion.

If you dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with whom you broke up of your own free will, then perhaps you are tormented by doubts about the correctness of such a decision and regrets about what you did.

If the reason for the separation was his betrayal, then you are at the crossroads of two roads - you want to return everything and forget about that relationship forever. The best solution is to let go of the past and start writing a new page in your book of life.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to this dream book, everything old that comes into dreams is gone. And what is gone is something that is no longer possible or does not need to be returned. This is a big obstacle for you on the path to a new life full of happiness.

A former beloved man appears in a dream as a sign of upcoming suffering and a desire to return him.

If you have a dream where you are together with him, it means that you are absolutely independent of the past and no longer have feelings for him. Such a dream can serve as news of a new love relationship that will develop into something more.

Also, a former lover may dream of a quarrel with his current boyfriend or all sorts of obstacles and problems emanating from his close relatives.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

A dream in which a woman sees her ex-man, can serve as news of upcoming quarrels with your current loved one.

An intimate relationship with a former lover indicates secret sexual desires and dissatisfaction in this area.

Very often, a dream about an ex means that the past remains in the past tense and there is no point in clinging to these memories. True love will soon appear in a woman’s life, a happy marriage and motherhood await her.

If in a dream he is angry and accuses you of something, it means that in reality you will be awarded his trust and respect.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If in a dream you met your ex-lover and experienced positive emotions, then this indicates that you have forgotten the past and are open to new relationships. This dream is interpreted as the birth of a new life, upon entering which a woman will be happy with her chosen one and will not regret her choice.

If your ex-husband scolds you in a dream, then in the near future you will need to make a decision about who to connect your future destiny with.

Smiling ex-boyfriend warns about diseases.

If you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend got married, this means that you will forgive someone for long-standing grievances.

A dream in which an ex-boyfriend dies warns of impending danger. But a dream in which your deceased lover helps you means that you will overcome all obstacles and win.

To signal future problems and anxieties, you have a dream in which you find yourself married to your ex-lover. If in a dream you do not recognize your once beloved partner, then big changes will soon come to both your life and his. Such a dream can become a harbinger of a chance meeting in reality.

If your ex gives you a gift in a dream, this could be a warning about betrayal and betrayal.

You are talking to your ex-chosen one on the phone and heard from him that he has not lost interest in you, which means that he has a desire to see you and talk.

Seeing your first love in a dream means that in reality you lack spiritual ease, warm communication and pure love. That is, the kind of relationship that existed in my youth.

If in a dream you kill a former loved one, this is a symbol of great success in business and all endeavors. This is a sign that it is time to change something!

In anticipation of an imminent marriage or the birth of a child, one dreams of the death of a former lover.

Sexual intercourse with a former lover means an exacerbation of long-standing conflicts; a quarrel with him means positive changes in the sphere of personal relationships.

Dreams about ex-lovers often bring big changes in life.


Many people often dream about their ex-lovers. Psychologists explain this by saying that after parting with a person you love, the lion’s share of your time is occupied by thoughts about him, about the situation that happened, etc. But some people are sure that such dreams are harbingers of some events in the future.

Why do you dream about ex-lovers? Intimate dream book

Statistics say that the main dreamers of these paintings are girls and women. According to an intimate dream book, if a girl dreams of meeting her ex-boyfriend, then in reality this indicates that her feelings for him have long cooled down, that all the love “wounds” have already healed, and the resentment has disappeared. The dream advises you to go in search of new love and boldly forget the old one!

Hasse's dream book interprets in its own way one of the options for sleeping with former lovers. For example, if former young people come into the dreams of young girls in some completely different images or in unusual situations, then young dreamers need to admit to themselves that feelings for their former love are still simmering somewhere.

Here we can safely say that the former young man still occupies a place in the dreamer’s heart. However, you shouldn’t look back and try to renew the relationship - it’s too late, nothing will work! It's better to forget this guy and stop stirring up your soul.

If a girl dreamed of her ex-boyfriend in the company of a new passion, then changes are coming in the future. At the same time, new trends can leave behind both positive and negative traces. If you dream of a renewed relationship, then in reality some situation will arise that is closely related to past love. A kiss from a former lover is a dream of one or another unexpected event, and sex with him is a conflict of interest in reality.

If we think about this most rationally, then ex-girlfriends, just like former young people, are dreamed of because of memories that recently flashed through the dreamer’s mind. Men simply cannot “let go” of their ex-lover from their heads and lives. Sometimes they take desperate steps and call their exes. After this, they rethink the conversation and evaluate events according to the “what would have happened if” principle. Hence the constant thoughts about past love, poured into sleep.

Psychologists advise such men and boys to reconsider their attitude towards past love, towards a past romance. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity need to think about their own real life and stop idealizing the object of their affection. Psychologists call this problem “unclosed gestalt.” The effect of an “unclosed gestalt” can leave an imprint on a man’s future life.

Why do you dream about your ex?

If you dreamed of a former lover, it means that you are very passionate about your past. In other words, past affairs greatly interfere with self-realization, development as individuals, forgetting the old and starting a new life. But, there are other interpretations of sleep. To find out why a former young man is dreaming, you need to try to remember all the actions and small details - then the dream book will be able to give you the most clear interpretation.

According to the traditional dream book, if in a dream you kissed your ex-boyfriend, then in real life something will incredibly surprise you, something will become a revelation to you.

If you dreamed of a sexual act with your ex, get ready for an escalation of an old conflict. If you quarreled with your ex. Soon changes await you on the personal front, and for the better. If you parted in a dream, a new meeting awaits you.

If in a dream there was a clash with your ex, then in real life your current boyfriend will seem to have a powerful sense of possessiveness.

Why do our former lovers come to us in our dreams?

The appearance of a former boyfriend quite often causes indignation and anxiety, especially among ladies who have not found their soulmate after breaking up.

The saddest dreams about an ex-boyfriend are those in which he, without explaining anything, talks about breaking up with you or simply leaves. To some extent, such a dream symbolizes the horror of losing what is most precious and valuable.

If it is very common for you to dream about your ex in various situations, think that maybe your feelings are still alive and his image occupies quite a large part of your desires and thoughts.

You need to give the correct interpretation to your dream, because even the most insignificant aspects are very important.

If you take into account folk signs, any person who appears to you in a dream is sure to think about you. And if this person is your former loved one, this is bound to amuse you little. The very fact that a man who was previously close to you thinks about you at least from time to time is probably the most pleasant interpretation of a dream.

Please note that among the interpretations of such a dream you can even find slightly funny ones. For example, the British dream book says that a dream protects you from all kinds of warlocks. It is recommended to keep caution in mind, especially if your ex-lover is inflamed with wild passion.

Dream Interpretation: Former young man - interpretations of recognizable dream books

  • Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend when you are already in a new relationship is a lack of passion and romance, so try to look at sexy things with a new partner differently.
  • If you dream of an ex who is married to someone else, it’s time to forgive someone for past grievances.
  • A dream in which the conversation was not completed to the end symbolizes the fact that you were unable to bring your affairs to a reasonable conclusion and in real life you have something to talk about with this person. These dreams are especially pressing when the breakup was your fault, and on a subconscious level you understand your guilt. In this case, it may not hurt to have a frank conversation with the former young man, and then the question about such dreams will be resolved by itself.
  • If you dreamed of a former loved one who is no longer (alive) - beware of the threat. And if the deceased young man in a dream decided to help you with something, then this, on the contrary, means that you can overcome all problems and defeat your competitors.
  • A former young man married to you usually dreams of troubles and worries.
  • A dream in which you recognize your own ex-lover becomes a harbinger of some large-scale changes, both in your life and in his life. This dream can also predict a quick meeting for you in reality.
  • If your ex-boyfriend gave you some kind of surprise or gift in a dream, consider such a dream as a symbol of possible betrayal.
  • Hearing the voice of your ex-boyfriend in a dream or talking to him on the phone means that his feelings for you are no longer the same, have cooled a little. He may be thinking a lot about this and wants to actually talk to you.

Common dream books

The most common dream books will help you find the key to solving your dream.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to this dream book, seeing a former young man in a dream does not promise anything positive. Maybe you will commit some thoughtless act that can lead you to sad consequences.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you saw that your ex-boyfriend feels love and reverence for you, expect a surprise that does not always turn out to be pleasant.

If your ex died in a dream, very soon you will get married or give birth to a baby.

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud's dream book, a former young man can symbolize a lady's subconscious horror about his betrayal or betrayal.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend in a dream, who was your first love, symbolizes the fact that in real life the easy and ordinary relationships into which you once immersed yourself are not enough for you.

Maybe you had a strange and terrible dream in which you killed your ex. It says that you should not be afraid to change something in life, especially since fortune will await you in almost all your endeavors.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, a former young man speaks of future changes. At the same time, changes in life can turn out to be positive or negative.

A kiss with an ex in a dream speaks of pleasant changes, and sex means conflicts.

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