Amazing low-calorie carrot cake "Eat and lose weight"! Diet carrot cake Low calorie carrot cake recipe.

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For cakes:

  • 2 carrots.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 250 g oatmeal.
  • 3 art. spoons of cornmeal.
  • 3 art. spoons of oat bran.
  • 200 ml of milk.
  • 1 orange.
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  • 1 teaspoon stevia.

For cream:

  • 100 g curd cheese.
  • 50 g soft cottage cheese.
  • 1 teaspoon stevia.

Diet carrot cake recipe:

1. Break eggs into a bowl, add stevia and beat until foamy. Instead of stevia, you can use any other sweetener you like.

2. Now add all the dry ingredients: oat flour, cornmeal, oat bran and baking powder. Stir, although while it will be difficult.

3. Next, add milk and freshly squeezed juice of half an orange to a bowl. Mix the mixture with a blender.

4. It turns out the dough is the consistency of liquid sour cream. We leave it for 10 minutes so that the flour and bran disperse.

5. At this time, peel the carrots and grate it on a fine grater. Also grate orange zest. Add bright ingredients to the dough and mix it well.

6. Pour the finished dough into the cake baking dish. I used a rectangular silicone mold for the cake. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

7. We check the readiness of the cake with a match. When it comes out dry, remove the cake from the mold and cool on a wire rack.

8. When the cake has cooled, cut it into small rectangles to form cakes later.

9. Soak each rectangle with juice from the second half of the orange.

10. It's time to prepare the cream. To do this, beat the cottage cheese with soft cottage cheese and stevia.

11. We smear half of the resulting rectangles with cream.

12. Cover the smeared rectangles with the rest. Here are our carrot cakes and formed.

13. We also coat the top of the cakes with cream and decorate to taste. It can be nuts, candied fruits, coconut flakes, or, in my case, confectionery topping.

Carrot cake will be an excellent dessert for people on a diet, or just adherents healthy eating. It is a mistake to believe that this dish has too poor taste, because there are many recipes for its preparation - tasty, savory, light and even exquisite.

Carrot cake is simple, but healthy and delicious.

You need:

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • grated carrots - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil- 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch.

Eggs are beaten with vanilla and sugar. Carrot puree or just grated carrots, butter, flour and cinnamon are also sent there. Mix everything thoroughly until you get a thick dough. Then add chopped nuts and raisins.

Take a baking dish. It can be of any shape - both rectangular and round. Line it with parchment paper and spread the dough evenly there. Bake for about an hour at a temperature of 180. Before serving, a diet cake can be decorated with something on top - nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits.

Lean carrot cake without eggs

You need:

  • grated carrots - 1.5 cups;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • walnuts - ½ cup;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.

To prepare a lean carrot cake, first of all you need to mix grated carrots and sugar. Then you need to add butter and a small amount of flour with baking powder to the mixture. Knead the dough and gradually add the remaining sifted flour. Introduce chopped nuts and cinnamon into the finished mass. Stir again.

Take a baking dish, line it with parchment paper, greased with butter, and pour the dough evenly. It should initially turn out to be of medium density. The cake is baked in an oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. From time to time check it for readiness with a toothpick.

With semolina

Carrot cake makes a great dessert for dieters.

You need:

  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • grated carrots - 2 cups;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • sugar -1 glass;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon.

The cooking process will take quite a bit of time and effort:

  1. First of all, semolina is poured with kefir, infused for some time, after which the resulting mixture is well mixed.
  2. To prepare the pie, you will need a couple of glasses of grated carrots, which you can chop on a fine grater, but the cake from the juicer is best suited for this purpose.
  3. Eggs are beaten together with sugar. Then sifted flour, melted butter, vanillin and soda are added there. It is not necessary to extinguish it, since kefir is present among the ingredients.
  4. Put the semolina to the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough. It should be of medium thickness and without lumps.
  5. Put it in a baking dish lined with parchment paper and sprinkled with semolina and butter. Send the cake for 40-50 minutes in the oven.

In a slow cooker

Carrot cake in a slow cooker is even easier to cook than in the usual way.

You need:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • grated carrots - 1 cup;
  • fatty oil - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch.

Here everything is even simpler, because, perhaps, too smart technology will do most of the work itself.

  1. Whisk eggs with sugar.
  2. Take a couple of carrots with the expectation that you get a glass of finished mashed potatoes.
  3. Melt the butter in a frying pan and pour over the eggs along with salt.
  4. Flour is mixed with cinnamon and baking powder. Combine both parts of the mixture and put the grated carrots there. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon or fork.
  5. Brush the surface of the bowl with enough oil. Close the lid and put the "Baking" program in the device for an hour.

If the cake is not cooked enough, you can increase the cooking time. The finished dish, if desired, is decorated on top with crushed nuts or raisins.

Carrot Cake by Chef Jamie Oliver

Carrot cake is the best quick baking option.

You need:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • grated carrots - 1 cup;
  • orange peel and juice;
  • powdered sugar - 120 g;
  • a pack of butter;
  • lime juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • a pinch of baking powder.

You don't have to be a chef to perfectly repeat his recipe. You won't get any worse!

  1. While you prepare the ingredients, set the oven to warm up to 180 degrees.
  2. Grind softened butter with sugar and egg yolks. Then add orange juice and chopped zest, carrots and flour mixed with baking powder into this mass. Mix everything thoroughly and knead the dough.
  3. Separated proteins with a pinch of salt are whipped until light and gradually added to the dough. We spread the resulting mass in a baking dish and send it to cook for 45 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, prepare the icing with lime juice and powdered sugar. When the hot cake has cooled slightly, brush it evenly with the resulting composition.

Step by step recipe with oatmeal

You need:

  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 120 g;
  • kefir - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • currant - 50 g;
  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon;
  • up to a teaspoon of baking powder.

Carrots are rubbed on a grater, crushed into oatmeal into flour. The mixture is mixed and sugar and vanilla are added there, then the egg and kefir. The result is a thick dough that needs to be divided into a couple of parts. Put the first in a greased form and send to bake for 20-25 minutes.

Now it's time to prepare the filling. Low-fat cottage cheese is mixed with currants, which, if desired, can be replaced with blueberries or any other berries that suit your taste. When the first cake is ready, put the filling on it and fill it with the remaining dough. Send your form back to the oven for half an hour. As soon as it cools down, the cake can be served with fragrant tea.

With dried fruits

Carrot cake always looks sunny and bright, so it's impossible not to try it!

You need:

  • grated carrots - 100 g;
  • dried fruits - 120 g;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • a piece of butter;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons.

It will take you less than an hour to prepare this dessert. But the pleasure is enough for the whole evening.

  1. Beaten eggs are mixed with melted butter, and dried fruits are crushed with a knife or blender. You can also add nuts to them, which also need to be ground.
  2. Flour is mixed with baking powder and the rest of the ingredients. Thoroughly mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 and put the resulting mixture into a baking dish. It is preferable to use silicone, as it will be easier to remove the finished dish from it. Bake dried fruit carrot cake for 45 minutes.

With orange flavor

You need:

  • grated carrots - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • soda - on the tip of a spoon;
  • salt - a pinch.

Rest assured, an orange vegetable and fruit will get along perfectly in one dessert, creating a truly unique taste.

  1. The orange is cut into small cubes directly with the peel and mixed with grated carrots.
  2. Separately, beaten eggs with sugar, put flour with soda.
  3. Mix the carrot-orange part and flour. At this stage, you can add raisins to the dough, after dousing it with boiling water, and ground nuts.
  4. The thick dough is poured into the mold and evenly distributed over it. Do not forget to pre-grease it with oil or cover it with parchment paper.
  5. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and bake the cake in it for half an hour. Periodically check the dessert for readiness with a toothpick.

With lemon cream

This carrot cake will be eaten to the last crumb even by those who do not really like carrots.

You need:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • grated carrots - 1 cup;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • slaked soda and cinnamon in a coffee spoon;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • condensed milk - 150 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g.

Such a dessert comes out very interesting in taste - with aristocratic sourness.

  1. Eggs are beaten with sugar into a fluffy light foam.
  2. Sifted flour is mixed with slaked lemon juice soda, cinnamon and vanilla.
  3. Grated carrots and butter are added to the eggs.
  4. We combine both parts and knead a thick dough.
  5. Put the mixture in a greased form, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cake for 45 minutes.
  6. Now you have time to prepare the cream. For him, beat the condensed milk and sour cream, and then put the juice from half a lemon and zest there. When the cake has cooled slightly, grease it evenly with cream and leave to harden.

A charge of vitamins in the autumn season!

1. Carrot cake with bananas: the right baking!

Per 100 g: 231 kcal, proteins - 8 g, fats - 8 g, carbohydrates - 31 g.


Eggs - 2 pcs

Carrot - 2 pcs

Bananas - 2 pcs

Natural yogurt - 4 tbsp. l

Dried fruits - ½ tbsp

Oatmeal - 2 tbsp

Baking powder - 2 tsp

Ground cinnamon - to taste

Nutmeg - to taste

Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l

For cream:

Fat-free cottage cheese - 70 g

Natural yogurt - 30 g

Sweetener - to taste


Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Grind bananas in a blender, add eggs, butter, beat. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and add to the dough along with chopped dried fruits. Then add the dry ingredients, previously mixed together. Mix well. Pour into a lightly oiled baking dish and bake until tender (about 40 minutes).

If you want to serve a cream pie, just beat the fat-free cottage cheese with natural yogurt. Cover the cooled cake with cream.

2. Carrot and oatmeal diet cake - a treat that you can afford!

Per 100 g: 126 kcal, proteins - 6 g, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 23 g.


130 g ground oatmeal

2 medium apples

1 carrot

60 g honey

Juice of half a lemon

A pinch of salt

At the tip of the knife - cinnamon, ground ginger, cloves

Olive oil

For cream:

150 g fat-free mashed cottage cheese

4 tsp natural yogurt

Stevia, vanilla


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. In a bowl, mix salt, oatmeal, spices, honey, a drop of olive oil.

2. Grate apples and carrots. Squeeze out the juice if necessary.

3. Grease the mold with oil and sprinkle with ground oatmeal.

4. Bake for 30-40 minutes. After baking, cool the cake.

5. In the meantime, beat all the ingredients for the cream into a homogeneous airy mass.

6. Cut the cake into several pieces and coat with cream. Decorate on top with fruit or whatever you like, leave in the fridge to soak overnight.

3. Carrot PP cake: pure pleasure!

Per 100 g: 130 kcal, proteins - 6 g, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 19 g.


Banana -2 pcs

Carrots -3-4 pieces

Eggs -3 pcs

Kefir 1% -1 glass

Oat flour - 1 cup

Sweetener - to taste


Add soda to 1 cup of kefir and let stand for 10-20 minutes to make the cake more magnificent.

Three carrots on a fine grater.

Beat the eggs, pour it into the mixture with grated carrots, grind the bananas with a blender or fork, add to the carrots, pour in the kefir, add the oatmeal and mix thoroughly.

Pour the dough into the mold and bake at 170 C for 40-50 minutes.

(It is possible in a slow cooker in Baking mode - 1 hour)

4. Carrot cake in a mug

Per 100 g: 242 kcal, proteins - 7 g, fats - 13 g, carbohydrates - 26 g.


Carrots - 30 g (grated)

Oatmeal - 4 tbsp. l

Milk 1% - 5 tbsp. l

Nuts - 25 g (we have pecans, but can be replaced)

Cinnamon - ⅛ tsp

Olive oil - 3 tsp


Whisk milk and butter in a bowl. Gradually add all other ingredients except nuts. Mix thoroughly. Pour the batter into two mugs or one bowl. Cook for 2 minutes in the microwave on high power. Then leave in the oven for another minute.

Remove and cool for about 5 minutes. Decorate the cake with chopped nuts before serving.

5. Cottage cheese casserole with carrots: only 66 kcal!

Per 100 g: 66 kcal, proteins - 5 g, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 5 g.


Carrot - 1 kg

Eggs - 4 pcs

Fat-free cottage cheese - 200 g

Sesame or nuts - 20 g

Olive oil - 1 tsp

Sweetener - to taste

Salt - to taste


Peel the carrots and grate on a fine grater. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks until light, whites with a pinch of salt - until stable peaks. Add cottage cheese to the yolks, mix until smooth. Stir carrots into cottage cheese, then add egg whites and mix gently. Grease a baking dish with oil. Pour in carrot mixture and spread evenly. Sprinkle with sesame seeds or nuts (any). Bake for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

6. Carrot-based cheesecake: an incredible yummy with benefits for the figure!

Per 100 g: 123 kcal, proteins - 5 g, fats - 5 g, carbohydrates - 16 g.


For the base:

Carrot - 400 g

Dates - 100 g

Pecans - 50 g (can be replaced with other nuts)

Olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. l

Cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l

Vanillin - 1 tsp

For filling:

Cottage cheese soft - 400 g

Natural yogurt - 1/2 tbsp

Lemon zest - 1 pc.

Honey - 2 tbsp. l

Vanillin - 1 tsp

Pecans - to taste (for decoration)


Shake grated carrots in a blender with nuts, dates, cinnamon, butter and vanilla. You should get a homogeneous paste. Pour the pasta into an oiled mold and press down. Whisk yogurt and cottage cheese. Add vanilla, zest, honey. Put a layer of cream on the carrot base and decorate with pecans. Send the cheesecake to the refrigerator for two hours.

7. Fitness cake with carrots

Per 100 g: 162 kcal, proteins - 9 g, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 24 g.


For the biscuit:

Carrot - 4 pcs

Dried apricots - 30 g

Eggs - 3 pcs

Oatmeal - 2 tbsp

Salt - to taste

Soda extinguish with lemon juice - 3 g

For filling:

Fat-free cottage cheese - 250 g

Natural yogurt - 150 g

Banana - 1 pc.

Gelatin - 1 tsp

Vanillin - to taste

Sweetener - to taste


Grate carrots, chop dried apricots with a knife or in a blender.

Stew the carrot mixture in a frying pan over low heat for 10 minutes, cool. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff. Mix the yolks with flour and yogurt, add the stew mixture and whipped proteins. Mix everything gently and pour into a greased form.

Bake for 25-30 minutes in the oven at t 180 degrees. Take out carefully, cut into 4 cakes. Prepare the filling. Dissolve gelatin, let cool, mix with yogurt. Add cottage cheese, chopped banana, vanillin and mix well, preferably in a blender. Spread over the filling and refrigerate overnight to set the gelatin. You can sprinkle something on top, such as sesame seeds, cinnamon or coconut flakes.

Bon appetit!

For a long time I promised to make a photo recipe of a dietary carrot cake or cake (if you layer the cake with cream, you get a real cake. And finally I got it together. The cake turns out to be very tender, it just melts in your mouth. There are practically no fats in it, a lot of carrots, so it’s very You can't hear the carrots! Yummy - you will lick your fingers.. We will need such products.

Diet Carrot Cake Recipe:

Grated carrots - 2 cups (there are 5 carrots in the photo, but I used only 3 shuks - 2 large and one small)

Egg - 2 pieces

Sugar - 1 cup (can be 0.5 cup)

Vegetable oil - 5-6 tablespoons

1 tsp soda quench with vinegar

Salt - 0.5 teaspoon

Flour - 2 cups

Vanilla sugar 0.5 sachet (I put on the tip of a teaspoon of vanillin

Three carrots on a coarse grater. I measured with this measuring cup. Tamped it down a little, but not much. 3 carrots - 2 full glasses.

Separate the whites from the yolks. In proteins - half a teaspoon of salt and beat well with a mixer. When the foam becomes strong, we begin to gradually add sugar. Whisk until sugar dissolves.

Add egg yolks and vegetable oil to the mixture and beat a little more. Our site useful comments on photos in detail.

We extinguish the soda with vinegar and add to our mixture. Beat everything well with a mixer, put a little vanillin and gently add carrots little by little and mix so that the proteins do not fall off.

It turns out that we have such a rather liquid mass, for the time being it is not dough, since there is no flour.

Now we will gradually add flour, sifting it through a sieve, so that the dough is fluffy and soft.

Pour the sifted flour into our prepared mixture. And mix the dough well.

The dough will come out like this. It is slightly thicker than store-bought sour cream. But there is no spoon in it. It will also not pour because of the grated carrots.

My cupcake pan, unfortunately, has not yet reached me, so I baked in a regular glass mold. Lubricate it with vegetable oil and sprinkle lightly with semolina.

Pour the dough into the form and level it so that the top is even.

We put in the oven on a small fire. The cake should bake well. I baked it for 40-50 minutes. Test for readiness with a wooden stick or a long toothpick. Here is such a beauty.

Let it cool in the form, and then take it out and put it on a dish.

People who, for one reason or another, limit their diet, are tempted at every step to eat something tasty and forbidden by the diet. This article will be useful to those who like to pamper themselves, but do not violate the rules of the chosen diet.

For the preparation of confectionery for people losing weight, carrots are often used as the main ingredient. Diet pies, muffins, muffins and other sweets are prepared from it. Dietary carrot cake is quite popular. Many coffee houses, including the famous Starbucks, offer this delicacy to their visitors, which is also easy to prepare at home. Below are a few recipes for diet carrot cake.

Diet carrot cake recipe

This recipe is the simplest and most strict, does not contain butter and nuts and sugar.

Required Ingredients:

  • oat bran, 18 grams (2 tablespoons)
  • corn starch, 20 g (1 tbsp.)
  • baking powder, 1/2 tsp
  • Raw carrots, 90 g
  • milk, 80 ml
  • chicken egg, 1 pc.
  • fat-free soft cottage cheese, not grainy, 150 g
  • small lemon zest, 1/2 tsp
  • sweetener (sweetener, stevia, vanilla or cinnamon) - to taste

Cooking process:

  1. Grind bran in a coffee grinder or blender, mix them well with milk and egg, leave the mixture for 5 minutes
  2. Thoroughly mix cornstarch and baking powder, combine them with the present mixture.
  3. Grate the carrots as finely as possible, remove large pieces, add to the mixture and knead the resulting dough.

The cake can either be baked in the oven or fried in a skillet. In the first case you need:

  1. Heat oven to 180 degrees
  2. Pour the dough into silicone molds
  3. Bake 20 minutes

In the second case, you should:

  1. Heat up a frying pan
  2. Lubricate it with two or three drops of vegetable oil, set a small fire
  3. Place the dough in an even layer on the pan and cover it with a lid for 3 minutes.
  4. Turn the cake over and cover again for 3 minutes.

Next, the finished cake should be laid out on a cool surface. While it's cooling down, it's time to make the cream. You should not prepare the cream in advance, otherwise, after standing, it will change its consistency. To prepare the cream, you need:

  1. Beat curd with a mixer until fluffy
  2. Pour the lemon zest and sweetener into the whipped cottage cheese
  3. Stir the porridge with a spoon

Finally, it remains to assemble the cake:

  1. Cut the cake in diameter, and cut each half in half again
  2. Lubricate all parts of the cake with cream, while laying them one on top of the other
  3. Brush the sides of the cake
  4. Keep the dessert in the cold overnight or for several hours

Diet carrot cake in a slow cooker

In this option, the proportion of yolk, the main calorie component of eggs, is minimized, but a small amount of nuts and powdered sugar is allowed.

Required Ingredients:

  • carrot finely grated, 300 g
  • dietary oat flour or ground bran, 300 g
  • baking powder, 1 tsp
  • chicken egg white, 3 pcs.
  • chicken egg yolk, 1 pc.
  • chopped walnuts and powdered sugar - optional
  • stevia
  • low-fat fruit yogurt, 200 g


  1. Proteins, yolk and 25 g of stevia beat in a mixer for 3 minutes
  2. Add flour or bran, as well as carrots, stirring, add baking powder and some nuts
  3. Sprinkle the baking dish with flour or cover with parchment so that the finished diet carrot cake can be easily reached
  4. Pour the resulting dough into the mold
  5. On the multicooker, start the baking mode for 1 hour
  6. Take out the baked cake and cut it into four equal flat parts.
  7. When the shortbreads are completely cool, beat the yogurt with the addition of stevia with a mixer to taste.
  8. Lubricate the cooled shortcakes with whipped yogurt and lay them one on top of the other.
  9. Sprinkle the cake with powder and nuts
  10. Leave for a couple of hours to soak

Diet carrot cake in the microwave

This recipe is less restrictive in terms of diet, but does not contain sugar and includes dietary flour and fruit. Using a microwave oven can significantly reduce the cooking time.

Required Ingredients:

  • dietary flour or ground bran, 350–400 g
  • baking powder, 1 tsp
  • Salt, 1 pinch
  • ground nutmeg, 1 pinch
  • ground cinnamon, 1 pinch
  • chicken egg, 4 pcs.
  • olive oil, 2 tbsp. l.
  • Raw carrots, 4–6 pcs.
  • fruits (pineapple, apple, pear, peach, apricot) to choose from, 200 g
  • raisins, 100 g
  • walnuts, 100 g
  • sweetener to taste

Cooking process:

  1. Hold the raisins in hot water for 5-7 minutes, then drain the water and let the raisins dry
  2. Peel, wash and finely chop the carrots
  3. Grind the fruits as finely as possible, it is better to puree
  4. Chop nuts into small pieces
  5. Beat eggs with butter and salt
  6. Sift flour with baking powder
  7. Combine all ingredients, mix thoroughly until smooth and pour into a wide dish for microwave oven
  8. Bake in the microwave at 850-900 W

Readiness to check by piercing the cake with a wooden spatula. If it comes out dry, then the dish is ready.

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