Chia seeds with milk proportions. Healthy breakfast: overnight puddings with chia seeds

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Simple desserts, one base - three options. In general, I admit honestly, I am not a supporter of the superfoods that are fashionable today; for some reason, while paying tribute to the foreign fashion for such products, we forget that in our area there are many equally useful analogues. In this case, chia can be replaced with flax seeds, both whole and ground. They are also pre-soaked in liquid and a jelly-like mass is obtained. But now I’ll still talk about desserts using chia, since I, as a curious girl, probably have everything that is possible. You should try it at least once to have a broader culinary horizon.

In general, there are no recipes as such, I very often do everything by eye, I can’t say that I’m that skilled, I just go by my feelings, which I trust :)
So, for each jar I took 1.5 tbsp. chia seeds. I soaked it overnight, but a couple of hours is enough.

Chocolate coconut dessert

This jar holds about 150 ml of liquid. Soak 1.5 tbsp. chia in coconut milk (I use either low fat 6% or I have another 4% coconut milk that I brought from Finland). Of course, you can also use regular full-fat coconut milk. Then added 1 tbsp. finely grated dark chocolate, 1 tsp. carob and 1 tsp. cocoa powder, 1 tsp. unrefined cane sugar and 1 tsp. coconut flakes. I mix everything and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour. A light dessert because I have unroasted carob and light cocoa. Serve with chocolate and pistachios.

Banana dessert with persimmon

1.5 tbsp. chia, 150 ml soy milk, half a small banana, a piece of persimmon (as much as you want). Chia is soaked in milk, banana and persimmon are mashed and added to the chia. Also cool the dessert before serving.

Berry dessert

1.5 tbsp. chia, 150 ml soy milk, a handful of frozen berries (I used a mixture of blueberries and cherries), 1 tsp. unrefined cane sugar and 1 tsp. coconut flakes. Berries with sugar and coconut are crushed into puree and added to chia. The dessert is also served chilled.

How else can you experiment? Add a little ground oatmeal for more thickness and satiety. You can take any milk to your taste, you can make it with yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir, or you can add soft cottage cheese. The addition of nuts is welcome; you can add ground in a coffee grinder, roasted peanuts, almonds, pistachios or hazelnuts. Space for imagination without limits!

Love affair with chia among fans healthy image life, as it began several years ago, continues, this superfood is breaking records of popularity in all the world's capitals. And if three or four years ago no one knew anything about these seeds, today they bake bread with them, add them to salads and make desserts from them - you can find dishes with chia in all the top wellness bars in New York, London, Amsterdam or Stockholm.

Chia is a type of sage that grows in central and southern Mexico. The seeds were actively used by the Aztecs, they made flour from them and squeezed out oil; warriors took chia cakes with them on campaigns, as they increased endurance. Chia seeds are truly a champion among superfoods in terms of the content of elements vital for us:

  • the seeds contain almost 20% protein
  • 25% fiber
  • Chia has 5 times more calcium than milk;
  • 2 times more potassium than bananas;
  • 3 times more iron than spinach
  • 15 times more magnesium than broccoli.
  • contains omega-3 and omega-6

Such a rich composition makes this product an indispensable product for vegans and vegetarians, as well as for everyone who adheres to dietary restrictions according to the most various reasons. When exposed to liquid, chia seeds expand 12 times in size and turn the liquid into a sort of pudding, or jelly. It is this property of chia that makes these super seeds an excellent product for healthy and tasty breakfasts.

Overnight pudding breaks all records of popularity in blogs dedicated to healthy eating and detox. The idea is very simple: in the evening you pour chia seeds into a cup with water, juice, milk or compote, and in the morning you get a cup of rich useful substances jelly to which you can add fruits, nuts or seeds, muesli, etc. The seeds themselves do not have any distinct flavor, which makes them an excellent base for your culinary creativity.

And for inspiration, here are two recipes for “overnight” puddings, the healthiest breakfast in the world!



This pudding consists of six simple ingredients, is very easy to make, it is slightly sweet, but contains no sugar. Gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian breakfast, source of protein, magnesium and fiber.

For 4 servings:

  • 1.5 cups almond or soy milk (organic, unsweetened)
  • 1/3 cup chia seeds
  • ¼ cup cocoa powder
  • 2-5 tbsp agave syrup or maple syrup or 5-9 dates, cut into small pieces (natural sweetener)
  • ¼ tbsp sea salt

You can add 5-7 drops of vanilla extract.

Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl, then add the milk and mix thoroughly (with your hands, not with a blender).

Leave overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning, pour the jelly-like mass into a blender, blend until smooth, add syrup to taste.

Pour the pudding into serving glasses and sprinkle nuts, fruit or muesli on top. One pudding contains approximately 130 kcal. And if you do not pass the swollen seeds through a blender, you will get something like caviar:


Photo: Belly Dell

Another way to combine in one lazy recipe several at once healthy products– make a pudding based on natural yogurt. For 1 serving you will need:

  • 1 yogurt
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • strawberries or any other fruit
  • honey, agave syrup or other sweetener
  • nuts, granola for topping

Place the yogurt in a glass, add chia seeds, stir everything well and put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, serve the finished pudding with fruit, honey and topping.

Photo: Natural Chow

It is known that chia seeds were eaten as early as the fourth millennium BC. Then they were eaten separately or mixed with other grains, ground into flour, and added to various dishes. Oil was made from chia seeds and included in medicines, but the most widespread is a nutritious drink based on the property of seeds to swell in water.

The most simple recipe It is considered adding small amounts of seeds to various foods - water, cereals, salads, muffin dough, oatmeal, cheese or peanut butter sandwiches, soups, smoothies, eggs (beaten, fried, boiled) and so on. There are a lot of dishes prepared with chia seeds. Here are just some of the recipes proposed by the world's leading chefs, tested over many years of practice and enjoying enormous popularity around the world.

Drinks and desserts based on chia seeds

Chia grains, due to their neutral taste, are suitable for almost any drink and go well with all foods. They are most commonly used as a healthy ingredient in yogurts, fruit juices, homemade ice cream and whipped drinks.

Chia dishes include delicious fruit smoothies!

Chia water

This drink has been used by Indians since ancient times to restore strength. It was an integral part of Aztec culture. Its nutritional properties were especially valued during grueling long treks through the desert.

To prepare an amazing drink you will need:

  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 1.5 cups lemon juice
  • 1 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1 cup roasted chia beans.

The ground seeds are soaked in 500 grams of water and left for about one hour. The rest of the water is mixed with sugar and lemon juice. Then both mixtures are combined and cooled. To distribute the grains evenly throughout the entire volume of the drink, the entire mass is thoroughly mixed with a spoon before drinking. A variety of taste is achieved by adding mint or lemon balm, or you can use pieces of crushed ice.

The refreshing soft drink has a gelatinous consistency, is very nutritious and rich in vitamin C. The mucus produced is soluble dietary fiber and helps improve performance gastrointestinal tract, lowering cholesterol levels. For people on a diet, sugar can be replaced with stevia or saccharin.

Energy drink

This cocktail is especially necessary for people experiencing severe physical exercise. Its incredible ability to energize has long become a legend. To prepare two glasses of drink you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. crushed chia grains,
  • 2 tbsp. lime juice,
  • 4 tbsp. honey

You just need to pour the chia seeds with water in a ratio of one to two and leave overnight. By morning, mix the resulting thick jelly with the remaining ingredients. You can use a blender for this, but you should not overuse scrolling - the natural structure may be disrupted. As a result, you will see a drink that resembles starch jelly. To improve the taste, chia seeds can be ground with prunes or dried apricots, and fresh berries can be added to the jelly.

Vitamin cocktail

You are unlikely to see such an amount of vitamins in a small volume of a nutritious drink. Take two tablespoons of chia seeds and soak for 10 minutes in two tablespoons of orange juice. Then peeled, finely chopped pieces of apple, banana, kiwi and orange are added to the glass. The cocktail can be sweetened with raw grape sugar or a spoonful of natural bee honey.

The ingredients for puddings and cocktails can be anything, the main thing is chia seeds!

Chia pudding with coconut and mango

For a delicious original pudding you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. chia grains,
  • 0.5 tbsp. unsweetened almond milk,
  • 0.5 tbsp. coconut milk,
  • 1 tbsp. sweetened grated coconut
  • 1 tbsp. ripe mango, diced.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a large container and placed in the refrigerator overnight. The pudding will be ready to eat in 5-6 hours. Sugar or bee honey is added to taste.

Yogurt with chia, oatmeal and fruit

To prepare your morning breakfast in the evening, mix:

  • 2/3 tbsp. milk,
  • 1/2 tbsp. unsweetened yogurt,
  • 1/2 tbsp. oatmeal (preferably not instant),
  • 1 tbsp. chia seeds,
  • puree made from one small banana,
  • 2 tbsp. strawberry jam (or fresh berries).

All ingredients are mixed well and left overnight in the refrigerator. Before use, the prepared breakfast needs to be mixed again.

Blueberry jelly

Add liquid sweetener (about four teaspoons) to two cups of blueberries. Agave syrup can be used as a sweet additive. Add two teaspoons of chia seeds and the same amount of lemon juice to the mixture. All ingredients are mixed and after 20 minutes the grains swell to a gel state. Delicious jelly is ready to eat.

Dishes with chia seeds

Many other recipes with chia seeds are known these days - for example, a unique recipe for a dish extremely rich in carbohydrates and vitamins. Yes, yes, we are talking about sushi with added chia! This dish is great for any balanced diet and is good for your health. With moderate consumption, excessive intake of calories is eliminated. This is an ideal option for vegetarians, as well as people who want to lose weight and suffer from food allergies. The product is considered an alternative to sesame sushi.

Sushi maki with chia seeds

The culinary masterpiece is prepared as follows. Thoroughly washed rice is poured into water in a ratio of one to two (one volume of rice - two volumes of water) and cooked under a closed lid for 10 minutes. At this time, you can prepare seasoning for sushi - salmon or tuna fillet, cut into small strips, raw or boiled carrots, avocado and pepper. The finished rice is placed on a plate to cool and mixed with chia seeds, which are pre-washed and then fried in a frying pan over medium heat. The number of grains is determined by taste, but should not exceed one third of the volume of rice.

Chia seeds are a great alternative to sesame seeds!

Then everything happens according to traditional sushi preparation technology. The chia rice is placed on nori sheets placed on a special rolling mat, shiny side down. The prepared seasoning is added to the filling, and the ready-to-eat rolls are pressed and rolled. By cutting a roll of sushi into small pieces, we get mini maki, which are served in combination with soy sauce. It is advisable to season them with decorations in the form of parsley, pickled ginger and carrots. Thrill-seekers can use wasabi.

Salmon with chia seeds

Another simple recipe involves simply mixing lightly toasted sesame and chia seeds, which are then spread over a piece of salmon fillet. For a 500 gram piece of fish, 1/4 cup of sesame seeds and 1/2 cup of chia grains are enough. Seasoned with salt and pepper, the salmon, generously sprinkled with healthy seeds, is placed on a rack or frying pan in the oven and baked over medium heat.

Each side is fried for about 12 minutes. There is no need to add oil, since this type of sturgeon has a sufficient amount of its own fat. The delicacy can be served with boiled rice or spinach, suitable for seasoning olive oil or bee honey.


If you want to remember the taste of rye bread, and even rich in the aroma of tomatoes and basil, you need to take one glass of chia grains and soak them in filtered water for about 8 hours. The seeds swell very quickly, so you don’t have to spare water.

  • 1/2 cup dried tomatoes,
  • 20 grams of green basil,
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice,
  • 1 tablespoon honey.

All ingredients, including chia, need to be ground using a food processor. Healthy grains will remain in in the same form, and the tomatoes and basil will be chopped. The resulting mixture must be spread on a dehydrator sheet and left to dry for 16 hours. The layer thickness should not exceed 5 mm. After this, the delicious cracker is ready to eat. You can use a minimal amount of olive oil to soften the crust.

Hot vegetables with chia grains

This is a universal recipe suitable for any vegetable dish. To prepare, you will need 4-6 cups of your favorite vegetables. The dressing is prepared with olive and sesame oil in equal parts (the total volume should not exceed 1/8 cup), in which 4 cloves of finely chopped garlic, 1/2 cup of finely chopped onion and 1 tablespoon of ground ginger root are fried. This also adds soy sauce(3 tablespoons) and 150 grams of water. The roasting process lasts no more than 4 minutes.

Only after this, dry chia seeds are poured into the frying pan (for the given proportions, 1/4 cup will be enough) and the vegetables are laid out. Salt is added to taste. The dish is lightly fried and then simmered for 10 minutes. At the same time, it must be stirred periodically.

Breakfast "Chia eggs"

Preparing a delicious and nutritious breakfast is quite simple. One chicken egg is beaten with a tablespoon of milk. Then white chia seeds (1 tablespoon) are added to the mixture and the whole thing is infused for 15 minutes. During this time, you can cut half a small onion and fry it in sunflower or butter until golden brown. In a common container, add onion and a small handful of spinach to the egg with chia and mix everything until smooth. Prepare the mixture over low heat in a saucepan with the lid closed. Before eating, you can season your breakfast with ground black pepper.

Our regular columnist Calgary Avansino shares the basics and recipes for preparing a healthy and tasty dessert - a sweet pudding made from newfangled chia seeds, tested many times on himself and his household.

In one of my first articles, I already talked about the fantastic benefits of chia seeds - it’s no wonder why they have become so popular. One way to consume chia is to make it into a dessert pudding for breakfast. It won't be difficult to prepare it.

Step one
The pudding is based on a combination of chia seeds and any type of milk. In my opinion, coconut and almond make the best desserts. The main thing is to remember the proportions: 3 tablespoons of chia seeds per 1 glass of liquid. For example, if you're making 4 servings (which is great since the pudding stays fresh for days), you'll need ¾ cup chia seeds and 4 cups milk. Combine the ingredients together and mix thoroughly.

Step two
This is where the fun begins: you can fantasize about the dessert as much as you like and add any healthy ingredients. For example, dried coconut, raisins, cocoa powder, pomegranate seeds, mango pieces, walnuts, almonds or pistachios. Try any combinations! Add them to the milk with chia seeds, stir and put the mixture in the refrigerator overnight, or if you don’t have time, for at least 20 minutes.

Step three
Stir the finished pudding, add a little milk and garnish with blueberries, raspberries, maple syrup, agave or honey if you like sweeter desserts. Below are the recipes that I usually use:

Chia pudding with cinnamon
2 cups almond milk
2/3 cup chia seeds
½ teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon ginger
2 tablespoons chopped dates
2 tablespoons dried cranberries

Vanilla-coconut pudding with almonds
2 cups coconut milk
2/3 cup chia seeds
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons chopped almonds
Blueberry and raspberry topping

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding
2 cups almond milk
2/3 cup chia seeds
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 tablespoons coconut flakes
½ tablespoon maple syrup

All the necessary products for preparing recipes can be purchased at the organic food store "Biostory".

The seeds of the exotic chia plant are already known to many for their ease of preparation. Just one handful of these fruits provides the body with the daily requirement of essential vitamins and minerals, which are so important for the proper functioning of all human organs.

Before eating chia seeds, it would be appropriate to ask how to properly eat them so that they are tasty and healthy. Let's try to understand this in detail.

Where to buy Chia seeds and which ones to choose

You can purchase high-quality and inexpensive Chia seeds on the legendary iHerb website. Here you will find an excellent selection of products from reliable and trusted manufacturers. We are pleased with the affordable prices. They are much lower than prices in local pharmacies, even taking into account delivery from the USA.

Both black and white seeds are available for sale. Nutritionists recommend choosing the black variety for those people who suffer from diabetes mellitus And increased level cholesterol. White seeds are suitable for those who often suffer from allergies and hormonal disorders. It is important to note that regardless of the color of the seeds, they are a valuable source of Omega 3 and 6, calcium, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins and antioxidants.

Bestsellers are:

The quality and purity of these products is proven by certificates.

After purchasing these magical grains, it is important to sort them out and make sure they are intact and natural.

You are so eager to try the seeds in action, then the most in a simple way Their use will be the use of chia fruits in raw form.

Sprinkles for various dishes

The note! When the seeds are added to wet food, they become jelly-like and completely penetrate into the digestive system, highlighting full list their healing substances.

  1. Prepare oatmeal rice porridge, yogurt, steaming muesli or whipping a cocktail, add 1 tablespoon of dried fruits to the finished dish and you can have a healthy breakfast, drinking plenty of clean still water.
  2. For a snack, you can use cottage cheese, raisins, a few spoons of sour cream and a handful of chia seeds, which can be sprinkled on top of the dish or mixed together and left for a few minutes.
  3. To keep the seeds crispy, you can simply sprinkle these grains on the finished salad or pudding. In this case, you should definitely wash down your food with warm water.

This is done so that the seeds swell in the stomach and create a feeling of fullness, in which case the appetite decreases and less food is eaten. For those who are on a diet, this best way refrain from overeating and quickly restore your ideal figure parameters.

  1. Mix the fruits of an exotic plant with ingredients for sweet and savory sandwiches. It could be tuna, egg, peanut butter. Spread the mixture onto bread and feel free to consume it during a snack.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. Chia seeds are added to various salads, such as spring or potato salads, stirred completely, creating a delicious nutty taste. This is exactly how you can make pasta for main courses or spicy sauces.
  3. To make a delicious tea or unusual jelly, mix 2 cups of pureed fruit with one tablespoon of seeds. This will make a thick jam or jelly, it all depends on the amount of liquid you add to the dessert.

Cooking chia seeds, including them in various dishes

    Vitaminized porridge made from chia grains.

    What do I need to do:

    • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of seeds in a glass of warm milk.
    • Leave for 20-25 minutes, stirring a little to avoid lumps.
    • To add flavor to the porridge, dried fruits, nuts, honey, cinnamon, raisins, dried apricots and much more are perfect, according to your preference.
    • Depending on the number of chia seeds, you can control the thickness of the porridge, but you should not get carried away with healing grains, because everywhere there is an acceptable norm (2 tablespoons per day).
  1. The seeds must be ground until flour is formed in a blender or other device, then mixed with the necessary ingredients and baked into various muffins, bread, crackers, muffins, cookies, pancakes, and pies.

    You can add chia grains to meat when forming minced meat, as well as to scrambled eggs, omelettes, potato casserole, and lasagna.

    To make vanilla pudding you will need:

    • 2 tbsp. l. seeds;
    • 2 glasses of milk;
    • 2 spoons of sugar;
    • Vanilla.

    Mix all the ingredients in a blender and put the mixture in a cold place for 2-3 hours. Sprinkle the finished pudding with nuts, dried fruits, cinnamon or other sweeteners. Bon appetit!

    First meal.

    To thicken soup or sauce, add 1 tbsp to a serving. l. seeds, then stir from time to time for 15 minutes. The dish is ready to eat.

    Stews, sauces, gravies, soups and many other liquid “goodies” can be made this way.

    Drinks with chia seeds.

    When you prepare tea, cocktail, shake, fruit or vegetable smoothie, feel free to add 1 tablespoon of exotic plant grains to a glass of liquid, mix well to avoid the formation of lumps.

    Let the drink brew for a few minutes so that the seeds absorb the liquid and form a jelly mass.

    The longer you keep the infusion warm, the thicker the core will be. Drink every morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed and you are guaranteed a beautiful, slender, toned figure.

No matter how many words are said about the benefits and healing properties chia seeds, you can really appreciate everything only by trying it. Experiment and enjoy such wonderful and healthy dishes!

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