Salmon kcal per 100. Calorie content Salmon

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Salmon is a type of salmon fish. Gained wide popularity thanks to useful composition, pleasant fishy taste, ease and speed of preparation. The main suppliers to the world market are Norway, Chile, Denmark, USA, and Scotland.

Read in our article everything about salmon fish, its calorie content per 100 grams (how many calories are in fresh, fried, boiled, steamed and grilled, baked, salted, lightly salted, smoked, hot and cold smoked fish), at what age can you give the product to a child and when it is safe for children.

How to choose fresh, lightly salted and salted fish

The captured carcasses are cooled. They are sent to processing plants, where they are deep frozen, salted, the pieces are smoked, packed in vacuum bags and sent to retail chains.

Often cut into fillets, steaks 2-3 cm thick.

Chilled salmon meat has a soft orange, slightly reddish color.

When pressed, there are no dents left, the flesh is elastic. A fresh carcass has a subtle fishy smell.

Lightly salted or smoked fish is sold by weight or packaged.

Before purchasing, you must check the expiration date of the finished product.

Several Yet useful tips in order to choose high-quality salmon, learn from the video:

Chemical composition, how many calories are in 100 grams, BJU content

Salmon is a unique product in composition, it is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and has low calorie content:

Amount of essential vitamins contained in 100 g:

  • A - 0.04 mg;
  • B1 – 0.23 mg;
  • B2 – 0.25 mg;
  • PP – 1.62 mg;
  • C – 1.0 mg.

Mass of minerals in 100 g of product:

  • Sodium - 45 mg.
  • Potassium - 420 mg.
  • Calcium - 15 mg.
  • Magnesium - 25 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 210 mg.
  • Iron - 0.80 mg.

In smaller quantities - chlorine, zinc, chromium, nickel, molybdenum.

Useful properties, effects on the human body

A lot of the positive properties of salmon are associated with the presence of Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids in it. The body does not reproduce such acids on its own; it can accumulate them when receiving food rich in Omega-3.

It is important to regularly eat salmon and other types of fatty fish.

The intake of polyunsaturated acids has a positive effect on the functioning of human systems and organs:

  • Prevents the development of heart disease, reduces the likelihood of blood clots, which reduces the risk of strokes, Alzheimer's disease, and heart attacks.
  • Makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic.
  • Has a beneficial effect on work nervous system. Mandatory in the diet of people suffering from depressive disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Slows down age-related skin aging, improves the condition of the skin atopic dermatitis, psoriasis.
  • Strengthens the immune system. Eating weekly reduces the occurrence of complications during colds.

The vitamins contained in salmon have the following effects on the human body:

Contains a number of minerals:

  • Potassium is an essential element for the functioning of the heart muscle, nervous system, and skeletal system.
  • Sodium – important substance for the normal functioning of the body, maintaining the acid-base balance for the normal functioning of the enzyme system.
  • Phosphorus is responsible for the condition of human teeth and bones.
  • Calcium is a microelement that is responsible for the functioning of the muscular and skeletal systems.
  • Magnesium is responsible for the functioning of the heart, nervous system, and muscles. It is often prescribed for high mental and physical activity. It has a vasodilating effect and is involved in the separation of bile.

The chemical composition of salmon includes vitamins and minerals that promote better absorption of each other. This makes the product useful for many groups of the population.

Benefits and harms for men, women, children, pregnant women

Is it possible during a diet?

Salmon is prohibited during strict low-calorie diets to achieve rapid weight loss.

However, it is indispensable proper nutrition for a long-lasting weight loss effect.

Does not contain carbohydrates. The polyunsaturated acids included in the composition promote the production of leptin, which is involved in metabolism.

70 g of fish per week can replenish protein, vitamins and minerals in conditions of limited nutrient intake during the diet.

It is not advisable to eat lightly salted or smoked fish. Salt retains water in the body, increasing weight.

Use in cosmetology

Cosmetology companies actively use salmon caviar in the production of creams. It has a more concentrated amount of beneficial microelements and vitamins than meat.

Cosmetic products for nutrition and skin rejuvenation are made based on caviar extract., enhancing collagen production, developing anti-aging skin care lines.

In home cosmetology, neither salmon nor products made from it are widely used due to their high cost.

What is useful in medicine

Salmon is used to produce medicines to combat diabetes, pancreatic diseases, and hematopoiesis.

Widely used in prescribing therapeutic diets:

  • in the rehabilitation period after exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases;
  • at chronic diseases respiratory tract;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • diseases of the bone and nervous systems.

In the presence of chronic diseases it is necessary to arrange 2-3 “fish days” per week.

Use in cooking

Fish meat is tender and does not require lengthy cooking.


How to cook:

  • Wash the salmon pieces thoroughly under cool running water.
  • Place the fish steak in a container of water, put it on the fire, and bring to a boil.
  • Boil for 15 minutes.
  • Add salt to taste.

Baked in the oven

Baking is an easy way to obtain tender fish with the most preserved vitamins and minerals.

For baking:

  • Fish steaks 2-3 cm thick must be washed.
  • Lightly pepper and salt on both sides.
  • Place fish pieces on foil sprinkled with vegetable oil.
  • Drizzle lightly on top lemon juice, half a teaspoon of juice for each steak.
  • Carefully wrap the foil to cover the top of the steaks.
  • Place in a preheated oven.
  • Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Delicious snack

To create snack dishes, lightly salted or smoked fish is often used:

  • Spread soft melted cheese thinly on a thin unleavened sheet of lavash.
  • Arrange thinly sliced ​​pieces of lightly salted salmon.
  • Roll tightly to form a roll.
  • Wrap with cling film.
  • Place in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • Remove and cut into portions.
  • Can be decorated by slicing thinly fresh cucumber, twisting in the shape of a rose on each piece of roll.

Fresh fish is available to residents of the fishing grounds. More often it goes on sale frozen.

After purchasing frozen fish, the carcass or steaks are left in the refrigerator until completely thawed. This way, beneficial cellular juices will remain in the meat.

Whole fish are thoroughly washed, scaled, the head is cut off, gutted, cut into portions or salted whole or subjected to further culinary processing.

Boiling, steaming, grilling, baking allow you to quickly cook tender meat, maintaining all the benefits without increasing the calorie content of the dish. It is recommended to eat salmon with vegetables for lunch or dinner, no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.

It is advisable for a healthy person to include fish products in their diet 2 times a week, one of which is a fatty variety. The recommended 70-100 grams of salmon will cover half of the body’s daily requirement in proteins.

It is forbidden to consume more than 250 g per day due to the large amount of protein.

How else to cook salmon tasty and healthy, watch in this video:


It should be included with caution in the diet of people with allergies to fish and seafood. Obese patients should not overuse salted and smoked salmon. cholelithiasis, people with kidney disease.

Fish grown in natural conditions has beneficial properties. But in nature it is becoming less and less common.

Demand for salmon exceeds supply. Many suppliers grow it in equipped water areas. They are fed special food with additives to quickly gain muscle mass.

Artificially grown has a light shade of meat. Therefore, when feeding, dyes are added to add brightness to the pulp.

Quantity useful substances There is much less in such fish than in wild fish.

Meat may contain residual amounts of additives that enter the body, putting stress on the liver.

Salmon is a healthy product that contains a number of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It should be used by all groups of the population, except children under three years of age and obese patients, with kidney disease, gall bladder, and allergies. Possible harm can be caused by fish grown artificially.

In contact with

Salmon is a delicious product. The taste qualities of this fish are appreciated by many gourmets. It is good fried, pickled, salted and smoked. This red fish is not only endowed with excellent taste, but it is also healthy.

Calorie content of salmon and its benefits

In terms of calories, salmon is a low-calorie product. Its calorie content in raw form is about 219 kcal per 100 g of product. Moreover, it contains 20.8 g of protein, 15.1 g of fat and does not contain carbohydrates. Salmon often comes to our table in smoked or lightly salted form. The calorie content of lightly salted salmon is about 200 kcal per 100 g of product. The calorie content of smoked salmon is 169 kcal per 100 g of product.

The number of calories in salmon will decrease if this fish is steamed. The calorie content of steamed salmon will be about 153 kcal per 100 g of product. And if you prepare fish soup, the number of calories will decrease to 67 kcal per 100 g of product.

When frying, the calorie content of salmon increases significantly.

Considering how many calories there are in salmon, this red fish is the leader in fat content and content of useful components. It contains a lot of vitamins, fatty acids, unsaturated fats, and minerals. Salmon contains much more vitamins than other salmon fish.

When eating salmon, your mood improves and emotional stress disappears. Including salmon in the diet helps increase the elasticity of brain vessels and improve blood circulation. Salmon is a source of complete, easily digestible protein. Amino acids enter the human body from fish literally an hour after the start of digestion. Therefore, this product is necessary for recovery muscle tissue, skin, and also to strengthen hair follicles. It is especially useful to consume salmon for athletes and athletes, as well as during the recovery period after surgery. Considering that fish is usually consumed in small quantities, the calorie content of salmon does not affect the figure in any way.

Nutritionists and doctors recommend eating salmon to prevent senile dementia and diseases of the nervous system.

Harm to salmon

Harm to this fish can occur if processing technology is violated or improperly stored. For cooking, you need to choose only fresh fish. The meat should be firm and coral pink. The softness of the fish indicates that it has been thawed and then frozen again.

A wonderful representative of the salmon family, salmon should undoubtedly take its place on the table of any family. At the moment, this fish is considered an exquisite delicacy due to its delicate and pleasant taste. At the same time, its calorie content is quite average, and the amount useful properties It’s simply amazing, so it’s suitable for nutrition for people of any age and body type, because you simply won’t gain extra pounds with it.

It is exactly how many calories this product contains and how to choose the freshest and most delicious specimen that will be discussed in this article.

What is salmon?

Few people have not heard of such a fish as salmon. Having long attracted attention, it comes from the same family as salmon. Perhaps this is why it has two other names, Atlantic or lake salmon. But no matter what the name sounds, underneath it lies a fish that sometimes grows to quite large sizes with small, shiny scales. By the way, due to its size, it is quite easy to remove scales from fish.

The body of the fish itself resembles in its outline a torpedo, which was slightly compressed on the sides. The back of a fresh salmon shines a little blue or green, but the remaining scales have only a silvery tint. It begins its journey in fresh waters, usually those in the north, for example, in Norway, Finland, Sweden and even Russia. Depending on the habitat, the weight category also varies - salmon can weigh as much as 40 kg or barely reach one and a half. If a fish goes out into the sea or ocean after growing up, it will be much larger than its relatives remaining in the lake.

Surprisingly, this fish changes its color during spawning and after it, becoming very shabby. Very often males die during this period, but if the salmon survives this season, then its scales will have an even silver color.

Is any salmon good for health?

For quite a long time, environmentalists have been talking on television about the great harm of Norwegian salmon, which was grown artificially. Its quality, compared to natural wild salmon, varies enormously. But what's the matter?

The answer here is quite simple: artificially raised individuals in nurseries are constantly fed pigment additives, antibiotics and growth hormones. All this negatively affects human health. However, quality here largely depends on the human factor, namely the integrity of the supplier.

However, you need to know that almost 95% of all salmon sold on store shelves was grown artificially. But there are several differences that will help you recognize deception:

  1. Carefully inspect the fins of the fish. In wild ones they are much more developed than in artificial ones;
  2. The scales of hatchery fish are much duller than those of their oceanic counterparts;
  3. Wild fish meat should have a pleasant, soft peach color. If you see bright red meat on an individual, then it is almost certainly artificial. Once cooked, it will leave paint marks on the plate;
  4. Look carefully at the sides of the fish: farmed salmon itself is much thicker than Atlantic salmon.

If you follow these rules and choose a high-quality carcass, it will not cause harm to your health. However, it is better to avoid artificial ones in your diet.

How to distinguish from trout?

Anyone who has bought salmon for the table at least once in their life might have noticed that this type of fish is quite expensive. However, there is one more fish that is very often appearance an inexperienced buyer may mistake it for salmon.

Sellers have long noticed that cheaper trout can easily be passed off as salmon. That is why it is better to know the main differences between these two types of fish, so as not to fall for the bait of unscrupulous people.

Differences in size and color

First of all, look at the size of the fish. Typically, a salmon carcass sold in a store will weigh approximately 6-7 kg, while trout only reaches 4. If you put them side by side, the difference will be quite obvious. Very often, female salmon are much larger than males.

In appearance, salmon is a rather beautiful fish with a silvery tint. The color of its flesh varies from pink to bright red. Quite often it depends on the period in which it was caught.

Trout, on the other hand, has quite variegated scales. Near the dorsal fin, it usually smoothly flows from green to black, and its abdomen is white or gray. At the same time, also take a closer look at the sides of the trout: they often have small red or white spots on them.

Body structure

As mentioned earlier, salmon’s body shape is somewhat reminiscent of a torpedo. At the same time, the trout must have a belly, which its brother does not have at all. The next important difference is the fish's head. Since the salmon itself is larger, its head is much larger and slightly elongated. If you look closely at the trout, you will notice that its head is small and round.

If you carefully compare these two types of fish, you will notice that salmon has more developed and longer front fins, and larger scales. In trout it is very small.

In fact, one can argue endlessly about which is better, trout or salmon. The taste of their meat is quite similar, so only true gourmets can catch the nuances, but by their appearance it is quite easy for any buyer to distinguish them.

Nutritional and energy value

Atlantic salmon itself cannot be called an absolutely dietary fish. At the same time, almost any processing, such as frying, salting, smoking and other methods of preparation, only increases its calorie content. If you are watching your diet, it is better to choose boiling or steaming. When using these two methods, the proportion of fat is reduced, and the fish retains significantly more vitamins.

Salmon itself is quite a fatty fish, because the percentage of fat in it is more than 40. The energy value of fresh fish reaches approximately 220 Kcal, and the calorie content is about 155. But at the same time, its the nutritional value It's simply amazing.

Below is a table that shows the calorie content and nutritional value of salmon prepared using different methods.

As you can see from the table, salmon contains absolutely no carbohydrates, so as a side dish for it it is better to prepare those foods that will help maintain nutritional balance.

All useful properties

In fact, if we talk about the beneficial properties of salmon, it reveals itself as a completely unique product. It is in its proteins that you can find those essential amino acids for the body that are perfectly absorbed by the body. At the same time, like any type of fish, it contains fish fat, which is very useful for children, because it helps strengthen teeth and bones.

One cannot fail to mention Omega-3 and other polyunsaturated fatty acids, which will help a person improve their well-being. Eating salmon will help reduce high level cholesterol, prevent depression, and also help the functioning of the heart muscle.

Some time ago, it was proven that regular consumption of salmon helps rejuvenate the body and prevent dementia. This happens due to the presence of melatonin in it, which helps normalize sleep.

How to choose?

When you choose a carcass in a store, it is very important to determine its freshness. At the moment, you can purchase it in two versions: whole carcass or fillet.


If you are going to buy a whole fish, then carefully examine its head. This is where the gills are located, which will be the first assistant in determining the freshness of the fish.
Chilled fish should not be stored for more than two weeks, so if the storage period is poor, the gills will begin to emit a foul odor. In fresh salmon, the color of the gills will be pale or red, but in stale fish it will turn into gray-brown.


Be sure to check the elasticity of the fish's skin. Fresh salmon must be very elastic and not deformed. You can also pay attention to the transparency of the eyes and the moisture of the tail, of course, only if the fish is bought very fresh. The scales must be sufficiently moist and not have any mucus on its surface. If there are yellow spots, this will indicate oxidation of the salmon. When purchasing frozen fish, do not purchase one that has a large amount of snow or ice in the package.

Appearance of meat

Pay close attention to the color of the salmon meat. It doesn't matter whether it is rich or pale in color. This does not affect the taste at all and depends only on the habitat. But it is better not to buy fillets of too bright colors, because then there is a possibility of buying artificial fish. Look at the veins that are in the fillet. If they are white, then the fish was wild. This best demonstrates the use of dyes.


At the moment, it is generally accepted that the most delicious salmon comes from Norway. However, this is where there is a high probability of buying an artificial specimen rather than high-quality wild salmon. Therefore, it is best to give preference to domestic manufacturers. However, here too there are a huge number of deceptive maneuvers that manufacturers use. Recently, Roskontrol conducted studies that found that preservatives are used to increase shelf life, often in fairly large size. For smoked and lightly salted salmon, a low-quality product or one that has already begun to deteriorate is often used.

How to save it correctly?

Salmon is a fairly quickly perishable product that must be eaten fairly quickly in order to get the maximum amount of nutrients from it. However, in order to save it, certain requirements must be met.

Storing fresh salmon

Salmon should always be stored in the refrigerator. This should be the basic rule when storing this type of fish. If you bought frozen fish, you should immediately put it in the freezer, unless, of course, you are going to eat it very soon. Under no circumstances should salmon be re-frozen, as this will not only lose its value, but will simply spoil. However, if the fish was purchased chilled, then its taste and freshness will help preserve a few tricks.

  1. Before placing the cooled carcass in the refrigerator, place it in a large bowl filled with pre-prepared ice cubes. This will help preserve its subsequent juiciness;
  2. Lemon juice or lemon juice will also help maintain juiciness. Apple vinegar. If you decide to use vinegar, then wrap the fish in gauze soaked in it and then put it in the refrigerator. When using lemon juice, you just need to sprinkle it on the skin of the fish;
  3. Before putting the salmon in the refrigerator, wrap it in foil or cling film. You should also keep it away from other types of foods.

These simple life hacks will help increase the freshness of Atlantic salmon, but there are certain limits beyond which you can safely say that the fish has gone bad.

Under no circumstances should salmon be stored at room temperature. If you left it on the kitchen counter, it will spoil in just a couple of hours. However, if it was placed in the freezer, its shelf life will increase sharply to several months.

Just do not need to freeze a product that has begun to deteriorate, as it will not get its beneficial properties and taste back. The most optimal storage temperature is -20 degrees.

However, there are standards for chilled fish, which state that such fish can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. In fact, salmon only stays fresh for two weeks after it is caught. Therefore, be sure to look at the expiration date, because often it is brought to the store already stale.

How to properly store smoked and salted fish

Now you can easily buy this type of salmon. It is usually sold in vacuum packaging. However, to ensure the freshness of this product, it is better to follow the following rules:

  • Do not store it in the refrigerator for more than 10 days. Be sure to be in unopened vacuum packaging or in a plastic bag so that it does not oxidize. This advice is suitable for both salted and smoked fish (store it for no more than a week);
  • salted fish can be marinated to increase shelf life. Cut it into pieces and pour olive oil over it;
  • Salted fish can be stored in the freezer for 6 months.

You can learn about the calorie content of salted salmon in the following video:

Salmon is incredibly healthy and at the same time delicious fish from all available. Of course, it must be wild for this to happen, so be careful when choosing your products. If you steam or boil it, salmon will be an excellent low-calorie dish that will help with weight loss.

In contact with

Salmon is a fish of the salmon family, which is often called “northern salmon” or “lake salmon.” This type of fish lives in the Atlantic Ocean, the Baltic Sea and the southwest of the Arctic Ocean. Salmon comes to lakes and rivers to spawn, and the name of the fish comes from there. Salmon is considered a valuable commercial species due to the suitable qualities of its meat and caviar.

Nutritionists and nutrition experts healthy eating highly appreciate the properties of red meat “lake salmon” and consider it an essential product in a balanced diet. Let's find out what benefits the product can bring to the human body, and what is the calorie content of appetizing and healthy salmon per 100 grams at different methods cooking fish meat.

Useful qualities of “northern salmon” as a food product

Salmon fish is valued for its taste and nutritional qualities and can be included in both adult and children's menus.

Most often, “lake salmon” comes to the table in salted or smoked form, but fish meat baked on the grill or steamed will be more suitable.

The product is easily digestible, rich in protein and expensive macroelements - iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium and potassium. It is enough to eat every 100 grams of fillet in order to get half the daily amount of protein the body needs.

The calories in red salmon meat are approximately twice as high as in any type of white fish; in addition, the product contains expensive fatty acids. These acids belong to the Omega-3 class and are extremely useful for the body: if the body receives Omega-3 regularly, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and thrombosis is reduced several times, and blood circulation improves. In addition, cosmetologists call Omega-3 a reliable elixir of youth and beauty.

Eating salmon fillet more often is a must for expectant mothers. Protein and amino acids are suitable for the fetus at all stages of its development. The fats contained in fish will be suitable for psoriasis, for improving visual function and increasing brain activity.

Caviar and fillet of “lake salmon” are a source of many vitamins. In maximum concentration, the product contains vitamin D, and therefore eating salmon has a positive effect on lowering cholesterol. Salmon liver contains vitamin A, which is good for skin, hair growth and nails. The fillet of the product also contains B vitamins, which are necessary for the human body to fully absorb and process proteins.

If dishes from this fish are present on the menu continuously, a person has fewer problems with the functioning of the circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, nervous and mental vascular systems. The immune system also works great.

Just recently, scientific research has revealed that eating thick salmon fillets reduces the risk of asthmatic pathologies. This is explained by the fact that not only thick acids, but also magnesium are present in abundance in fish meat. And with a lack of the last element, the risk of developing asthma increases several times.

This is a short list of the beneficial properties of “northern salmon”. But the presentation mentioned that fish of this species is characterized by high fat content. Will its regular use affect the condition of the figure? Understanding the calorie content of fish in various dishes will help us answer this question.

Steamed fish

Nutritionists believe that steaming salmon best method culinary processing of this type of fish.

When cooked with hot steam, the fish preserves intact all the microelements and vitamins the body needs. In addition, the meat does not dry out and does not lose its deliciousness.

And if you cut the fish into steaks, then together with it in a double boiler you will be able to cook a suitable side dish - broccoli, carrots, green beans. The calorie content of steamed salmon is one hundred and ninety-seven calories per one hundred grams of product.

The benefits of “lake salmon” prepared by steam processing are undeniable:

  • Fish can be consumed without restrictions even on the strictest diet;
  • Vitamins from red meat will help improve the patient’s condition with skin diseases;
  • Children are allowed to steam fish, because proteins and amino acids have a beneficial effect on the growth of muscle and bone tissue.

In addition, the product prepared by steam treatment completely retains Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood and slow down the aging process. The product completely preserves vitamins B, E, C, A, as well as macroelements - fluorine, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Healthy eating experts recommend eating steamed salmon 2-3 times a week.

Lightly salted fish

The calorie content of lightly salted salmon is an order of magnitude higher - about two hundred kilocalories per hundred grams. This should be considered by those who count calories to maintain a slim figure. For the rest, the product will be as suitable as possible, because the complete lack of heat treatment preserves all the vitamin-mineral complexes and fatty acids in red meat.

Lightly salted salmon with low calorie content is used to prepare salads and appetizers, and delicious sandwiches are prepared.

Here is a primitive recipe for preparing delicious lightly salted fish at home. For the recipe you will need a kilogram of salmon fillet and approximately four tablespoons of large sea salt. To make the fish appetizing, buy chilled or fresh fillets and definitely with skin!

The fillet must be thoroughly washed with plenty of cold water and dry it slightly with a clean towel. Sprinkle a huge plate, or rather, sprinkle its bottom sea ​​salt, place the fillet on the salt, skin side down, sprinkle the salmon on top with salt again. Distribute the bulk product in an even layer.

Next, you need to wrap the workpiece in cling film and put it in a cool place for 6 hours. After the specified time interval, the workpiece must be taken out, overturned so that the fillet is already in the brine, and the plate must be wrapped in film again. In six hours the fish will be ready, all you have to do is rinse and dry it before eating.

Salmon fish soup and boiled fish

Experts assure that there is no fish soup more appetizing than fish soup cooked from fresh salmon!

This suitable soup is included in the menu of many healing diets; it can also be included in the children's menu, since salmon ear in full force contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the healthy growth of the child's body.

This dish must be strictly consumed in case of malfunctions. immune system, vitamin deficiency. The soup will delightfully restore strength after illness or serious surgery. The calorie content of a delicious salmon fish soup is up to one hundred and twenty kilocalories per hundred grams of the finished product, therefore its consumption cannot in any way harm the beauty of your figure.

If we talk about the calorie content of low-fat boiled salmon, then it will be equal to one hundred eighty-nine kilocalories per hundred grams.

Salmon fish soup is cooked from heads, steaks, and depending on the choice of a certain part of the fish, the caloric value may change, but the metamorphoses will be insignificant. You should know that the soup has a high fat content and therefore must be eaten with caution. diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the liver and pancreas.

Salmon is a favorite delicacy of many people. Its delicate, pleasant taste makes it an almost obligatory guest on a rich table, and its composition makes it an excellent dietary product that is incredibly beneficial for the body. You will learn how many calories are in salmon, and whether it can be included in the menu when losing weight, from this article.

Calorie content of fresh salmon

Fresh and lightly salted salmon, which is sold in vacuum packaging, has the same calorie content - 219 units for every 100 g. Most of the product is represented by proteins - there are 20.8 g of them, and a smaller part is fats: 15.1 g. There are no carbohydrates in salmon at all , and it is equal to zero (this information is relevant for those who suffer from diabetes).

The calorie content of salmon fillet, which can be purchased in stores, is usually 202 kcal. This product is often separated from the fattest parts, so energy value gets lower.

Calorie content of fried salmon

As a rule, after frying, foods become more nutritious, but in the case of salmon this does not work. During any heat treatment, fats are melted out of it, and its calorie content is reduced - from 219 kcal to 197 kcal.

If you bake salmon in foil, its calorie content will also be 197 kcal. Based on this, you can diversify your menu by eating this delicious fish in a variety of forms.

There will be even fewer calories in salmon if it is boiled - only 167 units. Therefore, salmon soup turns this fish into a wonderful one. dietary product, incredibly healthy and tasty.

Is it possible to include salmon in a diet for weight loss?

Salmon is not only tasty, but also healthy. Its composition includes B, C, H, PP and D, micro- and macroelements - iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and many others. To this rich composition is added the essential amino acid omega-3, which is not Produced by the human body, which means it is important to get it from food.

Regular consumption of salmon can easily be included in a healthy nutrition system:

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal with apple, tea.
  2. Lunch – salmon fish soup, or salmon with vegetables and rice.
  3. Afternoon snack – a glass of kefir.
  4. Dinner – meat/poultry/fish with a side dish of vegetables.

Eating salmon during a diet allows you, even with a greatly reduced diet, to give the body everything it needs, so you will not experience such side effects improper diet, such as brittle nails, dull hair, problematic skin and pain of various origins.

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