BAUERFEIND LordoLoc lumbar corset. Orthopedic corsets, orthoses, bandages for the spine Orthosis for the lumbar spine

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Orthopedic lumbosacral corset is a belt with a width of at least 24 cm (in the back area), made of elastic fabric and supplemented with stiffeners. The purpose of using the accessory is to fix problem areas (lower and middle back) and bring them into an anatomically correct position. If the bandage is used according to the rules, then it helps:

  • relax the muscles of the back;
  • eliminate pain;
  • recover quickly after surgery, injuries;
  • maintain mobility and mobility while acute pain and other manifestations of the disease.

A corset should be used only if indicated, therefore, before buying it, a consultation with an orthopedic doctor is required.

Indications for wearing an orthopedic corset for the lower back

For the complex treatment of diseases of the lumbar and sacral spine, medications, exercises and a back belt that supports the lower back are prescribed. Moreover, depending on the diagnosis, a corset of a certain rigidity is selected:

  1. the hard version is indicated for compression fractures of the spinal column, intervertebral hernias more than 1 cm in diameter, after operations and injuries, with osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome;
  2. a semi-rigid back belt for lower back pain helps better than other models. It will improve the condition of hernias up to 1 cm, protrusions, sciatica, spondylarthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  3. soft corsets (bandages) are necessary for the prevention of injuries (in particular, for athletes). They also help with muscle imbalance, damage to the ligaments of the spine, osteoarthritis.

If the right corset is chosen, it will speed up the process of rehabilitation and treatment, and will have an excellent preventive effect.

5 reasons to buy a corset for the lumbosacral spine at MedOrto

  1. High quality products: smooth and durable seams, eco-friendly and hypoallergenic material.
  2. Availability of certificates for products from manufacturers Trives, Rehband, Otto, OttoBock.
  3. Possibility to order a corset for lumbar spine, the price of which is 10-20% lower than in other stores.
  4. Door-to-door delivery to any address in Moscow the very next day.
  5. Possibility of ordering several sizes for trying on. You will return the unsuitable option along with the courier.

The lower back is considered the second most vulnerable part of the spine, since it is on the lumbar vertebrae that the maximum load is associated with the distribution of support points for the human axial skeleton. Low back pain is the most common orthopedic symptom., with which patients most often seek help from a surgeon, orthopedist or neurologist. It can be associated with herbs, bruises, inflammatory processes V soft tissues spine, dystrophic changes in the articular and cartilaginous tissue.

Secondary pain syndrome is diagnosed in overweight people, as well as people whose professional activities require a constant stay in a static position or increased power loads on the lower back (athletes, office workers, drivers). To stabilize the vertebrae that make up the lumbosacral spine and reduce the load on the back muscles, the doctor may recommend wearing a special corset. In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to know how to choose the right corset for the lower back, how long it can be worn, and what degree of fixation is considered optimal for the treatment of a particular pathology. The correct size of the product is also of great importance, therefore it is necessary to choose a suitable orthopedic corset together with an orthopedic doctor.

The loin and sacrum are part of the human spine - the central part of the axial skeleton in the form of an elongated and curved tube, the formation of which begins in the period from the first to the fifth week of embryonic development. To reduce risks birth defects and defects in the development of the neural tube of the fetus, expectant mother it is recommended to take 400-800 micrograms of vitamin B 9 daily ( folic acid). The spine consists of 33-34 vertebrae connected in series in a vertical position with the help of intervertebral discs.

Small of the back

The lumbosacral region consists of 10 vertebrae. Lumbar vertebrae (there are 5 in total) have increased mobility and create shock absorption when walking, physical activity, jumping, tilting. They have a maximum width in relation to other parts of the spine and high density, since it is on the lower back that the main load falls when a person assumes a vertical position.

Lumbar lordosis (physiological and anatomical curvature of the spine forward) is formed in a child from 5 to 12 months, when the baby learns to sit, crawl, stand up and walk. To avoid spinal deformities in the future, it is important to follow the recommendations of surgeons and orthopedists, for example:

  • do not sit the child on a pillow, knees and other soft surfaces if he does not have objective signs of readiness;
  • do not put the child on his feet if he himself does not make attempts (the exception is gymnastics by age);
  • do not abuse jumpers and walkers - experts do not advise using these devices for more than 30 minutes a day.

Baby walkers and jumpers

In an adult, the causes of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and chronic pain syndrome in the lower back are often sedentary, sedentary work, obesity, endocrine disorders, pathology of the pelvic organs.

Important! In women, chronic pain in the lumbosacral spine, which makes up the spinal motion segment of the human skeleton, may be the result of complicated pregnancy and childbirth. For this reason, the use of a special corset or is recommended for all women, starting from 16-20 weeks of pregnancy (especially for patients who are overweight, or those whose weight gain exceeds the recommended rate by more than 10%).


The sacrum is a fixed part of the spine that connects to the lumbar region with the help of a wedge-shaped closing lumbar vertebra and provides a connection between the spinal column and the small pelvis. In women, this part of the skeleton is wider and shorter than in men, and also has a greater degree of curvature necessary for bearing a child and labor.

The sacrum is made up of 5 vertebrae and connects to the ilium to form the sacroiliac joint.

What are corsets and their varieties

A corset is an orthopedic device in the form of a belt, made of medical material that allows air to pass through and has a high degree of stretching. All corsets (orthoses) are reinforced with plastic or metal alloy inserts necessary to create the desired degree of fixation. Corsets for the lower back can have a high degree of rigidity (usually have 6 metal splints) or a medium degree of compression. In traditional therapy, rigid structures are practically not used - they are necessary for recovery during the rehabilitation period after surgical treatment spinal column and serious injuries, accompanied by fractures and cracks of the vertebrae.

For the treatment of orthopedic and neurological pathologies of the lumbosacral region, semi-rigid corsets are used that perform the following functions:

  • help to unload the muscles that support the human axial skeleton and relieve the load from damaged vertebrae;
  • fixes the spine in an anatomically correct position, correcting existing defects and restoring the work of associated internal organs (Bladder, ureters, kidneys, etc.);
  • reduce pain caused by displacement or pinching of the vertebrae.

The main indication for the use of orthopedic fixators for the lower back are chronic pain attacks. Pain can be caused various diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, sciatica, hernial protrusions. For prophylactic purposes, orthopedic corsets can be recommended for people who stay in one position for a long time, who are overweight, who are professionally involved in sports. Periodic wearing of a corset for the lower back is also indicated for patients with signs of partial muscle dystrophy, provoked by a sedentary lifestyle.

Warming belts

Such products are not considered orthopedic corsets, but can also be used to treat inflammatory, degenerative and dystrophic pathologies of the back, accompanied by severe pain. They are made of natural wool and provide a pronounced warming effect, help reduce inflammation, normalize fluid flow in the blood and lymphatic vessels.

note! Warming belts cannot be a substitute for a corset in case of spinal injuries (the exception is soft tissue bruises).

Therapeutic warming products

The bandage is a well-stretched belt that does not restrict the mobility of the vertebrae, but at the same time helps to keep them in the correct position. These are gentle fixatives that are recommended for pregnant women for correct distribution load on the spine and prevention of back pain.

For the correction of postpartum complications, for example, divergence of the bones of the pubic joint or small pelvis, the use of special semi-rigid fixators for women with an underestimated posterior surface is indicated.

Which corset to choose: product overview

To choose the right corset, you must first consult with an orthopedist. Many pharmacies (orthopedic pharmacies) have a doctor trained as a surgeon or orthopedist on staff, but it is better that the recommendations are given by the specialist who prescribed the treatment, based on the medical history, the individual characteristics of the patient and the dynamics of treatment, if any.

Fosta corsets

Fosta is one of the most popular manufacturers of orthopedic corsets and other orthopedic products necessary for the restoration of the musculoskeletal framework after injuries and injuries. The Fosta line includes products of various price ranges, and reviews about the manufacturer allow us to call products of this brand one of the most effective corsets for correcting pain in the lumbar region.

Fixators of this brand are made of hypoallergenic medical materials that are well breathable and prevent skin irritation. They fit perfectly to the body, do not move out during wearing and provide reliable fixation of the vertebrae in an anatomically correct position. Fosta corsets can contain from 4 to 6 stiffeners, so this manufacturer has both semi-rigid structures designed for the complex treatment of diseases of the spine, and rigid fixators necessary for recovery after injuries. They provide rigid fixation of the vertebrae and allow them to fuse properly, which significantly reduces the risk of complications and shortens the rehabilitation period.

The manufacturer offers a wide range of products, among which there are the following types of lumbosacral orthoses:

  • on a mesh basis;
  • with elastic and reinforced plates;
  • lightweight;
  • on a fabric basis;
  • with extra straps
  • with tourmaline;
  • neoprene;
  • lace up, etc.

Fosta products belong to the category of budgetary means of individual rehabilitation, therefore they are available for a wide range of patients who need orthopedic correction using fixing structures.

Orthoses Comfort (Comf-Ort)

Sufficiently comfortable and effective corsets for the correction of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the lumbosacral spine.

Products of this company can be purchased at almost any pharmacy, as they are in high demand among patients.

LordoLoc is a stabilizing orthosis designed for gentle unloading of the lumbar spine in case of chronic lumbago, muscular or degenerative spinal instability.

How LordoLoc works

LordoLoc consists of four inserts of moderate rigidity in the back of the orthosis and two elastic bands in the front. This design allows LordoLoc to act in two directions simultaneously: external unloading and support through the activation of its own muscles. Thanks to rigid inserts made of lightweight aluminum alloy, LordoLoc supports the spine from the outside, relieving stress from it. With the help of bands, you can regulate intra-abdominal pressure and thereby increase the external unloading and support of the spine.

When moving, due to the elasticity of the material, LordoLoc also has a micromassaging effect, which activates the back muscles and restores their balanced work. This provides additional - muscular - support for the spine. As a result, pain and discomfort are reduced, and freedom of movement is increased.

Invisible treatment

You can easily wear LordoLoc under your clothes: the thin, lightweight material is almost invisible on the body. And the ability to perfectly fit the orthosis to an individual size allows you to achieve maximum comfort without restricting movement.

Indications for using the BAUERFEIND LordoLoc spine orthosis:

  • Lumbago;
  • Muscular instability (for example, with osteoporosis);
  • facet syndrome;
  • Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint (Sacroileitis);
  • Degenerative diseases spine.

Size selection:

To select the appropriate size of the BAUERFEIND LordoLoc spine orthosis, you need to measure the circumference of your lower back with a centimeter tape, just below the waist and use the table.

The spine is the basis of the human skeleton, it performs a musculoskeletal function, and also protects spinal cord. Many people experience problems with back pain, insomnia, and headaches.

It is important to understand that problems get worse with age. When the spine grows, the problems that arise can be corrected by wearing a children's orthopedic corset for the back and doing physiotherapy exercises. In more complex cases, an orthopedic thoracolumbar rigid corset for children or an orthopedic corset for a child may be required, which will help to cope with deviations of the spinal column that have arisen in him.

For adults who want to correct their posture, manufacturers offer wearing a back corset for men or women. The male orthopedic corset for the spine differs from the female in size and shape. Women's orthopedic corset for the spine is almost invisible even under light summer clothing. It is necessary to distinguish between a supporting female corset for the back and a corset for the back during pregnancy, the latter is intended primarily to ensure the physiologically correct position of the fetus and distribute the load on the spine.

Rigid neck brace it makes sense to carry every motorist in a car, and it is desirable to have bandages of at least two sizes: for children and adults. In the event of even a minor accident, there is a risk of injury to the cervical vertebrae, so it is imperative for all participants to put on bandages as accurately as possible before the ambulance arrives.

In case of spinal diseases, it is necessary to wear an appropriate bandage to strengthen the muscular corset of the back.

The spinal column has bends, therefore, in case of diseases of the spine, it is necessary to choose the appropriate device: a bandage for the lumbosacral spine differs significantly from an orthopedic thoracolumbar corset.

For example, a doctor may recommend buying a rigid lumbar corset for the back with a spinal hernia. Depending on the location of the hernia and the severity of the symptoms of the disease, a corset for the spine can be rigid, semi-rigid and supportive, the corset can be made as a belt for the spine, and a corset for thoracic spine. In some cases, the doctor may recommend wearing an orthosis for the lumbar spine, which speeds up the rehabilitation of a patient who has had a spinal disease.

Corsets for the back are used for osteochondrosis, chondrosis and scoliosis, to correct posture. In the presence of these diseases, it is necessary to clarify with the doctor the features of the model necessary for the patient, which takes into account individual characteristics as much as possible.

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