How to apply burdock oil to your hair: reviews and tips. How to use burdock oil for hair? Need to find out how long to keep burdock

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The effectiveness of using masks with burdock root oil to strengthen hair has been known for a long time.

But not everyone knows how long to keep burdock oil on their hair.

We will tell you in detail what masks there are, how to use them and recommendations for strengthening your curls.

Today, very often cosmetologists advise using burdock for a beneficial effect on the growth and strengthening of scalp. The composition of burdock roots includes oils with protein, natural inulin, different types minerals, beneficial tannins and other components.

Together they have a very beneficial effect on restoring the disturbed harmonious balance in the hair. Burdock oil is the most effective at harmonizing the metabolic balance in the scalp. It has a multifunctional effect:

  • Eliminates dandruff;
  • Stimulates immune cells of the epidermis;
  • Affects the improvement of blood circulation in the capillaries;
  • Kills pathogenic microbes;
  • Nourishes cells with useful substances.

Where is it used?

A product made from burdock roots is used in pure form or as part of masks for hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and nails. It can stimulate good metabolic processes in the scalp and cure if there are such negative signs.

  • Dry scalp;
  • Fragility;
  • Dandruff disease;
  • Fungal diseases of the epidermis;
  • Severe rash of strands;
  • Refinement of hair;

Burdock helps to heal and restore follicles, strengthen the hair structure, and restore its beautiful shine. All this is caused by the beneficial effects of the substances that make up burdock.

The ability to rejuvenate the skin and restore damaged structural layers of keratinized parts of the body has long been confirmed by folk methods.

Available to everyone, burdock roots have long been used by beauties to add beauty to their locks. Here are some ancient recipes from our grandmothers, which describe how long to keep burdock oil on your hair.

With yolk

The yolk in combination with the burdock composition creates simply enormous nutritional potential for “feeding” the hair structure. Vitamins, amino acids, microelements are simply overflowing in this mixture.

If all the necessary substances are poorly supplied to the cells of the head through the bloodstream, then the mask simply allows them to get enough of the missing components from the outside. Absorbed into the middle layers of the skin, the nutrients included in the mask fill the voids in the connection of molecules, which is subsequently visible in the good shine of the hair.

Add warm burdock root oil to the beaten yolk. Apply first to the roots and, spreading evenly, to the ends. Wrap your head in a bag and a terry towel to keep warm. The effect of the yolk mixture should last for 45-60 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Several oils

Weakened strands can be strengthened by using a mixture of oils to restore their structure. You need to take:

  • Jojoba - 10 g;
  • Olive – 10g;
  • Almond – 10g;
  • Burdock – 30g.
  • A drop of vitamins A and E.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a wooden spoon and gently massage into the roots, preheating to body temperature. You can keep this mask for an hour to two.

You can leave it overnight, wrapping your head well so as not to stain the pillow. You need to wash off the mask using shampoo for weakened curls.

Burdock-egg-honey mask

This mask contains the components listed in its name in the following quantities:

  • 60 grams of burdock root oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • Two egg yolks.

Lookvideo recipe:

The strong nourishing effect of the mask on the curls gives them a chic, shiny look. The strands thicken, become stronger, break less and fall out. Can be used once every 7-10 days, depending on the condition of the hair. The exposure time of the components on the scalp lasts approximately 1.5 hours.

The components of the mask are mixed in the following proportions:

  • 1 tbsp. l. burdock root oils;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hot pepper tincture;
  • Yolk of 1 egg.

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and apply to the scalp while warm. Cover your head. Pepper tincture causes a strong rush of blood to the hair roots, where nutrients from the yolk and burdock are absorbed. In the inner layers of the skin, metabolic processes improve, which stimulate the production of cells in the follicles.

The mask is applied once a week with effect for 1 hour. Wash off with warm water until clean.

This mask is used to care for any type of hair. Many women are surprised by its effective effects.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock root oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • Beaten yolk of 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

The ingredients must be mixed well and slightly heated. You need to keep the mask on for at least an hour, covering your head. Rinse off with warm water.

In order for the use of burdock composition to be effective, it is necessary to apply it to the hair, repeating the procedure at least once a week. Its therapeutic effect is very noticeable after a course of treatment. In this case, you need to be patient and diligent.

Only compliance with the frequency of procedures will bring the long-awaited effect. The oil should be applied to the scalp warm, applied with light movements, without pulling the hair too much. Do not wash off masks with cleansers not intended for use on hair.

To the question: how long should you keep burdock oil on your hair, you can answer that the longer the better. Applied overnight, it can saturate your curls much more than if applied over an hour or two.

Buy oil only in beauty salons or pharmacies, checking the expiration date. Using our tips for using burdock oil, you can become irresistible and your hair will become shiny and healthy.

Lush and healthy looking, they need to be looked after. Negative influence environment, stress, poor diet, bad habits and finally, age deplete your hair. They become thin, brittle and lifeless. The scalp also suffers: seborrhea, itching and, finally, hair loss.

Composition of burdock oil

Burr oil- one of the healthiest products in, with which you can restore your hair and scalp. It has medicinal properties, since it contains a complex of vitamins B, A, E, C, PP; minerals: bromine, vanadium, iron, manganese, copper, tin, strontium, zinc and others. As well as proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, tannins, polysaccharide inulin, essential oil.

Rules for applying burdock oil

Before application, burdock oil must be heated in a water bath to improve medicinal properties. It should not be overheated so as not to evaporate useful material. Burdock oil is applied to freshly washed, slightly dried hair. Dip a thick comb into the oil and apply it from roots to ends, carefully distributing it along the entire length of the hair. At the end of the procedure, put a bath cap on your head or wrap it with a towel and leave for approximately 30–60 minutes. Then rinse your hair with shampoo (several times) and apply conditioner.

In case of serious hair damage, burdock oil can be applied 2-3 times a week for a month. This is followed by a break of 2–3 weeks and healing procedures can be repeated.

Burdock oil in masks

If you have dry scalp, mix two tablespoons of burdock oil, a teaspoon of calendula and two yolks. Apply for one hour and wash off the mask.

You greasy hair. Take a small amount of burdock oil and shea butter in equal parts, add 10 drops of orange oil and a tablespoon of grapefruit pulp. Apply the mixture for 30 minutes. Do not leave it on longer, as citrus dries out your hair.

You have noticed that your hair growth has slowed down. You will need a tablespoon of pepper tincture (can be bought at a pharmacy), a tablespoon of burdock oil, one egg yolk. Mix everything thoroughly, massage the mask into the hair roots and put on a cap. Wash off after half an hour.

If your hair has started to fall out, a honey-based mask will suit you. You need to add a tablespoon of burdock oil, a little onion juice and an egg yolk to a tablespoon of honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and put on a cap, rinse off after half an hour.

It is worth noting that now in pharmacies you can buy burdock oil with additional ingredients: nettle, chamomile,

Burdock is perhaps the most ancient plant that was used for hair. Its effectiveness has been proven over the years; burdock oil is an assistant with a variety of problems for your hair. It can rightfully be called basic for hair.

Even now, when there are so many different hair products, many girls do not stop using burdock oil.

Beneficial properties of burdock oil

Burr oil– a useful remedy for strengthening roots, restoring hair,. Burdock is rich in various minerals and acids. It contains stearic acid, palmitic acid, proteins, inulin and vitamin C.

Helpful advice: For greater effectiveness, before rubbing in burdock oil, heat it in a water bath. You can also add burdock oil to promote the growth and strengthening of hair roots.

Application of burdock oil

In most cases, burdock oil is used in its pure form. The most common way: the oil is rubbed into the scalp and accompanied by an intense scalp massage. After which you need to put on a plastic cap and insulate your head.

The second way is to apply oil to the entire length of the hair and scalp.

There are different opinions on how long it takes for burdock oil to have a beneficial effect on hair. If you use the oil in its pure form, then this mask can be kept on for 30 minutes or more. The time you can hold the mask is not limited. If you add other components (egg yolk, cognac, other oils) to burdock oil, you should keep it for at least an hour. The time you keep the mask on also depends on the condition of your hair. If they are colored, dry and damaged, then you need to keep the mask on longer.

Helpful advice: if you have a mixed hair type (oily roots and dry ends), then you can use burdock oil only for your hair, avoiding the roots, this will help you avoid split ends, and the roots will not become oily faster.

Helpful advice: It is most convenient to apply oil to the partings with a toothbrush or a syringe without a needle. This way you will significantly save time.

The effectiveness of using substances of plant origin for the treatment and care of hair and scalp has long been proven traditional medicine. Currently, natural ingredients are included in most shampoos, conditioners, masks and other products. One of effective means, having a wide spectrum of action, is burdock root oil (burdock oil).

To obtain this cosmetic product, an oil extraction method is used, in which the root is infused with any oil of plant origin (olive, almond or other).

Performing the procedure by a specialist

Composition and beneficial properties of burdock oil

Burdock root is a valuable source of a number of beneficial ingredients. Substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and hair can be divided into three groups:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, E.
  • Mineral salts, iron, calcium and other substances.
  • Stearic, palmitic and other fatty acids.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the inulin contained in burdock root. This plant-derived prebiotic promotes the regeneration of scalp cells and also provides essential nutrition and hydration.

Prebiotic inulin promotes the regeneration of scalp cells

The presence of the listed substances in the preparation gives it the following properties:

  1. Improves blood circulation in the upper layer of skin and accelerates hair growth.
  2. Helps fight dandruff.
  3. It is a good prophylactic.
  4. Minimizes hair loss during pregnancy, lactation, and metabolic disorders.
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and is used both for increased oily skin and for dryness and itching.
  6. You can reduce the negative effects of a hair dryer, curling iron or curling iron by providing your strands with the necessary amount of moisture and nutrients.


To add additional and enhance the existing medicinal properties, extracts of chamomile, calendula and other medicinal plants are added to the composition of burdock oil.

DIY burdock oil

It is much easier to purchase burdock oil at the nearest pharmacy, especially since its cost is quite affordable. However, in the summer you can make it with your own hands from fresh roots.

Large burdock roots must be thoroughly washed and dried. The top layer is peeled from clean roots, crushed and filled with sunflower oil in a ratio of 70 g of root per glass of oil. The mixture is left in a warm place for a day, after which it is heated over low heat for 20-25 minutes. The product is cooled and filtered.

The oil is obtained from burdock roots

For another cooking method use olive oil cold pressed in the same proportions. In this case, the mixture settles for two weeks, and heating is not required.

The classic way to apply vitamin masks

Like any other drug, burdock oil can cause allergic reactions. Before use, it is recommended to apply a small amount of product to the wrist and hold for a little longer than 15 minutes. In case of redness of the treated area, itching or other unpleasant sensations, it is worth choosing another product with similar properties.

Pharmacy packaging with additives for various purposes

Before applying to hair, cosmetologists recommend heating the oil in a water bath to 40°C. Hair should be wetted under running water and excess moisture should be removed with a towel. After this, the hair is divided into partings, the oil is applied to the hair roots and rubbed into the scalp with gentle massaging movements. The product is distributed over the surface of the hair using a wide-toothed comb (if the amount applied to the skin is not enough, the tips of the comb teeth are periodically dipped into a container with oil), the amount depends on the length and thickness of the hair.

Applying burdock oil to hair

After uniform distribution over the surface of the skin and hair, a polyethylene cap is put on the head and wrapped in a towel. There are no generally accepted rules for how long you should keep burdock oil on your hair, however, with the application method described above, it is recommended to wash it off no earlier than after an hour, but no later than after three hours.

Types and recipes of masks: ways to use them

The product can be used in its pure form or with the addition of many additional ingredients. The most popular options are:

Mask for hair growth and strengthening

How to use a mask with mustard and egg against hair loss

With whipped yolk. The mixture has high nutritional properties and is applied for 45-60 minutes. Good food provides a mask consisting of one tablespoon of honey, two egg yolks and 60 g of oil. You can determine how long to keep the hair mask on yourself, but not less than 30 minutes.

A mask with the addition of juice squeezed from a fresh onion strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. Before mixing, the juice is diluted with warm water.

By adding a tablespoon of dried celandine leaves and a few aloe leaves, you get effective remedy from dandruff.

Preparation effective mask for scalp

Homemade masks with pepper for hair growth

A mixture with alcoholic pepper tincture improves blood circulation and tones the scalp, preventing hair loss. Water, oil and pepper tincture mixed in equal proportions and applied to the scalp for no more than 30 minutes - increasing the time may lead to skin irritation.

Some tips for using burdock oil:

  • It is not necessary to wash your hair before applying, just moisturize it.
  • A slightly warmed product is better absorbed by the hair and scalp.
  • How much to apply and how long to keep burdock oil on your head depends on the specific recipe and hair type. The rule “the more the better” does not work in this case.
The oil gives hair moisture and life-giving power.
  • To determine how long to keep burdock oil on your hair, you need to experiment with time. For example, apply for one hour and see the result. If the product is used as one of the ingredients to create masks, the action time is usually within 15-60 minutes.
  • It is not recommended to immediately immerse your head with the mask applied in water. You should first apply a small amount of shampoo to your hair, moisten it a little and foam it - after this procedure it is much easier to rinse off the product.
  • To remove residual oil and give your hair extra shine after washing, you can rinse it with water and a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice.

ATTENTION: Burdock oil is an excellent natural product for luxurious hair and hair treatment at home; its use helps strengthen hair, gives it shine and silkiness.

The product is not only cosmetic, but also medicine. Burdock oil will perfectly cope with dryness, flaking and itching of the scalp. The product will relieve discomfort, help cure seborrhea and get rid of dandruff.

Burdock oil is suitable for any hair type. The cosmetics industry produces products with the addition of chamomile, string, propolis and other beneficial ingredients. In any pharmacy you can easily choose a product that suits you personally.

Who is best suited for?

If you want to grow your hair as quickly as possible for an important event or restore it after a bad haircut, burdock oil will help! Judging by the enthusiastic reviews of some women, with its help you can add 2-4 cm of hair in a month.

Burdock oil will restore shine and silkiness to hair. A course of home cosmetic procedures will restore their beauty and strength. Expensive salon care is not required. Family budget and beauty saved!

Instructions for use

How to apply correctly and how long to keep on?

For maximum effect, you need to apply the product correctly:

  1. The first most important rule is that you need to warm it up a little before using it! It is better to do this in a water bath rather than in a microwave oven. The oil should be slightly warm and pleasant to the skin.
  2. Many women are interested in whether it is possible to apply oil to dirty hair, or whether it is better to do it on a clean head, and also how to apply it correctly: on wet or dry hair. In principle, you don’t have to wash your hair before use, but in this case the product will be less effective. In any case, it is better to slightly wet your hair before applying the oil.
  3. The important thing is how to rub the product. You need to start applying the composition from the roots. Rub it thoroughly into the skin, combining it with a light head massage. This will enhance the effect. Using a wooden comb or your hands, distribute the product over the entire surface of your hair. Pay attention to the ends. Usually half a standard tube is enough for one procedure. If you have long Thick hair, then use the entire package.
  4. After applying the composition, wrap your head in polyethylene and a warm towel. Keep the mask on for at least an hour.
  5. Do I need to wash off the oil? Of course yes, and it matters how and with what to wash it off: rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water and shampoo, it’s better
    - for oily curls, repeat 2-3 times if necessary.
  6. Complete the procedure with a suitable conditioner.

How many times a week should I use it?

To treat seborrhea and dandruff at home, the method of application is different: the product should be applied only to the roots of the hair. Rub it thoroughly into your scalp three times a week. Within 2-3 weeks you will notice a decrease in the amount of white flakes.

IMPORTANT: Burdock oil is effective only when used as a course! A minimum of 10 procedures are required. Then take a break of 2-3 weeks and repeat the course of treatment again. With regular and correct use, the product will restore the hair structure and increase its shine.

Can it be left overnight?

As for whether oil can be applied to the roots or just to the ends, the answer is clear: you can apply it exclusively to the ends of your hair all night. Do not leave the oil on the entire scalp overnight and don't wrap yourself in a towel!

The long-term “greenhouse effect” combined with oily mask can lead to clogged pores, skin imbalance and dandruff. In addition, an hour's exposure to the skin is quite enough to nourish and moisturize the scalp. Keeping the product on for more than two hours is absolutely useless.

How does this treatment affect the hair?

Burdock oil – infusion of burdock roots. It contains many useful components:

  • Fatty acid.
  • Vitamins.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Proteins.
  • Inulin.

Fatty acids nourish and saturate the hair follicles, activating them. Inulin speeds up metabolism and removes dust and dirt from the skin. Flavonoids and proteins have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Vitamins nourish the scalp and provide proper hair care.

When used correctly, the product has a beneficial effect on hair:

  1. Helps get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp.
  2. Significantly reduces hair loss.
  3. Restores damaged structure (relevant after coloring, seaside holidays, perm, regular exposure to hair dryers and curling irons).
  4. Will return vitality, elasticity and shine.

Watch a video about the benefits of burdock oil for hair treatment and restoration:

Contraindications and side effects

Burdock oil – natural natural product and has virtually no contraindications. It should not be used only in case of individual intolerance to the components. If after use you notice that you have an alarming amount of hair loss, then, unfortunately, this natural product is not suitable for you. It also happens that manufacturers add some other potentially allergenic components to the oil (pepper, etc.), so carefully study the composition and be guided by this information.

As side effect You can notice increased oiliness of the scalp after using the product. This does not happen to everyone and goes away fairly quickly. In addition, the effect of it is so good that sometimes it makes you put up with even increased fat content.

Top 5 products from the best manufacturers

Let's look at several products from different brands so that you can make a choice for yourself which is better.


Burdock oil is packaged in a darkened plastic bottle of 100 ml. A distinctive feature of the product is its natural composition without preservatives and antioxidants..

The product Mirolla with red pepper is especially popular. It significantly accelerates hair growth and gives it a beautiful shine.

The cost of a tube is 80-100 rubles.


Available in opaque white plastic containers. The cap with a thin dispenser allows you to apply oil to your hair directly from the bottle, pouring it in a thin stream. It is very comfortable.

Burdock oil from Evalar is famous for its variety of additional ingredients. For example, a product with nettle strengthens hair, gives it shine, and with propolis it has a pleasant “honey” smell. The product is recommended for owners of dry, damaged and brittle hair.

A remedy with calendula and hops is an excellent remedy for baldness. It nourishes hair follicles and fights inflammation. How exactly to treat your hair is detailed in the instructions.

Numerous reviews online confirm that Evalar oil eliminates dryness and itching of the scalp, adds shine and radiance. The cost of a tube does not exceed 60 rubles.

Home doctor

The product has a natural composition, enriched with vitamins A and E. The only drawback is the not very pleasant smell of the product.

The cost of a standard bottle is no more than 60 rubles.

The tube is similar to a package of burdock oil from Evalar, only yellow. The convenient dispenser lid will keep your bathroom shelf clean.

Home doctor with red pepper

The product is quite liquid and smells nice. Helps make hair soft and manageable.

The shelf life of the product has been increased to 1.5 years; an opened tube can be stored for 12 months. This is due to the presence of artificial antioxidants in the composition.

Watch the video about burdock oil with red pepper Home Doctor:


Burdock-pepper oil called "Burdock" produced by Floresan, has a rich yellow color and oily texture, packaged in a tube with a convenient thin dispenser. It is additionally enriched with vitamin A.

The result is increased hair growth and increased density. Many people note the appearance of new hair in the form of a basal “undercoat”. And this means Floresan burdock-pepper oil awakens hair follicles.


So, we looked at what burdock oil does for hair, how often you need to use it and in what way: how to apply (smear on dry or dirty hair), how long to keep it on; also talked about the five the best means, which can be used at home.

We can conclude that burdock oil is a good budget natural product for the beauty and strength of hair. The root extract of this plant and vitamins will save your curls from dandruff and add shine and strength. Arm yourself with the power of nature and be irresistible!

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