Eye drops Natural Tear - for moisturizing and relieving fatigue. Review of eye drops Visine Pure Tear Pure Tear eye drops instructions for use

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Visin Classic eye drops

Eye drops Visine(or Visin Classic) is a drug that can provide " ambulance"eye: within a matter of minutes, reduce or completely remove swelling of the tissues, redness of the eyes. Eye discomfort can occur during prolonged and constant work with a computer, as a result of mechanical irritation or an allergic reaction.

Initially, the drug was simply called Visin. But when Vizin drops appeared on sale a few years ago pure tear and Vizin Alergy, which have a completely different effect, in order to avoid confusion, the word “Classic” was added to the name Vizin. Thus, “Vizin” and “Vizin Classic” are the same medicine.

Tetrizoline, which is the active ingredient of Visine, has a pronounced local vasoconstrictor effect, due to which redness of the eyes disappears. Drops relieve allergic symptoms, reduce swelling, itching, eye pain and burning sensation. By reducing the formation of intraocular fluid, Visin stops lacrimation.

Practically not being absorbed into the bloodstream, Visin has only a local effect for 4-8 hours. In rare cases, systemic effects of the drug may occur.

The disadvantage of the drug is that the redness of the eyes is eliminated only for the duration of the medication, since Visin does not affect the cause of the irritation. In addition, the pronounced vasoconstrictor effect significantly impairs the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the eye, which leads to even greater redness of the eye after the drug has stopped working.

Due to the possible dilation of the pupil and blurred vision (fog before the eyes, double vision), while using Visin Classic, you should avoid driving and working with dangerous mechanisms.

Dosage of Visine classic
Adults and children over 6 years of age should instill 1-2 drops 2-4 r. per day. Children from 2 to 6 years old can use drops only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

If there is no effect after using the drops for 48 hours, the drug should be discontinued. The use of the drug for more than 72 hours should be carried out under medical supervision. Continuous use of Visin Classic is permissible for up to 4 days.

The use of Visine in recommended doses for no more than 4 days does not cause an overdose.

With excessive doses, with frequent and prolonged use of the drug, systemic toxic effects may occur when taken orally: increased heart rate, increased or decreased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, confusion, severe sweating, respiratory failure, decreased body temperature, persistent pupil dilation , pulmonary edema . In case of overdose, gastric lavage, sorbents and symptomatic therapy are prescribed.

Long-term use may also cause redness of the eyes, burning and pain in the eyes, dizziness, nausea, weakness, increased blood sugar, trembling of the limbs, allergic reactions.

Visine for children

Visin Classic is contraindicated for children under two years of age. For children older than this age, Visine can be used if there is eye irritation, but for children under 6 years of age, only a doctor should prescribe this drug; He also prescribes the dosage.

The dose of Visine for children over 6 years of age is the same as for adults.

Visine during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the fact that systemic effects cannot be completely excluded when using Visin Classic, the drug should be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding with great caution and only in cases where the expected effect exceeds the risk of exposure to the child.

Visin Classic for acne

Visin Classic eye drops have found application, in addition to their usual use, in the fight against acne or pimples. The effectiveness of the drug is explained by the vasoconstrictor effect of Visine on acne, after which they become almost invisible, albeit for a short time.

Visine has no effect on the cause of acne, but only eliminates the redness of the pimple. The medicine is especially effective if the pimple has been squeezed out before. The reasonable price of the drops makes them available for use if there is a need to quickly “remove” a pimple. Action medicine lasts up to approximately 4 hours. If necessary, the procedure is repeated up to 3 times.

Method of using Visin Classic to treat acne:

  • Apply a few drops of Visine to a small cotton ball;
  • the cotton wool is placed in the freezer for 2-3 minutes;
  • apply the cotton wool to the pimple and leave for 5 minutes;
  • if it's a pimple big size, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

Drug interactions Visine

The medicinal effects of Visine have not been studied enough. To avoid complications, Visin should not be used with any other eye drops.

When used simultaneously with atropine, Visine enhances the effect of atropine.

Visine Pure Tear

French pharmaceutical company produces eye drops Visine Pure tear. Drops can eliminate discomfort that occurs when working at a computer for a long time, driving a car, reading, etc. Unlike the drug Visin Classic, this medicine does not dry out the mucous membrane of the eye, but, on the contrary, moisturizes it and relieves eye fatigue.

Visine Pure Tear is close in composition to human tear fluid. It contains natural plant extracts and no preservatives. The drug is available in solution in a 15 ml bottle and in plastic ampoules with a dose of 0.5 ml for 1 day. This packaging is convenient for use in any conditions.

The drug has no contraindications or restrictions on the duration of use. International clinical studies have confirmed the safety and effectiveness of the drug.

Visin Pure Tear is prescribed, 1-2 drops 3-4 rubles. per day. Drops can be used without removing contact lenses before instillation. After instillation, it is recommended to blink your eyes to distribute the medicine evenly. When using this drug, you should not use other eye drops, including Visin Classic.

The drug Visin Pure Tear is harmless and has no side effects. But individual intolerance to the drug cannot be ruled out. It can manifest itself with the following symptoms: swelling and redness of the eyelids, burning and discomfort in the eyes. If they appear, you should stop using the drops and consult an ophthalmologist.

Vizin Alergy

This medicine is produced by Johnson&Johnson LLC in Russia. Available in a bottle with a dropper of 4 ml of 0.05% solution (white suspension). 1 ml of drops contains 0.5 mg of the active substance (levocabastine). The drug is an antiallergic agent, the effect of which begins in 5 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours.

Indicated for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. For adults and children over 12 years of age, 1 drop 2 rubles is instilled into each eye. per day at intervals of 12 hours. Visin Alergy is used until allergy symptoms disappear: swelling, itching, redness.
Rules for using the drug:

  • Remove contact lenses (if used) with cleanly washed hands;
  • The bottle with drops should be shaken several times before use;
  • after removing the cap from the dropper, turn the bottle over;
  • without touching the eye, apply drops to both eyes;
  • Close the dropper bottle tightly with the lid;
  • The drug can be used for no more than 1 month after opening the bottle.
When applied topically, it causes minimal side effects:
  • from the organ of vision: pain in the eye area, blurred vision (less than 10%); swelling of the eyelids (less than 1%); redness of the eyes, itching, lacrimation, burning sensation, conjunctivitis and blepharitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelid and the edges of the eyelids) - frequency unknown;
  • allergic reactions in the form of urticaria - frequency unknown;
  • systemic effects: (less than 1%) in the form of headache;
  • if accidentally ingested, drowsiness, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure.
Contraindications for the use of Visin Allergy:
  • individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • patient age under 12 years;
  • breastfeeding (Levocabastine passes into breast milk); If it is necessary to use it to treat the mother, breastfeeding should be discontinued.
The drug should be used with caution in case of renal failure and in elderly people. Drug interactions Visin Alergy has not been studied.

Due to the lack of clinical data on the results of treatment with Visin Alergy in pregnant women, it is not recommended to prescribe it during pregnancy. It is permissible to use drops in cases where the effect of treatment exceeds the risk of exposure to the child. In animal experiments, systemic administration of Levocabastine at a dose 2500 times higher than the maximum dose for humans with local application did not have a toxic or damaging effect on the fetus; and at a dose 5000 times higher, a teratogenic effect on the embryo and an increased incidence of fetal death were noted.

There are no professional restrictions when using the drug.

Visin's analogs

Analogues of the drug Vizin Classic: Visoptik, Octilia, Montevisin, Tizin.
Analogs eye drops Vizin Alergy: Tizin Alergy, Histimet, Reactin.
Analogs of the drug Vizin Pure Tear: Visomitin, Inoxa, Oksial, Oftolik, Vidisik, Hilokomod, Natural Tear, Systane Ultra.

Many of those who work at a computer, drive a car and spend a long time near an air conditioner know firsthand about dry eye syndrome.

It is manifested by drying out of the mucous membranes and deterioration of the condition of the eyes due to increased evaporation of natural tears and the systematic destruction of the tear film.

To prevent the syndrome and combat its consequences, Visin Clean Tear eye moisturizing drops provide good help.

What does the instruction say?

Basic component

The basis of the drug is a natural plant extract TS-polysaccharide. Its composition is similar to human tears, which guarantees safety of use and high efficiency result.

It is important to use drops only after examination by an ophthalmologist or at least carefully study the instructions. The results of the practical use of the product are presented at the end of the article in reviews of people using the drug.

Who are the drops for?

The indications for Visin Pure Tear are:

  • contact conjunctivitis of various origins (exposure to smoke, dust, light, chlorinated water, cosmetics, and also from contact lenses);
  • intense visual stress (from bright sunlight, working at a computer).

What is the benefit of the drug

Advantages of Visin Pure Tear eye drops:

  • quickly relieve irritation due to dryness and eye fatigue caused by unfavorable factors,
  • stabilize the tear film,
  • have a long-lasting moisturizing effect,
  • restore the health of the cornea and conjunctiva,
  • suitable for systematic use,
  • there are no contraindications or age restrictions,
  • convenient and safe to use.

Release formats

The product is presented in two convenient forms:

  • sterile plastic dropper bottles (10 ml) for repeated use;
  • unique plastic ampoules (0.5 ml) for several instillations per day, this is a very comfortable format - it allows you to carry the ampoule with you and use it at the right time.

Method of use

Hands must be washed. It is necessary to instill one drop into each eye. Do this up to 4 times during the day. To ensure that after the procedure the drops are evenly distributed over the surface of the eye, it is useful to make blinking movements 3-4 times.

During the instillation process, while the liquid has not yet been distributed evenly over the ocular surface, short-term blurred vision is possible. This condition is normal. It goes away after blinking.

After use, the bottle cap should be tightly closed.

The effect of the drug lasts 4-8 hours.

Contraindications and warnings

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is a contraindication. A possible side effect in the form of allergic reactions.

Necessary Precautions

When using the drug, it is important to comply with the following requirements:

  1. If you are allergic to any component of the drops, do not use.
  2. If irritation and discomfort occur, stop using the drug.
  3. Contact your ophthalmologist if you experience redness, infection, pain, or inflammation in your eyes.
  4. Do not combine drops with other ophthalmic drugs so that the effect of the drug does not change.
  5. Before using the drops, you must remove your contact lenses. After digging, install them. Do not apply the product to contact lenses.
  6. Do not touch the tip of the bottle, including the surface of your eyes.
  7. Do not use detergents to clean the tip of the bottle.
  8. If the seal of the bottle is broken, its use is unacceptable.
  9. Once opened, the bottle can be stored for no more than 30 days at a maximum temperature of 25°C.
  10. Do not use after expiration date.

Additional Information

In Russia, the average price of Visine Pure Tear is 400-550 rubles. In Ukrainian pharmacies you can buy it for 130 UAH.

Analogues of the drug are represented by eye drops:

  • Inoksan,
  • Likontin,

Reviews from people who have used eye drops

Reviews of Visine Pure Tear are the most contradictory.

Pauline. I have a negative opinion about these drops. They irritate the eyes and make them even more tired.

Oleg. And I really like Visin Pure Tear. Quickly helps relieve eye fatigue, without side effects - no burning or headache. Lightness and clarity immediately appears in the eyes.

Elena. In general, I am satisfied with the drops. After them, your eyes feel better. You just have to drip often. It annoys me. I have to fix my makeup all the time.

Natalia. I have been using Visin Chista Sleza for two years now. The eyes quickly return to normal. No negative effect.

Irina. I was offered to buy these drops at the pharmacy. After instillation, a burning sensation in the eyes immediately began. After half an hour it felt better. Then she dropped it again. And a severe headache and stinging in the eyes appeared. I had to take painkillers. I won't buy again.

Anna. For work, I often travel to other cities by bus. From a sleepless night, the eyes are red, as if they were crying. I bring myself back to normal with Visin Pure Tear. After one drop, literally in seconds the eyes become normal. The drug helps me a lot. It may not be used frequently, but as an instant relief and without side effects, it is an excellent remedy.

Vladimir. I noticed that many people confuse Visine Pure Tear with just Visine. The first one just relieves dry eyes, while Visin, on the contrary, constricts blood vessels.

Svetlana. Changes in weather cause me frequent headaches after waking up in the morning. One day, blood vessels in my eyes burst due to pressure. After instilling Visin Pure Tear within two minutes, the eyes calmed down and began to shine. These drops always help me out.

Lydia. I work in a beauty salon and do eyelash extensions. After correction, I often put drops in my clients’ eyes. I have been doing this for over a year and have yet to have any complaints about these eye drops. On the contrary, they soften and remove redness.

Analysis of the range of opinions about Visine Pure Tear leads to the following conclusions:

  • some people are allergic to the drug (as indicated in the instructions for it),
  • not everyone follows the rules for using drops (according to the instructions, 3-4 times a day, and some instill them almost every hour),
  • before use, you must consult with an ophthalmologist (and not with the seller at the pharmacy)

International clinical studies have confirmed the safety and high effectiveness of Visin Pure Tear. Ophthalmologists recommend them for regular use as a means of replacing tear fluid. It provides natural hydration to the eyes, restoring their health and comfort.

Visin Pure Tear eye drops are an innovative drug that creates protection and moisturizes the eye. The components are as close as possible in composition to human tears, so this drug can be called one of the safest.

Eye drops Visin Pure tear to protect and moisturize the eye

The drug is used regularly, there are no contraindications or age restrictions.

Effect of the drug

Pure Tear eye drops contain a unique component, which is currently considered patented - a natural plant extract. Its composition is similar to human tears, which means that there are no overdoses or harmful indications.

After application, the drops are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cornea, thereby improving the stability of the natural moisturizing film. This helps relieve dry and irritated eyes. The effect of the drug can be observed for 4-8 hours, then it stops.

Composition of drops

Vizin Pure Tear eye drops include the following components:

  1. TS-polysaccharide 0.5%, it comes in combination with mannitol.
  2. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate.
  3. Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate.
  4. Water for injections.

The product is available in sterile plastic bottles of 10 ml.

Visin Pure Tear eye drops are available in a 10 ml bottle

When are they appointed?

Pure Tear drops are prescribed to eliminate:

  1. Dry eyes.
  2. Irritation of the cornea, with contact conjunctivitis.
  3. For intense visual stress. This could be a bright sunny color, constantly working at the computer, welding and much more.

The remedy is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Visual computer syndrome.

Visin Clean Tear eye drops instructions for use

Installation of the drug must be carried out 1-2 drops in each eye 2-4 times a day. It should be used until the painful symptoms are eliminated.

To improve the distribution of the drug, it is recommended to blink intensively. This will help distribute the liquid evenly and quickly throughout the entire perimeter of the eye. You can use eye drops an unlimited number of times, until the person’s symptoms go away.


The drug cannot be used in only one case - if a person is allergic to one of the components.

Side effects

After installation of the drug, short-term blurred vision may occur. As a rule, it passes quite often, so it’s not worth worrying about. Plus, during a short-term loss of clarity, there is no pain.

Directions for use

  1. An open bottle must be used within 30 days.
  2. Remove lenses 15 minutes before instillation. We wait the same amount of time to put them on again.
  3. Be aware of short-term loss of clarity. Driving is not recommended at this time.
  4. Store at room temperature.


Now the average price for Vizin Pure Tear in Russian pharmacies is 400-550 rubles. If we are talking about Ukraine, then the cost here is around 130 UAH.

Visine Pure Tear analogues

Now many people are interested in what Vizine pure tear analogues are cheaper, because the cost original drug quite high. Now in pharmacies you can find the following drops similar in composition:

  1. Systane-Ultra.
  2. Oksialom.
  3. Inoxan.
  4. Vizimitin.

Cheaper analogues of Visin eye drops: how to replace eye drops

4 (80%) 2 votes

Visin eye drops are one of the most used drugs in modern ophthalmology. The reason for this popularity is the wide spectrum of action of the drug.

Tetrizoline hydrochloride, the active substance of Visine, quickly relieves itching and tearfulness of the eyes, reduces swelling, burning, constricts blood vessels and thereby relieves redness. At the same time, the effect of Visine is quite long-lasting, which eliminates the need for the patient to constantly put drops into the eyes. In addition, there are various forms of release of the drug - Vizin Pure Tear, Vizin Allergy, as well as Vizin gel.

Cheap analogues of Visin eye drops

Despite all the advantages of Visin drops, its main disadvantage is the high cost of the medicine. The average price of a 15 ml bottle is 370 rubles. Despite the fact that the consumption of the drug is small (it cannot be used for more than 4 days, and the average duration of a single effect is 8 hours), some patients prefer to use cheap analogues of Visin.

Complete analogues of the drug - generics - practically do not differ from the original drug in formula and action, i.e. have the same advantages and disadvantages. Their main difference is that, unlike analogues, Vizin Classic is produced by the same pharmaceutical brand that developed the drug, i.e. The company includes the cost of developing the drug into the cost of production. Cheap analogues are produced by those companies that only acquire the rights to the formula and can produce the drug at almost cost.

Comparative price table of analogues and substitutes

Name average price Analogue or substitute
Visine ~407 -
Montevisin ~154 A
Visoptic ~219 A
Octilia ~312 A
Tizin ~86 Z
Berberyl-N ~350 A

Visa prices:

Table - existing forms of the drug Vizine with prices *

Name Manufacturer Active substance Price
VIZINE PURE TEAR 10ML BOTTLE EYE DROPS Johnson&Johnson Consumer France S.A.S. Levocabastine 472.40 RUR
VIZIN PURE TEAR 0.5ML N10 AMP GL CAP / FOR 1 DAY Johnson & Johnson Sante Beaute France S.A.S. Tetrizoline 477.70 RUR
VIZIN ALERGI 0.05% 4ML GL DROPS FLAC/CAP Famar S.A. Tetrizoline 295.20 RUR
VIZINE CLASSIC 0.0005/ML 0.5ML N10 AMP GL CAP Laboratory Uniter Tetrizoline RUR 339.70
VIZINE CLASSIC 0.05% 15ML GL DROPS Janssen Pharmaceuticals N.V. 294.70 RUR
MONTEVIZIN 0.05% 10ML GL DROPS Hemomont d.o.o./Hemofarm A.D. 138.30 RUR

Montevisin or Visine - what to choose

The first analogue of Visin is Montevisin, which is similar in formula to Visin Allergy. This remedy has a vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effect, and is indicated primarily for allergy sufferers, people with chronic dry eyes, and also after certain ophthalmological procedures. The manufacturer recommends using the drug for short-term relief of symptoms and not dripping Montevisin into the eyes for more than two days. This is the optimal period to eliminate dryness and irritation of the eyes after exposure to dust or caustic substances.

Montevisin should not be used by people with glaucoma, because the drug can increase intraocular pressure. In addition, pregnant and lactating women should also refrain from using the product, because it can enter the systemic circulation and have a toxic effect. The same applies to children under 6 years of age - the drug is not recommended for use by them.

Montevisin should be used with caution and only after consultation with a doctor by people with hypertension, patients taking MAO inhibitors, and patients chronic diseases(cardiovascular diseases, diabetes etc.). The average price of the drug is about 154 rubles per bottle.

VizOptic or Vizin - which is better?

Another substitute for Vizin Allergy is VizOptic. It is similar in action to the previous medicine, and is also used to relieve eye irritation caused by various factors. These drops can be useful for those people who experience itching, burning, swelling of the eyes due to dust or chlorinated water getting into them, or for specialists who are forced to spend a long time in front of a computer screen or in a room with bright lamps.

VizOptic should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, despite the low risk of entry into the systemic circulation. In addition, contraindications include cases of bacterial eye infection, age under 3 years and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Just like all Visin analogues, the drug causes an increase in intraocular pressure and is contraindicated in glaucoma.

You should not use VizOptic for more than two days in a row, because This product may cause an allergic reaction, nausea, headache and heart rhythm disturbances. The average price for one bottle of the drug is 219 rubles.

Important! You can often find reviews that analogues of Visin drops caused discomfort in the patient’s eyes, systemic reactions of the body, and even worsening vision

Be careful: follow the instructions for the drug, do not use it longer or more often than the recommended period, and check the expiration date of the drug. Please note that after opening, eye drops become unusable within 28 days.

Table - existing forms of the drug Vizoptik with prices *

Octilia or Visine - which is better?

Another inexpensive analogues of Vizin drops are Octilia drops. This is an anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor, containing auxiliary components of plant origin, which helps relieve capillary dilation, swelling and irritation caused by various types of irritants - exposure to bright light, exposure to dust or aggressive substances on the cornea.

Due to the content of linden and chamomile extracts in Octilia, the drug has a slight anti-inflammatory effect that prevents the development of bacterial eye infections. Drops should not be used for glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, or for children under 3 years of age. People with cardiovascular diseases, pregnant and lactating women should use the drug only after consulting a doctor.

Octilia cannot be used for more than 4 days in a row, the usual course of use is 1-2 days, 2-3 times a day. People wearing contact lenses should remove them while the drug is instilled and put them back on after 15-20 minutes. On average, the price for one bottle of Octilia is 312 rubles. Visine has analogues and is cheaper, but among them Octilia stands out for its anti-inflammatory effect.

Tizin or Visine - what to choose

Remedy for trade name Tizin is known to many as nasal drops against runny nose, but few people know that there are also eye drops under the same name. The drug has a vasoconstrictor effect, which helps fight eye redness, swelling and inflammation. Effective against allergic reactions of lacrimation and itching in the eyes.

The drug is used for no longer than 4 days, 2-3 times a day, instilled under the lower eyelid. The use of the drug by children under 6 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, and people on heavy chronic medications is not recommended. If the patient takes any medications on an ongoing basis, it is better to discuss their compatibility with Tizin with the attending physician.

The average price of one bottle of Tizin eye drops is 86 rubles. This is one of the cheapest generics of Visine, which has an effective effect against eye irritation.

Table - existing forms of the drug tizin with prices *

Name Manufacturer Active substance Price
TIZIN ALERGI 50MCG/DOSE 10ML FLACAL SPRAY NASAL Janssen Pharmaceuticals N.V. Levocabastine RUR 323.20
TIZIN EXPERT 0.05% 10ML NASAL SPRAY DOSES Xylometazoline 169.40 RUR
TIZIN EXPERT 0.1% 10ML NASAL SPRAY DOSES Famar Health Care Services Madrid S.A.U. Xylometazoline 168.30 RUR
TIZIN CLASSIC 0.05% 10ML FLACAL SPRAY NASAL DOSES Famar Orleans Xylometazoline 95.70 RUR
TIZIN CLASSIC 0.1% 10ML FLACAL SPRAY NASAL DOSES Famar Orleans Xylometazoline 101.50 RUR

Berberyl-N or Visine - which is better?

Another analogue of Vizin Allergy, worthy of mention, is Berberyl-N. This drug has replaced its analogue in all respects: it copes just as effectively with allergic conjunctivitis and eye irritation for other reasons, while, unlike Visin, it is produced in a more convenient form - disposable ampoules, allowing you not to worry about the expiration date in open bottle.

Berberyl-N should not be used simultaneously with antipressants, MAO inhibitors and drugs that increase blood pressure or have side effects such as hypertension. The drug may cause headache, trembling hands, irregular heart rhythm, insomnia, sweating and increased blood pressure.

Berberyl-N should not be used in children under 2 years of age, patients with closed-angle glaucoma, severe cardiovascular, endocrine and autoimmune diseases. In addition, Berberyl-N should be prescribed to drivers with caution, because The drug may cause simple visual hallucinations in the form of flying dots or flashes.

The average price for a bottle of Berberil-N is considered to be 350 rubles. Compared to other generics and the original drug, this is an example of a cheap but worthy remedy in the fight against redness of the eyes.

Thus, Vizin drops have enough analogues on the Russian pharmaceutical market, which, having a lower price, are not inferior to the original in effectiveness.

When purchasing a specific product, it is better to be guided by the choice of the optimal volume (there is no point in buying a large volume for a single use) and the desired additional effect - for example, anti-inflammatory. Also, you should not delay going to the doctor if the symptoms of the disease do not go away, and continue to use the drug beyond the prescribed period. These simple rules will help you keep your eyes healthy and comfortable.

  1. Water for injections.

  1. Dry eyes.
  • Conjunctivitis.

  1. Oftagel.
  2. Systane-Ultra.
  3. The tear is natural.
  4. Oksialom.
  5. Inoxan.
  6. Vizimitin.

TS-polysaccharide benzalkonium chloride




Has the following actions:

  • stabilizes the tear film;

Overdose is impossible.

Not studied.

Over-the-counter sale.

At temperatures up to 25°C.

Analogs Oksial, Ophtolic, Oftagel, Vidisik, Systane Ultra, Hilo-Chest, Visomitin.

TS-polysaccharide, sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, benzalkonium chloride, mannitol, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, sterile water.

Drops in dropper bottles in cardboard packaging 10 ml.

Disposable plastic ampoules in cardboard packaging of 0.5 ml.


The drug contains a plant extract of the group polysaccharides. Its composition is similar to human tears, so it is suitable for regular use.

Has the following actions:

  • moisturizes well and the moisturizing effect lasts for a long time;
  • eliminates eye strain, restores a comfortable state;
  • stabilizes the tear film;
  • relieves symptoms of fatigue and dry eyes that often occur when working at a computer, wearing lenses, driving a car, reading;
  • generally improves the condition of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eyes.

Due to the lack of entry of the active substance into the main bloodstream, the pharmacokinetics of the drug have not been studied.

Prevention and elimination of symptoms of irritation due to tired and dry eyes.

High sensitivity to the drug.

Instructions for Visin Pure Tear (Method and dosage)

Place 1-2 drops in each eye, tilting your head back, 3-4 times a day. Maintain hand hygiene - wash your hands thoroughly before instillation.

In order to distribute the drug evenly after instillation, you need to blink 3-4 times. Until the fluid is distributed over the entire surface of the eye, transient blurred vision occurs. This sensation disappears after blinking.

The instructions for use contain a warning that in order to maintain the sterility of the bottle and contents, it is not recommended to touch the dropper with your hands and avoid contact with the surface of the eyes, and after instillation, carefully close the cap of the bottle. Do not wash the dropper with detergents. Do not use a bottle with a broken seal.

If irritation occurs, use of the drug should be discontinued. Do not use drops with other ophthalmic agents. Before using the drug, contact lenses must be removed.

Overdose is impossible.

Not studied.

Over-the-counter sale.

At temperatures up to 25°C.

3 years. Use the contents of the opened bottle within a month.

Analogs Oksial, Ophtolic, Oftagel, Vidisik, Systane Ultra, Hilo-Chest, Visomitin.

You need to know that the drug cannot be used for bacterial lesions of the conjunctiva, accompanied by inflammation, redness and pain in the eyes. In these cases it is not effective.

Reviews about the drug are positive. All users note the safety of the drops.

  • “... They are identical to human tears, an excellent remedy for every day. I put them in in the morning and can go without them almost the whole day - my eyes feel comfortable.”
  • “... After use there is no itching or dryness. I drip in the morning and at work in the middle of the day.”
  • “... I can say that Visin Pure Tear helps me a lot, since my work involves constantly being at the computer and my eyes become tired, stinging, or simply uncomfortable. All this disappears with regular use of drops.”
  • “... Sometimes in the evening I suffer from a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, dryness and burning. In such cases, I use this drug, and it always helps.”

You can buy the drug in the Moscow pharmacy chain without any difficulty. The price of Vizin Pure Tear varies within 415 rubles per package.

Vizin Pure Tear eye drops 10mlJohnson & Johnson

Vizin Pure Tear eye drops 0.5 ml No. 10 bottlesJohnson & Johnson

Visine pure tear drops. 0.5ml No. 10Johnson and Johnson (Greece)

Visine pure tear drops. 10mlJohnson and Johnson (France)

Visin Pure Tear eye drops are an innovative drug that creates protection and moisturizes the eye. The components are as close as possible in composition to human tears, so this drug can be called one of the safest.

Eye drops Visin Pure tear to protect and moisturize the eye

The drug is used regularly, there are no contraindications or age restrictions.

Pure Tear eye drops contain a unique component, which is currently considered patented - a natural plant extract. Its composition is similar to human tears, which means that there are no overdoses or harmful indications.

After application, the drops are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cornea, thereby improving the stability of the natural moisturizing film. This helps relieve dry and irritated eyes. The effect of the drug can be observed for 4-8 hours, then it stops.

Vizin Pure Tear eye drops include the following components:

  1. TS-polysaccharide 0.5%, it comes in combination with mannitol.
  2. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate.
  3. Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate.
  4. Water for injections.

The product is available in sterile plastic bottles of 10 ml.

Visin Pure Tear eye drops are available in a 10 ml bottle

Pure Tear drops are prescribed to eliminate:

  1. Dry eyes.
  2. Irritation of the cornea, with contact conjunctivitis.
  3. For intense visual stress. This could be a bright sunny color, constantly working at the computer, welding and much more.

The remedy is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Visual computer syndrome.

Installation of the drug must be carried out 1-2 drops in each eye 2-4 times a day. It should be used until the painful symptoms are eliminated.

To improve the distribution of the drug, it is recommended to blink intensively. This will help distribute the liquid evenly and quickly throughout the entire perimeter of the eye. You can use eye drops an unlimited number of times, until the person’s symptoms go away.

The drug cannot be used in only one case - if a person is allergic to one of the components.

After installation of the drug, short-term blurred vision may occur. As a rule, it passes quite often, so it’s not worth worrying about. Plus, during a short-term loss of clarity, there is no pain.

Now the average price for Vizin Pure Tear in Russian pharmacies is 400-550 rubles. If we are talking about Ukraine, then the cost here is around 130 UAH.

Now many people are interested in what Vizine pure tear analogues are cheaper, because the cost of the original drug is quite high. Now in pharmacies you can find the following drops similar in composition:

  1. Oftagel.
  2. Systane-Ultra.
  3. The tear is natural.
  4. Oksialom.
  5. Inoxan.
  6. Vizimitin.

Composition of drops:

Main effects of the drug:

Shelf life – 2 years.

Available without a prescription.

Visine drops Pure Tear – neutral pharmacological drug, which applies to moisturize the organs of vision during dry eye syndrome and in case of irritation or fatigue that arise as a result of prolonged loads.

The drops contain components that are almost identical in composition to human tear fluid.

That's why the drug has no contraindications for regular use at any time and in almost unlimited quantities, while the age and gender of the patient do not matter.

Keep in mind! Visine Pure Tear is suitable for those who experience heavy eye strain.

First of all, these are office workers, drivers, and even those who spend a long time near the air conditioner, since such equipment during work contributes to the drying out of the mucous membrane of the eye.

In some cases, natural tear fluid intensively evaporates from the surface of the eye due to the presence of any ophthalmological pathologies.

In such situations, Visine Pure Tear will also be useful.

The medicine can be used not only by people with dry eye syndrome, but also by those who do not complain about this problem for use as a preventive measure.

The main component of Visine Pure Tear is a plant extract related to polysaccharides, which is technically is an analogue of human tear fluid, therefore regular use of the drug is allowed.

Reference! This medicine is evenly distributed over the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye, thereby creating a natural protective layer in the form of a film.

It is this that prevents the eye from drying out, even if the organ of vision is exposed to external factors and influences.

This topical remedy works in different ways.

Depending on the intensity of drying of tear fluid and other physiological characteristics eyes the effect of the drug can last from four to eight hours.

The benefits of Visin Pure Tear eye drops include:

  • long-lasting moisturizing effect;
  • rapid relief of symptoms of dry eye syndrome;
  • relieving irritation, fatigue and swelling caused by unfavorable external factors;
  • safety in use;
  • improvement of the regenerative functions of the cornea and mucous membrane;
  • bringing the tear film into a stable state.

Note! These drops do not require consultation with an ophthalmologist and are suitable for systematic use.

According to the instructions for use, instill Visine drops Pure Tear up to four times a day, one or two drops in each eye, although if necessary, the procedure can be performed more often.

Before taking the bottle, hands must be thoroughly washed with soap.

When instilling, you need to tilt your head as far back as possible, and after the drops get into the eye, you need to blink intensively several times so that the liquid is evenly distributed over the surface of the conjunctiva.

First of all, the drug used to eliminate and prevent dry eye syndrome, also the medicine is effective fights irritation and redness of the mucous membrane.

The drug can be used to relieve symptoms that arise due to conjunctivitis of various origins: exposure to external irritants, use of cosmetics, contact with chlorinated water in the eyes, exposure to infections.

Important! Visine Pure Tear also helps to cope with photophobia and lacrimation resulting from exposure to sunlight.

While using Visine does not react with others ophthalmological medications.

However, in some cases, drugs can neutralize each other's effects, so the interval between instillations of different drugs should be at least 15-20 minutes.

Serious system side effects is not observed when using this drug.

And as a side effect can only be called short-term deterioration in vision sharpness, but it lasts no more than a minute and goes away on its own.

Contraindications include allergic reactions, which occur when the eye is hypersensitive to certain components that make up Visine Pure Tear.


classic Visine

Which during pregnancy is used only in extreme cases, the drug Visine Pure Tear has no restrictions in such situations.

This is also a means can be used while the baby is breastfeeding, since the medicine is not absorbed into the blood and is distributed only over the surface of the conjunctiva, evaporating from it.

The drug contains the following ingredients:

  • TS-polysaccharide (main active ingredient);
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate;
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate;
  • sterile water.

In pharmacies in Russia, the product is sold in two forms: these are disposable plastic ampoules with a volume of 0.5 milliliters, and plastic bottles of 10 milliliters.

You can store the product in a dry, dark, cool place where the temperature should not exceed +25 degrees.

Carefully! Whole, unopened bottles can be kept in such conditions for three years, and the opened product must be used up within thirty days, after which Visine Pure Tear loses its beneficial properties.

There are several drugs with a similar mechanism of action.

And although Visine Pure Tear is the safest of them, in some cases it is advisable to use cheap analogues, since they may have certain additional properties that are not characteristic of the original:

  1. Visomitin.
    This drug is also known as Skulachev drops.
    The drug is a keratoprotector, which is effective in treating changes in the organs of vision that occur with age.
    Such ailments include dry eye syndrome and “computer syndrome.”
    The latter is characterized by fatigue and irritation of the eyes after prolonged work at the computer and other gadgets.
    During the use of Visomitin, the tear film is normalized, inflammation is eliminated and redness of the conjunctiva disappears.
    This analogue has the advantage of providing therapeutic effect in addition to regular moisturizing.
  2. Inoxan(inox).
    These are bluish drops, the peculiarity of which is to give the iris of the eyes the same shade during prolonged use, but this effect is considered harmless.
    Inoxan is a gentle preparation based on extracts medicinal herbs and helps to moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve symptoms of dryness and irritation.
  3. Ophtolic.
    Most effective for irritation, discomfort and dryness resulting from exposure external factors(exposure to smoke, work in dusty areas, exposure to wind and sunlight).
    The drug has not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect, promoting the regeneration of the cornea.
    The composition of the medicine is close to natural human tear fluid.
  4. Likontin.
    This is one of the few drugs that can be used without removing contact lenses.
    It is mainly used by owners of such contact optics to relieve irritation and dry eyes, regardless of what type of optics is used - from toric to multifocal.
  5. Hilo chest of drawers.
    Another drug for owners of artificial lenses, which helps relieve irritation after wearing contact lenses.
    This medicine is also prescribed in the postoperative period for patients who have a consequence surgical intervention there may be oppression of the lacrimal gland, which does not secrete enough fluid.

Remember! Despite the fact that neither Visine Pure Tear itself nor its analogues require mandatory examination by doctors, before using them you should carefully read the instructions for use.

Visin Pure Tear is a relatively expensive drug, the cost of which can be from 400 to 550 rubles per bottle depending on the pharmacy. On average, the price of this medicine is 500-510 rubles.

Before using Visin Drops Pure Tear, you must consider the following points:

  • it is inadmissible to use the medicine, if found violation of its tightness ( bottle damage);
  • before instillation is required contact lenses need to be removed, you can put them on approximately 15 minutes after instillation;
  • Do not touch the tip of the bottle to your eyes when instilled;
  • The bottle with the drug cannot be washed with ordinary detergents.

You should know! There are practically no contraindications to the use of Visine Pure Tear, and its use not only does not cause discomfort, but also helps people, as evidenced by reviews.

« After using these drops I really feel better, considering that I work as a driver and I have to strain my eyes all day.

Besides on sunny days I suffer a lot from glare and bright light, and even sunglasses don't help.

But after instillation of Visine Clean Tear comes though temporary but relief. The only thing that doesn’t suit me is that, in my opinion, the price of the drug is too high.”

Konstantin Evgenievich, 47 years old

“I often have to go on business trips to another city by bus, which only runs at night.

Naturally, I can’t get enough sleep on the road, and the next morning I always have red and tired eyes, but I almost immediately need to meet with my customers.

Visine Pure Tear helps out - after instillation, the eyes quickly return to normal, and you don’t feel tired and irritated from a sleepless night.”

Elena Semenova, Kazan

This video provides a description of Visin Pure Tear drops:

Visin Pure Tear is one of the few ophthalmic products that can be taken depending on your feelings, and not strictly in accordance with the recommendations of ophthalmologists.

But it should be remembered that it's more of a preventive measure and a drug to relieve certain symptoms that has no therapeutic effect.

Visin Pure Tear is an ophthalmic agent used to moisturize eyes when they are dry and tired.

The dosage form of Visina Pure Tear is sterile eye drops (10 ml in dropper bottles, 1 dropper bottle in a cardboard pack; “for one day” – 0.5 ml in resealable plastic ampoules, 10 ampoules in a cardboard pack).

Composition of drops:

  • active substance: TS-polysaccharide – 0.5%;
  • additional components: mannitol, sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, benzalkonium chloride (for the drug in ampoules), purified water.


The active substance Visina Pure Tear is a natural plant extract (TS-polysaccharide), which is similar in composition to human tears and is suitable for regular use.

Main effects of the drug:

  • significant improvement in tear film stability;
  • effective hydration, which leads to relief of eye strain and a long-term return to a comfortable state;
  • relief of all the main symptoms of fatigue and dry eyes that may appear when wearing contact lenses, driving a car, working at a computer, poor lighting, reading, etc.;
  • improvement of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye;
  • providing a long-lasting moisturizing effect.

Visin Pure Tear does not contain preservatives, so it can be used when wearing contact lenses.

According to the instructions, Visin Pure Tear is prescribed to prevent and reduce the severity of symptoms of irritation due to fatigue and dry eyes.

A contraindication to the use of Visin Pure Tear is the presence of individual intolerance to its components.

Visin Pure Tear is used conjunctivally.

After instillation, a brief feeling of blurred vision may occur. This is not side effect and usually goes away if you blink 3-4 times after administration, which helps distribute the drops evenly over the surface of the eye.

In rare cases, when using the drug, pain/tingling in the eyes, burning sensation, redness of the eyes, blurred vision, dilation of the pupil and irritation of the conjunctiva are observed (medical consultation is required).

There is no information about overdose symptoms.

In cases of irritation or discomfort in the eyes, temporary discontinuation of therapy is indicated.

Do not touch the tip of the ampoule or bottle with your hand or allow it to come into contact with the surface of the eye.

Do not wash the tip of the ampoule or bottle with detergents.

If you have redness, infection, pain or inflammation in your eyes, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist.

Visin Pure Tear should not be used simultaneously with other ophthalmic drugs, as this may change their action.

Analogues of Vizin Pure Tear are Vid-Komod, Vizin Classic, Vizmed, VizOptic, Vitrum Vision forte, Lens-Komod, Kromohexal, Okulohel, Hilo-Komod, Octilia, etc.

Store at temperatures up to 25 °C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life – 2 years.

After opening the bottle, the drug can be used for 30 days, ampoules - 12 hours.

Available without a prescription.

According to reviews, Visin Pure Tear usually effectively relieves symptoms of eye fatigue. However, many note that the drug has a short duration of action or insufficient effect. They also point out the high cost of drops for frequent and long-term use.

The approximate price for Visin Pure Tear (1 bottle of 10 ml or 10 ampoules of 0.5 ml) is 480–580 or 460–590 rubles.

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