Candles asd 2f. How to use ASD suppositories? How to purchase the original drug

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Price: 319 rub.  

Description: Suppositories with ASD-2 have immunocorrective, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral effects.

As a result of the drug’s effect on the body, the functions of the endocrine, immune, nervous and other systems returned to normal.

Varicose veins were cured, long-term use of the drug increased the elasticity of tissues and skin, and gave the effect of rejuvenating the body.

In the field of gynecology, ASD-2 proved to be most effective, successfully curing chlamydia, trichomoniasis, fibroids, fibroids, mastopathy, breast and uterine cancer.

Indications for use:

Benign and malignant tumors of various locations;

Immunodeficiency conditions;

Fungal and viral diseases;

Chronic dermatitis;

Bronchial asthma;

Diseases gastrointestinal tract- gastritis, enteritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, helminthic infestations;

Cardiovascular diseases vascular system- hypertension; phlebeurysm;

Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system - pyelonephritis, cystitis;

Inflammatory diseases of the genital area: adnexitis, colpitis;

Cervical erosion, chlamydia, trichomoniasis: genital herpes, candidiasis;

Arthrosis, arthritis;

Hemorrhoids, impotence. Material of ASD-2 Dorogov candles (composition): Cocoa butter - 1.0 g., ASD 2 - 0.01 g.

Application: Administer 1 suppository 1 - 2 times a day (individually); course 10 - 20 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. Application area:

The lack of the desired effect from drug treatment forces people to look for unconventional methods. One of them, which has been increasingly gaining popularity lately, is treatment with the veterinary drug ASD-2.

Before resorting to such specific therapy, you should learn everything about the properties of this liquid (ASD-2 is also available in suppositories; fraction 3 is used for external use), its benefits and contraindications.

ASD-2: what kind of drug is this?

drug photo

ASD-2 is an aqueous solution of substances obtained by high-temperature sublimation of animal waste and meat and bone meal. In other words, the liquid is the result of organic decomposition to low molecular weight components: carboxylic acids, hydrocarbons, amides and substances containing an active sulfhydryl group. Some decomposition products of raw materials containing proteins are strong poisons. However, together they exhibit antiseptic properties.

The abbreviation ASD stands for antiseptic Dorogov stimulant. This name reveals the main effect on living organisms: the liquid is an antiseptic (does not have an antibacterial effect!) and activates defenses. Benefits of ASD-2 for the body:

  • Pronounced antiseptic effect - effectiveness against fungal and viral infections;
  • Removing toxins from the body and cleansing blood vessels;
  • Improving metabolic processes and correcting hormonal levels;
  • Lack of accumulation effect, which causes a decrease in effectiveness with long-term use;
  • No significant contraindications or negative effects.

Thanks to ASD, the body restores its optimal functioning mode. In other words, under the influence of ASD, vital energy increases, and a person self-heals. In this case, the liquid is not aimed at destroying a certain type of pathogenic microorganisms, but at correcting all parts of the immune system, which itself destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

The only disadvantage of the yellowish liquid (a brown tint and sediment is possible) is the sharp, nauseating smell of rotten meat. However, many people who use ASD claim that following the rules for its dilution and use significantly reduces discomfort. In addition, after a few steps the aversion to the “aroma” goes away.

Important! No large-scale studies have been conducted on the use of ASD-2 in humans, with the exception of records from the hospital where Dorogov himself experimented. The reason for this is unclear, but the conclusion follows from this: each person will use ASD at his own peril and risk.

History of the creation of ASD-2

Even under Stalin, the USSR government gave an order for the development of a universal drug capable of protecting a living organism from radiation and stimulating its defenses. In 1947, Alexey Dorogov, a veterinarian by training, presented his own development - an ASD made from frogs. Large-scale testing of the drug on animals has yielded stunning results. A lot of diseases could be cured, but no negative effects were noted. side effects. In addition, the process of making the healing liquid was very cheap.

Dorogov subsequently made ASD from bone meal. The replacement of organic raw materials did not affect the properties of the resulting drug: high temperature completely erases information about the type of animal raw material at the molecular level.

Next, Dorogov began to apply and improve treatment regimens for various diseases on volunteers. There are reports documenting the effectiveness of treatment of ASD in patients (often hopeless, including cancer), carried out under the supervision of doctors. There is evidence that injection of ASD directly into the myocardium of a person who had just died from cardiac arrest brought the person back to life.

Another patient with gangrene on his leg managed to avoid amputation thanks to Dorogov’s elixir. ASD could be called a miracle drug, but the luminaries of medical science did not accept the veterinarian’s development, most likely due to hurt professional feelings. ASD remains a drug for animals.

The doctor was awarded the State Prize, and then he was fired and his laboratory was closed. Even members of the government were unofficially treated with the drug, classified for about 15 years.

Now the daughter of a veterinarian, Olga Dorogova, an immunologist and practicing homeopathy, is popularizing ASD-2 and its inclusion in the list of drugs used for humans. However, it is unlikely that the pharmaceutical market will allow the release and widespread use of a cheap drug that helps with many diseases.

How to take ASD-2 orally? Treatment regimens and dosages

Follow the dosage and instructions for use!

Those who decide to be treated with ASD should know: only fraction 2 is used orally (drink)! Another drug - ASD-3 - is used exclusively externally: compresses and lubricants. Dorogov developed a standard treatment regimen suitable for most diseases, ranging from fungal infections and gastritis, to hypertension and arthritis. Recommended standard mode- make a mixture and take ASD-2 as follows:

  • We take 50-100 ml of boiled and cooled water, it is permissible to use strong tea;
  • add, following the rules for preparing the solution, 15-30 drops. ASD-2, if you measure the liquid with a syringe - 1 ml contains 20 drops;
  • take on an empty stomach (about 30 minutes before breakfast) twice a day;
  • course - 5 days of treatment, 3 days of rest;
  • The drug is taken until recovery.

Dorogov developed the most effective methods for using ASD 2 and 3 fractions for various diseases. Schemes for using ASD-2:

  • Throat diseases, infections respiratory tract(presence of cough, runny nose) - for prevention and treatment, a standard regimen is used (dilution in half a glass of water), additionally - inhalation (1 tablespoon of medicinal liquid per 1 liter of water).
  • Liver and heart diseases - standard regimen, start with 10 drops. (drink for 5 days as standard). Then increasing by 5 drops. Every course. Increase the dosage to 25 drops. Don't forget about 3-day breaks.
  • Toothache - a cotton wool soaked in diluted ASD-2 is applied to the tooth. Undiluted product can cause burns to the mucous membranes!
  • Otitis - 20 drops. For dilution, you can supplement treatment with compresses on the sore ear or rinsing.
  • Gastrointestinal pathology - for gastric ulcers, the standard dosage regimen is used without changes. And to cure colitis and gastritis, a single dose in the morning is enough.
  • Urinary incontinence - ASD is used according to the standard regimen, diluted 5 drops.
  • Hypertension is a standard regimen, but on the first day it is diluted with 5 drops, increasing by 1 drop daily, bringing the single dose to 20 drops.
  • Impotence - standard regimen, dilute 3-5 drops per appointment.
  • Urinary incontinence is a standard regimen; 5 drops are required per dilution.
  • Inflammation of the eyes - drink orally according to the standard regimen, diluting 3-5 drops. appointment.
  • Baldness, excessive hair loss - rub a 5% solution (2.5 ml per 50 ml of water) into the hair roots three times a week.
  • Overweight - for weight loss should be taken as follows: 30-40 drops. to receive for 5 days with a further 5-day rest, then 10 drops. for reception 4 days (rest 4 days), the next 5 days 20 drops. for an appointment with a further break of 3-4 days.
  • Dermatology (psoriasis, trophic ulcers, different types eczema and other hard-to-treat skin diseases) - standard regimen (for severe forms, the dose is increased to 2 ml). Lubricate ASD-3 once a day: 1 ml of dark liquid per 20 ml of sunflower or olive oil(5% solution). To restore blood circulation, lotions are made with a 20% aqueous solution of ASD fraction 2.
  • Acne - compresses 5% ASD-2. Noticeable improvement occurs after 2 weeks. For laboratory-confirmed demodicosis, prepare an ointment with ASD-3 and petroleum jelly (1 part of the drug to 2 parts of a fatty base). The skin is lubricated in the morning and at noon, and Flucinar is applied at night. Duration - 1 week.
  • Fungus on the skin - lubricate with diluted fraction 3 ASD 2-3 times daily, first wash the skin areas with soap.
  • Gout, arthritis (including rheumatism) and inflammatory lymph node enlargement - 3-5 drops each. for an appointment according to the standard regimen, compresses.
  • Tuberculosis - standard regimen, initially dilute 5 drops. and increasing the dose each course by 5 drops, bringing it to 20 drops. Duration of use - 3 months.
  • Pyelonephritis, stones in gallbladder- the standard scheme recommended by Dorogov without changes.
  • Pathology of the heart, liver, neurological diseases - start taking 10 drops, increase to 25 drops, adding 5 drops each 5-day course.
  • For gynecological diseases - fibroids, cysts and even malignant neoplasms - a standard regimen of oral administration and vaginal irrigation with a 1% solution of the second fraction is usually used until recovery is stated. For thrush, as well as to eliminate vaginal dryness, it is sufficient to irrigate the vagina using a syringe with a 1% solution: up to 4 procedures daily, the duration of specific therapy is up to 10 days. For trichomoniasis, a 2% solution is used; local use of ASD-2 in women lasts 7-10 days.

Important! For the treatment of almost all of the above diseases, the following dosage is suitable: 0.1 ml for every 2 kg of the patient’s body weight. This dose is distributed into 4 doses! The single dose of the drug is increased gradually by 5 drops. every 5-day course.

In online pharmacies you can find Dorogov suppositories with ASD-2. This remedy is equated to dietary supplements and is used for diseases of the rectum (hemorrhoids, fissures), gynecological pathology and prostate pathologies in men.

ASD-2 and oncology (cancer)

For the treatment of pre cancer and already developed oncology, Dorogov developed 2 schemes for using the drug. For external tumors, compresses with the 3rd fraction of ASD and ASD-2 are recommended for oral administration.

"Shock" method:

  • reception at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00;
  • initial dose 5 drops, increasing each 5-day dose by 5 drops;
  • a single dosage is increased to 50 drops, in this mode the drug is taken until recovery.

Gentle method:

  • one course of admission is 1 week;
  • start with 3 drops, increasing every day by 2 drops;
  • one day rest;
  • in the second year they start taking it with 5 drops, the third/fourth - accordingly increase the single dose by 2 drops.

Treatment of cancer with ASD-2 reduces pain and inhibits the spread of tumor cells, and this, at a minimum, improves the quality of life and increases its duration. The result of complete death of oncological cells (liver cancer) was recorded when interacting with ASD-2 in laboratory conditions. Also, many people note a decrease in negative consequences after chemotherapy and radiation (nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, etc.) when taking ASD in combination.

Important! To avoid confusion when using complex treatment regimens with increasing dosages, it is better to keep a diary.

You can also find a more aggressive cancer treatment regimen on the Internet. For each dose, dilute 4 ml of ASD-2 and take it twice a day without breaks. However, you need to be extremely careful with such a scheme!

Rules for preparing the solution

The effectiveness of using ASD fraction 2 for humans and the intensity of discomfort depends on compliance with the rules for its dilution.

  • Only the aluminum center on the cap is removed from the bottle. Do not completely open the bottle or open the rubber stopper. ASD loses its properties upon contact with air.
  • The rubber stopper is pierced with the needle of a disposable syringe. The needle always remains in the plug.
  • The bottle should be shaken before taking the drug.
  • Turning the bottle upside down, the required amount of the drug is taken.
  • Then, leaving the needle in the stopper, lower the tip of the syringe into a prepared glass of water and release the liquid. This will help prevent unpleasant odors from spreading throughout the room.
  • You should only use water that has been boiled and cooled to 36-37ºС.
  • Gently stir the solution in a glass and drink. To reduce discomfort, it is better to exhale before taking it and then inhale through the nose.
  • The solution is prepared for each dose.

The benefits or harms of ASD-2 for humans can only be judged by reviews of people using the drug. Although most reviews are positive, sometimes there is information about the negative impact of ASD (deterioration of well-being) or the absolute absence of changes in condition. To obtain maximum benefit and avoid negative effects, you should know 15 nuances of using ASD-2 for people:

  1. It is recommended to start taking the drug with small doses. Rapidly increasing the dose may cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. The course - 5 days of admission and a 3-day rest - can be repeated 4 times. Then you should take a 10-day break.
  3. During treatment, it is recommended to drink 3 liters of water. This is easy to explain: toxins are excreted in the urine. This is why you should be especially careful if you have severe kidney disease.
  4. Dorogov categorically prohibited alcohol while taking ASD. Although there are reviews about taking ASD before a feast, which ensures the absence of a hangover. Remember: you shouldn’t trust all reviews unconditionally!
  5. No dietary changes are required.
  6. Some methods include the additional use of hepatoprotectors (Karsil, Liv-52, Heptral, etc.) to protect the liver from toxic effects.
  7. The drug ASD does not like the sun. It should be stored in the refrigerator. The expiration date is indicated on the bottle.
  8. The unpleasant, oily aftertaste can be eliminated with candy.
  9. ASD-2 is compatible with all medicines. Dorogov argued: one cannot refuse traditional therapy; the best result is achieved with simultaneous treatment prescribed by a doctor and taking ASD.
  10. With long-term use, ASD may increase blood clotting. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to take Aspirin 1/4 tablet. or another drug containing acetylsalicylic acid.
  11. ASD has a stimulating effect on nervous system. This is fraught with overstimulation. Take with special caution to children, hypertensive patients, patients with cardiac pathology and neurological diseases.
  12. Like any other drug, ASD fraction 2 does not exclude the occurrence of individual intolerance.
  13. Some people experience improvement after 2-3 courses, while others have to take the drug for a long time. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.
  14. Although there is no information about negative effects on the fetus, it is not recommended to use ASD for pregnant women.
  15. During treatment for ASD, you should listen to your own body. If your health worsens, you should stop using it, and after a while you can start treatment with minimal doses.

One way or another, due to the lack of documented confirmation of its effectiveness in full-scale studies, ASD-2 is a controversial drug for use in humans. Whether to accept it or not is a personal choice for each individual.

If you have no other choice - there is no effect from traditional treatment - you should use ASD fraction 2 strictly according to the recommendations, relying on your own feelings and, in the best case, undergoing a diagnostic examination!

Tags: fungal oncology drugs heart

What is the drug ASD (suppositories)? Reviews about this product, its therapeutic characteristics and indications for use will be discussed below. You will also learn about the benefits of this medication and how to use it.

Basic information

Dorogova ASD-2 candles were created by order of the government back in 1947. According to experts, this remedy affects many processes occurring in the human body. Its use normalizes the state of the patient’s immune, endocrine and nervous systems, and also has a beneficial effect on other organs of the patient.

Features of the drug

What is remarkable about the drug ASD (suppositories)? The instructions state that with long-term use, this medication improves the elasticity of the patient’s skin and other tissues, which leads to rejuvenation of the patient’s entire body. It also works well for varicose veins.

The drug in question is often used in gynecological practice. The drug ASD (suppositories) successfully fights diseases such as uterine cancer, fibroids, breast cancer, fibroma, trichomoniasis, mastopathy and chlamydia. In addition, the mentioned suppositories are actively used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. With this disease, the effectiveness of the drug manifests itself in a shorter time, as well as with better results than when using other medications.

It should also be said that the type of candles in question is the ASD-2 fraction. It has proven itself in the treatment of diseases such as oncology, various lesions gastrointestinal tract and lungs, as well as skin and cardiovascular diseases.

Composition, packaging

The drug ASD (suppositories) is produced in a plastic jar, which is placed in a cardboard box. One unit of suppository contains 0.01 g of the main substance (that is, ASD-2) and 1 g of cocoa butter.

The principle of the drug

How do ASD suppositories work? According to the instructions, this medication has a neurotropic effect on the autonomic and central system person. It stimulates the motility of the digestive tract quite well, and also improves the secretion of the digestive glands and enhances the activity of enzymes that are directly involved in the digestion process. The listed properties of the drug in question help improve the quality of absorption of various nutrients.

It should also be said that ASD-2 suppositories significantly improve the performance of tissue enzymes that transport nutritional fractions and ions through the membranes of cellular structures. In addition, this remedy actively affects the mechanisms of protein synthesis and processes associated with the processing of phosphorus.

Thanks to this effect of the drug, metabolism in the human body improves, which significantly improves the trophism of tissue structures. It also helps to normalize the ongoing processes in the patient’s body in various dystrophic conditions.

The medication in question exhibits a pronounced antiseptic effect. It does not produce a cumulative effect and is practically non-toxic.

Medication Benefits

What are the advantages of the drug ASD (suppositories)? According to experts, the medicine in the form of suppositories is much easier to use than in the form of a solution. This is due to the fact that the candles already contain the necessary dosage of active elements. In addition, compared to the liquid form of the medication, using suppositories is much more convenient.

During the therapeutic process, all necessary elements immediately enter the big circle circulation. At the same time, not a single substance passes through the liver. This contributes to the effective action of the drug by 60-75% (compared to other methods of its use). Also, during the use of the suppositories in question, patients do not experience irritation or allergic reactions, which very often occur during injections.

It must also be said that ASD in the form of suppositories is much cheaper than other types of this medication. Also, this drug acts comprehensively and more specifically. Experts have found that suppositories treat various diseases 5 times more effective than products intended for oral administration.

Indications for prescribing the drug

The ASD medication in the form of suppositories has many different indications for use. According to the instructions, as well as reports from experienced specialists, this remedy works well with:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • benign and malignant tumors (of various locations);
  • venereal and gynecological problems, as well as inflammatory diseases in the genital area (for example, with colpitis, adnexitis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, genital herpes, cervical erosion, and so on);
  • fungal and viral infections;
  • diseases of the urinary system and kidneys (for example, cystitis, nephritis and pyelonephritis);
  • sexual weakness and impotence;
  • skin diseases (including eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis);
  • problems of the digestive tract (for example, dysbacteriosis, enteritis, gastritis, colitis);
  • helminthic infestations;
  • problems with the lungs and upper respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the joints (for example, arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis);
  • hemorrhoids;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.


There are practically no contraindications for use of the drug in question. It should not be prescribed only to those patients who have a personal intolerance to its components.

ASD drug (suppositories): instructions for use

How should the suppositories in question be used? Experts say that this medication must be administered rectally in the amount of one suppository twice or once a day. The course of treatment with this drug should last at least 12-20 days. If necessary, treatment with suppositories can be repeated as prescribed by the doctor.

Side effects

At the very beginning of treatment with ASD medication, the patient may experience nausea, dizziness and mild weakness. With the development of such side effects You should immediately stop using suppositories and immediately consult a doctor.

Consumer reviews

What do patients say about ASD suppositories? They claim that this is the most universal drug that fights inflammation in the genitourinary system, including prostatitis, endometritis and colpitis. It also helps well with damage to the rectum, including diseases such as paraproctitis.

It should also be said that some patients use the suppositories in question to restore normal functioning of the immune and endocrine systems, including during a violation of the monthly cycle.

ASD fraction 2 is a product of the decomposition of organic raw materials that occurs during high temperatures. It is of animal origin and is extracted using the dry sublimation method.

The creator of the unique drug called it an antiseptic stimulant. In addition to pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial activity, the drug has a powerful adaptogenic effect. Due to its easy passage through the biological barriers of the body, the drug quickly penetrates the tissues and exerts its healing effect.

In this material we will tell you about the drug ASD fraction 2, what effect its use has on a person, for what diseases it can be used, as well as what benefits and possible harm for people.

Drug ASD fraction 2

ASD fraction 2 (stands for Dorogov Antiseptic-Stimulant) is a drug that today is officially used only in veterinary medicine to treat animals.

The mid-50s of the last century became a time of breakthrough for the scientific world of medicine in the USSR. During this period, on behalf of the government leadership, the country's best minds began working on a new drug aimed at treating a lack of immunity.

This medicine has existed for more than 50 years, but is still officially used only in veterinary medicine.

ASD fraction 2 is a volatile liquid, it can be from all shades of yellow to deep red with a specific odor and an alkaline reaction. The presence of fine dark sediment is allowed.

The main purpose of the drug is to protect the human and animal body from the effects of radiation. But after identifying other healing abilities, it was proven that it has excellent immunostimulating, restorative and protective effects.

Speaking about ASD fraction 2, the use of this drug for humans, we should first of all note its main unique property: ASD does not resist any types of microbes, but increases the body’s defenses, which themselves cope with any microbe.

The drug is not officially recognized, but is quite widely used among the masses. There are several reasons for this:

  • Low cost (less than 300 rubles);
  • Comparative availability - it can be bought at almost any veterinary pharmacy;
  • Wide range of applications (see section “For what diseases);
  • Estimated effectiveness for the treatment of severe diseases;
  • Versatility;
  • Reputation as a miracle cure for severe conditions, including oncology.

Composition and form of release

Fraction ASD 2 is a sterile solution with a specific odor that mixes well with water.

At first it was made from frog tissue, but now meat and bone meal and waste from meat processing plants are used to produce the drug. After dry sublimation of these organic residues, a yellowish-brown liquid is obtained, quickly soluble in water.

ASD fraction 2 is not perfect - it has a very specific smell. It is impossible to rid the drug of this “aroma”; all attempts ended in failure - the deodorized antiseptic stimulant loses its active properties. When it comes to life and health, little things like bad smell medications can be neglected.

pharmachologic effect

  1. The first option resembled plain water in many ways, and therefore had no value for medicine.
  2. The second option (ASD 2) is a yellowish-red liquid with a specific odor. It can be used both externally (compresses, rinses) and internally; it dissolves well in water.
  3. The third version of the antiseptic (ASD 3) is used only externally, mainly on animals, but experiments have also been conducted on humans. Oral administration is strictly contraindicated.

All fractions of ASD easily evaporate in the air. When taken, the required amount of liquid is sucked out with a syringe by piercing the rubber cap.

ASD fraction 2: benefits and harm to humans

ASD fraction 2 should be considered as a natural biogenic stimulator of the vital functions of our body. This drug is recommended to be used for the treatment of many ailments. internal organs and skin. It can be used both internally and externally.

Benefits of ASD-2 for the body:

  • Rapid penetration into tissues and full compatibility with the human body;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system;
  • Activation of immune defense and strengthening of the nervous system;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of intracellular ion exchange;
  • accelerating the healing of the dermis.

Possible harm

The main harm of ASD fraction 2 is that many patients try to use it for self-treatment of serious ailments, including malignant tumors. The consequences of such therapy can be unpredictable.

Those who decide to undergo treatment should know: only fraction 2 is used internally (drinking)! Another drug - ASD-3 - is used exclusively externally: compresses and lubricants.


Fraction ASD 2 is indicated in alternative medicine to be taken for the following serious diseases:

Official instructions for humans have not been approved. Many of the positive effects of the product have not been officially confirmed.

Surprisingly, despite the ability of ASD 2 to cure many diseases, official medicine does not recognize the drug as a medicine for people.

Instructions for use:

  1. Dilute 15 to 30 drops of the remedy with 1/3 cup of boiled water or tea, cool temperature.
  2. You need to drink the fraction diluted in this way 2 times a day, immediately 20-30 minutes before your planned meal.
  3. The course of treatment lasts 5 days. After which you need to stop taking the drug for 3 days. The further regimen for taking ASD-2 is similar. The medicine is used until the person recovers completely.

Also, for each disease, a special set of combinations of permissible dosage and the number of days of use in relation to days off is used:

Disease Instructions for use of ASD fraction 2 for people
  • For toothache, you need to use sterile cotton wool. It is dipped in Dorogov’s antiseptic and applied to the source of pain;
eye diseases
  • For conjunctivitis and blepharitis, dilute 3-5 drops of the fraction in half a glass of boiled water. Consumed orally for 5 days or used to wash inflamed eyes. If necessary, repeat the scheme after 3 days.
Rheumatism and gout
  • Dilute five drops of the drug in 100 ml of warm water. Consume within five days, on an empty stomach. As a supplement, it is recommended to apply compresses to sore spots.
Fungus on the skin
  • lubricate with diluted fraction 3 ASD 2-3 times daily, first wash the skin areas with soap.
  • A 1% solution of the drug is used externally.
  • Douching is carried out by dissolving 60 drops of medicine in 100 ml of water.
Gynecological diseases
  • The drug is taken according to the usual method, plus it is used topically (douching with a 1% aqueous solution).
Urinary incontinence
  • For incontinence, take the traditional 5 to 3 scheme and add 20 drops;
Back pain
  • For radiculitis and back pain, use up to 5 ml in two doses. Finish after recovery;
Runny nose and cough
  • Dissolve 1 ml of medicine in 0.5 tbsp of water and drink twice a day.
Colds and acute respiratory infections
  • Inhale 15 milliliters of the product per 1 liter of boiling water. After 5 days of taking it, take a break for 2 days.
  • standard scheme, initially dilute 5 drops. and increasing the dose each course by 5 drops, bringing it to 20 drops. Duration of use - 3 months.
Stomach ulcer Standard dosage regimen.
For weight loss
  • Start taking 30 drops for 5 days, take a break for 5 days.
  • The next period begins with 20 drops for 5 days.
  • The minimum dose is 10 drops, then the dose is increased again until the weight is normalized.

The medicine is taken 30-40 minutes before meals, starting with a small dosage. After a 5-day course, you should take a break for 2 days. You can start therapy only after consulting a doctor.

Universal schedule for taking the drug (for all diseases)

Important! No large-scale studies have been conducted on the use of ASD-2 in humans, with the exception of records from the hospital where Dorogov himself experimented. The conclusion follows from this: each person will use ASD at his own peril and risk.

Monitor your health and stop using if it worsens.

  • Then use 35 drops morning and evening.

The use of fraction ASD 2 for cancer in oncology

There are many cases of curing cancer with the ASD fraction. Treatment of cancer (oncology) with this drug is extremely effective. Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant has been widely used in therapy:

  • cancer processes in various organs;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis;
  • fibromas or adenomas of the mammary glands, prostate;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • nodular goiter;
  • polyposis of the stomach and intestines;
  • cystic formations of the kidneys and liver.

Despite all positive reviews on the Internet about ASD fraction 2, be sure to consult your doctor before use.

How to correctly draw ASD-2 from a bottle?

In order to correctly remove the drug, strictly follow the following rules:

  1. When opening the bottle, you do not need to remove the rubber cap. Only the metal cap is removed.
  2. Insert the needle of a disposable syringe into the stopper.
  3. Shake the drug and turn the bottle over.
  4. Take the required number of milligrams of medication.
  5. Carefully remove the syringe from the cap, leaving the needle in it.
  6. Slowly introduce the substance into the prepared water.
  7. Stir the solution. After this, you can take the medicine. Prepare it immediately before taking it.

That's it, the product is ready for use. One more thing: you need to dilute the liquid immediately before use.


ASD F-2 has contraindications:

  • allergy to components;
  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney disease;
  • weakened body;
  • ASD is a central nervous system stimulant that can cause overexcitation. The drug should not be given to children or people with diseases of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems in the acute stage.
  • cardiovascular diseases in children;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • It is unacceptable to use the product together with nitrosorbide.

The drug is contraindicated if blood clotting indicators exceed the norm and if there is a tendency to increased thrombus formation. These indicators will always be increased with venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis.

Side effects on the human body

special adverse reactions after taking the fraction was not detected. The only contraindication to taking the drug can only be individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In addition, if your health condition worsens sharply after starting therapy, you should stop taking it. Perhaps ASD is simply not suitable for this person.

Special instructions for ASD-2

To ensure that ASD fraction 2 brings benefits and not harm, follow the following recommendations:

  1. During treatment you should refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages.
  2. ASD thickens the blood. During the period of use of the drug, it is necessary to include in the diet such foods as lemon, garlic, orange, pomegranate, beets, and olive oil.
  3. When used internally, ASD-2 is carefully mixed with boiled cool water or strong tea (quick mixing will lead to active foaming of the solution).
  4. It is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible (up to 3 liters) per day during treatment with the drug. This will help to quickly and efficiently cleanse the body of toxins and waste.
  5. For external use, permanent paper is applied over the bandage. This measure is necessary to avoid evaporation.

As the professor himself noted, when using the 2nd fraction of ASD, harm to a person can be caused by non-compliance with the rules of administration and an overdose of the drug, which can cause functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, vascular spasms and hypertensive crisis.

Best before date

The bottle of Fractions ASD 2 should be stored in a dry, dark place, away from children at temperatures up to 30 °C. Shelf life – 4 years.

Phase II ASD is still not approved for use modern medicine and it is not possible to find it in pharmacies. Now the daughter of the creator, A. V. Dorogov, is actively fighting for this drug to be recognized by doctors and finally included in the list of approved

Remember that any medicine must be used as prescribed by a doctor, and ASD fraction 2 is no exception. In order for the drug to be beneficial and not harmful to the human body, be sure to follow the instructions for use and if you experience any unpleasant sensations, stop using it. Be healthy and leave your reviews and comments!

When a person is faced with any pathological condition, he tries to find the maximum effective drug to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. Often, along with medications, people use traditional medicine to combat illnesses.

One of these compositions is ASD-2 in the form of suppositories. This drug has a wide spectrum of action. It can be used for various pathologies. Let's find out how to use suppositories and for what diseases they can be used.

Composition, medicinal properties of suppositories with ASD-2

The candles contain no substances other than cocoa butter (1 g) and Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant (0.1 g). Candles are light yellow or light brown in color. There are ten suppositories in one package.

The drug with an antiseptic stimulant has a neurotropic cholinomimetic effect on the central as well as the autonomic nervous system. The drug increases the activity of tissue enzymes involved in the active transport of ions and nutrients through cell membranes, in the process of phosphorylation, as well as protein metabolism.

Application medicinal product promotes:

  • stimulation of motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improving digestion processes and nutrient absorption;
  • stimulating the secretion of digestive glands;
  • increasing the activity of digestive enzymes;
  • normalization of tissue trophism;
  • eliminating inflammatory processes;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • minimizing pain;
  • fight against pathogenic microorganisms.

From the instructions we know about antibacterial, antiseptic, immunocorrective, antitumor, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects.

Indications for the use of suppositories

The product shows excellent results in the fight against such ailments: hemorrhoids, impotence, arthritis, arthrosis, cervical erosion, thrush, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, adnexitis, colpitis, psoriasis, bronchial asthma, chronic dermatitis.

The drug is also effective in therapy:

  • diseases of the kidneys, urinary system, in particular cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: varicose veins, hypertension;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: helminthic infestations, dysbacteriosis, enteritis, gastritis;
  • ailments of viral and fungal origin;
  • various neoplasms, regardless of location, shape;
  • immunodeficiency states.

How to use suppositories for various diseases

The general scheme provides for the administration of one suppository once or twice a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is one and a half to three weeks. The scheme, as well as the duration of the treatment course, may vary somewhat depending on the disease, as well as the degree of its severity.

A drug Mode of application Disease Treatment regimen Well
Suppositories ASD-2 Vaginally Colpitis, trichomoniasis, genital herpes 1 soup. 2 twice a day, in the morning and evening. A week and a half
Vaginally Gynecological diseases of inflammatory nature For diseases not accompanied by bleeding - 1 suppository twice a day. A week and a half
Vaginally Ovarian cyst, uterine fibroid 1 soup. twice a day. Ten days
Vaginally Adnexitis One candle twice a day. A week and a half
Vaginally Thrush 1 soup. twice a day. 10 days
Vaginally Cervical erosion One candle twice a day Three weeks
Vaginally Uterine fibroids 1 soup. twice a day. Month
Rectally Prostatitis, benign hyperplasia prostate gland 1 St. twice a day. Month
Rectally Pathologies of the urinary system 1 St. twice A week and a half
Rectally Haemorrhoids 1 St. 1-3 r/day A week and a half
Rectally Psoriasis, others chronic diseases skin 1 soup. one to three times per day Three weeks

The product has no contraindications except for individual intolerance. The use of the drug during pregnancy is not recommended. The composition is not addictive, is well tolerated by the body, and does not cause side effects.

Application features

So that treatment with suppositories with Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant brings maximum therapeutic effect, the product must be used correctly. It is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. If the regimen provides for the use of the drug twice a day, the procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. And if only once, then it is preferable to light a candle before going to bed.
  2. Before inserting the suppository, it is necessary to toilet the perineum.
  3. When administered rectally, the intestines should first be cleansed.
  4. The suppository should be placed 10 cm deep for rectal administration, and 3-4 cm for vaginal administration.
  5. During the therapeutic course, you should refrain from drinking alcohol.
  6. If after using the medicine there is a deterioration in health, therapy should be discontinued.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be stored in a cool, preferably dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees. The shelf life of the composition from the date of production is two years.

Candles with ASD-2F with fir resin and castor oil: composition, properties

There is another herbal medicine based on Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant in the form of suppositories. The composition is produced by Abis LLC Naukograd Koltsovo. The product contains ASD-2, resin, cocoa butter, and castor oil.

This universal drug, thanks to its natural composition, has a mass healing properties, in particular: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, healing, analgesic, antifungal, antitumor, antiseptic.

The use of the medicine helps in:

  • minimizing inflammatory processes in the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • eliminating pain;
  • preventing the development of cancer;
  • healing of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • increasing potency;
  • preventing the progression of the cancer process.


The product is widely used in gynecological practice, as well as urology and proctology. The drug helps in the treatment of: Crohn's disease, anal itching, paraproctitis, polyps, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction.

Suppositories are also effective in the fight against:

  • adnexitis;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • colpitis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • cervical erosion.

The composition helps in normalizing the menstrual cycle and preventing the development of cancerous tumors.

According to the instructions, the product is used one to three times a day. The treatment regimen, as well as the frequency of application of the composition, is selected taking into account the disease and its severity. The average duration of a therapeutic course is a month.

The product is well tolerated by the body, does not cause side effects, and has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. Pregnant women should preferably consult a doctor before using the medicine.


The average cost of suppositories with ASD-2 is 340 rubles, suppositories with ASD, resin and castor oil are 350 rubles.

The use of suppositories for medicinal purposes, as evidenced by numerous reviews, is many times more effective than internal use ASD-2F solution. Suppositories already contain the required amount of active ingredient, so you don’t have to worry about an overdose. To bring the medicine maximum benefit, you must use it correctly and follow the recommendations.

  • Benign and malignant tumors of various locations;
  • Immunodeficiency conditions;
  • Fungal and viral diseases;
  • Chronic dermatitis;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, enteritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, helminthic infestations;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system - hypertension; phlebeurysm;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system - pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital area - adnexitis, colpitis;
  • Cervical erosion, chlamydia, trichomoniasis: genital herpes, candidiasis;
  • Arthrosis, arthritis;
  • Hemorrhoids, impotence.

Pharmacological properties

This is a universal remedy for reducing inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, colpitis, endometritis) and rectum (paraproctitis), correcting imbalances in the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems, manifested in potency disorders, the menstrual cycle and the development of tumor pathologies.

Regular use of suppositories prevents the formation of small cracks by increasing the elasticity of the mucous membranes and skin of intimate places, and the bioactive components of the product contribute to more fast healing injured areas, have an antimicrobial effect and prevent the development of inflammatory reactions in prostatitis, prostate adenoma, adnesitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical erosion and other diseases.

The use of suppositories is useful for erectile dysfunction, anal and vaginal itching, and microflora disorders.

Fir resin is a natural antibiotic.

In proctology: Crohn's disease (some forms), anal itching, paraproctitis, polyps, rectal cancer (prevention).

In urology: urethritis, cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, cancer (prevention). These suppositories are called "Russian Viagra".

In gynecology: adnexitis, ovarian cyst, colpitis, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometritis, cervical erosion, menstrual irregularities, premenstrual syndrome, polyps, cancer (prevention).

When treating cancer, the patient's age, location and nature of the cancer lesions are of great importance. ASD F-2 quickly stops further development of cancer and relieves pain.

The effectiveness of treatment increases significantly with the simultaneous use of fir extract (thick).

The drug ASD has a wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic effects and is used for a fairly large number of diseases, with various etiologies. There is no addiction to the drug.

The lungs increase oxygen assimilation. Ingestion of drops can be replaced with suppositories with the ASD fraction, which are applied rectally on a cleansed stomach. One suppository contains 0.05 g of the ASD-2 fraction, but the effect of suppositories is 2-5 times more effective than oral administration.

Composition of Dorogov's ASD-2F candles with resin and castor oil

10 candles of 0.05 g ASD-2, 0.01 g fir resin, cocoa butter, castor oil.


  • From one to three candles a day, in the evening before bed.
  • It is recommended to lay candles to a depth of at least 10 cm.
  • The course is 30 days with a break of 2-3 days.
  • Prevention - at least 2 times a year, preferably in spring and autumn.
  • For prostatitis, prostate adenoma, polyps, sexual dysfunction, and for the prevention of tumors, the use of suppositories should be combined with the use of the liquid fraction - ASD-2 antiseptic Dorogova, 100ml
  • Vaginally - 3-4 cm.
  • Rectally - preferably 10 cm.

Where and how to buy ASD-2F Dorogov candles with resin and castor oil?

You can buy Dorogov’s ASD-2F candles with resin and castor oil in our online store medicinal herbs in Moscow "House of Herbs"

  • place an order in the online store of medicinal herbs “House of Herbs” and choose a convenient delivery method for your city;
  • call or order a call back, and our sales consultant will create an order for you and send it in any of the desired ways;
  • detailed address information in the section "Shipping and payment"

Contraindications: individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, monitor your health, if it worsens, stop using the drug.

Before use, consult your doctor.

  • Benign and malignant tumors of various locations;
  • Immunodeficiency conditions;
  • Fungal and viral diseases;
  • Chronic dermatitis;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, enteritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, helminthic infestations;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system - hypertension; phlebeurysm;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system - pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital area - adnexitis, colpitis;
  • Cervical erosion, chlamydia, trichomoniasis: genital herpes, candidiasis;
  • Arthrosis, arthritis;
  • Hemorrhoids, impotence.

Pharmacological properties

Suppositories with ASD-2 have immunocorrective, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral effects.

In 1943, laboratories of several scientific institutes of the USSR received a secret government order for the development medical product new generation.

In 1947, the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine was able to present the developed drug that met all the requirements. The laboratory, headed by a talented experimenter, candidate of sciences A.V. Dorogov.

A huge number of studies have been conducted on the use of ASD-2 for the treatment of a number of pathologies of organs and systems.

As a result of the drug’s effect on the body, the functions of the endocrine, immune, nervous and other systems returned to normal. Varicose veins were cured, long-term use of the drug increased the elasticity of tissues and skin, and gave the effect of rejuvenating the body.

In the field of gynecology, ASD-2 proved to be most effective, successfully curing chlamydia, trichomoniasis, fibroids, fibroids, mastopathy, breast and uterine cancer.

After large-scale research, the drug began to be successfully used in hospitals and clinics where party and government officials were treated.

ASD-2 - antiseptic Dorogov stimulant is a product of dry distillation of meat and bone meal. The drug belongs to the group of biologically active substances.

ASD-2 candles are a volatile liquid from yellow to dark red in color with a specific odor of an alkaline reaction. The presence of fine black sediment is acceptable. The drug contains low molecular weight organic compounds (lower carboxylic acids, their amides and ammonium salts, choline esters of carboxylic acids, choline, primary and secondary amines, sulfhydryl ions, etc.) and water up to 75%.

Mechanism of action of ASD-2 candles

Phytosuppositories ASD-2 has a neurotropic cholinomimetic effect on the central and autonomic nervous system. ASD-2 suppositories stimulate the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the secretion of digestive glands and the activity of digestive enzymes, improves the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Increases the activity of tissue enzymes that take part in the active transport of ions and nutrients through cell membranes, in the processes of phosphorylation, as well as the synthesis of protein substances.

As a result of such influence

1). The drug improves tissue trophism.

2). Increases the level of metabolic processes in a healthy body.

3). Helps restore metabolism to normal in various dystrophic conditions.

4). The drug has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Practically non-toxic, does not have a cumulative effect.

5). Suppositories with ASD-2 have immunocorrective, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral effects.

Composition of ASD-2 Dorogov candles

Cocoa butter - 1.0 g., ASD 2 - 0.01 g.


Where and how to buy ASD-2 Dorogov?

You can buy Dorogov's ASD-2 Suppositories in our online store of medicinal herbs in Moscow "House of Herbs"

  • place an order in the online store of medicinal herbs “House of Herbs” and choose a convenient delivery method for your city;
  • call or order a call back, and our sales consultant will create an order for you and send it in any of the desired ways;
  • come to our retail store of medicinal herbs "House of Herbs", detailed address information here "Contacts"

Contraindications: individual intolerance to components, pregnancy.

The experience of practicing doctors shows that the most effective medications are drugs that contain several active ingredients at once. One of them is ASD phytosuppositories, which are used to treat gynecological, oncological and other pathologies. Suppositories are used in the traditional way - rectally, i.e. insertion into the anus.

Rice. 1. Dorogov’s phytosuppositories with ASD-2 fraction produced by “Russian Roots”

Phytosuppositories ASD are suppositories containing:

  • cacao butter;
  • ASD fraction – 0.15 g.

The name ASD is given in honor of the discoverer of the Soviet scientist A.V. Dorogov, who first synthesized this drug from animal raw materials. Initially, the bodies of frogs were used for this; later, meat and bone meal of various animals - cattle, pigs, and poultry - began to be used.

Fig.2. The drug ASD was synthesized by the Soviet scientist A.V. Dorogov in the second half of the 1940s. Soon after, he conducted successful tests on humans and farm animals.

In this case, the correct name is ASD-2, since the second fraction, which is obtained from animal raw materials, is mainly used for treatment. The drug ASD-2 itself is a solution. However, for the treatment of some diseases, the medicine is more convenient to use in the form of suppositories.

The medicinal properties of this drug are mainly associated with the ASD fraction (Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant). This is a complex of biologically active substances that are obtained from meat and bone meal:

  • amines;
  • carboxylic acids;
  • inorganic nitrogen-containing substances;
  • choline;
  • esters;
  • amides, etc.

ASD phytosuppositories also contain cocoa butter, which is also rich in beneficial substances - mainly unsaturated fatty acids with antioxidant properties:

  • oleic;
  • lauric;
  • arachine;
  • linoleic;
  • palminite;
  • stearic

This mixture of biologically active substances - primarily antioxidants, which have a tonic, rejuvenating effect, help fight diseases of the skin, cardiovascular system, etc.

Medicinal properties and indications for use

A distinctive feature of the drug is that the composition of ASD-2 suppositories contains a large amount useful substances, each of which has a beneficial effect on the body. The components penetrate into all tissues and improve metabolism, due to which natural healing processes are launched in cells and organs.

Therefore, the drug performs several functions at once:

  • adaptation of the body and strengthening of the immune system;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • rejuvenating;
  • tonic;
  • antiseptic;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

Indications for the use of phytosuppositories with ASD are the following diseases:

  1. Gynecological (fibroids, thrush, herpes, colpitis of various origins).
  2. Genitourinary (benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis).
  3. Haemorrhoids.
  4. Skin diseases (dermatitis, ulcers, eczema of various origins, psoriasis).
  5. Oncological pathologies of various origins.
  6. Infectious lesions (viral, fungal diseases).
  7. Bronchial asthma.
  8. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis).
  9. Problems associated with sexual desire in men, impotence.

ASD phytosuppositories are not used during pregnancy or during feeding. It is not recommended to use the drug in patients with weak immune systems, chronic diseases kidneys and liver.

Instructions for use of phytosuppositories with ASD

Instructions for using ASD suppositories for humans depend on the specific disease being treated. However, the principle of administration is the same - suppositories are administered rectally for several hours: 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. The general course of treatment is from 21 to 30 days, depending on the disease.

*In accordance with the instructions for using ASD suppositories, after 10 days it is necessary to immediately repeat the course (the duration is the same - 10 days). During this time, take 1 suppository at night.

**If necessary, the course can be repeated again after 2-4 weeks. However, even if the disease develops, the dosage should not be increased.

Possible side effects due to individual intolerance to the components. In this case, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor for advice.

Manufacturer and cost: where to buy ASD candles

The drug is manufactured by different manufacturers:

  1. Materia Bio Profi Center LLC (Russia, Yaroslavl).
  2. LLC "Abis" (Russia, Novosibirsk region, Koltsovo).

Previously, it was believed that you could buy ASD suppositories at any pharmacy, both in Moscow and in other cities. In fact, it is most convenient to order this drug on websites - for example, on the Yandex Market service. Retail price is about 350 rubles. for 10 pcs. Thus, a course of treatment of 30 days will require 6 packs.

The easiest way is to buy the drug on the website online. It comes in jars or other packs of 10 candles.

The product is also sold in some stores - for example, Dorogov ASD-2 candles can be bought in Moscow in the Russian Roots chain.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. How to store candles?

The drug is stored in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight (temperature no higher than +25 o C). Access by children and pets is prohibited. Shelf life – 2 years from the date of issue. Used candles are thrown into general waste.

Question No. 2. Is it possible to use alcohol during the course?

Drinking alcohol and smoking should be avoided. If possible, avoid consuming any acidic foods. During the entire course of therapy, it is necessary to take a sufficiently large amount of water - up to 2-3 liters per day.

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