Where is it better to go to Morocco on vacation? When is the best time to go to Morocco for a beach holiday: reviews, photos

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And Africa, which over its thousand-year history has absorbed the best from Berber, Arab, European, Jewish and African traditions. The ancient Romans built their cities here, and the pirates who lived here in the Middle Ages kept half of Europe in fear, while the Moroccan sultans kept such harems here that other ladies' men envied them. Morocco is a popular holiday destination among tourists all over the world.

Holidays in the resorts of Morocco are a pleasure, thanks to the excellent climate, hospitable local people, delicious dishes Moroccan cuisine, clean ocean and sea beaches, as well as the stunning beauty of the snow-capped peaks of the Atlas Mountains. On the northern side, the shores of Morocco are washed by the Mediterranean Sea, on the western side by the Atlantic Ocean. There are hot and long summers, with air temperatures up to thirty-five degrees, and winters are warm and temperatures vary from fifteen to twenty degrees, but the higher you go in the mountains, the colder the winters and, accordingly, there is a lot of snow in the mountains in winter. The rainy season here falls from November to April. The water in the ocean is most often cool, from nineteen to twenty-three degrees, since the cold Canary Current does not allow it to heat up, and the waves are high. The hottest month in Morocco is August, when the air temperature reaches forty degrees. Marrakesh is considered the hottest resort in Morocco.

Capital Morocco – Rabat, in terms of the form of government, it is a constitutional monarchy under the rule of King Mohammed the Sixth, who actually has unlimited power and authority over the government. The flight from Moscow to Agadir takes six to seven hours. The tourist season in Morocco lasts all year round. , and April to November are beaches and, the rest of the time, sightseeing and relaxation in spa centers. Windsurfers take advantage of the huge waves in the ocean between November and April.

The advantages of a holiday in the resorts of Morocco undoubtedly include the attractiveness of golden sandy beaches of natural origin, developed infrastructure, cleanliness, rather of European cities than African ones. Today we will talk about the main resorts of Morocco, with brief description their advantages and disadvantages.

So, the main resorts in Morocco are Agadir, Marrakesh, Essaouira, Casablanca, Fes, Tangier, Oualidia, El Jadida.

Resorts of Morocco on the Atlantic coast.

Resort Agadir, which translated means “City of White”, is the center of a beach holiday on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, there are three hundred sunny days a year. Tourists love holidays in Agadir, because here you can not only enjoy the sun and a wonderful beach, but there are also excellent opportunities for active sports: surfing, horse riding, golf and, of course, the famous thalassotherapy centers. Almost all local hotels have their own rental centers where vacationers can rent equipment for any water sport. The city beach in Agadir is the best Moroccan beach, stretches for almost ten kilometers. The city has many restaurants, bars and nightclubs, close to the beach area. In general, if you don’t know that you are in Morocco, you might think that you are vacationing somewhere in a Mediterranean city. Even local women here do not walk around with their faces covered, as in other Muslim countries.

Casablanca- an even more democratic, completely European resort city, and it is also a business city and the economic center of Morocco. A city of avant-garde and advanced technology: here everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, and Muslim women not only walk around without a burqa, but also allow themselves to wear miniskirts and high heels. The city is a bustling, cheerful and vibrant tourist destination, striking in the breadth of its views and entertainment options. Here is the largest airport in the country with a state-of-the-art landing strip. Holidays in Casablanca are possible at any time of the year; the climate is quite suitable for this.

The beaches of Casablanca are held in high regard by surfers due to the high ocean waves. It must be said honestly that the city will not impress demanding vacationers and guests with children with a meager beach, but it will provide comfort, numerous exciting excursion programs and various cultural entertainments. There are many museums, mosques, and European boutiques in Casablanca. The disadvantage of a city holiday is that the prices are very high compared to other resorts in the kingdom.

Marrakesh- a holiday resort city where the majority of Moroccan guests come. Marrakesh amazes with a huge number of architectural attractions and large oriental bazaars. It seemed frozen in the Middle Ages: fire swallowers, predictors of the future, snake charmers, acrobats, women with covered faces, and also the enchanting aromas of tea, spices, noise and din. All the motifs of the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights” are intertwined and concentrated in this mysterious, exotic and African-hot Moroccan city. Only here you can feel the essence of this mysterious country. This is probably why Marrakesh has attracted Europeans so much with its uniqueness for many centuries. The ancient city will appeal to connoisseurs of picturesque mountain landscapes, because it is located against the backdrop of the enchanting Atlas Mountains; it will also appeal to lovers of a measured way of life. There are squat two-story houses, amazing national cuisine and excellent folk art workshops. It must be said that this is not such a democratic place as the ones listed above, therefore, in order not to attract undue attention to ourselves, we advise women not to expose themselves too much. Also, be careful, there are a lot of street thieves who reap a rich harvest when tourists walk open-mouthed through the noisy crowd of Marrakesh bazaars.

Essaouira or Essaouira- a small but very picturesque medieval town, very popular among kitesurfing and windsurfing enthusiasts. There are schools in the city where you will be taught these sports. Every year international competitions among masters are held here. Surfers say that this is the best wave on the entire coast. At surf clubs you can rent equipment and suits, and experienced instructors offer their services for beginners. There are excellent sandy beaches around the city. The city itself is very beautiful: it is almost completely surrounded by huge battlements, there are many ancient buildings, most often white with blue shutters, and many cozy cafes and shops. Climbing to the Skala fort you can admire wonderful views of the port and rocks. In the Old City there is a very beautiful mosque, there is a perfectly preserved real slave market. Those tourists who love nature will be able to visit unique argan groves, you can buy a ticket to the center for the production of argan oil, which is added to many Moroccan cosmetics.

Resorts of Morocco on the Mediterranean coast.

Saidia Resort, is located in the northeast of Morocco, despite the fact that pristine nature has been preserved here on amazing beaches, you will not feel cut off from civilization, since all the benefits have been created here for guests. The entertainment area is well developed, there are excellent golf courses, various club facilities, a lot of sports complexes, large swimming pools, restaurants for every taste and famous oriental cafes. Saidia enjoys a warm and dry Mediterranean climate, and a well-developed transport infrastructure connects the city with all major cities in the world. In general, people go to Saidia to admire the unique nature around the Muluya River, there is a great variety of birds, tourists love to visit the grotto in the valley of the Zegzel oasis, and of course enjoy the clear and warm sea, lie on the beaches with fine golden sand. The quiet beach of Ras El Ma is chosen by connoisseurs of water sports for their needs.

Tangier- a resort known for its mild climate, similar to that of the French Riviera. The local beach area stretches for almost fifty kilometers. The main highlight of Tangier is that it is washed by both the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the waters of the Mediterranean Sea at the same time. Frankly speaking, in the city limits of Tangier, the beaches are not entirely clean, and local children are constantly scurrying around here begging, and sometimes stealing what is in bad shape. Therefore, if you want to sunbathe and swim in comfort, it is better to go west of Tangier, where wide sandy beaches stretch at the foot of the hills. The color of the sand here is grayish, shimmering with a golden sheen, and the waters of the Atlantic Ocean are very clean. Tangier has cricket and golf grounds, yacht piers, a large water park and tennis courts.

A mysterious and alluring country, covered in myths and legends. Who hasn’t dreamed, at least once, of visiting this magical place on earth. Morocco is located in North Africa. In the west it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The capital city of Rabat is rightfully considered the decoration of the entire country.


The official language is Arabic and Berber. In many hotels and shops, the staff speaks English, French, and Spanish tolerably.


Official money Moroccan dirham, symbol MAD. 1 dollar is approximately equal to 8 – 8.3 MAD, 1 euro is approximately equal to 11 MAD. It is better to exchange at banks or official exchange points; exchange on the street is prohibited here.

Payments within the country are made only in national currency.


The climate in Morocco, frankly, is not unambiguous, and differs from region to region. So in the north the climate is Mediterranean, in the central part it is continental. In coastal areas the climate is mild; inland, summers are much hotter. The average air temperature in summer is +24 – +28 degrees Celsius. But if the wind blows from the Sahara, then maybe everything +38 – +40 . Winters are not cold +10 – +12 degrees. It often rains at this time of year. For those who can't stand it well high temperatures, it is recommended to visit Morocco in winter.

Nature of Morocco

The nature of this country is rich and varied. The fauna is represented by dense forests, steppes, oases and alpine meadows. Only here grows argan, a thorny tree that does not exist anywhere else in the world. Among the animals, lynxes, jackals, macaques, and wild boars predominate. Lots of snakes.

Most popular resorts

The most popular resorts known throughout the world are Casablanca, Marrakech, the capital Rabat, Agadir. Be sure to visit.

Casablanca is the economic center of the country. There is a lot of modern architecture here, but at the same time the spirit of old times and originality is preserved. There is an old part of the city, in which the ancient appearance is completely preserved. Casablanca has extensive beaches. In many ways it looks like a European city.

Marrakech is an ancient city, rightfully considered the ancient capital of Morocco. Attracts tourists from all countries.

The ancient city of Medina amazes the hearts of tourists; it is impossible to see all the sights in one trip. Its main square is included in the UNESCO list.

Rabat, the capital of Morocco, is a paradise for tourists. Here you can take a walk, enjoy antiquities, and do some profitable shopping.

You should definitely visit the Kasbah Udaya fortress, the Royal Palace, and the Mausoleum of Muhammad V.

Agadir is great for a beach holiday. It attracts with its mild climate, thalassotherapy, and sea activities. It is secretly considered the capital of recreation and entertainment.

Sights of Morocco

Everyone goes to Morocco to enjoy that unique oriental atmosphere. Walk through the labyrinths of ancient Medina, look at snake charmers, look at the Atlas Mountains and a hundred-meter waterfall with your own eyes. Try real hummus and falafel. And, of course, test your strength in a variety of water activities.


There are hotels in Morocco to suit different tastes and budgets. Despite the classification of hotels, reality may often not correspond to the declared level. There are many private hotels. 4 and 5 star hotels are located on the coast, 2 - 3 star hotels are located at some distance from the sea.


The cost of tours to Morocco may fluctuate and depend on the season. In winter, tours are slightly cheaper than in summer. If you want to live in an expensive hotel with all the amenities, eat well and go on many excursions, then on average you will need 45 – 60 dollars per person. If you choose 2 or 3 star hotels, then it will be enough 25 – 35 dollars per day per person. A six-day stay at the Tigmiza Suites & Pavillons 5* hotel will cost $1,411. Under the same conditions, you can relax at the Pullman Marrakech Palmeraie Resort and Spa for $597 if you come during the discount season. A plane ticket to Marrakesh costs 18,589 rubles.

You can also pay with international payment cards.

Prices for tours and flights are constantly changing, It is better to find out directly from the selected tour operator.

You will never regret choosing a holiday in this wonderful country. The golden beaches of Agadir, the unique spirit of the ancient Medina, and the oriental traditions of the country will forever win your heart.


Rabat is translated from Arabic as “fortified military settlement”, “camp”. In the eighth century, hordes of Arabs came to the territory of present-day Morocco from the Arabian Peninsula, having previously conquered many other lands in North Africa (Egypt, Libya). The conquerors, moving west, encountered an insurmountable obstacle on their way - the huge “Dark Sea” (as they called the Atlantic Ocean). Some of the Arabs crossed...

A trip to Morocco is like traveling to a magical Arabian fairy tale, where there are waterfalls, eternal snow on the mountain tops and tangerine trees. The famous city, the beaches, the bustling markets of Marrakech, the majestic mosques of Rabat, the endless expanses of the Sahara Desert - all this is Morocco.


The Kingdom of Morocco is located in North Africa, bordering Algeria to the east. The northern shores of the country are washed by the Mediterranean Sea, the western shores by the Atlantic Ocean. Morocco is separated from Europe by the Strait of Gibraltar.

To enter Morocco for a period of up to 90 days, you do not need a visa in advance. The requirements for a foreign passport are also not strict: it must be valid at the time of departure. At the border, an entry stamp is affixed to the passport. You will also need to fill out a migration card, so don’t forget to take a pen with you.

Tours to Morocco

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow are given.


You can travel to Morocco all year round - the beach season here lasts without interruption. On the Mediterranean coast the water is warmer, but there are no large resorts there. The ocean water washing the shores and warms up to +21°C in summer.

The best time to travel to Morocco is spring and early autumn. You can relax on the beaches of Morocco, for example, in the summer - the ocean breeze makes it easy to endure hot weather.

During the day At night Sea Season
January +16…+20 +8…+9 +15
February +17…+20 +9…+10 +16
March +17…+22 +10…+11 +17
April +18…+21 +11…+12 +18
May +20…+22 +13…+15 +19 Beach
June +22…+25 +16…+17 +21 Beach
July +25…+28 +18…+20 +23 Beach
August +25…+29 +18…+20 +24 Beach
September +25…+27 +18…+19 +22 Beach
October +22…+24 +15…+16 +21 Beach
November +20…+23 +11…+12 +19
December +17…+20 +9…+10 +17


As in many Arab countries, the currency of Morocco is the dirham (MAD in the international classification). There are 100 centimes in one Moroccan dirham. For 5 Russian rubles they give 1 dirham. It is most convenient to take dollars or euros with you. The rate at the country's exchange offices is approximately the same everywhere.

Round-trip flights to Morocco

Prices for tickets per person departing from Berlin are shown.


Hotels can accommodate both groups of students and married couples. There are even special “youth” hotels in Morocco, where only young people go. Almost all of them are equipped with swimming pools and offer guests the services of masters from local massage salons and beauty studios.


For those who love relaxation on the sand, it is best to go to a resort with long beaches, beautiful weather and a full range of sea activities.

And for those who like to spend time exploring local attractions, they offer interesting excursion programs to ancient Arab cities. From Agadir or Casablanca you can go to Rabat with a huge number of museums of antiquities, beautiful Marrakech or Fes with colorful oriental bazaars. For even more exotic experiences, you can take a closer look at the culture of the Berber tribes. will appeal to those who love walks along the embankment, as well as the authenticity of eastern cities at the same time as the comfort of modern hotels. For sports lovers, we can recommend the windy shores of Essaouira.


The two most visited sites in Casablanca are Mahakm do Pacha and the Hassan II Mosque. Mahacma do Pacha is a huge snow-white building that used to be the residence of the ruler of Casablanca. Many luxurious halls, courtyards and galleries are decorated with elaborate carvings and mosaics. The Hassan II Mosque is a grandiose structure, second in beauty and majesty in size only to the mosque in Mecca.

People go to Marrakech to get to Jemaa al-Fna Square with many magicians and snake charmers, fortune tellers and merchants of all stripes. After shopping, you can visit the Menara Garden at the foot of the Atlas Mountains.


Couscous and lamb dishes are highly respected in Morocco. The menu has a lot of vegetables and spices that give the dishes a unique taste and aroma. On major holidays, a pie with pigeon meat and almonds is served. Tea drinking in Morocco is a real ritual. It is brewed with mint in a special way, poured into a glass from a teapot from a height to achieve foam. It is customary to serve tea pine nuts and dates.


It is convenient to travel around resort towns either on foot or by taxi. Be prepared for the fact that other passengers may get into the taxi along the way. The average price of a taxi ride in Morocco is from 10 to 50 dirhams (usually no more than 10 dirhams per kilometer). High-speed trains run between cities. You can get to the sitting area from the capital, Fez, Marrakech. Intercity buses operate more frequently and are cheaper, but due to their popularity, tickets are more difficult to buy.

What to bring

Embroidered leather shoes (babouches, mules), painted pottery, teapots, lamps, and bedspreads are brought as souvenirs from Morocco. People often buy sets of spices and tea as gifts.

Good to know

  • Time in Morocco is two hours behind Moscow in summer and 3 hours behind in winter. During Ramadan (floating date, in 2017 - May 26 - June 25), winter time is in effect.
  • The plane flies from Moscow to Casablanca for about 6 hours.
  • Sockets in Morocco are no different from Russian ones; an adapter is not needed.
  • Many shops in resort towns have a long break from 13:00 to 17:00. They close after midnight.
  • There are a lot of pickpockets in Morocco, watch your belongings.
  • To enter the water, you should take special shoes - sea urchins may be found near the shore.


The best resorts in Morocco on the Mediterranean Sea are Tangier, Saidia. Photos, reviews about vacation

The shores of Morocco are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The coastline of the sea is much smaller than the one that washes the ocean. To be precise, only 450 kilometers of coastline is the Mediterranean Sea. Such a short length does not frighten tourists, and they choose the resorts of Morocco on the Mediterranean Sea to spend their holidays here. Almost 80% of all tourists in Morocco vacation on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and there are explanations for this. Firstly, the climate here is milder. At any time, the berries here are better than in other parts of the country. Secondly, the seaside resorts are closer to Europe, and the hotels there are better. And thirdly, the sea is warmer than the ocean, and there are no waves on it. Whereas the Atlantic Ocean is constantly seething and the waves are often over a meter in height. We have collected information about the best resorts that are worth visiting. See prices, photos and videos, find out reviews from tourists and relax properly.

Since the Mediterranean coast in Morocco is not large, there are not many resorts on it. And these are not small towns, but large cities, with hundreds of thousands of residents, developed infrastructure, excellent roads and shopping areas.
One of these resorts is Tangier, which is also largest port countries.

The beach season here begins in May. At the end of spring, sunny weather sets in here, the air temperature during the day reaches +24 degrees. The nights are cool and the sea is not warm, but there are many tourists on the beach, and they are all waiting for the sea to become warmer. And it will happen in just a few weeks. Already in June, daytime temperatures are above +30, and the sea warms up to +20 degrees. There are more than 13.5 hours of daylight, and there is almost no rain.
July and August are really hot. These two months are the most visited at the resort. The temperature is breaking records, rising to +35, the sea is already warm +23, and there is no rain at all. Just like there are no clouds in the sky, especially in July, when the sky is clear 28 days a month.
The beach season will last in both September and October. Since the temperature will not drop below +25 degrees, and the sea will not cool below +23. True, the daylight hours will decrease, and it will start to rain from time to time.

As already said, this is not only a resort, but also a port. Thousands of tankers, steamships and boats sail here every day. They bring food, clothing, goods and tourists. The city has beautiful hotels that are located on the seashore. and in the city center. If you plan to visit the beach often. Then you'd better rent a hotel room on the beach. If you came to the city not for the beach and sea, then it is cheaper to find a hotel in the city center.

The city has attractions, like throughout the country. there are also palaces here. Mosques, but still Tangier is a city that is more like a European one, where everything is tied to the economy and life goes on in a hurry. The city of Tangier is located at the junction of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. By visiting this place, you will be able to see with your own eyes how the waters meet and you will remember this spectacle forever.

Morocco's second resort on the Mediterranean Sea is Saidia. It is much more comfortable than the port city. There is no such noise, there is no rush and the city is completely made for tourists. Even the locals relax here and enjoy life.

The resort's beach is amazing, its length is more than 14 kilometers! And this is just pure sand that crunches under your feet. Hotels in Saidia operate on an all-inclusive system, so there are many Russian tourists who really like this system. To attract tourists in early spring and late autumn, hotels have heated swimming pools. They are filled with sea water and most tourists prefer to relax by the pools.
The resort also has its own famous places and attractions. For example, the Muluya Nature Reserve, where more than hundreds of species of different birds gather, nest and live. There is no place like this anywhere else in the world!

If you are not afraid of heights and love mountains, then visit the Benny Snassen Massif and climb to a height of 1535 meters above sea level. from such a height you will see beauties that will make you go crazy in a good way this word.
And the Camel Grotto will appeal to everyone who loves caves. This place is special and a little scary. But believe me, everything is beautiful here and you can enjoy every minute in the grotto.

There are other resorts in Morocco on the Mediterranean Sea. But they are not so popular, and mostly locals relax there. So if you come here, then choose between the large and noisy Tangier or between the cozy and beautiful Saidiim. The choice is yours.

Where is the best place to holiday in Morocco and how much does it cost? Prices in 2019 for tours, hotels, food, entertainment. Beach holiday. Reviews and advice from experienced tourists.

Reviews from tourists about holidays in Morocco

According to reviews from tourists, holidays in Morocco are interesting, although not always safe, especially for women traveling without men. The most popular resorts in the country are Agadir, Essaouira and Casablanca. Vacationers go on excursions, surf, play golf and tennis, sunbathe and swim on the beach.

Best beach holiday Morocco in 2019 - in the “white” city of Agadir and bohemian Essaouira. There is everything for a relaxing beach holiday: hotels, restaurants, shops and entertainment venues. Essaouira is an ancient city and cultural center of the country with narrow streets, a colorful oriental market and many shops. Festivals and international exhibitions are often held here, and the entire creative elite of Morocco and some European countries flock to vacation.

Street tables in Essaouira (Photo © unsplash.com / @louishansel)

Casablanca has well-maintained white sand beaches and ancient architectural structures, the most famous of which is the Hassan II Mosque. There is very little greenery in the city, which is not surprising, given the geographical location of the country.

Marrakech is a major city and the former capital of Morocco. Vacationers come here on excursions; there is no sea or beaches here. The main attractions are the 12th century Koutoubia Mosque with its luxurious garden and the famous Djema el-Fna Square. Every evening, performances begin on the square with the participation of magicians, snake charmers and nimble merchants. The square is always crowded, and it is easy for a tourist to become a victim of pickpockets.

Market in Marrakech (Photo © unsplash.com / @max_libertine)

According to reviews from tourists, the disadvantages of holidays in Morocco are the cool water in the ocean and hotels that do not meet the star rating criteria. Even in July and August, with a heat of +40°C, the water can be invigorating, and the coast of the warmer Mediterranean Sea in Morocco is often steep.

Another drawback is that there are problems with communication. Local population in English practically does not know whether he needs to speak French or Arabic. Even small children speak good French here. Before the trip, we advise you to learn basic words in Arabic and French (at least numerals - this helped us a lot), especially in Arabic - the locals are very happy when you say hello, goodbye or say “thank you” in their language (“shukran” - “thank you” in - Arabic). It also doesn't hurt to have a phrase book.

Women often complain that they are harassed by locals and are not recommended to go on holiday to Morocco unaccompanied.

In our opinion, the population of northern Morocco differs from the south: the north is more developed, they are accustomed to tourists there and are not treated as warmly as in small towns and villages in the south of the country.

(Photo © Ahron de Leeuw / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY 2.0)

Beach holidays in Morocco

The beaches in Morocco are sandy and wide, they are cleaned daily. The main resorts are located on the Atlantic coast; the Mediterranean coast is less popular due to its high shores, although the water there is warmer. Most beaches are municipal.

It is believed that the best beach holiday in Morocco is Agadir- There are excellent white sand beaches. They are very clean and regularly patrolled by the police. In Agadir, the water is shallow - up to 30 meters from the shore, which is convenient when relaxing with children. Not far from the resort in a suburban village there is another beach Taghazud- There are no hotels there, but umbrellas and sunbeds are available.

In the southwest of Morocco stretches the country's most famous beach, surrounded by brick-colored cliffs. You can get there either independently or as part of excursion groups. The place is very picturesque, the beach is almost deserted. The best time to visit is at sunset and in cloudy weather, when the fog falls and the waves rise. It is also interesting there during low tide - coral reefs are exposed. Legzira is popular among surfers because of its strong waves, but swimming here is not always comfortable. We recommend visiting this place while the hotels on the shore are not completed and there are few tourists.

Surfers also love Essaouira- the wind often blows here and a high wave rises. The bottom is flat, the water is shallow, and the tides are strong. In Casablanca, the beaches are mostly artificial, the ocean is often rough, which is why most hotels have swimming pools.

A good beach holiday in Morocco in 2019 can be found in Asile- another cultural center of Morocco. Various music festivals are held here. The beach is long and wide, with golden sand. The bottom is also flat, but the ocean is cool.

(Photo © Singa Hitam / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY 2.0)

Cultural and excursion holidays in Morocco

Excursion holidays in Morocco are well developed - almost every hotel has a counter with offers. There are few boat trips, and tourists are most often transported by bus. The most popular are trips to waterfalls, a two-day tour to the Sahara Desert and sightseeing tours in the cities of Marrakech, Casablanca, Essaouira. Interesting sightseeing tours cost about 2 thousand rubles and last several hours; one-day excursions cost 3-4 thousand rubles.

Reviews about excursions in Morocco are different. Some tourists were disappointed by their trip to the Sahara: the desert here is just beginning, and there are no high dunes with viscous sand. However, the lack of thrills is compensated for by camel rides and a hot dinner with an overnight stay in real Berber dwellings.

The Great Mosque of Hassan II in Casablanca is the largest mosque in Morocco and one of the largest in the world (Photo © unsplash.com / @fabiosbruun)

Holidays with children in Morocco: is it worth going?

The hotel issue in Morocco stands apart - the all-inclusive system, beloved by our compatriots, is not widespread in the country, and here it is difficult to find a hotel with children's animation and special meals. Instead of animation - beaches and water parks, a fabulous town in Casablanca and the Agadir Zoo. It is advisable to find a hotel with a children's pool, because the water in the ocean is often cold, and the waves often rise.

Nutrition is generally a sore subject for parents. Holidays with children in Morocco are complicated by the fact that local chefs add spices to dishes, and children refuse to eat because they feel the unusual taste. In Marrakesh, Casablanca, Agadir there are special cafes for children, but there are not many of them, so parents are better off relying on the integrity of the cooks and asking them not to use seasonings or ordering for the child vegetable stew, chicken and other harmless dishes without claims of exoticism.

As for excursions, the mountainous landscape will make them very tiring. Trips along serpentine roads, hills and hills, steps - all this is not for small children. Parents will have to carry them in their arms (in a kangaroo) or completely refuse to travel around the country.

Taghazout beach in Agadir (Photo © unsplash.com / @louishansel)

Reviews of prices in Morocco in 2019

In general, hotel prices in Morocco in the summer of 2019 are reasonable. Let's look at hotels in Agadir - this is where the bulk of tourists stay. The cost of living in a 5* hotel near the beach in Agadir will cost from $66 per night for two, in a 4* hotel - from $62, in a three-star hotel - from $20. Hotels some distance from the beach are cheaper. We recommend searching and booking hotels on Roomguru - you can find the most offers there, and the search engine also finds the best prices.

Do you prefer to live in private apartments and houses when traveling? It’s better to look for them on the popular rental service from Airbnb owners - there you can find very cozy accommodation at any price (for example, even rent an entire riad)!

If you don’t book full board at the hotel, you can have lunch or dinner in a cafe. Prices range from $9 to $15 per lunch (at eateries for locals the prices are much lower). Visiting a nightclub is expensive: admission is at least $45 plus payment for drinks. You can buy fresh fruits, vegetables and fish cheaply at the market.

The most affordable entertainment available is camel riding, quad biking and trips to the desert - about $8-10, playing golf or tennis - about $18 per hour. You can inexpensively take a course of wellness treatments at the spa: a two-hour session will cost $15.

Authentic Riad Be Marrakech in Marrakech (Photo © booking.com / Riad Be Marrakech)

Prices for tours to Morocco in 2019

All tours are usually offered to Agadir - this is where most resort hotels are concentrated and the tourist infrastructure is developed. An all-inclusive holiday in Morocco in the summer of 2019 costs from 170 thousand rubles for two (flight from Moscow, 5* hotel, 7 nights). Accommodation in a 4* all-inclusive hotel costs from 100 thousand for two. There are no “three rubles” with all inclusive, but you can purchase tours with full board from 90 thousand rubles.

Prices for tours to Morocco without meals are much lower - a vacation costs from 80 thousand rubles. We recommend looking for cheap tours on the services and - they compare offers from 120 tour operators and are able to find the best option. You can buy a ticket online, which is very convenient.

(Photo © travelata.ru / Royal Atlas 5*)

When is the best time to go on holiday to Morocco?

The holiday season in Morocco lasts from late May to October. In June there are a lot of locals on the beaches, and the warmest time for swimming is July-September. During the day +32°C and above, water +24°C. Holidays by the sea in Morocco in August and September are comfortable - it was during these months that we traveled around the country.

It is better to reschedule excursions to October-November or March-April, when the air temperature is +23°C and the ocean is cool for swimming.

Winter in Morocco is wet and windy, often raining and foggy. Ski resorts operate in January and February. Oukaimeden and Ifrane are the most Beautiful places for skiing, but the infrastructure is not yet too developed to recommend them.

Ifrane is located at an altitude of 1665 m above sea level. In winter the temperature stays at 0°C, from January to March snow falls (Photo © unsplash.com / @bilalkamal16)
  1. Morocco is a Muslim country, so clothing should be as decent and covered as possible. By the way, shorts can also cause disapproval from others, so the rule is common for men and women.
  2. You shouldn’t buy something you like right away on the market. It is customary here to bargain, and the stated price can be safely divided by 3. If there are no purchases in your plans, then you should not enter into an argument with the merchants, they can become seriously angry and even insult you.
  3. Before buying food at the market or ordering food in a cafe, as well as before getting into a taxi, always check (or better yet, write) the price so that they don’t ask you for another amount later.
  4. You should not ask a passerby to show the way; it is better to contact a policeman or a store owner with this request. The people here are enterprising, they can volunteer to conduct, and then persistently demand a reward for this.

Taghazout is a quiet resort in Morocco. According to tourists, it is quiet and peaceful here at night (Photo © unsplash.com / @louishansel)
  1. Special caution is required on the road. Rules traffic in Morocco, they are poorly observed, and during Ramadan, carriers are completely on the verge of a nervous breakdown - they are all, for the most part, heavy smokers, and smoking is prohibited on the holiday.
  2. Absolutely all tourists note in their reviews that when on vacation in Morocco, you definitely need to buy local oranges or freshly squeezed juice. You can’t taste such delicious and aromatic citrus fruits as in Morocco anywhere else!
  3. Read our review about how we went - the note contains information on how to get to Casablanca, how much hotels and food cost, a suggested route around the country and much more.
  4. We strongly recommend that you pack before your trip.

It’s not worth going to Morocco in 2019 just for a beach holiday; for this there are places that are more comfortable in all respects (for example,). But definitely try the local cuisine, see amazing sunsets and historical sights. For all its shortcomings, Morocco is an interesting and worthy country.

(Photo © J. Duval / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Introductory image source: © Flávio Eiró / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

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