Potassium permanganate solution for treating wounds after surgery. How to dilute potassium permanganate to the correct consistency

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Dark crystals of potassium permanganate in gardening are one of the effective means for preventive disinfection and treatment and disinfection Despite the fact that it was included in the list of drugs subject to strict subject-quantitative registration, today it is recommended by many gardeners as an effective and reliable antiseptic. Next, we will tell you how to treat soil and seeds with potassium permanganate before planting, and also analyze methods of treating plants and preventive measures.

Pre-sowing soaking of seeds (bulbs, tubers)

Often this method is used by all gardeners and flower growers when sowing homemade grains. The technology is very simple and accessible to everyone: regardless of size and shape, all seed must be soaked for a day in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The liquid is prepared at the rate of 2 g per bucket of water. If planting is planned right now, and there is no time for long-term preparation, it is recommended to use 1 liter of water for the same dosage of the drug. At this concentration, the seeds are soaked for about half an hour.

Important!To prevent healthy tubers from becoming infected with fungal infections during germination, they are cut with a disinfected instrument, and then each cut is treated with a highly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. This method is especially often used for tubers and bulbs.

For special occasions, when it comes to unsuitable soils and plants that are very sensitive to pathogens, experts advise using a mixture of different microelements:

  • boric acid (0.1 g);
  • potassium permanganate (0.5 g);
  • ammonium molybdic acid (1 g);
  • copper sulfate (0.4 g);
  • methylene blue (0.3 g);
  • zinc sulfate (0.2 g);
  • 1 liter of water.

In the process of pre-sowing treatment of bulbs and tubers, the main thing is to ensure that the material is completely covered with liquid. After processing, it must be dried.

Soil disinfection

In cases where unwanted microorganisms and fungal mycelia have appeared in the garden or in the flower garden, potassium permanganate will save the situation. To disinfect the site, it is enough to dissolve 5 g of the drug in a 10-liter container with hot water. By the way, many vegetable growers use this method when preparing land for seedlings - in boxes, and

The area planned for sowing is watered before the solution cools. On average, its temperature should be between 60-65°C. Plants can be planted after it dries out a little.

Processing of planting containers

In floriculture, potassium permanganate is widely used not only for plants, but also for disinfection of pots. For this purpose, before each reuse, the planting containers are washed with a highly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. Moreover, in this case there is no need to calculate the exact proportion: just dilute the crystals to get a burgundy-colored liquid.

Plastic flower pots and seedling boxes can be easily washed, but it is advisable to soak wooden containers for several hours. The product is also recommended for spraying disposable peat containers and

Such treatment is mandatory when transplanting diseased flowers, as well as when rooting new seedlings.

Important! Potassium permanganate, when combined with glycerin, tannins and most other organic substances, can explode even at room temperature. Rubbing dry crystals with aluminum, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium is especially dangerous.

It would not be superfluous to disinfect all equipment, work shoes and gloves at the end of the planting and harvesting seasons. Secateurs, hacksaws and scissors must be disinfected in this way before each pruning. Some owners share their positive experience of washing the frames of greenhouses, hotbeds, and storage shelves with potassium permanganate.

Plant nutrition

There are many recipes for the use of potassium permanganate in gardening; the drug can be especially often found in the composition integrated home production. Often this ingredient is used singly in an aqueous solution.

When feeding, you must strictly follow the norm, otherwise the crop can be burned. Experts recommend the optimal ratio is 3 g of the drug and 10 liters of water. According to them, those poured with such a liquid get sick less often and become more resistant to adverse environmental factors.

The substance can be added foliar way. But in this case, the foliage will need a more gentle concentration. Add 2 g of the drug to a bucket of water and stir thoroughly until the color is uniform.

Did you know? You can remove a tattoo at home using potassium permanganate. But this method is radical, since the result will be obtained by chemically burning the dye from the skin. After such executions, tissues are unlikely to survive. You are definitely guaranteed to get a big and unpleasant scar, so it is better to weigh everything before making a decision.

Disease Prevention

For those vegetable growers who do not want to stuff their garden beds with toxic agricultural chemicals, potassium permanganate is simply irreplaceable. But There is no point in abusing the substance. In similar preventive measures Plants that live in acidic soils especially need it. Substrates with alkaline and neutral acidity are less favorable for the development of bacteria and fungi. Young stems are often watered with potassium permanganate. These measures minimize the chances of infection with mucous bacteriosis and

Agronomists advise not only watering, but also soaking the root system of seedlings. In both cases, the same solution is prepared: 1 g of potassium permanganate is added to a bucket of water. For the purpose of prevention, 3 waterings at monthly intervals are desirable.

Disease control

When plants are affected by various plants, instructions for using potassium permanganate depend on the type of pathogen. Let's take a closer look at what and how to treat.

Did you know? Potassium permanganate concentrate is widely used as a stain in the woodworking industry.

At the first signs and immediately prepare a solution of 1 g of potassium permanganate, a glass of garlic arrows minced through a meat grinder and 10 liters of water. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and pour the liquid over the diseased plants. Also generously spray the stems with it, including healthy ones. Please note that similar folk remedies are effective only at the first stages of the disease (up to 3 days), and as it progresses, strong

Powdery mildew

A weak solution of 1 bucket of water and 1.5 g of the drug will help save melons from this scourge. As in the previous case, the crops will need to be watered and sprinkled. But for

Potassium permanganate has been present in every medicine cabinet, in every home since ancient times. It is used in the treatment of wounds, for gargling, when bathing young children, and so on. But the question is why it is so difficult to get it, because it is not sold everywhere and strictly by prescription. Is it really that dangerous to health? How to dilute potassium permanganate without harming yourself? You will find the answer to these and other questions in our article.

Potassium permanganate for bathing

All young mothers know that bathing babies, especially newborns, is only with a solution of potassium permanganate. But inexperienced parents always wonder how to breed potassium permanganate for bathing so as not to harm the baby.

What do pediatricians recommend? First, boil the kettle. Take a transparent glass and (without touching the grains) pour in a few crystals. You should only pour boiling water over it so that the grains dissolve better in the water. Once you have stirred, look into the light into the glass and make sure there is no sediment at the bottom, which can cause a burn to the baby’s skin. Look, there should be a purple solution in the glass, a little transparent. If you have done everything, then you can pour the solution into the bath for bathing. As a result, the water in the bath turns out to be a pale pink hue.

How to breed potassium permanganate for wound treatment?

Potassium permanganate is good helper in disinfection and wound healing. The solution is used for treatment. But few people know how to dilute potassium permanganate to treat a wound correctly. Now let's move on to this difficult issue. We note all the pros and cons of treating wounds with a solution.

If you need to treat a wound or burn, and possibly surgery, then you should do this with a pale pink solution; carefully monitor the complete dissolution of the grains, so as not to harm yourself even more. If the grains do not dissolve completely, then strain several times through two or three layers of gauze or bandage. Note that a few grains are quite enough for a glass of water. You can also gargle with it when you are sick.


As is known, the best remedy in case of poisoning, gastric lavage is performed. Very often they use a saline solution, completely forgetting about the benefits of potassium permanganate in this matter.

As in the previous paragraphs, we will look at how to dilute potassium permanganate for gastric lavage in case of poisoning. As with the solution for washing wounds, the water for washing the stomach should be pink and there should be no undissolved crystals. Now we know how to dilute potassium permanganate, let’s look at one more question

Many people believe that immediately after drinking it is necessary to induce vomiting. This is wrong! Potassium permanganate must fulfill its function in the stomach. As for dilution, my grandmother’s method by eye (three to four grains per liter of water) is still quite effective.

Potassium permanganate and gardening

Potassium permanganate for plants is not only a good disinfectant, but also a microfertilizer. Every home must have either ready-made strong or dry grains. How to dilute potassium permanganate to treat a plant?

It is very convenient to use a transparent jar and a toothpick to prepare the solution. Pour the required amount of water into the jar, wet the tip of a toothpick and grab a few crystals. The solution should turn out slightly pinkish. Only after complete dissolution can the liquid be used for pouring or spraying.

Use of KMnO4 solution for gynecological purposes

If you had unprotected sexual intercourse with a new partner, then the first aid for disinfection will be the same potassium permanganate. How to dilute potassium permanganate for treating the genitals and douching? Still the same, the solution should be pale pink, the grains should not get on the skin and mucous membranes in order to avoid chemical burns.

After you have done everything necessary, be sure to visit a doctor to make sure that you do not have any infection or illness. Despite the fact that potassium permanganate helps in the fight against many microbes and infections, it is not a 100% guarantee. Use contraception, then no problems will arise.

Potassium permanganate, potassium salt of permanganate acid or in common parlance - potassium permanganate - is a potent oxidizing agent and is a violet (almost black) crystals with a metallic tint, which, when dissolved in water, form an antiseptic solution varying degrees color intensity (depending on the amount of substance from faded pink to deep crimson).

It is the oxidizing ability of potassium permanganate that provides the antiseptic and antimicrobial qualities of this salt. The disinfecting effect of potassium permanganate is due to the ability of the powder to oxidize various organic compounds, during which oxygen is released. During the Great Patriotic War Potassium permanganate crystals were always present in the paramedic bags of doctors, nurses and orderlies. A solution of potassium permanganate was widely used for treating wounds and treating all kinds of injuries in hospitals.

Therapeutic properties of an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • disinfectant;
  • antitoxic;
  • emetic.

How is potassium permanganate useful for humans?

The range of application of the composition is quite wide, even despite the availability of newfangled drugs of synthetic origin. In various concentrations (depending on medical recommendations) solution of potassium permanganate is used in the following cases:

  1. Washing wounds.
  2. Skin burns.
  3. Rinsing oral cavity, throat at infectious diseases mucous membrane and inflammatory phenomena, including with sore throat.
  4. Treatment of burn surfaces of wounds.
  5. Lubricating ulcerative surfaces and infected wounds.
  6. Douching for gynecological and urological diseases, in particular for colpitis and urethritis.
  7. Gastric lavage for various poisonings caused by the ingestion of alkaloids (nicotine, morphine, etc.), phosphorus, quinine and other substances toxic to humans.
  8. Disinfection of the gastrointestinal tract during diarrhea.
  9. Rinsing the mucous membranes of the eyes if they are damaged by insects with poisonous properties.
  10. Washing the skin if it comes into contact with a toxic substance - aniline.
  11. Rinsing the bite site and lotion when attacked by poisonous snakes, tarantula, scorpion, karakurt.

Dilution of potassium permanganate for various purposes: dosage and method of application

To obtain a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, 1 gram of crystals is dissolved in 99 ml of clean, slightly warmed (optimal temperature 35-40°C) water. Do not use objects to prepare the solution kitchen utensils made of metals, plastics, etc. Remember that potassium permanganate is a salt, a chemical compound that reacts quite actively to contact with various elements. In addition, reddish traces of potassium permanganate are difficult to remove from various surfaces, for example, from the walls of an enameled ladle or bowl. It is best to use a glass container of the required volume to prepare the solution, for example, a juice bottle or a jar.

Aqueous solution of potassium permanganate 0.02-0.1% (red color, high degree of transparency) drink when poisoned(from 0.5 liters of liquid), after which vomiting is induced to empty the stomach of contents and detoxify it. Liquid of the same concentration is used in urological and gynecological practice in the form of douching.

A faint pink solution of potassium permanganate (0.01-0.1%) is used for rinsing the mouth and throat when. When diarrhea Take the same solution, 1 glass of the composition in the morning and evening. After two doses, diarrhea should stop.

A solution with a percentage of potassium permanganate 0.1-0.5% (red wine color) is used for external treatment and disinfection of wounds.

A deep red solution (2-5%) is prepared for external treatment of the skin in the treatment of long-term non-healing ulcers and burns. The affected areas are carefully lubricated with the composition. The same concentration of solution is prepared for cold lotions for fresh burns.

A strong solution of potassium permanganate - 10% is used for detoxification and treatment of wounds received when bitten by a poisonous snake.

What are the benefits of potassium permanganate for plants?

In addition to its use for medicinal purposes, potassium permanganate, due to its disinfecting effect, is actively used by summer residents in the garden.

Disinfection of seeds with potassium permanganate

Most often, planting material (seeds and bulbs) of most flower and vegetable crops is disinfected in a weak pale pink solution (0.5%), soaking them, depending on the recommendations of agronomists, for a period of 20 minutes to several hours. In addition to disinfection, this procedure helps accelerate seed germination, increasing the germination rate of plantings, provides the need for manganese at the initial stage of the growing season, and strengthens plant immunity to various infectious diseases.

The benefits of potassium permanganate for soil

A solution of potassium permanganate (0.2%) is used to treat the soil both in open beds and in greenhouses, in order to destroy the causative agents of many plant diseases. For this purpose, the prepared solution is spilled on the soil in the beds, or before planting seedlings, 1 liter of this composition is poured into each hole.

Potassium permanganate in the fight against diseases of garden crops

A 3% solution of potassium permanganate is actively used to combat powdery mildew on cucumber plantings. Plants are treated every 3 days. To get rid of powdery mildew on berry bushes (gooseberries, currants), a slightly different composition is prepared: 50 grams of potassium nitrate and 3 grams of potassium permanganate are diluted in a standard bucket of water. Treating plants with a solution significantly stops the development of diseases.

Caution when using potassium permanganate:

It should be understood that such a potent substance, if the recommended dosages are not followed, can cause significant harm to health. High concentrations of potassium permanganate when ingested can cause swelling of the mucous membranes of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, mouth and throat, as well as increased vomiting and stomach upset. Therefore, exercise extreme caution when using potassium permanganate. Be sure to store potassium permanganate out of the reach of children.

Keep in mind that potassium permanganate, when interacting with some organic substances, can form explosive mixtures. That is why crystals should be stored only in glass containers with tightly ground stoppers. It is recommended to store the solution prepared for future use in a shaded place in dark glass bottles, since when exposed to sunlight and daylight, the composition quickly decomposes, losing all its properties.

Despite the fact that potassium permanganate today predominates in limited sales, patients are still confident that it effective remedy for treating damaged skin integrity. A solution of potassium permanganate for treating wounds is an old, proven remedy that has been used for decades and has never failed patients.

General information

Potassium permanganate powder is used in various branches of medicine.

Potassium permanganate is a raspberry-colored crystalline agent intended for the preparation of antiseptic formulations. The correct name is potassium permanganate. The effect on the focus of pathology is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, it is used in the form of a solution.

Potassium permanganate is used in areas of medicine, traumatology, surgery, gynecology, ENT practice, urology and therapy are no exception. For example, the treatment of wounds with potassium permanganate stops heavy bleeding, accelerates the intensive process of cell regeneration, the disinfecting and drying process. Damaged skin is more likely to heal, and the patient can soon return to his former life. You can use it at home, but you just need to know how to properly dilute potassium permanganate to make a solution.

Cooking rules

Potassium permanganate should be diluted with boiled water to treat wounds.

Before diluting potassium permanganate to treat wounds to make a solution, you need to take a clean container, boiled water and raw materials for preparing the solution. Take potassium permanganate on the tip of a knife onto a glass of liquid, drop it into water, and mix. The resulting composition will acquire a crimson color, but you need to stir until the crystals are completely dissolved, otherwise you can burn the already affected area of ​​the skin. This method is useful if you need to know how to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate for treating wounds. Just check the concentration with your doctor first.

Treatment of wounds with potassium permanganate should be carried out with a solution prescribed by the doctor; the procedure lasts 5–7 minutes and requires careful action and increased attention. If the patient cannot cope on his own, he should seek help from a medical professional.

When abrasions predominate, that is, superficial damage to the skin, a weak solution is quite sufficient, but treating the wound with potassium permanganate of a rich color is appropriate for suppuration, deep cuts and wounds. After applying the antiseptic solution, it is necessary to lubricate the affected area with iodine to quickly form a crust. Carry out the procedure daily, several times a day. Also, such washing is possible before dressings using, or.

Important! This antiseptic retains its protective properties for several hours, so it is not recommended to store it for a long time even in the refrigerator. It is better to prepare a fresh portion of potassium permanganate each time to treat wounds. The use of dressing material is not prohibited, but the wound must breathe.

If the patient does not know how to properly dilute potassium permanganate for treating wounds, then it would be best to consult a doctor who will give the necessary recommendations.


Potassium permanganate is a reliable healer that helps in many situations. Even local use of this antiseptic allows you to avoid inflammatory and infectious processes, which most often end in abscesses and contamination of the blood of a clinical patient. In addition, this is the first aid for poisoning - a weak solution is taken orally, then vomiting is caused, thus washing the stomach. Therefore, you must know how to use potassium permanganate.

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Dark crystals of potassium permanganate are still present in many first aid kits, despite the fact that the sale of this product has long been discontinued.

The pharmacy offers a huge selection of other different medications for all occasions. However, powder and aqueous solution of potassium permanganate for treating wounds are still suitable for use.

In what cases can potassium permanganate be used?

Crystals of potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate (KMnO 4) are the potassium salt of manganese acid. The powder is dark burgundy, almost black in color, highly soluble in water, and is a strong oxidizing agent. Upon contact with living skin cells in solution or pure form, atomic oxygen is released, due to which the antiseptic properties of the drug are manifested.


Potassium permanganate should not be used if you are hypersensitive to potassium and magnesium.

In case of an overdose, pain occurs in the oral cavity, swelling of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, pharynx, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and burn shock is possible. To ensure that treatment with the drug does not lead to dire consequences or cause complications, the powder must be properly diluted with potassium permanganate to treat the wound and the dosage must not be exceeded.

How to properly dilute potassium permanganate for treating wounds

To dissolve salt crystals, it is better to use warm water, so the powder will dissolve faster. To dilute, the water should be boiled, then cooled to about 40 O C. For 1 liter of liquid you need to take a pinch of potassium permanganate.

To properly prepare a solution of potassium permanganate for treating wounds, you need to know:

  • Do not handle the substance with bare hands, as this can cause severe skin burns. For this purpose, use a spoon, knife, or flat wooden stick;
  • The finished solution should be light raspberry in color. If the result is a darker concentration, then to treat wounds, the solution of potassium permanganate must be diluted with water until the desired shade is obtained;
  • Undissolved particles settle at the bottom of the container; you need to wait a little for them to dissolve, or the liquid must be filtered through several layers of gauze or a fine sieve;
  • The finished product should be used immediately after preparation, since it cannot be stored, the remaining drug is poured out.

Potassium permanganate, dissolved in water, has a disinfecting and eavesdropping effect. The solution is widely used in dermatology, surgery, gynecology, and urology.

In surgical practice, the liquid is used to treat wounds, and dried bandages are also soaked in the solution to make a dressing.

To lavage the stomach, it is not necessary to use a tube; the patient simply drinks 0.5-1.5 liters of light pink liquid, after which vomiting is caused by a reflex when pressing on the root of the tongue. In case of poisoning with alcohol, morphine, medicines, when vomiting needs to be induced immediately, patients are also given potassium permanganate to drink.

Proper use of the solution

In everyday life, potassium permanganate is used to remove pain for calluses, foot baths are used for this. Add a tablespoon of table salt or baking soda to a bowl of water. The legs are lowered into the basin for 15 minutes, after a while the calluses stop hurting.

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