Suggestion in a state of natural sleep. Suggestion Suggestion in a man’s natural sleep reviews

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Verbal suggestion to a sleeping person

We have already said above that a sleeping person is more susceptible to negative influences than when he is awake. Naturally, in such a suggestion, the results of influence will be different for both the suggested and the suggestor. The latter will achieve its goal faster, but at the same time will cause more harm to the suggestible. This is how damage is sent through a dream. So, who influences whom and for what purpose.

Most often this is intra-family influence. Members of one family try to influence others in order to achieve some results.

A mother influences her married son in order to cause him to quarrel with his wife.

The mother performs a mysterious ritual over the face of her sleeping son: she fans her face with a black chicken feather, saying: “ I blow my feather - I drive away love, I drive away love - I leave my son».

The spell is repeated 9 times.

After such a suggestion, the son will dream that he does not love his wife, and in the dream the wife will be perceived as a strange, unfamiliar woman. The next morning the son will not be able to get rid of sleep. Distrust and alienation will be introduced into the relationship with your beloved wife. If this ritual is repeated throughout the week, it will be possible to stifle the son’s feelings for his wife.

After this, the mother can begin to influence her daughter-in-law.

The mother-in-law blows a black chicken feather over her face and reads the spell: “ Your beauty will fade, your love will disappear».

The spell is also repeated 9 times.

The daughter-in-law will have a dream in which she perceives her husband as a complete stranger. A ritual attack by the mother-in-law can last a week and produce results.

It happens that a daughter-in-law wants to harm her mother-in-law (father-in-law) or a son-in-law wants to harm her mother-in-law (father-in-law).

In this case, a feather from a red hen is taken, the face of a sleeping person is fanned with it, and the following spell is said: “ Life is not a joy, dreams are disgusting».

Repeated 3 times.

At night, older people will have a scary dream that will greatly affect their well-being.

For example, if they want a person to become seriously ill, they repeat many times: “ You will die, you are not a survivor, go to the kingdom of the dead».

After such a suggestion, a person will dream that he will soon die, that he will be executed or killed, and his health will sharply deteriorate.

Or, for example, a wife wants her husband to be able to love only her. She says these words: “ Your masculine strength will only be mine».

She repeats these words many times. As a result, the unfortunate husband will dream that he is being made into a eunuch. The result will be exactly what the wife wants.

It happens that a mistress influences another man's sleeping husband. She places her hands on the forehead of the sleeping man and repeats the spell: “ If you leave me, you won’t get to her. You'll forget me- her you'll fall out of love».

After this, the husband may dream that he has two wives and they decided to saw him in half. Imagine what thoughts will overcome the poor husband, especially considering that the dream will be repeated regularly.

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Sleep, according to I.P. Pavlov, is a state of inhibition of the cerebral cortex, which descends to its underlying sections. According to modern views, this is not total inhibition, since about half of the neurons in the brain are active during sleep. Sleep occurs as a result of the active function of the thalamo-cortical synchronizing apparatuses of the brain.

Neurophysiological studies conducted in last years, showed that it is possible to distinguish between two types of sleep: 1) normal, or slow sleep, in which, with a state of complete rest, a slowdown in the rhythm of breathing and cardiac activity is noted, as well as the appearance of slow waves on the electroencephalogram; 2) paradoxical, or rapid sleep, or sleep with dreams. Rapid movements are observed during this dream eyeballs, variability, irregularity of vegetative manifestations (pulse, breathing). The electroencephalogram approaches that observed during wakefulness, although it has some features (bursts of alpha waves in the occipital region in frequency are 1-2 Hz less than during wakefulness; low-voltage activity is detected; flashes of sharp waves with a frequency of 2-3 per second in the central areas of the cortex lasting several seconds and associated in time with rapid eye movements). During paradoxical sleep, dreams occur.

In all likelihood, during slow-wave sleep, consolidation of traces occurs, i.e., their transfer to long-term memory, as well as the release of RAM capacities; during REM sleep, “reaction” of experiences occurs.

Paradoxical sleep alternates with slow-wave sleep. It changes it 4-5 times during the night and lasts each time 6-8, less often 15-20 minutes, occupying about 20-25% of the total time of behavioral sleep. The first period of paradoxical sleep occurs 45-90 minutes after falling asleep. This type of sleep is regulated by ancient brainstem mechanisms. When it is deprived, neurotic manifestations are observed. Both ordinary slow-wave sleep and paradoxical sleep are characterized by a “break in the continuity of the stream of consciousness,” with a loss of the ability to be aware of place, time and surroundings. In dreams, in addition, there is an experience of a different situation.

There is a whole range of transitions between the states of sleep and wakefulness. Sleep can be partial, and the depth of sleep inhibition can be different. In this regard, according to I.P. Pavlov, various hypnotic (phase) states can arise (equalizing, paradoxical, ultraparadoxical and narcotic phases). During natural sleep, the sleeper often exhibits selective sensitivity to certain stimuli, while other, even stronger, stimuli may not have a noticeable effect. This is possible in cases where during sleep the areas of wakefulness form a “guard point”. Through it, the sleeper can maintain contact - rapport (from the French rapport - relationship, connection, intercourse) with the outside world. Naturally, sleep with a “guard point” will be partial. Since rapport phenomena are an important prerequisite for the possibility of treatment by suggestion during sleep, let us dwell on them in some detail.

The phenomena of rapport are not unique to humans. They are also found in the animal world, being biologically viable. In this regard, the ability to maintain a guard point during sleep, which arose in the process of adaptation of the organism to environmental conditions, had to be consolidated through natural selection. V.N. Speransky explained the origin of rapport as follows: “A guard animal vigilantly guards the herd. If danger approaches, it emits a special sound, a signal, and this is enough for the entire herd to be on its feet, ready to flee, defend, etc., depending on the nature of the signal. No other noises filling the forest disturb the herd's sleep. Rapport is maintained between the keeper and the herd. If it weren’t for him, the herd would die.”

An interesting observation is given by L.A. Orbeli: “The cephalopod octopus has an alternation of sleep and wakefulness. He lies down on the bottom of the aquarium, tucks his legs around him, closes his eyes and sleeps. But out of eight legs, he leaves one leg on duty. Seven legs are entangled around the body, and the eighth sticks up and performs rotational movements all the time. It’s interesting that if you touch his torso or limb with a stick during sleep, he doesn’t wake up, but if you touch his duty paw, he wakes up, releases black paint and generally exhibits a corresponding active reaction.” Obviously, during the mollusk’s sleep, a sentry point is maintained, through which contact (rapport) with the outside world is carried out.

B. N. Birman was able to experimentally obtain sleep with rapport phenomena in dogs. To do this, the animal developed a conditioned reflex to a strictly defined tone (up to -265). Then the animal was plunged into deep sleep by the action of negative, differentiating, inactive stimuli. Now, under the influence of a tone up to -265, which had previously always been combined with feeding, the animal immediately woke up, while it had little or no reaction to other stimuli (whistles, gurgling, strong knocking on the door). “Obviously,” points out B. N. Birman, “in the inhibited cortex of the dog, one point retained its excitability and remained awake. This point, which responded to a tone up to -265, thus maintains the connection of the effector apparatus with this stimulus, while the connection with other external stimuli was interrupted and turned off. Thanks to the existence of such a guard point, sleep could be deep, but it was not complete - it was sleep with partial wakefulness.

Thanks to the presence of a guard point during sleep, the sleeper can maintain contact with the outside world. Perception of speech during sleep is possible only if there is a guard point through which rapport is carried out. Watchpoint sleep can be natural, hypnotic, or mildly narcotic, allowing treatment by suggestion.


A tired mother may fall asleep next to her baby and not react to noise coming from the street, calls or knocking from the next room. However, it is enough for the slightest rustle emanating from the child to be heard and immediately wake up. A soldier can sleep soundly without being awakened by the loud sounds of gunfire, but will immediately wake up as soon as he hears the alarm sounded by a sentry. In a similar way, a captain on a ship can wake up as soon as the monotonous knocking of the machine stops, and a miller can wake up if the mill stops and the sound of wheels stops being heard. In all these cases, during natural sleep there is a guard point through which rapport with a strictly defined stimulus is maintained. This “point” is essentially a complex system, including a device that provides signal reception, its comparison, and an effector mechanism capable of causing complete or incomplete awakening.

As we showed (1940), a watchdog point during natural sleep can arise if a person falls asleep while perceiving speech and the connection between him and the source of speech continues to be preserved (especially if the phrases “Sleep well, don’t wake up... Listen and remember the words... The next morning you will remember everything...") or if before going to bed he tunes himself to perceive speech, inspires himself that he will sleep and listen to the speech without waking up. You can create a guard post using other techniques, for example, preliminary suggestion in reality or in a hypnotic dream. It turned out that sometimes it is possible not only to perceive speech (for example, words of a foreign language), but also to store it in memory in an actual or latent form. In the first case, a person can, through an effort of will, actualize, that is, remember, what he has perceived; in the second, he cannot, but learns it unusually easily upon awakening.

The process of speech perception itself during sleep is not conscious. The subjects are not aware that they are listening to speech, which is experienced as thoughts that are unknown how they entered the head, appeared spontaneously, or arose according to the logical course of actions that unfolded in the dream (A. M. Svyadoshch, 1940, 1962-1965) .

According to modern views, when perceived in a state of wakefulness, a signal from the sense organ enters the brain - the cortical projection zone of this analyzer - and carries information about the nature of the irritation. At the same time, the signal from the sensory organ enters the reticular formation. From here, impulses activating the cortex are sent along a “nonspecific” path with a delay of several milliseconds. During deep natural sleep and even in a state of anesthesia, a sound signal from the sensory organs enters the cerebral cortex and causes a reaction in the electroencephalogram. However, no impulses are received from the reticular formation. The signal remains isolated, not connected to other parts of the brain, and the person, upon waking up, cannot remember it. After all, hundreds of people are asleep while someone is talking or there is a radio broadcast, but the next morning they usually do not remember what was said during their sleep. It is not difficult to achieve a signal entering the cerebral cortex, it is difficult to achieve its assimilation - the ability to reproduce it upon awakening1. The latter turned out to be impossible during deep sleep (when slow waves dominate on the electroencephalogram) and is possible only during shallow sleep.

Just as not all speech perceived while awake, not all speech perceived during sleep has a suggestive effect. If for the purposes of learning in a dream (hypnopaedia) it is very important that what is perceived is not subject to amnesia, that is, that upon awakening a person can remember what was perceived during sleep, then for the purposes of suggestion this is not required. On the contrary, the practice of hypnotherapy shows that suggestions are especially effective if, upon awakening from sleep, they are subject to amnesia. This also applies to suggestions during natural sleep. Therefore, the technique of suggestion during natural sleep differs from the technique used for the purpose of hypnopaedia.

N.V. Vyazemsky, Burdon, Coué and others tried to treat children with suggestion during natural sleep by whispering phrases to the sleeping person. This method was especially widespread in the USA. The effect of suggestion during natural sleep was often not inferior to the effect during deep hypnosis. Children sometimes talk during natural sleep, and verbal contact can be established with them. However, it is usually quickly lost, and attempts to instill something in them in this state are rarely successful. In general, it is difficult to establish rapport with a person sleeping naturally.

Suggestion technique during natural sleep. Suggestions during sleep are carried out in a quiet voice, in a suggestive tone. Most often they begin with the words: “Sleep deeper, don’t wake up. Fall asleep deeper and deeper... Every day you feel better and better, better and better...” This is followed by a therapeutic suggestion, repeated with pauses of up to 5 seconds several times (a series of suggestions). It alternates with the words “Sleep deeper, deeper... Every day you feel better and better...” 5-6 series of suggestions are carried out per session. Various variations of the technique of suggestion during sleep are possible.

Hypnopaedia (Dream learning). Option 1. They sit at the head of the sleeping person. They touch his finger and lightly hold the latter so as not to wake the sleeping person (at the same time, the depth of sleep inhibition in the sleeping person decreases). Then, for 2-3 minutes, in a quiet whisper, in rhythm with breathing, they repeat the words “Sleep deeply, sleep deeply,” then they begin to either slow down the rhythm of the words somewhat, or speed it up somewhat. If at the same time the breathing rhythm of the sleeper also begins to speed up and slow down accordingly, contact has been established and you can move on to therapeutic suggestions. Before producing them, it is advisable to tell the sleeping person “My voice does not wake you up, does not awaken you, sleep deeper, deeper and deeper...”. If, while trying to establish rapport, the sleeper wakes up, you can resort to the usual hypnotization technique described below - best of all, with light passes and suggestion of the onset of sleep using speech. Asking the patient to open his eyes and fixate his gaze on some object is inappropriate, since this can lead to dissipation of the drowsy state if awakening from sleep was incomplete. The approximate reaction of the awakened person and his bewilderment about what is happening makes immersion into a hypnotic sleep for adults who have not been warned about this in advance very difficult

Hypnopaedia. Option 2. The treatment is explained to the patient during the day by suggestion during sleep. The text of the suggestion is recorded on a tape recorder and the beginning of it (the first 1-2 minutes) is allowed to be listened to while awake in order to further weaken the indicative reaction (if the patient insists, they are allowed to listen to the entire text). It is proposed to place a tape recorder or a speaker near it at night near the head of the sleeping person and turn it on when he is lying in bed and wants to sleep. The patient should fall asleep to the sounds of the program (after its completion, the tape recorder is turned off either automatically or by the person conducting the treatment).

A text with approximately the following content is written on the tape, much like hypnotization formulas: “Fall into a restful sleep. Don't think about anything extraneous. By the count of 30 you will sleep. One... two... three...”, etc., count up to 30 in a slow, monotonous voice - a half-whisper, with pauses of 3-4 seconds between words. “Sleep peacefully, don’t wake up... Every day you feel better and better...” and then follow the formulas of therapeutic suggestion. They are pronounced in a quiet voice, but in an inspiring tone. The formulas are repeated with pauses of 3-4 seconds 5-6 times. This is followed by the words: “Sleep peacefully, don’t wake up. Every day you feel better and better,” then again there is a series of suggestions and so on 5-10 times. In conclusion it says: “Sleep in a peaceful, deep sleep. The next morning you will feel refreshed and well-rested.” Sleep learning sessions are repeated a number of nights in a row.

Suggestion can be carried out directly by a doctor without using a tape recorder, or it can be turned on and off by a doctor’s assistant. The oncoming natural sleep is combined with elements of hypnotic sleep. Maintained speech contact while falling asleep facilitates speech perception.

Hypnopaedia. Option 3. The suggestion is made at night during the first 15-40 minutes of sleep and then in the morning 1-2 hours before waking up. They sit at a distance of a meter from the sleeping person (usually a child) and in a quiet voice say the words: “Sleep deeper, deeper... Don’t wake up.” Then the words of suggestion are repeated 20 times. For example, a child with bedwetting is told: “Now you can hold your urine all night. Your crib is always dry and clean.” If the child wakes up, the session is postponed to the next night. What is perceived is subject to amnesia. In some patients with obsessive fears or thoughts, or people suffering from a bad habit, during sleep there may be selective perception of speech signals that address their “pain point”, while there may not be assimilation of speech with neutral content. It is necessary to judge that the speech was perceived by the therapeutic effect (the criterion is not reliable). Sometimes, for this purpose, you can invite the patient to remember certain words, for example, 10 Russian words that are repeated many times, or 2-3 phrases that depict a scene (“You are on the seashore...”). It says: “You will remember these words. You can tell them the next morning.” The next morning they offer to listen to 20 words once, among which 10 were given in breakdown that were read during sleep, and compare which words are better remembered (usually it is not possible to reproduce them spontaneously) or find out whether the speech perceived during sleep is reflected in dream. The inability to reproduce speech with neutral content does not refute the possibility of perceiving suggestions. Memorizing speech during sleep following therapeutic suggestions can sometimes, due to interference, weaken therapeutic effect suggestion, therefore it is undesirable.

Hypnopaedia. Option 4. Beforehand, during the day, during hypnotic sleep or in reality, they suggest to the patient: “Tonight you will fall asleep to the sounds of my voice and hear what I tell you. You will sleep and hear without waking up,” Otherwise, the treatment is carried out as in option 3. With another modification, the patient is first taught in a similar way that he will sleep peacefully at night. In his sleep he will hear the count to 12 and the suggestions that will be given to him. Next, at night, treatment is carried out, as in option 3, but the session begins by counting from 1 to 12. Counting in a quiet voice, at a speed of approximately one word per second. Using a count makes it easier to tune to a given signal.

Instead of preliminary suggestion, preliminary adjustment to speech perception can be achieved through self-suggestion. To do this, the subject is asked to sit or lie down in a comfortable position and mentally repeat the words several times: “I will sleep and hear, sleep and hear, sleep and hear without waking up.”

Self-hypnosis is more effective if it is carried out in a state of relaxation caused by autogenic training.

Hypnopaedia. Option 5. The patient is transferred from the sleep state to the millet-night state, verbal contact is established with him, then he is allowed to fall asleep again. To do this, they put a hand on the head of the sleeping person, he wakes up slightly and is asked to perform the simplest actions (they say: “Raise your hand... higher... higher. Continue sleeping... Sleep deeper, deeper..."). Next they move on to therapeutic suggestions.

Suggestion sessions during natural sleep can be carried out both individually and collectively. In our clinic, V. A. Sukharev conducts them collectively in the treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism and neuroses. Option 5 of the method is mainly used. Collective hypnotherapy sessions during the day are combined with collective suggestion sessions during natural night sleep. Speakers are installed in the rooms. Suggestion is carried out by playing a sound recording. During collective sessions of suggestion during natural sleep, patients with neuroses are instilled with peace and general good health (“Every day you feel better and better. Completely calm. The mood is even, good. Full of cheerfulness, strength, energy”).

To conduct collective sessions of suggestion during night sleep, we can recommend our proposed version of the technique, called niktosuggestion (from the Greek “niktos” - night and “suggestion” - suggestion). With it, a session of collective hypnotherapy or waking suggestion is initially carried out, during which a “guard point” is developed that ensures the perception of speech during night sleep. To do this, the patient is first suggested that at night he will sleep without waking up, but during his sleep he will hear a signal (counting to 12) and then words of suggestion. At night, a tape recorder is turned on with a recording of the doctor’s voice. The patient hears a signal (counting up to 12) and then the phrases: “Sleep deeper, don’t wake up... Breathing is even, calm... Fall asleep deeper and deeper...”. Then follow the words of therapeutic suggestion. Finally, the patient is told that he will continue to sleep deeply.

With this version of the technique, in most cases, patients continue to sleep during suggestion without waking up. If any of them wakes up, then the technique actually involves hypnotizing the awakened person with the subsequent transfer of hypnotic sleep into natural night sleep.

Treatment by suggestion during natural sleep is not always easy to implement. Sometimes the sleep is too sensitive, superficial and awakening occurs easily or very sharply indicative reaction and a number of repeated sessions are required to extinguish it. Sometimes, on the contrary, the sleep is too deep and it is not possible to achieve rapport with the sleeper. This method is most widely used in the treatment of phobias and hysterical symptoms in children. It is also used to combat masturbation, bedwetting and some bad habits in children. In the treatment of obsessive states in adults, as well as the phenomena of expectation neurosis, sometimes there is a weakening of obsessive fears and an improvement in general well-being (it is suggested “not to think about painful symptom; if you remember, don’t worry, be completely calm...").

P.S. During sleep, it is easier to remember speech, for example foreign words, if you re-read these words or listen to them 1-2 times before going to bed. Then the associative connections that arose before sleep will easily come to life when perceiving speech during sleep. This is partly why it is easier for a sleeper to remember a speech if he hears it several times: repeated signals contribute to the disinhibition of the corresponding connections and their greater strength.

P.S. P.S. There is a persistent idea among people that in the deep stage of hypnosis you can force a person to kill, and even more - you can completely take over the consciousness of the hypnotized person. It is difficult to prove or disprove this statement, but you can at least understand how this happens, if it happens at all. I stitched together several fragments from the film “The Manchurian Candidate”; as always, the full technology of zombification remained behind the scenes, but what is shown is enough to understand the essence of the brainwashing process.

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A tired mother may fall asleep next to her baby and not react to noise coming from the street, calls or knocking from the next room. However, it is enough for the slightest rustle emanating from the child to be heard and immediately wake up. A soldier can sleep soundly without being awakened by the loud sounds of gunfire, but will immediately wake up as soon as he hears the alarm sounded by a sentry. In a similar way, a captain on a ship can wake up as soon as the monotonous knocking of the machine stops, and a miller can wake up if the mill stops and the sound of wheels stops being heard. In all these cases, during natural sleep there is a guard point through which rapport with a strictly defined stimulus is maintained. This “point” is essentially a complex system, including a device that provides signal reception, its comparison, and an effector mechanism capable of causing complete or incomplete awakening.

As we have shown, a watchdog point during natural sleep can arise if a person falls asleep while perceiving speech and the connection between him and the source of speech continues to be preserved (especially if the phrases “Sleep well, don’t wake up... Listen and remember the words. .. The next morning you will remember everything...") or if before going to bed he tunes himself to perceive speech, inspires himself that he will sleep and listen to the speech without waking up. You can create a guard post using other techniques, for example, preliminary suggestion in reality or in a hypnotic dream. It turned out that sometimes it is possible not only to perceive speech (for example, words of a foreign language), but also to store it in memory in an actual or latent form. In the first case, a person can, through an effort of will, actualize, that is, remember, what he has perceived; in the second, he cannot, but learns it unusually easily upon awakening.

The process of speech perception itself during sleep is not conscious. The subjects are not aware that they are listening to speech, which is experienced as thoughts that are unknown how they entered the head, appeared spontaneously, or arose according to the logical course of actions that unfolded in the dream.

According to modern views, when perceived in a state of wakefulness, a signal from the sense organ enters the brain - the cortical projection zone of this analyzer - and carries information about the nature of the irritation. At the same time, the signal from the sensory organ enters the reticular formation. From here, impulses activating the cortex are sent along a “nonspecific” path with a delay of several milliseconds. During deep natural sleep and even in a state of anesthesia, a sound signal from the sensory organs enters the cerebral cortex and causes a reaction in the electroencephalogram. However, no impulses are received from the reticular formation. The signal remains isolated, not connected to other parts of the brain, and the person, upon waking up, cannot remember it. After all, hundreds of people are asleep while someone is talking or there is a radio broadcast, but the next morning they usually do not remember what was said during their sleep. It is not difficult to achieve a signal entering the cerebral cortex, it is difficult to achieve its assimilation - the ability to reproduce it upon awakening. The latter turned out to be impossible during deep sleep (when slow waves dominate on the electroencephalogram) and is possible only during shallow sleep.

Just as not all speech perceived while awake, not all speech perceived during sleep has a suggestive effect. If for the purposes of learning during sleep (hypnopaedia) it is very important that what is perceived is not subject to amnesia, that is, that upon awakening a person can remember what was perceived during sleep, then for the purposes of suggestion this is not required. On the contrary, the practice of hypnotherapy shows that suggestions are especially effective if, upon awakening from sleep, they are subject to amnesia. This also applies to suggestions during natural sleep. Therefore, the technique of suggestion during natural sleep differs from the technique used for the purpose of hypnopaedia.

N.V. Vyazemsky, Burdon, Coué and others tried to treat children with suggestion during natural sleep by whispering phrases to the sleeping person. This method was especially widespread in the USA. The effect of suggestion during natural sleep was often not inferior to the effect during deep hypnosis. Children sometimes talk during natural sleep, and verbal contact can be established with them. However, it is usually quickly lost, and attempts to instill something in them in this state are rarely successful. In general, it is difficult to establish rapport with a person sleeping naturally.

Suggestion technique during natural sleep. Suggestions during sleep are carried out in a quiet voice, in a suggestive tone. Most often they begin with the words: “Sleep deeper, don’t wake up. Fall asleep deeper and deeper... Every day you feel better and better, better and better...” This is followed by a therapeutic suggestion, repeated with pauses of up to 5 seconds several times (a series of suggestions). It alternates with the words “Sleep deeper, deeper... Every day you feel better and better...” 5-6 series of suggestions are carried out per session. Various variations of the technique of suggestion during sleep are possible.

Option 1. They sit at the head of the sleeping person. They touch his finger and lightly hold the latter so as not to wake the sleeping person (at the same time, the depth of sleep inhibition in the sleeping person decreases). Then, for 2-3 minutes, in a quiet whisper, in rhythm with breathing, they repeat the words “Sleep deeply, sleep deeper,” then they begin to either slow down the rhythm of the words somewhat, or speed up it somewhat. If at the same time the breathing rhythm of the sleeper also begins to speed up and slow down accordingly, contact has been established and you can move on to therapeutic suggestions. Before producing them, it is advisable to say to the sleeping person, “My voice does not wake you up, does not awaken you, sleep deeper, deeper and deeper...”. If, while trying to establish rapport, the sleeper wakes up, you can resort to the usual hypnotization technique described below - best of all, with light passes and suggestion of the onset of sleep using speech. Asking the patient to open his eyes and fixate his gaze on some object is inappropriate, as this can lead to dissipation of the drowsy state if awakening from sleep was incomplete. The approximate reaction of the awakened person and his bewilderment about what is happening makes immersion into a hypnotic sleep for adults who have not been warned about this in advance very difficult

Option 2. The treatment is explained to the patient during the day by suggestion during sleep. The text of the suggestion is recorded on a tape recorder and the beginning of it (the first 1-2 minutes) is allowed to be listened to while awake in order to further weaken the indicative reaction (if the patient insists, they are allowed to listen to the entire text). It is proposed to place a tape recorder or a speaker near it at night near the head of the sleeping person and turn it on when he is

lie in bed and want to sleep. The patient should fall asleep to the sounds of the program (after its completion, the tape recorder is turned off either automatically or by the person conducting the treatment).

A text with approximately the following content is written on the tape, much like hypnotization formulas: “Fall into a restful sleep. Don't think about anything extraneous. By the count of 30 you will sleep. One... two... three...”, etc., count up to 30 in a slow, monotonous voice - a half-whisper, with pauses of 3-4 seconds between words. “Sleep peacefully, don’t wake up... Every day you feel better and better...” and then follow the formulas of therapeutic suggestion. They are pronounced in a quiet voice, but in an inspiring tone. The formulas are repeated with pauses of 3-4 seconds 5-6 times. This is followed by the words: “Sleep peacefully, don’t wake up. Every day you feel better and better,” then again there is a series of suggestions and so on 5-10 times. In conclusion it says: “Sleep in a peaceful, deep sleep. The next morning you will feel refreshed and well-rested.” The sessions are repeated a number of nights in a row.

Suggestion can be carried out directly by a doctor without using a tape recorder, or it can be turned on and off by a doctor’s assistant. The oncoming natural sleep is combined with elements of hypnotic sleep. Maintained speech contact while falling asleep facilitates speech perception.

Option 3. The suggestion is made at night during the first 15-40 minutes of sleep and then in the morning 1-2 hours before waking up. They sit at a distance of a meter from the sleeping person (usually a child) and in a quiet voice say the words: “Sleep deeper, deeper... Don’t wake up.” Then the words of suggestion are repeated 20 times. For example, a child with bedwetting is told: “Now you can hold your urine all night. Your crib is always dry and clean.” If the child wakes up, the session is postponed to the next night. What is perceived is subject to amnesia. In some patients with obsessive fears or thoughts, or people suffering from a bad habit, during sleep there may be selective perception of speech signals that address their “pain point”, while there may not be assimilation of speech with neutral content. It is necessary to judge that the speech was perceived by the therapeutic effect (the criterion is not reliable). Sometimes, for this purpose, you can invite the patient to remember certain words, for example, 10 Russian words that are repeated many times, or 2-3 phrases that depict a scene (“You are on the seashore...”). It says: “You will remember these words. You can tell them the next morning.” The next morning they offer to listen to 20 words once, among which 10 were given in breakdown that were read during sleep, and compare which words are better remembered (usually it is not possible to reproduce them spontaneously) or find out whether the speech perceived during sleep is reflected in dream. The inability to reproduce speech with neutral content does not refute the possibility of perceiving suggestions. Memorizing speech during sleep following therapeutic suggestions can sometimes, due to interference, weaken the therapeutic effect of suggestion, so it is undesirable.

Option 4. Beforehand, during the day, during hypnotic sleep or in reality, they suggest to the patient: “Tonight you will fall asleep to the sounds of my voice and hear what I tell you. You will sleep and hear without waking up,” Otherwise, the treatment is carried out as in option 3. With another modification, the patient is first taught in a similar way that he will sleep peacefully at night. In his sleep he will hear the count to 12 and the suggestions that will be given to him. Next, at night, treatment is carried out, as in option 3, but the session begins by counting from 1 to 12. Counting in a quiet voice, at a speed of approximately one word per second. Using a count makes it easier to tune to a given signal.

Instead of preliminary suggestion, preliminary adjustment to speech perception can be achieved through self-suggestion. To do this, the subject is asked to sit or lie down in a comfortable position and mentally repeat the words several times: “I will sleep and hear, sleep and hear, sleep and hear without waking up.”

Self-hypnosis is more effective if it is carried out in a state of relaxation caused by autogenic training.

Option 5. The patient is transferred from the sleep state to the millet-night state, verbal contact is established with him, then he is allowed to fall asleep again. To do this, they put a hand on the head of the sleeping person, he wakes up slightly and is asked to perform the simplest actions (they say: “Raise your hand... higher... higher. Continue sleeping... Sleep deeper, deeper..."). Next they move on to therapeutic suggestions.

Suggestion sessions during natural sleep can be carried out both individually and collectively. In our clinic, V. A. Sukharev conducts them collectively in the treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism and neuroses. Option 5 of the method is mainly used. Collective hypnotherapy sessions during the day are combined with collective suggestion sessions during natural night sleep. Speakers are installed in the rooms. Suggestion is carried out by playing a sound recording. During collective sessions of suggestion during natural sleep, patients with neuroses are instilled with peace and general good health (“Every day you feel better and better. Completely calm. The mood is even, good. Full of cheerfulness, strength, energy”).

To conduct collective sessions of suggestion during night sleep, we can recommend our proposed version of the technique, called niktosuggestion (from the Greek “niktos” - night and “suggestion” - suggestion). With it, a session of collective hypnotherapy or waking suggestion is initially carried out, during which a “guard point” is developed that ensures the perception of speech during night sleep. To do this, the patient is first suggested that at night he will sleep without waking up, but during his sleep he will hear a signal (counting to 12) and then words of suggestion. At night, a tape recorder is turned on with a recording of the doctor’s voice. The patient hears a signal (counting up to 12) and then the phrases: “Sleep deeper, don’t wake up... Breathing is even, calm... Fall asleep deeper and deeper...”. Then follow the words of therapeutic suggestion. Finally, the patient is told that he will continue to sleep deeply.

With this version of the technique, in most cases, patients continue to sleep during suggestion without waking up. If any of them wakes up, then the technique actually involves hypnotizing the awakened person with the subsequent transfer of hypnotic sleep into natural night sleep.

Treatment by suggestion during natural sleep is not always easy to implement. Sometimes the sleep is too sensitive, superficial and awakening occurs easily, or the indicative reaction is very pronounced and a number of repeated sessions are required to extinguish it. Sometimes, on the contrary, the sleep is too deep and it is not possible to achieve rapport with the sleeper. This method is most widely used in the treatment of phobias and hysterical symptoms in children. It is also used to combat masturbation, bedwetting and some bad habits in children. When treating obsessive states in adults, as well as the phenomena of expectation neurosis, sometimes there is a weakening of obsessive fears and an improvement in general well-being (it is suggested “not to think about a painful symptom; if you remember, don’t worry, be completely calm...”).

Suggestion in a state of narcotic sleep

Suggestion in a state of narcotic sleep can be made only if the sleep is shallow. During deep narcotic sleep, inhibition is so deep and widespread that it is not possible to maintain a “guard point” in the cortex through which contact with the sleeper can be maintained. In addition, in such a state it is difficult to evoke the “focus of concentrated excitation” in the brain that underlies suggestion. In this regard, suggestions made in a state of narcotic sleep are distinguished, according to our observations, by less stability than during hypnotic sleep, which is especially significant in cases where the therapeutic suggestion made must retain its effect for a long time, as, for example, in the treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism, and less important for immediate relief of hysterical symptoms.

Treatment technique. The nature of the treatment being performed is explained to the patient and he is placed in a horizontal position. They inject him intravenously very slowly with 2-8 ml of a 10% solution of pentothal, sodium amytal, hexenal (it is better to administer a 5% solution to weakened patients). Having reached the desired depth of sleep, maintain it for several minutes by slowly injecting a sleeping pill (the needle is not removed from the vein). During sleep, therapeutic suggestions are made, after which the patient is given the opportunity to get some sleep.

The most favorable for the production of suggestion is shallow narcotic sleep, which precedes the appearance of analgesia and the development of subsequent amnesia during this period.

To control the depth of sleep, the patient is asked to count out loud from 20 in reverse order or perform a simple calculation (for example, always subtract 4 from two-digit numbers) and consider sleep too deep if the patient is not able to do this.

In the process of therapeutic suggestions, sometimes there is a revival of traumatic experiences, and therefore a violent emotional reaction occurs, expressed in the form of an affect of fear, melancholy or despair, accompanied by expressive movements. In these cases, in achieving a therapeutic effect, in addition to suggestion, their response during sleep (narcocatharsis) may also play a role.

Inducing narcotic sleep can be combined with inducing hypnotic sleep. In this case, you can either give a sleeping pill earlier, then hypnotize (narcohypnosis), or induce hypnotic sleep earlier and then give a sleeping pill to deepen it (hypnonarcosis). With this treatment, the lower the dose of sleeping pills, the deeper the hypnotic sleep.

Treatment by suggestion in a state of narcotic sleep is indicated in the same cases as during hypnotic sleep, especially if patients are difficult to hypnosis.

We often saw positive results from its use with hysterical monosymptoms (hyperkinesis, paralysis and paresis, vomiting, hiccups, etc.), as well as sometimes with phobias and hysterical psychoses - a course of treatment was carried out (up to 10 sessions every other day).

M. E. Teleshevskaya, who widely used this method under the name narcopsychotherapy and developed a treatment method in detail, achieved with its help the elimination of hysterical monosymptoms of many years ago, protracted astheno-hypochondriacal conditions,

sleep disorders and emotional disorders in patients with neuroses. English and American authors widely used this method during the Second World War to treat “war neuroses.”

So, let's look at specific techniques for influencing a child in a dream. We have already said that during sleep it is possible to shape not only the character of a future adult, but also to develop his abilities and remove negative aspects. All this can be done in four main ways to influence a child through sleep.

Let's look at the first method of influencing the sleeper.

It is called: forming contact with the sleeping person. In this case, the child falls asleep as usual in his own bed, that is, without outside help. 30-40 minutes after falling asleep, the mother or father comes up, sits quietly on the bed, and says in a quiet, suggestive whisper: “You are sleeping, sleeping without waking up, and you can hear my voice well, I am your mother (father), I will teach you extraordinary things.” things, I will talk to you, and you will remember my conversation. You sleep, sleep deeper and deeper. My voice does not wake you up, does not interfere with your sleep, you sleep, sleep deeply and hear my voice well."

At this moment, simultaneously with the words, you should lightly touch the point between the eyebrows, the forehead with your fingertips and gently place your warm hand on the forehead of the sleeping person. This will help increase the child's sensitivity to your influences. “I will say various words to you, give various suggestions, and you, without waking up, will experience them emotionally and remember them well. You continue to sleep, and your brain remembers well everything that I told you. And in the morning, when you You will wake up, and my suggestions will become your firm convictions, you will remember everything perfectly.

Sleep, sleep deeper, even deeper, my voice does not disturb you from sleeping, you sleep and remember everything perfectly, every word and thought. When you wake up in the morning, you can easily remember everything, everything that we talked about, everything will remain in your soul, in your heart, in your body. Your soul, your heart, your body will automatically fulfill all my wishes. You have an excellent memory, and your memory is getting better and better every day, every hour, every minute, every second, and with every new session.

With each new session, you will plunge deeper and deeper into this state, you will easily and quickly perceive my suggestions. So listen to me, son."

There are a few things to consider. Establishing contact with the child and setting the program should always be carried out by only the same person - either the mother or the father. In this version, the voice should be quiet, inspiring, clear, clearly emphasizing each word, monotonous and without emotion, you can speak in a whisper. Diction must be absolutely even and not change in any way during the session. If suddenly there are signs of the child awakening, then you should be silent for a while or lower your voice, depending on the situation. Awakening is performed in exactly the same way as in other options.

Method two. It is called: the method of forming contact at the moment of falling asleep. In this case, the mother or father helps the child if he himself does not fall asleep very well, and together they enter into his sleep. The child lies down on his bed as usual, he does not sleep, the parent sits next to him, strokes him and

Starts a conversation with him. He (she) says: “My dear, let me help you fall asleep, you will fall asleep as soon as I begin to speak words to you, listen carefully to my words, let your eyes close, and you will fall into a deep sleep.”

The parent asks the child to close his eyes, calm down, relax, not think about anything extraneous, inhale deeply through his nose, and calmly exhale through his mouth, becoming more and more relaxed.

Do these inhale-exhale exercises several times, relax even more and get ready for sleep. Gradually, the child disconnects from everything that is happening around him, the parent begins to stroke him in the forehead, in the crown of the head with his fingertips, pronouncing ordinary relaxing phrases from the first stage of autogenic training, which he once did himself. You should help your child fall asleep with all your heart, with a pleasant, head-scratching feeling of comfort and bliss.

And as soon as you feel that the child has fallen asleep and is responding to your voice, coding follows:

“You hear me, my dear, I start a conversation with anyone. You are in a state of pleasant relaxation and drowsiness, you want to sleep, fall asleep in good health, but pay attention: you will always hear my voice and everything I tell you. with each word you will fall deeper and deeper into sleep, but your brain will work actively and forever fix and firmly remember each sentence. After a while you will fall asleep, and the thoughts and words that I will pronounce will continue to sound and be recorded on your the sleeping brain is like a blank sheet of paper. Your sleeping brain actively listens and remembers, and the next morning, when you wake up at 8 a.m. (or other necessary time), you will remember everything perfectly.

You can easily, automatically, without any effort, throughout your life, as soon as you wish, to remember any thought said to you; and my wishes, my orders, my instructions, which I will tell you, will merge with your soul, with your heart, with your body; and your soul, your body, your heart, your mind always anytime, anywhere; every second, every minute they will do it better and better.

With each subsequent lesson, you will become better and better at mastering the abilities that I will talk about. Daytime schooling will be easy for you, you will be natural and relaxed all the time, you will have an excellent mood and well-being. You like to study and learn foreign languages, play sports, be the first, be a leader - that’s your character! You do this with great interest and desire, you try very hard!

I am absolutely sure that you will easily and freely do everything I tell you, because you yourself want it. You really want this and are absolutely confident in your memory and your abilities. So, sleep, listen to me without waking up, and firmly remember every suggestion and every wish. The next morning you will remember everything, all the words, and all my wishes. So, sleep and remember."

It should be noted that these methods are devoted to passive memorization of those attitudes, those phrases, those wishes that parents give to children and which automatically fall within them.

And, if you conduct these activities with your child every day, at least for half an hour after he falls asleep, after a while you will see how the child begins to change before your eyes. His character changes, his abilities develop, he strives to achieve something more, something better. He becomes a leader, a future person is formed.

Now we will consider the third method of influencing a sleeping child. It is used in cases where the child is very sensitive, often wakes up, or when his sleep is so sensitive that a quiet voice or whisper interferes with sleep.

In such cases, the third method of influencing a sleeping child is used, the method of preliminary setting up a program to transfer biological sleep into hypnotic sleep.

For this purpose, a specialist or the parents themselves, who are proficient in hypnosis, immerse the lying child in a state of hypnosis and encode it: “So, you and I agree that at night, during sleep, you will hear my voice and will not wake up. Do you hear? You will continue to sleep and it’s good to hear my voice without waking up. Do you understand? Agreed? “At this moment the child must answer “yes,” which means we’ve agreed.

Further: “You will sleep well and, without waking up, you will remember everything that I tell you, and in the morning at 8 o’clock (7 o’clock) you will wake up feeling good and you will remember everything perfectly, every word and every suggestion.”

After the suggestion has been made, the child lies down in a comfortable position on his own bed and falls asleep as usual. 30-40 minutes after falling asleep, the mother or father begins to form contact. "Attention, I'm touching right hand, it's me, your mom (dad). As we agreed, you sleep without waking up, and I talk to you and advise you on how to behave.

Sleep. Sleep peacefully and deeply, you can hear my voice well and remember my every word. And in the morning at 8 o’clock you will wake up and will perfectly remember every word and suggestion.

This is followed by a translation of a natural dream into a hypnotic one: “So, you hear my every word well, your brain and body from this moment are completely subordinate to me. Every word is recorded in your brain for the rest of your life. I will help you become a highly educated, intelligent person with excellent

Noah has a memory and a developed imagination. From now on, my voice has unlimited control over your brain, and you completely obey me, as we agreed. Now turn your attention to your right hand, it is light and weightless. It moves slightly and rises up."

At this moment, you should help the child, slightly raise his right hand. “The hand rises smoothly, and you continue to sleep, sleep, sleep deeply. And now the hand slowly and smoothly falls down. Okay, okay. The hand dropped. So, you are in hypnosis, you sleep without waking up. I start working with you.” .

A single phrase is added before waking up, which takes you out of the state of hypnosis, a coding phrase that says that at the next session the child will also fall asleep easily, fall asleep even faster, fall asleep even better, and then make good contact, and this will not prevent him from sleeping well and it’s great to remember everything when you wake up.

The most popular method of parental psychosuggestion in a dream is the ancient fourth method, which is called “sleep suggestion.”

The fact is that it is very difficult to adjust to and establish contact with some children, because they are either very motor and sleep soundly, deep, or very sensory (sensitive) and at the slightest rustle or whisper they quickly flinch and wake up. There are other reasons too. This same method is universal for almost all children, unless, of course, you have already regulated the child’s sleep by setting him a “biological clock” program.

In the evening before going to bed, you tell your child: “You sleep too long in the morning and have difficulty waking up. So tomorrow morning I will help you wake up early and talk to you.”

The next morning, when the child is still in a very sound sleep (that is, at six o’clock in the morning or earlier), you quietly approach his bed and in a whisper or in a quiet voice begin a conversation: “You are sleeping soundly, very soundly and deeply. But you can "Don't wake up - just listen to me carefully. Here I am, your mom (dad), I caress you and talk to you." And you lightly touch his hand, lift it carefully and lower it. Then, with your finger, lightly touch the lower lip, as if pulling it back, to release the muscle system of the lips and larynx. And then you ask the question: “Can you hear me?”

The child may answer immediately quite clearly, or he may only move his lips a little. Then touch his lips and throat again and say: “Now you will answer even louder and clearer while in deep sleep. Can you hear me?” And, as a rule, the child begins contact with you by pronouncing words loudly and clearly, without leaving his sleep. Then you continue on general rule: “Now I will tell you my wishes and talk with you. And my words-wishes will become a part of you... You will remember them well, and when you wake up you will fulfill them with all your heart and with all your heart, as if they were your own!”

After finishing the program, you say: “Now you are still sleeping, but you remember very well everything that I told you, every word, every wish! Now I will leave you, and you will continue to sleep, but at exactly seven o'clock in the morning you will wake up vigorous, cheerful, healthy, energetic and cheerful. Your heart, your soul, your body will remember everything that I told you (a) and you will do it better every hour, every day!

Tomorrow at six in the morning, when you are still sleeping soundly, I will come to you again with a conversation and you, without waking up, will remember even better, even more firmly, my every wish!

Then you step away. At seven in the morning the child wakes up cheerful and vigorous. You notice that his character and behavior are understandable

The legs are changing. The next morning, at exactly six in the morning, you begin your suggestive session again.

Sessions can be performed every other day, but at least twice a week. Naturally, you can change the morning hourly schedule of suggestion at your discretion - not at six or seven in the morning, but as it is more convenient for you and your child.

Samples of programs that we recommend to you - how to break bad habits, how to identify a child’s abilities, how to develop them through suggestion, through sleep, etc., that is, the methods of work themselves will be given in this book in a whole set. They will only need to be incorporated into these four methods as needed.

A program for converting passive hypnosis into active sleep in order to evoke dialogue, movement or vivid imaginative vision.

“Attention: you recognize my voice and continue to sleep, as we agreed. Nothing prevents you from sleeping peacefully, you continue to sleep peacefully, sleep without waking up, sleep deeper. You hear my voice well and sleep deeply without waking up. Your attention gradually increases "focuses more on my words, you hear my voice well and continue to sleep. Sleep, sleep peacefully, deeper, even deeper." Here you need to pause for 1-2 minutes.

“You again hear my voice well and obey me and my voice. Now, without waking up, you will hear and see on your sleepy, mental screen everything that I say. You will be able to talk to me without waking up. Now your right

The hand smoothly rises up." Here you need to help the hand rise. "And now it goes down. Good good. You sleep deeply and completely obey me, as we agreed. Now you can talk to me without waking up.

So, you continue to sleep, and you will be able to talk to me without waking up. Easy, free, loud. You can clearly see the blue sky above. Blue sky, summer, green field, grass around. You can see the grass well, talk to me! Do you see the blue sky and grass well?" The child replies that he sees very well. If he tries to speak and fails, touch your lower lip with your finger and disinhibit the lip muscles, and then his speech will be better, brighter, more imaginative "So, great. And now you and I will lie down on the warm grass and talk and study what we want to study with you."

It should be said that in active deep hypnosis, the child has the ability to see everything that the mother or father offers, and can also transform well into any person. That is, you can lose this or that situation. Using this example, it is very good to teach a child, that is, to turn him into any personality with the given characteristics. He can be a financier, a millionaire, he can be a musician, he can be a warrior, a commander, a politician, a hero from a fairy tale, etc. These plays, especially repeated ones, inspire the child with an irresistible desire to someday become like that. This is one of the areas of child coding. You can read short emotional stories to your child, identifying him with the hero, or you can travel through Russian folk tales, gaining intelligence and wisdom.

Sometimes there is a need to transfer sleep into pure hypnosis. With the help of the code, the dream is transferred to a state of pleasant open hypnotic sleep, that is, the child opens his eyes, can move, can stand, can perform some actions.

Stvii and then the possibilities of influence, learning or anything else increase sharply, since the child can talk, walk, run, sing, play an instrument, train, carry out any commands, while in a deep state of hypnosis. All that remains is to consolidate it, encode it in his mind. But this is complex psychotechnics, and it is not included in the program of this topic. So, I wish you success.

Meet different people, some of them can be difficult to negotiate. How to implement thought suggestion effectively? Discover your ability to telepathic hypnosis!

The Powerful Powers of Hypnosis!

Hypnosis¹ is a special state of consciousness in which a person has very high suggestibility. Everything that is said is embedded in the subconscious and affects a person’s behavior.

This is the basis for some methods of getting rid of bad habits or character correction, when, for example, a subconscious attitude causes an aversion to smoking or blocks some kind of panic fears.

However, every person has the ability to hypnosis. This article describes an effective technique for introducing the desired mental attitude into another person using telepathy!

Telepathic hypnosis is the most powerful system of hypnotic influence. You can use it to instill any thoughts in another person.

The transmission of thoughts over a distance is a real thing, and scientists are gradually getting closer to recognizing it. Thought is a wave; directed in a focused manner, it always reaches the final object and influences it.

Using this technique, you will be able to instill thoughts into other people, encourage them to do what you need. This will be very helpful in situations where it is impossible to reach an agreement in a normal way.

With practice of this method, you will develop yours and learn to influence other people almost instantly!

The most important thing is that this method does not violate free will: the person simply suddenly begins to adhere to a point of view that is favorable to you and acts based on it.

Suggestion of thoughts at a distance: technique

This practice is carried out mainly at night, when the consciousness of the object of suggestion is relaxed or asleep. This is the most favorable moment, since during sleep a person’s subconscious is maximally open to influence.

It is under these conditions that it is necessary to carry out telepathic suggestion of thoughts to another person: this way he will accept other people’s thoughts as his own.

This method allows you to instill love, health, any emotion in any person, you can also introduce a mental image with a specific command.

Before starting practice, you need to compose the desired image or text of suggestion, memorize it in order to pronounce it at the right moment.

1. The practitioner takes a sitting or lying position, closes his eyes and relaxes all the muscles of his body and face. Gradually this will bring the person into a relaxed meditative state.

2. He remains aware and dives even deeper. To do this, a person concentrates on his breathing, observes the process and does not interfere.

3. After some time of concentration, the practitioner will realize that his train of thought has stopped and he is in a deep trance.

4. The person remembers the person to whom the thought needs to be inspired. His image needs to be presented as vividly as possible. It is useful to reproduce the feeling that appears when meeting him live. With practice, this will create the effect of presence and increase the effectiveness of the technique!

5. The practitioner begins to mentally repeat the memorized text for suggestion, imagining how an energy channel is built, how it connects to a person’s head, and how a thought, repeated many times, is introduced there.

You must repeat with concentration, without being distracted by any extraneous thought! The number of repetitions of the text of suggestion is strictly individual for each practitioner: at some point he will feel that it is enough. In practice, you need to repeat the command at least 20 times.

6. Afterwards, the person imagines how the object of suggestion fulfills the thought, the order that was implanted in him: for example, how he goes to the phone, dials the desired number and calls.

All these images need to be sent through the energy channel to the object’s head.

7. At the end, the practitioner imagines how in the object’s head the inspired commands are transformed into his personal thoughts and desires.

Practice should be carried out for 15 minutes. daily.

The results will shock you. Soon you will learn how to make powerful hypnotelepathic suggestions to anyone and watch them do what you want!


You must remember that all your actions are taken into account by higher powers and are your responsibility!

The law of karma³ (cause and effect) should be taken into account: everything you do towards another person comes back to you threefold. Any negativity will return, you can be sure of it!

Therefore, you need to meaningfully create texts of suggestion, based on the principle “do no harm.”

With regular practice, you can develop powerful thought power and make your ability of telepathic suggestion very strong. In contrast to conventional hypnosis, almost no one can resist telepathic hypnosis!

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Hypnosis is a temporary state of consciousness caused by self-hypnosis or the influence of a hypnotist, characterized by a sharp focus of attention and high susceptibility to suggestion (Wikipedia).

² Learn the technique of self-hypnosis

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