Polygynax suppositories are an effective remedy for thrush. Polygynax will get rid of thrush How to use the drug to treat vaginal candidiasis

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Polygynax for thrush is now very popular due to its effectiveness and instant action. The drug Polizhinaks for thrush is presented in the form of suppositories, which are capable of relieving the symptoms of fungal pathology already on the third day.

Composition and properties of Polygynax

Candles consist of such active components as:

  • nystanine;
  • demitikon;
  • neomycin and polymyxin B sulfate.

Naturally, every medicine contains auxiliary substances. In Polygynax, the auxiliary components are:

The drug Polygynax itself is a combined antibiotic that has antifungal, antibacterial, and antimycotic effects.

The combination of all components of the product has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, resulting in improved trophic processes. The active substances also actively affect gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

Nystanin has a detrimental effect on fungi of the genus Candida. But Polymyxin increases cell permeability, resulting in bacterial lysis. Neomycin is an antibiotic, and its main task is to act on pathogenic microorganisms. Due to this, fungi of an abnormal type begin to be produced, which subsequently makes the bacteria unviable.

How to use Polygynax for candidiasis

The drug is prescribed by a doctor, who also sets the dosage and course of use of the suppositories. Instructions for use of suppositories also contain information on use. Only the doctor, at his own discretion, can prescribe a different dosage and course of use of the drug. This will depend on the degree of neglect of the disease.

The instructions indicate that suppositories can be used not only for existing diseases, but also for their prevention.

The main thing in the treatment of candidiasis with Polygynax suppositories is continuous treatment. If a woman does not administer a suppository on 1 day of treatment, the treatment may not give a positive result.

How to use Polygynax? The instructions that come with it will help with this. The product is taken locally. The suppository is inserted as deeply as possible into the vagina.

During treatment with the drug, a woman should avoid sexual intercourse, the use of tampons, and barrier contraceptives.

Can suppositories be used during pregnancy?

In the first trimester, the use of Polygynax suppositories for thrush is prohibited. In the second and third trimester, the doctor may prescribe the use of the drug, but only if the woman strictly follows his recommendations, since the drug contains antibiotics, and their effect on the fetus has not been fully studied.

If candidiasis appears just before childbirth, then the use of the product instantly normalizes the microflora, which means that the risk of infecting the baby during childbirth is zero.

One cannot fail to mention the use of suppositories for nursing mothers. At breastfeeding the drug is strictly contraindicated. But if there is a need for its use, then the woman stops breastfeeding.

Side effects from using Polygynax

Like any other medicine, Polygynax may cause side effects.

Possible side effects include allergies in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes, itching, skin irritation, and drug-induced urticaria.

Long-term use of the product may lead to increased intensity side effects. As soon as a woman notices at least one unpleasant symptom, the use of suppositories should be stopped and your doctor should be told about this.

Polygynax is generally a universal remedy. After all, the field of its combat operations is not only the areas affected by thrush. And vaginitis and other imbalances in the vaginal microflora, which is very important for many (including me in particular).

  • Review on a sensitive female topic, so...sorry ((to those who expected something completely different in the text...

Why is Plizhinax better than other drugs?

What these vaginal capsules have

Antibacterial, bactericidal and antifungal action

That is, Polygynax is not a “banal” drug for thrush, but a remedy that helps fight a wide range of problems.

In addition, Polygynax is an antibiotic!

Combined antibiotic.

It contains an aminoglycoside neomycin, polyene antibiotic nystatin and cyclic polypeptide polymyxin IN.

Neomycin sulfate (a first-generation broad-spectrum antibiotic), polymyxin B sulfate (an antibiotic that acts primarily on gram-negative microorganisms) and nystatin (an antifungal agent)

Is it possible to take Polygynax during pregnancy?

There is no definite answer here - it’s possible and it’s not.

There are restrictions by trimester - it is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, and in the second and third trimester it is prescribed only in cases where such use is justified and there are no other ways to solve the problem.

**Polygynax instructions in Ukrainian

The blisters of the drug seem huge and difficult to open... but no, there are no problems with removing them from foil confinement, the capsules seem to jump out on their own at the slightest pressure.

Many people are scared by the size of the vaginal capsule

The Polygynax capsule is truly huge! Like...a pigeon egg or something...

For some reason they reminded me...vitamins for pregnant horses. Sometimes there is a feeling that the manufacturer simply does not control the sizes and is doing everything to intimidate the pregnant woman even more female body... and in these exciting months it’s already calling for emotions)

But when inserted, everything is much more comfortable than it seems at first glance.

The egg seems to “slip” itself, sinking inside without the slightest discomfort. Although many smaller candles are not pleasant to me, it turned out to be exactly the opposite - big size more comfortable precisely because of the streamlined shape.

In addition, the capsules do not need to be moistened with water before use, which makes them easier to use than, for example, Klin-D.

I had to deal with several such drugs due to the “aggravating microflora”, and I will say that these huge “testicles” are one of the most comfortable.

For teenage girls and younger girls there is a form of Polzhinax Virgo with the same active ingredients. The only difference is the nozzle, which is cut off, and the drug is simply injected inside - that is, the gelatin capsule is not injected inside.

The Polygynax vaginal capsule should only be administered in a supine position, and do not stand up further, as everything dissolves quite quickly...

What I was most afraid of was a burning sensation... but the capsules did not cause me much discomfort.

**instructions for use of Polygynax onRussian

A very sensitive question is how it all “comes out” in the morning.

The capsule dissolves, the shell almost completely melts. So there is a lot of discharge, get ready to catch...((

It seems that they can’t be called fatty, but it’s better to protect your underwear with something more serious than a daily wear. Moreover, it contains soybean oil and slippery dimethicone... you can roughly imagine what the fatty-slippery liquid will be like at the exit. Some fabrics may well be spoiled by such a composition....

Excipients: dimethicone 1000, Tefoz 63, hydrogenated soybean oil, gelatin, glycerin, purified water.

How quickly does Polygynax work?

Surprisingly, it relieves the main symptoms very quickly... and there is a huge temptation - interrupt treatment prematurely, especially due to some inconvenience in the morning.....

The main thing is not to do this, but to complete the treatment.

Polygynax spectrum of action:

Active regarding gram-positive microorganisms: Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium spp.; gram-negative microorganisms: Enterococcus faecium, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Ureaplasma urealyticum. Has a fungicidal effect on pathogenic fungi, especially yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida albicans, Cryptococcus, Hystoplasma.

According to mime sensations - with mixed vaginosis Polygynax copes better than with thrush . Still, this drug removes thrush better.

As for vaginosis, we need an integrated approach, better with these pills.

Polygynax can also be used after surgical interventions.

Or if somehow you become infected with intestinal infections that take root in the vagina... and then vaginal capsules will come in handy.

Minus - Polygynax conflicts with latex products.

That is, some methods of contraception are not suitable while using this remedy for thrush... although, on the days of treatment, contact with a partner is generally not advisable (!) So this minus is conditional.

Spermicidal contraceptives, by the way, reduce the effectiveness of the drug... you will also have to give up the caps.

But there is a big advantage - this is the type of candles that women can use in critical days. Few drugs can boast of such...

Well, 1 capsule a day (before bed) is, of course, almost all candles are like that...

Price , of course, it bites...for Polygynax you will have to pay about 200 UAH. (450 rubles), in Russia - even more expensive - 650-700 rubles.

Manufacturer - Innotera, France

Usage nuances:

Since this is a local antibiotic, along with getting rid of problems, it can bring with it other smaller problems... remember that if we take antibiotics internally, we can develop intestinal dysbiosis? And in this case, do you need to take “helping” drugs? ( probiotics, prebiotics, etc.)

So after polygynax, beneficial lactobacilli may die... and they need to be restored. True, in our country it is not common to prescribe such drugs internally ( that is, in the same place as Polygynax...capsules with beneficial bacteria like Vagilak (Vagisan), and everything is done orally

If help comes orally, then not all remedies will be good in this matter... there is an opinion that only such a thing can compete with antibiotics. The rest are useless...

Otherwise, thrush may return...precisely because everything useful also died along with the pathogenic microflora after using Polygynax capsules.

Suppositories are one of the most popular treatment options for candidiasis. Among other drugs, the gynecologist may prescribe Polygynax to the patient for thrush. How do these suppositories work?

Mechanism of action

Polygynax is a highly effective remedy in the fight against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida because it combines a number of effective components at once.

It is based on the antibiotic substances polymyxin and neomycin, which prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and their normal functioning.

As a result, the mucous membranes of the vagina return to their normal state. Additional elements included in Polygynax are:

Despite the wide range of effects on fungi, Polygynax does not have a negative effect on the natural vaginal microflora. It is practically not absorbed into the mucous membranes and is evenly distributed over the affected areas after the capsule dissolves.

Who uses this drug and how?

Polygynax for thrush is used as one of the options for mandatory course therapy. In most cases, even severe fungal manifestations disappear already on the 3rd day after the start of treatment.


If you have started introducing capsules into your body, you cannot stop doing this without special instructions from your doctor, otherwise the effect of Polygynax will not only disappear, but will also add to health problems. If you miss just one day, therapy should be resumed the next day, without compensating for the “lost” procedure.

Lack of systematic use of Polygynax can lead to the development of chronic candidiasis with regular relapses of the disease. Fungi will gradually develop “immunity” to the components that form the drug, and therefore it will be much more difficult to get rid of them.

At the same time, despite the fact that Polygynax is considered an antibiotic, there are no exact regulations regarding the daily time of its introduction into the body.

In addition to vaginal candidiasis, doctors also prescribe these suppositories to those patients who have been diagnosed with bacterial vaginitis, cervical erosion, fungal or bacterial cervicitis and nonspecific types of vaginitis.

Polygynax is available in the form of an emulsion and in the form of vaginal capsules, which are more popular among patients. The drug is not intended for men. There is a special product for children - Polygynax Virgo.

Minimal contraindications

Polygynax for thrush is prohibited for use only by a very small group of women. We are talking about patients:

  1. Those with allergies and individual intolerance to the elements included in the suppositories.
  2. Those in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the use of suppositories should be done with caution.
  3. Breastfeeding newborn babies.
  4. Suffering from kidney failure. Excessive use of the drug can only aggravate the existing disease.

There have been no cases of incompatibility of Polygynax with other drugs in medical practice. The product can only weaken the effect of other products. The drug is approved for use during menstruation. But you will have to abstain from alcohol and sexual intercourse with a partner during the treatment period.

Of all kinds adverse reactions Polygynax can only provoke allergies, manifested in the form of rashes, itching, swelling of the mucous membranes and drug-induced urticaria.


Many patients who use these suppositories to treat thrush note that in morning hours They secrete copious amounts of translucent fluid. Such manifestations are a variant of the norm, and not unfavorable side symptom. Treatment with suppositories should not be interrupted.

Rules of application

According to the instructions, which do not take into account the individual characteristics of the body or the specific course of the disease, Polygynax for thrush should be used once a day, preferably before going to bed.

Suppositories must be inserted as deep as possible into the vaginal passage. The duration of treatment is 12 days. As part of prevention, suppositories should be used only for 6 days. Additional recommendations for the use of suppositories are determined by the attending physician.

Price category

The affordable cost of the drug is a significant advantage for many women suffering from vaginal candidiasis. A package with 6 capsules can be purchased for an average of 350 rubles, and with 12 capsules - for 550 rubles.

What is the cost of this drug in your pharmacies? ???

One of the most popular modern methods The treatment for thrush is local therapy. Suppositories are especially indicated for women suffering from chronic form candidiasis, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the fact that sometimes the oral use of antibiotics is unacceptable, as this can cause destruction of the microbiological background of the body.

Today, pharmaceutical companies can boast of a wide range of antifungal drugs. medicines, but candles remain the most popular.

Many of the suppositories actually “perform their task” quite well, but you should understand that the majority of them are not as “harmless” as it might seem at first glance.

Understanding this, gynecologists prescribe the most suitable ones to their patients. But what a coincidence, girls from all over the country say that they were prescribed Polygynax for thrush.

Why Polygynax?

Naturally, different vaginal suppositories They differ from each other in their composition, their active ingredients, as well as their therapeutic range. Of course, girls have the right to choose suppositories on their own, but what will such a choice be based on?

Colorful packaging, a beautiful name and an attractive price cannot guarantee an impeccable treatment effect. That is why a gynecologist should prescribe specific suppositories, based on preliminary diagnosis and the results of an in-person examination of the patient.

As for Polygynax suppositories, they are indeed most in demand in gynecological practice, and here’s why. Polygynax – combination drug, which contains many components. The composition is based on the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin, the action of which is aimed at disrupting the vital processes of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms living on the mucous membranes of the vaginal walls.

It “envelops” the affected areas of the mucous membrane, providing an antipruritic effect and improving tissue nutrition processes, thereby facilitating deep penetration of other components into the vaginal “folds” of the mucous membranes.

Thus, Polygynax has a comprehensive effect against thrush, facilitating its progression.

Among the many drugs, Polygynax suppositories are also “famous” for their cost. Their price is relatively reasonable, so every girl can afford to purchase these suppositories.

Pricing policy of many existing antifungal and antibacterial drugs, basically, unreasonably high. But do not think that low cost is the first sign of a low-quality and ineffective medicine. On the contrary, as gynecological practice shows, the majority, indeed, effective drugs differ in their availability.

Correct treatment with Polygynax

Treatment of thrush with Polygynax suppositories comes down to the destruction of the Candida fungus. It is worth noting that these suppositories are indicated both for local treatment of candidiasis and for the prevention of its possible complications. That is, Polygynax is able to “fight” against diseases of candidal origin such as vulvovaginitis and bacterial cervicitis.

Gynecologists often prescribe suppositories for the prevention of various infectious and candidal complications before a well-known procedure. surgery in the lower genital tract (including before abortion) or upcoming birth.

Features of treatment with these suppositories include the fact that there is a minimal likelihood of side effects. If you follow all the instructions of the gynecologist and strictly adhere to the “recommendations” of the instructions regarding dosages, side effect the drug is impossible.

But it is worth noting that suppositories have contraindications, which consist in the physiological factor of the body’s susceptibility to any components that make up Polygynax.

You can verify the absence of sensitivity to the components of the drug only by consulting with your doctor. Do not take any independent action regarding self-medication, because the drug includes several antibiotics that can harm the intravaginal microflora.

Depending on the form of the complexity of thrush, the “fight” against the harmful fungus can last for 6-12 days (1 suppository per day). Accordingly, candles are produced in packs of 6 or 12 pieces. The duration of treatment against candidiasis can only be determined by a gynecologist, based on the results of an in-person examination and tests. Despite the fact that the symptoms “disappear” quickly, the course of treatment must be completed.

Polygynax suppositories for thrush should be used on the recommendation and prescription of a doctor, according to the instructions. It is necessary to take into account that the drug contains not only nystatin - the action of which is aimed at combating fungal flora, but also antibiotics, which allows the use of suppositories for mixed inflammatory processes female genital area.

The release form of the drug is vaginal capsules, which contain:

  • neomycin sulfate;
  • polymyxin B sulfate.

The drug Polygynax can be prescribed in the following cases:

  • combating mixed infections of the female reproductive system, which are accompanied by the appearance of candidiasis;
  • combating fungal vaginitis;
  • as a means of preventing fungal diseases before diagnostic measures or surgical interventions.

Instructions for treating thrush with Polygynax

When treating thrush with Polygynax, a vaginal suppository should be inserted deep into the vagina at night for 12 days. If the use of the drug is prophylactic, a 6-day course is sufficient.

It is not recommended to interrupt the course; even on the days of menstruation, it is necessary to administer one capsule as usual at night. During the course of treatment, tampons and barrier methods of contraception should not be used. It is advisable to wear cotton underwear and use pads, including daily pads on days without menstruation.

After inserting the suppository for thrush Polygynax into the vagina, its upper shell first dissolves, after which medicinal substances are evenly distributed throughout the mucous membranes of the woman’s reproductive system.

As for the use of the drug by pregnant women, this issue can be decided by a doctor, but in general, treatment of thrush with Polygynax in pregnant women is not prohibited. If you used vaginal tablets and during treatment you learned that you were pregnant, you should check with your gynecologist about continuing the course or stopping it. It is not advisable to use suppositories during lactation.

Does Polygynax help with thrush?

There is no doubt that the drug helps, this is evidenced by positive reviews gynecologists and patients who have undergone treatment for thrush using Polygynax suppositories. The main recommendation for effective and quick disposal of candidiasis is compliance with the timing and continuity of drug administration throughout the entire course. At the end of the course, all manifestations of the unpleasant disease disappear without a trace.

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