The region of the former biosphere transformed by people with the help. Search results for \"biosphere region\"

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Life activity - this is a specific form of active attitude towards the surrounding world, aimed at its change and transformation, which is based on biological processes. Man, like all living things on Earth, exists in the biosphere. However, recently the biosphere has gradually lost its dominant significance and in regions inhabited by people began to turn into the technosphere. Technosphere - this is a region of the biosphere that was transformed in the past by people through the direct or indirect influence of technical means in order to best suit their material and living conditions. The technosphere consists of territories occupied by cities and towns, industrial zones and enterprises. The development of the technosphere occurs due to the transformation of the natural environment. The technosphere is not a self-developing environment; it is man-made and after creation can only degrade. Currently, 75% of the Earth's population live in the technosphere or the zone of transition from the technosphere to the biosphere, where living conditions differ significantly from the biosphere, primarily due to the increased influence of negative technogenic factors on humans.

In new technospheric conditions, biological interaction has increasingly begun to be replaced by processes of physical and chemical interaction, and the levels of physical and chemical factors of influence in the 20th century have continuously increased, often having a negative impact on humans and nature. The root cause of many negative processes in nature and society was the anthropogenic activity of society, which failed to create a technosphere of the required quality both in relation to man and in relation to nature. Currently, in order to solve emerging problems, a person must improve the technosphere, reducing its negative impact to acceptable levels.

IN life cycle a person and his surrounding environment form a constantly operating “man - environment” system.

Habitat - this is the environment surrounding a person, characterized by a set of dynamically changing factors (physical, chemical, biological, psychophysiological, informational, social) that can have a direct or indirect, immediate or remote impact on human activity, his health and offspring.

The central element of the “man – environment” system is man, and other elements form "living conditions" , i.e. a set of factors influencing a person. At the same time, a person, by changing the parameters of his habitat, influences living conditions.

Element properties environment and their states in relation to a person can be favorable, not creating a threat to human health, and unfavorable when such a threat arises. Unfavorable conditions are identified with danger. Danger - this is a negative property of living and inanimate matter that can cause damage to the matter itself: people, the natural environment, and material values.

One of the qualities of life activity is its potential danger. The potential danger of life activity lies in the fact that it is hidden and usually manifests itself under conditions that are difficult to predict. When identifying (identifying) potential hazards, it is necessary to take into account direct and indirect interactions of system objects. Sources of hazards can be natural processes and phenomena, the man-made environment, and human actions. Hazards can be realized in the form of energy releases, the transformation of matter, the transfer of information and manifest themselves in space and time.

In the same time life can exist only in the process of movement of flows of matter, energy and information through a living body . A person needs these flows to satisfy his needs for food, water, air, solar energy, information about the environment, etc. In addition, a person emits flows of mechanical and intellectual energy into the environment, mass flows in the form of various wastes, thermal flows energy, etc. Man and his environment interact harmoniously and develop only in conditions when these flows are within limits that are favorably perceived by man and the natural environment. Any excess of the usual flow levels is accompanied by negative impacts on humans or the natural environment. Under natural conditions, such impacts are observed during climate change and natural phenomena. In the technosphere, negative impacts are caused by its elements (machines, structures, etc.) and human actions.

There are hazards of natural, technogenic and anthropogenic origin. Natural Hazards caused by climatic and natural phenomena that pose a direct threat to human life and health (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, mudflows, floods, storms, lightning, increased activity Sun, fog, ice, etc.). Technogenic hazards create elements of the technosphere (machines, structures, substances). Currently, the list of actual man-made hazards is significant and includes more than 100 types (dust and air pollution, noise, ultrasound, infrasound, vibration, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation, electric current; abnormal temperature, humidity and air speed; insufficient lighting, chemical substances and mixtures, fire, labor process factors, etc.). Anthropogenic hazards arise from erroneous or unauthorized actions of a person or groups of people.

When analyzing hazards, a distinction is made between harmful and dangerous environmental factors.

Harmful factor is an environmental factor, the impact of which can cause disease or other health problems or damage to the health of offspring. Dangerous factor is an environmental factor, the impact of which can lead to a sudden sharp deterioration in human health or injury (including death).

Hazards, based on the likelihood of impact on humans and the environment, are divided into potential, real and realized.

Potential danger represents a general threat not related to the space and time of exposure. The presence of such dangers is reflected in the statement that human life is potentially dangerous. It predetermines that all human actions and all components of the living environment, primarily technical means and technologies, in addition to positive properties and results, have the ability to generate dangerous and harmful factors.

Real danger associated with a specific threat of impact on humans, it is coordinated in space and time.

Realized danger – this is the fact of the impact of a real danger on a person or the environment. Realized hazards are usually divided into incidents, accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

Incident is an event consisting of a negative impact causing damage to human, material or natural resources.

Emergency incident (PE) is an event that occurs short-term and has a high level of negative impact.

Accident is an incident in a technical system that is not accompanied by loss of life.

Catastrophe is an incident in a technical system that results in loss of life.

Disaster is an incident associated with natural phenomena on Earth and leading to the destruction of the biosphere, technosphere, loss of human health, or their death.

Emergency situation (ES)– this is the state of an object or territory, usually after an emergency, in which there is a threat to life and health for a group of people, material damage is caused to the population and the economy, and the natural environment is degraded.

Every component of the environment can be protected from danger. Objects of protection include a person, community, state, biosphere, technosphere, etc. The main desired state of objects of protection is safe. It is implemented in the absence of hazards or their reduction to maximum permissible exposure levels. Safety - this is the state of the object of protection in which the impact on it of all flows of matter, energy and information does not exceed the maximum permissible values. The term “security” has practical meaning only in relation to the system “object of protection – source of danger”. The absence of an object of protection or a source of danger takes the conversation about security into a pointless area.

Systems for ensuring the safety of people, who at all stages of their development strived to ensure comfort, personal safety and preserve their health, have historical priority. Creating a reliable home is nothing more than the desire to provide yourself and your family with protection from natural negative factors: lightning, precipitation, wild animals, reduced and elevated temperature, solar radiation, etc. But the appearance of a dwelling began to threaten a person with the emergence of new negative impacts, for example, the collapse of the dwelling, when fire was brought into it - poisoning due to smoke, burns and fires.

The significance of problems in security systems is constantly increasing, since not only the number, but also the energy level of negative impacts is growing. If the level of influence of natural negative factors has been practically stable for centuries, then most anthropogenic factors continuously increase their energy indicators (increase in stress, pressure, etc.) with the improvement and development of new types of equipment and technology (the emergence of nuclear energy, concentration of energy resources, etc. .).

Life safety (LS) is an area of ​​knowledge about comfortable and safe human interaction with the environment. The main goal of BZD is to protect people from negative impacts of anthropogenic and natural origin and to achieve comfortable living conditions. The components of BZD are environmental protection, labor protection and safety in emergency situations.

Life safety summary

Biosphere - the shell of the Earth, region. distribution of life on Earth, incl. The lower layer of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the upper layer of the lithosphere have not experienced human impact.

Technosphere is a region of the biosphere in the past, transformed by people through the direct or indirect influence of technical means in order to best meet their material and socio-economic needs.

Habitat is the environment surrounding a person, determined at the moment by a combination of factors (physical, chemical, biologist, social) that can have a direct or indirect, immediate or long-term impact on a person’s activity, his health and offspring.

At all stages of their development, man and society continuously influenced their environment. In the 20th century Zones of increased anthropogenic and technogenic influence on the natural environment have emerged on Earth, which has led to partial, and in some cases, complete regional degradation. These changes were largely facilitated by:

  • -- high rates of population growth on Earth (demographic explosion) and its urbanization;
  • -- growth in consumption and concentration of energy resources;
  • -- intensive development of industrial and agricultural production;
  • -- mass use of transport;
  • -- increased costs for military purposes and a number of other processes.

Population explosion. Advances in medicine, increased comfort in work and life, intensification and growth in agricultural productivity have largely contributed to an increase in human life expectancy and, as a consequence, an increase in the world's population. Simultaneously with the increase in life expectancy in a number of regions of the world, the birth rate continued to remain at a high level, amounting to 40 people. per 1000 people per year or more.

Urbanization. Simultaneously with the demographic explosion, the process of urbanization of the planet's population is taking place. This process is largely objective in nature, because it helps to increase productive activity in many areas, while simultaneously solving social, cultural and educational problems of society.

Urbanization continuously worsens living conditions in the regions and inevitably destroys their natural environment. For large cities and industrial centers it is typical high level pollution of habitat components.

Growth in energy, industrial and agricultural production, and transport numbers. An increase in the Earth's population and military needs stimulate the growth of industrial production, the number of transport, and lead to an increase in energy production and consumption of raw materials. The consumption of material and energy resources has a higher growth rate than population growth, since their average per capita consumption is constantly increasing.

In the second half of the 20th century. Every 12-15 years, the industrial production of the leading countries of the world doubled, thereby ensuring a doubling of emissions of pollutants into the biosphere. Similar or similar growth rates were observed in many other sectors of the national economy. The chemical industry, non-ferrous metallurgy facilities, production of building materials, etc. developed at a significantly faster pace.

It should be noted that the development of industry and technical means was accompanied not only by an increase in the emission of pollutants, but also by the involvement of an increasing number of chemical elements in production.

The energy levels of technogenic impacts increased significantly in the 20th century, when people had at their disposal powerful technology, huge reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials, chemical and bacteriological substances. As a result, the history of mankind has given rise to another paradox - for many centuries people have been improving technology to protect themselves from natural dangers, but as a result they have come to the highest man-made dangers associated with the production and use of equipment and technologies.

Second half of the 20th century associated with the intensification of agricultural production. Artificial fertilizers and various toxicants have been used for many years to improve soil fertility and control pests. With excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers, the soil is oversaturated with nitrates, and with the application of phosphorus fertilizers - with fluorine, rare earth elements, and strontium. When using non-traditional fertilizers (sediment sludge, etc.), the soil is oversaturated with heavy metal compounds. Excessive amounts of fertilizers lead to oversaturation of food with toxic substances, disrupt the ability of soils to filter, and lead to pollution of water bodies, especially during flood periods.

Pesticides used to protect plants from pests are also dangerous to humans. It has been established that about 10 thousand people die annually from direct pesticide poisoning in the world, forests, birds, and insects die. Pesticides end up in food chains and drinking water. Without exception, all pesticides exhibit either mutagenic or other negative effects on humans and wildlife.

Man-made accidents and disasters. Until the middle of the 20th century. humans did not have the ability to initiate large-scale accidents and disasters and thereby cause irreversible environmental changes on a regional and global scale, comparable to natural disasters.

The emergence of nuclear facilities, high concentration, first of all, chemicals and the increase in their production have made humans capable of causing destructive effects on ecosystems. An example of this is the tragedies in Chernobyl and Bhopal.

A huge destructive impact on the biosphere occurs during testing of nuclear weapons (in Semipalatinsk, on Novaya Zemlya Island) and other types of weapons.

In many countries it continues to grow to this day. As a result of active man-made activity in many regions of our planet, the biosphere has been destroyed and a new type of habitat has been created - the technosphere.

Life activity is daily activity and recreation, a way of human existence.

When starting to study the fundamentals of human safety in the technosphere, it is necessary to determine, first of all, the place of life safety in the total volume of “knowledge about the interaction of living beings with each other and the environment” (E. Haeckel, 1869), studied in the science of ecology.

In the 19th century ecologists studied mainly the patterns of biological interaction in the biosphere, and the role of humans in these processes was considered secondary. At the end of the 19th century. and in the 20th century. the situation has changed, ecologists have increasingly become concerned about the role of man in changing the World around us. During this period, significant changes occurred in the human environment. The biosphere gradually lost its dominant significance and in regions inhabited by people began to turn into the technosphere.

In the World around us, new conditions for the interaction of living and inanimate matter have arisen: the interaction of humans with the technosphere, the interaction of the technosphere with the biosphere (nature), etc. Now it is legitimate to talk about the emergence of a new field of knowledge - “Ecology of the technosphere”, where the main “actors” are humans and the technosphere he created.

In new technospheric conditions, biological interaction has increasingly begun to be replaced by processes of physical and chemical interaction, and the levels of physical and chemical factors of influence in the 20th century. continuously increased, often having a negative impact on humans and nature. There has been a need in society to protect nature (“Nature Conservation”) and humans (“Life Safety”) from the negative influence of the technosphere.

The root cause of many negative processes in nature and society was anthropogenic activity, which failed to create a technosphere of the required quality both in relation to man and in relation to nature. Currently, in order to solve emerging problems, people must improve the technosphere, reducing its negative impact on humans and nature to acceptable levels. Achieving these goals is interconnected. While solving the problems of ensuring human safety in the technosphere, the problems of protecting nature from the destructive influence of the technosphere are simultaneously solved.

The main goal of life safety as a science is to protect people in the technosphere from the negative impacts of anthropogenic and natural origin and to achieve comfortable living conditions.

The means to achieve this goal is the implementation by society of knowledge and skills aimed at reducing physical, chemical, biological and other negative impacts in the technosphere to acceptable values. This determines the body of knowledge included in the science of life safety, as well as the place of life safety in the general field of knowledge - the ecology of the technosphere.

Life safety is the science of comfortable and safe human interaction with the technosphere.

Evolution of the habitat, transition from the biosphere to the technosphere

In the life cycle, a person and the environment surrounding him form a constantly operating system “man - environment”.

Habitat is the environment surrounding a person, currently determined by a combination of factors (physical, chemical, biological, social) that can have a direct or indirect, immediate or remote impact on human activity, his health and offspring.

Acting in this system, a person continuously solves at least two main tasks:

Provides its needs for food, water and air;

Creates and uses protection from negative influences, both from the environment and from its own kind.

Negative impacts inherent in the environment have existed as long as the World has existed. Sources of natural negative impacts are natural phenomena in the biosphere: climate change, thunderstorms, earthquakes, etc.

The constant struggle for one's existence forced man to find and improve means of protection against the natural negative influences of the environment. Unfortunately, the emergence of housing, the use of fire and other means of protection, the improvement of methods of obtaining food - all this not only protected people from natural negative influences, but also influenced the living environment.

Over the course of many centuries, the human environment has slowly changed its appearance and, as a result, the types and levels of negative impacts have changed little. This continued until the middle of the 19th century. - the beginning of an active increase in human impact on the environment. In the 20th century Zones of increased pollution of the biosphere have emerged on Earth, which has led to partial, and in some cases, complete regional degradation. These changes were largely facilitated by:

High rates of population growth on Earth (demographic explosion) and its urbanization;

Increased consumption and concentration of energy resources;

Intensive development of industrial and agricultural production;

Massive use of means of transport;

Increased costs for military purposes and a number of other processes.

From the above it is clear that the 20th century was marked by a loss of stability in processes such as the growth of the Earth's population and its urbanization. This caused large-scale development of energy, industry, agriculture, transport, military affairs and led to a significant increase in technogenic impact. In many countries it continues to grow to this day. As a result of active man-made activity in many regions of our planet, the biosphere has been destroyed and a new type of habitat has been created - the technosphere.

The biosphere is the area of ​​distribution of life on Earth, including the lower layer of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the upper layer of the lithosphere, which have not experienced anthropogenic impact.

Technosphere is a region of the biosphere, transformed in the past by people through the direct or indirect influence of technical means in order to best meet their material and socio-economic needs (technosphere is a region of a city or industrial zone, industrial or domestic environment).

By creating the technosphere, man sought to improve the comfort of the living environment, to increase communication skills, and to provide protection from natural negative influences. All this had a beneficial effect on living conditions and, together with other factors (improved medical care, etc.), affected people’s life expectancy.

However, the technosphere created by the hands and mind of man, designed to maximally satisfy his needs for comfort and safety, has not lived up to people’s hopes in many ways. The emerging industrial and urban environments turned out to be far from the acceptable requirements in terms of safety and environmental friendliness.

The emergence of the technosphere led to the fact that the biosphere in many regions of our planet began to be actively replaced by the technosphere. There are few areas left on the planet with undisturbed ecosystems. Ecosystems are most destroyed in developed countries - Europe, North America, Japan. Here, natural ecosystems have been preserved mainly in small areas; they represent small patches of the biosphere, surrounded on all sides by areas disturbed by human activity, and therefore are subject to strong technospheric pressure.

The technosphere is the brainchild of the 20th century, replacing the biosphere.

New technospheric conditions include human living conditions in cities and industrial centers, production, transport and living conditions life activity. Almost the entire urbanized population lives in the technosphere, where living conditions differ significantly from those in the biosphere, primarily due to the increased influence of man-made negative factors on humans.

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Protected provisions and conclusions. The defense is presented on a set of theoretical and practical results that provide a quantitative description and prediction of the processes of migration and transformation of matter in LGS. 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for mathematical modeling of landscape-geochemical processes in elementary and cascade LGS at the local level have been developed. => A classification of mathematical models of migration and transformation of matter in LGS has been carried out. Depending on the nature of landscape-geochemical processes, their mathematical models are combined into four groups: models of individual phases of the water cycle; transport models; thermodynamic and kinetic models; models of biological migration. The relationship between the processes depends on the structure and scale of the LGS, as well as on the properties of the controlled elements and their connections. The spatial organization of geochemical landscapes is represented by ELGS, catenas and

reflected in the database on the state of territorial-aquatic complexes of small and medium-sized rivers in the Moscow region<...>Austria, Vienna, 1998; Sweden, Uppsala, 2003); Lomonosov Readings (Moscow, Moscow State University, 1999; 2001); "Geochemistry of the biosphere<...>State of territorial-aquatic complexes of small and medium-sized rivers of the Moscow region // Alekseevsky<...>Geochemistry of the biosphere", Novorossiysk, 1994, pp. 68-69. 48. Kosheleva N.E.<...>"Geochemistry of the biosphere", Novorossiysk, 1994, pp. 72-73. 49.




Goal of the work. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the relationships between soil, plants and animals in a sustainable farming system. First, it looked at how to manage land wisely, and second, it looked at how the forage production system should be changed to make agriculture more environmentally friendly.

SUSTAINABLE agriculture, i Poto Oklahoma, US\ and Laboratories for SUSTAINABLE mv lsledelsho, Kole food*, zkolop and and biosphere<...>The dissertation materials were repeatedly discussed at extended meetings of the scientific club "Biosphere", In<...>A distinctive feature of the soils in this region is their acidic soil reaction, which can vary<...>introduction.into the system of native pas..: herb camps.that.are successfully adapted to the acidic.soils..of this region<...>Scientific discussion club "Biosphere" 1993.





The purpose of this work was to establish the physiological and biochemical patterns of growth of microorganisms using glycols and methanol as the only carbon sources.

conference "Ecology of the oil and gas complex" (Nadym, 1988), All-Union seminar "Microbiology of biosphere protection<...>(Alushta, 1990), at the All-Union Symposium "Microbiology of biosphere protection in the regions of the Urals and Northern





The main goal of the work was to study the dynamic properties of cryogenic soils as components of natural ecosystems.

Automated system environmental information and management of the environmental situation in Moscow and the Moscow region<...>The latest definition of soil as a component of the biosphere and any terrestrial ecosystem does not yet have its own<...>Spatial and temporal variability of the natural environment of the ecological region of Central Russia<...>In the book: Information problems in studying the biosphere.<...>In the book: Information problems in studying the biosphere. M., Nauka, 1988, pp. 76-84 (co-authored). 23.





Purpose of research. The purpose of this work is to study the forms of HM occurrence in gray forest and alluvial soils of various uses located in the northern part of the Central Russian Upland.

Heavy metals (HM) are priority pollutants of the biosphere due to their high toxicity<...>(Moscow, 1997), Second Russian School "Geochemical ecology and biogeochemical zoning of the biosphere<...>Materials of the Second Russian School "Geochemical Ecology 1" and biogeochemical zoning of the biosphere



The article analyzes the structure of the bancassurance market. The intensity of market competition was assessed using the PMCI index, all market participants were grouped into cores, taking into account their market power. The article highlights market subjects who are leaders and actually influence the intensity of market competition. The analysis was carried out according to the information rating agency "Expert RA"




The purpose of this work is to develop the scientific basis for soil microbiological assessment of the toxicity of herbicides and to develop methodological approaches for microbiological monitoring.

due to the role it plays in the processes of soil formation, the cycle of substances and self-purification of the biosphere<...>Semi-lethal concentrations, for example, of atratone, region, gramoxone and TISH fungicide for various strains<...>members of CMEA "Mechanism of action of herbicides and synthetic plant growth regulators and their fate in the biosphere<...>UP Meeting of the Soil Biology Section of the Hungarian Society of Soil Scientists "Soil Biology and Biosphere Protection"<...>III All-Union Scientific Coordination Meeting on the International Program of the ShVSKO "Man and the Biosphere"





The purpose of the study is to supplement and justify the system of indicators for studying the state and assessing the results of the socio-economic development of the region and to develop specific recommendations for improving the statistical methodology of regional studies

the modern interpretation of which is ambiguous. In our work, by “region” we mean territory<...>Based on a number of criteria, we have identified the leading "producers of management information in the region:<...>), on cost, profit, etc. However, we consider it a necessary condition for the social development of the region<...>The main purpose of the block of financial indicators is to enable the regional administration to<...>In particular, the deterioration of the health status of the population of the study region:.?



No. 6 [Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex, 2013]

specialized program SubPump, calculating power consumption and entering its values ​​into the automated process control system "Region<...>To illustrate the above, table. 2 presents fragments of data from the Region 2000 program, which<...>meters and control stations are monitored in real time (Table 3), similar to the automated process control system "Region<...>The difference between the "Polygon" and "Region 2000" systems is only that the polygon has the opportunity<...>"Energodiagnostika" and LLC "Gray" together with LLC NPO "New Oil Technologies" in the Nizhnevartovsk region

Preview: Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex No. 6 2013.pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 109 (7572) [Russian newspaper - federal issue + Union. Belarus-Russia, 2018]

Money was allocated to support the regions.<...>Emphasis The regions are in no hurry to complete construction of problematic facilities.<...>These systems have already been tested in the regions.<...>had basic knowledge in the field of ecology (as a science), zoology, botany, clearly understood what the biosphere is<...>In many regions, regulations have been in effect since Soviet times.

Preview: Rossiyskaya Gazeta - federal issue + Union. Belarus-Russia No. 109(7572) 2018.pdf (0.4 Mb)


Reproductive specificity of the formation of the securities market in the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts monograph

publishing house NCFU

The monograph examines various approaches to defining the concepts of regional economics and defines the characteristics of the competitiveness of regional reproduction. An analysis of the current state of the interregional market was carried out valuable papers in relation to the Southern and North Caucasian federal districts, the features of the state and asymmetry of investment in the southern Russian regions are identified. The features of the functioning of the interregional securities market are revealed. A structural-logical model for the formation of an optimal investment portfolio for the interregional securities market is proposed. Intended for all those interested in issues of regional economics.

one region can lead to hindrance of socio-economic development in another region.<...>, circulation, consumption of goods and services in the region; the region's focus on subsidies and subventions from the federal<...>advantages of this region over other regions.<...>To develop an investment policy for the region, it is necessary to assess the investment potential of the region, under<...>Expert", regions of South and 59 Todua L.

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No. 113 (7871) [Russian newspaper - federal issue + Union. Belarus-Russia, 2019]

Daily national newspaper (official publisher of government documents). Published since 1990.

This is despite the fact that the region is breaking even.<...>However, the capital has never been an unprofitable region.<...>It is due to the economic and transit potential of the region.<...>Is this “luxury” available to kids from other regions?<...>16 troupes from different regions gathered in the Volgograd region.

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No. 5 [Earth and Universe, 2018]

Articles are published on current problems of astronomy, cosmonautics, ecology, geophysics and geodesy. Special attention is devoted to articles promoting the most important scientific achievements, containing the results of experiments in the study of outer space, showing the ideological significance of the sciences of the Earth and the Universe and their connection with other areas of knowledge, exposing the anti-scientific essence of all kinds of sensational hypotheses and theories in the field of astronomy, cosmonautics and geophysics. Published materials provide methodological assistance to teachers and lecturers, promote broad participation of astronomy, cosmonautics and geophysics enthusiasts in space observations and research

Ionospheric wave disturbances are observed in this region even without connection with seismic events; they can<...>RAS "Environmental and climate change: natural disasters" (No. 16) and "Origin and evolution of the biosphere<...>The second, more practical: “to contribute to the preservation of humanity and the biosphere,” as reported in<...>He made and substantiated proposals for the creation of a comprehensive monitoring system in order to protect the biosphere<...>Kondratieva; member of the Editorial Boards of the journals "Geophysical Processes and Biosphere", "Geophysics" and scientific

Preview: Earth and the Universe No. 5 2018.pdf (0.5 Mb)


No. 3 [Ecumene. Regional studies, 2010]

on the Pacific Ocean and the region supplying resources.<...>From the very beginning of the reforms, investments in the region virtually ceased.<...>The crisis caused a sharp outflow of population from the region.<...>Similar events occurred in other regions of Siberia.<...>, or a major problem or aspect of the existence of a particular region.

Preview: Ecumene. Regional studies No. 3 2010.pdf (0.8 Mb)


No. 10 [Freight transport and special equipment, 2012]

Union The Region Soyuz company presents certified GLONASS/GPS equipment.<...>Avtosnab We ship to the regions. Any form of payment.<...>Lukor LLC carries out prompt shipment of spare parts to any region of the Russian Federation.<...>Fedose-enko, 49 Region Auto Auto parts, MAZ, KAMAZ, GAZ, URAL, UAZ.<...>Delivery to any region of Russia 8-910-797-50-34, 8-915-949-5005 N.N., st.

Preview: Freight transport and special equipment No. 9 2012.pdf (1.2 Mb)


No. 10 [Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Series: Geology, 2000]

The journal is included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published

Recent successions of the region have been studied from the floodplain lakes of the river valley.<...>One of them – the discovery of the law of development of ecological and geochemical changes in the biosphere – was awarded a diploma<...> <...>For the first time, colloidal and sorbed forms and technogenic compounds are considered for the biosphere.<...>General and specific requirements for assessing processes and phenomena occurring in the biosphere are given.

Preview: Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Geology Series No. 10 2000.pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 9 [Insurance business, 2014]

The journal covers theoretical and practical results of scientific research and development on the following issues: general theory of insurance and reinsurance; forms and types of insurance; organization of insurance business; mutual insurance; insurance intermediation; insurance law; financial stability of the insurance organization; actuarial calculations; insurance products; insurance in the risk management system; global insurance market; theoretical and methodological problems of the sociology of risk; risk management of Russia's sociocultural development; global risk society; socio-political and economic vulnerabilities.

SK MASTER-GARANT" 38 421 Bolshoye 9 CJSC " Insurance Company"ASKO-Center" 37 274 Bolshoye 10 LLC "SO "Region"

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No. 3 [Agricultural Economics. Abstract Journal, 2009]

The quarterly abstract journal has been published since 2000. Published jointly with VNIITEIAgroprom. The annual volume is about 1000 publications. The publication is a reference manual for scientists and agricultural specialists, as well as librarians and workers of scientific and technical information agencies. The RJ includes scientific, research and production, regulatory and technical information about the most significant articles from serial domestic and foreign publications and thematic collections that address economic problems in various sectors of agriculture and the food industry.

<...>AGRICULTURE; REGIONS; COST EFFICIENCY; RF 642.<...>between regions in the process of this development.<...>The number and size of private household plots depends on the region.<...>between regions in the process of this development.


Intentions of political discourse: theory and practice. Part 1 textbook. manual for students in education. higher education program education - training program for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school 06.45.01 Linguistics and literary criticism

The textbook for the discipline “Theory of Intentionality of Speech Behavior” consists of two theoretical chapters that introduce students to the basic concepts of this interdisciplinary theory using the example of speech behavior of producers of political discourse in Great Britain. Key theoretical paragraphs of the textbook are accompanied by questions to control acquired knowledge and practical exercises that allow a deeper understanding of the intentional mechanisms of speech of producers.

bacteria to humans: an extended version of the report at the IV International Conference "Biology: from molecules to biosphere"

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Funds for assessment tools for ongoing monitoring/intermediate certification on the module of theoretical foundations in the field of soil science and rational use of soils [textbook. allowance]

Rostov n/d.: Southern Federal University Publishing House

The textbook “Foundation of assessment tools for current monitoring/intermediate certification” for the module of theoretical foundations in the field of soil science and rational use of soils is based on a competency-based approach and is aimed at a level assessment of knowledge of the theoretical foundations, skills and knowledge of specialized knowledge of studying the soil cover of natural and anthropogenic objects, and also organization and planning of soil study work.

Biosphere 1. The term Biosphere in the understanding of V.I. Vernadsky A.<...>biosphere.<...>The importance of scientists from the North Caucasus region in the development of agrochemistry.<...>The concept of "biosphere". Structure and boundaries of the biosphere. 44.<...>Rostov-on-Don: [Our region], 2010. 173, p. 209. Polezhaeva, E.Yu.

Preview: Funds of assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of intermediate certification on the module of theoretical foundations in the field of soil science and rational use of soils.pdf (1.2 Mb)


Planetary evolution: past, present, future

The monograph is devoted to the study and philosophical understanding of one of the most important problems of modern knowledge - planetary evolution, as well as such a direction of scientific thought as evolutionism. Here the author's concept is presented, reflecting the essence of directed large-scale historical transformations of earthly matter in the unity of its present, past and future; and planetary evolutionism as a certain layer of theoretical knowledge, organically included in the structure of the new scientific picture of the world. The monograph is intended for specialists, researchers, university teachers, graduate students and students, a wide range of readers interested in philosophical problems of planetary and cosmic development.

Education and development of the biosphere 7.1.<...>Processes in the biosphere The basis for the existence of the biosphere itself, as well as the biogeochemical processes occurring in it<...>Vernadsky "biosphere".<...>This biosphere itself creates the technosphere.<...>The concept of the transition of the biosphere to the noosphere 15.1.

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No. 2 [Legality, 2019]

As you know, over the past decade and a half in Russia, legislation has been actively updated, on some issues - radically, many legal institutions are undergoing significant changes, and new ones are being introduced. During this time, the magazine’s pages published many discussion articles about the place and role of the prosecutor’s office in our society and state, dedicated to judicial reform, the new Criminal Procedure Code, jury trials, investigation reform in the prosecutor’s office, etc. But this was never to the detriment of materials about the exchange experience and comments on legislation, complex issues of law enforcement practice. Essays on highly acclaimed prosecutors are also regularly published. The magazine has an established team of authors, which includes well-known scientists and passionate law enforcement officers from almost all regions of Russia.

About the violation by the regional government Federal Law dated May 2, 2006 No. 59�FZ “On the procedure for considering<...>At the request of the prosecutor of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the region, measures were taken to eliminate the identified violations, the culprit<...>In addition, the regional prosecutor sent information to the regional governor about the need to adopt the specified<...>In contrast to the practice developing in some regions, we believe that the number of warnings is not<...>In addition, in some regions there has developed the clearly illegal practice of conducting

Preview: Legality No. 2 2019.pdf (0.1 Mb)




Study of the South Ural subregion of the biosphere as a second-order biosphere taxon, part of the steppe chernozem region of the biosphere, identification of its biogeochemical heterogeneity, study of biogenic cycles of migration of zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel and cobalt, along with the characteristic reactions of organisms to the upper threshold concentrations of the studied elements. Based on the studied biogenic migration cycle using the example of copper, quantify the biogeochemical energy stored by living matter.

steppe chernozem region of the biosphere, identifying its biogeochemical heterogeneity, research<...>black earth region of the biosphere.<...>and biogeochemical provinces within vast regions of the biosphere ^ Results of assessing the content of the studied<...>To compare the South Ural subregion of the biosphere with the steppe chernozem region, we selected<...>characteristics of the steppe chernozem region."



No. 2 [Sociology of medicine, 2012]

Founded in 2002. The editor-in-chief of the magazine is Andrey Veniaminovich Reshetnikov - Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Sociology of Medicine, Health Economics and Health Insurance First Moscow State University. THEM. Sechenov. The scientific and practical journal "Sociology of Medicine" is of interest to researchers, physicians and sociologists, employees of health authorities and institutions of all ranks, managers of all levels, teachers, as well as graduate students, residents and students of humanities universities. The pages of the journal present materials covering a wide range of scientific and practical issues: theoretical aspects of the sociology of medicine, the results of medical and sociological research related to the study of demographic processes and the structure of morbidity, patterns of formation and preservation of human health, taking into account the conditions of his work and life, with analysis conditions and factors influencing the health of various socio-demographic and professional groups of the population, as well as activities to protect public health. Within the framework of the journal, the rubrics “Theory and Methodology”, “Sociology of the Medical Profession”, “Sociology of the Patient”, “Sociological Aspects of Health Care Activity”, “Medical Sociological Research” and others were developed. Being, in essence, the first and only specialized publication in the scientific specialty 02/14/05 - sociology of medicine (medical and sociological sciences), the journal publishes materials and scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences in the specified specialty. Materials published in the journal must undergo internal review.

Vinyarskaya, who assessed quality of life indicators in healthy adolescents in different regions<...>In 2011, a transition to contract-targeted admission of students from the regions was proposed Russian Federation <...>...In some regions there are open centers outpatient treatment for migrants with unregulated<...>status; in other regions, the treatment of such migrants is entrusted to family doctors.<...>In those regions where cooperation between municipal authorities and non-profit organizations, question

Preview: Sociology of Medicine No. 2 2012.pdf (0.6 Mb)


No. 3 [Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex, 2012]

Latest achievements of scientific and technological progress in the oil and gas industry; operational catalog of domestic equipment and materials.

technologies for the oil and gas complex, 3/2012 equipment Breakdown of ESP shafts in some oil-producing regions<...>It is possible to display information through "Region 2000".

Preview: Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex No. 3 2012.pdf (0.5 Mb)


Theoretical constructions of the biosphere concept (hypotheses, axioms, principles, laws, rules, etc.) are considered. The types of matter in the Earth's biosphere, the concept of the biosphere, the Geomeris, Gaia hypotheses, biotic regulation, unidirectional energy flow, constancy are discussed; the principles of energy maximization by Lotka-Odum, Le Chatelier-Brown, non-equilibrium dynamics of Onsager-Prigogine, the system of biomes, the laws of pyramids of numbers, biomass, productivity are considered. The “theoretical constructs” discussed above within the framework of the biosphere concept inspire a certain optimism regarding the possibility of their formalization, which makes the synthesis of theoretical ecology quite real and quite fast

CONCEPT OF BIOSPHERE according to V.I.<...> <...> <...>Traces of former biospheres, or a story about how the biosphere works and what remains of geological biospheres<...>Man and the biosphere.


Man and his environment interact harmoniously and develop only in conditions where the flows of energy, matter and information are within limits that are favorably perceived by man and the natural environment. Any excess of the usual flow levels is accompanied by negative impacts on humans, the technosphere and/or the natural environment. The result of human interaction with the environment can vary over a very wide range: from positive to catastrophic, accompanied by the death of people and destruction of components of the environment. Determine the negative result of the interaction of hazards - negative impacts that suddenly arise, periodically or constantly act in the “person - environment” system

; 10 biosphere on the urban, domestic and industrial environment; 11 people per urban environment; 12 people<...>to the biosphere; 13 biosphere per person. in the biosphere.<...>Humanity Biosphere Technosphere Global security Dangers of space Humanity, planet Earth<...>impacts that arise at the regional or global levels and have a negative impact on the regions<...>biosphere and significant groups of people.


No. 10 [Geochemistry, 2017]

The subject of the journal is devoted to the problems of cosmochemistry, geochemistry of magmatic, metamorphic, hydrothermal and sedimentary processes, organic geochemistry, applied geochemistry and environmental chemistry.

Toward ecosystems and the biosphere.<...>Vernadsky V.I. (1926) Biosphere. Essay first. Biosphere in space. Essay two.<...>Within the regions of the biosphere, geographical signs of soil-climatic zones or their combinations are observed<...>In terms of the average content of some microelements in plant cuttings, different regions of the biosphere significantly<...>Valdai (“background region”), r. Volga with moderate diffuse pollution and lake.

Preview: Geochemistry No. 10 2017.pdf (0.1 Mb)




The purpose of this study was the biogeochemical zoning of the Chiatura manganese subregion of the biosphere and the study of biogenic migration of manganese under the conditions of this subregion, characterized by a high content of this element in the geochemical environment.

NATALIA IVANOVNA UDC 5 5 0 . 7 BIOGENIC MIGRATION OF MANGANESE IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE SHATURSKY MANGANESE SUBREGION OF THE BIOSPHERE<...>and their need for chemical elements, threshold concentrations of these elements in natural objects of the biosphere<...>The biosphere, as a global ecosystem, is regionalized using biosphere taxa: biosphere regions, subregions<...>Recently, anthropogenic human activity has become increasingly important in the evolution of the biosphere.<...>Biological reactions of plants under the conditions of the Chiatura manganese subregion of the biosphere. Right there.



Interregional scientific and practical conference "The role of innovative infrastructure in the socio-economic space of the region"

The materials of the interregional scientific and practical conference highlight various aspects of the innovative component of the socio-economic development of regions. - Elista: Kalmyk University Publishing House, 2014. - 235 p.

region and identifying cluster initiatives; development of a program for the implementation of cluster projects in the region<...>regions of Russia, the group of strong innovators included the following cities and regions: St. Petersburg, Moscow<...>development of the region.<...>The effectiveness of innovative development of the region affects the scientific and technical potential of the region and is associated<...>Regions of Russia.

Preview: Interregional scientific and practical conference The role of innovative infrastructure in the socio-economic space of the region.pdf (9.1 Mb)


No. 1 [Ecumene. Regional studies, 2009]

Scientific and theoretical journal OIKUMEN regional studies. The subject of the journal is related to the general assessment of the current state of socio-humanitarian research in the Far East

Vladivostok 2009 OIKUMEN Regional studies No. 1 (8) Region of issue: USA and Canada Latushko Yu.V.<...>What remains common to all works is the region, and, perhaps, a special interest in foreign and domestic political issues<...>Issues related to the use of firearms in the region under consideration have been little studied.<...>This is probably the rarest type of weapon used by servicemen in the region in question.<...>The United States is not going to leave this region, but rather, on the contrary, will increase its presence in the region.

Preview: Ecumene. Regional studies No. 1 2009.pdf (0.8 Mb)


No. 3 (40) [Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin, 2004]

The scientific journal “Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin” has been published since 1994 and is the first scientific journal in the Yaroslavl region, which publishes articles on various branches of science. The journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences are published. Materials published in the journal are reviewed by members of the editorial board.

The location of a university in a particular region also leaves its mark on the learning process.<...>Gumilyov "Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the Earth".<...>Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the Earth. M.: Institute DI-DIK, 1997. 4. Zhezlova S.A.<...>the determination of tradition by such factors as habitats, geopolitical location, landscape, biosphere<...>But there is another subjective point, completely dependent on the region and only on the region; if overcome

Preview: Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin No. 3 2004 2004.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Nature management and environmental protection textbook. allowance

The problems of the current state of the natural environment and its characteristics are considered: general principles rational environmental management: issues of economic regulation of environmental measures: legal framework of the natural environment and a number of other issues: significant attention is paid to the regional component. In addition to theoretical material, the textbook contains a dictionary of terms and concepts, a list of basic and additional literature, a list of normative documents, and test questions. The developed material will allow students to use it during lectures, in preparation for practical classes, when writing coursework and preparing for exams. Rice. 11. Table. 9. Bibliography: 35 titles.

The biosphere as the environment for human life. Pollution of the biosphere 8 6 6 2 Topic 2.1.<...>Pollution of the biosphere Topic 2.1. Structure and composition of the biosphere. Its boundaries.<...>Protected natural areas of Russia and the region.<...>Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 248 Technosphere - region of the biosphere in the past<...>Protected natural areas of Russia and the region.

Preview: Nature management and environmental protection study guide.pdf (1.0 Mb)


Biology with basic ecology

Buryat State University

This educational manual presents topics and plans for lectures, basic and additional literature. For a deep and lasting assimilation of the theoretical course, the formation of self-control skills, as well as creative thinking, test questions, tasks and test assignments on all topics of the lectures are presented. The manual is intended for independent work of bachelors of direction 034300. 62 Physical Culture and sports, as well as for students of other specialties studying this course.

Biosphere. Literature Main 1.<...>Define biosphere. What is its structure? 34. Who first introduced the term “biosphere” into science?<...>BIOSPHERE 1. The founder of the doctrine of the biosphere is 1) E. Haeckel 2) V. Dokuchaev 3) V. Sukachev 4) V.<...> <...>leads to changes in substance of the same volume in another region, only with the opposite sign.

Preview: Biology with basics of ecology.pdf (0.7 Mb)


Urban ecology: textbook

Northern (Arctic) federal university named after M.V. Lomonosov

The textbook covers the theoretical foundations of urban ecology and environmental monitoring; environmental problems of cities, ecosystem characteristics of urbanized areas, elements of city greening.

protection of the natural environment and greening of the most important socio-economic processes within the regions<...>The law indicates that any changes in the amount of living matter in one of the regions of the biosphere<...>entails the same change in another region, but with the opposite sign.<...>The ideal ecological framework of a city and region should have the form of a network with evenly distributed<...>Transport systems of cities and regions: textbook. – M.: ASV, 2005. – 272 p. 9. Tetior A.N.

Preview: Urban ecology study guide.pdf (0.4 Mb)


Ecology textbook

M.: ITK "Dashkov and K"

The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards for economic, social and humanitarian areas of training. It outlines the basic concepts and laws of ecology; environmental problems and basic principles of environmental management. The main sources and pollutants of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, problems of preserving the habitat, and its impact on human health are considered. State, legal and social aspects of environmental protection and the basics of environmental monitoring are presented. The textbook is supplemented with basic concepts, terms and tests.

The doctrine of the biosphere The doctrine of the biosphere - the thin shell of the Earth, the composition, structure and energy of which are in<...>Technosphere - a region of the biosphere, in the past transformed by people through direct or indirect influence<...>How long ago did the biosphere emerge?<...>a) fauna; b) flora; c) area; d) region.<...>Ecological situation in the region. 12.

Preview: Ecology Textbook for bachelors, 7th edition.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Ecology textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in technical specialties

Modern ideas about the origin of life on Earth related to the formation of the biosphere are given. The structure of the biosphere, the patterns of existence and development of ecosystems, the relationship between the organism and the environment, ecology and human health are described. global problems environment. Approaches to modeling environmental situations and scenarios for overcoming environmental crises are presented. Considerable attention is paid to the basics of environmental law, professional responsibility, international cooperation in the field of environmental protection, environmental principles of rational use of natural resources and nature conservation, as well as elements of the environmental quality management system and the concept of sustainable development in the social sphere. Contains information about anthropogenic and natural environmental pollution, provides an idea of ​​engineering methods and means of protecting the environment from technogenic influences.

This leads to differentiation of biosphere regions.<...>Such unevenness is also observed within one country, including in its regions (regions with favorable<...>regions in different countries.<...>St. Petersburg and North-West region.<...>Ural region.

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Chemical elements in urban soils: [monograph]

Are given general information about geochemical systems, basic requirements for their study. Data on geochemical landscapes and the behavior of chemical elements in the biosphere are presented. Significant attention is paid to landscapes settlements, their classification, the formation of geochemical anomalies in them. Detailed information on clarks, local background contents and dispersion of chemical elements in abiogenic, biogenic and bioinert systems is provided. The general patterns of their behavior in the soils of populated areas are examined in detail. Their values ​​are compared with the clarkes of the Earth's soils and the earth's crust. The geochemical features of soils in various residential landscapes are considered depending on the number of residents. For the first time, those established for the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries are presented. Clarke 50 chemical elements of soils of residential landscapes.

A similar picture is typical for soils in other regions.<...>Recently, metallization of soils has become apparent in a number of large regions of the biosphere.<...>For example, in various regions of the USA (according to V.V.<...>Such fluctuations have also been noted for soils in many other regions.<...>Geochemical systems of the biosphere.

Preview: Chemical elements in urban soils.pdf (2.5 Mb)


Ecology textbook: Direction of training 260800.62 – Product technology and catering organization. Training profiles: “Technology and organization of restaurant business”, “Technology and organization of social catering”. Bachelor's degree

publishing house NCFU

The manual is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, the working curriculum and the discipline program, it contains sections on the analysis of the current ecological state of the components of the natural environment, data on modern ecology, as well as problems of environmental safety of the region and ways to solve them. Intended for students studying in the field of study 260800.62 – Product technology and organization Catering.

components of the natural environment, data on modern ecology, as well as problems of environmental safety of the region<...>According to the law of constancy, any change in the amount of living matter in one of the regions of the biosphere is inevitable<...>leads to the same volume change in the substance in another region, only with the opposite sign.<...>In the Russian Federation there is big job on assessing the ecological state of territories and regions.<...>Social and environmental problems of Russian regions. M.: MNEPU, 2000. 16. Orlov D. S., Malinina M.

Preview: Ecology.pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 1 [Biosphere, 2009]

North Caucasus region. Series: Natural Sciences 33. News of the Russian Academy of Sciences.<...>The area of ​​regions experiencing desertification of landscapes and soil degradation is expanding.<...>According to this hypothesis, any change in the amount of living matter in one of the regions of the biosphere should<...>be compensated in some other region.<...>So there are two Nile flowing in this region - real and virtual.

The Biosphere journal is published by the XXI Century Foundation for Scientific Research (St. Petersburg) on ​​the initiative of prof. E.I. Slepyana since October 2009. The BIOSPHERE journal is intended for the publication of scientific research data and for a comprehensive review, analysis and discussion of issues global ecology, relating to such processes and problems as: - the emergence and evolution of the biosphere; - actual state of the biosphere; - natural and anthropogenic changes and trends in the abiotic and biotic components of the biosphere and in the biosphere as a whole; - conditions and possibilities for the improvement and preservation of individual ecological systems and the biosphere as such; - global and local general social explosions with the potential for globalization - demographic, urban, information, migration, communication, consumer, transport, energy and other explosions that can cause disturbances and transformations in the biosphere; - scientific, technical and technological proposals for restoring disturbances in the biosphere and minimizing environmental risks, including those caused by scientific, technical and technological innovations, the progress of civilization as a whole, political decisions, processes occurring in society, etc.; - political, philosophical and historical aspects of these issues.

Basic technologies for processing industrial and solid municipal waste [textbook. allowance]


The training manual provides a classification of waste, shows its volumes, and identifies the main directions of processing. Various aspects of industrial waste processing are considered: sources of their formation, features of waste from mining enterprises, waste-free technologies, toxic industrial waste management, radioactive waste processing technologies, waste generation in emergency situations, areas of application of products from industrial waste.

The main conclusion: any change in the amount of living matter in one of the regions of the biosphere must be compensated<...>in some other region.<...>This is how the idea of ​​consciously controlling the evolution of the biosphere arose.<...>The largest ecosystem is the biosphere.<...>development of the biosphere.

Preview: Basic technologies for processing industrial and municipal solid waste.pdf (0.5 Mb)


No. 1 [Biosphere, 2012]

The Biosphere journal is published by the XXI Century Foundation for Scientific Research (St. Petersburg) on ​​the initiative of prof. E.I. Slepyana since October 2009. The BIOSPHERE journal is intended for the publication of scientific research data and for a comprehensive consideration, analysis and discussion of global environmental issues related to such processes and problems as: - the emergence and evolution of the biosphere; - actual state of the biosphere; - natural and anthropogenic changes and trends in the abiotic and biotic components of the biosphere and in the biosphere as a whole; - conditions and possibilities for the improvement and preservation of individual ecological systems and the biosphere as such; - global and local general social explosions with the potential for globalization - demographic, urban, information, migration, communication, consumer, transport, energy and other explosions that can cause disturbances and transformations in the biosphere; - scientific, technical and technological proposals for restoring disturbances in the biosphere and minimizing environmental risks, including those caused by scientific, technical and technological innovations, the progress of civilization as a whole, political decisions, processes occurring in society, etc.; - political, philosophical and historical aspects of these issues.

The first anthropogenic restructuring of the biosphere // Biosphere. – 2010. – T. 2. – P. 29–45. 4.<...>Evaporation in the region per year ranges from 400 to 500 mm.<...>prevailing conditions of atmospheric moisture in the region.<...>region with a predominance of boreal forests.<...>These are the former biospheres."

Preview: Biosphere No. 1 2012.pdf (0.1 Mb)


No. 4 [Biosphere, 2012]

The Biosphere journal is published by the XXI Century Foundation for Scientific Research (St. Petersburg) on ​​the initiative of prof. E.I. Slepyana since October 2009. The BIOSPHERE journal is intended for the publication of scientific research data and for a comprehensive consideration, analysis and discussion of global environmental issues related to such processes and problems as: - the emergence and evolution of the biosphere; - actual state of the biosphere; - natural and anthropogenic changes and trends in the abiotic and biotic components of the biosphere and in the biosphere as a whole; - conditions and possibilities for the improvement and preservation of individual ecological systems and the biosphere as such; - global and local general social explosions with the potential for globalization - demographic, urban, information, migration, communication, consumer, transport, energy and other explosions that can cause disturbances and transformations in the biosphere; - scientific, technical and technological proposals for restoring disturbances in the biosphere and minimizing environmental risks, including those caused by scientific, technical and technological innovations, the progress of civilization as a whole, political decisions, processes occurring in society, etc.; - political, philosophical and historical aspects of these issues.

The main complexes of the flora of the North-West of Eastern Europe are arctic, hypoarctic, boreal, temperate, submeridional and meridional. Previously (Biosphere. 2012. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 177–205) the ecological spaces (ES) of the first three were characterized. The features of the others are described here. Moderate complex: only partially corresponds to the zonal thermoclimatic conditions of the southern edge of the region; on most of it it is confined to local zones with increased heat supply; corresponds to regional atmospheric humidity conditions; prefers hydrotopes of intermediate type of soil moisture, less common in the region than humid ones; prefers rich trophic conditions; characterized by the maximum amplitude of heliotopic conditions and the greatest abundance at increased light supply;

Teplyakova; FNI “XXI century” 397 Interdisciplinary scientific and applied journal “Biosphere”, 2012, vol. 4, no. 4<...>Previously (Biosphere. 2012.<...>OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 398 Interdisciplinary scientific and applied journal “Biosphere”<...>Introduction This article is a continuation of works previously published in the journal “Biosphere”<...>The main factors of the ecological space of the flora of the North-West of Eastern Europe // Biosphere. – 2012.


The features of the global modern environmental situation are analyzed. Its global nature and the systemic nature of the process of relationships between man, society and the biosphere are emphasized. Overcoming the severity of global environmental contradictions is associated with civilization reaching the level of a global strategy for sustainable development, one of the foundations of which is the implementation of ideas about the formation of a “green” economy

In the regions of irrigated agriculture, great ancient cultures arose that laid the foundations for the future world<...>In the northern regions of the planet, the number of warm days will increase, in the southern regions, periods of drought will intensify, which<...>Global warming threatens the balance of mountain ecosystems, such as the Alpine region.<...>An increase in the “degree of aridity” of a significant part of the regions will complicate the problem of food supply<...>Balance of interests of the state, business and civil society as the most important basis for sustainable development of the region


The unreasonableness of the recommendations of the Kyoto Protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and the far-fetchedness of “flexible mechanisms” (including “emissions trading”) to prevent predicted dangerous changes in the global climate in the 21st century were discussed. Analysis of available observational data and the uncertainty of the results of numerical climate modeling for the purpose of climate forecasts lead to the conclusion about the need for a radical revision of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and abandonment of the Kyoto Protocol

This contributed to an increase in the duration of the frost-free period in many regions of temperate and high<...>volcanic eruptions-dKc�dt), taking into account the influence of the biosphere and volcanic eruptions-�dt), taking into account the influence of the biosphere<...>and volcanic eruptions-dt), taking into account the influence of the biosphere and volcanic eruptions-), taking into account the influence of the biosphere and<...>The predicted climate warming was especially noticeable in the northern regions of North America,<...>and reduction in the number of cold days Almost all land regions Reduction in the number of days with frost Possible


Bibliographic index of scientific works of employees of the Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy (2006 - 2010)

The index contains a bibliographic description of the printed works of employees, graduate students and students of BGITA for the period from 2006 to 2010. The publication is of a reference, informational and scientific auxiliary nature, intended for researchers and specialists in various fields of science and production, as well as students and graduate students.

Problems of managing the innovative development of the region / A.N. Lisina // Problems of innovation. biosphere<...>Mishina // Region 2006.<...>Zherebov // Region 2006.<...>Konova // Region 2006.<...>Region 2006.

Preview: Bibliographic index of scientific works of employees of the Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy (2006 - 2010).pdf (1.3 Mb)


Life safety in customs authorities studies. allowance

The training manual addresses issues of the current state of life safety, human interaction with the environment, the legal basis of life safety, ensuring environmental safety, safety in emergency situations, ensuring life safety in the field of customs, safety in combat and military operations, with the threat of terrorist acts. The classification and characteristics of hazards, basic systems and areas of life safety are given. The features of the activities of customs authorities to ensure the safety of the population of the Russian Federation are considered.

Biosphere and man.<...>Technosphere - a region of the biosphere in the past, transformed by people through direct or indirect influence<...>Biosphere and man.<...>Environmental problems of the region: Far East - Primorye: textbook. allowance.<...>Environmental problems of the region: Far East - Primorye: textbook. allowance.

Preview: Life safety in customs authorities.pdf (0.8 Mb)

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