When will the stitches on the perineum heal after childbirth, and what will help relieve pain? Why the seam hurts after surgery Pain of postoperative seams.

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The suture hurts after the operation The causes of pain can be different, including those not directly related to the suture. If the operation was performed in abdominal cavity, then it is quite natural that the seam hurts after the operation, because, firstly, the seams heal, and secondly, the tissues grow together. All these processes are accompanied by pain, but if their intensity grows and they become unbearable, then this indicates a serious inflammation at the site of the operation, it is best in this case not to take independent measures, but to seek help from a doctor. The suture hurts after appendicitis surgery. Soreness of the postoperative suture in the region of the lower corner of the p / o scar after appendectomy may be due to the fact that the elastic band of the panties rubbed corny, or a hernia or ligature abscess may form (the thread did not take root). Between these states there are about a dozen other reasons. In addition, the treatment of this dozen diseases is completely different and individual. If you do not know after how many days the sutures are removed, then the pain due to the sutures can torment for a long time. Care of postpartum sutures The doctor examines the genital tract after childbirth and, if necessary, applies internal or external sutures. The internal sutures heal almost without pain, but the external sutures are sore after childbirth for 1-2 months. Abdominal pain in women after childbirth, if surgery was performed. Seams after caesarean section have a number of points, which we will not dwell on now. If during childbirth a woman had an episiotomy, and there were tears in the tissues that required surgical intervention, then, of course, the stitches will hurt (as after any operation), most often the pain, of course, is concentrated in the perineum, but it can also radiate to the stomach, especially its lower part. The stitches gradually grow together, and the pain goes away by itself. If a woman has a stomach ache after a cesarean section, then it is necessary to follow the hygiene rules that the doctor prescribed for you, avoid stress, monitor the condition of the seam, after a while the seam will grow together and the pain will go away. Why stitches hurt after childbirth Many women are concerned about this issue within a month after childbirth. We will give some recommendations to alleviate the condition and reduce pain: Painful sensations make themselves felt constantly, if you often have to sit down or lift weights - limit the weight of the objects being lifted, if possible and try not to sit on both buttocks; The stitches hurt after surgery on the perineum, if you suffer from constipation. In the first month after childbirth, the woman's body is rebuilt, lactation requires the consumption of more fluid, and there is not enough fluid for normal defecation. A nursing mother should drink more warm milk, green tea, juice or herbal infusion. Read more about constipation after childbirth. Sometimes the stitches hurt after childbirth during sexual intercourse due to vaginal dryness and a natural load on the perineum. In this case, doctors recommend using a moisturizing gel. Sometimes the pain is reduced by changing the posture to a painless one. The stitches hurt and pull after childbirth with inflammation of the tissues, then redness, purulent discharge appears. In this case, consult a gynecologist, but in no case self-medicate. Stitches after childbirth hurt, as postpartum discharge forms a breeding ground for microbes that cause inflammation. On the forums of young mothers, reviews of childbirth contain many questions: why do stitches hurt after childbirth; how to care for seams; what to do if the seams come apart? Only a gynecologist can give an answer in each specific case, who will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment if necessary. Stitches hurt after childbirth: what to do and why do they hurt? Oncology Surgical removal of cancerous tumors in the abdominal cavity, these are malignant neoplasms in the kidneys, liver, bladder, intestines. Oncological operations are always a complex and responsible process. After them, the patient is always tormented by pain in this area, in addition, after such operations, a course of chemotherapy is still carried out, all this together leads to severe pain in the abdomen. The seam hurts after a mastectomy The area around the seam will hurt for some time - this is normal, do not be afraid of this. There, sensitivity is restored after surgery. The skin tubercle is the so-called tuck, as if sewing up a hole in clothes, over time it decreases.

Pain after a caesarean section - women remember them for a long time after the operation. For some, they are still in the hospital, while for others they are stored for months, or even years. What to do if such a negative situation has affected you and how long does the seam hurt after a cesarean section - 1 month, 2 months or more, what is considered the norm?

Pain that appeared in the first month after surgery may be associated with poor hygiene, excessive physical exertion. By the way, they must be excluded for at least 1.5, and preferably 3 months after the operation, as this can lead to divergence of the seams. And if the seam hurts after a cesarean section during a second pregnancy, then this may be a distant consequence of female recklessness. It is advisable for the first month to arm yourself with the physical help of relatives at home and caring for a child.

Stitches after a caesarean section are cared for by nurses in the maternity hospital. There is also a course of antibiotic therapy as a prophylaxis of the inflammatory process. And a woman is discharged only if the suture is in good condition. But why does the suture hurt after a caesarean section then? There can be many reasons.

1. Poor-quality suture material that has not completely resolved(in most cases, a cosmetic suture is applied during a delivery operation). This often happens if the inner seam is made with silk threads. If the threads have resolved, and this should happen in 1-1.5 months, the suture on the uterus after cesarean should not hurt. If the thread remains, the woman shows signs of inflammation. Scientifically, this is called a ligature abscess. He puts a painful swelling with pus. This pus must be removed. A thread is usually found in the center of the abscess. The surgeon is engaged in its removal and cleaning of the wound. Then you need to take several days of antibiotics. Usually all this happens in stationary conditions. You need to stay in the hospital for several days, as complications after the procedure are possible and rehabilitation is necessary.

2. If the inner seam hurts after a caesarean section, then the cause may be an adhesive process in the pelvic area. Some doctors who suspect this pathology in their patient prescribe an MRI to confirm her. But in this case, laparoscopy will be more informative. Thus, the doctor with his own eyes can see the adhesions and dissect them. Thus, the patient will not experience pain in the future, and the reproductive function will not suffer. After all, adhesions are the most common cause of ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Intestinal obstruction can also be their consequence. Can the seam hurt after 6 months, a year, 2 years after a cesarean section? Yes, if the problem lies in the adhesive process.

3. Problems with gynecology. Sometimes such discomfort is not at all associated with the presence of a suture on the uterus. Painful sensations can be associated with inflammation of the uterus - endometritis, inflammation of the ovaries - adnexitis. And sometimes pathologies of the urinary system. The gynecologist will be able to accurately answer the question of where and what hurts after examination on the gynecological chair. Will answer the question - the seam hurts and inflamed after cesarean, what to do or give direction to additional research, for example, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a urinalysis, a swab from the vagina, if it is believed that the pain does not give a seam.

4. The seam has come apart. Often this happens during physical exertion, contraindicated in the first weeks after surgery. What to do if, after a planned cesarean, the suture hurts a lot due to its divergence? Nothing should be done on your own. You need to contact a surgeon who will clean the wound. There will be no stitching again. But they will probably antibiotic therapy. As a rule, the seams diverge in the first days after the operation. If possible, stay in the hospital after surgery for 7-10 days. Do not rush to be discharged, because in case of problems after discharge, you and your child will not be returned to the maternity hospital. And you will have to lie without a child in the surgery department.

Here are just a small part of the reasons why the stitches hurt after a surgical delivery. Only a doctor can determine the specific cause for your case, who will examine and palpate the suture. Trying to find the cause of the pain on your own, with the help of virtual consultations with doctors, is futile.

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Wound healing is accompanied by scar formation, germination blood vessels And nerve endings between the edges of the wound. This process lasts from 1 week to several months, depending on the nature of the surgical intervention, the size of the wound and general condition sick.

Since the formation of the scar takes an active part in the peripheral nervous system, the seam after the operation can hurt for a long time. Each patient feels these pains differently depending on individual sensitivity. For one patient they are insignificant, while for another they seem very strong. However, both are the norm.

The formation of a seam can be complicated:

  1. inflammatory process, including the formation of ligature fistulas;
  2. the formation of keloid scars;
  3. infringement of superficially located peripheral nerves.

In this case, the pain intensifies and additional symptoms appear. During operations on the abdominal organs, the formation of a postoperative hernia is possible.
Sometimes it is difficult for the patient to independently distinguish the norm from the pathology.

Important! With the appearance of disturbing pain in the area of ​​​​the postoperative suture, it is better to immediately see a doctor and dispel fears or start the necessary treatment on time.

Pain due to inflammation of the postoperative suture

Inflammation of the suture is associated with the penetration of a bacterial infection into it. The "culprits" are most often Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Infection can enter tissues during surgery with instruments or with blood flow from distant organs. Most often this occurs against the background of trauma to the skin or subcutaneous tissue and reduced immunity.

Injury to tissues occurs at the time of the operation or after it (constant squeezing of the seam with a tight elastic band of underwear, rubbing with a rough cloth). Trauma is associated with:

  1. with incorrect (with tension of the edges of the wound) suturing;
  2. poor quality suture material.

Inflammatory processes often occur after surgery in patients diabetes with impaired immunity, peripheral circulation and innervation.

Signs of inflammation are redness, swelling and soreness of the sutures, as well as purulent discharge from the wound. Inflammation is sometimes complicated by the formation of a ligature fistula - a purulent inflammatory focus that breaks out around the seam. In this case, a limited painful area of ​​redness and swelling of the tissue, covered with pus, appears on the surface of the forming scar. This is accompanied by a violation of the general condition of the patient and an increase in body temperature.

Important advice! If signs of inflammation appear, you can not be treated on your own, you should immediately consult a surgeon.

At the same time, the sutures are removed, the wound is treated with conservative methods until the inflammation is completely eliminated. After that, the edges of the wound are excised and repeated sutures are applied. Sometimes the surgeon considers it appropriate to form a scar without suturing.

Pain associated with incisional hernia

This complication develops after operations on the abdominal organs, which end with layer-by-layer suturing of the wound. Several types of sutures are applied to different tissues (muscles, fascia, skin) using different suture materials.

The divergence of the internal seams in the normal state of the external seam on the skin is the cause of the exit internal organs abdominal cavity (usually these are intestinal loops) under the skin. This is a postoperative hernia. It manifests itself in the form of a protrusion in the area of ​​​​the postoperative suture. Due to the compression of the scar by a hernia, pain appears in it.

Important information! It is impossible to correct a hernia on your own, it can be infringed due to a spasm of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

The treatment of a postoperative hernia is operative: the wound is opened and the internal tissues are re-sutured. Sometimes the defect is closed with an implant - a special mesh.

Pain in the seam against the background of the formation of a keloid scar

Sometimes, during the formation of a postoperative scar, excessive growth occurs connective tissue. This leads to the formation of convex shiny scars of bright pink color, which are cosmetic defect and violating the functions of individual organs. The reasons for the formation of keloids are not exactly known, it is believed that this is due to the individual characteristics of the formation of connective tissue.

During the formation of a keloid in the postoperative suture, discomfort and even pain may appear. Keloid scars are difficult to treat. It is selected individually, most often a scar removal operation is performed, followed by conservative treatment. After any type of treatment, relapses often develop.

Useful video: Pain in the suture area after surgery

Pain from a pinched nerve in a scar

When suturing a postoperative wound, injury or infringement of a superficially located sensitive branch is possible peripheral nerve. Most often, nerves are injured during operations on the face, in the intercostal region and in the hip region.

Neuralgia manifests itself in the form of strong singing constant or acute paroxysmal pain along the affected nerve.

Treatment is prescribed individually. Sometimes, to relieve the patient of pain, it is necessary to partially or completely remove the sutures and conduct conservative treatment of neuralgia.

During natural childbirth, if the child is large, or comes out in a non-standard way, for example, the booty forward, ruptures of the birth canal, perineum may occur. In some cases, the doctors themselves make a small incision in the perineum during childbirth, if otherwise the child cannot be born. Immediately after childbirth, such incisions are sutured. They add additional discomfort and pain after childbirth, and stitches on the perineum are a separate story that needs to be experienced.

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On the cervix, such sutures can be applied without anesthesia: its sensitivity in the postpartum period is reduced, but on the perineum without anesthesia it will be difficult to do. In this case, local anesthesia is used. But if epidural anesthesia was used during childbirth, it works for a long time, and there is no need for additional anesthesia when suturing. Stitches after childbirth can be placed on the cervix, vagina, perineum. But it is in the latter case that the most severe discomfort and pain can be felt.

How long does it take for wounds to heal after stitches during childbirth, and can this process be accelerated? In general, everything is individual, it immediately depends on many factors, and last but not least, on the correct observance of the patient's precautionary measures. Some heal faster, others slower. The healing rate is also affected by their localization, the type of surgical threads that were used in this case. As a rule, catgut is used for internal sutures, which dissolves on its own. In this case, everything heals in an average of 2 weeks. If surgical threads are used that do not dissolve, for example, nylon, they are removed on the 5-6th day after application. And the healing process itself can take from 2 to 4 weeks, and in some cases even longer.

Almost all "affected" women in labor are concerned about the question: how to quickly heal the stitches after childbirth? The healing rate also depends on the patient herself, on whether she follows all the rules for caring for the injured area, precautions so as not to infect, not to re-injure these areas. All this should be reported to her at the hospital.

If microbes get on post-healing wounds, inflammation and suppuration may occur, which will significantly prolong the healing period.

Why stitches hurt

This is normal, because there was a gap. After the anesthesia wears off, the stitches may start to hurt. The fact is that most young mothers breastfeed their children, so painkillers are contraindicated for them. The doctor may prescribe drugs with local action in order to somehow alleviate the patient's plight. However, if everything is in order, there are no complications, and the woman follows all the rules, the pain should pass very soon. After suturing in the first week, you can not sit normally. This must be done with care and give a load to the buttock, which is located on the opposite side of the seam. You can sit on the toilet almost immediately, but do not linger on it for too long and do not push hard.

You need to make sure that everything is in order with them, they are not infected, they are not festering. Otherwise, if this still happens, you should consult a doctor. He will most likely prescribe special antiseptic drugs. The stitches can hurt due to the fact that the woman sits for a long time, which is undesirable in the first 2 weeks after childbirth. You can take a reclining position, or lie on your side.

Often they can hurt during a bowel movement. For this reason, a woman should avoid constipation. To do this, she must monitor her diet, take, if necessary, permitted laxatives.

If the pain is severe, accompanied by itching, redness, suppuration, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of more serious complications.

Sometimes even a year later, the stitches after childbirth make themselves felt, especially when they are under additional load.

How to care for postpartum stitches

There is nothing particularly difficult. After each visit to the toilet, a woman must be sure to wash herself. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day using warm water. For now, you should forget about thongs and other fashionable slimming underwear. It should be free, comfortable, made of natural, high-quality materials. Sitting, with the exception of the toilet when visiting the toilet, should be started only after 2 weeks and do it gradually, very gently, without sudden movements, so that it does not hurt and the seams do not come apart.

Also, women are prohibited from any physical activity, lifting, and carrying weights; sex will also need to be abandoned for 1-1.5 months. Many women, for the sake of their sexual partner, only in order not to upset him, neglect this rule, making it worse only for themselves. But it is worth remembering that an understanding man will not insist on intimacy.

What to do if the seam has come apart

If the seam has come apart, you should not do anything on your own. It is necessary to call a doctor at home, if possible, or ambulance. Usually, repeated stitching is performed. If the wound has already healed, the doctor may simply prescribe special drugs ( vaginal suppositories, ointments) with a wound healing effect.

The doctor usually, even when suturing, tells when exactly the woman will need to come to him to remove the threads. If everything is in order, no complications or other problems arose during the healing process, the sutures are removed exactly after the period indicated by him.

The process itself is relatively painless. As a rule, internal catgut sutures are not removed, they dissolve on their own. Other types of surgical threads are also removed relatively painlessly. Although it all depends on pain threshold every single woman. In the vast majority of cases, anesthesia is not required. The woman feels a slight tingling, burning sensation. If the woman is in pain, the doctor may use a local anesthetic to make it easier for her to endure the procedure. After removing the stitches, you should also continue to carefully monitor intimate hygiene, avoid strong physical activity until the wounds are completely healed and healed.

How long does the external seams heal after childbirth, how does the recovery period go on the video:

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Doctors are often asked the question: if the suture hurts after surgery, what should I do? Sometimes it happens that the pain in the abdomen has nothing to do with the stitches. It can be from the fact that the wounds are healing, from the fusion of the skin, from the surgery. In this case, the pain is justified and is absolutely normal in this situation. However, it may happen that the pain does not go away for a long time.

Duration of suture pain after surgery

Pain after surgery can arise from a huge number of factors that affect the human body and its tolerance to such stressful situations. It all depends on the professionalism of the surgeons, on the complexity of the operation, on the objects used during its implementation, on the sutures themselves, on the correctness of their application and material, but these are not all the factors that provoke pain.

Basically, the stitches hurt for about a week, maybe a little more. But the peculiarities of the human body should be taken into account: each one is individual, so one can never say for sure.

And this is absolutely normal. Another thing is if the pain does not go away for a long period of time. Perhaps something was accidentally done wrong during the operation, and now it is inflammatory process. Well, if the pain is so strong that no painkiller helps, then you need to immediately visit a doctor so that he can figure it out and say exactly why the pain does not go away.

Back to zmistuBil suture after abdominal surgery

The pain of the seam after abdominal surgery torments many. To get rid of it, doctors recommend adhering to several rules that will be presented in this text. It is contraindicated to start driving if you have not stopped taking painkillers. Moreover, in no case should you drive if there is no absolute certainty that in an emergency you will manage to drive. In addition, all kinds of walks and climbing stairs are allowed. Travel abroad should be excluded: intolerance to long journeys or flights is possible. It is strictly forbidden to lift weights from 5 kg, as well as children, women and heavy animals. If the condition of the body is in perfect order, it is allowed to do light exercises little by little. For some time it is better not to visit saunas, baths and pools.

Seam care instructions:

  • The seam should be monitored daily, cleaned of dirt or crust.
  • Slight redness around the seam is absolutely normal.
  • If the doctor has glued the patch, then in no case should it be removed. However, if it peeled off by itself, it means that the time has come and there is nothing to worry about.
  • If you find that the seam is somehow unnaturally stretched or has become hard, then you should not worry - this is normal.
  • You should not stay in the sun with an open stomach for a long time, because this negatively affects fast healing seam
  • After a while, you may notice that small red spots remain on the clothes - this is normal. Abnormal is when the spots are very large. Then the seam requires an immediate examination by a doctor.
  • There should not be any ointment on the seam without the permission of the doctor.
  • You can take a shower.
  • Within a year, the crust itself will fall off the seam, and it will become less noticeable and hard.
  • Back to zmistuSore stitch after caesarean section

    # Image.rdIf there is a birth, and the woman has heavy bleeding, the doctor has the right to perform a corpus caesarean section, it is used very rarely, because it looks ugly and remains for life, over time the seams become wider and larger. A corpal caesarean section is a deep vertical incision in the abdomen from the navel to the pubic area. A longitudinal incision opens the walls of the uterus.

    When the decision is made to carry out a caesarean section, the Pfannenstiel laparotomy is most often used - a special incision that is made horizontally and along the suprapubic fold. It is worth taking into account the fact that this is not a vertical incision in the abdominal cavity, so over time it will become almost invisible, which is positive quality this procedure.

    After the operation, a new, cosmetic one is applied to this seam. The strength of the corporal incision must be very high, so doctors apply interrupted sutures. After such a caesarean section, a cosmetic suture is categorically not suitable.

    After the operation is performed, for the first time there is an acutely noticeable pain due to the fact that there is a wound in the uterus and on the anterior abdominal wall.

    There is nothing to be surprised here, because the same pain is felt with a regular cut. To relieve the pain experienced by a person, it is not necessary to consult a doctor. It is enough to take painkillers, which are necessarily prescribed in the hospital. In the first days after the operation, these are narcotic substances - morphine, tramadol, and also omnopon. After these few days, the current drugs will be replaced with weaker ones, such as analgin, which will be enough so that the pain is not very strong. There is no need to be afraid of this, since many women go through this pain, and this is absolutely normal.

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