Therapeutic tights for varicose veins: how to choose the right one. How to choose and buy compression tights for varicose veins

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Compression tights have been used in medicine for many years. Their irreplaceable therapeutic effect has been proven in practice. Tights are recommended to be worn by patients with varicose veins, weak blood vessels, as well as pregnant women. Compression garments are used during operations and childbirth to prevent blood from stagnating in the veins.

Features and Benefits

Compression tights, despite the name, are suitable for both men and women. They are similar to regular tights, but have therapeutic properties. Compression garments improve blood circulation, warm up, maintain the tone of the lower extremities, facilitate movement, relieve pain, swelling and discomfort in the legs. Such tights create special pressure on areas of the skin, due to which the speed of blood circulation in the veins increases.

The pressure of the tights is distributed evenly. It is stronger in the ankles and ankles, minimal in the hips, and completely absent on the stomach. If spider veins appear on your legs, purchase preventive compression tights. They will protect against more serious problems. It is necessary to choose underwear taking into account the problem and size.

Compression classes

Compression garments have their own classification. It depends on the specific application and disease.

  • 1 class. Prophylactic tights are prescribed if saphenous veins increase in size, small vessels appear on the legs. First class underwear creates minimal pressure, relieves fatigue, minor swelling, and maintains normal pressure in the veins.
  • 2nd grade. Therapeutic compression tights are recommended if venous disease worsens. The pressure is higher than first class. Prescribed to wear for varicose veins initial stage.
  • 3rd grade. Hospital compression underwear is used during / after operations, with moderate varicose veins and to prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins. Produces the most uniform pressure on the surface of the veins.
  • 4th grade. Compression tights are prescribed for severe stages of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers and the consequences of thrombosis.

You can buy compression tights yourself only if you notice the initial stages of varicose veins. Choose the degree of compression - from 8 to 15 mm. mercury column, it is indicated on the product packaging. Such compression garments are used for preventive purposes.

Indications and contraindications

Compression tights are a therapeutic agent that has contraindications. You cannot buy underwear yourself and wear it if your doctor has not recommended such treatment. Buying and wearing tights is prohibited for patients with arterial diseases, open wounds on the legs, skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema), high skin sensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions.

  • For varicose veins. Varicose veins, regardless of severity, are a direct indication for wearing compression garments. The doctor selects the required class, taking into account the picture of the disease.

  • Preventive. They are used if the patient is engaged in heavy physical labor or has to sit a lot during the day. Tights effectively relieve swelling and fatigue. Preventive compression is prescribed if there is a hereditary predisposition to varicose veins.

  • Medicinal. Compression tights, which have a therapeutic effect, are prescribed to patients who have undergone surgery, patients with varicose veins, thrombosis and other diseases of the lower extremities. Basically, indications for therapeutic compression are disturbances in blood flow in the veins.

  • Pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters with accelerated growth fetus, a woman may experience fatigue in her legs and progression of varicose veins, even if the woman previously had no problems with the veins. Movement during pregnancy is sometimes difficult, so the specialist recommends wearing compression tights for pregnant women to maintain healthy legs. They are anatomically comfortable and have special pressure that prevents the veins from swelling. Tights do not constrain and facilitate movement, preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

How to choose

The choice of compression stockings is huge. Models may differ from each other in the degree of compression, design and wear resistance. Medical products made in Germany are considered to be of the highest quality. Remember that tights create pressure, which causes discomfort in healthy people. Before you decide to spend money on compression garments, consult with a specialist.

The choice of medical tights for women is much larger. They produce products not only in plain colors, but also with patterns in various colors. For men, compression knitwear in standard, strict shades. When purchasing tights, choose those models that will last longer and will not lose their therapeutic properties.

Please choose your size before purchasing. Measure the circumference of your hips, waist, upper and lower ankles, the length of your leg from hip to foot, and the length from knee to foot at home. Do not forget that foreign manufacturers have different sizing charts from domestic ones, so carefully study the packaging. The advantage of compression models is that they also produce tights in very large sizes.

How to wear and dress

It is not recommended to sleep in compression tights. You should put them on after you wake up. Do it right: without getting out of bed, carefully gather the tights into an accordion, as usual, insert your palms inside the product and pull it over your foot. It is recommended to put on tights while lying down. The accordion should be evenly distributed along the leg, pulled up to the hips, then to the waist.

Wear compression tights with special gloves, which you should purchase in advance at the pharmacy. They will protect against fabric damage, stretch marks and scratches. In the evening, tidy up your heels and the skin of your feet: it should be smooth, without roughness. Put tights or stockings on clean and dry legs.

Brand overview

Quality and price largely depend on the country of origin and the technologies used to create medical knitwear.

  • Medi (Copper). A German manufacturer that produces medical knitwear. Copper products of excellent quality fully correspond to the declared price. Copper compression knitwear is easy to care for and durable.
  • Relaxan (Relaxan). The products manufactured by this company have certificates and certificates: CEmark, IQNet, FDA. If the operating requirements are met, the company provides a guarantee for the preservation of compression properties for up to 6 months for therapeutic products and up to 3 months for preventive ones. The company also confirms the guaranteed number of washes in accordance with the instructions included with the product.
  • Venoteks (Venotex). Popular American compression knitwear, thanks to its wide range, models and sizes. Cost and shelf life are average.
  • Ortho. Spanish medical knitwear, which has an average cost and high quality. Compression tights retain their healing properties for up to four months of daily wear.
  • Ergoforma. Italian compression tights are made from natural fiber that allows air to pass through. They are usually recommended for sports and pregnant women. The tights are comfortable and highly wear-resistant.
  • Solidea (Solidea). Italian tights for therapeutic purposes are no different in appearance from ordinary tights. Available in various colors.
  • Sigvaris. The Swiss manufacturing company produces elite quality compression hosiery. The products have a beautiful design, the price is high.

How much are

Compression underwear is sold only in pharmacies and is not cheap. Therefore, it is recommended to buy tights with a therapeutic effect only as prescribed by a doctor. It is possible to order compression garments that will be made to your individual measurements. The cost of tights starts from five hundred rubles in the regions. In Moscow, the average cost of compression is from three thousand rubles. The price depends on the quality, class and size of the compression hosiery.

In everyday speech the name “orthopedic tights” is found, but within the framework of medical terminology it is not correct; the correct name is “compression tights”. When wearing orthopedic tights for varicose veins, the speed of blood movement through the veins increases, blood circulation returns to normal, and the venous lumen decreases. As a result: leg fatigue goes away; heaviness disappears; puffiness decreases; the load on the veins of the legs is reduced; the risk of seizures is reduced. In the online store "Kladovaya Zdorovya" you can choose compression hosiery in various colors.

Types of compression hosiery

1. Preventive anti-varicose tights. They prevent the appearance various diseases veins Products are recommended for use by pregnant women, people with large body weight and those who stay on their feet for a long time.
2. Therapeutic orthopedic tights for varicose veins. They are prescribed in the presence of a formed disease. Only doctors select and determine the period of use of therapeutic knitwear, based on the characteristics of each patient and the rate of development of varicose veins.

Let's take a closer look at how to choose the right compression tights for varicose veins from the best stylists for our readers.

Tights for the treatment of varicose veins maintain physiologically correct blood pressure lower limbs and are an excellent preventive measure that prevents the occurrence of varicose veins. Such underwear has many names: medical or compression hosiery, anti-varicose or orthopedic tights, etc. Each of the names fully reflects the purpose of the therapeutic linen. Compression tights for the prevention of varicose veins, providing an additional frame, have the following properties:
  • create a maintenance effect;
  • compress dilated veins;
  • protect veins from stretching;
  • prevent pain and swelling;
  • improve tissue nutrition and microcirculation;
  • reduce the risk of blood clots

Wearing correctly selected tights, in the absence of contraindications, does not give side effect and is a simple and safe method of preventing varicose veins.

Elastic bandages, used at one time instead of therapeutic tights, had a number of disadvantages:

  • difficulties in application;
  • unsightly appearance;
  • rapid wear.

Tights against varicose veins maintain an impeccable appearance for a long time; they can be worn not only at home, but also to work or for a walk. The effect of the application is to compress dilated veins, which accelerates blood flow and eliminates venous stagnation.

You should take into account the fact that modern correction tights are made in such a way that the pressure from the calf to the thigh decreases gradually. For example: if in the lower part of the shin the pressure created by the stockings reaches 100%, then in the upper part of the thighs - no more than 40%.

The advantages of such graduation:

  • the functionality of the valve apparatus is normalized and improved;
  • the expanded lumen of the peripheral saphenous veins decreases;
  • the effect of the muscle pump increases: blood is pushed upward when muscles contract during physical activity.

As a result, blood flow is stimulated and normalized.

Pantyhose for the prevention of varicose veins does not eliminate the cause of venous insufficiency and is usually used before surgery.

It should be borne in mind that conservative methods of treating varicose veins give good results only when used in a complex manner. The maximum effect can be achieved by using a gel (cream, ointment) recommended by a doctor together with slimming tights, folk remedies, and also lead healthy image life.

Varicose tights, being a preventive and therapeutic agent, have a number of contraindications. Doctors do not recommend wearing elastic tights to some patients, while others are prescribed them with caution, after a number of studies. Before buying underwear, it is advisable to get additional advice from an endocrinologist, dermatologist and cardiologist.

Compression garments should not be worn in the following cases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • thromboangiitis obliterans;
  • endarteritis;
  • orthoarteritis;
  • chronic diseases of the arteries of the legs;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • eczema and allergies;
  • dermatitis, bedsores, open wounds;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cardiopulmonary failure;
  • septic phlebitis.

With caution, doctors prescribe the product to people with overly sensitive skin, as well as those with diabetes.

There is an opinion that wearing elastic tights can provoke atrophy of the muscle layer of the venous walls. As a result, the disease will begin to progress, since the walls of the veins cannot cope with the blood pressure.

Phlebologists consider this opinion to be erroneous, justifying it as follows:

  • tights are not used around the clock;
  • blood flow in the veins decreases rather than disappears;
  • compression knitwear normalizes microcirculation and reduces the risk of specific inflammatory processes which cause atrophy muscle tissue venous wall.

Unfavorable reviews are most often associated with a temporary deterioration in the well-being of patients who refuse to wear varicose tights. But changes in the condition are caused not by atrophy, but by a decrease in the tone of the venous wall. Many people find it difficult to walk because compression garments make movement much easier.

Anti-varicose tights for pregnant women should be purchased only on the recommendation of a phlebologist, taking into account the characteristics of the expectant mother’s body.

It is necessary to wear them, because varicose veins progress during pregnancy and an unsightly mesh on the calves, discovered before, can develop into an unpleasant disease.

In addition, wearing shapewear will help avoid tears during childbirth.

It is better for expectant mothers to buy cotton tights.

Many women ask how to choose anti-varicose tights for pregnant women so that they are as useful and comfortable as possible.

The main indicator in this case is the intensity of pressure of the knitwear in different areas:

  • ankles - 100%
  • knee area - 70%;
  • hips - 40%.

That is, with sufficiently strong compression of the leg in the area from the knee to the ankle, in the area of ​​​​the hips and abdomen, the pressure is minimal, which creates a certain comfort when pregnant women use compression garments.

Wearing tights after childbirth is a preventive measure that prevents the formation of blood clots, which are dangerous because they can block the veins in the legs or block the pulmonary artery. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right size of the product: a large product will not give the desired effect, a small one will be uncomfortable to wear.

Popular publications:

Before choosing compression tights for varicose veins, you need to determine:

  • the general condition of the veins, assessed by a phlebologist based on the studies performed;
  • Purpose of purchase: anti-varicose, wearing during pregnancy or post-operative.

The phlebologist, having received data on the condition of the patient’s veins, will tell you which anti-varicose tights are best to buy in this case, and will also tell you the exact size, which is important for knitted tights of compression classes 1, 2, 3.

There are four classes of compression tights:
  • Class 1 - pressure 18-22 mm Hg, relieve discomfort and reduce swelling of the legs, effective in the initial stage of the disease (the length of the protruding areas is less than 5 cm);
  • Class 2 - pressure 23-32 mm Hg, used for constant wear in case of progressive varicose veins, causing severe swelling leg pain and cramps;
  • Class 3 should be purchased only as prescribed by a doctor for deep vein thrombosis, lymphovenous insufficiency, and post-traumatic syndrome.

Some tips on how to choose the right compression tights for varicose veins:

  • For therapeutic tights, denier markings (DEN) are not used. Compression measurement is performed in millimeters of mercury, that is, mm Hg. The density (70, 80, 90 den) indicated on the product indicates that this is regular knitwear.
  • In any case, it is better to buy tights on the recommendation of a phlebologist.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the cost of the product, since high-quality therapeutic tights that give good results when used will not be cheap. The price of tights for varicose veins varies from 1,500 to 8,000 rubles. and higher.
  • The RAL mark indicates that the product fully meets the standards and requirements.

It is important to know! Size, compression class and phlebologist's recommendations are the main conditions for choosing the right tights for varicose veins.

Among the many manufacturers, there are several of the most well-known and proven:

The price of varicose tights depends on many factors, including the manufacturer. Modern market offers customers a wide range of products, among which the following companies are especially popular.

  • Venotex (USA) supplies therapeutic (with a load of 100 x 80 x 50%) and preventive products (380 den), which reduce the risk of edema, leg fatigue, and also support blood vessels.
  • Copper (Germany) offers clients compression products used for various stages of the disease.
  • Intex (Russia) presents compression garments that guarantee rapid recovery from illness or injury. The advantage of the remedy is the cost - from 2,300 rubles.
  • The products of the company Relaxan (Italy) are distinguished by precise dosing of pressure and are treated with a special antibacterial composition, ensuring high hygiene of the product.
  • Elite tights from Sigvaris (Switzerland), produced using unique technology, have gained popularity in more than 75 countries around the world. The disadvantage of the product is its high cost.

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