Dog tattoo. Dog tattoo

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A tattoo in the form of a dog carries a deep meaning, and therefore, when choosing just such a body design, it is important to become as fully familiar with its meaning as possible.

So, a “dog” tattoo means sincerity, loyalty, devotion, attentiveness, vigilance, unprecedented courage and true courage. The dog is characterized by the presence of impressive inner strength and determination. As a rule, such a tattoo is the choice of male representatives, which is understandable: the meaning of a tattoo is more associated with a male character, not a female one.

History of the dog tattoo

It is known that the dog is a long-time companion of man, which is reflected in the meaning of the image of this animal. Periodically, the dog was seen as a supporter of dark forces, evil spirits and gods. However, the dog has always been a reliable guard and faithful guide.

In the worldview of many peoples of the world, dogs are considered as those ancestors who transmitted fire to people and taught us how to handle it. It is no coincidence that a tattoo in the form of a dog is applied for the purpose of protection, in order to be a kind of amulet against all sorts of dark forces and unkind spirits.

In some ideas, dogs were associated with war. But even in such cases, these animals symbolized courage, valor, bravery and courage.

The ancient Slavs believed that the dog could foresee future events. There was a legend according to which the Sun God could turn into a winged dog. That is why the ancestors treated such animals with respect.

It should also be noted that the meaning of the “dog” (“dog”) tattoo is also revealed through the identification of the animal with a demonic image. Traditionally, the dog is a guardian who lives on the border of two worlds. In addition, black dogs are generally considered dark creatures: they bring death, curse, and devilish powers.

Who is suitable for a dog tattoo?

The image of a dog on the body is perfect for those people who are always open, true to themselves, their life principles and loved ones. Accordingly, selfish, withdrawn, and cowardly people cannot have such tattoos. The dog is always courageous.

The image of a dog is primarily associated with loyalty and devotion. This animal has accompanied man since ancient times, having managed during this time to become a faithful companion in all spheres of his life. Faithful dogs serve in the army, help law enforcement officers and rescuers, make the difficult life of people with disabilities easier, work in delivery services, run in sleds across the endless snowy deserts of the northernmost latitudes, accompany hunters... These smart and devoted animals have even been in space. Some people cannot imagine life without a four-legged friend. It is no wonder that the image of this beast occupies a special place. This is not to say that “Dog” is a tattoo that is too common. It is chosen by those whose lives are somehow connected with this animal.

True friend

Dog tattoos are often done in a realistic style. As a rule, the prototype is not just a beautiful animal, but the tattoo bearer’s own pet. In addition to the portrait of the dog, on such a tattoo you can often notice his name or date of birth. “Dog” is more often chosen by men. But we can often find cute dogs with golden fur on girls. And some get a tattoo in memory of a four-legged companion who is no longer around.

Power and authority

Some dog breeds evoke completely different associations. For example, fighting dogs not only strong, but also often aggressive. They are always ready to stand up for themselves and those they love. Often a portrait of a pit bull or Rottweiler speaks of the tough character of the owner of the “Dog” tattoo. The meaning is related to the nature of the breed that is depicted in the picture. A bared mouth, saliva dripping from fangs, an evil gaze - all this often indicates that we are dealing with a person with a difficult character, whom it is better not to anger.

Dreams that came true

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a pet at home. And some breeds cost incredible amounts of money. Often those who dream of a dog paint a portrait of it on their body. So the dream seems closer. But good thoughts are material. And this thought gives hope for its real implementation.

Memory of an army friend

The army theme occupies a special place among all tattoos dedicated to dogs. Not a single border guard, for example, can imagine life without a reliable dog. If you meet a person whose shoulder or back is decorated with a portrait of a German Shepherd surrounded by a scattering of shell casings or several striped posts, know that this is someone who served in the border troops. Service dogs often accompany representatives of other branches of the military, for example, sappers or fighters against drug trafficking. For them, “Dog” is a tattoo in memory of the service and of those who were nearby in difficult times, standing shoulder to shoulder.


Image faithful dog we often see in a variety of styles. Fans of old-school tattoos, where the image of an animal can be decorated with hearts, ribbons with inscriptions, and crosses, are very fond of this plot. Amateurs depict a variety of breeds, not skimping on bright colors.

In dogs made in the steam-punk style, we can notice aviation helmets, monocles, lace frills and hanging from chains. Biomechanics is also partial to these animals, thanks to which muscular canine bodies acquire such additions as microcircuits protruding from under the skin or robotic limbs . But the most popular style of depicting beloved pets has been and remains realism.

Places of application

“Dog” is a tattoo that can be applied to almost any place. If the sketch is a portrait, it will need space. After all, the master will be able to work out every detail. Therefore, such scenes are most often depicted on the chest, shoulder blades, back, thigh or shoulder. Figures of small dogs decorate ankles, wrists, and the back of the neck.

When choosing a sketch, consider whether the image will be distorted by your movements. Listen to the master's advice and always follow it. Then you will get exactly the result you dreamed of.

Be aware of dogs. It is common to see a sign with such an inscription on the gates of private houses. However, some people wear it on themselves.

Tattoo with an image of a shepherd dog and a familiar inscription instantly dots the i's.

It becomes clear that the person wearing the tattoo is not the friendliest and is able to fight back against offenders.

There is another sign that is occasionally chosen - a sign with a dog crossed out.

This is placed in places where walking and, in general, the appearance of pets is prohibited. On the human body, the symbol serves as an indicator of hostility towards four-legged animals.

The tattoo, as it were, says to others: - if you have a dog, we are not on the same path.

But most people choose Dog tattoo, sympathizing with the animal depicted on it.

The interpretation of the picture also seems nice: - loyalty, protection, friendship. Do they have unobvious meanings?

The meaning of the “Dog” tattoo

Dog tattoo may look like this: - @. Another sign. Only its meaning is not connected with loyalty and devotion.

The symbol is used in email addresses, which means it represents long-distance communication, a thirst for communication, and sociability.

The Internet dog is regarded as the embodiment of new technologies, a person open to innovation. This is so non-standard Dog tattoo.

Meaning Tattoos with a real dog largely depend on the characteristics of the color and breed.

Moreover, in addition to generally accepted interpretations, there are narrow ones associated with certain historical events and nations.

Let's take the Pekingese for example. A cute, at first glance, living creature. The nose is flattened, she is small, fluffy, minces funny, in general, a cutie.

However, in Ancient China The Pekingese were the last line of defense for the emperors. The rulers hid the dogs in the wide sleeves of their kimonos.

If the enemy broke through to the emperor, the Pekingese jumped out of his robes and attacked the offenders.

So now guess what does a dog tattoo mean?, playfulness and cuteness, or an attack “from around the corner.”

Now let's look at the stereotype from the category of medium-sized dogs. Let's remember the image of a bull terrier.

First association modern man– aggression, dog fighting. However, bull terriers were bred as companions for students.

The first representatives of the breed were kept by Oxford teachers and their students.

So, the classic bull terrier is a symbol of erudition and intelligence. The American interpretation of the breed is associated with aggression.

Having imported dogs from England, residents of the states initially paid little attention to breeding.

Crossing dogs with suspicious pedigrees has led to the emergence of unbalanced individuals, which they rely on in dog fights.

There is also a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. In these animals, on the contrary, humility and, especially, love for children were cultivated.

Representatives of the breed are even called nannies. For the uninitiated pictures of dog tattoos all three branches are quite similar.

Therefore, misinterpretations of the symbol are possible. In order to avoid such misunderstandings, many clients order not a full-fledged image of an animal, but Dog paw tattoo.

It is difficult to understand from the print what the appearance and breed of the animal is. Therefore, the drawing is perceived from the point of view of general stereotypes. You only think about loyalty and friendship.

Types of “Dog” tattoos

Sketches tattoos with dogs can be divided into real and mythological subjects.

There is also a transitional stage - images of real dogs that have become, for example, literary heroes. The latter includes Hachiko.

It is no secret that the dog existed, indeed, lost its owner and waited for him until his death. However, as the years pass, the story begins to be perceived as a legend.

Dogs from the myths of Ancient Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia are 100% “legendary”.

The Aztecs, Indians, Chinese, and Scandinavians also left tales about dogs. Interestingly, in most stories, dogs are associated with the afterlife.

So, in the Aztec pantheon there was the God of Death, Xolt. His appearance is dog-like. The Egyptians believed in Anubis with the head of a dog.

The deity ruled the underworld. The four-eyed dog from the myths of Mesopotamia was not God, but guarded the entrance to the afterlife, in fact, like Cerberus in Ancient Greece.

A distinctive feature of the last quadruped was snakes instead of hair on the neck.

Mythical dogs are also symbols of vital energies. This is how the descendants of wolves are viewed in China.

In the legends of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, Tien-ku appears - something between a dog and a lion. The animal has red, shaggy fur.

Tattoo such dogs on leg, or another part of the body, is a sign of yang energy, that is, male power. At the same time, Tien-ku may become enraged.

This happens under the cover of darkness. The dog's fur turns gray, the animal begins to rush at the heavenly bodies, destroying everything.

This is a manifestation of the feminine yin energy, trying to supplant the masculine, creative principle.

Tattoo "Dogs" - photo, which are also divided by the style of the images. There are, for example, cartoon stories. Just remember Goofy.

This is a wonderful friend with a heart. It is impossible to perceive the tattoo differently. Dog tattoo on hand in a realistic style, it refers to the modern perception of four-legged animals as faithful and intelligent companions.

Scientific facts come to mind. So, dogs are 10,000-100,000 times more sensitive to odors, remember about 250 words, and distinguish. Therefore, tattoos with four-legged animals are included in the category.

Dog Head Tattoo, or a full-scale drawing, can also be abstract. This is a case where a painting “smacks” of ethnicity and mystery.

Abstractions are difficult to decipher; everyone sees something different in the tattoo. This can be placed in the most visible place, forcing the public to puzzle over what it means.

Where to get a “Dog” tattoo

Dog tattoo for girl It is recommended to place it on , below , near the ankles and collarbones, which means emphasizing them. Prominent bones are a sign of model appearance and slimness. Apparently, this can be achieved with the help of optical illusions.

A non-standard place for applying the pattern is the dog itself. It’s not time to dress up your pet and cut it in the latest fashion; it’s time to introduce tattoos.

Offer to order glitter tattoo for dogs. This is a temporary design attached with glue. There is no need to cut the wool.

The image is made on top of the “fur coat”. The main thing is not to get the dog wet, otherwise the painting will be washed off.

On dogs, by the way, it is also a sign of fidelity, but to pets. Without special love, owners will not shell out money for the sake of a four-legged animal.

Dogs are man's friends and helpers. In the minds of many, they are associated with qualities such as loyalty, courage, attentiveness and fearlessness. Therefore, it is not surprising that tattoos depicting four-legged friends are popular. In this article we will try to fully understand their meaning, history and types to make it easier for you to make your choice.

Historical images.

Despite the many positive traits of dogs, their depictions have often been controversial. Historically, they could inspire both respect and fear in the minds of people.

  • In the mythologies of Ancient Greece and Egypt, dogs were considered guardians or guides between our world and the “lower” world. The Scandinavians also held a similar opinion. A striking example of this is Cerberus, the three-headed dog guarding the entrance to hell, or Anubis, the guide to the world of the dead.
  • Among the peoples living in the territory of modern Europe, this image was more often associated with devotion and the guardian of the home.
  • Native Americans treated dogs with respect, considering them healers, protectors, or even divine messengers.
  • Our ancestors, the Slavs, had an ambiguous and largely mythical opinion about such drawings. For example, that images of a dog predict events, most often negative.
  • For Christians, the image of dogs meant loyalty and friendliness.
  • In the Islamic religion, dogs were treated coldly and prejudiced, considering that they were an “unclean” animal, necessary solely for protection.

In modern history, dog tattoo designs have lost most of their mythical images. It is generally accepted that the dog is a symbol of conservatism, attentiveness and confidence. But how true this statement is is for you to judge.

Meaning of a dog tattoo.

Dog tattoos are usually small in size. Most often they are placed on the arm, leg, shoulder blade or back of the neck. Such drawings are not tied to a specific technique or direction, so it is sometimes difficult to interpret their original meaning intended by the author and bearer.

The main meanings of such tattoos are directly related to positive qualities the dogs themselves. Namely: devotion, courage, determination. Therefore, such designs can mainly be found on men.

It is believed that a person with a dog tattoo on his arm does not have such negative traits as hypocrisy, cunning and meanness. Its bearer is always ready to help out in difficult times. Moreover, such a drawing indicates an open and friendly attitude towards people.

The meaning of a tattoo can change dramatically depending on the breed of the fermented dog. Thus, fighting or hunting dogs are a sign of strength, determination, and in some cases aggression. Small breeds, on the other hand, indicate openness, kindness and vulnerability.

A dog paw tattoo symbolizes the indelible mark that someone has left on your life. Therefore, such sketches can often be found among girls.

To sum it up.

A dog tattoo will be an excellent choice for open, friendly, dynamic, courageous and responsible people. It will help you stand out and show off your bright personality. The main thing is to carefully select the sketch and take the time to learn about dog breeds.

Many believe that the dog as a symbol has much in common with the wolf. Indeed, both animals are credited with such qualities as courage, devotion, and attentiveness. Wolves and dogs are distinguished by their strong willpower. These animals are very close in a symbolic sense. However, wolves and dogs also have a number of differences from each other. For example, dogs are often depicted as demonic creatures.

Dog-like characters are found in the myths of various nations as the personification of the afterlife. One striking example is the ancient Egyptian god Anubis, who was depicted with the head of a dog or jackal. This deity patronized the world of the dead, which makes the image of the wild Egyptian dog dark and ambiguous. Anubis in Egyptian myths acts as a guide to the afterlife. It is interesting that the image of a dog often personifies a guide into something unknown. We can conclude that the dog symbol is very ambiguous. At the same time, the most popular deep meanings of this symbol look like this:

Subjects and breeds

There are a huge number of dog breeds. This gives rise to thousands of different themes for tattoos. Naturally, each breed symbolizes special qualities and aspirations. We will look at the most popular ones:

  • Wild dog. The personification of freedom and independence. This symbol in its philosophical context is similar to the symbol of the wolf.
  • Fighting dog. A very aggressive subject for a tattoo. He is the personification of unbridled strength and swiftness. “Win or die” is a great motto for such a tattoo.
  • Bulldog. A popular story that will bring out the fan of noble breeds in you.

Styles and places

Dogs are often tattooed in the “realistic” style, but current trends in tattoo culture suggest that we need to move away from traditional images of pets in favor of deeper and more interesting subjects. Today you can’t just get a tattoo with your favorite dog - you need to add a little creativity to the sketch. What exactly should I fill the drawing with? You decide.

A few more words about locations. The chest and shoulders are ideal for depicting a dog's head without a torso. These tattoos look great in an old-school design. If we are talking about a full-fledged image of a dog, we can consider the option of the back or abdomen. Here you can safely experiment with different styles.


Among celebrities there are bearers of tattoos with dogs. The most striking tattoos have:

  • Amber Rose;
  • Melanie Martinez;
  • Pink.

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