How to adjust Canadian crutches according to height. How to properly adjust crutches according to height video

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The selection of crutches should be approached very responsibly, since incorrectly selected crutches can cause various lesions muscle, bone tissue and nerves (inflammation of the shoulder joint, traumatic plexitis, etc.) First of all, you need to decide on the type of crutches: depending on how much support a person needs when walking, choose axillary crutches or crutches with support under the elbow.

Axillary crutches are necessary during the period of early rehabilitation after injury, as well as if the patient requires constant solid support. Doctors do not recommend using axillary crutches on a regular basis for longer than 2 years, since prolonged use of the axillary crossbar of crutches often causes numbness in the arms and pain in the shoulder. If the rehabilitation period is very long, then after some time it is recommended to switch to lighter and more maneuverable elbow crutches (Canadian crutches). Canadians are prescribed to patients who require little support when walking (in the later stages of rehabilitation), as well as to patients who constantly use crutches.

Selection of axillary crutches

When selecting axillary crutches, two parameters should be taken into account: the overall height of the crutch from the tip to the axillary bar and the position of the bar for hand support. If the patient cannot stand, then the total height of the crutches can be approximately calculated by subtracting 40 cm from his height. However, it is better if, when choosing and adjusting the crutches to size, the patient stands and wears his usual shoes. When trying on a crutch, place it near chest so that the tip is at a distance of 15-20 cm from the foot. In this case, 2-3 fingers should fit freely between the armpit and the crossbar (this is approximately 4-5 cm).

To determine the correct position of the palm crossbar, you need to lower your free hand, bend it about 30 degrees and clench it into a fist. In this case, the crossbar should be located at fist level. The correct installation of the cross handle can be checked as follows - stretch your arms along your body and evaluate the position of the handle - it should be located at the level of the wrist line (where we wear the watch). After the axillary crutch is adjusted as necessary, the second one is adjusted in the same way (if necessary). The patient should then try walking with a new pair of crutches. If at the same time he feels strong pressure in the armpits, then the crutches are too long. If, when walking, your body weight is transferred more to your arms rather than to your shoulders, the crutches may be too short and you should try changing the adjustments.

Selection of Canadians

When choosing crutches with elbow support, you need to correctly adjust the position of the handle and the retaining cuff. During fitting, you should insert your hand into the cuff and place the crutch at a distance of 15 cm from the foot. In this case, the elbow should be bent at an angle of 15-20 degrees - it is this tilt of the arm that will ensure optimal distribution of the load on the hand. The correct position of the cuff is at a distance of 5-7 cm from the sharpest point of the elbow (with a height of around 170 cm). If the height is 182 cm and above, the cuff should be located at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the elbow, but if the height is 150 cm and below, then this value is reduced to 4.5-5 cm. For the most accurate measurement, you should put the canadian on your arm and sit down on a chair and point the tip of the crutch at the ceiling, bending your elbow 90 degrees. It is better to use a hard tape measure to measure.

In order to make sure that the Canadians are selected correctly, you can conduct a small test. You need to stand up straight and lower your arms freely. In this case, the bend line of the wrist should coincide with the upper level of the handle. If the bend line is above the handle, the crutches may be too short. If the bend extends below the handle, there is a risk that the crutches are too long. If the results of this test indicate that the crutches are not properly adjusted, try a different adjustment hole. It is also important that the cuff does not compress the arm too tightly - with constant high blood pressure on the forearm, the edges of the clamp will dig into the skin, rub and cause pain. At the same time, if the cuff does not fit tightly around the arm, the patient may lose the crutch, for example, while opening a door.

How to do this is described in detail in the article.

Sizes of axillary crutches

All crutches can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. With support on the elbow and forearm (elbow).
  2. With support on the armpit (axillary).

Products of both categories are recognized as one of the main means of rehabilitation in accordance with various GOSTs (for example, GOST R) and other documents. The regulatory documentation describes various parameters of these products, the most important of which is the sizes of the crutches, presented in the table.

In accordance with this classification, different models can be roughly divided into children, adolescents and adults, as shown in the figure.

How to choose crutches: step-by-step instructions

To choose the right specific model, you should consider several tips:

  1. The basic rule is that the distance between the top of the product and the armpit should be about 5 cm, and at the same time the elbow should be bent at an angle of 30 degrees. The patient stands in a normal, relaxed position, and the tip rests on the floor.
  1. You can also check the correctness of your choice using a simple formula: you need to subtract 40 cm from the patient’s height. This will be the optimal length of the product. At the same time, the design of many models provides the ability to adjust the length - it is better to choose exactly such products as shown in the photo.
  1. A very important question is which axillary crutches to choose: aluminum, wood or steel. Wood products are the most affordable, but at the same time they do not have a length adjustment mechanism. In addition, wooden crutches do not have sufficient strength. Therefore, it is better to focus on aluminum models, and in the case of heavy weights, on steel ones, which have the greatest strength.
  2. It is important to take into account the doctor’s recommendations on selecting the type and model. In general, axillary crutches are necessary in cases where the patient is recovering from a serious injury: fracture, dislocation, sprain, etc. In such situations, reliable and solid support is necessary. However, it is not recommended to use such products for more than 2 years in a row - as a rule, over time, the patient will still switch to elbow ones.
  3. Finally, it is worth paying attention to the presence of soft attachments that will provide the most comfortable support for the body. This is especially important in the case of children and the elderly, who will not be able to withstand the pressure of a surface that is too hard.

Along with the fact that it is important to know how to choose the right crutches, the ability to use them correctly is of great importance. Despite its apparent simplicity, moving with the help of the armpit elbows requires a certain skill and adherence to the rules:

  1. First, the structure is adjusted to the desired height, and you should put on ordinary shoes, which are supposed to be used most often.
  2. When taking the first step, as well as getting up from a sitting position, lean only on your healthy leg.
  3. They move as follows: first, place the legs of both crutches slightly forward (no more than 30 cm). Then, leaning on them with their whole body, they raise their healthy leg and place it 30 cm further - the step is taken.
  4. Turns and turns are carried out using only the healthy leg.
  5. You should not squeeze the handles too tightly - this leads to rapid muscle fatigue and even mild cramps.
  6. Climb stairs using one crutch. The free hand holds the railing securely while the other hand holds the crutch. First, take a step with your healthy leg. Then place the crutch on the same step. After this, the body is transferred. During descent, the sequence of actions is the opposite: first, place the crutch on the lower step, move the affected leg and take a step with the healthy one.
  7. As for personal items, they should be carried in a backpack and not in your hands, which should remain completely free.

Video instructions for selection

You can clearly see the features of selecting axillary crutches in comparison with elbow crutches in the video.

Thus, choosing the most suitable model is easy. It is important to take into account the doctor’s recommendations, the size of the crutch, the possibility of adjusting its length, and your own feelings when testing the product in the store.

(3 photos)

How to choose the right crutches and why you need it. If crutches are not chosen correctly, a number of problems can arise. From simple rubbing of the skin to damage to the nerves in the axillary area. Nowadays, two types of crutches are common - these are axillary crutches (classic) and crutches with elbow support (Canadian). The type of crutches should be selected based on the severity of the injury and support for support.

How to choose the right crutches

Selection of axillary crutches (classic)

When selecting axillary crutches, you should pay attention to two factors, such as the height of the crutches and the location of the wrist bar. If a disabled or sick person cannot stand, then the height of the crutches (approximately) is selected as follows, subtracting 40 cm from the total height. But it is better, of course, to adjust it in a standing position, wearing familiar shoes. We place the crutch at chest levels, the lower part of the crutch is placed at the foot, at a distance of 20 cm. And the support bar for the armpit should not reach 4–5 cm from the armpit (2–3 fingers). And the crossbar for the hand should be adjusted as follows. We lower our hand down along the crutch, then bend our arm 30 degrees and clench our hand into a fist (the crossbar should be at the level of the fist), that is, with the crutches adjusted correctly, lowering your hand down, the carpal crossbar should be at the level of the wrist.

If fitted correctly, crutches should not put pressure or create severe discomfort when walking. If you experience a lot of pressure in the armpit area, then the crutches are most likely long, and if you experience a lot of stress on the hands, then the crutches are most likely a little short.

How to choose the right crutches

Selection of Canadians

When selecting Canadian crutches, you should pay attention to the correct placement of the handle and retaining cuffs. When adjusting Canadians, you should insert your hand into the cuff and place the crutch 15 cm from the foot. And at the same time, the elbow should be bent at an angle of 18 degrees; it is this position that will create the most optimal load on the hands. The cuff should be at a distance of 1 cm from the sharpest part of the elbow. If you are taller than 183 cm, this distance should be 10 cm (approximately). And if the height is below 150 cm, then 4 - 5 cm.

To check whether you have adjusted the Canadians correctly, you should stand straight and lower your hand down, while your wrist should coincide with the top of the handle. If the wrists are higher than the handle, then the crutches are short, and if the wrists are lower, then they are short.

How to choose and adjust crutches correctly

Offloading the injured lower extremity is important for successful treatment of the musculoskeletal system after injury and surgical treatment. It is necessary to strictly observe the terms of limiting the axial load on the injured leg. As the truism goes, “it’s better to walk on crutches for two weeks than not to walk for one week.” If the motor mode is disrupted, the consequences may be irreparable for health, resulting in disability.

The essence of unloading is that at the moment of stepping on the foot, the load is partially or completely redistributed to the hands. What should you use for this? There are many means and they are varied, but the essence is the same - relying on the arms, namely the hands.

Walkers are usually used at the initial stage in order to adapt to such walking. They are stable and especially good for weakened patients and people who have problems with coordination. Walkers can also be recommended for older people. Despite the obvious advantages, the disadvantages of walkers include limited mobility - the inability to walk up steps, inconvenience when getting into a car, limited opportunity carry something in your hands. If one leg is not supported, then you need to think about how you will wash your face, brush your teeth...

Arm crutches (Canadian) are comfortable and mobile, they are easy to get into transport, they do not take up much space, but to use them you must have sufficient coordination and hand strength. Such crutches can be recommended for possible partial load-bearing on the injured lower limb, or at a late stage of recovery. Just like when using a walker, your hands will always be busy.

Inguinal (axillary) crutches are the most familiar to us. Although at the moment of support, as in arm crutches and walkers, the main load falls on the hands, on groin crutches, if necessary, you can stop and lean on your armpits, freeing up your hands, which makes it possible to care for yourself.

Any crutches and walkers can remove up to 50% of the load from the sore leg while simultaneously placing full emphasis on the hands.

Crutches are available in three sizes:

Children – up to 150 cm,

For heights from 150 to 175 cm,

From 175 cm and above.

A stick is a means of support that is used when partial load on the leg is possible or to maintain balance. The stick removes up to 25% of the load from the sore leg. The stick must be held on the opposite side of the injured limb.

How to properly adjust crutches, a stick or a walker?

In a standing position and holding the listed means of support, the elbow joint should be bent by 15-20⁰, and for groin crutches, in addition, there should be 2-4 cm between the crutch and the armpit. This adjustment allows you to fully unload the spine and minimize the load on the upper shoulder girdle .

How to choose crutches for a patient. Axillary crutch.

If suddenly such a need arises - to purchase crutches in order to provide help and support to the patient after an injury or operation, then you need to use the knowledge of how to choose them correctly in size, and how to build them for the convenience of the patient, because for some time they will replace his legs.

Crutches come in axillary and elbow crutches. You can read about elbow crutches in the instructions How to choose crutches for a patient. Crutches with elbow support.


1 step

Crutches come in different materials: wooden, metal and aluminum. They differ in weight and comfort. The lightest are aluminum, you can hardly feel them. Wooden ones, although they are made of natural material and are not cold, have the most difficult height adjustment: you need to unscrew the nuts and screws from the wooden elements of the crutches, which is quite labor-intensive. In addition, some wooden crutches are the heaviest.

Usually, axillary crutches are bought in pairs and used in cases where it is impossible to step on one of the lower limbs. But then you can use one crutch to support your sore leg.

Step 2

In order to use crutches correctly, not to overload the spine and get proper support, you need to correctly adjust the crutches according to your height. To do this, the person who will use crutches needs to stand up straight, place the tip of the crutch at a distance of approximately 15 cm from the toe of the foot (to the side and slightly forward), take the crutch under the armpit, and grab the support bar with your hand. The top bar should not rest against the armpit; a distance of 4-5cm must be maintained. The arm should be slightly bent at the elbow and freely hold onto the transverse middle crossbar. If the arm is straightened and lowered, it will be at the level of the wrist.

If a person who needs axillary crutches cannot stand to pick up the crutches, then the length can be approximately calculated according to the rule: height (in cm) minus 40 cm. A more precise fit can be made by adjusting the length.

Step 3

Crutches must have soft attachments on both crossbars, the armpit and for the hand, so that it is comfortable to lean on them, otherwise during use you can severely bruise your palms and armpits, because. the main weight when walking will be distributed on them. The crutch should end with a round rubber tip for stability.

Step 4

Axillary crutches are adjustable in size in two places. You can lengthen the lower part to adjust the crutch to your height, and you can also raise or lower the middle bar-handle in order to adapt the crutch to the length of your arm.

As mentioned above, wooden crutches have an adjustment system consisting of screws and nuts, while metal and aluminum crutches have a built-in special system with a ball lock, which is secured by falling into the hole (see the picture). A very convenient system that requires almost no effort.

Step 5

In addition, if the season when you will need crutches is during the cold period of the year, then you should take care of anti-slip protection. For this purpose, special winter crutches are produced, which end in a rubber nozzle, but have a built-in spike that can be pulled out if necessary, which will help prevent you from slipping.

Instructions: how to choose the right crutches

Crutches are one of the most important means of rehabilitation. They help maintain balance and relieve some of the load from the legs. Of course, everyone wants to avoid injuries and illnesses, but if circumstances do turn out unfavorably, in many cases you cannot do without these devices. The correct selection of crutches is an extremely important issue; if you do not take it seriously enough, a number of negative consequences are possible - from discomfort when walking and the appearance of chafing to damage to the nerves in the armpit.

What types of crutches are on sale?

First of all, it should be noted that there are now two main types of crutches you can buy: axillary and elbow. The specific type of device is determined by the orthopedic surgeon based on the disease, the degree of support required and other circumstances.

Axillary crutches are structurally made in the form of two parallel tubes made of metal or strips of wood, which at the bottom are connected into one stand, at the end of which a tip is placed. In the upper part there is a bar, with the help of which the armpit is supported - this allows you to transfer part of the load from the legs to the shoulder girdle. Also in the design of these products there is a special handle that the user grabs with a brush.

This type of device is used in the initial stages of recovery, and in the event that more pronounced support is needed when walking. Medical experts do not recommend using this type of product for longer than two years. The fact is that prolonged pressure on the neurovascular node in the axillary region can cause numbness in the hands, painful sensations in the shoulder area. If a sufficiently long recovery period is expected, then at its later stages it is recommended to switch to elbow crutches. Sometimes products of this type are called “Canadian”; their use does not create pressure on the axillary area.

When using these crutches, the supporting surface is the hand and forearm. Elbow crutches are optimal for users who are able to partially support their weight by placing part of the load on their arms, but cannot move at all without additional support. Typically, crutches of this type are prescribed for persistent dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, when the patient needs to spend a lot of time on crutches. This type of product provides the patient with greater mobility: with their help, you can move faster, and it is much more convenient to overcome stairwells.

The height of the crutches is an extremely important characteristic when selecting these products; it must correspond to the individual parameters of the user. It is worth noting that most crutch models are equipped with push-button locks or other mechanisms, which makes it easy to adjust their parameters for patients with different anthropometric characteristics.

Methods for selecting the correct height vary depending on the type - axillary crutches or Canadian crutches.

How to choose the correct height of axillary crutches?

When selecting axillary crutches, two characteristics must be taken into account:

  • The full height of the product from the support tip to the top bar;
  • Handle position for palm grip.

If the overall height of the product is insufficient, the patient will have to stoop and there will be discomfort when moving. In addition, in this case, crutches will not provide the necessary support. If the height of the crutches, on the contrary, is too high, this will cause too much pressure on the armpit area, which can also lead to discomfort when walking and even various complications.

First of all, the patient needs to put on shoes. Shoes must be worn in which the patient will walk during the rehabilitation period.

Then you need to take the starting position: look straight, relax your shoulders. You need to straighten your back; you can lean it against the wall. Take the crutches and place them along your body, with the tip placed 15-20 cm to the side of the foot. If the axillary crutches are selected correctly, then there should be about 4-5 cm (2-3 fingers) between the axillary area and the supporting upper bar.

Next, you need to determine the optimal placement of the handle for the hand. You need to freely lower the limb, slightly bending it at the elbow at an angle of about 25–30°. Clench your hand into a fist - the handle should be at its level. If you straighten your arm, the handle should be at wrist level.

Then you definitely need to check whether the crutches are set up correctly - you need to walk around with them a little. The patient should pay attention to his feelings, and if necessary, change the settings. If there is too much pressure on the axillary area, then the height of the product is too high. If, when moving, the weight of the body is transferred to a greater extent to the arms rather than to the shoulder girdle, then the height of the crutches is too low.

Is it possible to choose axillary crutches based on height?

In some cases, it is not always possible to try on crutches - for example, the patient cannot stand at the moment, or you decide to buy crutches in an online store. In this case, you can calculate their height using the formula:

  • Crutch height (cm) = user height in cm - 40;

This method does not take into account the individual characteristics of the human body, and this approach is more approximate. It is best to adjust crutches when the patient is able to stand and wear normal shoes.

How to choose the right height of Canadians?

To select elbow crutches, it is necessary to correctly adjust the placement of the handle, which the patient holds with the hand, and the cuff. You need to place the support tip of the product at a distance of 15 cm from the foot, then insert your hand into the fixing cuff. Elbow joint it is necessary to bend it slightly at an angle of 15–20°. This angle allows you to distribute the load most rationally.

If the patient's height is about 170 cm, then the distance from the cuff to the sharpest point of the elbow should be in the range of 5 - 7 cm, if the height is from 182 cm or more - 10 cm. If the patient's height is 150 cm or less, then the indicator decreases to 4.5 - 5 cm.

In order to improve the accuracy of measurement, it is better to put a canadian on a limb, sit on a chair, bend your arm at the elbow 90° and point the stand of the product upward.

To verify the correct selection, it is recommended to perform a simple test. Stand up straight and lower your arms freely along your body. The bend of the wrist should be at the same level as the height of the top edge of the handle. If the check shows that the Canadians are not selected in the most optimal way, try changing the adjustments.

In addition, it is very important that the fixation cuff does not compress the limb excessively, otherwise this may cause chafing of the skin, discomfort and pain. It should be taken into account that if it does not fit well on the forearm, the patient may drop the crutch, for example, when opening a door or performing some other action.

If the crutches are selected correctly, this will help effective rehabilitation and allow the patient to move with maximum comfort.

The presented article is for informational purposes only. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescription proper treatment be sure to consult a doctor.

How to adjust crutches

There is a big problem in the house - the limb of one of the family members is injured, and the doctor persistently recommended crutches.

You can buy crutches (the patient’s height must be within the range of the passport size of crutches.) or ask for already used ones, but in good condition.

Let's audit the new acquisition.

First, let's check the crutch for strength (each crutch in the pharmacy has its own maximum calculated weight), then check the upper axillary crossbar for smoothness (or for shock absorption, if it is covered with elastic materials). Let's check the presence and quality of all bolts or studs that regulate the length of the crutch. And finally, let’s check the rubber tip of the crutch to see if it’s worn out, if it’s holding well, if the wear is the same, if the crutch is not new.

And only now will we begin to solve the problem of fitting these crutches to a given person.

I emphasize once again: the problem of “how to properly adjust the crutches” cannot be solved “by eye.” You will have to lift the future user and, with the help of a wall, a chair or one or two assistants, straighten him to his full height.

First of all, we solve the problem of the height of the crutches. The main thing in this matter (how to adjust crutches according to height) is to avoid making the main mistake: not making them too high. Many people think that correct adjustment of crutches according to height requires a rigid emphasis of the crutch in the armpit. This is absolutely false!

When the patient is fully vertical, the top bar of the crutch should be 4-5 cm below the armpit!

Now adjust the height of the hand grips - They should be at hip level. In this case, the arm should be slightly bent at the elbow joint.

Ask the patient if he or she is comfortable with the height of the hand grips in the vertical position.

Thus, correct adjustment of crutches consists of two operations:

1) adjust the total length of the crutch using screws at the bottom

2) adjust the height of the hand grips.

I want to cool down the ardor of the impatient - you will not achieve absolute convenience the first time.

The problem of how to properly adjust the crutches will have to be solved throughout the entire period of use.

The person will change his shoes, begin to get stronger and naturally straighten up, and begin to walk up stairs.

When using crutches, to facilitate movement and avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to first adjust the devices, adjusting their height based on your own height and other parameters.

Special screws are provided for this. The device also allows you to rearrange different levels wrist bar. This can be done using traditional tools that are found in almost every home.

How to properly adjust crutches?

Rules for adjusting crutches

When setting the parameters of crutches, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • At the initial stage, you should adjust the height. Crutches should not be too high. To select the correct height, the person should be positioned level. There should be a gap of 3-5 cm between the top bar and the armpit area. The crutch should not rest against the armpit or even reach it. The main load is carried out on the hands.
  • When trying on crutches, you should wear shoes that the person will wear on the street. Only after this adjustment is made.
  • If a person cannot stand completely upright, the height of the crutches is calculated by subtracting 40 cm from the patient’s height.
  • The horizontal bar intended to be grasped by the hand should be at hip or wrist level. The hand should freely reach the crossbar. In this case, it is desirable that the arm be slightly bent at the elbow joint.
  • The canadians are adjustable for the height of the upper ring, support handle, and the diameter of the lower ring. It is important that the bottom ring does not rub or press. However, the hand should not fall out of it.
  • When trying on crutches under the elbow, you need to insert your hand into the cuff and place the device at a distance of 15 cm from the foot. The elbow should be bent at the top. When positioned correctly, the cuff is placed at a distance of 5-7 cm from the sharp point of the elbow. This parameter is relevant for a person’s height of 170 cm. If the height is more than 180 cm, the distance increases to 10 cm. If the height is less than 150 cm, the distance should be 4.5-5 cm.

When adjusting crutches, it is difficult to achieve maximum comfort the first time. Don’t worry that after setting it up, using the device causes discomfort. In this case, experience is required. In addition, you need to understand that each pair of shoes has a different heel height, so the devices will have to be reconfigured.

Also, a person will have to navigate the stairs, which invariably causes discomfort. With regular use, the patient becomes stronger, his body straightens. As a result, the crutches need to be readjusted again.

If, after adjustment, a person feels strong pressure in the axillary area during movement, this indicates that the height of the crutches is too high. In the case when the height, on the contrary, is too small, a maximum load will occur on the hands, while shoulder joint it won't exist at all.

How to properly adjust crutches?

Whether you're planning to rent crutches or have already rented them, now it's time to figure out how to use them correctly. If adjusted incorrectly, crutches can cause a whole range of unpleasant sensations, which is fundamentally wrong, since crutches are designed to facilitate movement and not complicate it.

How to choose the right crutch height?

Stand leaning on your healthy leg, lower your arms down, and keep your shoulders relaxed. The upper part should be located at a distance of 3-4 cm below the armpit.

The height of the handle should be at the level of the bend of the wrist.

This is what the correct height adjustment of the crutch handle looks like.

How to properly adjust crutches according to height?

How to properly adjust crutches according to height?

If we talk about axillary crutches, then you need to: put on the usual shoes in which a person usually walks and in which he is comfortable, stand up straight. Place the supporting end of the crutch 15 cm in front of your toe. And the distance between the armpit and the axillary bolster of the crutch should be 4-5 cm. This is the length of the crutch that should be comfortable.

Most crutches are adjusted to suit the comfort of each person by moving the lock on the retractable telescopic legs higher or lower. This is in so-called crutches with elbow support.

In this model of crutches, choosing the appropriate height is not difficult and does not require higher education.

But in this model of crutches, some dexterity and sufficient strength will be required to pull out the entrenched bolts from their sockets and rearrange them higher or lower.

Before you begin adjusting your crutches, you must first change into comfortable shoes. Then, as doctors advise, you need to position the crutch with the supporting end 15 cm in front of the foot. It is also necessary that the axillary support of the crutch, wrapped in foam rubber, bandage, or cloth, should be 2-4 cm below the armpit if the body is in an upright position.

The main rule for selecting a Canadian crutch is that the distance from the sharp part of the elbow to the support must be at least 5 cm. In addition, the patient must have sufficient strength in his hands to move the body and not have problems with body coordination.

To recover from fractures, doctors often prescribe elbow crutches (also called Canadian crutches) to patients. They have several advantages over, but may not be used in all cases. In addition, it is important to choose the right crutch taking into account the patient’s height, weight and other characteristics. To select and use the product correctly, it is worth studying the step-by-step instructions and descriptions of specific models.

Design Features

A typical crutch with elbow support consists of the following elements:

  1. A tip that is usually equipped with an anti-slip system (a spike that increases friction on a slippery surface).

  1. Telescopic tube with the ability to adjust to the patient's height.
  2. A handle that a person grasps with his hand.
  3. Elbow support cuff.

The base is made of high-strength aluminum alloy. Thanks to the adjustable mechanism, the height can be selected from 75 to 100 cm, i.e. for any height.

The handle and armrest are made from hard plastic. Its strength is quite high, so the support can withstand loads of up to 110 kg (there are also more durable products).

An armpit crutch takes up less space compared to an axillary crutch, and its weight is comparable to that of a crutch.

Therefore, this is the most convenient option for everyday use, but only if the person is in satisfactory physical shape. Relying on the armrest puts a lot of stress on your arms.

Accordingly, this rehabilitation tool is suitable for recovery from the following leg injuries:

  • fractures of the ankle, knee joint;
  • femoral neck fracture;
  • ankle injuries;
  • sprains;
  • rupture of ligaments and tendons;
  • patients with various neurological disorders.

If a person has severe weakness in his hands, he has severe chronic diseases, which makes it quite difficult to lean on your elbow, it is preferable to use. In extreme cases, such patients are advised to use

Note! If a person has a lack of coordination of the body, for example, against the background of dizziness, illness nervous system, the Canadian crutch will definitely not work. You must use armpit supports or a wheelchair.

Advantages and disadvantages compared to axillary crutches

A crutch with an armrest has a number of advantages compared to an axillary crutch. The main thing is that it is easier and more convenient to move on such a support. However, there are also disadvantages.

Table 1. Comparison of characteristics of armrest and axillary supports

When selecting a specific model, you can pay attention to reviews and recommendations from pharmacy workers. If necessary, it is better to get additional advice from a doctor.

Cost of various models

Prices for Canadian crutches are generally affordable; for example, you can find quite a few models within 1,000 rubles apiece. You can purchase these rehabilitation products in pharmacies, specialized medical equipment stores and on websites (Avito, medical portals and others). When making an online purchase, you need to measure the person’s height and weight again to choose the most suitable model.

Advice! It is better to buy crutches with the ability to adjust the height and the presence of a spike that protects against slipping.

Table 2. Review of arm crutches with prices

Model Description Price, rub./piece
Elbow crutch for adults “Eurostyle”

  • Height up to 100 cm;
  • height is not adjustable

  • Height 98 cm;
  • can withstand up to 110 kg;
  • weight 500 g;
  • equipped with an anti-slip spike

  • weight 600 g,
  • manufacturer Germany
  • 1 380
    Used Canadian crutches

    Good condition, height adjustable 1 000

    • Made from high strength aluminum alloy;
    • manufacturer Germany;
    • height adjustable
    2 200

    Step-by-step instructions for choosing

    Choosing arm crutches for adults is quite simple. To do this, you need to take into account the person’s height and weight, and he must be personally present at the time of purchase. The patient stands up straight and takes a crutch, as shown in the photo:

    1. The support is placed approximately 15–20 cm from the outer edge of the foot.
    2. The elbow is bent at a slight angle, placed in the cuff so that it is comfortable to lean on.
    3. The hand grasps the handle.
    • 5 cm with small height (about 150–160 cm);
    • 7 cm with average height (170–180 cm);
    • 10 cm with a height of 180 cm and above.

    This is the main principle. If it is broken, then you need to choose a different model of crutch for the elbow.

    How to walk on Canadian shoes

    To use armrests, you need to rely mostly on a healthy limb. The walking technique is as follows:

    1. First, both crutches (or 1) are placed forward, at a distance of a small step.
    2. Then the healthy leg takes a step (while the whole body rests on crutches).
    3. Next, the diseased limb is selected.

    It is very important not to take too many steps so as not to lose your balance.

    In this case, it is better to try to place the supports slightly to the sides, 15–20 cm to the left and to the right right leg. Then overall stability increases, and the risk of falling is minimized. If a person has fairly wide hips and a lot of weight, the tips are moved to the side even further, but not more than 30 cm.

    In addition, the patient should move carefully in winter, and if necessary, purchase crutches with anti-slip (built-in pinch, which increases friction on the tip).

    The rotation is carried out with the support of crutches and exclusively on a healthy limb. If there is a need to carry things with you, they can only be placed in a backpack, which hangs on your back and, thanks to this, does not interfere with movement.

    If the patient goes down the stairs, he first places both crutches on the bottom step, then moves the healthy leg, and then the painful one.

    Walking while climbing follows the same rules (as shown in the video).

    Thus, you can choose crutches with support for the elbow yourself - the main thing is that the distance from the cuff to the sharp edge of the elbow corresponds to the person’s height (from 5 to 10 cm). You also need to make sure that the support can support the weight of the body - the corresponding indication of the maximum permissible load can always be found in the model description.

    Rehabilitation measures are always an important point after receiving any injury, surgery or treatment of a disease. It is especially difficult for older people to recover due to the peculiarities of regeneration and metabolism processes. The most common injury in older people is a hip fracture; this type of injury requires long-term rehabilitation.

    Rehabilitation for a fracture

    First of all, rehabilitation after a hip fracture begins immediately at the first stage medical care. It is aimed at maintaining normal level mental and emotional state. Very often, older people, having received such an injury, withdraw into themselves and do not try to speed up the recovery process, which leads to the formation of permanent disability.

    The second stage of recovery is physical rehabilitation. It is carried out in the period after surgical treatment and restoration of the integrity of bone tissue. And it will consist of performing various types of physical therapy, massage sessions, gymnastics and proper nutrition. It is best to do this in specialized centers (sanatoriums, resorts) under the supervision of doctors.

    Features of recovery in elderly patients

    A hip fracture is a very serious pathological condition that completely eliminates the ability to walk. It is dangerous for the elderly because with such a defect the regeneration period is very long and labor-intensive. In young and middle-aged people, recovery from a hip fracture is possible in about one or two months, since there are no concomitant diseases. The situation is different for a person aged 70–80 who has been diagnosed diabetes, hypertension, obesity and other pathologies that greatly interfere with the regeneration process. In addition, these diseases may be a contraindication for osteosynthesis of the femoral head.

    Recovery for such patients usually lasts more than 3 months. All this time, the victim remains in bed and is highly dependent on the people present nearby. That is why rehabilitation measures should be carried out immediately after injury.

    Scheme of rehabilitation measures

    Depending on the conservative therapy rehabilitation schemes may vary. The duration of such measures is determined by the surgeon, and he will also monitor the dynamics of recovery.

    As already mentioned, rehabilitation measures begin from the moment first aid is provided. At this stage, it is important not to leave the patient alone; you need to constantly be nearby, especially to close people. Even the presence of a loved one nearby significantly reduces the degree of psychological trauma. A relative must assist and be present with the patient before admission to the hospital.

    After surgical treatment, such a patient is sent to a ward, where his condition will be monitored and observed. Already in the first days after surgery, the patient is recommended to:

    1. Breathing exercises. By increasing the supply of oxygen to the blood, metabolic processes are accelerated and the regenerative capacity of the entire body increases. A long stay in bed can be complicated by congestion not only in the lungs, but also in other organs.
    2. Simple gymnastic exercises with healthy limbs. An expander and simple motor movements will be useful for your hands. For a healthy leg, these are flexion and extension movements of the fingers, knee joint and hip. Such exercises must be carried out very smoothly and slowly, since sudden movement can damage the operated leg. For the head and neck, side turns and bends are best.
    3. Every day the load must be increased, gradually moving to the injured leg.

    Such activities cannot be carried out without the prior consent of the attending physician. He should prescribe a course of physical therapy, recommend massage sessions, discuss further nutrition and tell you about doing gymnastics at home.


    Already from 2–3 days after surgery, the patient can perform a lung massage of the lower extremities. This effect on the body has a very beneficial effect on further recovery and prevents the development of bedsores and congestion. Initially, the massage is carried out on the healthy leg, but gradually, smoothly transfers to the sore leg. The patient should not feel discomfort, much less pain, during the massage. The whole massage consists of performing:

    • Stroking movements from the foot to the thigh (from bottom to top). Thus, we help the body to carry out uniform blood circulation throughout lower limbs, emptying veins and arteries.
    • Compression of the leg with both hands in the area of ​​the calf and thigh muscles. It is also carried out from the bottom up.
    • Acupressure massage of the leg muscles. This is how we prevent muscle atrophy.
    • At later stages, vibration, rubbing, and stronger compression can be applied.

    IN early dates After the operation, it is recommended to find a good massage therapist, and in a later period this can be done by a relative of the patient. When performing a massage, it is important to monitor general condition patient, pay attention to his complaints and well-being.

    It is thanks to massage in the early stages of recovery that general and local blood flow improves, the rate of bone fusion increases, its functional ability is restored, and the likelihood of developing bedsores decreases.

    Exercise therapy

    Exercise therapy for a hip fracture is an important point in the rehabilitation period. It is this that allows the patient to get back on his feet and restore the former strength to the legs and joints. Through exercise therapy we solve the following functional problems:

    1. Improving general and local blood flow helps activate the growth of new muscle fibers and restore old ones. In addition, exercise therapy eliminates congestion in the pelvic area, which is very important for older people.
    2. We prevent atrophic phenomena in the gluteal, thigh and calf muscles.
    3. We promote the formation of the muscle layer in the knee and hip joints, in the future we exclude their dislocation and subluxation.
    4. We reduce the feeling of heaviness in damaged and healthy joints, prolonged immobilization can modify the joint articulation.
    5. Re-learning to walk with and without aids (canes, stilts).

    All treatment and rehabilitation activities are carried out under the supervision of a rehabilitation doctor. His responsibilities also include teaching close relatives how to care for the sick and explaining basic exercises for working independently at home.


    Gymnastic exercises after a hip fracture should be aimed at restoring the ability to walk and perform self-care. The most effective exercises:

    • Without getting out of bed, ask the patient to alternately contract the thigh muscles, first the healthy leg, then the injured leg. These basic movements will help the patient feel own body and maintain optimal muscle condition of the injured leg.
    • With our hands resting on the edge of the bed, we apply pressure on the doctor’s or relative’s hand with the injured leg. We help strengthen the anterior muscle group.
    • In bed we roll onto our stomach, right and left sides. We help the patient learn to change body position to prevent the formation of bedsores.
    • We fix our healthy leg on the bed (bend it in knee joint), and the patient is raised in a straight position. If possible, perform 5 times without stopping, take a break and repeat again. This is done very slowly, if the patient is not able to independently lift the sore leg, we provide him with assistance.
    • Leaning your hands on the bed, we ask the patient to hang his legs off it and take a sitting position. For the first time, limit yourself to a small number of approaches (3-4 times) to avoid excessive stress on the leg.
    • At a later stage, having taught the patient to stand, a number of more complex movements can be performed. The initial exercises are bending the torso forward and backward, the sore leg should be set back and straightened in the toe.
    • Holding onto the bed, standing on your healthy leg, describe the numbers from 1 to 10 with your sore leg.

    This stage should not last more than 4 months; once sufficient muscle strength is formed, it is necessary to try to teach the patient to walk. First, with the help of special equipment (fixes the patient in a vest and places him on a moving walkway), then with the help of a doctor and relatives, then with the help of crutches and a cane. A broken bone recovers quite quickly, but to restore its previous functions requires a lot of time and effort.


    In addition to the necessary physical activity a patient with a cervical fracture must observe proper diet. It will include foods rich in:

    • Minerals.
    • Proteins.
    • Vitamins (A, D, E).
    • Calcium and magnesium.

    Such foods include fermented milk products (milk, cottage cheese, cheese), eggs, seafood, vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to limit your intake of fatty and salty foods. And in winter, take additional tablet vitamins.

    The diet should be followed for a long time, the food itself should be varied, it is better to steam food (more is preserved useful substances). Such meals can be organized by a special sanatorium, medical institution and a nutritionist.

    When such injuries occur, it is necessary to properly set up the patient emotionally and not allow him to close himself off from loved ones. The main driving force in the treatment of such patients is the desire of the patient himself to recover and return home as soon as possible. Rehabilitation after a hip fracture is a long and difficult process that requires a lot of physical and emotional investment.

    There is a big problem in the house - the limb of one of the family members is injured, and the doctor persistently recommended crutches.

    Crutches can be bought ( The patient's height must be within the range of the crutches' rated size.) or ask for already used ones, but in good condition.

    Let's audit the new acquisition.

    First, let's check the crutch for strength (each crutch in the pharmacy has its own maximum calculated weight), then check the upper axillary crossbar for smoothness (or for shock absorption, if it is covered with elastic materials). Let's check the presence and quality of all bolts or studs that regulate the length of the crutch. And finally, let's check the rubber tip of the crutch to see if it is worn out, if it holds well, if the wear is the same, if the crutch is not new.

    And only now will we begin to solve the problem of fitting these crutches to a given person.

    I emphasize once again: the problem of “how to properly adjust the crutches” cannot be solved “by eye.” You will have to lift the future user and, with the help of a wall, a chair or one or two assistants, straighten him to his full height.

    First of all, we solve the problem of the height of the crutches. The main thing in this matter (how to adjust crutches according to height) is to avoid making the main mistake: not making them too high. Many people think that correct adjustment of crutches according to height requires a rigid emphasis of the crutch in the armpit. This is absolutely false!

    When the patient is fully vertical, the top bar of the crutch should be 4-5 cm below the armpit!

    Now adjust the height of the hand grips - They should be at hip level. In this case, the arm should be slightly bent at the elbow joint.

    Ask the patient if he or she is comfortable with the height of the hand grips in the vertical position.

    How to adjust crutches

    Thus, correct adjustment of crutches consists of two operations:

    1) adjust the total length of the crutch using screws at the bottom

    2) adjust the height of the hand grips.

    I want to cool the ardor of the impatient - you will not achieve absolute convenience the first time.

    The problem of how to properly adjust the crutches will have to be solved throughout the entire period of use.

    The person will change his shoes, begin to get stronger and naturally straighten up, and begin to walk up stairs.

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