Vitamins for pregnant women. What vitamins to take during pregnancy in the second trimester

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman’s body - metabolism changes greatly, fluctuates hormonal background, the composition of the blood changes. A growing fetus receives nutrients from the mother’s body, so a woman’s need for vitamins and microelements increases by one and a half to two times. Recently, the issue of vitamin deficiency in expectant mothers has become quite acute, so doctors are making every effort to ensure that preparation for pregnancy and taking the necessary medications begin at the planning stage.

Vitamin deficiency and consequences

Vitamins are needed not only for the proper development of the fetus, but also to maintain the health of the mother. Thus, a deficiency of any substance can lead to health problems in both the child and the pregnant woman. In the human body, vitamins play the role of enzymes, accelerating biochemical reactions. In addition, they take part in humoral regulation, performing the functions of certain hormones. Despite popular belief, vitamins do not serve as a source of energy and are not structural components of tissues. These compounds are important only for ensuring proper metabolism, on which the functioning of all internal organs and systems depends.

Pregnant women have been found to be deficient in at least three vitamins. This can lead to improper formation of internal organs in the fetus or health problems in the mother due to excessive withdrawal of substances from her body. The most common deficiencies are B vitamins, carotenoids and ascorbic acid.

Vitamins enter the human body with food, but it is believed that food cannot fully provide the required daily requirement. This is especially true for women during pregnancy. This leads to the need to take additional vitamins, particularly in the form of medications.

Particularly dangerous during pregnancy are conditions in which there is a deficiency of vitamin D, B6, folic acid, since they can lead to irreversible consequences in the formation of the child’s nervous system or bone skeleton.

Vitamin deficiency in the first trimester is dangerous due to disturbances in the formation of the nervous system, as well as the development of fetal defects and even intrauterine death. It is during this period that the formation of all organs and tissues occurs, as well as important cell differentiation. In the second and third trimester, vitamin deficiency is less dangerous, but can lead to problems in the cardiovascular, endocrine or digestive systems.

The role of vitamins in fetal formation

  • Pyridoxine (B6). Together with other vitamins that belong to group B, pyridoxine takes part in nerve impulses. This vitamin is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the harmonious development of the child’s brain. In addition, amino acids are produced from pyridoxine and proteins are synthesized - the main structural component of the human body.
  • Folic acid (B9). Necessary for cell renewal processes, as well as for correct formation fetal nervous system. With a lack of folic acid, neural tube defects, pathologies of placental tissue can occur, and the likelihood of premature termination of pregnancy also increases.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Necessary for the proper development of a fertilized egg. Vitamin deficiency can lead to miscarriage. Cyanocobalamin is also a coenzyme in many biochemical reactions, in particular the oxidation of proteins and fats, as well as the synthesis of amino acids.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). One of the most important vitamins for the fetus, pregnant woman, as well as the average person. Participates in the processes of tissue respiration, protects tissues from free radicals, strengthens the placenta. Necessary to prevent miscarriage and normal development of the fertilized egg. Prescribed to all women during pregnancy planning, as well as in the first trimester. Vitamin E deficiency can also lead to vision problems and hemolytic anemia. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin A (retinol) provides antioxidant protection and is a structural component of cell membranes. Its deficiency leads to abnormal development of the fetus, as well as problems with the baby’s vision after birth.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Necessary for the synthesis of collagen fibers, which are part of the structure of bones, cartilage and blood vessels. Vitamin C is known for its immunostimulating properties, as well as its ability to neutralize toxins. Vitamin deficiency increases the risk of infection viral infections and negative consequences for the baby.

The role of vitamins for a pregnant woman

  • Pyridoxine. The vitamin is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system. Its deficiency leads to anemia, convulsive syndrome, development early toxicosis, irritability, insomnia.
  • Folic acid. Necessary for stable functioning of the nervous system. If there is a deficiency, a woman may experience loss of appetite, increased fatigue and irritability.
  • Vitamin B 12. Participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and various biochemical reactions. Lack of vitamin leads to the development of special types of anemia, which negatively affect the condition of the bone marrow and nervous system.
  • Vitamin E. Takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, acts as an antioxidant. With a deficiency, muscle pain, weakness, and spontaneous abortion are possible.
  • Vitamin A. It is recommended to take the vitamin's precursor, beta-carotene, to minimize the likelihood of overdose. Vitamin A itself takes part in many biochemical processes in the body, and with its deficiency, vision problems develop, immune defense decreases, and the condition of the epithelium worsens.
  • Vitamin C. Reduces the fragility of blood vessels, prevents varicose veins, which often occurs in pregnant women. Improves resistance to infections, accelerates tissue repair due to participation in collagen synthesis. With a lack of ascorbic acid, bruising, stretch marks, and frequent colds occur.

To prevent deficiency of most of the most important vitamins, it is recommended to take complex vitamin preparations during pregnancy. They adjusted not only the qualitative, but also the quantitative composition, taking into account the special position of women.

Vitamin-rich foods

You can maintain the health of a pregnant woman and the harmonious intrauterine development of the fetus with the help of proper nutrition. It should be varied and include the main food groups (meat, cereals, vegetables, dairy, etc.) so that the woman receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Foods that are sources of vitamins are listed in the table below:

Vitamins according to pregnancy

The need for different vitamins varies depending on the duration of pregnancy and the processes that occur in the body.

In the first trimester, the main emphasis should be on the consumption of folic acid, vitamin E and ascorbic acid. During this period, the formation of the nervous system and the formation of internal organs occur, and the woman’s immunity decreases due to hormonal changes. These vitamins will ensure the full development of the embryo and prevent pathologies of the brain, vision and hearing. It is recommended to supplement vitamins during this period with microelements - iodine and zinc.

In the second trimester, there is a greater need for substances that will give the mother energy and the baby structural material for growth. It is recommended to take vitamins A, C, E, as well as vitamin D. Additionally, the need for vital microelements - iron, zinc, iodine - increases.

There was a long process of agonizing anticipation of conception and finally, the expectant mother received confirmation - life had arisen inside her and the unborn child was growing. There are 9 months of new discoveries and amazing changes ahead. own body and finally, the long-awaited birth. It is during this period that the fair sex and her unborn baby need comprehensive support. Correct lifestyle, prevention of problems, good food and, of course, additional intake of vitamins, which are already lacking in everyday life, but now some of them go to the support and development of the fetus. Below, you will find out which vitamins and at what time it is best for the expectant mother to take them, and also receive comprehensive answers from doctors to the most frequently asked questions about vitamin complexes.

Almost every pregnant woman asks herself and those around her this question. The answer is obvious - of course, yes. The process of bearing an unborn child is associated with global changes in the functioning of the entire body: metabolism is radically restructured, the composition of the blood changes, the functioning of the hormonal system, and so on.

It is during pregnancy that the consumption of a number of substances by the body and the unborn child increases significantly: internal reserves need to be constantly replenished beneficial vitamins and microelements.

Unfortunately, it is not always natural products or a special diet that allow you to fully compensate for the deficiency of one or another element, so you have to introduce them artificially, using individual drugs or entire complexes created specifically for pregnant women. The growth of the embryo, the absorption of proteins, the functioning of the hormonal system - a lot depends on vitamins, including the health of the life growing inside you.

Vitamins during pregnancy. Which ones are best to drink?

Among the whole variety of vitamins/microelements, there are a number of substances that play an important and sometimes key role in the formation and development of the fetus.

  1. Folic acid. This water-soluble vitamin promotes the growth of fetal tissues, helps the cells of the underlying body recover and renew themselves. In addition, it directly affects the growth of the placenta and system blood vessels in the uterus. B9 deficiency significantly increases the likelihood of miscarriage and also worsens the mother's well-being.
  2. Tocopherol. The natural compound is involved in a number of important processes for the body, in particular the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In addition, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. A lack of tocopherol in the body can cause anemia, visual impairment, and heart problems in the unborn child. The mother has general weakness, muscle pain and involuntary abortion.
  3. Pyridoxine. Vitamins B6 are a catalyst for the formation of amino acids, from which proteins are subsequently created. In addition, the biologically active substance shapes the development and functioning of the nervous system, providing normal oxygen supply to the brain, while simultaneously reducing the effect of toxicosis.
  4. Vitamin B12. A key element of the ovulation processes in women, it not only helps to get pregnant, but also supports the development of the fertilized egg to the embryonic stage.
  5. Vitamin A. It is involved in the development of the nervous system, vision and skeleton in the unborn baby.
  6. Vitamin C. Supports immunity in the mother and forms its basic rudiments in the child.
  7. Vitamin D. Promotes bone growth.
  8. Vitamins of groups PP, K, H are not as critically important as the previous ones, but are necessary for the full functioning of the female body during periods of increased stress during pregnancy, and also as general health-promoting substances.
  9. Calcium. A building “base” for children’s bones, which is required more and more during pregnancy.
  10. Iron. Helps supply oxygen to all organs of the expectant mother and she is not yet born child.
  11. Iodine. Participates in the synthesis of hormones, helps prevent damage to the central nervous system and skeleton of the unborn baby, and also protects thyroid gland representatives of the fair sex.
  12. Zinc. Directly and indirectly participates in a number of related biochemical processes. Its deficiency leads to complications in childbirth, postpartum hemorrhage, development of congenital defects of the fetus, too little or too much weight/height at birth.

Vitamins for men

A representative of the stronger sex was able to provide you with high-quality genetic material, works hard and does everything possible to make the pregnant woman as comfortable as possible. Don’t forget about a man - he also needs vitamins in order to be in perfect condition and always delight you with care, guardianship and love.

  1. Vitamin C. A powerful antioxidant that destroys free radicals and significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Lipoic acid. Significantly improves liver function in men, normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
  3. All B vitamins. A representative of the stronger sex must be smart, fast and strong - it is vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 that will help him become ideal.
  4. Vitamin N. Men do not always pay attention to the current condition of their hair, nails, and skin. It is biotin that can bring them back to normal.
  5. Vitamin E. Tocopherol is the key to success of the stronger sex on the love front.

A universal protector of cell membranes, which is both an actihypoxant and an antioxidant, reduces the likelihood of cancer formation, protects cells from oxidation, controls the synthesis of nucleic acids, and acts as an excellent neuroprotector. Taking vitamin E, a pregnant woman normalizes the production of progesterone, improves uterine stretching, and prevents fetal underdevelopment and possible miscarriage.

With all this, the most recent studies show that an excess of tocopherol and its uncontrolled intake can negatively affect the child in the future - some medical specialists analyzing samples according to these criteria indicate an increased risk of heart defects in the early period.

That is why taking the vitamin should be strictly regulated - from 200 to 350 IU, unless your doctor prescribes a different dosage. In this case, the daily consumption itself must be divided into two times, in the morning and in the evening after meals.

Folic acid is a key element involved in the formation of new cells in the body and their support. This is especially important at the intrauterine stage of development of the unborn child, because disruption of natural processes due to a lack of B9 leads to very serious complications in later life. The bone marrow primarily suffers from a lack of the vitamin, so pregnant women are required to take 400 milligrams of the substance daily from the beginning of pregnancy planning until childbirth. Taking folic acid can be divided into two doses - 200 mg each after breakfast and dinner.


A classic vitamin complex for pregnant women, containing all the main groups of low molecular weight organic compounds. The composition of multivitamins was developed more than twenty years ago, taking into account the recommendations of experts at that time. The main advantages of the drug include the presence of a sufficient amount of microelements, including iodine and zinc, as well as a low price. One of the disadvantages is the insufficient content of folic acid (200 mg), which requires the introduction of an additional dose of vitamin B9 into the diet. Also, separate groups patients complain of frequent allergic reactions after taking Materna, most likely caused by the high content of B12 and vitamin A.

Alphabet - Mom's health

Russian multivitamin complex developed for pregnant women from conception to childbirth. The drug is divided into three types of tablets, which contain low-molecular organic compounds and microelements that do not conflict with each other and do not weaken the mutual effect of the components.

From positive aspects combination drug, let's cancel the moderate price and the presence of iodine in the composition. At the same time, as in Materna, there is not enough folic acid here.


The composition of this poly vitamin complex iodine is not included (that is, it must be taken separately), but there is a sufficient amount of folic acid and an increased content of magnesium, which is especially necessary for the prevention of miscarriage and the threat of premature birth. Doctors recommend these multivitamins for the complex treatment of fetoplacental insufficiency. The price category is above average, reviews about Elevit are mostly positive.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

One of the most famous, balanced and optimal vitamin complexes, used with equal success during the period of planning a future child, pregnancy and after childbirth. The formula of the drug contains a sufficient amount of vitamins of groups A, B (including folic acid at a dosage of 400 mg/day), C, D, E, K, H, etc., sufficient for the fair sex, as well as microelements - iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, etc. With regular use of Vitrum Prenatal Forte, it is usually not necessary to take additional doses of individual low-molecular organic compounds.

From positive qualities One can note the ideal balance of the composition, which does not cause negative manifestations in the vast majority of patients, a convenient dosage (1 tablet/day in the morning after meals), as well as a clear long-term dosage regimen specified in the instructions for the drug and designed for the period before conception, 1,2, 3 trimesters of pregnancy and time after childbirth with the onset of lactation. The only disadvantage of the multivitamin complex is its high cost compared to analogues.

Useful video

Prenatal vitamins

Question answer

What vitamins should I take in the first, second and third (last) trimester of pregnancy?

If you do not get enough vitamins from healthy, fresh food (and this is faced by up to 90 percent of all women, since it is almost impossible to purchase truly fresh vegetables/fruits, other similar products and ideally balance the diet in such a way as to completely cover the needs for low molecular weight organic compounds) , then vitamins must be taken constantly, or in long courses throughout the entire period of pregnancy. However, depending on the timing, individual components are especially important:

  1. First trimester. The most necessary for the future baby and you are folic acid, vitamin E and A.
  2. Second trimester. With a properly balanced diet, you can take short breaks from taking vitamins. The most important microelements of this period are considered to be iodine, calcium and iron.
  3. Third trimester. Vitamins C and D are especially important.

In any case, if possible, throughout your pregnancy, take complex multivitamins according to the recommendations and regimen of your doctor - this will eliminate the need to use 3-4 separate medications and save your time/nerves along the way.

How much vitamin E to take during pregnancy?

The recommended dosage of vitamin E ranges from 250–350 IU/day, divided into two doses and depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Regularly taking large doses can negatively affect your baby's health in the future: a number of modern studies and statistics show that women who took more than 600 IU of vitamin E daily throughout pregnancy gave birth to babies with a high risk of heart disease.

Please advise the best vitamins for pregnant women

Considering the modern way of life, the poor environment, as well as the difficulties in maintaining a truly healthy, nutritious diet, the best way regularly replenish the missing reserves of low-molecular organic compounds and microelements; you will take combined multivitamin complexes containing the main groups useful substances in the required dosage. Some of the best drugs of this kind available on the pharmacy market and developed specifically for the needs of pregnant women are Elevit (with an additional separate iodine intake) and Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Regimen for taking these multivitamins are described in detail in the instructions for the medications.

Can non-pregnant women take Elevit vitamins?

Naturally, it is possible. Moreover, they are recommended to be used not only before conception as a general tonic, but also after childbirth, as well as during lactation, when a tired body that has lost many vitamins and microelements urgently needs to recover and maintain vital processes at the proper level.

What vitamins to take in early pregnancy?

On early dates During pregnancy, it is advisable to consume all the main groups of vitamins, which in one way or another have a positive effect on the processes of recovery, work and growth of the body. The key low-molecular organic compounds during this period are considered to be folic acid and tocopherol - the first (vitamin B9) is responsible for the synthesis and support of cell function, and the second (vitamin E) is an antioxidant and ensures the correct metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Should I take vitamin B6 during pregnancy?

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is an important organic compound that is necessary for the synthesis of a number of amino acids responsible for the formation of a growing organism on cellular level. It is he who ensures the correct and timely development of the nervous system and, in fact, the brain of your unborn child. In addition, a deficiency of B6 provokes irritability/aggression, severe toxicosis, and convulsions in the fair sex. It is definitely necessary to take it, either separately or as part of a multivitamin complex. The daily requirement of this drug is 2–4 milligrams, divided into 1–2 doses.

During pregnancy the body future mother needs additional supply of essential nutrients and minerals necessary for normal fetal development. Special vitamins for pregnant women will help solve the problem. Of course, provided you have a varied and balanced diet, you can do without taking vitamin supplements. But following such a diet is quite difficult and not every woman can afford such a diet.

Many women are interested in whether pregnant women can take vitamins? After all, any drug, even a vitamin one, has certain contraindications. On the one hand, taking multivitamin complexes is necessary, as it helps to compensate for the lack of nutrients, maintain the health of the mother and ensure the normal development and formation of the fetus.

On the other hand, the advisability of taking multivitamins, the selection of the optimal dosage and the drug itself should be carried out only by a specialist. You can and should take vitamins during pregnancy, but only with the permission of a doctor who knows everything about the woman’s health condition and under his supervision.

What are the best vitamins for pregnant women?

Need for important vitamins and microelements in expectant mothers increases on average to 20%, depending on the trimester of pregnancy. The need to take certain substances largely depends on the period of fetal development. It is important to understand what vitamins and microelements are needed in each trimester. It is on the basis of this information that the best vitamins for pregnant women are selected.

For pregnant women in the 1st trimester

Vitamins for pregnant women in the early stages of fetal development must include folic acid (vitamin B9). She is responsible for the full formation of the baby’s circulatory and nervous system. Vitamin B9 stimulates cellular metabolism, which has a positive effect on the further development of the embryo. In addition, folic acid significantly reduces the likelihood of miscarriage, takes part in the development of the placenta and the synthesis of hemoglobin.

It is especially important to get folic acid in the first month of pregnancy. It is at this time that the neural tube begins to form in the fetus. If there is a deficiency of vitamin B9, the risk of various pathologies affecting the baby’s brain increases. It is worth noting that folic acid contained in common foods is only 50% absorbed by the body. Therefore, almost all expectant mothers are prescribed additional intake of this vitamin.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) reduces the risk of miscarriage and plays an important role in the formation and development of the placenta. A pregnant woman’s body needs tocopherol for the synthesis of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation and the production of breast milk in sufficient quantities. Vitamin E maintains hormonal balance in a woman’s body and is involved in the formation of the child’s internal organs. It is prescribed, as a rule, in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Vitamin A takes part in the development of the nervous system, skeleton and visual analyzer in the unborn child, so its deficiency can cause the development of congenital pathologies. At the same time, the permissible dosage of this vitamin should not be exceeded. An increased content of vitamin A is dangerous for the development of heart defects and central nervous system pathologies in the fetus. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the daily dosage of vitamin A should be 2500 IU.

Vitamin C is useful to take in the early stages of pregnancy to strengthen the vascular wall and increase its elasticity. A deficiency of this substance can lead to a decrease in the mother’s immunity and resistance to various infections.

It is recommended to take iodine-containing medications from the very beginning of pregnancy. This microelement is important from the point of view of normal functioning thyroid gland and complete synthesis of hormones. During pregnancy, iodine supplied from food is intensively excreted from the body. Therefore, it is important to take special supplements enriched with this microelement.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st trimester contain all of the above organic substances, vitamins and microelements, which are important to receive in sufficient quantities during early pregnancy.

2 trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the manifestations of early toxicosis are already behind and the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced. During this period the main internal organs and the systems of the future baby have already been formed, so it is important to ensure their full development. Expectant mothers can return to their usual diet, but the need to take essential vitamin complexes and microelements does not disappear. Vitamins for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester must be supplemented with microelements such as calcium, iron and iodine.

If there is a lack of iodine in the second trimester, a woman's metabolism may slow down. This is fraught with the appearance of excess weight, weakness and increased fatigue. This microelement forms the child’s skeleton and is important for mental development baby. The daily dose of iodine in the second trimester should be 250 mg.

Taking calcium during this period is necessary for the formation and strengthening of the child’s bone tissue and skeleton. He also takes part in the development endocrine system and kidneys. Calcium can accumulate in the placenta, so it is important to follow the dosage regimen. The daily norm of this microelement is 1500 mg. Calcium from foods is poorly absorbed by the body, so it is recommended to take vitamin complexes containing this element.

It is important to take iron, first of all, to prevent anemia in pregnant women. This microelement is involved in the process of transporting oxygen in the body of the mother and child. With iron deficiency, organs and tissues do not receive important nutrients and suffer from hypoxia. In addition, iron is necessary for protein synthesis and formation muscle tissue, as well as to prevent increased uterine tone. The daily dosage of this microelement in the second trimester is 30-60 mg.

3rd trimester

In the third trimester, it is important to continue taking iron, as well as vitamins D, E and C. Calciferol (vitamin D) during this period is necessary for the normal development of the child’s bone tissue and the prevention of rickets. The daily requirement of vitamin D is 400 IU.

Taking vitamin E in the third trimester maintains hormonal balance and prevents the risk of premature birth. As for vitamin C, its intake is aimed at maintaining the body’s protective functions throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Vitamins for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester are needed, first of all, for normal growth and maintaining the activity of the baby’s metabolism. Vitamin complexes should be taken until birth.

The best vitamins for pregnant women

Currently, many well-known pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the production of multivitamins for pregnant women. Which vitamins are best for pregnant women is decided by the doctor who guides the woman during this important period. He will help you choose best option vitamin complex, taking into account the patient’s condition, possible contraindications and other individual characteristics.

For the first trimester of pregnancy, the most suitable drugs are:

  • Materna;

Contains 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. The main advantage of the drug is the sufficient content of folic acid and iron. The disadvantage of Elevit is the lack of iodine in the composition. The daily dosage of the drug during pregnancy is 1 tablet after meals. The duration of the course is determined individually by the gynecologist, but usually this period does not exceed 4 weeks.

Side effects of Elevit manifest themselves in gastrointestinal disturbances and allergic reactions. Therefore, before taking a vitamin complex, it is important to consult a specialist for contraindications. The average price for a package of 30 tablets is 710 rubles.

Complex of vitamins for pregnant women Materna

Contains 10 vitamins, as well as iodine in sufficient concentration to cover the body's daily need for this substance. A specially calculated, optimal ratio of calcium and magnesium improves the absorption of iron.

Materna is contraindicated in pregnant women with severe kidney disease and hypercalcemia. The drug is well tolerated, but in rare cases its use can lead to allergic reactions (itching and skin rash), nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The vitamin preparation is taken one tablet per day, washed down with a sufficient amount of water. The average price is 650 rubles.

More often prescribed to women suffering from anemia during pregnancy. The drug contains 10 vitamins, iron in the required amount, iodine and several antioxidants. You can take the vitamin complex from the first day of pregnancy, 1 tablet per day.

Vitamins Prenatal for pregnant women

Do not prescribe in the presence of urolithiasis and excess calcium in the urine and blood. In case of individual intolerance to certain substances of the complex, allergic reactions may occur. The cost varies between 450-1700 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package.

In the second trimester, doctors usually prescribe the following vitamin complexes:

  • Pregnavite;
  • Complivit Trimester 2.

Prescribed from 13 weeks. This is a new generation vitamin complex, which includes an improved and easily digestible form of folic acid. The composition lacks iron and vitamin A, but does contain iodine in sufficient concentration. Instructions for use indicate that the drug is taken 1 tablet per day, starting from the 13th week of pregnancy.

Femibion ​​2 is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components included in the drug. Judging by the reviews, the complex has virtually no side effects. The average price of Femibion ​​2 is 490 rubles.


One of the most popular multivitamin complexes of the new generation. The drug does not contain iodine and a number of microelements, but contains vitamins B, E, C, folic acid, iron and calcium. In the second trimester, it is recommended to take 2 capsules of Pregnavit per day.

Contraindications are high sensitivity to the components and pernicious anemia. The price of the drug varies depending on the number of capsules in the package and can range from 600 to 1300 rubles.

Complivit Trimester 2

It is recommended to take from 14 to 27 weeks of pregnancy. The complex includes 11 vitamins, folic acid and 8 essential microelements. The drug is prescribed 1 tablet per day, and the duration of administration is determined by the doctor.

Complivit Trimester 2 should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug. During administration, allergic reactions are possible, rarely - nausea and vomiting. The average price is 300 rubles.

For the third trimester, the most common names of vitamin complexes are as follows:

  1. Mom is complimentary.

Prescribed when planning pregnancy, throughout the entire period of bearing a child, as well as in the postpartum period. The drug contains 10 vitamins, 10 minerals, macro- and microelements, folic acid and biotin. This is a complete multivitamin complex that must be taken for 30 days, 1 capsule per day.

Teravit Pregna is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components of the drug and under the age of 18 years. Taking a vitamin complex rarely provokes side effects as allergic reactions. The average price is 260 rubles.

Complimentary Mom

It is one of the cheapest and most popular vitamin complexes for pregnant and lactating women. The average price of the drug is only 250 rubles. It contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. However, compared to other multivitamin complexes, Complivit mom contains less iodine.

According to the instructions for use, it is enough to take 1 tablet of Complivit per day. The drug is not prescribed for intolerance to the components, as well as for hypervitaminosis A and excess calcium and iron in the body.

How to get free prenatal vitamins?

Back in 2007, legislation introduced free one-time provision of vitamins and medicines to pregnant women. To get your free prenatal vitamins, you need to take the following steps:

  • contact an antenatal clinic to register for pregnancy;
  • obtain a medical card in the appropriate form;
  • take a prescription from the attending obstetrician-gynecologist to receive the medicine free of charge at the pharmacy with which you have medical institution there is an agreement;
  • contact the appropriate pharmacy to receive free vitamins.

List medicines, which can be obtained in this way, is indicated in Government Order No. 748 dated October 6, 2008. Pregnant women have the right to purchase for free or with a 50% discount:

  1. Complimentary Mom,
  2. Teravit Pregna and many other drugs.

The second trimester of pregnancy is one of the most favorable for a woman. She no longer suffers from morning sickness, and practically does not worry about spontaneous interruption. At this moment, a woman should be in the fresh air as often as possible and eat properly in order to receive all the nutrients necessary for her and the fetus. It would be useful to receive pharmaceutical preparations. To choose vitamins for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, you need not only to consult a doctor, but also to independently study the available information.

Why do pregnant women need vitamins in the 2nd trimester?

The second trimester is the period between the thirteenth and twenty-sixth weeks of pregnancy. At this moment, the baby in the womb is rapidly growing and developing. All the main internal organs and their systems have already been formed. In order for their further development to proceed normally, it is important to prevent the occurrence of hypovitaminosis in a pregnant woman.

In addition, a woman’s figure undergoes changes due to the growth of the baby inside, which is why she may begin to feel discomfort. In addition, there is a large load on female body can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cause disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. To avoid it, it is important to choose a vitamin complex in the second trimester that will contain all the necessary nutrients.

Elements important during this period and their benefits

It is best if the product purchased at the pharmacy contains the elements listed in the descriptive table.

Group of substances

Item name

Beneficial features


B1 – prevents the development of nausea in later stages, reduces blood pressure, helps improve the process of carbohydrate absorption

B2 – helps prevent a lack of hemoglobin cells

B3 – improves amino acid metabolism, prevents sleep disorders

B6 – takes part in the production of embryonic growth hormone, eliminates cholesterol deposits

B9 – takes care of proper nutrition baby, regulates the activity of the central nervous system

B12 – helps normalize internal chemical processes

Takes care of strengthening the immune system, helps reduce vascular permeability, reduce the load on capillaries and veins

Increases calcium absorption, normalizes the process of skeletal formation and development of cardio-vascular system fetus

Improves the condition of the placenta. Normalizes metabolic processes, eliminates the risk of having a baby in the early stages, improves appearance


Promotes the normal development of the baby’s limbs, takes care of preventing the destruction of bone tissue in pregnant women

Promotes the development of the fetal brain, for pregnant women: reduces the risk of extra pounds, normalizes the metabolic process

Synthesizes hemoglobin, prevents the development of anemia, and ensures that the fetus does not experience oxygen starvation

The best pharmaceutical drugs

The table shows which multivitamins are best to take in the 2nd trimester. In the ranking of the best pharmacy products for pregnant women, they are in the top ten.


How to use?

Average cost (in ruble equivalent)

"Complivit Trimester 2"

Allergy to components, childhood up to 14 years, hypervitaminosis A, D, kidney stones, fructose intolerance

One tablet daily until the 26th week of pregnancy

"Alphabet Mom's Health"

Allergy, hypervitaminosis A, D

Three tablets daily - in the morning the pink component is used, in the afternoon - blue, in the evening - white (cream)

"Vitrum Prenatal"

Increased amount of iron in the body, allergies, stones bladder, hypervitaminosis A, D, hypercalciuria

One caplet per day

"Multi tabs Prenatal"


One tablet daily

"Femibion ​​Natal Care II"


One tablet and a soft capsule in one dose with meals

"Elevit Pronatal"

Allergies, hypervitaminosis A, D, Wilson's disease, iron metabolism disorders, renal system disorders, lactose intolerance

One tablet per day with meals

If you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before using any product. In addition to the fact that they must include all the necessary elements, they cannot be combined with other fortified products to prevent the development of an overdose. It is worth giving preference to products with iodine.

Features of application

The features of taking pills in the 2nd trimester include the following rules for taking them:

  • do not drink on an empty stomach;
  • drink enough liquid;
  • do not exceed the dosage recommended by the doctor or instructions;
  • take in the morning.

If the following symptoms appear, it is better to stop taking any vitamin preparations and consult a doctor:

  • pain in the head area;
  • gagging;
  • painful sensations in the hypochondrium;
  • fatigue;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • joint pain;
  • poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension;
  • cough that appears for no apparent reason;
  • tachycardia;
  • preeclampsia;
  • taste of “iron”, blood in the mouth;
  • lack of coordination.

The described symptoms accompany the occurrence of an overdose of a particular valuable substance. It is enough to take a blood test to understand which vitamins and minerals are in large quantities in the body.

Experts advise taking multivitamins to the following groups of women who:

  • severe toxicosis;
  • poor nutrition;
  • anemia was detected;
  • the anamnesis is burdened by the termination of previous pregnancies, fading of fetal development;
  • environmentally polluted areas of residence.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Question about the need to use vitamins at pregnancy is of great importance, and at the same time, a clear answer to it has not yet been found in the world. This is due to the fact that pregnancy is a physiological state that proceeds according to some general, specific rules, but with indispensable features inherent in each expectant mother and determined by the individual qualities of both the woman and the father of the unborn child. In addition to the individual biological, psychological and physical characteristics of the pregnant woman and the father of the child, the course and outcome of pregnancy are influenced by many factors, among which the most important are nutrition and drinking. After all, it is nutrition that ensures that a woman’s body receives all the necessary vitamins, minerals, microelements and energy substances. And, therefore, the answer to the question about the need to use vitamins during pregnancy largely depends on the type of nutrition of the woman carrying the child.

In almost all cases, nutrition is determined by two main factors:
1. The eating habits and traditions inherent in a given family, ethnic or social group.
2. The family's ability to provide a pregnant woman with various products.

This means that if there are certain traditions and eating habits adopted in a family or group, a pregnant woman will eat in accordance with them, not paying attention to the recommendations and advice of doctors. Typically, such traditional food options are incomplete, but very tenacious, since myths and legends about their benefits are passed down from generation to generation, actively supported and inflated. Adhering to traditional eating habits, a pregnant woman does not eat many foods that are useful and necessary for her, since they are not on the accepted menu. If such traditions are strong in the family, then the accepted type of diet will be supported even if it is able to afford the purchase of products necessary for a pregnant woman, since this particular diet is considered “correct” and “tested over centuries.”

In other cases, families may adhere to the rules and advice of doctors regarding the diet of a pregnant woman, but in the end her nutrition will be determined by material resources that will or will not allow her to purchase any products.

And therefore, the answer to the question about the use of vitamins during pregnancy is essentially determined by the nutritional characteristics and current physical condition of each specific pregnant woman. If a woman did not eat very well before pregnancy, then she is recommended to take vitamins during the entire period of bearing a child. If she ate well and nutritiously before and during pregnancy, then she does not need to take additional vitamins. This is the general conclusion reached by World Health Organization experts on the use of synthetic vitamins during pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at all aspects of the use of vitamins during pregnancy in the countries of the former USSR.

Vitamins for pregnant women - results of studies conducted under the auspices of WHO

Over the past decade, three large studies have been conducted regarding the effects of women taking multivitamins during pregnancy. The very first such study was conducted in 2005–2006 in European countries, and 73,000 pregnant women from various social classes and backgrounds took part in it on a voluntary basis. at different levels income.

Then, in 2007, a study was conducted again on the effect of taking multivitamins (vitamin complexes) on the course and outcomes of pregnancies. However, this study included women from different regions of the world because it was conducted by the World Health Organization.

Finally, latest study The impact of taking multivitamins was reported in 2009, also under the auspices of the World Health Organization, exclusively in countries with limited resources, where the nutrition of pregnant women in most cases is not complete and of high quality.

All three studies allowed experts to draw the following conclusions:
1. Regardless of a woman’s type of diet, during pregnancy everyone must take iron supplements and folic acid, which reduces the risk of malformations of the central nervous system. It is this vitamin (folic acid) and microelement (iron) that have proven positive effects on the course and outcome of pregnancy.
2. If a woman eats normally and nutritiously, then taking any multivitamins with the exception of folic acid and iron does not affect the course and outcomes of pregnancy, without reducing the risks of congenital malformations, premature birth, etc.
3. If a woman does not eat well, then taking multivitamins in addition to folic acid and iron can reduce the risk of having a low birth weight baby and developing severe anemia in a pregnant woman.

Thus, when normal nutrition a pregnant woman needs to take only folic acid and iron supplements, which actually prevent birth defects development in the fetus and anemia in the mother. Taking other vitamins does not have a significant effect on the course and outcome of pregnancy, as well as the health of the mother. Therefore, WHO recommends that women who eat normally and nutritiously take only folic acid and iron supplements. And all other vitamins can be taken at the request of the woman herself, or on the recommendation of her gynecologist.

For women who are malnourished during pregnancy, WHO recommends taking folic acid and iron supplements, as well as, if possible, any multivitamins. Moreover, multivitamins must be taken in courses throughout pregnancy.

Do pregnant women need vitamins?

As can be seen from the reports and recommendations of the World Health Organization, made on the basis of the results of research, vitamins are both needed and not needed by pregnant women, depending on the type of their diet.

The only vitamins and minerals that all pregnant women really need without exception are folic acid (vitamin B c) and iron. Folic acid should be taken by all pregnant women at least until the 12th week of gestation, 400 mcg per day. Moreover, you can start taking vitamin B C before pregnancy, at the planning stage. A pregnant woman who eats a full diet does not need all other vitamins. If a woman does not eat well, then in addition to folic acid, she also needs all the other vitamins that must be taken throughout pregnancy in courses.

To answer the question of whether pregnant women need vitamins, it is recommended to keep a number of factors in mind. Firstly, regardless of the nutrition of a pregnant woman, the fetus will take everything it needs for its development, literally “sucking” it from all tissues and organs of the body. Moreover, the fetus will take the vitamins, microelements and nutrients it needs only from the tissues of a pregnant woman, and not from incoming food, since this was provided by Nature.

That is, during pregnancy, the fetus receives the substances it needs indirectly - from the tissues of the mother’s body, where they, in turn, come from food. This means that the child will, in any case, take everything he needs, even if this literally causes exhaustion of the mother’s body. Therefore, with insufficient intake of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, the health of a pregnant woman deteriorates significantly, which is manifested by tooth decay, hair loss, peeling of nails, development of chronic pathologies (for example, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, hypertension, diabetes, etc.) .

Therefore, in order to avoid creating a deficiency of vitamins, microelements and nutrients taken by the growing fetus in the tissues of the mother’s body, they must be constantly introduced from the outside in the form of complete, healthy and balanced food. Taking various multivitamins, mineral salts, dietary supplements, dry foods and other medications during pregnancy serves exactly the same purpose - replenishing vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Therefore, it is clear that the need to take vitamins during pregnancy is determined by the woman’s diet and its ability to provide her body with all the necessary substances.

This means that good nutrition will completely replenish the reserves of necessary substances in the tissues of the mother’s body without additional intake of vitamins, and she will emerge from pregnancy still healthy and beautiful. But if a woman’s nutrition is inadequate, then to replenish the reserves of essential substances in the tissues, she needs to take vitamins, microelements, dietary supplements and special dry food.

By good and nutritious nutrition, WHO means the following:
1. A woman eats fresh or frozen red meat at least twice a week (beef, veal, lamb, etc.);
2. A woman eats fresh or frozen fish at least twice a week;
3. The woman eats some dairy products every day;
4. A woman eats eggs at least twice a week;
5. A woman consumes poultry meat at least 2 – 3 times a week;
6. A woman eats at least five types of fruits and vegetables every day;
7. A woman consumes butter and vegetable oil every day;
8. The volume of carbohydrate foods (buns, pastries, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.) makes up no more than half of a woman’s total daily diet.

That is, if a pregnant woman’s diet approximately corresponds to the above characteristics, then her nutrition is considered complete. If such a diet is maintained throughout pregnancy, then such a woman only needs additional folic acid and iron supplements, and she does not need multivitamins.

If the diet does not correspond to the above criteria formulated by WHO, then the pregnant woman’s nutrition is considered inadequate. This means that during pregnancy such a woman should take not only iron supplements and folic acid, but also multivitamins. In such situations, multivitamins prevent the birth of children with low body weight and help maintain the health of the expectant mother, preventing hair loss, deterioration of teeth, nails, etc. With malnutrition, vitamins are necessary not so much for the fetus, which will take everything it needs from the tissues and organs of the mother, but for the pregnant woman herself, so that she emerges from pregnancy in a normal, and not emaciated, state with lost hair, crumbled teeth and nails, dull, flabby, sagging skin, etc. It is also necessary to take vitamins for all pregnant women who have bad habits, such as drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.

Thus, WHO recommends taking vitamins during pregnancy with restraint and individuality. Thus, with normal nutrition, vitamins will not benefit the woman and child, but can, on the contrary, cause harm by causing too much weight gain in the fetus, as a result of which childbirth will be difficult.

In addition, WHO emphasizes that, regardless of diet, all pregnant women need to take folic acid and iron supplements. It is recommended to start taking folic acid at the stage of pregnancy planning and up to the 12th week of gestation continuously at 400 mcg per day.

Thus, the need to take multivitamins other than folic acid is determined by the individual nutritional characteristics and condition of the woman. This means that in each specific case it is necessary to make an individual, informed decision about prescribing multivitamins to a pregnant woman.

Can pregnant women take vitamins?

Yes, pregnant women can take vitamins, and in some cases they even need to. In order not to harm your own health, as well as the growth and development of the fetus, you must choose only certified and standardized vitamins or dietary supplements. In addition, pregnant women should carefully study the composition and dosage of each vitamin in their multivitamin preparation. The content of water-soluble vitamins (C, group B, PP, F and N) is of little importance, since their overdose is impossible due to the ability to quickly eliminate excess that enters the body. And the content of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) should not exceed the established optimal consumption standards, since taking them in excess can provoke an overdose.

Thus, the safe amount of fat-soluble vitamins in multivitamin preparations is the following:

  • Vitamin A – 3000 IU;
  • Vitamin E – 200 IU;
  • Vitamin D – 400 – 2000 IU;
  • Vitamin K – 65 mg.
This means that when choosing a multivitamin complex, you need to read in the instructions exactly how much vitamins A, D, E and K it contains. If the dosages of these vitamins are less than or equal to those indicated, then such a drug can be taken by a pregnant woman without any fear. If the dosage of fat-soluble vitamins is higher than indicated, then the multivitamin complex cannot be taken independently. Complexes containing large doses of fat-soluble vitamins can only be prescribed by a doctor based on the woman’s indications for their use.

The norm of vitamins for pregnant women

A pregnant woman should receive the following amount of vitamins per day:
  • Vitamin A – 800 mcg;
  • Vitamin D – 10 mcg;
  • Vitamin E – 10 mg;
  • Vitamin K – 65 mcg;
  • Vitamin C – 70 mg;
  • Vitamin B 1 – 1.5 mg;
  • Vitamin B 2 – 1.6 mg;
  • Vitamin B 6 – 2.2 mg;
  • Vitamin B 12 – 2.2 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP – 17 mg;
  • Folic acid (vitamin B c) – 400 mcg.
A pregnant woman must receive the indicated amounts of vitamins, with the exception of folic acid, either from food or from multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements. Folic acid must be taken by every pregnant woman in the form of 400 mcg tablets daily, regardless of her diet.

What vitamin is needed for pregnant women?

In principle, it is unnecessary to repeat that a pregnant woman needs all existing vitamins, minerals and nutrients, since not only the growth and development of the fetus, but also the preservation of the health of the mother depends on their adequate intake. However, among all the existing ones, the most important and necessary vitamins for a pregnant woman are the following:
  • Vitamin A– ensures normal fetal growth. With a lack of vitamin A, a woman’s immunity deteriorates, vaginal dryness, acne and boils appear on the skin, hair becomes dull and lifeless, and may begin to fall out.
  • Vitamin C– increases resistance to infections, improves iron absorption and participates in the formation of the placenta. With a deficiency of vitamin C, a woman feels constant fatigue.
  • Vitamin D– ensures normal growth and bone formation in the fetus, and also prevents rickets and osteoporosis in a pregnant woman. With a deficiency of vitamin D, a woman’s teeth begin to decay, excitability develops, and calf cramps appear.
  • Vitamin E– ensures normal growth and stretching of the uterus, prevents anemia, muscle weakness and the negative effects of stress. Vitamin E deficiency may result in miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Vitamin K– ensures normal blood clotting. If it is deficient, a woman may develop severe bleeding, and the fetus may develop hemorrhagic disease.
  • Vitamin B 1– provides energy to the nervous system and muscles of the fetus, and also supports good sleep in a pregnant woman. With a deficiency of vitamin B1, it can develop muscle weakness, irritability and fatigue.
  • Vitamin B 2– ensures normal growth and development of the fetus. With a deficiency of vitamin B2, a woman may develop dermatitis, and the fetus may develop malformations or premature birth.
  • Vitamin B 6– ensures the normal formation and functioning of the central nervous system in the fetus and pregnant woman. With a deficiency of vitamin B 6, a woman develops gestosis, and in newborns - convulsions and increased excitability.
  • Vitamin B 12– ensures normal development of the nervous system and hematopoietic processes in the fetus. With a deficiency of vitamin B 12, anemia, tachycardia, general weakness and dizziness develop in women.
  • Vitamin PP– ensures the formation of the nervous system and muscle tissue of the fetus. With a deficiency of vitamin PP, a woman loses her appetite, she develops constipation and pale skin.
  • Folic acid (B s, B 9) - ensures the normal rate of growth and development of the fetus, as well as the formation of the central nervous system. Folic acid deficiency can provoke central nervous system pathology in the fetus.
  • Pantothenic acid (B 5) – ensures balanced synthesis of sex hormones. With a deficiency of vitamin B 5, a woman may experience hair loss and graying, as well as peeling skin.
  • Vitamin H– ensures normal metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. With a deficiency of vitamin H, a woman is bothered by persistent nausea, poor appetite, drowsiness and lethargy.
All of these vitamins are especially important and necessary for a pregnant woman to bear and subsequently give birth to a healthy child, as well as to maintain her own health. However, in each trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s body especially needs certain vitamins, the deficiency of which can lead to serious consequences, including premature birth, preeclampsia, eclampsia or fetal deformities. This is due to the fact that different periods of growth and development of a child require different vitamins, minerals and plastic substances. Let's consider which vitamins are especially necessary for a woman in each trimester of pregnancy.

Vitamins for pregnant women 1st trimester

During the entire first trimester of pregnancy (up to the 12th week of gestation inclusive), it is necessary to take folic acid (vitamin B 9 or B c) 400 mcg per day, regardless of diet. Moreover, doctors recommend starting to take folic acid at the stage of pregnancy planning, since a small supply of this vitamin will only be beneficial for both the expectant mother and the fetus. Thus, it is necessary to take folic acid from the moment a woman decides to become pregnant. If pregnancy occurs unplanned, then folic acid must be taken as soon as the woman finds out about her “position”.

Folic acid is necessary for normal canal closure spinal cord in the fetus, as well as for the subsequent normal formation of its mental functions. That is, this vitamin is necessary to ensure the normal structure of the fetal brain and the subsequent formation of normal intelligence.

The second vitamin needed in the first trimester of pregnancy is B6 (pyridoxine). This vitamin relieves symptoms of toxicosis, reduces nervousness and prevents calf cramps. For normal growth and development of the fetus, vitamin B 6 is especially necessary, starting from the 8th week of pregnancy, since it is during this period that the formation and development of the central nervous system occurs. And pyridoxine is necessary precisely for the proper formation and development of the fetal central nervous system. To ensure optimal intake of pyridoxine into a woman’s body, it is recommended that during the first trimester of pregnancy she take the complex preparation Magne-B 6, which, in addition to the vitamin, also contains the microelement magnesium.

The third vitamin that is very important for the normal course of the first trimester of pregnancy is retinol (vitamin A). The fact is that vitamin A is necessary for normal fetal growth. And at the end of the first trimester, the fetus begins to grow very intensively and increase in size, and for this to happen normally in compliance with all body proportions, it requires vitamin A. Therefore, at the end of the first and beginning of the second trimester, a pregnant woman is recommended to ensure an adequate supply of vitamin A. However, it is necessary remember that excess vitamin A can be harmful to the fetus, so it can only be taken in safe dosages (2000 - 4500 IU per day).

Vitamins for pregnant women 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to take 1 – 2 courses of vitamins that the woman used during the first trimester, and add the following to them:
  • Vitamin D necessary to ensure active and rapid growth of the fetus. If there is insufficient vitamin D in the second trimester of pregnancy, then the bones of the fetus will not be able to grow and harden normally, as a result of which intrauterine rickets may form;
  • Vitamin E provides elasticity, fast growth and good extensibility of various soft tissues, which is absolutely necessary when the fetus begins to grow strongly and quite quickly in size. Vitamin E ensures an increase in the uterus adequate to the size of the fetus, its good stretching without the risk of rupture and severe thinning of the wall. Vitamin E also ensures good elasticity of the skin on the abdomen, which prevents the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks). In addition, this vitamin is involved in ensuring the formation and normal functioning of the placenta, which is necessary for further growth and fetal development. With a deficiency of vitamin E, there may be a delay in fetal development, as well as premature birth.
In addition to these vitamins, in the second trimester of pregnancy a woman also needs additional microelements, such as calcium and iron, which are consumed in large quantities to build bones and form cellular elements of the fetal blood.

Vitamins for pregnant women 3rd trimester

In the third trimester, you can stop taking folic acid because nervous system The fetus is already formed, and the need for this vitamin is minimal. During this period of pregnancy, the child gains weight, so he needs plastic substances and vitamins that ensure growth and active metabolism. This means that a woman needs vitamins B 6 and E until the end of pregnancy. It is also necessary to continue taking calcium and iron until delivery.

Vitamins for pregnant women - typical composition

Various complex preparations for pregnant women include vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, H and folic acid in various dosages and combinations. Most often, vitamins for pregnant women contain vitamins B, C, E, D and A. Vitamins K and H are less often included in complex multivitamin preparations intended for pregnant women.

Some complex preparations for pregnant women include not only vitamins, but also microelements. Most often the preparations contain zinc, iron, calcium, selenium, magnesium and iodine.

Free prenatal vitamins

Currently, in Russia pregnant women do receive free vitamins. Free provision of vitamins to pregnant women is carried out on the basis of the following laws and regulations:
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007;
  • Order No. 748 of October 6, 2008 “On drug provision for pregnant women”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 50 of January 19, 2007;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 72 dated February 1, 2011.
The listed orders stipulate that pregnant women can receive free vitamins, as well as iron and calcium supplements included in a special list, in an amount not exceeding 20–33% of the cost of the birth certificate. This amount does not fully cover the needs of a pregnant woman for vitamin preparations, so gynecologists at antenatal clinics do not always write appropriate prescriptions, but only when necessary.

The purchase and distribution of free vitamins to pregnant women is carried out by territorial medical associations (TMO). And since each TMO receives different funding, depending on the number of people assigned to it, the situation with the provision of free vitamins to pregnant women may be different. In some antenatal clinics that receive sufficient funding, vitamins are given free of charge to all pregnant women in the quantities they need. And in other consultations, due to the lack of necessary funding, free vitamins are given only to certain pregnant women, for example, the unemployed, those with many children, etc.

The procedure for receiving free vitamins is simple - the gynecologist writes a special prescription that can be used within 10 days at the state pharmacy in the area in which the antenatal clinic is located. For example, if a antenatal clinic is located in the Sovetsky district of the city, then a prescription for free vitamins must be presented at the municipal pharmacy in the same district.

Currently, the following vitamins and other medications can be provided free of charge to pregnant women:

  • Folic acid, tablets;
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate capsules;
  • Vitamin E and Vitamin E Zentiva;
  • Vitrum vitamin E;
  • Zithrum vitamin E;
  • Doppelhertz vitamin E;
  • Tocopherocaps;
  • Tocopherol acetate 5%, 10% and 30% solution;
  • Maltofer solution and tablets for oral administration;
  • Fenyuls Complex;
  • Ferretab complex;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Iodine balance;
  • Iodomarin;
  • Microiodide;
  • Multivitamin tablets;
  • Hexavit dragee;
  • Revit and Revit-UVI tablets;
  • Undevit and Undevit-UVI tablets;
  • Gendevit dragee;
  • Beviplex dragee;
  • Bio-Max tablets;
  • Vitaspectrum tablets;
  • Vitatress tablets;
  • Vitrum tablets;
  • Vitrum Prenatal, Vitrum Prenatal forte and Vitrum Superstress tablets;
  • Zithrum Centuri tablets;
  • Glutamevit tablets;
  • Complivit, Complivit Mama, Complivit Active tablets;
  • Megadin and Megadin Pronatal tablets;
  • Multimax tablets;
  • Multi-Tabs Active, Multi-Tabs Intensive, Multi-Tabs Classic and Multi-Tabs Perinatal tablets;
  • Selmevit tablets;
  • Supradin tablets;
  • Teravit, Teravit Antistress, Teravit Pregna tablets;
  • Tri-V Plus tablets;
  • Ferrovit and Ferrovit forte tablets;
  • Elevit Prenatal tablets.

Vitamin complexes for pregnant women - brief description

Let's consider brief characteristics basic multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Vitamins Elevit for pregnant women

Elevit vitamins for pregnant women contain 12 types of vitamins and 7 minerals. The drug contains the necessary dose of folic acid and iron, so when using the Elevit complex you do not need to take additional folic acid or iron. However, the drug does not contain iodine, so it will have to be taken separately. Elevit can be taken throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding and during the planning stage.

Vitamins Vitrum

There is a special complex for pregnant women - Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal Forte. The preparation contains 9 vitamins and 3 microelements, including the required daily doses of folic acid and iron. Therefore, when using Vitrum, you do not need to take additional iron and folic acid supplements. However, the drug does not contain iodine, so it will have to be taken separately. Vitrum can be taken throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding and during the planning stage.

Vitamins Femibion ​​and Femibion ​​2

Femibion ​​1, often called simply Femibion, is intended for use during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The drug Femibion ​​2 is intended for use from the 12th to the 40th week of pregnancy.

Femibion ​​1 contains 10 vitamins, including the daily dosage of folic acid, as well as iodine. This means that while using Femibion ​​1, a woman does not need to take additional folic acid and iodine supplements. Femibion ​​2 contains the same 10 vitamins and iodine as Femibion ​​1, but in different dosages that meet the needs of a pregnant woman at 13–40 weeks of gestation. This means that when using Femibion ​​1 or 2, a woman will have to additionally take iron and calcium supplements.

Alphabet - vitamins for pregnant women

In the "Alphabet" series of drugs for pregnant women, "Mom's Health" is intended. Packages of this drug contain tablets of various colors, which contain different complexes of vitamins and minerals necessary for a pregnant woman. Every day you need to take one tablet. If a woman is allergic to any vitamin, then she does not need to take the pill that contains it. Three types of tablets contain vitamins, iron, calcium and iodine. Moreover, only the dosage of iodine completely covers a pregnant woman’s daily need for vitamins.

Vitamins Pregnacare

Pregnacare vitamins contain 11 types of vitamins and 5 minerals, including folic acid and iron. Pregnakea contains daily dose folic acid, so you don't need to take it extra. But this drug contains a small amount of iron, so you will have to take it additionally. Pregnakea also does not contain iodine at all, so this microelement will need to be taken separately.

Vitamins Materna

The drug contains 10 vitamins (all groups B, as well as E, A and C) and iodine, necessary for a pregnant woman. Materna contains folic acid and iodine in the required daily dosage, so they do not need to be taken additionally. But when using Materna, a pregnant woman will have to take iron supplements separately.

Minisan Multivitamin Mom

A complex of 11 vitamins and 6 minerals, contains the required dose of folic acid, iron and iodine. No additional use of other medications is required. A nice bonus is good magnesium content and a favorable price.

The best vitamins for pregnant women

In medical science and practice, in principle, the concept of “best” is not used, since in each specific situation, even for the same person, different drugs of a certain type can become the best and most effective. pharmacological group. Usually the best one in a particular situation medicinal product is considered and called optimal. Therefore, in medicine there is the concept of not the best, but the optimal drug. Moreover, in each case, even for the same person, the optimal drug may be different, and it will be the best in this particular situation. The same goes for prenatal vitamins.

This means that it is impossible to single out 1, 2 or 3 best vitamin complexes for all pregnant women, since different drugs will be optimal for each woman. And it is the optimal vitamin preparation in this particular case that will be the best for this pregnant woman. Moreover, in the first pregnancy, one vitamin preparation may be best for a woman, in the second – another, in the third – again the first or even a third.

Vitamins for pregnant women - reviews

Currently, the overall tone of reviews of various prenatal vitamins is positive. That is, women note the positive effect of vitamins on their condition, on the basis of which they conclude that these drugs are undoubtedly beneficial. However, reviews about each specific vitamin preparation vary.

So, the largest number positive feedback available in the drugs Pregnakea, Elevit, Vitrum and Materna. However, each woman will have to select the drug individually, based on her own well-being and tolerance to a particular vitamin complex. Thus, women note that Vitrum, Elevit and Materna can cause nausea and bad feeling, which completely disappear after their cancellation.

Alphabet and Femibion ​​have slightly more negative reviews, which is due to the peculiarities of use and pharmacological characteristics of the drugs. Thus, Femibion ​​is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement (dietary supplement), which many women treat with distrust, believing that they undergo insufficient control before hitting pharmacy shelves. As soon as women find out that Femibion ​​is a dietary supplement, they immediately begin to have a negative attitude towards the vitamin, even if up to that point they had taken it and were quite satisfied with the result. As can be seen, in the case of Femibion negative feedback are determined not by the properties of the drug itself, but by its belonging to a certain group.

Women do not like the alphabet because it often causes nausea, and also because in one package there are tablets with various vitamins and minerals that cannot be mixed and must be taken one at a time. According to women, this composition of the drug creates confusion.

  • Vitamin D - biological functions, consumption rates, symptoms of deficiency and excess. Instructions for the use of vitamin D
  • Vitamin E - biological role, symptoms of deficiency, content in foods. Instructions for use of vitamin E

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