How often should you be tested for sexually transmitted infections? What can you learn about your health by taking a blood test? Expert advice How often can you donate blood to men and women?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

In a day. This will protect you from problems with water-salt metabolism in the body.


Avoid developing abdominal obesity, which increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, etc. Watch out: for men it should not exceed 94 cm, for women – 80 cm.

Survey plan

Using " ", create your own schedule of preventive examinations, tests and medical consultations.


Visit the dentist at least once a year, have your teeth treated on time and get rid of tartar, preventing the development of serious oral diseases.


Find the right specialist, medical institution, specialized organization in the field of health and healthy lifestyle in the “” section.

Healthy eating

To hold normal level Do not consume more than 170 g of blood cholesterol per day (including red meat and poultry).

Healthy eating

Eat at least 300 g per week, including fatty varieties (mackerel, trout, salmon). Omega 3 acids contained in fish help prevent atherosclerosis.

Health control

For health monitoring respiratory system Once a year, do fluorography and be examined by a therapist.

Health control

For health monitoring endocrine system Get your blood glucose tested periodically.

Healthy eating

For good health digestive system and the correct balance of nutrients make the basis of your diet, consuming at least 6-8 servings per day (300 ml whole porridge and 200 g bran bread).


Use “ ” to calculate body mass index, smoking index, level of physical activity, anthropometric indices and other indicators.


Do not exceed 20 ml ethanol for women and 30 ml ethanol for men. This The best way minimize harm from alcohol consumption.


Take a number of useful information tests in the “” section: the data obtained will help you identify problems or adjust your healthy lifestyle plan.

Health control

For health monitoring of cardio-vascular system Get examined by a therapist once a year and measure regularly arterial pressure and get a blood test for cholesterol.

Health card

Fill out a questionnaire on organ systems, receive a personal opinion on each of the systems and recommendations for health monitoring.

Healthy eating

To diversify your diet with all the necessary microelements, eat at least 300-400 g per day (fresh and cooked).

Health card

By filling out the “Health Card”, you will receive complete information about your health status.

Negative Impact

Find out all the risk factors that affect your health in the “Negative Impact” block.

Physical activity

To prevent physical inactivity, increase your regular physical activity at least up to (150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week), try to move more.

Physical condition map

Use " " to determine your level of physical development.

Health control

To monitor eye health, be examined by an ophthalmologist once every 2 years; after 40 years, determine intraocular pressure annually.

Excess weight

Monitor your weight without going beyond the normal range of Body Mass Index: from 19 to 25. To calculate and control BMI, use "".

Survey map

Use " " to store and interpret results laboratory research(blood tests, urine tests, etc.).

Health control

To monitor the health of the digestive system, once a year, undergo an examination with a therapist, determine your body mass index and blood cholesterol level, and if you are over 50 years old, get tested for colon cancer.

Anthropometric map

Monitor your weight without going beyond the normal range of Body Mass Index: from 19 to 25. "

Doctors have this rule: it’s clear - treat, if it’s not clear - examine. But monitoring your health, at least occasionally, will not hurt anyone. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. To do this, you just need to lead an active lifestyle, listen to your body and respond to its signals in a timely manner.

Analyzes: pros and cons

If you feel unwell, or something gives you doubts, it is best to immediately consult a doctor and get tested basic tests . There are situations when a doctor, based on symptoms, clinical picture cannot determine the patient's diagnosis with complete certainty. In such a situation, getting tested can play a decisive role and protect you from inappropriate medical prescriptions. Refrain from any tests unless necessary. To the question “ how often to get tested ? There is a universal answer: “as often as health conditions require.”

Preventive diagnosis of diseases

How often should pregnant women be tested?

In order to detect deviations in time, warn possible problems To prevent complications, a pregnant woman has to undergo many tests. And it’s no coincidence, because health depends on their results expectant mother and baby. General blood analysis a woman undergoes at least three times during pregnancy. Blood group test and the Rh factor is on the list of mandatory ones. Blood clotting test necessary to prevent bleeding during childbirth. Most often, a woman undergoes a urine test during pregnancy, because the kidneys are under a very heavy load, so Analysis of urine It is customary to take it before each scheduled visit to the gynecologist. Ultrasonography occur at least three times during pregnancy. The list of planned tests, if necessary, can be supplemented with many other studies.

What tests should I take if my child is often sick?
How often should women get tested?

Analyzes reflect the processes occurring in a woman’s body, but do not always indicate a particular disease. To monitor her condition, a woman should undergo the necessary tests once a year. In addition to the generally accepted blood and urine tests, the so-called “female kit” includes an analysis for the papilloma virus. The papillomavirus is dangerous because it does not show any symptoms for a long time, and then suddenly explodes into serious diseases, including cancer. At least once a year, a woman needs to have a gynecological smear.

How often should men get tested?

Deterioration in physical condition, the presence of diseases and many other reasons force men to see a doctor and get tested. Often men do not give due importance to many factors, but modern conditions life contribute to the development of many dangerous diseases. Approximately once a year, doctors strongly recommend that men undergo examination by a doctor, take tests for hidden infections , hormone analysis, prostate examination, spermogram, analysis for macro and microelements .

“Until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself” - this folk wisdom is perfect for characterizing the attitude of the majority of our compatriots towards preventive examinations with a doctor. Yes, yes, most of us go to the clinic only if something is wrong with our health. Perhaps this is caused by a lack of time and a reluctance to sit in queues, and sometimes by the attitude of the doctors themselves towards people who, being healthy, for some reason showed up for an appointment and demanded that they be prescribed tests... In fact, responsible therapists only welcome preventive testing, after all, it is in this way that diseases can be identified at an early stage, and therefore successfully cured. But if you really don’t want to go to the district clinic, and you have the financial opportunity, get tested in an independent laboratory or private medical center. As a rule, there are no queues there, but everything necessary equipment available for research.

Now let’s talk about what the minimum tests are and how often a healthy person needs to be tested.

We rent every year!

  1. General clinical analysis blood - yes, the same one, from a finger. It will show the level of hemoglobin - the presence or absence of anemia and other blood diseases. In addition, the ESR reaction (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and the leukocyte level will tell whether there is an inflammatory process in the body.
  2. Biochemical blood test - to determine the level of total cholesterol and its fractions and identify cardiovascular diseases at an early stage.
  3. Blood sugar test. A very important analysis, since it allows you to diagnose the development of such dangerous disease like diabetes. In old age, it is recommended to take this test, as well as biochemistry, twice a year.
  4. General clinical urine analysis - it evaluates the condition of a person’s genitourinary system and the likelihood of developing certain diseases. The density of urine determines the nature of the kidneys, and sugar or acetone in the urine indicates the presence diabetes mellitus or phenylketonuria.
  5. Electrocardiogram - to find out how the heart works.
  6. Hormone analysis thyroid gland and ultrasound of this organ is recommended to be done regularly for residents of those areas where there is a natural iodine deficiency, and there are many of them in our country.

If desired, you can take a blood test for markers of hepatitis B and C, tumor markers and HIV. This is especially recommended for those who get tattoos and often visit the dentist.

Once every two years it is worth doing fluorography. With its help, it is possible to detect not only the development of pulmonary tuberculosis, but also the presence of malignant tumors, as well as diseases of the pleura. However, if necessary, it can be done once a year - modern digital equipment allows you to avoid harm to health.

After 45–50 years, two more should be included in the list of mandatory annual tests: gastroscopy and colonoscopy (examination of the large intestine), which allow timely detection of stomach and colon cancer.

This is a list of tests for both women and men. But there are also analyzes “by gender” and they also cannot be neglected.

Tests for women

  1. Examination of the mammary glands: up to 35–40 years of age, it is enough to undergo an ultrasound; for women older than this age, a mammogram.
  2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs to detect tumors and inflammation.
  3. Colposcopy is an examination of cervical tissue to exclude oncology.
  4. Analysis of vaginal flora (smear) for the presence of infections.
  5. Analysis for papillomavirus.

In addition to getting tested, women are recommended to visit a gynecologist once a year.

For men

  1. Analysis for hidden infections is especially recommended for those who often change sexual partners.
  2. Hormone analysis determines not only the causes of sexual dysfunction, but is also necessary for the timely detection of serious diseases, such as cirrhosis of the liver.
  3. Examination of the prostate and blood test for the concentration of PSA - prostate-specific antigen. This analysis becomes especially relevant in adulthood, after 40–45 years, when the risk of developing prostatitis increases.
  4. Analysis for micro- and macroelements - for men it is mandatory; Not only the general well-being of a man, but also his potency depends on their level.

Few people in modern world, can boast about their health. Even those who consider their health to be relatively strong can often be mistaken, since many diseases in the early stages occur without pronounced symptoms.

The only preventive measure that can be used to identify diseases in the early stages of development is a blood test.

In a patient who regularly undergoes general analysis blood, the probability of being detected at the stage of their inception is much higher. Early diagnosis of diseases allows for the most effective treatment for the patient, preventing the disease from manifesting its complications.

Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life leaves almost no time for working women and men to monitor their health and take preventive tests. As a rule, patients come to the laboratory with a referral from a doctor, and not on their own initiative.

And this is very serious problem modern society. Taking preventive tests can save lives by, for example, detecting cancer at an early stage.

Where to get tested

As a rule, when applying to public medical institutions, doctors give a referral for analysis to the structures of these institutions.

Some patients question the results obtained in these institutions, since they do not have modern equipment and the flow of people is too large (there is a high probability of error).

If you are tormented by such doubts, then you can contact private clinics.

When choosing a private laboratory in which you plan to undergo examination, be guided by the following criteria:

  • It is better if the laboratory uses modern vacuum tubes. They are absolutely safe for both the patient and the laboratory assistant. In addition, the vacuum tube provides excellent preservation of the collected blood.
  • Before taking the test, you can clarify all points of interest with the staff. Namely: an establishment license; analysis technology; analysis techniques. If for some reason this information is not provided, then you should think about the reputation of the laboratory.
  • When collecting blood, pay attention to whether the barcode is indicated on the tube. Its application eliminates the possibility that your biomaterial will be confused with the biomaterial of another patient.

When contacting private clinics, you should also pay attention to the reputation of the institution. Laboratory that is not assigned to medical institutions, can guarantee the objectivity and impartiality of the analysis results.

On the other hand, a laboratory that is assigned to a particular medical institute or large hospital may have a good proven reputation.

How often should you get tested?

The recommended frequency of taking a general blood test depends on the patient’s age and health complaints.

All doctors clearly state that it is necessary to take a blood test even if you have

A general blood test is an effective preventative measure to prevent a wide range of diseases.

The table shows data on how often it is necessary to donate blood at different age periods if the patient has no complaints:

A separate schedule of examinations for young children. Since their body grows very quickly, and changes occur in it every day.

Children's blood is taken immediately after birth, then at 1 month, then every 3 months until 3 years. Upon reaching 3 years of age, examination must be completed every year.

The World Health Organization also recommends periodic blood testing between 25 and 35 years of age. During this period, according to statistics, an increased number of sexually transmitted infections are diagnosed.

From 35 to 55 years of age, the risk of developing heart failure increases. Therefore, preventive examinations can be made more frequent. In women, which can cause many pathologies.

After 50 years, To all other diseases, the risk of occurrence is added. The probability of cancer increases by 90% every year after 50 years.

What diseases can be determined by a blood test?

Remember that almost 50% of diseases (that is, every second) can be detected using tests before it shows its first symptoms.

To do this, you just need to regularly monitor your health and get tested.

Based on the results of blood sampling, the following diseases can be identified:

  1. Cancerous neoplasms. for decades and not make itself felt. But from the moment malignant cells appear, special tumor markers are present in the blood, indicating cancer.
  2. Chronic infections (pyelonephritis, cystitis). Some bacteria can live locally in the body without causing harm, but when they are carried by the blood to other systems, they can cause
  3. Sexual infections. Sexually transmitted diseases may also not manifest themselves immediately. The most dangerous thing in this case is the fact that the infected patient considers himself healthy and can continue to infect other partners. A blood test can make a diagnosis before
  4. Atherosclerosis. This is a disease that also develops over many years. Symptoms begin to appear after atherosclerotic plaques reach impressive sizes. By taking a blood test on time, this disease can be cured, even before plaques appear.

It is worth noting that the possibilities modern medicine big enough. And many diseases, including those, are treated in advanced stages. But every patient needs to understand that the more serious the stage of the disease, the more harmful complications its treatment will cause for the body.

Severe and chronic consequences for the listed diseases cannot be avoided. In addition, once diagnosed, curing the patient is impossible. Treatment only eliminates pain and alleviates the patient's condition. After this, life expectancy is measured at a maximum of one dozen years.

A serious alternative to the above facts is to take a routine blood test, which indicates the appearance of unhealthy pathologies in the body.

Is it possible to periodically take some tests to be sure that you are not sick with anything, or to “catch” a terrible disease at an early stage, when it responds well to treatment?

Olga Alexandrova, a therapist of the highest category, answers:

- The test results allow not only to diagnose existing diseases and changes in the body, but also to prevent them. Despite the eloquence of many laboratory indicators, only a doctor can make a diagnosis, since changes in some indicators may not occur against the background pathological processes, and due to the impact external factors, for example, taking certain medications or intense physical activity.

Heart attack, heart failure, atherosclerosis

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Must take: general and biochemical analysis blood.

How often: 2 times a year.

Important indicators:

The most important is the level of cholesterol in the blood. High level cholesterol indicates the risk of developing atherosclerosis and coronary disease hearts.

The norm for total cholesterol is 3.61-5.21 mmol/l.

The level of “bad” low-density cholesterol (LDL) is from 2,250 to 4,820 mmol/l.

The level of “good” high-density cholesterol (HDL) is from 0.71 to 1.71 mmol/l.

Also important:

ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST (aspartate aminotransferase) - an increase in these indicators indicates problems with muscle cells heart, the occurrence of myocardial infarction.

The ALT norm in women is up to 31 U/l, in men - up to 41 U/l.

The AST norm in women is up to 31 U/l), in men - up to 35-41 U/l.

C-reactive protein is an indicator of inflammation or tissue necrosis.

The norm for everyone is less than 5 mg/l.


Must take: coagulogram. It gives an idea of ​​the coagulability and viscosity of blood, the possibility of blood clots or bleeding.

How often: 1 time per year.

Important indicators:

APTT - the period of time during which a blood clot forms - 27-49 seconds.

Thrombosed index - the ratio of plasma clotting time and control plasma clotting time - 95-105%.

Fibrinogen is the first factor of the blood coagulation system - 2.0-4.0 g/l, or 5.8-11.6 µmol/l.

Platelets - 200-400 x 109/l.


You must take a blood sugar test from a finger prick (taken strictly on an empty stomach).

How often: 2 times a year.

Important indicator:

Blood glucose level: normal - 3.3-5.5 mmol/l.

You must take a blood test for glycated hemoglobin.

The norm is less than 6%.

6,0-6,5% - increased risk development of diabetes mellitus and its complications, according to WHO.


There are several types of tests that can detect cancer at an early stage.

After 40 years of age, tests must be taken once every 2 years.

Colorectal cancer

You must take a stool test for occult blood.

The presence of blood indicates hidden bleeding from the lower sections gastrointestinal tract which may indicate the presence of a tumor.

Cervical cancer

Must submit: cytological smear from the cervix, which is taken during a gynecological examination. Shows precancerous changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix - CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia).

Leukemia (blood cancer)

You need to take a general blood test.

With leukemia, the number of lymphocytes changes (it can be higher or lower, but it is never normal. The level of platelets falls (can be 4-5 times lower than the lower limit of normal). ESR in leukemia increases significantly.

Ulcer, colitis, etc. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Must pass: coprogram.

How often: 1 time every 2 years.

Allows you to identify diseases of the intestines, biliary system, and pancreas.

To diagnose Helicobacter pylori infection, which causes gastritis and stomach ulcers, a urease breath test is used (one of the metabolic products of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium is urease).

Endocrine diseases

You must take a blood test for thyroid hormones.

How often: once a year or after severe stress.

Important indicator:

The hormone TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) is the main regulator of the thyroid gland, which is produced by the pituitary gland.

The norm is 0.4-4.0 mU/l. Elevated TSH level blood may indicate hypothyroidism - a disease of the thyroid gland (insufficient amounts of hormones are produced). Reduced level TSH is called thyrotoxicosis and is characterized by an excess of thyroid hormones in the body, which can lead to dysfunction nervous system, as well as disrupt the functioning of the cells responsible for the correct rhythm of the heart.


You must take a blood test from a vein to check for antibodies.

How often: once a year or after operations, questionable sexual relations.

The presence of hepatitis can be indirectly judged by the presence of bilirubin in a urine test. Normally it shouldn't be there.

Nephritis, pyelonephritis and other diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

You must take a general urine test.

How often: 2 times a year.

Important indicator- protein concentration. It should be below 0.140 g/l.

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