Mastopathy in a nursing mother. Is it possible to cure mastopathy by breastfeeding? Mastopathy during breastfeeding: symptoms and treatment

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Is mastopathy a contraindication for breastfeeding if a woman has milk? The specialist, head of the EMC Mammology Center, answers.

To the question “Is it possible to breastfeed with mastopathy?” answers Irina Vasilyeva, head of the EMC Mammology Center, specialist in diagnosing breast diseases.

Mastopathy is a type of structure of the mammary glands. Translated from ancient Greek μαστός – “breast” + πάθος – “disease”. Mastopathy unites a group of a large number of diagnoses associated with changes in the mammary glands. If a woman has fibrocystic changes in the mammary glands, then I would rather attribute this to the fibrocystic type of breast structure, as described in the most authoritative Western textbooks. Fibrocystic changes are also not a pathology, but a variant of the norm for a woman.

Symptoms of so-called mastopathy, or benign mammary gland pathologies, are: painful sensations, a feeling of engorgement, increased density, “lumps” - which causes fear and brings the woman to the doctor. However, benign changes in the mammary gland can be asymptomatic.

Breastfeeding is an important stage for women's health. Mastopathy is not a contraindication for feeding if a woman has milk.

Breastfeeding with mastopathy does not provoke the development of malignant diseases. Women with mastopathy are not at risk; there are no recommendations for restrictions in life: you can sunbathe, go to the sauna and pool, receive physiotherapy, take salt baths.

Mastopathy is a disease in which benign tumors form in the breast. The cause of their appearance is an imbalance of hormones.
Mastopathy with breastfeeding causes pain and inconvenience. How to determine the disease, whether it is possible to continue feeding, what kind of prevention to carry out, and how to treat it.

Types of disease

Mastopathy is one of the most common diseases of the mammary glands in women. Both older ladies and young girls are susceptible to it. But it appears especially often after the birth of a child.

There are 2 types of mastopathy:

  • diffuse;
  • nodal

Covers the entire mammary gland. It may precede the second type of disease - nodular mastopathy.

This form can be identified by the following manifestations:

  • pain;
  • the appearance of compactions;
  • swelling;
  • excessive breast sensitivity;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • presence of discharge from the nipples.

The diffuse form, in turn, has 3 varieties: fibrous, fibrocystic, cystic.

At fibrous mastopathy changes are taking place in connective tissue mammary gland.

Fibrocystic is a mixed type of disease when cysts appear in the breast and at the same time there is growth of connective tissue.

With the cystic form, cystic formations. These are small seals that contain liquid.


It is expressed in disruption of the connection of tissues in the chest, the appearance of nodular neoplasms. They are not connected in any way to other tissues and have smooth and regular boundaries.

This form is considered the most dangerous and therefore requires mandatory treatment.


  • the presence of seals with clear contours;
  • pain when palpating these seals (it can be dull or aching);
  • increase in breast size (due to swelling);
  • the presence of clear, white or yellow discharge.

Why does mastopathy appear?

There are many reasons for this disease. The main ones:

Abortion. After conception, the body begins the process of restructuring hormones. After surgical termination of pregnancy, the body is again dramatically rebuilt. This is dangerous both for certain organs and for the health of the entire body.

Irregularities at work endocrine system. The disease can result from the slightest disruption in its functioning, since the breast is directly related to this system.

A number of gynecological diseases and dysfunctional sex life. How healthy the mammary glands will be depends on the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Illness, absence or irregularity sexual relations may lead to the appearance of lumps in the chest.

Unstable menstrual cycle, first pregnancy at an advanced age, weaning the child too early. These reasons also increase the risk of developing mastopathy.

Lactation period. The disease can be triggered by even small changes in the baby's latching pattern, psycho-emotional stress, weakness of the body after pregnancy and childbirth, failure to follow simple hygiene rules (if there are damaged nipples), and stagnation of milk.

Malfunction of the liver. This organ is responsible for breaking down and removing hormones from the body. If the liver does not perform this function, there is too much estrogen hormone in the body, which can cause disease.

Stress, nervous shock, lack of sleep, and unstable routine also do not contribute to the health of the mammary glands.

In addition, the disease can be caused by: poor ecology, heredity, uncomfortable bra, and breast injuries.

Treatment of the disease during lactation

For many who have the disease before pregnancy, conceiving and further feeding a child becomes a method of treatment.

So it is possible and necessary to breastfeed a baby with mastopathy. The longer the better. When breastfeeding for at least 6 months, breast tumors disappear.

Breastfeeding over a long period of time also reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease.

It is important not to self-medicate, but to seek advice from a mammologist.

As a rule, doctors prescribe vitamins that improve liver function. These are vitamins A, B1, B6, C. Safe pills are also selected for nursing mothers.

And in case of severe pain, a specialist can prescribe an anesthetic.


Another way to prevent mastitis, and then mastopathy, is more often.

Before feeding, it is useful to perform a light breast massage.

It is also very important to take good care of your breasts. Do not overcool, do not injure the nipples and entire breasts.

The correct selection of underwear is important. The bra should be soft to avoid nipple irritation. It should not squeeze your chest.

The mother must ensure proper and balanced nutrition, avoid stress, monitor her weight, and protect her skin from direct sunlight.

To identify the disease at an early stage, you should regularly conduct self-diagnosis.

How to do a self-examination

The best time for diagnosis is 5-6 days from the start of menstruation. The examination is carried out carefully and without haste.

You should start with a visual inspection in front of the mirror. You need to raise your hands up and carefully examine the contour of the nipples and the entire breast. They should be of regular shape without depressions.

Then you should alternately slightly pull each nipple to check for the presence or absence of discharge.

Then you should lie on your back and feel each breast. It is mentally divided into 4 parts (lower, upper, side). Each of them must be carefully and carefully palpated to make sure there are no tumors.

If you have any suspicions, you should visit a mammologist as soon as possible.

Mastopathy is an unpleasant disease that often occurs after childbirth. It is worth paying attention to preventive measures to eliminate most of the risks.

Such an illness is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. Prolonged lactation, on the contrary, promotes healing.

Mastitis, or inflammation of the mammary gland, is one of the most common complications of the postpartum period. IN last years, according to domestic and foreign authors, the frequency of this disease ranges from 1% to 16%, averaging 3-5%.

Mastitis most often begins after discharge from the hospital - 2-3 weeks after birth. As a rule, mastitis is preceded by the phenomenon of lactostasis - stagnation of milk (engorgement of the mammary glands, difficult milk separation). The main causative agent of mastitis is Staphylococcus aureus, which is one of the components of the surrounding flora. Penetration of the pathogen into the mammary gland occurs through lymphatic vessels - through cracks in the nipples, microtraumas of the skin in the nipple area or through the milk ducts.

Symptoms of mastitis

The disease begins acutely: body temperature quickly rises to 38 - 39? C, and chills often occur. General malaise, weakness, pain in the mammary gland, redness of the skin, and hardening of the gland area appear. Depending on the severity, several forms of mastitis are distinguished: serous, infiltrative and purulent.

With absence timely treatment The serous form of mastitis, in which the initial form of inflammation develops in the mammary gland, can quickly, in 1-3 days, turn into a more severe form - infiltrative. With this form, an infiltrate appears in the mammary gland - an inflamed area of ​​the gland, dense and painful upon examination. The most severe form of mastitis is purulent. The mammary gland enlarges due to swelling, and the pain in it intensifies. At this stage of mastitis, an abscess may develop in the mammary gland - a limited purulent inflammation. The woman’s condition is serious: her body temperature is up to 39°C, she is worried about severe weakness, lack of appetite, and dry mouth. During manual examination of the mammary gland, you can feel a round, dense, mobile formation. Reddening of the skin, often with a bluish tint, is observed above this formation. There are also atypical forms of the disease, when there are almost no clinical manifestations illness: no chills, the temperature in some cases rises slightly, while in the mammary gland the inflammatory process can reach the stage phlegmonous mastitis. In this case, the process involves most of the gland: its tissue melts and the inflammatory process spreads to the surrounding tissue and skin. The general condition of the woman is extremely serious: body temperature reaches 40? C, severe chills with sweating are observed; signs of intoxication are clearly expressed - weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, sometimes vomiting at the peak of fever, shortness of breath. The mammary gland sharply increases in volume, the skin over it swells, turns red and acquires a bluish tint. Manual breast examination is extremely painful. The condition may be complicated by a sharp fall blood pressure, first an increase in heart rate, and then a decrease in heart rate - all these are signs of shock.

Since the mammary gland is accessible for examination, the signs of mastitis are not difficult to determine, but, despite the apparent simplicity, you should not try to treat even the initial forms of mastitis without consulting a doctor. The doctor will not only examine the mammary glands correctly, but will also prescribe general tests urine and blood and culture of milk for bacterial flora, thanks to which one can judge the severity of the disease and adequately select an antibiotic.

Treatment of mastitis

The most important component of treatment serous mastitis is antibacterial therapy. Before it begins, milk from the affected and healthy mammary glands is inoculated for flora. Currently, Staphylococcus aureus is most sensitive to antibiotics of a number of cephalosporins (Cefazolin), but others are also used antibacterial drugs. In any case, only a doctor can choose the right antibiotic. If you continue breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor about the effects of a particular antibiotic on the baby’s body, as well as about the risk of infection for the baby.

At initial stages For mastitis, antibiotics are usually administered intramuscularly. The course of treatment is at least 7-10 days.

An important place in the treatment of incipient mastitis belongs to measures aimed at reducing lactostasis (milk stagnation) in the affected gland. The most effective in this regard is Parlodel, which is prescribed in small dosages for a short time with the aim of moderately suppressing lactation.

In case of severe symptoms of intoxication, it is indicated infusion therapy(intravenous drip of fluids). In this case, saline solution, glucose solutions, hemodez, etc. are used.

Treatment of women with limited purulent and phlegmonous mastitis are carried out only in a hospital, because in this case the main method of therapy is surgical. Timely opening of the abscess prevents the spread of the process. In parallel with the surgical intervention, they continue antibacterial therapy, treatment aimed at increasing immunity, and infusion therapy.

Breastfeeding with mastitis

The question of whether it is possible to feed the baby is decided by the pediatrician and obstetrician-gynecologist in each specific case purely individually, depending on the severity of mastitis. In some cases, breastfeeding can be maintained, while in severe cases, drugs that suppress lactation may be prescribed. However, given that these drugs are prescribed in small doses and for up to 3 days, after their discontinuation, lactation is gradually restored (this happens after about a week). To reduce lactation, the amount of fluid consumed is also limited. After recovery, to restore lactation, it is necessary to frequently put the baby to the breast; you can use various teas and other means that improve lactation; it is advisable to express milk, even with free feeding.

Prevention of mastitis

What do you need to know and do to avoid such dangerous complications? Even before pregnancy, it is necessary to be examined and cure all foci of chronic infections, on the advice of a doctor, start taking multivitamins 2-3 months before the expected pregnancy, pay attention to the normalization of the microflora in the intestines, give up bad habits, healthy image life. A woman’s attitude towards breastfeeding is very important.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with mastopathy or has previously had breast surgery, it is advisable to consult a mammologist. As a rule, breastfeeding has a beneficial effect on the course and reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Of great importance for establishing normal lactation and the health of the baby is the first breastfeeding, which is carried out immediately after birth in the delivery room or on the operating table in case of cesarean section. It is very important to give the baby the breast correctly: the baby must completely grasp the nipple and the isola - this will protect the nipple from cracks.

IN postpartum period it is necessary to follow certain hygiene rules: wash the mammary glands daily with soap and water, choose a comfortable bra that does not constrict the breasts, use breast pads; after feeding, you need to dry the nipple, keeping it open in the air for 5 minutes, treat the nipple and the nipple circle with special creams (Purelan, Bepanten) in the first weeks of the baby’s life - to prevent cracks, as well as in cases of injuries and cracks in the nipples. For this you can use rosehip or sea buckthorn oils, but they must be washed off before each feeding!

In the first few days, while the woman is in the maternity hospital, she can put the baby to the breast often - every hour and a half; then, the intervals between feedings will lengthen to 2-3 hours.

It is important to feed the baby on demand - not “by the hour,” but at the first sign of the baby’s anxiety, feeding both breasts at each feeding. First, the baby is offered the breast that contains more milk - the breast that was given second during the previous feeding. All this should be taught to you in the maternity hospital by doctors, midwives and children's nurses in the postpartum department.

If, after discharge from the maternity hospital, the patient still feels discomfort: a rise in temperature, thickening and pain in the mammary gland, redness of the skin, cracks and inflammation of the nipples, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to seek help as soon as possible from a antenatal clinic doctor, a surgeon at a clinic, a maternity hospital where a woman gave birth, or a breastfeeding support group. Only a specialist doctor can correctly prescribe the necessary treatment.

For a nursing mother, a routine, good nutrition, taking multivitamins, walks in the fresh air, and a calm environment at home are important - all this will protect her from infectious complications in the postpartum period.

Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are links of one chain, inextricable parts of one whole. Therefore, the success of feeding directly depends on the health of the mother, on how her pregnancy proceeded. Try to do everything in your power to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible, and you will feel an extraordinary connection with your baby, a closeness inherent in nature itself.

Natalya Khakhva
Obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the observation department of the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction

Comment on the article "Mastitis"

After the first birth, after mastitis, lumps remained in the breasts, 4 years passed, I was already breastfeeding my second child, but the lumps remained. Is there any way to be cured without removing the breasts?

12/08/2007 21:59:37, Zhanna

“If, after being discharged from the maternity hospital, the patient still feels discomfort... It is necessary to seek help as soon as possible from a doctor at the antenatal clinic, a surgeon at the clinic, or the maternity hospital where the woman gave birth.”

They were just waiting for you there. Only the surgeon is always ready to “help”, without understanding where is mastitis and where is banal lactostasis. And new breasts won’t grow anymore... Konovaly.

01/12/2007 17:30:39, Furia

I am 50 years old. I was diagnosed with serous mastitis. I was prescribed diclofenac sodium for injection. Can I have such a disease at my age and is the treatment prescribed for me correctly? I had one birth at the age of 24.

06/28/2005 08:44:00, Lyudmila

Total 4 messages .

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More on the topic "Breast mastitis":

Please advise what to do. The day before yesterday the temperature stayed at 38. The chest is a little red, there are small bumps, it hurts a little. Yesterday everything was fine - my chest almost didn’t hurt, I didn’t have a fever. Today at night - again 38: (My chest hurts, small bumps. Is it possible to feed a sore breast? Should I drink and feed antibiotics? And what kind of antibiotics can I take? I saw a doctor (therapist) - I should feed him and go to the surgeon, drink Ciprolet.

Girls, can you tell me what to do? Last night the temperature crept up, up to 38. My daughter was cheerful on her chest all day, and the breast was basically all sucked out. At night, one of my breasts ached so badly that I couldn’t move or breathe normally. In the morning, the temperature ranges from 38.8 to 40. The therapist said it was mastitis.

Mastitis - who to contact? Medical issues. Breast-feeding. Mastitis - who to contact? In general, my breastfeeding ended without even starting.

Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland, most often occurring during breastfeeding, mainly during the first three months. Antibiotics for mastitis are administered...

It is a benign neoplasm formed in the mammary glands. This disease has a negative impact on general state health, as it causes complications in the chest area.

In connection with the above, most representatives of the fairer sex are interested in the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed with mastopathy without fear of consequences for the baby’s health. Let's try to figure it out in this article.

Reasons for the development of mastopathy

There are many reasons for the development of benign neoplasms on the mammary glands. But the main factor causing focal mastopathy of the mammary gland is abortion. After all, pregnancy leads to hormonal changes in female body, and surgical interruption of this process has a negative effect on the entire body, including the mammary glands.

Gynecological diseases can also lead to the development of mastopathy, because the full functioning of the mammary glands is directly affected by the work of the entire reproductive system. In addition, the risk of developing the disease increases menstrual irregularities and the birth of the first child after 35 years.

Since the mammary glands are organs of the endocrine system, even a minor disruption in its functioning causes the development of mastopathy.

In the human body, all organs and processes are interconnected. For example, the process of breaking down and removing excess hormones is controlled by the liver, and if a failure occurs, estrogen accumulates in the body. And this, in turn, contributes to the development of mastopathy.

State nervous system The fair sex also plays an important role. Stress, nervous shock, heavy nervous work with disruption of the daily routine - all this is a trigger for the development of mastopathy.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the disease are directly related to the form and type of pathology. The most common symptoms include a dull, aching sensation that appears in a woman before the onset of menstruation. In addition, a woman may complain of engorgement and enlargement of the mammary glands, as well as swelling of the breast tissue. Sometimes white or greenish discharge is observed with mastopathy. And if blood appears in the discharge, then this is a very alarming signal.

The main symptoms of the pathology include:

  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of nodes or lumps in the chest;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • discharge from the nipples is white, greenish, brown or red.

If a woman feels a tugging in her chest, aching pain, and when palpating the mammary glands with her fingers she finds small nodular lumps, then she definitely needs to make an appointment with a mammologist.

Types of mastopathy during breastfeeding

Mastopathy when breastfeeding a baby can manifest itself in different ways. There are some pathologies of the mammary glands that occur in young mothers in the first few weeks after childbirth and have a certain connection with the physiology of the body of the fair sex.

Such diseases include:

  • mammary abscess;
  • lactostasis;
  • mastitis that occurs after childbirth;
  • abrasions and injuries to the nipples.

When breastfeeding, injuries to the nipples and areola do not cause injury to young mothers serious problems except pain. But uncomplicated mastitis or lactostasis is a more serious pathology.

In addition, the cause of the development of the disease during breastfeeding may be the unpreparedness of the fair sex for this serious process: improper pumping or feeding, irritation of the mammary glands with tight underwear, uncomfortable position during sleep, etc. Excess weight also does not contribute to the normal lactation process .

All the reasons described above lead to stagnation of milk in the breasts of a nursing woman. Creamy clots block the milk ducts, causing the liquid part of the milk to sweat into the interstitial space, which, in turn, causes pain and swelling of the tissues. And if the slightest infection enters the tissue of the mammary glands through abrasions or cracks, then a purulent process quickly develops, requiring surgical intervention.

How will lactation help with mastopathy?

If the disease is treated with surgery, the process of breastfeeding depends directly on where the surgery was performed. If the surgeon has not affected the milk ducts, then the young mother can safely feed the baby, and additional treatment not required.

If a woman is diagnosed during pregnancy, she must be registered. The mammologist makes sure not to miss the moment of transition of benign neoplasms to oncological ones. Breastfeeding in this case increases the chances of curing the pathology.

Rules for normalizing breastfeeding with mastopathy:

  • You need to breastfeed your baby as often as possible;
  • it is necessary to increase the drinking regime several times;
  • to prevent stagnation of milk in the mammary glands, it is recommended to regularly express milk;
  • In order not to miss the appearance of new nodes, it is necessary to feed or express after taking a shower.

Most mammologists believe that in case of mastopathy, establishing a normal lactation process is the best preventive measure, which is aimed at preventing further development pathological process.

In exceptional cases, doctors diagnose a breastfeeding woman with progression of the disease. Moreover, during breastfeeding, the symptoms resemble those that appeared before the baby was born.

The most important thing during the lactation period is to be able to distinguish the development of a pathological process from other processes that occur during breastfeeding.

Traditional treatment and prevention of mastopathy

Women who have not given birth to their first child before the age of 30, or who have not previously breastfed their babies, have an increased risk of developing this disease. But after pregnancy occurs, hormonal changes occur in the body of the fair sex, which can become an impetus in the treatment of this pathology.

Most mammologists advise representatives of the fair sex who were diagnosed with focal mastopathy, after delivery, breastfeed the baby for as long as possible. If you breastfeed your baby for at least six months, the nodules can completely resolve.

Breastfeeding is wonderful preventive measure from reappearance of the disease.

Note that the main reasons for the development of the inflammatory process in the mammary glands can be psycho-emotional stress or disruption of lactation. And the body of young mothers, weakened after childbirth, cannot always cope with the problem on its own.

In order to minimize the development of mastopathy during breastfeeding, a young mother should express the remaining milk from each breast after each feeding procedure. Even if the disease continues to develop, you should try to breastfeed your newborn with mastopathy as often as possible.

In addition, doctors recommend softening before starting the lactation process. mammary glands using light massage movements, and also express a little milk. Even in the maternity hospital, the obstetrician-gynecologist teaches women to follow the recommendations described above, which can save them from negative consequences in the future.

To prevent mastitis from developing, during lactation young mothers should protect their breasts from injury and hypothermia. It is advisable to wear underwear made of fabric that does not irritate the nipples. In addition, the bra should not squeeze the mammary glands.

When the temperature rises, as well as severe chest pain, self-medication is very dangerous. Be sure to go to see a doctor at the antenatal clinic, where the doctor will determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Lactation, if it does not cause severe pain in a woman, is recommended even for advanced stages of mastopathy. You should stop breastfeeding only when purulent mastitis when pus enters the mammary alveoli from the mammary glands. In case of purulent mastopathy, it is necessary to temporarily stop breastfeeding and carry out urgent treatment.

A disease such as mastitis occurs in women after childbirth during breastfeeding and is accompanied by the development of inflammatory processes in the mammary gland.

According to the nature of the inflammatory process, mastitis is usually divided into stages:

  1. Initial, or serous.
  2. Infiltrative stage.
  3. Purulent stage.

The form of treatment chosen by the doctor for mastitis in a nursing mother depends on the stage of the disease.

Causes of mastitis in a nursing mother

There are few causes for this disease, and they are all of a different nature:

  • an infection that entered the body through cracks in the nipples;
  • severe stagnation of milk, causing a decrease in immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • chest injuries;
  • the presence of tumors in the mammary gland;
  • other inflammatory diseases, which a weakened immune system cannot cope with on its own.

The most common causes of the disease are infections and lactostasis (milk stagnation).

Symptoms of mastitis in women

The main symptoms of mastitis during breastfeeding at its different stages are almost the same and differ only in the severity of the signs of the disease:

  1. Serous stage: accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38°C, headache, chills and weakness, pain in the mammary gland.
  2. Infiltrative stage: characterized by swelling of the mammary gland and an increase in its volume, the temperature rises to 39°C.
  3. Purulent stage: pumping and palpating is accompanied severe pain, dry mouth appears, the skin of the mammary gland at the site of the disease acquires a rich red tint. An admixture of pus is found in the expressed milk.

If treatment of the disease is not started in a timely manner, a serious complication may occur - gongrene. leading to blood poisoning.

Treatment of mastitis in a nursing mother

Self-medication is not allowed, since the situation can only get worse, and the disease will become more complex. Only a doctor knows how to treat mastitis in women who want to continue breastfeeding.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will write out a referral for tests, with the help of which he will determine the causative agent of the disease:

  • blood analysis;
  • culture of milk for sterility, which will show the sensitivity of the pathogen to various groups of antibiotics;

Usually treatment is prescribed immediately, without waiting for results.

Treatment of mastitis caused by milk stagnation

With incomplete emptying of the mammary gland and a strong flow of milk, a woman experiences milk stagnation, or lactostasis.

If this is the cause of mastitis in a nursing mother, then the doctor prescribes conservative treatment without the use of antibiotics:

  • expressing milk after each feeding;
  • more frequent latching of the baby to the breast;
  • manual breast massage;
  • hormonal drugs that improve milk output or reduce its production.

An improvement in the woman’s condition is observed already in the first days after the start of treatment.

Treatment of infectious mastitis

If the cause of the disease is an infection, the doctor prescribes antibacterial therapy:

  • a course of antibiotics, the sensitivity of the pathogen to which is very high;
  • local painkillers;
  • expressing milk;
  • physiotherapy;
  • hormonal drugs.

Antibiotics during the treatment of mastitis in nursing mothers can be prescribed either intramuscularly or intravenously, or in tablets.

Surgical intervention

In case of a purulent stage, antibacterial therapy is first prescribed, the results of which are expected within 1-3 days. If there is no improvement, then they resort to surgical intervention.

During the operation, the abscess is opened, its contents are removed and the abscess cavity is treated with an antiseptic. After the operation, the woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics.

To feed or not to feed?

All women during illness are concerned about the following question: is it possible to breastfeed a child? The decision is made by the doctor after a full examination and based on test results:

  1. If the cause of mastitis is lactostasis without a source of infection, then breastfeeding is possible, even necessary.
  2. If there is an infection in only one breast, breastfeeding continues, but only healthy breasts can be fed after medical approval.
  3. In severe forms, breastfeeding must be stopped, and it can be continued after a course of antibiotics and repeated tests.
  4. After the operation, milk from the diseased gland is expressed and poured out, milk from the healthy gland is also expressed and boiled, and then given to the child using a bottle.

Symptoms of mastitis in a nursing mother will help you decide to continue breastfeeding before visiting a doctor. If a woman does not have elevated temperature and chills, then feeding can not be stopped. In other cases, it should be canceled for a while and wait for test results.

Treatment of mastitis in women with folk remedies

Begin self-medication with folk remedies under no circumstances is it possible. Their use is permissible only in combination with a course of treatment prescribed by a doctor. Among the folk remedies, compresses can help a nursing mother cope with mastitis:

  • from cabbage leaf with honey;
  • fresh leaves of burdock and coltsfoot;
  • compress of grated apple with butter;
  • raw flatbread made from milk, rye flour and butter;
  • badger fat.

It is better to apply compresses to the sore mammary gland overnight, securing them with a gauze bandage and adhesive tape.

Prevention of mastitis during breastfeeding

Mastitis is a postpartum problem for many women, mainly primiparas. Even before giving birth, gynecologists strongly recommend preparing the breasts and nipples for feeding, and already in the maternity hospital, obstetricians strongly give recommendations that will help avoid the occurrence of this disease:

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • correct selection of nursing underwear (bras) and frequent change to clean ones;
  • feeding the baby on demand to avoid milk stagnation;
  • use of wound-healing ointments after each feeding (for example, Bepanten);
  • monitoring the correct position of the baby during breastfeeding.

If there is milk left in the breast after feeding the baby, it must be expressed until the gland is completely emptied.

A woman's body is very weak after childbirth. Recommendations from doctors that a woman should listen to while still pregnant will help preserve strength, recover faster and avoid problems such as mastitis.

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