What is a fibrous cord in the lungs? What is pulmonary fibrosis and why is it dangerous? What does moderately expressed fibrocystic mastopathy mean.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

The cause of benign neoplasms in the mammary glands is usually hormonal disorders in the body. It is characteristic that it is not always possible to notice any external signs of diseases. Sometimes they are discovered by chance during a preventive examination of the mammary glands. Meanwhile, the development of pathology leads to all sorts of, sometimes dangerous complications. Pathological changes in tissues contribute to the occurrence of breast fibrosis - a condition that requires careful diagnosis and mandatory treatment.


Features of breast fibrosis

The basis of the mammary gland is the stroma - connective (fibrous) tissue. It serves as a scaffold that supports the milk ducts and lobes, consisting of glandular tissue cells. The shape of the breast is given by the fatty layer, which is located at the base. Under certain conditions, in certain areas of the mammary gland, the formation of an excessive number of fibrous cells can occur instead of the rest. This anomaly is called fibrosis.

With the growth of fibrous tissue, cysts form in it. In this case, they talk about fibrocystic mastopathy. Fibrosis is the formation of seals, consisting of fibers connective tissue.

Types of fibrosis

There are several types of such pathology.

Focal (aka local) fibrosis is a separate seal, located most often in the upper outer part of the chest. If it is small, then it is difficult to detect when feeling. The danger is that exactly the same nodes are formed at the initial stage in breast cancer. Therefore, careful diagnosis and prompt treatment are required.

diffuse fibrosis. This is the next stage in the development of fibrosis. Several foci of pathology are formed in the chest, scattered throughout the volume of the organ. Complete replacement of glandular tissue with fibrous tissue may occur.

periductal fibrosis. The growth of connective tissue occurs around the milk ducts, blood and lymphatic vessels. Other areas of the pathological process are not covered.

Linear fibrosis. It is a growth of fibrous tissue between the lobules and inside the milk ducts. In this case, small cysts are formed.

According to the severity of the changes, there are:

  1. Moderate fibrosis, in which the proliferation of connective tissue is negligible. The mammogram shows one or more small nodules with or without cysts. On palpation, it is found that the breast tissue is dense, has a fine-grained structure.
  2. Severe fibrosis leads to breast deformity due to the formation of coarse strands and seals. The degree of change depends on how advanced the disease is. Such a pathology can develop after an injury, radiotherapy. Sometimes it occurs after the installation of implants, as well as surgical operations.

What is the danger of fibrosis

The danger of breast fibrosis is that the disease can progress, causing a change in the shape of the breast, the occurrence of pulling pains. Suppuration of cysts and duct contents is possible. There is a fairly high probability of degeneration of a fibrous neoplasm into a cancerous tumor.

Note: The disease differs from a malignant tumor in the absence of changes in the breast skin over the seal, as well as in the fact that the next The lymph nodes with this pathology are not increased.

Causes of pathology

The cause of the pathological growth of fibrous tissue is hormonal failure, as a result of which an excess of estrogen is formed in the body. The following factors contribute to the occurrence of such a deviation:

  • disruption of the pituitary gland (insufficient production of LH, which leads to a lack of progesterone in the body);
  • malfunctions thyroid gland, liver;
  • use hormonal drugs high in estrogen;
  • metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic inflammatory processes and tumors of the ovaries and uterus;
  • repeated artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • lack of postpartum breastfeeding;
  • early onset of sexual development;
  • the onset of the first pregnancy at the age of 35 years and older;
  • late onset of menopause;
  • prolonged depression and constant overwork.

The occurrence of fibrosis is possible due to a lack of vitamins, as well as excessive consumption of coffee, strong tea, chocolate, which increase the level of estrogen in the body. The cause of fibrosis may be a hereditary predisposition to diseases of the mammary glands.

Fibrosis of the breast usually occurs in women aged 35-55 years. Normally, at this age, estrogen levels naturally decrease due to the aging of the ovaries. But the risk of hormonal failure is significantly increased. The occurrence of hyperestrogenism is facilitated by a combination of many factors that negatively affect the condition hormonal background(genital diseases, abortions, etc.).

With the onset of menopause, a natural involution of the mammary glands occurs, when the glandular tissue is gradually replaced by connective and fatty tissue. Hyperestrogenism contributes to the pathological, uneven growth of fibrous tissue and the formation of coarse knots in it.

Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of pathology occur with an increase in seals, a violation of the structure of the ducts, the formation of cysts and inflammatory processes. Signs of the development of fibrosis are engorgement of the mammary glands in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of pain in them and a feeling of heaviness.

You may notice that the chest becomes denser, nodules are felt in it, palpation is painful. With the development of the process, chest pains are felt constantly, discharge from the nipples, slight darkening or redness of the skin may appear.

Before menstruation, painful manifestations are especially intensified.

Diagnosis and treatment

After palpation, diagnostics is carried out using ultrasound, mammography, tomography methods (CT, MRI), which allow to establish the presence and degree of development of fibrosis. Doppler sonography is performed to study the state of blood vessels, as well as ductography (examination of the milk ducts with the introduction of a contrast agent into them).

In case of doubt about the nature of the seals, a breast biopsy is performed (tissue selection from the seal for examination for the presence of cancer cells). A blood test is carried out for the content of various hormones.

Principles of treatment

If a woman has signs of moderate fibrosis of the breast, then treatment is carried out by conservative methods, which include drug therapy, as well as correction of work. nervous system, diet.

Note: If fibrotic changes are found in the breast, women are advised to avoid eating foods and drinks rich in estrogens (coffee, chocolate, soy, bean products), as well as harmful to the liver (rich broths, garlic, mushrooms, alcohol).

Medical therapy

The main goal of drug treatment is to restore the hormonal background in the patient's body. To reduce the level of estrogen, drugs containing progesterone are used. COCs (Jess, Silhouette, Yarina) are prescribed, which allow you to adjust the ratio of these hormones in different phases of the cycle. Preparations based on natural or synthetic progesterone, such as duphaston, utrozhestan, are also used.

Homeopathic remedies are used medicinal plants. Biologically active substances, which are contained in drugs such as mastodinone, mastopol, contribute to the normalization of the production of pituitary hormones. In particular, under their influence, the production of prolactin, which regulates the state of the milk ducts, decreases. The discharge from the nipples disappears.

In the presence of inflammatory process in the mammary gland, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which have an analgesic effect. Diuretics help to reduce engorgement of the mammary glands and eliminate pain, helping to remove fluid from the tissues and relieve swelling.

After consultation with an endocrinologist, iodine preparations can be prescribed to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland (iodomarin, iodine balance). It is important to take vitamins C, A, group B.


A surgical operation to remove single nodes (sectoral resection) is prescribed with a significant increase in the size of seals, the presence of pain. After that, the hormonal background is corrected and the diseases that caused the failure are eliminated. If histological examination removed tissue shows the presence of cancer cells, it is possible to conduct chemotherapy, radiation. In the presence of diffuse severe fibrosis, complete removal of the mammary gland is possible.

Doctors emphasize the need for each woman to conduct independent monthly monitoring of the condition of the mammary glands. For prevention purposes, women over 40 should undergo a mammological examination at least once a year, as well as regularly visit a gynecologist for the timely detection and treatment of diseases of the ovaries and uterus.

If a woman has fibrous seals, then she needs to quit smoking and drinking alcohol. It is important to establish a diet and rest, take care of the normalization of body weight.

Video: The danger of benign neoplasms of the mammary glands. Diagnosis and treatment

So far none. Breast stroma or its fibrous tissue is just an element of our anatomy . And hello, dear readers. Sorry for not starting with a hello! We will talk to you about this topic, because many women meet with fibrosis in different variations. International classifier or ICD codes fibrosis of the mammary glands at number 63, and at number 60, when it comes to mastopathy.

Fibrosis can affect any organ. What is it ? The process associated with the excessive growth of connective tissue (the word "fibra" is translated as fiber). That is, instead of some tissue (glands, muscles), you have a connective (fibrous) tissue and a scar is formed.

Over the past 50-70 years, breast fibrosis has become younger and has become a real disaster for women. Most often, this pathology accompanies inflammatory processes and injuries, and in the case of the mammary gland, hormonal disruptions, but there are a couple of but ... Let's start with them.

This is what our chest looks like “in section”:

Here's a picture to make it clear what we're talking about. There is 1 stage in the life of a woman, when the mechanisms of fatty involution of the mammary gland are normally triggered:

  • post-lactation;
  • climax.

Let's talk about the climax

Fibrofatty degeneration of the mammary glands in age ladies is the norm. The process is called . And it is associated with the replacement of glandular tissues with fat. And he was called age lack of sex hormones. The process concerns both mammary glands and starts at the age of 35-40.

Does the direct function of the mammary glands suffer? among women ? Well, of course. AND appearance also loses its charm. So after all, the reproductive function is fading away. involutive adipose fibrosis is an unpleasant norm of life for every woman. You can correct the situation only quickly.

Let's talk about the end of GV

The second "but" concerns the post-lactation period. After the period of feeding the baby, the lobules of the breast woman just have to involute. Well, you're not going to feed your "baby" until retirement.

Of course, you do not want to get after the termination of GW ( breastfeeding) "spaniel ears" instead of a magnificent bust. That's why you often ask is it possible during pregnancy or with G In breast care. It is possible and necessary.

Only creams should be approved and natural (Lipikar Lait Milk for Dry Skin of Babies, Children and Adults or Lipikar Lipid Replenishing Cleansing Cream-Gel, well, or any composition that a specialist recommends to you). The same specialist will tell about contrasting soul for bust and .

During breastfeeding involution, you get 5 benefits:

  1. You can wean the baby from the breast without development.
  2. The transition to "adult" food occurs naturally.
  3. You forget what it's like to have flushes of milk and pads in a bra.
  4. If you fed your child by the clock, you no longer need to strictly monitor the time and pump.
  5. You can go back to your favorite bra size.

Involution in women after breastfeeding is a natural process, lactiferous lobules involute, ducts are narrowing. Just keep your tissues normal and you'll be fine. If you didn’t keep track and the bust sagged, try non-surgical (creams and gels with a tightening effect). Did not help? Then go for a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

Fibrosis after endoprosthetics

Despite the constant improvement of technology and the professionalism of doctors, after plastic surgery fibrosis may well develop ... This condition is called. Around the implant, as around a foreign object, a thin capsule of fibrosis is always formed (we can say that this mild fibrosis). But if stromal tissues become rigid, the shell becomes thick and deforms the endoprosthesis, we are talking about contracture and thinking about a prompt solution to the problem.

The contracture is usually unilateral and suffers tissues of the right or left breast.

Fibrosis after surgery or injury

Any surgical intervention leads to the formation of scar fabrics - fibrosis. This means that in the area of ​​​​medical intervention and opening of an abscess, tumors with or at - you will have a local fibrosis. This phenomenon after operation - norm and it is connected with the way of healing of our tissues.

Post-traumatic fibrosis , as well as postoperative, occurs and in men and in women . In women, more often, the breasts are still larger ( anatomy , what can I say). Therefore, ladies involved in contact martial arts are recommended special means of protecting the bust. It is also more often unilateral and usually concerns the left or right breast.

And if the disease, let's talk about the causes?

Fibrosis is most often caused by:

  • exposure (including after );
  • tissue trauma;
  • infection and suppuration;
  • allergies;
  • genetics;
  • bad habits;
  • uncontrolled use of OK (hormonal contraceptives);
  • inflammation in the genitals;
  • ecology;
  • obese.

There can be 2 dozen reasons and even late pregnancy. But that's no reason not to have a baby!

But since we are talking about the mammary gland, nevertheless, fibrocystic disease is knocked out in the first place. Pushes the development of the pathological process - a hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman (we are talking about sex hormones, adrenal hormones and thyroid secretion).

Types of change

If you have had surgery or injury, fibrosis is called local . If mastopathy, then there may be several classifications. The clinic distinguishes 3 type of pathology:

  • mastodynia (this is a situation in which pain in the gland; the main symptom);
  • local (nodal) shape or focal fibrosis.

Moreover, mastopathy can occur with a predominance of fibrous, glandular or cystic element. The diffuse variant of the disease is divided into 2 types:

  1. With a predominance of fibrous fibers (fibrous).
  2. With the presence of a large number of cysts (cavities filled with secretion) - this is a fibrocystic form of the disease.

Note to the patient: if you have found local (localized) disease variant. And doctors assure that the changes do not apply to the entire parenchyma organ, but captures only one plot or bust sector, insist on . It could be cancer!

Fibrosis is also classified according to the method of "growth" of connective tissue. If it grows along the walls of the ducts of the mammary gland, between its ligaments and septa along the lobules ( interlobular), it is called linear . And if around such ducts, compacting them and pulling them, then - cystic.

If we use another classification, we can distinguish 3 type of pathology:

  • plasmacytic variant or periductal - develops in women of Balzac age (during menopause), this is just a linear variant of fibrosis, collagen strands are "stretched" along the duct;
  • periductal perivascular — develops if collagen is deposited along the ducts of the mammary gland and its vessels;
  • the ductal type of pathology develops when collagen tightens the ducts with its threads from the inside.

One type of illness is heavy fibrosis. For a doctor, it is interesting because you rarely see this in the picture. The mammary gland seemed to be covered with radially diverging rays. Another name for pathology stellate fibrosis (and apparently mistakenly looking for how radiant fibrosis).

According to the degree of fibrosis, pathology can be moderate or severe.

Signs of pathology

At the beginning, no subjective feelings or signs there is no discomfort. As the diseases if the cause is in the disease, changes (seals) in the chest can be felt. But if fibrosis limited or you generally have one small education, you can only learn about it on .

But with diffuse mastopathy symptoms there will be a lot if you do not fall into those 15% of women who do not feel any symptoms. First, you will feel the unpleasant stringy formations in the chest. Secondly:

  • before menstruation, the sore breast swells and hurts;
  • pain radiates to the arm and shoulder blade;
  • mood and quality of life leave much to be desired.

Requires treatment. If, with a single nodule in the chest (nodular form), the doctor usually recommends observation, and removal if rapid growth and other unfortunate circumstances. Then in this case, do not pull and do not wait for deterioration - treat the disease as early as possible!

Diagnosis of the disease

This is a topic for a large and separate article. Well, for example, you know that the glandular tissue of the breast for an ultrasound specialist heterogeneous , and even a hypoechoic layer between two layers of fat. But fibrous tissues are layers of high echogenicity. Moreover, they must be of a certain thickness. Here, examining our glands for fat, parenchyma and stroma, doctors determine whether we have a normal ratio of these structures or we are sick. Difficult? There is little. But that is why we are learning.

How to treat fibrosis?

The question is good. But it is worth considering each variant of the pathology and treatment. In this case it won't be the same.. How to treat mastopathy with a predominance of cysts? Mastodinon, Tazalok and local "poultices". Yes Yes, folk methods very good (, camphor oil). Read about it in our special articles.

If you have a single node, you don't need to do anything. Watch! Eliminate carcinogens (fried), alcohol, tobacco from the diet. It is likely that you will live with this “ball” in your chest for the rest of your life. Just don't forget to go to the mammologist.

If we are talking about mastoptosis after breastfeeding or age-related involution, try diet c (read our article on how to increase the bust). The efficiency is not very great. Therefore, most likely, you will contact a plastic surgeon.

Nutrition with mastopathy, it should be harmonious, rich in vitamins and devoid of harmful substances (like cakes that are stored for a year or alcohol).

What threatens the disease?

Consequences proliferation of fibrous tissue is mainly a deterioration in the quality of life, a change in the appearance of the bust. Well, the risk of malignancy, of course, if these are not age-related changes. The magnitude of the risk depends on the form of the disease.

On this, let me finish our review. Healthy? Interesting? Come and bring friends through the Internet network. We are always glad to see you!

This pathology has various causes. But, in the first place are hormonal changes in the body. The most common factor is abortion. It undermines women's health and can cause a lot of problems in the future. Further pregnancy may be difficult or even impossible. During conception and in the following weeks, the fetus is actively developing, and the mammary glands are also amenable to changes. As a result of an abortion, everything remains in the same position. Violent interruption leads to the development of fibrotic changes.

The second most common reason is the presence of gynecological diseases. The mammary gland is closely related to female sex hormones. Therefore, any change in them immediately manifests itself in the chest. It must be understood that the mammary gland can change depending on the menstrual cycle. Its failure leads to various pathological processes.

Other problems with the female genital organs are also capable of provoking the disease. The mammary gland is closely related to endocrine system. Therefore, any violation in the liver, thyroid gland or adrenal glands will sooner or later lead to a problem in the chest. Not so rarely, the problem occurs against the background of stress and constant neurological disorders. The elimination of mental discord can alleviate the condition of a woman.


To date, there are no definitive data regarding the progression of this process. The problem has a hundred-year-old "symptoms", but it has not yet been possible to understand the true changes. An important role in the pathogenesis is played by the relative or absolute hyperestrogen and progesterone deficiency state of a woman.

Estrogens can lead to proliferation of the ductal alveolar epithelium and stroma. Progesterone, in turn, actively counteracts this. Thus, the differentiation of the epithelium and the cessation of mitotic activity are carried out. Progesterone is able to reduce the expression of estrogen receptors. It also reduces the local level of active estrogens. This allows you to significantly limit the stimulation of proliferation of mammary gland tissues.

Hormonal imbalance can lead to edema and hypertrophy of intralobular connective tissue. This happens against the background of a progesterone deficiency. Thus, the formation of cysts and pathological changes inevitably.

Symptoms of fibrotic changes in the breast

The problem can arise from the age of twenty-five. A high risk is observed in women suffering from mastopathy in both mammary glands. The fair sex is plagued by chest pains during menstruation. The pain syndrome is sometimes able to pass into the shoulder or armpit. It is not excluded the appearance of secretions in the form of colostrum. When probing, you can notice the presence of seals.

Seals can be soft and elastic. When they are palpated, pain is observed. Such symptoms are characteristic of the cystic form of pathology. It is possible to increase the lobules in the chest, as well as the granularity of the seals.

The nodal form of change can occur at the age of 30-50 years. This condition is characterized by the presence of flat seals, they can occur both on one breast and on both at once. Pain is excluded. Bloody issues appear with a strong pathological process. The pathology does not manifest itself in any other way.

First signs

There are several main signs by which the presence of a pathological change can be diagnosed. First of all, attention should be paid to pain syndrome. It can vary depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle. In the early stages, the pain is weak and aching in nature. Over time, the pain syndrome becomes strong, while discomfort can be given to the back, neck and shoulder. The second main symptom is discharge from the nipples. It can be either a clear liquid or a grayish-green discharge. The third sign is the presence of compacted areas. And they do not disappear after menstruation stops.

Mostly women complain about the presence dull pain, which has a whining character. There may be a feeling of heaviness in the chest, as well as fullness. Such symptoms can occur in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. In addition to pain, seals are also pestering. However, they are not always able to be accompanied by pain.

Diffuse fibrotic changes in the mammary glands

This pathological process is determined by the presence of epithelial tissues of the organ. In addition, it is characterized by the formation of single or multiple intracanal cystic tumors. Recent changes are most common in old age. In some cases, various growths may occur, as well as dysplasia of the lobular structure of the mammary glands. It is not excluded such a phenomenon as connective fibrosis. In this case, cicatricial changes in the tissue begin to actively form.

The diffuse form is characterized by increased pain syndrome. It is pronounced directly on palpation. Determining the presence of seals in this form is quite simple, they have an elastic consistency. They are able to almost completely "leave" after menstruation. But at the same time, the woman is still bothered by discomfort. There is a feeling of fullness of the chest, and tissue seals are also felt. On palpation, homogeneous elongated formations can be detected.

Involutive fibrotic changes in the mammary glands

This form often occurs in women who have undergone menopause. The fair sex go to the doctor with some complaints. They are concerned about the increase in breast size, as well as the shape itself. This condition scares them, because such symptoms are also characteristic of tumors. Usually, the doctor, on the basis of complaints, diagnoses involutively fibrotic changes. This condition is quite normal.

It should be noted that the shape and size of the breasts are completely dependent on the hormonal background of the woman. As many as 15 hormones directly affect her condition. The most basic of these are progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. By the state of the breast, you can easily determine the age of a woman, as well as her hormonal levels.

Involutive changes in the mammary glands are directly related to the hormonal background of a woman. As soon as the body of the fair sex reduces the level of hormones produced, the breasts can become painful and lose their elasticity. This is quite normal for women with menopause and after it. Sometimes, this condition also occurs in young women who have not yet given birth. What is it connected with? Most likely the problem lies in the sexual sphere. Therefore, it is necessary to find the true cause of the phenomenon and begin to eliminate it.

It is much easier to prevent a pathological change than to remove it. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist, monitor the level of hormones, give up bad habits and not engage in heavy physical work. It should be noted that the risk group includes constantly losing weight young girls and women. It is necessary to eat properly and nutritiously, as well as to lead healthy lifestyle life.

Fibrocystic changes in the mammary gland

This condition is characterized by the presence of an excessive amount of tissue growths of the lobules. In addition, seals are actively beginning to form. And they have clear boundaries. This pathological form often affects middle-aged women. It can be observed both in one breast, and in two at the same time.

Due to hormonal imbalance, the frequency of changes can vary somewhat. All this leads to the development of a fibrocystic form of the disease. The disease is capable of proceeding against the background of violations of ovulation, the menstrual cycle, as well as reproductive function.

This species is characterized by the presence of tumor-like formations, the diameter of which starts from 2 mm to several centimeters. Moreover, localization can be varied. After the end of menstruation, the seals do not disappear. Over time, their size increases significantly, causing discomfort to the woman.

Moderate fibrotic changes in the mammary glands

The main reason is changes in a woman's life. Social, emotional and physical disorders are capable of influencing pathological processes in the chest. A special role in this matter is given to the hormonal background and the presence of sexual diseases. Gynecologists have long noticed a sharp change in the formation female body. So, menstruation is able to occur as early as 11 years old, when the normal and correct period for this is 14 years. Significantly affects many problems reluctance to give birth. Most women refuse this process or postpone it to a later date. The climax often leads to changes. Its age has also changed and is increasingly found in middle-aged women.

All of the above factors negatively affect the woman's body as a whole. Stress, emotional shocks, toxic effects, constant overstrain and fatigue are also among the main causes of the development of pathologies in the body.

It must be understood that this problem is not among the precancerous and is not capable of becoming malignant. This greatly facilitates the situation. But, getting rid of the problem is still worth it. It is easy to recognize its presence on your own. It is necessary to probe the mammary glands for the presence of formations in them. You can entrust this process to a mammologist. Timely detection of the problem will allow you to quickly fix it.

Severe fibrotic changes in the mammary glands

Basically, this condition is typical for women who have entered the menopause phase or left it. During this period, changes in the mammary glands are normal, no matter how strange it may sound. After all, the hormonal background is far from the same as it was in his youth. The body begins to change and everything is reflected in the most susceptible organs and systems.

A pronounced form of the pathological process is characteristic of the presence of health problems. Often, against its background, mastodigenia develops. There are many estrogen receptors in the adipose tissue of the breast. At the same time, the level of hormones in the blood can increase significantly. Although, after menopause, it can take up to 5 years. This condition is characterized by chest pain. When X-rays are taken, pronounced fat lobules are observed. In its symptoms, the pathology is similar to the pain syndrome characteristic of osteochondrosis of the spine.


ICD-10 code

Each disease has its own unique code. This allows you to classify all existing pathologies and indicate the code directly in the medical card, and not the name of the pathology. In some cases it makes more sense to do so.

Diseases of the mammary gland (N60-N64). Completely excluded: breast disease associated with childbearing (O91-O92).

  • N60 Benign dysplasia of the mammary gland. This includes: fibrocystic mastopathy.
  • N60.0 Solitary cyst of the mammary gland. Breast cyst.
  • N60.1 Diffuse cystic mastopathy Cystic mammary gland. Completely excluded: with proliferation of the epithelium (N60.3).
  • N60.2 Fibroadenosis of mammary gland. Excludes: breast fibroadenoma (D24).
  • N60.3 Fibrosclerosis of the mammary gland Cystic mastopathy with epithelial proliferation.
  • N60.4 Ectasia of mammary ducts.
  • N60.8 Other benign dysplasias of the mammary gland Benign dysplasia of mammary gland, unspecified
  • N64.4 Mastodynia.

Complications and consequences

Changes of this type are not particularly dangerous. But, if they are not eliminated in a timely manner, there may be consequences. So, in the presence of a cyst, its increase in size is not excluded. This will lead to a general change in the appearance of the mammary gland, as well as the appearance of pain. Perhaps the development of an inflammatory process, which is fraught with serious consequences. Often there is infection and suppuration, against the background of the presence of cystic formation. The transition to a malignant form is not excluded. In addition, the cyst can rupture.

Fibrocystic changes are not particularly dangerous. Moreover, there is no discomfort either. The presence of a strong pain syndrome is characteristic of a more advanced stage, when the cyst reaches a huge size. The pathological process can be complicated by inflammatory reactions, as well as suppuration of the nodes. There were cases when the cyst turned into a cancerous tumor. Therefore, it is necessary to fix the problem in time.

Of course, the problem is not considered dangerous. But, this expression refers more to those cases when everything was diagnosed and eliminated in time. Even the safest process in the body can fail sooner or later. Naturally, the special danger of such a course is caused by ignoring the existing symptoms and eliminating it.

Over time, the cyst (with fibrocystic form) is able to increase in size. In a favorable case, it will simply cause discomfort. It consists in the presence of pain syndrome, which intensifies or subsides depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Otherwise, it may turn into a malignant form. This is fraught with serious consequences. The outcome of such a situation depends on the state of the person, as well as the education itself.

Finally, infection and suppuration of the cyst are not excluded. This is an unpleasant process that requires a special treatment regimen. The conclusion suggests itself: it is necessary to consult a doctor in time, in this case, nothing is scary.

Diagnosis of fibrotic changes in the breast

by the most in a simple way make a diagnosis, is to examine the chest. You can do this both independently and with the help of a specialist. Detected nodes and seals indicate the presence of fibrous changes. True, what type it is, only a doctor can determine.

It is necessary to conduct examinations from the age of 14. In general, this number can vary depending on when the breasts began to grow. It is advisable to conduct an examination immediately after the end of menstruation. It is enough to examine the chest in the mirror and feel it. Moreover, the last process is carried out both in a standing position and lying down. In addition to inspection, there are other objective methods.

The most commonly used ultrasound and mammography. These two studies should complement each other. Ultrasound is quite safe, it is allowed even for pregnant girls. The study has no limits. True, if the size of the tumor does not exceed one centimeter, it is not so easy to diagnose its presence. In this case, resort to mammography. She is able to recognize almost all pathological changes. The method is quite simple and safe. It is characterized by a high definition of the result. Using examination, ultrasound and mammography, it is easy to recognize the presence of a problem and proceed to its correct elimination.


Instrumental diagnostics and examination is good. But, it is necessary to identify the true cause of a woman's pathological changes in her breasts. In most cases, the problem lies in hormonal changes. To determine the level of hormones, it is necessary to pass a general biochemical analysis blood. Such a study will allow the specialist to identify the true cause of the problem.

An important role is played general analysis blood. Thanks to it, you can track the level of leukocytes and ESR. This will rule out a malignant course.

Often the problem is associated with diseases of the reproductive system. Therefore, tests for syphilis and other pathologies are necessary. An analysis is also given for HIV infection and hepatitis B, C and D. It is important to determine the person's blood type and Rh factor. The last two analyzes are optional. All of them together allow you to get a complete picture of what is happening.

Instrumental diagnostics

This method includes several studies at once. Before proceeding with them, it is worth conducting an independent examination. In a medical term, to palpate the mammary gland. It is enough just to examine the chest in the mirror, for visible changes. Then feel it out. A healthy breast does not have nodules and seals. If there is any doubt, you should seek the help of a specialist.

After collecting an anamnesis, including the patient's complaints, her occupation and the presence / absence of certain health problems, the doctor performs palpation. The patient is then sent for a mammogram. This process is the study of the breast from the pictures. Everything is done with x-rays.

If there is any doubt, an additional ultrasound can be performed. It will allow you to recognize nodules or changes. Usually two methods are combined with each other to obtain a complete picture of the patient's condition.

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis includes a number of studies. The first is blood tests. Often the problem is caused by the presence of changes in the hormonal background. Therefore, it is necessary to identify their level in the blood, for this a biochemical blood test is given. An important role is played by a general blood test, an analysis for HIV infection, syphilis and hepatitis of all stages.

In addition to all of the above, a puncture of education is performed. Naturally, this is done with the obvious presence of a seal or nodule in the chest. This will reveal the structure of education, as well as distinguish pathology from any other diseases. The procedure is carried out with a syringe. This will allow not only to reach the cells, but also to subsequently study them with a microscope.

If such studies did not give special results or some difficulties arose, it is necessary to conduct additional ductography. A contrast agent is injected into the milk ducts, after which an x-ray is taken.

Treatment of fibrotic changes in the breast

Usually, the elimination of the problem is carried out on an outpatient basis, under the supervision of the attending physician. Treatment methods are selected exclusively for each case. It all depends on the condition of the patient, as well as the degree of development of the disease.

Often resort to the help of hormonal drugs. They allow you to increase the level of hormones and thereby eliminate the cyst. Such treatment is advisable for changes caused by hormonal imbalance. You can prescribe drugs only after donating blood for hormones. Usually, Progestogel, Livial and Duphaston are prescribed. If the problem was caused by constant stress, psycho-emotional outbursts, then preference is given to Valerian, Motherwort. Uncomplicated forms of pathology can be eliminated with the help of herbal remedies. These include Fitolon, Klamin and Mastodinon.

Drug treatment can be supplemented with traditional medicine. But it is used only after the approval of the attending physician. In cases where it is not possible to eliminate the problem with medicines, they resort to surgical intervention. More detailed information about the methods of treatment will be provided below.


If the problem was caused by the presence of hormonal disruptions, then most often they resort to the help of Duphaston, Progestogel and Livial.

  • Duphaston. This drug includes Progesterone in its composition, it is his deficiency that he is able to fill. The dosage of the remedy directly depends on the problem that needs to be fixed. Usually, it begins to be taken from the 11th day of the menstrual cycle to the 25th. The scheme may change, the medication is also used from the 5th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle. It is enough to take 1 tablet per day in the morning and in the evening. The duration of therapy depends on the condition of the patient. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, renal and hepatic insufficiency. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, weakness, severe headaches.
  • Progestogel. This remedy applied in the form of a gel. It also contains progesterone. The agent is applied in the first phase of the menstrual cycle 1-2 times a day. It is possible to use in the second phase from 16 to 25 days. The duration of treatment can be up to 3 courses. Contraindications: nodular forms of fibrocystic mastopathy, cancer monotherapy, pregnancy, hypersensitivity. Side effects: soreness of the mammary glands, nausea, headache.
  • Livial. The tool is used during menopause. The drug can be used when a year has passed since the last menstruation. The dosage is appointed individually. Usually, one tablet per day is sufficient. The duration of treatment and dose adjustment is prescribed by the attending physician. Contraindications: pregnancy, hypersensitivity, lactation period, thrombosis. Side effects: vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, weight gain.

If the problem was caused by a psycho-emotional state, then it is recommended to resort to the help of Valerian and Motherwort. It is advisable to use them in the form of tinctures. Enough 15 drops 3 times a day. It is forbidden to use tinctures during pregnancy, hypersensitivity and during lactation. Side effects include nausea, lethargy, fatigue.

  • Fitolon. It is necessary to take the drug 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. If the medication is used in the form of a syrup, then a tablespoon per day is enough. The duration of treatment and dosage is prescribed by a specialist. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Side effects: not observed.
  • Klamin. It is recommended to use 3 tablets per day or 6 capsules. It is advisable to do this 15 minutes before a meal. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the patient and can vary from one month to six months. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Side effects: heartburn, increased gas formation, allergic reaction.
  • Mastodinon. Drops are applied 30 pieces per day. It is advisable to mix them with water and not to apply in pure form. Therapy is long and is 3-6 months. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation period, hypersensitivity, chronic alcoholism. Side effects: nausea, headache, abdominal pain, allergic reaction.

Alternative treatment

In this case folk treatment would be appropriate. But still, it is worth getting expert advice. The fact is that in most cases it is not so easy to cope with the problem with the help of herbs and other additives. Despite this, there is an effective effect from the use of herbal medicines and herbs.

  • Recipe 1. Local compresses. It is necessary to take carrots, beets and grate them. Then add a little sea ​​buckthorn oil and golden root. To prepare an effective compress, add 4 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil to half a glass of beetroot juice, then dilute everything with a spoonful of golden root. All ingredients are mixed together and applied to the affected mammary gland. Keep the compress worth at least 5 hours. The duration of treatment is a couple of weeks.
  • Recipe 2. Honey will help get rid of the problem. You should take a couple of tablespoons of the main ingredient and mix it with 4 tablespoons of flour. The resulting mass is applied to the chest at night. The duration of treatment is 5 days. If there are no visible results, the course is repeated.
  • Recipe 3. Since ancient times, cabbage has managed to show its effectiveness. It is enough just to apply a cabbage leaf at night on the affected chest. The result will not keep you waiting.

Herbal treatment

It is quite possible to carry out herbal treatment. But before that, it’s all worth getting the advice of a doctor. Trying to fix the problem yourself is not recommended. There is a risk to start the process.

  • Recipe 1. You need to take a couple of tablespoons of pepper grass. This amount is poured into a glass of water. The tincture needs to stand for a while, after which it is used in the form of lotions.
  • Recipe 2. A decoction of large-leaved gentian has a good effect. It is necessary to take a tablespoon of the roots of the main ingredient and pour them with a glass of boiling water. After everything is infused, use as lotions.
  • Recipe 3. You should take a tablespoon of St. John's wort and pour it with a glass of boiling water. It is enough just to brew the remedy as a tea and apply it as a compress.
  • Recipe 4. It is necessary to prepare 20 grams of chopped burdock roots and pour them into two cups of boiling water. Then give a little time to brew. Use the remedy inside one tablespoon half an hour before meals.
  • Recipe 5. Take 20 grams of knotweed grass and pour a glass of boiling water. As soon as everything is infused, the remedy can be used one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.


Homeopathic remedies have managed to gain their popularity for a long time. Homeopathy as a whole is a method or a whole system that allows you to eliminate both acute and chronic diseases. The methodology includes medications containing small doses of active ingredients.

To treat problems associated with the mammary glands, a lot of drugs are used. The main ones are Conium maculatum (Conium) - conium maculatum C6–0.075 g, Thuja occidentalis (Thuja) - thuja occidentalis C6–0.075 g, Hydrastis canadensis (Hydrastis) - hydrastis canadensis C3–0.075 g.

Conium maculatum, or spotted hemlock. It contains alkaloids. IN traditional medicine the drug is widely used as a sedative, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant.

  • Thuja occidentalis (thuja, or tree of life). The active components of the drug are monoterpenes. These are thujon, fenchon and sabines. They allow you to eliminate benign neoplasms, and also help get rid of warts, polyps. Widely used as a diuretic.
  • Hydrastis canadensis - Canadian goldenseal. It contains alkaloids. These include berberine, hydrastine, and canadine. The tool has a tonic effect, can improve appetite. In addition, it has an active anti-inflammatory and hypotensive effect.

The dosage of the above drugs, as well as the duration of treatment, is discussed individually with a homeopathic doctor. This will achieve efficiency.

Surgical treatment

IN last years this method has become more cautious. After all, it is not necessary to immediately resort to surgical removal. It is necessary to determine the true cause of the pathology, and then choose the method of treatment. Often the problem is caused by hormonal imbalances. To eliminate the symptoms, it is enough to take tests and drink the necessary hormones. If everything is connected with constant stress, then their complete exclusion and sedatives give their results.

Often surgery turns out to be somewhat inappropriate. After all, without determining the true cause of the pathology, it is impossible to get rid of the harassing symptoms once and for all. Therefore, quite often, after surgical removal of the formation, one has to resort to the help of conservative treatment.

Despite this, surgery is still used. After all, it is not always possible to eliminate the problem with medication. So, with nodal forms of pathology, sectoral resection is widely used. It is the removal of the affected area. In this case, histological examination is mandatory.

In the presence of multiple cysts, extended resections are performed, even complete removal of the mammary gland is not excluded. It must be understood that regardless of the method of treatment, this process is lengthy. It requires compliance with all rules. Only in this case it is possible to achieve positive dynamics.


The best prevention is to completely exclude the possibility of developing this pathology. To achieve this goal, it is enough just to follow certain rules. Man needs to take care of his life. It is desirable to establish a healthy and fulfilling sex life. Psychological balance is worth maintaining. Any pathological processes should be treated in time, not only in the reproductive system, but also in the whole organism as a whole.

A woman should clearly understand that abortion has a number of negative consequences. This will affect not only the hormonal background, but also possibly lead to infertility.

Only a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition and the rejection of bad habits will help to avoid pathological changes in the mammary glands. It is important to monitor your own health, constantly undergo examinations and examine the chest. This will allow you to identify the problem at an early stage. Compliance with simple rules can save you from unpleasant and long-term treatment.

It is important to know!

Mucin-like associated antigen (MCA) is an antigen present in breast cells. It is a serum mucin glycoprotein. Serum MCA concentration increases in breast cancer and 20% in benign breast diseases.

Fibrous changes in the lungs, this is a pathological formation and proliferation of connective tissue. The human lungs are made up of hundreds of millions of sacs called alveoli. Oxygen and carbon dioxide freely pass through their walls, the process of respiration takes place.

When there is any destruction of the alveoli, the body replaces the damaged tissues with cicatricial, connective ones. The larger the area of ​​damage, the higher the risk of developing fibrosis, when the connective tissue grows irreversibly and uncontrollably, making breathing more and more difficult due to the fact that it is not elastic and does not pass gases.

The lungs themselves gradually increase in size due to the growth of scars, and their throughput decreases. The connective tissue is no longer able to become normal, respectively, the disease is incurable, and, if left untreated, leads to death.

Depending on the location of fibrotic changes, diffuse and local fibrosis in the lungs are distinguished.

  • Focal (local) fibrosis This is the growth of scar tissue in a certain small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe organ. Symptoms in this case appear slowly, over several years.
  • With diffuse (total) type disease changes affect large areas of the lungs, the condition of patients is more severe and requires immediate treatment. Such fibrosis progresses faster.
  • There are cases when areas with local and total fibrosis can alternate, then both types of disease are present at once. Both lungs and one of them can be affected by the disease; on this basis, bilateral and unilateral fibrosis are divided.
The figure shows what fibrotic changes in the lungs look like.

The disease also differs in the location of the pathology in the lungs. Scar tissues growing in the lower area are called radicular fibrosis, in the central part - basal, in the upper areas - apical.

Symptoms of fibrosis in the lungs

In the initial stages of the disease, symptoms may not appear at all or be mild. That is why fibrotic changes in the lungs are something that is often diagnosed already in the late, advanced stages.

In order to prevent the development of the disease and thereby complicate the treatment, the following symptoms should be taken more seriously:

  • shortness of breath, after exertion or at rest;
  • frequent cough, dry or with phlegm;
  • pain in the chest with a feeling of pressure from the inside;
  • increased breathing and heart rate;
  • chills and slight increase temperature;
  • breathing becomes superficial, shallow;
  • the skin of the hands and the mucous membrane of the mouth has a bluish tint due to a lack of oxygen supply;
  • increased fatigue, weakness, decreased stamina;
  • too fast weight loss;
  • swelling, especially of the lower extremities;

Causes of pathology

The exact reasons for which fibrosis begins can not always be established, and are still unknown to scientists. There are a lot of factors that can provoke the onset of the disease, but their presence does not always lead to illness in each individual person, so it most likely depends on the totality of circumstances and genetic predisposition.

The reasons that may contribute to the development of fibrosis are the following:

  1. Prolonged inhalation of polluted air containing chemicals, toxins, dust, small chips, including in hazardous industries.
  2. Smoking.
  3. Consequences of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer.
  4. Prolonged allergic reaction.
  5. Long-term infections, inflammations such as pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  6. Other diseases associated with connective tissue such as arthritis, rheumatism, vasculitis.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Age over 40 years.

Diagnosis of fibrotic changes in the lungs

Fibrotic changes in the lungs is a condition in which the patient usually first goes to the therapist.

After listening to breathing with a phonendoscope, during careful questioning, the doctor establishes:

  • the nature of the complaints;
  • When did symptoms begin?
  • the presence of harmful work;
  • the presence of such diseases in the family;
  • the presence of unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;

Primary signs can also be established visually, such as cyanosis of the skin and an enlarged appearance of the lungs. After that, the therapist refers the patient to a pulmonologist and special studies, both laboratory and instrumental.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  1. Blood analysis- allows you to establish the presence of infection in the body and the levels of basic indicators of human health.
  2. Radiography- The doctor examines the seals and foci of fibrosis from the pictures.
  3. Respiratory function test- the doctor, using a special device, evaluates the volume of the lung.
  4. CT scan- complements radiography, allows you to make more detailed and understandable images for study.
  5. Bronchoscopy- a bronchoscope is inserted into the bronchi, with its help the doctor evaluates the nature and location of inflammation, the internal state of the bronchi and the severity of sputum.
  6. Biopsy of lung tissue- during bronchoscopy or surgically, a small piece of tissue is obtained, which is examined in the laboratory.

Pathology treatment methods

Since fibrotic changes in the lungs are an irreversible disease, and the true causes of it have not been clarified, all therapeutic measures are aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the patient, improving his quality of life and slowing down the growth of new connective tissues in the organ.

If fibrosis is a consequence of a specific disease, then the cause is treated. The approach to treatment must be individualized. For best effect and prognosis, regardless of the methods chosen, each patient should strive to lead a healthy lifestyle and stop smoking.

Drug therapy for fibrosis in the lungs

Conservative complex treatment gives a stable result, helps to suppress symptoms and alleviate concomitant diseases, especially in the early stages of fibrosis.

Depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the pulmonologist may prescribe the following medications:

Symptoms Drug group Examples Action
Shortness of breath, coughBronchodilatorsEufillinPrevent bronchial constriction
Infection, inflammatory processesAntibioticsStreptomycinSuppression of the growth of the number of microorganisms that cause disease
Sputum dischargeExpectorantsBromhexineThinning sputum to speed up excretion
Connective tissue growth in the lungsCorticosteroidsPrednisoloneSuppress tissue formation
ImmunosuppressantsAzathioprineDepress immunity in autoimmune nature of the disease
CytostaticsCyclophosphamideSlow down the growth of tumors and neoplasms


If drug treatment insufficiently effective, for example, in the late stages of the disease or with its rapid development, use radical method. Operations in this condition are difficult to tolerate and recovery is long, so they are prescribed as a last resort, if the benefits of the intervention presumably outweigh the harm.

Removal of the damaged area of ​​the lungs or the whole lung is permissible with a clear localization of the focus in one place. Another method of treatment is transplantation. Transplantation of one or both lungs has many contraindications, but it can prolong the life of seriously ill patients by about 7-8 years.

Transplantation is the most expensive treatment method, and besides, it is not always possible to immediately find donor lungs suitable for the patient. After the operation, the doctor prescribes a lifelong intake of special drugs that support the work and prevent rejection of the transplanted organ.

Oxygen therapy for fibrosis

This treatment method is well tolerated and has several positive effects.

After using oxygen therapy in a patient:

  • shortness of breath decreases
  • improves respiratory function
  • increases lung capacity
  • mucus comes out easier
  • congestion is prevented
  • increased endurance and performance
  • eliminates oxygen starvation.

The procedure consists in the fact that the patient breathes through an oxygen mask with purified air with a high oxygen content.

Massage in case of illness

Therapeutic massage is prescribed as an additional procedure to the main method of treatment. It is especially effective in the local type of the disease, but in all cases, massage improves the respiratory functions of the lungs, strengthens the muscles in the area chest and improves blood circulation.

Contraindications to it are cardiovascular disorders, purulent processes in the organ and late stages of fibrosis. The massage therapist can use different techniques, perform the procedure with the help of hands or instruments.

The most common options are:

  1. Honey massage. Warms the skin, increases blood flow to the chest. It is not carried out in case of allergy to honey and hypersensitivity of the skin.
  2. vacuum massage. The masseur uses special cans, the vacuum effect enhances blood circulation.
  3. Vibration massage. It is carried out with devices that strengthen muscles, eliminate hypertonicity.
  4. Massage with badger fat. It has an antimicrobial local effect, accelerates the excretion of sputum.

Hand massage techniques include stroking and rubbing. The main area is the chest area, as well as the back and neck. Massage must be carried out in courses.

Breathing exercises

Due to fibrosis, breathing is weak and the blood is poorly oxygenated, so more effort is needed to inhale. The pectoral muscles and the diaphragm are very tense and patients can do various breathing exercises to strengthen them. A doctor who specializes in exercise therapy and rehabilitation teaches patients to perform them correctly.

Here are some options:

  • In a standing position, the patient takes a slow, smooth breath. The chest does not move, the stomach "inflates" at the same time. During a slow exhalation, it is necessary to draw in the stomach as much as possible.
  • In the opposite version of the previous exercise, the patient leaves the stomach motionless, and the chest moves intensively, rises and falls. Breathing should also be smooth and calm.
  • In the exercise for full breathing, it is necessary to "inflate" the stomach as much as possible when inhaling, and then continue to inhale to the end while raising the chest. When exhaling, you must first gently draw in the stomach, and then exhale until the maximum narrowing of the chest.
  • Breath holding exercises are very effective. To perform such gymnastics, you need to take in air and not exhale it for 5-15 seconds, squeezing your lips, making sure that it is in the lungs, and not in the mouth. Then you need to exhale a little air with force. Exhale the rest calmly and smoothly.
  • To strengthen the muscles, it is useful to exhale with resistance. To complete the exercise, you will need a glass of water and a plastic drinking straw. After a deep breath through the nose, you need to slowly exhale into the water through a straw. You need to do this 8-10 times in a row.
  • If there is sputum, a special exercise can be done to speed up the excretion. In the supine position, the patient raises his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around them while exhaling. As you inhale, lower your legs. After gymnastics, a cough may occur, this is a normal reaction, over time, sputum will separate more actively.

The whole complex must be done in a course, every day for several approaches. Only in this case there will be an obvious effect.

Traditional medicine for fibrosis

Although official medicine has different attitudes towards folk recipes recovery, such funds are effective in many diseases, including pulmonary. It must be remembered that herbal infusions only complement medicines and gymnastics and cannot replace the help of a specialist.

Before using prescriptions, a doctor's consultation is required to rule out allergies and incompatible treatments. Greatest Benefit folk remedies can bring in the initial stages of fibrosis. When the disease is in an advanced stage, herbs can even increase the complications.

  • To speed up the excretion of sputum, a decoction of elecampane and wild rose is used. 1 tablespoon of elecampane roots and a spoonful of wild rose should be poured with 300 ml of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Strained ready-made broth is taken in small portions during the day, they need to be treated from 2 months.
  • Rosemary has a tonic effect and dilates the bronchi. The crushed branches must be mixed with water in equal amounts and kept in the oven for 1.5-2 hours. Drink the finished product with the addition of honey 2 times a day for a teaspoon.
  • A tincture of adonis, fennel and cumin is used to saturate the blood with oxygen. To prepare it, you need to take 1 teaspoon of each ingredient and pour a glass of boiling water in a thermos. Aged for at least 7 hours, the infusion is drunk during the day.
  • A local effect may have a compress of burdock or cabbage. You should knead the leaf so that the juice appears and put it on the chest under a cling film, then keep it for 5-6 hours.

Nutrition rules for pulmonary fibrosis

For successful treatment, patients must adhere to general rules healthy varied diet. Violation of these rules leads to concomitant diseases and can worsen the condition, slow down recovery. It is very important to maintain a healthy weight.

Some undesirable foods to avoid:

  1. Semi-finished products, canned food.
  2. Food with a high content of nutritional supplements.
  3. Dough products
  4. Products with a high content of vegetable and animal oils.
  5. Alcohol in any form.

An important advice from a specialist that is not followed by many is to reduce salt intake.

Salt in large quantities negatively affects muscle function and weakened chest muscles. Also in the diet should be low-fat dairy products, nuts, vegetables and fruits, especially with vitamin C, cereals, seafood. It is necessary to replenish the level of fluid in the body with compotes, rosehip broth, green tea, water without gas.

Disease prognosis

The prognosis of the disease is unfavorable, the development of symptoms gradually leads to respiratory failure, the risk of strokes and heart attacks is increased, due to the constant lack of oxygen, the functioning of all systems and organs is disrupted. Moreover, each specific case is highly dependent on individual characteristics and the treatment being carried out.

Fibrotic changes in the lungs is an incurable condition. However, if you constantly take medications, follow all the doctor's recommendations and, if necessary, use surgical intervention, the patient's life can last 8-10 years or more.

All people who are at risk of developing fibrosis due to work in hazardous industries, smoking or hereditary characteristics should regularly undergo preventive examinations.

Video about fibrotic changes in the lungs and their symptoms

Exercises for the lungs:

Methods for diagnosing lung diseases:

The problem can arise from the age of twenty-five. A high risk is observed in women suffering from mastopathy in both mammary glands. The fair sex is plagued by chest pains during menstruation. The pain syndrome is sometimes able to pass into the shoulder or armpit. It is not excluded the appearance of secretions in the form of colostrum. When probing, you can notice the presence of seals.

Seals can be soft and elastic. When they are palpated, pain is observed. Such symptoms are characteristic of the cystic form of pathology. It is possible to increase the lobules in the chest, as well as the granularity of the seals.

The nodal form of change can occur at the age of 30-50 years. This condition is characterized by the presence of flat seals, they can occur both on one breast and on both at once. Pain is excluded. Bloody discharge appears with a strong pathological process. The pathology does not manifest itself in any other way.

There are several main signs by which the presence of a pathological change can be diagnosed. First of all, attention should be paid to the pain syndrome. It can vary depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle. In the early stages, the pain is weak and aching in nature. Over time, the pain syndrome becomes strong, while discomfort can be given to the back, neck and shoulder. The second main symptom is discharge from the nipples. It can be either a clear liquid or a grayish-green discharge. The third sign is the presence of compacted areas. And they do not disappear after menstruation stops.

Mostly women complain about the presence of dull pain, which is aching in nature. There may be a feeling of heaviness in the chest, as well as fullness. Such symptoms can occur in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. In addition to pain, seals are also pestering. However, they are not always able to be accompanied by pain.

Diffuse fibrotic changes in the mammary glands

This pathological process is determined by the presence of epithelial tissues of the organ. In addition, it is characterized by the formation of single or multiple intracanal cystic tumors. Recent changes are most common in old age. In some cases, various growths may occur, as well as dysplasia of the lobular structure of the mammary glands. It is not excluded such a phenomenon as connective fibrosis. In this case, cicatricial changes in the tissue begin to actively form.

The diffuse form is characterized by increased pain syndrome. It is pronounced directly on palpation. Determining the presence of seals in this form is quite simple, they have an elastic consistency. They are able to almost completely "leave" after menstruation. But at the same time, the woman is still bothered by discomfort. There is a feeling of fullness of the chest, and tissue seals are also felt. On palpation, homogeneous elongated formations can be detected.

Involutive fibrotic changes in the mammary glands

This form often occurs in women who have undergone menopause. The fair sex go to the doctor with some complaints. They are concerned about the increase in breast size, as well as the shape itself. This condition scares them, because such symptoms are also characteristic of tumors. Usually, the doctor, on the basis of complaints, diagnoses involutively fibrotic changes. This condition is quite normal.

It should be noted that the shape and size of the breasts are completely dependent on the hormonal background of the woman. As many as 15 hormones directly affect her condition. The most basic of these are progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. By the state of the breast, you can easily determine the age of a woman, as well as her hormonal levels.

Involutive changes in the mammary glands are directly related to the hormonal background of a woman. As soon as the body of the fair sex reduces the level of hormones produced, the breasts can become painful and lose their elasticity. This is quite normal for women with menopause and after it. Sometimes, this condition also occurs in young women who have not yet given birth. What is it connected with? Most likely the problem lies in the sexual sphere. Therefore, it is necessary to find the true cause of the phenomenon and begin to eliminate it.

It is much easier to prevent a pathological change than to remove it. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist, monitor the level of hormones, give up bad habits and not engage in heavy physical work. It should be noted that the risk group includes constantly losing weight young girls and women. You need to eat right and fully, as well as lead a healthy lifestyle.

Fibrocystic changes in the mammary gland

This condition is characterized by the presence of an excessive amount of tissue growths of the lobules. In addition, seals are actively beginning to form. And they have clear boundaries. This pathological form often affects middle-aged women. It can be observed both in one breast, and in two at the same time.

Due to hormonal imbalance, the frequency of changes can vary somewhat. All this leads to the development of a fibrocystic form of the disease. The disease is capable of proceeding against the background of violations of ovulation, the menstrual cycle, as well as reproductive function.

This species is characterized by the presence of tumor-like formations, the diameter of which starts from 2 mm to several centimeters. Moreover, localization can be varied. After the end of menstruation, the seals do not disappear. Over time, their size increases significantly, causing discomfort to the woman.

Moderate fibrotic changes in the mammary glands

The main reason is changes in a woman's life. Social, emotional and physical disorders are capable of influencing pathological processes in the chest. A special role in this matter is given to the hormonal background and the presence of sexual diseases. Gynecologists have long noticed a dramatic change in the formation of the female body. So, menstruation is able to occur as early as 11 years old, when the normal and correct period for this is 14 years. Significantly affects many problems reluctance to give birth. Most women refuse this process or postpone it to a later date. The climax often leads to changes. Its age has also changed and is increasingly found in middle-aged women.

All of the above factors negatively affect the woman's body as a whole. Stress, emotional shocks, toxic effects, constant overstrain and fatigue are also among the main causes of the development of pathologies in the body.

It must be understood that this problem is not among the precancerous and is not capable of becoming malignant. This greatly facilitates the situation. But, getting rid of the problem is still worth it. It is easy to recognize its presence on your own. It is necessary to probe the mammary glands for the presence of formations in them. You can entrust this process to a mammologist. Timely detection of the problem will allow you to quickly fix it.

Severe fibrotic changes in the mammary glands

Basically, this condition is typical for women who have entered the menopause phase or left it. During this period, changes in the mammary glands are normal, no matter how strange it may sound. After all, the hormonal background is far from the same as it was in his youth. The body begins to change and everything is reflected in the most susceptible organs and systems.

A pronounced form of the pathological process is characteristic of the presence of health problems. Often, against its background, mastodigenia develops. There are many estrogen receptors in the adipose tissue of the breast. At the same time, the level of hormones in the blood can increase significantly. Although, after menopause, it can take up to 5 years. This condition is characterized by chest pain. When X-rays are taken, pronounced fat lobules are observed. In its symptoms, the pathology is similar to the pain syndrome characteristic of osteochondrosis of the spine.

One of the diagnoses that women hear at the appointment with a mammologist sounds like "involutive changes in the mammary glands." What it is? Is the process taking place in the chest dangerous? At what age is an extensive array of adipose tissue, areas of fibrosis and cysts formed more often?

What it is

The reverse development of breast tissue in most cases is a physiological phenomenon, dangerous consequences for the body no, medical and surgical treatment is not required. A natural change (involution) of breast tissue in women occurs with age: glandular tissue is gradually replaced by fat cells.

If the hormonal background is disturbed, the process becomes pathological, not only adipose, but also fibrous tissue actively grows, cysts form different size. How longer woman postpones a visit to a mammologist when pain appears, a change in the shape of the breast, the more actively the pathological process proceeds. In the absence of therapy, cysts and fibrosis zones reach a significant size, inflammation may develop, a cavity with fluid ruptures, and tissue infection is possible.

In most cases, breast involution occurs against the background of hormonal disruptions with the approach of menopause. If a woman takes care of her health, takes phytoestrogens, vitamins for prophylactic purposes, reduces the impact of negative factors (stress, lack of sleep, overeating, physical inactivity), then it is possible to slow down the involution of mammary gland tissues.

Physiological changes in the breast also occur during hormonal failures in other periods of life and in special conditions: pregnancy, puberty, lactation. With gradual involution, the absence of concomitant diseases, there is no discomfort and pain: women note only a slight increase in the size of the mammary glands, after 60 years the breast becomes less elastic, sags, the skin becomes flabby.

Why itch mammary glands and what symptoms indicate the development of pathological changes? We have an answer!

Read about what is an isoechoic thyroid nodule and how to treat the formation at this address.


The main factor provoking the replacement of glandular tissue is hormonal imbalance. The ratio of the level of regulators develops both during natural processes (puberty, lactation, pregnancy, menopause), and with the development of endocrine pathologies, impaired reproductive function. A decrease in the concentration of estrogen, a change in the secretion of other regulators also occurs in old age (60-65 years and more).

Gradually, the thickness of the parenchyma decreases by almost 2 times: from 14 to 5–6 mm. The activation of involutional processes occurs closer to the end of the reproductive age: in women over 45 years old. When examining with a mammogram or ultrasound, it is easy to identify diffuse changes: instead of glandular tissue, areas of fibrosis and fatty deposits form in the breast.

Many women monitor the state of sexual and reproductive system spend a lot of time exercising proper nutrition, reduce the frequency and strength of stress. A balanced approach to maintaining health gives positive result. A consistently high concentration of hormones with mental balance, the absence of severe chronic pathologies, self-care increasingly leads to the fact that even at 55–60 years old, the breast condition of a mature woman practically does not change.

Factors provoking accelerated involution of the mammary glands:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • life under stress
  • sleep deficit;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • morbid obesity;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • lack of attention to health;
  • rare visits to the mammologist;
  • malnutrition;
  • frequent hypothermia of the chest;
  • uncontrolled intake of hormonal pills;
  • fasting or low-carbohydrate diets;
  • a sharp decrease in the volume of the fat layer to critical values.

Note! If there is no desire to pay attention to health, control weight and psycho-emotional balance, then irreversible changes in the structure of the mammary glands occur much earlier: by the age of 25-40, the chest is sluggish, flabby, cysts, fibrous foci, and zones of seals are formed. The stronger the hormonal balance is disturbed, the brighter the manifestations of age-related and pathological processes in the chest.

Types of pathological process

Doctors distinguish several types of reverse development of breast tissues:

  • fat involution. At the end of the lactation period and with the onset of menopause, the hormonal background is unstable, adipose tissue is actively growing. With this type of involution, the mammary gland is lighter than usual in the images, connective tissue fibers, milk ducts and blood vessels. In nulliparous women and young girls, fatty involution indicates a hormonal failure. To exclude the advanced stages of pathologies, it is necessary to be examined by an endocrinologist, to stabilize the hormonal background;
  • fibrocystic involution. Pathological process: there is not only a decrease in the total proportion of glandular tissue, but also fibrosis zones are formed in the breast tissues, appear cystic formations. Benign elements are capsules filled with liquid contents. With the development of inflammation, the secret becomes inflamed, pus and blood impurities appear. On palpation, large cysts are felt as elastic balls or nodes. In advanced cases, the percentage of glandular tissue is significantly reduced, the structure of the breast is broken;
  • fibrous involution. With age, the glandular tissue is reborn: extensive areas of fibrosis appear. Often, the active growth of connective tissue is combined with the replacement of glandular cells with fat. For this reason, the process is called fibrofatty involution.

First signs and symptoms

In the absence of breast lesions and chronic pathologies, discomfort during the reverse development of the mammary glands is absent or manifests itself weakly. Some women complain of mastodynia (chest pain). Sometimes discomfort is felt in thoracic region spine and shoulder area.

The natural process of changes in the mammary glands takes place in several stages:

  • from 25 to 40 years old. There are fluctuations in the hormonal background before menstruation, during sexual development, pregnancy, breastfeeding. The volume of glandular tissue is sufficient, there is no pain and pathological changes, the channels are normal;
  • from 40 to 50 years old. As the body ages, the first signs of reverse development appear in the chest: the area of ​​fibrous and adipose tissue increases, tumors, papillomas, fibrocystic mastosis, fibroadenomatosis are more often formed;
  • from 50 to 55 years old. Age-related processes are more active, on x-rays of the chest and when performing ultrasound, connective and adipose tissue are clearly distinguishable, there are much fewer glandular cells than in young women;
  • age over 55 years. There is a complete replacement of the glandular tissue with adipose tissue, the structure and appearance of the mammary glands change. In old age, with a deficiency of sex hormones, the breasts are less elastic, often sagging. In the absence of pathologies, there are no seals and nodes.


To clarify the condition of the breast, women are prescribed ultrasound (the optimal method is up to 35–40 years old) or mammography (chest x-rays are performed after forty and in complex cases of pathologies in young women). If pathological changes are detected, the mammologist additionally prescribes thermography, MRI, and ductography.

Be sure to donate blood for hormones: for a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor must know the level of FSH, progesterone, LH, prolactin, testosterone. If diabetes is suspected, a woman undergoes a laboratory determination of glucose levels. If there is a suspicion that the endocrine glands are affected, then you need to find out the degree of secretion of the hormones of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus.

Check out the selection effective methods treatment of hyperandrogenism in women of different ages.

Read about the first signs and symptoms of diabetes insipidus in children, as well as about the treatment of the disease, at this address.

General rules and methods of treatment

In the absence of neoplasms and pronounced discomfort, specific therapy for breast involution is not carried out. A mandatory element is periodic monitoring of the condition of the mammary glands using mammography (not more than 1 time per year) and ultrasound (every six months or less often, as prescribed by a mammologist).

It is important to find out the etiology of fatty and fibrocystic involution. If the process is active, a decrease in the volume of glandular tissue occurs at a young age, then the doctor prescribes a specific hormone therapy. Before starting the course, be sure to clarify the level of regulators. Additionally, the woman receives sedatives, analgesics, vitamin complexes, anti-inflammatory compounds. With the active growth of cysts, laparoscopic treatment is performed with the removal of the contents of the cavity.

It is impossible to completely stop the involution of the breast, but with attention to health, women can slow down the process of reverse changes in the tissues of the mammary glands. Prevention of diseases, stabilization of hormonal levels are important points of prevention.

  • move more, do morning exercises, walk, attend a sports section or a fitness club, regularly and to the best of your ability go in for swimming, yoga;
  • create a comfortable environment in the family, reduce the level of stress at work, change the type of activity if you have to endure nervous overload every day;
  • eat right, monitor the quality of food, less often use semi-finished products, “fast” carbohydrates, smoked meats, fried foods, strong coffee and black tea;
  • fully rest at night (at least 7 hours), but do not sleep until dinner;
  • less likely to get alcohol, do not smoke;
  • control weight, remember the dangers of abdominal and visceral obesity. You can not pass, receive food at night. It is very difficult to deal with such a problem as morbid obesity in women: you have to apply surgical methods treatment;
  • every year to examine the chest with a mammologist, after forty years to undergo medical examinations. With a genetic predisposition to diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland to visit an endocrinologist. Examination by a gynecologist 2 times a year should become the norm.

Breast involution is a natural process. From the nature of nutrition, lifestyle, level physical activity, the psycho-emotional state of a woman depends on how actively changes occur in the tissues of the mammary glands. The less often a serious hormonal imbalance develops throughout life, the lower the risk of pathological processes in the breast. Subject to preventive measures it is possible to "push back" the reverse development of the structures of the mammary glands to a later date.

Age-related changes in the breast occur in every woman. Most often, involutive restructuring includes fibrosis of mammary gland tissues: a benign process does not adversely affect a woman's health, but can cause unpleasant manifestations and symptoms. It is necessary to be observed by a doctor, following the prescribed diagnostic studies: In most cases, it is not necessary to be treated or use surgical methods of therapy.

Anatomically, the mammary gland is a glandular and adipose tissue that is held together by Cooper ligaments (connective tissue structures that act as a framework).

Fibrosis of the mammary glands is a natural involutive process during which the glandular tissue in the form of milk lobules is replaced by connective tissue strands and fibrous structures. Normally, every woman has a moderate involution, which does not adversely affect the mammary glands.

Severe fibrosis in women can cause pain and discomfort, therefore, in each case, it is necessary to seek help and perform the studies prescribed by the doctor. Depending on the results of the diagnosis and the identified problems, the following 2 main variants of the pathology are distinguished:

  1. Local (focal);
  2. diffuse fibrosis.

When performing a mammogram, the doctor can determine the following types of disease:

  • linear;
  • periductal;
  • perivascular;
  • stromal;
  • heavy.

Symptoms may be absent - not always the manifestations of involutive processes bother a woman. Often, breast fibrosis is detected by chance during preventive mammography, which must be done at least 1 time in 2 years.

More about involutive changes in the female breast:

Local (focal) breast fibrosis - what is it

Any dense formation in the breast indicates a high risk of oncology. The focus of fibrosis is a nodular neoplasm of a benign nature, but this can only be found out after a complete examination.

Localized fibrosis is a limited local process in the mammary gland, which can become the basis of malignant degeneration: the doctor knows what the tumor looks like, what the node is dangerous for, and what are the differences between fibrosis and cancer. You should contact a specialist if you experience the following symptoms:

  • detection in the chest of a dense nodule of any size;
  • painlessness of education;
  • node mobility;
  • breast deformity.

After the examination, the doctor can identify the following types of pathology:

  • fibrosis;
  • fibroma;
  • lipoma;
  • single cyst;
  • polycystic node on the background of mastopathy;
  • fibroadenoma;
  • malignant tumor.

The real danger of fibrotic changes is unpredictability - it is extremely difficult to guarantee a woman the absence of breast cancer without ultrasound, mammography and biopsy

Diffuse fibrosis of the mammary gland

The most favorable variant of age-related changes is a diffuse distribution of connective tissue structures throughout the mammary gland. The absence of nodes and tumor-like formations provides a low risk of oncology: diffuse fibrosis rarely causes malignancy, but can provoke the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • pulling sensations in the chest;
  • diffuse pain in the mammary glands (without specifying a specific location);
  • tissue engorgement before critical days;
  • irregularity of tissues on palpation;
  • change in the shape of the breast.

After the examination and exclusion of oncology, it is important to continue monitoring with the doctor, visiting a specialist at least once a year.

Linear fibrosis of the breast

Examination for pathology of the mammary glands includes the following studies:

  1. Ultrasonic scanning;
  2. Mammography (X-ray examination);
  3. aspiration biopsy;
  4. Tomography (MRI according to indications).

With the help of mammography, a linear variant of fibrosis can be detected, which looks like a variety of thin lines on the pictures, and affects the following anatomical structures of the breast:

  • interlobular spaces;
  • intralobular spaces;
  • intraductal structures.

Linear fibrosis of the mammary glands is a favorable type of changes in the breast, requiring observation and symptomatic therapy.

Periductal and perivascular fibrosis - what is it

In addition to adipose tissue and the connective tissue framework, the milk lobules are the basis of the breast, tissue fibrosis around which leads to a periductal type of fibrosis. The vascular network in the mammary glands provides tissue nutrition: the deposition of fibrous tissue around the arteries and veins leads to the formation of perivascular fibrosis of the mammary glands.

Both options are relatively safe types of involutive changes that do not require surgery or the use of aggressive methods of treatment.

Stromal fibrosis

A typical variant of the age-related restructuring of the mammary glands in menopausal women is the predominance of fibrous structures over glandular and adipose tissue. Stroma is a shorthand for all anatomical structures in the breast that do not secrete milk. Stromal fibrosis is a structural redistribution of tissues due to menopausal changes (the stroma is much larger, there are very few milk lobules), which requires preventive monitoring by a specialist.

Severe fibrosis of the breast

A rare variant of the distribution of fibrous structures is stellate or striatal fibrosis. With this type of changes in the mammary glands, the doctor sees radially divergent rays of fibrous tissue on mammographic images. The provoking factors for the formation of strands include:

  1. medical or cosmetic surgery;
  2. Radiotherapy (after radiation therapy);
  3. Post-traumatic changes;
  4. Consequences of suppuration in mastitis.

Pronounced and coarse connective tissue strands are a protective reaction of breast tissues to any type of damage.

It is not necessary to treat or operate on severe fibrosis: it is quite enough to visit the doctor regularly for preventive purposes.

Fibrosis of the mammary gland - ultrasound

With the help of ultrasound scanning, you can assess the condition of the mammary glands and make a preliminary diagnosis. Common signs of fibrosis on ultrasound include:

  1. Reducing the amount of glandular tissue and fatty lobules;
  2. Thickening of the Cooper ligaments with the formation of fibrous cords;
  3. Detection of interlobular linear structures.

Ultrasound will help to identify the first signs of involutive changes, but an accurate diagnosis can be made on the basis of x-rays and biopsy. In difficult cases and according to indications, the doctor will prescribe magnetic resonance imaging, with which you can confidently exclude or confirm breast cancer.

Treatment of breast fibrosis

For each woman who has fibrosis in the breast, the treatment is selected individually. Indications for surgical intervention are:

  1. Focal fibrosis with a high risk of malignancy;
  2. Inability to exclude breast cancer;
  3. Breast deformity requiring cosmetic surgery.

With diffuse and involutive variants with a minimal risk of oncology, the doctor will advise the following types of correction:

  • diet with restriction of fats and carbohydrates;
  • weight loss;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • soothing therapy;
  • treatment common diseases internal organs.

Hormone therapy is used extremely rarely - indications for taking serious drugs can be endocrine disorders that provoke changes in the breast, or a cystic type of mastopathy, detected against the background of fibrosis of the mammary glands.

Folk remedies for the treatment of breast fibrosis

For symptomatic therapy, folk remedies can be used that solve the following problems with safe and affordable methods:

  1. Elimination of pain;
  2. Correction of hormonal balance;
  3. Increased immune defense;
  4. Sedative (calming) effect.

It is optimal to use an integrated approach to treatment, using local effects on breast tissues (compresses, ointments) and general therapy with herbal infusions and plant-based tablets. Treating fibrosis of the mammary glands with non-traditional methods should be after examination by a doctor and exclusion of oncology. It is important to remember that folk remedies will not remove the fibrous node and will not save the woman from the risk of a malignant tumor, so you should regularly consult a doctor for a preventive examination.

Hello. During mammography, I was found to have involutive changes in the mammary glands with fibrosis. How dangerous is this and what should be done to avoid surgery? Anastasia, 51 years old.

Hello Anastasia. Involution is a natural age-related changes in the breast, in which the glandular tissue is replaced by fibrous and fatty tissue. Do not be afraid - diffuse fibrosis is not life-threatening and does not require surgery. If a focal form (a node in the chest) is detected, a complete examination should be carried out in order to exclude a dangerous pathology. It is necessary to contact a specialist (mammologist, surgeon) with pictures in order to receive the necessary recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition and the use of preventive treatment.

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In recent decades, in all countries there has been an increase (in Russia - by 3.6% annually) in the number of patients with breast cancer. In the structure of morbidity and mortality among the female population, it occupies a leading position.

The relevance of the topic under consideration

Of great importance is the early diagnosis and treatment of fibrotic changes in the mammary glands, which are one of the components of fibrocystic mastopathy. This is due to a significant increase in the number of benign pathology of the mammary glands, which is detected in almost 80% of women of late reproductive age. Especially common among women of reproductive age, diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy- in 60-80%. Most often (in 37-95%) the latter is detected among people suffering from various gynecological pathologies.

Is it necessary to remove pathological formations, is it possible and how to treat them with conservative methods? The high degree of relevance of these issues is explained mainly by the fact that, although this pathology is not considered precancerous or one of the stages of the oncological process, malignant tumors almost always develop against its background. In addition, the causes and mechanisms, conditions and risk factors that contribute to the development of both are the same.

What is breast fibrosis

The mammary gland consists of glandular and stromal components. The glandular tissue is the alveolar glands, which form small lobules, combined into 15-20 large lobes. Their small milk ducts, lined with epithelium, pass into larger ones that open on the nipple.

The stroma is represented by adipose tissue, fibrous structures of connective (fibrous) tissue, consisting of fibroblasts, collagen and elastin fibers. They surround the lobules and lobes, ducts, form larger radial structures and serve as a kind of frame for the mammary gland. In addition, stromal elements are adipose tissue, blood and lymph vessels.

Excessive growth of the connective tissue component of the stroma, or stromal fibrosis, leads to a change in the ratio of the fibrous and glandular components of the gland in favor of the first, to the formation of nodes and cysts (fibroadenomatosis). It is the main component of fibrocystic disease.

Types of fibrotic changes

Normally, the structure of the mammary glands depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and lactation, and the age period. A change in the ratio of the glandular and stromal components in the same woman can be physiological and pathological. The pathological state can only be judged taking into account the above factors, especially taking into account the physiological age-related stages of changes in the organ.

There is no single classification of fibrosis, and the terminology, as a rule, depends on the clinical, radiological and histomorphological picture and is often subjective. So, for example, depending on the prevalence, diffuse fibrosis of the mammary gland is distinguished, which is a more or less uniform distribution of excess connective tissue in the organ. It is the main component of diffuse fibrocystic and involutive fibrocystic mastopathy.

Focal fibrosis of the mammary gland is a limited, having the form of a dense node with a diameter of several centimeters, the growth of connective tissue in any part of the gland, most often in the upper outer quadrant. Such a pathological formation is also considered as local fibrosis of the mammary gland. If the boundaries of the nodes or node are more or less clearly defined, many clinicians use the term nodular breast fibrosis. However, the meaning of this term is practically no different from the previous one.

Similar to this terminology, there are relative, comparative subjective definitions of the severity of pathology:

  • Moderate fibrosis, when the glandular tissue is slightly replaced by adipose tissue, the connective tissue also grows slightly with the formation of single or multiple small cysts and nodular formations or without them. In these cases, on palpation, the mammary gland has a fine-grained or simply dense character, and an unexpressed mesh or mesh-cellular appearance is determined on the mammogram.
  • Severe fibrosis is characterized by widespread coarse growth of connective tissue up to the deformation of the organ. Pronounced areas of fibrosis in the mammary gland can occur in advanced cases, after a significant mechanical injury, surgery for diseases, aesthetic surgical plastics, including with the installation of implants (post-traumatic fibrosis). Expressed growths of fibrous tissue also develop after radiation therapy - radiation fibrosis.

In addition, there is such a radiological and histological concept of pathology as linear breast fibrosis. It characterizes the proliferative processes of dense fibrous connective tissue between the lobules, along the milk ducts and inside the latter.

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