Salmon fish milk recipes. Salmon milk

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Salmon milk is no less healthy than salmon itself, and knowing the delicious recipe, you will be happy to use this product for food. Just like salmon milk, it contains healthy omega-3 fat; the calorie content of salmon milk is very high. It contains large amounts of amino acids necessary to improve brain function. Unfortunately, milk is often thrown away without knowing delicious recipes. How to prepare delicious ones from such a delicate mass?

The most common recipe is to simply fry milk, or in batter. If you make it from salmon or trout or, then you can add milk along with the fish, it will turn out very tasty. Again, milk can be added to. If you are preparing only milk without fish, I highly recommend delicious recipes cutlets

Salmon fish milk recipe for making cutlets with millet

Very tender inside, with a crispy crust, milk cutlets will appeal to many.

To prepare cutlets from milk, it is necessary to boil millet groats in a large amount of water until cooked and put it on a sieve so that excess water is glass.

I took milk from two pink salmon, washed and chopped with a food processor. I added a very finely chopped onion and boiled millet.

So, in this article we will try to talk about cooking dishes from such an unusual product as salmon milk. Recipes for their preparation, oddly enough, are quite numerous. But first, let’s talk about what benefits we can get from eating milk. First of all, you should know that the calorie content of milk is very high (100 g - 100 kcal). There is little fat in them, however, what is there is very useful for of cardio-vascular system. The amino acids contained in milk improve brain activity, and the sodium salt significantly improves immunity. These substances are actively used in medicine, and in everyday life they can be obtained by regularly consuming dishes made from milk. Together with them you will receive a rich set of microelements and vitamins that are essential for any body to function properly. Alas, milk is often simply thrown away, not knowing what dishes can be prepared from fish milk.

Milk frying recipes

Beat 500 g of milk with a mixer to obtain a homogeneous mass. Add to them 200 g of white wine (preferably dry), a couple of pinches of cumin, 3 tablespoons of flour, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and beat again. And then we fry the pancakes in the same way as always - in oil, placing each pancake with a spoon and frying on both sides. If suddenly the “dough” turns out to be not viscous enough, you can beat one egg into it, and for those who like it spicy, pepper it.

Milk in batter

You will need 500 g of milk. Defrost them, rinse, dry, add salt and, if desired, sprinkle with some Prepare To do this, mix 2 eggs with a pinch of salt and 4 tablespoons of flour and mix thoroughly. Dip each piece of milk (whole, never cut) into the dough and place it in a frying pan with hot oil. Fry until nicely golden brown and serve before it cools down.

Omelette with milk

Wash 500 g of milk and cut into pieces. Finely chop 2 onions and sauté, put them in a frying pan along with the milk, add salt, add pepper if desired, and fry for about 5 minutes. Then put them in an oven-safe dish. Beat 3 eggs with half a glass of milk and pour in the milk, and then bake in the oven. Instead of the oven, you can bake the omelet in a deep frying pan, covering it with a lid.

Korean milk

Heat the oil in a frying pan and pour in 80 g of carrots, 200 g of milk and 30 g of onion (all finely chopped). When lightly fried, add 1 spoon soy sauce and ground red pepper. Simmer until cooked and a minute before removing, add two cloves of garlic, previously chopped.

Salmon milk: recipes with marinade

Milk in marinade

Place 200 g of milk in a saucepan (enamel or glass), add a glass of 3% vinegar, half a chopped onion, salt, 10 peppercorns. Marinate for 8 hours in the refrigerator. When serving, you can drizzle them with a drop. lemon juice and garnish with olives and herbs.

Salmon milk: salad recipes

Salad with cucumbers and peas

Fry 200 g of milk and cut into small pieces. Finely chop one small onion, cut one egg and one pickled cucumber. Add a couple of spoons of green peas and one spoon of mayonnaise. Salad ready!

Salad with potatoes and cheese

Boil 500 g of milk in well-salted water and cut into slices. Also cut one egg, mix with milk and add 300 g of regular canned corn, one cut into thin slices bell pepper, a handful of chopped olives and mayonnaise.

In general, it is obvious that many dishes can be prepared from milk, and you can also prepare a sauce using the recipe. The recipe is quite simple, and you can season pasta, mashed potatoes and various cereals with this sauce. So, take 500 g of milk, remove the film and grind it through a meat grinder. Place in hot oil, lightly fry, add 1 spoon of soy sauce, two spoons of chopped dill, salt and pepper. Fry until the milk is ready. Then chop 150 g of feta cheese with a fork and mix with milk. You can use cheese instead tomato paste. It (2 tbsp) should be added to the milk along with herbs and sauce and fry everything together.

Few housewives know that the milk of salmon fish can be used to prepare dishes that are uniquely tasty and amazing in their tenderness and aroma.

This product can be boiled, baked, fried, and also used as an independent dish or as an additional side dish for cutlets or salad, which will give the treat a more delicate and rich taste. Salmon milt does not require any additional processing: all you need to do is rinse it and cook it right away.

Believe me, even those who are not attracted appearance product will appreciate the excellent taste and aroma of the dish. If you don’t believe me, then join me and see everything with your own eyes!

Recipe for cooking salmon milk in a frying pan

Kitchenware: sharp kitchen knife; paper towel; wooden spatula with a thin edge; measuring cup and kitchen scale; several containers of different depths and sizes; a large diameter frying pan, preferably with a non-stick coating; wooden cutting board; whisk


Step-by-step preparation

Let's prepare the ingredients

Let's prepare the product

Video recipe for fried salmon milk

By watching the video below, you will learn how to properly and quickly prepare salmon milt according to the recipe described above.

Recipe for preparing salmon milt in the oven

Cooking time: 45-55 minutes.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 137-139 kcal.
Number of servings: from 6 to 9.
Kitchenware: rectangular baking dish; ceramic long knife; kitchen scales and measuring cup; wooden cutting board; grater with large teeth.


salmon milk800-900 g
sour cream (fat content not less than 15%)400-450 ml
mustard20-30 g
small onion1 PC.
parsley and dill2 branches each
pepper mixturetaste
basil1 pinch
cumin1 pinch
butter20-30 g
hard cheese40-60 g

Step-by-step preparation

Let's prepare the ingredients

Let's prepare the sauce

Let's prepare the product

Video recipe for baked salmon milk

Watch the video below and the preparation of this delicious dish in the oven will never be a problem for you again.

Recipe for making pate from salmon milk

Cooking time: 25-35 minutes.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 133-139 kcal.
Number of servings: from 6 to 10.
Kitchenware: small saucepan; ceramic long knife; a large diameter frying pan, preferably with a non-stick coating; wooden cutting board; kitchen scales and measuring cup; wooden spatula with a thin edge; paper towel; blender.


Step-by-step preparation

Let's prepare the ingredients

Let's prepare the pate

Video recipe for salmon milt pate

I suggest watching the video below, which is step by step instructions preparing a delicious and tender pate.

  • When choosing the main ingredient, you need to know some rules. First of all, pay attention to the color: fresh milk has a pinkish-white tint, gray color indicates that the product is no longer suitable for consumption. Secondly, the ingredient must have a smooth, even surface, without any damage.
  • It is necessary to start cooking immediately after purchasing the milk, since it quickly loses its freshness. I do not recommend buying frozen ingredients, since they have most likely already lost all their beneficial properties.
  • When frying products in a frying pan, I recommend mixing flour and semolina for breading in equal proportions, then the dish will turn out more tender. For those who prefer a crispy crust, I advise you to roll the pieces in a mixture of breadcrumbs and grated cheese.
  • Salmon milt can be easily prepared in a slow cooker using any of the recipes described above. To fry milk in batter, use the “Frying” program, and to prepare a casserole, use the “Stewing” or “Baking” mode.
  • Do you want to pamper your loved ones with the most delicious and aromatic dish? Prepare —mackerel with potatoes in the oven—! Tender pieces of fish and crispy potatoes will definitely be appreciated.
  • Pike in the oven turns out just as tasty and appetizing. This treat has an unusual aroma and a mouth-watering, rich appearance that will not allow the product to get lost even among the most exquisite dishes.
  • It would be nice for beginners in cooking to get acquainted with the basic rules for cooking - fish and potatoes in the oven -, as well as learn how to cook a healthy and nutritious dish -.
  • Grenadier fish is considered very capricious and difficult to prepare. However, following the advice of experienced chefs, you can prepare a delicious dish with an incredible taste and divine aroma that your family will surely enjoy.

I hope that I have intrigued you, and you will definitely decide to try making snacks according to any of the recipes listed above. Don’t forget to describe your impressions in the comments afterwards. If you know other milk recipes, be sure to share them with me. I thank you in advance for the new information. Enjoy cooking and get only sincere pleasure and praise for your efforts! Bon appetit!

Some housewives cannot even imagine that many delicious dishes, amazing in their tenderness and aroma, can be prepared from milk. But in vain. In addition to the fact that milk is very healthy, it is also inexpensive. But first, let's figure out what milk is.

Milk, or milk, is the testes of fish, that is, it is the seminal gland in which spermatozoa are located. It is clear that we are now talking about males. In some fish species, insemination is internal, and in them the spermatozoa are pooled in a sperm capsule. Milk that has reached maturity has a milky color: hence the name of this organ. This offal is sold in a specialized store or hypermarket and in the market. Sometimes milk can be found in special packaging, frozen. Before cooking, you need to defrost, rinse under the tap and remove the blood in the channels, if any.

Dear guests of the site, let me offer you some salmon milk recipes that are not difficult to prepare and taste delicious. But first, we want to give you advice on choosing the right product. Firstly, the color of the milk should be pinkish-white; if you come across gray milt, know that this is already a product that is not usable. Secondly, milk loses its freshness very quickly, so after acquiring them, you should immediately start cooking.

Fried milk

This is the most affordable, quick to prepare and simple recipe. As already mentioned, milk needs to be thawed (if frozen), rinsed thoroughly and dried with paper towels.

What you need for cooking:

  • Milk 400 g;
  • Breading (flour or crackers) – 200 g;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Oil for frying;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  • Beat the egg, add salt and pepper. Pour the breading into a separate bowl.
  • Already prepared milk should be dipped in an egg and then rolled in breadcrumbs or flour.
  • Place the milk in a heated frying pan, in which the oil is sizzling, and quickly fry it.
  • Turn it over to the other side and also give the milk a browned appearance.
  • The whole process takes 15 – 20 minutes. You can serve milk with mashed potatoes, rice, etc.

Milk omelet

This recipe is similar to a regular egg omelette. But there are also options. In our recipe, the omelette will be baked in the oven, so you need to prepare a mold for this purpose.

So, what products do we need:

  • Salmon milk – 550 g;
  • One onion;
  • Low-fat milk – 550 g;
  • Salt-pepper-seasonings - to your taste;
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

  • In this recipe, the milk is finely chopped after processing, but before that it is necessary to sauté the finely chopped onions. You need to fry the onion over medium heat, but enough so that the onion becomes soft.
  • After this, you need to put chopped milk into the fried onion, add salt and pepper, mix gently and continue frying.
  • The degree of burning of the burner needs to be increased, and frying the milk and onions continues for several minutes. Don't forget to stir periodically.
  • Meanwhile, whisk milk with eggs, add salt and pepper.
  • Place the milk fried with onions into a dish prepared for baking, level the mass and pour the egg-milk mixture over everything.
  • The oven should be as hot as possible. The omelette that we put in the oven takes about 20 minutes to cook. But if you like your omelette lightly fried, the cooking time may be reduced. You have to taste it.

You can serve with fresh vegetables or ketchup. In general, it all depends on your preferences.

Milk pancakes

These pancakes are prepared in almost the same way as regular pancakes made from flour or vegetables: in a frying pan with vegetable oil heated in it.

Required Ingredients:

  • Salmon milk - about five hundred grams;
  • Dry white wine – one glass;
  • Cumin - to taste;
  • Chicken egg – 1;
  • Flour - half a glass;
  • Sesame oil for dough – 15 g;
  • Oil for frying - “by eye”;

Cooking technology:

  • Beat milk, cumin, wine, egg, salt and pepper with a mixer until smooth and fluffy.
  • Carefully place the resulting mass into a frying pan heated with vegetable oil with a large spoon.
  • Fry each pancake on both sides until golden brown. But be sure to try the dish before serving.
  • You can serve with sour cream or any other side dish you like.

Salmon fish milk: its benefits and harm

Not many people know that milk is a fairly high-calorie by-product - about 100 Kcal, but it contains little fat. The pure protein contained in milk has a delicate texture and a sweetish taste.

The benefits that a person receives from consuming milk:

  • The fatty acids contained in milk, known to us as Omega 3, are necessary for the human body for the cardiovascular system.
  • They are a preventive measure to prevent strokes and heart attacks.
  • Salmon milk can prolong the action of insulin in the human body, which is very important for insulin-dependent people.
  • Able to stimulate brain activity.
  • Reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood.
  • Helps hypertensive patients.
  • Milk has the ability to regenerate tissue.
  • Slow down the aging of the body.
  • They prevent the appearance of terrible diseases, which include psoriasis, malignant tumors, arthritis, arthrosis, and psoriasis.

But prevention of all the diseases listed above is possible only with regular consumption of milk, at least once every seven days.

What harm can milk cause to humans?

  • People who are intolerant to seafood should not consume milk.
  • Those who are prescribed a diet should avoid dishes made from milk fried in oil.
  • Salmon caught in polluted waters will produce milk containing harmful impurities. This breed of fish is capable of accumulating substances in milk that are unnecessary for the human body.

Otherwise, milk is an excellent food product that can compete with the meat of any fish.

Often many healthy foods nutrition remains without due attention. These products also include fish milk. But such parts of the fish are extremely healthy and tasty, and in Asian cuisine they are even eaten raw. In our article we will talk about recipes for preparing salmon milk and the benefits of such dishes.

Despite the fact that salmon milk has been eaten for thousands of years, not all countries have been able to appreciate its taste. This fish product is mainly used in Russian and Japanese cuisine, but for Europeans the milk is similar to fried Thai cockroaches. Meanwhile, such a product is very useful. By the way, after catching salmon, bears first of all eat the milt and caviar, that is, the most important parts of the fish for them.

So what is the richness of red fish milk?

  • Firstly, they contain a lot of essential fats for our body, but few calories - per hundred grams of product there are 92 Kcal and 10% fatty acids.
  • Secondly, milk is rich in protamines and B vitamins. Such substances have an excellent effect on the functional activity of the brain and are necessary for diseases such as diabetes.
  • It also contains a large number of minerals that strengthen the immune system and bones, increase endurance and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Scientists were able to prove that milk contains nucleotides, which our body takes to replace dysfunctional DNA, which means that such a product can have an anti-aging effect.

As a rule, milk does not contain any substances that can cause harm to our body, but this is provided that the fish lived in clean waters. But you need to discard farm products, since this part of the fish quickly absorbs all the dangerous substances contained in excess in synthetic feed.

  • those who may be allergic to seafood;
  • those who are obese;
  • and those who have metabolic problems.

No other restrictions have yet been identified; they can be eaten by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding; it is advisable to give this product to children starting from the age of three.

Salmon milk, baked in the oven

Despite the fact that milk does not look as attractive as the fish itself, it can surpass the taste of salmon or trout steaks themselves.


  • 380 g milk;
  • three potato tubers;
  • onion and carrot;
  • three tomatoes.

For dishes, it is important to choose a fresh and high-quality product.

When choosing milk Special attention pay attention to their color. The milk of young fish should have a reddish or pink color, while that of mature fish should be light. The surface of the milk should be smooth and even, but not mushy.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the milk and cut it into pieces. We cut the potatoes into strips, tomatoes into slices, onions into half rings, and just grate the carrots.
  2. Oil the pan, lay out the potatoes and onion on top. Season with spices, then distribute a layer of milk, carrots and tomatoes. Salt and pepper the food and sprinkle with any chopped herbs.
  3. We make a mesh of mayonnaise and put it in the oven for 30 minutes (temperature - 180 ° C).

How to deliciously fry in a frying pan

If fried fish is part of your diet, then frying milk will not be difficult for you. The only thing you have to do is clear the film from the milk. True, some ignore this process and prefer to cook fried milk with it.


  • 270 g milk;
  • one egg;
  • two spoons of breadcrumbs.

Cooking method:

  1. If you decide to free the milk from the film, then first soak it in cool water, then clean it and rinse it again.
  2. Sprinkle the fish “spare parts” with pepper and salt; you can also use other fish spices.
  3. Heat a frying pan with butter, first dip the milk into the beaten egg, then bread it in breadcrumbs and fry until golden.

Cooking in batter

You can fry milt in breadcrumbs, but salmon milt in batter will look more original.


  • 480 g milk;
  • two eggs;
  • three spoons of flour.

Cooking method:

  1. As in the previous recipe, we leave the milk in cool water for half an hour, then clean it and season it with salt and pepper.
  2. Make a batter from eggs, flour and three tablespoons of water.
  3. Dip the milk into the batter, place it in hot oil and fry until golden brown on all sides.

Salmon milk in a slow cooker with sour cream

Milk with the addition of sour cream and cheese turns out to be very appetizing. The taste of the finished dish is somewhat reminiscent of French julienne.


  • 480 g milk;
  • large head of white onion;
  • 60 g cheese (preferably Dutch);
  • half a pack of butter.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the peeled milk into pieces, chop the onion into cubes.
  2. In the "Frying" mode, pass the onion in oil. As soon as it turns golden, add the milk and fry for ten minutes.
  3. Now add sour cream, spices and simmer under a closed lid in the “Stew” mode for twenty minutes.
  4. Place the finished dish on a plate, sprinkle with grated cheese and any chopped herbs.

Fish soup with milk

Salmon milk is rich useful substances and they are low in calories, so you can make a light and healthy soup from this fish delicacy. For greater satiety, you can add any cereal to the recipe.


  • 280 g milk;
  • 70 g rice grains;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • tomato.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour rice grains with salt into boiling water.
  2. Chop the onion and carrots, remove the skin from the tomato and cut the pulp into small cubes.
  3. Sauté onions and carrots in oil, then add tomatoes and milk and simmer for ten minutes.
  4. As soon as the rice is almost ready, add the fry, add chopped herbs and cook the soup for another five minutes.

Milk pancakes

If you love salmon milk, then you will definitely take note of the following recipe. We suggest tasting the milk pancakes, which are good both cold and hot.


  • 480 g fish milk;
  • onion and carrot;
  • two spoons of flour;
  • half a bunch of herbs and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Using a blender, grind the milk and vegetables.
  2. Add chopped herbs and flour, season with salt and pepper, and mix.
  3. Fry the pancakes in heated oil until they have an appetizing crust.

Salmon milk salad

Many housewives throw away milk when cutting fish, but they don’t even realize that you can use it to prepare a wide variety of dishes - from delicious soups to appetizers. We offer a recipe for a real delicacy - salmon milk salad.


  • 750 g milk;
  • two pickled cucumbers;
  • three potato tubers;
  • two heads of salad onions;
  • two carrots;
  • three garlic cloves;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.

Cooking method:

  1. Let's start preparing salmon milt by boiling it. At the same time, cook the potatoes. Then cool the products and cut them into small cubes.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots and cucumbers for Korean salads. Then fry the vegetables in oil until tender, add pickles to them and keep the food on the fire for another five minutes.
  3. As soon as all the salad preparations have cooled, mix them in a salad bowl, add chopped garlic cloves and herbs. Season the appetizer to taste with salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise and serve.

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