What does the devil card mean for a man? Tarot card Devil - meaning, interpretation and layouts in fortune telling

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Before us is the fifteenth Arcana of the Tarot deck. Its traditional names: “Devil”, “Fate”, “Dark Side”. The image on the map also corresponds to them: right in the center is the one who has long been called “the enemy of the human race.” Here you see the flames of hell; on the devil’s forehead there is an inverted pentagram (five-pointed star), which symbolizes the degradation and death of the spiritual principle in man. However, you should not panic: this card does not mean your imminent fall. And although the 15th Arcanum truly reflects all the darkest sides of the human soul, we should not forget that “in the darkness there is light” too. One of the most common interpretations of this card is the idea of ​​a test: will a person cope with a difficult situation and what means will he resort to for this? The Arcanum “Devil” serves as a definite hint for you here: you are being tempted, but what exactly this temptation is - you must guess for yourself. What can this card mean in a personal scenario? First of all, it testifies that at the moment the main thing in your life is not spiritual goals. The values ​​that you crave to acquire are exclusively material in nature. Whether you achieve what you want or not - those who accompany you will tell you Minor Arcana. You should not forget the old truth: by achieving material well-being and not rising to spiritual heights, you risk gradually (and unnoticed by yourself) falling much lower than you are now! In the scenario of the situation, “Devil” can be interpreted in two ways (here you just have to rely on your own intuition). Or he claims that the goals you are pursuing are false and it is better to abandon them now, before you are yet pulled into this quagmire. However, you should not perceive this as a threat: this is just a warning from fate! On the other hand, the appearance of this card in a situational scenario indicates that the goal is, in principle, achievable, however, before you safely reach the shore, you should test yourself “for strength and intelligence.” And only if you successfully avoid all the traps of fate, the reward will be the successful resolution of your case

XV Devil

Description of the lasso:
XV - The Devil (LA DIAVOLO): Apep, Errors
For the ancient Egyptians, the serpent Apophis personified the forces of primordial chaos, the unknown and dark world. These forces are eternally opposed to the differentiated and cyclical world order, personified by the sun - Ra. The sun god Ra is in constant conflict with the force of evil, the serpent Apep, who swallowed him and then night fell. Every morning, Egyptian priests burned a wax figurine of Apep and asked him to free the sun so that dawn would come.

Direct position:
Conclusion - Deception - Violation of the laws of Nature - Individualism

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Pluto as a sign of dark power.
Of all the Arcana of the Tarot, the Devil seems to be the most difficult to understand, because it is different for everyone. What can be considered common to all, perhaps, is only a situation of dependence on someone or something, weak will, shameful failure of good intentions, as well as actions committed contrary to one’s own beliefs. The Devil, as it were, personifies the dark side of several cards: for the Magician it is black magic, for the Priestess - part of her negative archetype, for the Priest - hypocrisy, money-grubbing under the guise of a saint, for Lovers - a struggle for power or the degeneration of partnerships into pure sex, lust without the slightest a sign of love, for Justice - corruption or the inability to admit one’s own wrong. He also personifies exorbitant greed as the opposite side of Strength, immoderation as opposed to Temperance, and rules various regions of the Unknown Edge of the Moon map. As a tempter, he most often appears before us under one or another attractive guise. One way or another, this card shows that we are playing with fire and must be damn (!) careful not to get burned. At a deep level, it means that our question affects, first of all, the shadow sides of our personality.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

From the book: Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice.

In the upright position, the card may indicate that you are taking on faith what cannot be proven. Remembering evil, we should not forget that fire can be both light and hell. In addition, the DEVIL card can symbolize a painful thirst for material or purely physical well-being, as well as the desire to dominate others. In certain cases, it also signals slavish dependence on erotic desires.

In an inverted position, the card speaks of abuse of power, of concentrating efforts exclusively on achieving material wealth. If the card falls among the good ones, then we can assume a successful love affair or a situation in which you will successfully be able to “dodge” retribution, or, to put it quite frankly: debauchery without unpleasant consequences. In the realm of spiritual knowledge, a reversed card signals that you have realized the limitations of forms and are striving to free yourself from them. It is also possible that, having realized the spark of God in yourself, you begin to comprehend yourself in disidentification.

“Try to reassess your spiritual values ​​and decide - what gods do you worship? It’s better to be a pagan than “neither a candle to God nor a devil’s poker.”

From the book: Rider White Tarot.
Theory and practice.
Series “Secrets of Predictions”

Description of the card and its internal meaning
Imagine a terrible lifeless valley. The blood-red sun illuminates the bleak landscape. A ghostly figure can be seen among the fumes and smoke. This is a formidable Prince of Darkness with a woman's breasts and a goat's head. In one hand, lowered down, he holds a smoldering torch, the other is raised up with the intention of blessing. The image of the Devil seems to parody the image of the High Priest.
In most decks, the Devil is depicted in front of two small figures - a man and a woman. His mood is transmitted to people who are completely dependent on Satan. If the Prince of Darkness smiles, they smile too; if he gets angry, his slaves tremble with horror. The fifteenth Arcanum is a teaching about man’s knowledge of the lowlands of his Spirit, this is a teaching about the fate that weighs on a human being.
The devil is the antithesis of good. His goal is to destroy the Divine Order and bring chaos into this world. The allegory here is the mind, cold-blooded and cruel, striving to upset the Universal Balance.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
(samekh) - Evil angel - the spirit of pride and anger Letter - P, number - 15
Ruled by the zodiac sign - Capricorn
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 44 hexagram (“Temptation”)
Correspondence to runes - rune Fehu (Fehu)
Time of day - any Weather conditions - storm, gale Corresponding color - brown
Corresponding chakra is Svadhisthana Bhuvar (sacred chakra)
According to Kabbalah - connects the Tifferet sephira with the Hod sephira

Card meaning
Straight position

The fifteenth Arcanum in this case will describe a person who is only interested in profit. The questioner will have to communicate with him and solve some practical and, possibly, uninteresting issues. But this path will have to be completed to the end, since the time has come to balance earthly and spiritual life.
If the Devil card speaks of a situation, then its interpretation can be as follows: atheism, hatred, violence, bound will, perseverance, maximalism, all kinds of temptations. Sometimes this Arcanum can mean excessive perseverance and ambitious plans. As in the case of the tenth or thirteenth Arcana, the Devil card talks about certain predetermined events in the life of the Questioner - events that he cannot influence. Their nature will be illuminated by the remaining cards in the layout.

Inverted position
The person who will be described by the fifteenth Arcana in an inverted position poses some danger to the Questioner, as he is capable of “grounding” his soul with his non-spiritual views.
If the Devil card in an inverted position describes the situation, then the Questioner will need to prepare for the fact that his life will include jealousy and tears, quarrels and greed, weakness and illness, dependence on the will of others, wrong choices, excessive addiction to alcohol, promiscuity. Sometimes the fifteenth Arcanum is interpreted as division of property and excessive commercialism.

Advice to the Questioner
“You will need to go through certain life trials, or rather, temptations, when too easy victory and rewards are concentrated in your hands, which under other circumstances would have to be earned and deserved. Try not to let your ego rise above others. Remember that all the Devil’s roads lead only to hell.”

Description of the Tarot card "DEVIL"

In most Major Arcana Tarot decks, the Devil is depicted in front of two small figures of a man and a woman. His mood is transmitted to people who are completely dependent on Satan. If he smiles, people smile, if he gets angry, his slaves tremble with fear. The devil is the opposite of good, his goal is to destroy order and bring chaos into this world. The allegory here is the mind, cold-blooded and cruel, striving to upset the Universal Balance.

General meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” Tarot card in layouts

Direct card position

Of all the Tarot Arcana, the Devil is the most difficult to understand because it is different for everyone. What can be considered common to all, perhaps, is only a situation of dependence on someone or something, weak will, shameful failure of good intentions, as well as actions committed contrary to one’s own beliefs. The card speaks of material dependence, intrigue and temptation, excesses. The illusion of being forced to act contrary or opposite to desires. The card indicates that at the moment the main thing in life is not spiritual goals. The values ​​that you crave to acquire are exclusively material in nature. The card claims that the goals you are pursuing are false and it is better to abandon them now, before you are pulled into this quagmire. However, you should not perceive this as a threat: this is just a warning from Fate. One way or another, this card shows that we are playing with fire and must be careful not to get burned. At a deep level, it means that the question concerns, first of all, the shadow sides of the personality.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Devil card speaks of abuse of power, of concentrating efforts exclusively on achieving material wealth. If in fortune telling the card falls among the positive ones, you can assume a successful love affair or a situation in which you will be able to safely escape retribution.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in fortune telling for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here the Devil shows that moral strength, convictions and good intentions are subject to serious testing and temptation. In this case, we can even talk about profitable business, but only due to the inexperience or gullibility of the business partner. In some cases, Arcan indicates that a person is involved in dubious transactions.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the card most often indicates a loss of profit, money, or income. A deal or project that had high hopes will not bring the expected profit.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in health layouts

Direct card position

Bad habits and addictions can negatively affect your health.

Reversed card position

Serious illnesses. In some cases, it indicates negative magical effects: damage, love spell, evil eye.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in fortune telling for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Devil represents important issues that can cause difficulties in a relationship if you are not careful and honest. The card often denotes the dependence of one partner on the other in a domestic, financial or psychological sense, which is why the emotional and spiritual side of the union suffers. Difficulties in relationships can be associated with excessive immersion in material issues and the pursuit of dubious pleasures. This lasso often means temptation, indulgence of desires and the pursuit of them at any cost. The devil is also often associated with the sphere intimate relationships and can sometimes mean infidelity, betrayal, love affairs without commitment.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Devil says that the relationship has reached a dead end, the partners are tired of each other. Sometimes it indicates that the couple is incompatible either spiritually or physically.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in personality assessment layouts

Direct card position

The fifteenth Arcanum in this case describes a person who is only interested in the material side. The fortuneteller will have to communicate with him and solve some practical and, possibly, uninteresting issues.

Reversed card position

The devil in an inverted position speaks of a person who poses a certain danger to the fortuneteller, since he is able to “ground” his soul with his views.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card as a card of the year

The Devil card says that this year you will have to look deep into yourself, and at the same time something may come to light that you did not expect, or suddenly what you thought was one thing will turn out to be completely different. In this case, it is the dark, shadow side of the personality, which forces you to commit actions that you later bitterly regret. All that is required of you is to stop looking for those to blame and, when you find yourself in another unpleasant situation, simply ask yourself how this could happen. Try to determine the true scale of your intemperance, analyze the darkest sides of your soul, which are constantly trying to find weakness in you. Give them an appropriate place and determine for yourself exactly how to respond to them so that it does not go beyond acceptable limits.

Work and finance. In this area, the Devil card predicts that your moral principles, your beliefs and good intentions will be seriously tested, even, one might say, tempted. You will have the opportunity to achieve material well-being, but not in the most pure and honest ways.

Personal relationships. In this area, the card foretells you teasing flirtation, meaningful promises, and sensual passion. However, here too it is, first of all, a warning: you have to play with fire and it will be extremely difficult not to get burned.

Health status. Here the condition may worsen due to addictions, bad habits, poor lifestyle, and self-indulgence.

Top card tip. Free yourself from addictions, stop being subject to circumstances and freely follow the path to which the voice of your heart leads.

Meaning and interpretation of the DEVIL card as a card of the day

Today you will apparently have to face the shadow side of your character. Perhaps you will be persuaded to some unseemly act or to betray your principles. This could be some sudden inner impulse that you did not suspect was behind you or thought that you had overcome it long ago. You should neither be angry with yourself for this, nor blame others, nor should you suppress this urge in yourself. Use the situation to bring a ray of light into the dark part of your soul - become aware of this urge and find out its reasons.

Advice from the DEVIL card in fortune telling

You will need to go through certain life trials, or rather, temptations, when too easy victory and power will be concentrated in your hands, which under other circumstances would have to be earned and deserved. Try not to rise above others.

Main meaning of the card

Straight position

This Arcanum is related to everything that is traditionally associated in a person with the concept of sin. Greed, intemperance, uncontrollability of rude instincts - all this is under the “jurisdiction” of the Devil. This card is also interpreted as a dead end situation that has developed either for subjective reasons (personal exposure to passions) or for objective reasons (human dishonesty, lack of commitment, or some kind of “against” circumstances).

And, of course, the Devil is sexuality, but sexuality is vicious, tending toward perversion, or simply irresistible.

Some clarifications in the interpretation of the Arcana can be brought by the cards located next to it. For example, the Devil with the Jester means exposure to alcohol or drugs, with the Hierophant - subordination to bad authorities (sects, informal associations of a negative kind), with the Wheel of Fortune - a huge craving for gambling.

Inverted position

The inverted Devil does not change its negative connotation, but demonstrates slightly different shadow sides of human nature - weak or broken will, failure of plans, serious illness, fear of the unconscious. Pay attention to some combinations with the Devil in an inverted form, namely: with Strength (submission to brute force, powerlessness before it), with the Priestess (fear of witchcraft), with the Moon (insanity or even insanity). In the case of an inverted Arcanum, the passions raging in a person’s soul may not be as strong as with its upright position. However this controversial issue. For the resentment due to our own powerlessness, the thirst for revenge on the one who put us in a dead end or shameful situation, can be very great.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For the personal sphere, the Devil symbolizes a vicious relationship, a union based solely on sexual attraction, fascination with a person who is completely unworthy of it. And also - a marriage of convenience, when behind words of love and promises of fidelity there is a desire to acquire material wealth, and perhaps throw their owner out of his life as unnecessary. Very traditional in this regard is the combination of the Devil and Lovers (this combination means a relationship in which we are talking only about sexual attraction without a drop of romantic and bright feelings).

Inverted position

The inverted Devil for such layouts denotes a relationship based on the weakness of one partner and the strength of the second. That is, one of them demonstrates despotism, sophisticated mockery towards the other, or blackmails him with his own weaknesses (“I can’t live without you,” “I won’t survive,” “you’ll find out then,” etc.) The second at the same time turns out to be a victim, involuntary or voluntary, and endures, agrees, submits... And it is the inverted Devil that best describes the situation when one person achieved another with the help love plot(especially in combination with the Mage).

Pay attention also to the combination “inverted Devil - Chariot”; it says that the union of people is far from equal and in it one person openly pushes the other around.


Straight position

This Arcana for a career indicates corrupt actions, intrigue, and illegal transactions (naturally, including in combination with Justice). In addition, the Devil testifies to a tempting offer, which, if accepted, will force a person to commit illegal or immoral acts. And one more thing: The Devil in Combination with the Empress means shadow sources of income, with the Emperor - participation in a certain structure, well thought out and organized, but engaged in some prohibited operations (for example, in a mafia group).

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the Devil is powerlessness against intrigue and “snooping”, the lack of the right to vote in the team. Is this a tyrannical boss or serious problems with regulatory authorities. The combination of the inverted Devil with the Hanged Man suggests that it will not be possible to get out of the current vicious circle very soon, and with Death - that non-resistance to other people’s vice and evil will lead to the most destructive consequences.

Don't be afraid to shine a light on what seems dark and unknown. It is necessary to fight evil, because the situation has not always gone as far as it seems. Of course, we ourselves often commit actions that are not at all disrespectful. But let this become a reason not to cry over your own imperfections, but an impetus to take the path of self-improvement even more firmly.

Fortune telling has been known to mankind since time immemorial. Each nation has its own set of techniques with which you can look into the past and future. But cards have always been used by fortune tellers as the surest tool to obtain the necessary information. Tarot cards are especially important. They carry mystical knowledge, which is contained in each image individually and in a combination of different symbols. Perhaps the most frightening of the entire deck is the Devil Tarot card. Should you really be afraid of her?

Tarot cards: a gift or a curse for humanity?

If you are familiar with Tarot cards, you know the power they have. Almost every fortune teller will tell you how much they changed her life. But is it really so? To whom does humanity owe the appearance of Tarot cards?

It's hard to say when these multi-colored decks appeared. Historians have found references to the Tarot in records of the lives of seventeenth-century European courtiers. But in those days, cards were used for entertainment; no one thought to attach any special meaning to them.

By the eighteenth century, Tarot fell into the hands of the gypsies and became the main source of income for wandering fortune-tellers. They interpreted the meanings of the cards with great success and generously predicted various joys of life and material benefits to their trusting clients. It was during this time period that court magicians showed interest in Tarot cards. They began to refine the images and write down interpretations of the cards. It is worth noting that in Europe there was no single standard for images on a card deck, so there were pictures with animals, Egyptian deities and even Greek muses. But for some reason, it was the current type of Tarot cards that became unified and has survived to this day. It is believed that one of the French aristocrats, who was also a mystic and occultist, created modern look Tarot cards, drawing on ancient books and magical knowledge. Be that as it may, this deck is still used by fortune tellers for predictions and black rituals.

Minor and Major Arcana in Tarot

The Tarot deck has seventy-eight cards, of which twenty-two cards belong to the Major Arcana. They are used in fortune telling as defining symbols of human life and can tell the entire journey of one particular person. Among the images of the Major Arcana there are many symbols that are incomprehensible and even frightening for the average person. For example, almost every fortuneteller experiences sacred horror if the Devil appears on the table.

Tarots have colorful images, but this only applies to the Major Arcana. The younger ones are more like normal ones playing cards. In fortune telling, they symbolize the meaning of human actions and are not as important as the previous cards.

Historians believe that the Minor Arcana have been known almost always, but the Senior Arcana became an addition introduced by occultists. This is evidenced by such images as the Priestess, the Hanged Man, the Hermit and the Devil. The tarot completely replicates ancient engravings that were found in rare medieval treatises on magic.

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards?

The methods of fortune telling using a deck of Tarot cards have not changed for several centuries. Over time, the layouts are only improving, but the interpretation of the cards raises great doubts. All fortune tellers unanimously claim that Tarot is a very unusual tool for prediction - they are capable of independently changing their meanings in the hands of a fortune teller. Only experience will tell you how best to interpret a card from the Major Arcana. After all, there are cases when even the Devil Tarot card that fell out of the deck had a positive and promising meaning.

Beginning fortune tellers need to understand this. If you have no experience, but you have decided at all costs to learn how to predict the future using Tarot, then do not be alarmed by the Devil Tarot card that appears in the layout. Its meaning in your particular case may differ significantly from the generally accepted one.

Before starting fortune telling, you should hold the cards in your hands. You must feel the energy of each lasso and be imbued with it. You should not lay out the cards in front of someone for the first time, in this case it will be very difficult to get the truth from the Tarot. Therefore, until you begin to feel your cards, do not tell fortunes to anyone. All ancient occultists advised to treat the Tarot with great respect and never give your deck into the wrong hands.

Devil Card in Tarot: meaning and description

To understand the meaning of the card, you need to look at it carefully. The Devil Tarot card is the most terrifying of all. A creature with horns, furry legs and wings sits against a cloudy background. It is the same image of the devil that was adopted in the Middle Ages. A goatee is visible on the creature’s face, and on the right outstretched palm there is a pentagram, indicating that it belongs to deep dark magic. The second hand is lowered down to the ground; it contains a burning torch, symbolizing the destruction of order and all life on Earth.

The Devil Tarot card, in addition to the terrible creature sitting on the cube itself, has an image of a man and a woman. They represent Adam and Eve expelled from paradise. Each of them is chained to the throne of the devil; the throne itself symbolizes the material world. Both people are drawn with horns and tails; such freedom is interpreted as people’s involvement in the animal world. That is, every rational person has an animal nature that the devil will be happy to reveal. The chains are not taut, but keep people firmly tied. This indicates that there is a chance to defeat your dark side, but only through a long and difficult path of restrictions.

The Devil card in the Tarot, whose meaning is ambiguous, is believed to carry great meaning. After all, man himself is the creator of everything bad in his life. He is easily ready to submit to the material at the expense of the spiritual, and to be a faithful slave of this changing world.

The meaning of the Devil card in fortune telling

The Devil Tarot card is the most controversial of all the Major Arcana images. This is due to the fact that each person is subject to his own vices and has his own devil in his head. Therefore, it is always difficult to correctly interpret this dropped card. But we will still try to define the Devil card in fortune telling.

Each card in the deck has two meanings. They are polar, but balance each other. A positive interpretation of the Devil Tarot card means passion, but a negative interpretation is associated with satiety. These meanings are especially acute in fortune telling for love. The Devil Tarot card has approximately the same meaning in relationships.

The general meaning of the card can be listed in a few words:

  • fatality;
  • doom;
  • temptation;
  • pleasure;
  • sex;
  • self-destruction and the like.

But Tarot cards are not so simple. The combination of the Devil cards and other Major Arcana images makes a lot of sense. Because of this, in some layouts the value of the dropped card changes dramatically. Therefore, beginning fortune tellers should pay attention Special attention on combinations of cards in order to correctly read the prediction.

Card number

Each card in the Major Arcana has its own number, which also carries a special sacred meaning. And under no circumstances should we forget about it. The Devil Tarot card is number fifteen. According to astrology and occult knowledge, this is the number of the full moon. Each complex number is decomposed into simple ones. Based on this rule of numerology, fifteen is decomposed into one and five, where one means the human mind, and six means the collapse of everything conceived.

If you follow the same rules, then two prime numbers must be summed into one prime. The resulting six carries the meaning of the Lovers Tarot card. That is, we can say with confidence that the Devil Tarot card, which has the number fifteen in its meaning, symbolizes relationships. But it’s no secret that they are completely different. Therefore, the Devil Tarot has a dual and ambiguous meaning in relationships.

The direct meaning of the Devil card in fortune telling: hitting a person

Having fallen out in its direct meaning, the Devil card means a magical and dark nature. She says that a person is completely and completely subject to his low side. He actively seeks material wealth and completely forgets about his spiritual component. Such a person goes through life, controlled only by instincts, and most of them are capable of leading to self-destruction of an integral nature.

If the Devil card points to a certain person, then it can be said with certainty that he is an excellent psychologist and revolutionary. Almost all the surrounding people are fascinated by such a personality, because they are under hypnotic charm and charisma. Such a person has a wonderful sense of humor and amazing intuition. It is very difficult to resist him, because he is a real tempter, for whom there are no insurmountable obstacles.

It is very bad if the Devil card characterizes your chosen one. In this case, you need to urgently decide whether to continue communicating with this person. Your relationship will not be simple, such a man will greatly influence your spiritual world. Most likely, it will significantly change your karma, bringing you to the brink of good and evil.

Devil's card in direct fortune telling: line of past and future

If the Devil card falls into the past or the future, then it can be interpreted in different ways. Getting into the past means that temptation is already behind you. But the nearest arcana will tell you whether you can completely relax. If the Devil appears in the future, then this is a warning. After all, a person cannot always independently cope with the temptation of dark forces that awaits him.

In some cases, the Devil card can mean a person in your close circle. It has a huge influence on you and leads to destruction. You need to get rid of such people immediately; sooner or later they will find a way to cause you irreparable harm.

Devil card reversed, Tarot: meaning

When reversed, the Devil card carries an even more complex meaning. The reversed Devil Tarot is a sign of trouble that has already happened. It means that a person has already completely immersed himself in the dark world and has found himself under the influence of the sin of acquisitiveness. Such a person spends all his energy on obtaining material benefits, not noticing the suffering of loved ones.

If you have a similar card, then you should completely reconsider your life in order to break free from the captivity of base passions. The main thing is to get rid of your ego and start doing good to others. This will be the first step towards moving to a new level.

The inverted Devil in the layout can carry a warning value. This is a symbol of the fact that trouble is already on the threshold, but you still have time to change the situation.

Combination of cards in layouts

At the Devil Tarot card, the combination with other arcana is read most clearly. In any scenario, you need to carefully look at all the cards that fall nearby. Only with their help can you understand the true meaning of the Devil card.

For example, a combination with Lovers means a relationship built on sex and the satisfaction of one's instincts. In general, it is worth knowing that the Devil Tarot card in a relationship gives all the other arcana a deep dark color. The combination with Moderation symbolizes immense greed, and with the Magician, the use of dark forces for their own purposes.

The combination with the Hierophant is rather unpleasant, it signals that a person covers up his base passions with good goals. We can say that he submits to his lust, but passes it off as holiness.

If the Devil card appears next to the Jester, then this may indicate a mentally disabled person. In the same way, drug addicts and people with other addictions are identified using the Tarot.

The meaning of many combinations also depends on how the card appears. For example, the Devil with the Empress in any scenario means criminal passion, satiety with carnal pleasures. But if the Empress appears upside down next to the Devil, then this indicates homosexuality.

In any case, the Devil card in Tarot highlights the dark side of any card that is drawn. Be very careful in your layouts, because it is impossible to study absolutely all the meanings of symbol combinations.

Tarot cards can be treated in different ways. After all, not everyone believes in their ability to predict the future and reveal the secrets of the past. In any case, this cannot change the fact that Tarot is the most popular and widespread tool for fortune telling in the world. Every second fortune teller has a deck of these cards in her arsenal and never parts with them. And if you feel some magical abilities, then be sure to study the meanings of the Tarot symbols and test yourself by asking the cards the question that worries you most.

The devil means disappointed hopes, limited opportunities and hidden fears that we are not aware of. It can also mean a morbid addiction to sex or a craving for money. The devil is sitting on a small cube that is definitely too small for him. This symbolizes the inconvenience that his limited view of life causes the Devil. However, the people depicted on the map look completely happy. At times, when things are bad, the easiest thing to do is to continue to believe that everything is fine. In fact, everything starts to be normal only when you realize what is really happening. Discomfort simply marks that something is wrong in your life. If the inconvenience is imaginary, then, of course, everything is in order. The chains do not actually chain people, they are thrown casually and can be easily removed. This shows that things can be changed and your burden is not as heavy as it seems. For example, if you have a difficult relationship with alcohol, you are able to solve this problem. But you can correct a negative situation only when you have enough determination and maturity. The appearance of the Devil in a reading often means that you still lack the maturity to rise above some kind of contradiction. On the other hand, the Devil often hints at the need to “come to terms” with your own immaturity (not to deny it, but to make sure that it does not interfere with your life) or that you need to follow your instinct. Accepting your own humanity, with all its inherent limitations, will free you from the shackles of self-hatred.

Questions to ask yourself if you pull the Devil card
  • Are you too preoccupied with material goods?
  • Do you feel like you are powerless against sexual urges or a bad habit?
  • Are you seriously upsetting or harming someone?
  • What do your instincts tell you? Wouldn't it be better to just follow this advice?
  • Are you trying too hard to be perfect?
  • Do you at times feel guilty for being you and ashamed of yourself?
Key Ideas
You may feel like you're stuck in a negative situation, but the solution exists, you just haven't seen it yet. The card encourages you to take responsibility for what happened, stop blaming other people or events, and have the courage to free yourself.
Direct Card: One of your friends is involved in a potentially dangerous situation - perhaps drugs or drinking. Your intervention now can make a difference.

Reversed: You and your friends are being too childish. Now is the perfect time to start using your time more profitably.

Direct Card: At school, you may be the target or witness of bullying and ridicule. Tell a teacher you trust about this - it is important not to let this situation drag on.

Reversed: The ability to cause a burst of laughter is a valuable talent, but don't throw it away in vain. You try too hard to please people. Pay a little less attention to others, and a little more to yourself.

Direct card: If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants sex and you don't feel ready for it, don't give in. Don't let any reason force you to do something you don't want to do. Each such action is later regretted.

Reversed Card: Do you find yourself constantly thinking about sex? Maybe you're sleeping with just anyone? If so, look again at the picture of the devil. The fact is that excess is always harmful, no matter what we are talking about.

Direct Card: Perhaps someone in your family has a secret, or the person is simply sad and depressed. He needs professional help.

Reversed card: If close person encourages you to do things you don't really want to do or puts you down - convince yourself to talk to a trusted adult about it. Ask for advice and help. If you are ashamed, it is false shame.

Direct card: You clearly know what is interesting to you and what is not. You are old enough not to engage in activities that you consider harmful or dangerous.

Reversed card: Apparently you are killing time in idle entertainment that is expensive but does not bring benefits, such as drugs or pornography. Are you sure you need life substitutes? Try to live.

Upright Card: Somehow everyone, that is, everyone, likes your appearance. You exude sexual energy that attracts people. Reversed Card: Are you sure your body deserves this kind of treatment? Piercing and tattooing are good in moderation, but in excess they can be a way of self-destruction. Why didn't you please yourself?
Direct Card: You like to spend money and buy good things. Your greatest pleasure is shopping in general or buying gifts.

Reversed Card: You have a deep and sincere love for money. The object is not worthy of such depth of feeling, do not go too far. Nowadays it is too easy to become a prisoner of the material world.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Thomas felt like crap. He is overweight, and he is a completely uninteresting person (so he thought) - who would want to be friends with him? During "windows" in the school schedule, Thomas avoided everyone and most often went to the library. During fortune telling, he received the Devil card - a negative card, showing that Thomas was trapped in a negative way of thinking. He imprisoned himself. The card made it clear that you need to change your approach to the situation and seek support from your parents/guardians, or ask for help from a doctor.

Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. Practical guide."

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Horns, the symbol of the Devil, connect him with Satan and all that is dark and shameful.

But Satan is also Lucifer, the “bringer of light,” which reflects the duality of this card.

Disappointments. Prohibitions. Obstacles. Fears.

In many Tarot decks, the Devil is depicted as a half-man, half-beast with horns and hooves; he usually sits on a throne to which two figures are chained. The essence of this card lies in its duality. The other side of Satan is Lucifer, whose name means “bringer of light” - a reminder that light can be found in the midst of darkness. This card points to the potential abilities that can be discovered in the most hidden and unexpected corners of our soul, if only we dare to break through to them through the impenetrable darkness of the base instincts that hide them.

The devil embodies the wildest and most untamed aspects of our soul that we usually suppress. We often experience feelings of fear and shame in front of such hidden vices (such as lust, greed and envy) and refuse to acknowledge their existence in ourselves. Carl Jung called these qualities our dark "shadow" nature. The fact that we feel so uncomfortable being alone with our base nature means that we tend to project it onto other people so that we don't have to face it ourselves. This brings more devastation to our souls and causes more problems than if we dared to openly admit our vices and shortcomings. When we are able to unblock those parts of our psyche that disgust us, we release a powerful flow of positive energy. The devil teaches us to recognize and perceive as a whole all aspects of our soul, both dark and light. It reminds us that we are all made of good and evil. If we are aware of our own shortcomings and failures, then we will be more tolerant of both ourselves and other people, i.e. let us no longer judge ourselves in others.
If you get this card, it means that you will have to face the base part of your nature. You may find yourself in a difficult situation that makes you feel depressed and hopeless. Without giving in to the temptation to look for someone else to blame for your circumstances, you should try to look for the source of your troubles within yourself. Although this experience may not be pleasant for you, it will allow you to get to know yourself better and discover your negative qualities that have been unconsciously suppressed until now. As a result, you will be able to remove these internal barriers to your growth and overcome your self-destructive tendencies. Therefore, if you want to reach your full potential, sooner or later you will have to face your inner Devil and try to win it over to your side. This can serve as an impetus for gaining true freedom and your transformation into a more complete person.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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This card shows a demon with horns and wings like a bat standing on a pedestal, holding a torch in his left hand. The Devil's right hand is raised up, which signifies black magic and destruction. Two horned and tailed figures are tied by a thick rope by the necks to a ring embedded in a stone pedestal. A rope instead of a steel chain implies that if we submit to our own failures, the bonds that bind us can be broken through determination and willpower. The devil holds an extinguished torch, which symbolizes destruction and evil intentions. The devil brings death, misfortune and suffering. This card represents human suffering and loneliness. The devil represents a malicious person who does not think about others and the future consequences. This card indicates unfortunate circumstances and unhappy situations.
Meaning in fortune telling
Subordination. Devastation. Addiction. Hostility. Servility. A fall. Lack of success. An unusual event. Bad external influence or advice. Black magic. Unexpected failure. Seeming inability to achieve your goals. Dependence on another person, which leads to unhappiness. Violence. Shock. Doom. Punishing yourself. Temptation by evil. Self-destruction. Disaster. Astral influence. Separation from the usual methods of self-expression to such an extent that a person becomes morally weakened and loses himself. A person with a bad character. Perverse sense of humor. Lack of principles. Lack of ethics.
Reversed meaning
Liberation from addiction. Throwing off the shackles. A break. Divorce. Recognition of one person's needs by another. Overcoming insurmountable obstacles. The beginning of spiritual understanding. First steps towards enlightenment. Overcoming the fear of showing your true self.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The allegory here is not an independent will, but a mind working to destroy the divine balance.

The Devil corresponds to the number fifteen and the Hebrew letter samekh.

The struggle between the highest good and the highest evil; choice or conflict between order and chaos.
In some decks, the Devil is depicted on the card traditionally, with horns, hooves, a tail and a pitchfork. He towers over a single pathetic figure. His pose, with his hand raised like a puppeteer's, parodies the figure of the High Priest.

Most decks depict a large Devil and two smaller figures, male and female, standing at the foot of his throne. These smaller figures may be demons, humans, or horned creatures. In all such decks they are chained or tied to the foot of the Devil's throne. Note that the poses of all three figures are a repetition or parody of the poses depicted on the Fifth Arcana (High Priest).

The central figure of the Devil in these decks can take a variety of forms - from a horned goat to the likeness of a man. He can be both an attractive and intimidating figure. Whatever the form, there are almost always wings and horns, and sometimes an inverted pentagram on the forehead or crown.

In almost all decks, the Devil raises or extends his hand over the two souls chained to his throne. The main figure is usually sitting, but can also stand; on his face there is either a seductive smile or rage. His mood directly affects the other two figures. If the Devil smiles, so do his minions; if he frowns, his slaves either mourn or tremble with fear.

The image of this powerful figure who rules over all who come under her influence can be read either as an antithesis or as a sarcasm of the blessing given by the Pontiff (High Priest) on the Fifth Arcana. It is sometimes difficult to tell whether the two smaller figures are his captives, slaves or favorites; one way or another, they are unconditionally subject to his will.

Please note that the figures standing on the sides not only repeat the minor priests of the Fifth Arcana, but also symbolize the two columns present on the cards of the Major Arcana.

Inner meaning
The devil is the antithesis of good, symbolizing forces that seek to disrupt the harmony of existence. It is not simply individualism or the desire to go his own way that makes him the embodiment of evil. The Magician (First Arcana) also tries to impose his will on the world, and in fact the result of completing the Tarot path is your ability to truly control your own destiny.

The allegory here is not an independent will, but a mind working to destroy the divine balance. His goal is to overthrow Divine Law and plunge the world into a state of chaos.

The ancients taught that there is an order to the world in which all living beings are able to find their best purpose. Divine law is designed to establish and maintain this order. The devil seeks to disrupt and overthrow it. He can act as a tempter or rule through fear, but in any case his goal is to lead astray.

As the Tarot teaches, the true path is to get closer to divine power. At this stage spiritual development you are dedicated enough to become a valuable servant of the forces of evil. It is at this point that you can choose whether to continue towards your final goal or take another path that ends here. At this moment the temptation for the seeker is especially great. You are simply forced to wait for your tasks to be completed (Moderation). The devil seems to indicate a way to achieve the same goal without waiting and without effort.

The power on offer is enormous, but the price for it is even greater. Don't forget that you can achieve your goal without the help of the Devil. He is only interested in you because your potential far exceeds anything he hoped to gain by stopping you. You are not offered the easy road. For the power that the Devil offers, you will have to give up your free will.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: hatred, violence, destruction. Disorder, doom, misfortune. Bound will. Your will and personality are transferred to another. Moreover, something predetermined and therefore inevitable, but not necessarily evil.

Reversed or negative: pettiness, weakness. Blindness, jealousy, illness. Evil rock. Incorrect choice. A disaster for you that will benefit others.

You are offered a quick solution to your problems. If you are impatient enough to agree, you can see the collapse of your hopes and plans. Achieve success on your own. Resist the temptation, which is very attractive, to cut corners and do not be afraid of hard work, continue it alone.

If this card represents the Questioner, then be careful. The power you gain over your subordinates is intoxicating, and you may enjoy manipulating, controlling, and even playing with their lives. But the real Devil has one road - to hell.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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The devil is associated primarily with fears, lies and ignorance, which result in doubt and pessimism. The word “devil” itself comes from a root meaning “rival, adversary” - that is, someone or something acting against your interests and well-being. The card shows what blocks, limits or weakens your creative energy, what prevents you from taking action and which may have something to do with childhood trauma and guilt. At best, you will do what is bad for you, mock others, pester them, torment and confuse them. You may break social or sexual taboos, get caught up in material needs, or be tempted to bend generally accepted rules and make them serve your purposes. You may seek income through improper use of power and influence, and you may impose your will on others or seek to gain control over them. On the other hand, you may be overcome by fear that some evil external forces want to harm you, and then you will begin to take out your paranoia on others, tormenting them with your suspicion and hatred. Beneath all this, however, there will be an inability to love and, as a result, a feeling of isolation and lack of contact with people.

From a psychological point of view, this card represents the Shadow - those aspects of your personality that you deny, refuse to acknowledge or hide. It can represent sexuality, but a sexuality associated with perversion and violence. You may be tempted by lust, greed, or pride. You may become obsessed with a person or object and experience a fatal attraction to it. Emotionally, it may be panic or confusion. Perhaps you yourself awakened all the forces of hell or turned out to be a source of chaos. Sometimes the Devil just means fun, playfulness and various pranks - “the devil himself forced me to do this.” Or maybe you are afraid and carefully avoid what you consider “bad,” and this in itself already limits and constrains your actions. Sometimes the Devil means intentionally and maliciously causing pain to others or a tendency to act out of jealousy, envy or hostility. It may also be addictive behavior or compulsive behaviors and reactions. As the god Pan, the Devil inspires awe and attracts man to the elemental forces of nature. It can also mean a lack of a sense of humor and an inability to laugh at oneself, as well as excessive dogmatism and superficial perception.

Traditional meanings: fate, fate. Violence, destruction, destruction, shock. Disease. Passion, fury, strength, energy. Impulse, motive. Shamelessness. Lust, sensuality, attractiveness. Occult powers, black magic. Slavery, addiction. Malice, malice. Temptation, temptation. Self-destruction.

Inverted Devil
The Devil reversed can represent more extreme extremes than any other Tarot card. At one end of the spectrum there is victorious evil, spiritual blindness, voluntary surrender in the face of temptation and complete indulgence of one's appetites. But at the other end, you reject evil and addiction and embark on the path to spiritual enlightenment. Following the principle of enantiodromia, you turn from a sinner into a saint, like a pendulum swung too far to one side and over the top. Remember St. Paul, who was converted on the road to Damascus and became an apostle from a villain. From time to time, the Devil reversed can mean a sense of superiority over the weaknesses and moral instability of others, or excessive truthfulness, ethics and virtue.

You can resolutely reject all temptations, rip off the blindfold and escape from an unpleasant situation. It may be time to quit a destructive job where you feel like you belong to the company but are afraid to leave because you have to pay the bills. The Devil Reversed can also indicate the opportunity to access hitherto hidden treasures of creativity and the ability to spontaneously enjoy life. If you can realize that your fears are groundless, then you will free yourself from false prohibitions and manipulative scenarios, as well as from various types of codependencies. Often this card makes it possible to see your destructive behavioral patterns and the reasons for the improper use of energy resources. Sometimes it manifests itself in the fact that the weaknesses and vicious actions of a particular public figure dispel your illusions. And sometimes it’s your tendency to come up with reasons and excuses rather than see how bad the situation really is.

If you truly believe that this energy has nothing to do with you and project it onto other people, you see them as false leaders, soul catchers and malicious troublemakers. The reflection of this map can be found in politicians and the crowds they control, in dictators and those they make scapegoats, in critics and their victims, in sorcerers and the simpletons who believe them. On the internal plane, these are nightmares, panic and fixation on one’s own and others’ sinfulness. But at the same time, this energy can manifest itself as casual fun and ridicule, debunking evil and exposing false pride and blind prejudice.

In terms of health, the upright Devil represents violence - physical, emotional or sexual - as well as smoking, hemorrhoids and sexually transmitted diseases, while the inverted one can indicate recovery. In some cultures, what we call bacteria and viruses were considered demons that entered the body of the sick; in this context, the Devil reversed signifies their expulsion.

From a shamanic and magical perspective, this card represents the Horned God - the ruler of nature! It is also trickster energy. It is associated with establishing protection and represents that stage of working with dreams and the Shadow when, in order to return the lost part of the soul, a magician or shaman must defeat the enemy.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: fate, fate Weakness, baseness. Blindness. Love passion and lust. Difficulties, intrigues, troubles. Enchantment, enchantment. Liberation from bonds, end of slavery. Recovery, cure, reprieve. Divorce. The initial stage of spiritual understanding. Virtue. Morality.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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"God hides himself from the spirit of man,
but he opens himself to his heart.
So when they say, “I don’t believe in God,”
It's the same as if he said:
"I do not like".
And the voice of darkness answers him:
"You will die because your heart rejected life."

Book "Sifra Zeniuta"

Description of the card and its internal meaning
Imagine a terrible lifeless valley. The blood-red sun illuminates the bleak landscape. A ghostly figure can be seen among the fumes and smoke. This is a formidable Prince of Darkness with a woman's breasts and a goat's head. In one hand, lowered down, he holds a smoldering torch, the other is raised up with the intention of blessing. The image of the Devil seems to parody the image of the High Priest.

In most decks, the Devil is shown in front of two small figures - a man and a woman. His mood is transmitted to people who are completely dependent on Satan. If the Prince of Darkness smiles, they smile too; if he is angry, his slaves tremble with horror.

The fifteenth Arcana is the doctrine of a person's knowledge of the lowlands of his Spirit, this is the doctrine of fate that weighs on a human being.

The devil is the antithesis of good. His goal is to destroy the Divine Order and bring chaos into this world. The allegory here is the mind, cold-blooded and cruel, seeking to upset the Universal Balance.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
(samekh) - Evil angel - the spirit of pride and anger,
Letter - 77, number - 15,
Ruled by the zodiac sign – Capricorn,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 44 hexagram (“Temptation”),
Correspondence to runes - rune Fehu (Fehu),
Time of day - any
Weather conditions - storm, gale,
The corresponding color is brown,
The corresponding chakra is Svadhisthana Bhuvar (sacred chakra),
According to Kabbalah, it connects the Tifferet sephira with the Hod sephira.
Card meaning
Straight position
The fifteenth Arcanum in this case will describe a person who is only interested in profit. The questioner will have to communicate with him and solve some practical and, possibly, uninteresting issues. But this path will have to be completed to the end, since the time has come to balance earthly and spiritual life.

If the Devil card speaks of a situation, then its interpretation can be as follows: atheism, hatred, violence, bound will, perseverance, maximalism, all kinds of temptations. Sometimes this Arcanum can mean excessive perseverance and ambitious plans. As in the case of the tenth or thirteenth Arcana, the Devil card talks about certain predetermined events in the life of the Questioner - events that he cannot influence. Their nature will be illuminated by the remaining cards in the layout.

Inverted position
The person who will be described by the fifteenth Arcana in an inverted position poses some danger to the Questioner, as he is capable of “grounding” his soul with his non-spiritual views.

If the Devil card in an inverted position describes the situation, then the Questioner will need to prepare for the fact that his life will include jealousy and tears, quarrels and greed, weakness and illness, dependence on the will of others, wrong choices, excessive addiction to alcohol, promiscuity. Sometimes the fifteenth Arcanum is interpreted as division of property and excessive commercialism.

“You will need to go through certain life trials, or rather, temptations, when too easy victory and power will be concentrated in your hands, which under other circumstances would have to be earned and deserved. Try not to let your ego rise above others. Remember that everything The Devil's roads lead only to hell."

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Thought form: Temptation.
Number: fifteen.
Hebrew letter: samekh.
Black color.
Stone: jet.
Astrological analogy: Sagittarius, Pluto in Taurus.
Another name: "Typhon".
If in the fourteenth Arcana you learned patience and moderation, then perhaps you will be able to cope with the temptations that the “Devil” will offer you. However, I have no doubt that it will not be easy. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Is there a fire of greed, envy or vanity burning in your eyes? Does your heart ache with the desire to possess someone or something? And if you think that you are free from all these base vices, then isn’t it pride that drives you? Was it not out of a desire to feel better and superior to all people that you became an ascetic?

The roots of our vices go as deep as the images that personify the world's evil. Times and customs change, peoples and religions come to the forefront of history, but the antagonist of the creator god, the cosmic provocateur, the instigator and seducer, the disruptor of the world order and the enemy of the human race is always present. He changes names and appearance, but his goal is always the same, and from under any skin a snake tail and a poisonous sting always crawl out. Now we know him under the name Devil (Greek: “slanderer”). This name is included on the map. The ancient Greeks called him Typhon. And the ancient Egyptians called him Apep.

Mythological dossier
Apep is a huge serpent, personifying darkness and evil, the eternal enemy of the sun god Ra. He lives in the depths of the earth, where his battle with the army of Ra takes place, which is repeated every night. Later he began to be identified with Seth, the killer of Osiris.

The lasso "Devil" is black, personifying the darkness of the underworld, the upper and lower margins of the brown card symbolize the earth and determine the boundaries of his power. The colors used in the image also determine the scope of the image. This is black - the underworld, yellow - matter, pink - emotions and blue - the color of illusions. The Devil (Apopus) you see on the map is depicted in the form of a man with a serpent's head. In front of him are two people who fell under his influence. On a green platter (a symbol of hope), Apep carries golden gifts, which he offers to the one who bowed before him. The pink color of the clothes here is a symbol of carnal desires, the orange wig (a symbol of the joys of life) frames the blue head of the snake, that is, it is based on illusion. The devil is trying to attract supporters, declaring himself a fearless fighter against boring gods, a rebel and a champion of freedom. But his goal is always the same - to overthrow the Divine law and plunge the world into a state of chaos. In fact, all the temptations of the Devil are very simple - they are money, fame and voluptuousness. All together and each individually they provide the main temptation - power. The tempter can generously bestow them on anyone who is ready to give him their free will.

However, there is a character on the map who has realized the harmfulness of the devil’s temptations and in horror refuses his gifts. Modest green clothing gives hope for liberation. Man is exhausted and weak, but the Devil has no power over him. Those who do not give in to temptation can go to the light.

At this stage of spiritual development, you are dedicated enough to become a valuable servant of the forces of evil. Therefore, the temptation to stop at this stage is especially great. The devil will show you a way to achieve any goal without waiting and working. The power on offer is enormous, but the price for it is even greater. After all, your potential far exceeds anything he can offer.

Value in the layout
In a straight position
Arcanum "Devil" means that various temptations await you that are difficult to resist. You may be asked to get involved in a risky venture or pushed to make an adventurous decision. The card speaks of a thirst for material or purely physical well-being. Involves great efforts to achieve material success, fame, fame, and a happy occasion. Sometimes the card means that you are captive of your feelings, voluptuousness and eroticism, or your passions (sex, gaming, alcohol). It is also possible that there is an indication of fears overwhelming the soul. May portend deception, betrayal or betrayal of a loved one. It’s as if an evil fate is pursuing you. Sometimes interpreted as an omen of making important decisions or final choices. The card says that evil is an integral part of both the essence of a person and all of life, and accepting evil or resisting it is only your own choice.

Advice. Here, more than anywhere else, it is appropriate to remember the motto wise people who have suffered: “Don’t believe. Don’t be afraid. Don’t ask.”

In an inverted position
The card symbolizes the abuse of power, the concentration of efforts solely on achieving material wealth, and indicates a mercantile view of things. Denotes an insatiable thirst for power. The need for self-expression through purely physical action. The motto of this Arcana: “I want! I want! I want! I want at any cost!” However, this can mean getting rid of worries and nagging fears.

Advice. Imagine what would happen if all your wishes came true?

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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Direct position:
devastation, violence, passion, extraordinary effort, compulsion, fate. That which predetermines, but in itself is not the cause of evil.

Reverse position:
fatal evil, weakness, blindness (recklessness), irritability.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Pluto as a sign of dark power.
Of all the Arcana of the Tarot, the Devil seems to be the most difficult to understand, because it is different for everyone. What can be considered common to all, perhaps, is only a situation of dependence on someone or something, weak will, shameful failure of good intentions, as well as actions committed contrary to one’s own beliefs. The Devil, as it were, personifies the dark side of several cards: for the Magician it is black magic, for the Priestess - part of her negative archetype, for the Priest - hypocrisy, money-grubbing under the guise of a saint, for Lovers - a struggle for power or the degeneration of partnerships into pure sex, lust without the slightest a sign of love, for Justice - corruption or the inability to admit one’s own wrong. He also personifies exorbitant greed as the opposite side of Strength, immoderation as opposed to Temperance, and rules various regions of the Unknown Edge of the Moon map. As a tempter, he most often appears before us under one or another attractive guise. One way or another, this card shows that we are playing with fire and must be damn (!) careful not to get burned. At a deep level, it means that our question affects, first of all, the shadow sides of our personality.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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In the Egyptian Tarot, there is the ancient Greek monster Typhon, identified with Set, who is considered the “god of evil,” although Set was both wise (it’s not for nothing that he is depicted as a crocodile or other reptile) and valiant in battle, helping Ra fight his enemies.
This card always depicts an evil genius - a demon, a devil, huge, tailed, with wings like a bat; An inverted pentagram (five-pointed star) is often drawn between its horns, which in the old days was also considered a sign of evil, although this is just a sign of the limitations of our knowledge. In hand is a torch. In ancient versions of the cards he was depicted with a “second face” that ended at the lower part of the torso - a Freudian symbol of subconscious drives, as we would say today.
The devil stands or sits on a stone to which a naked man and woman are chained - Adam and Eve from the Lovers card. However, their poses and faces do not indicate suffering. On the contrary, they even look happy with their fate.
This card opens the third seven of the Major Arcana. She corresponds to the zodiac sign of Capricorn. But Capricorn is not opposite to Gemini in the firmament, but forms a quincunx aspect with it, meaning constructive interaction, a creative union, rather than confrontation. The Devil card symbolizes “temptations” - attractions that are often deliberately forgotten - or simply do not want to acknowledge them, and then they make themselves felt in the most unexpected way. The only way to deal with this is not to avoid the “forbidden,” but to accept it for what it is, go through it and leave it behind: the devil is not as terrible as he is painted.

Meaning of the card:
Do you think it is the devil who has captured your soul? Do you think it is impossible to break out of the vicious circle? But look at the map: the chain does not squeeze the necks of the people depicted on it, but lies freely. Once you take it off, the captivity is over! Whatever this chain represents for you: sex, play, alcohol or something else, you imposed it on yourself. And you can take it off too. Starting a new stage of life, you can, of course, give free rein to your hobbies - but has this “overture” dragged on?
In the old days, it was believed that the Devil was the devil with horns, interfering in human affairs and pushing his victims to bad deeds (“the devil beguiled”). Now this card is considered a symbol of a test, a “challenge”, as the Anglo-Saxons say, a kind of exam that a person must pass in order to test his strength and rise to a new level of awareness of himself and the world.
Such an exam or test can be anything - a risky undertaking, a decision to escalate a conflict, or, indeed, alcohol, drugs, adultery. The trick is that the exam must be passed, you must go through it consciously - and if the card is in an upright position, this will only contribute to growth and liberation from temptations for the future.

A person will either not pass the exam (will be afraid or fail), or will not be able to free himself from the addiction into which he has fallen, at least in the near future.

For businessmen:
The devil in an upright position - advice to respond with blackmail to blackmail, threat to threat: the enemies are weaker than him, they will retreat if you do not stop putting pressure on them. Inverted, on the contrary, advises to compromise or make concessions.

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