How does pain in the kidneys differ from osteochondrosis? How to determine what hurts - the kidneys or the back: causes and symptoms of diseases

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When lower back pain occurs, a person does not immediately understand what exactly is bothering him. Kidneys or back hurt, how to determine the source of the pain? First of all, it is necessary to find out what symptoms are observed in diseases of the spinal column and the characteristic organ. This will help you understand the difference between pain sensations. The main reason The appearance of discomfort can only be determined by a doctor after examination and diagnostic measures.

Causes of back pathologies

There are congenital and acquired pathologies of the back.

Due to the structure of the musculoskeletal system and the location of the spinal column, most people experience injuries and diseases. There are many causes of pain in the lumbar region:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • fractures or injuries of the spine;
  • hard physical labor;
  • infectious diseases of the spinal column structures;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • hernias, spinal deformity.

The appearance of pain in the back is influenced by various functional disorders lumbar region spine, when blocks of intervertebral joints form due to incorrect posture, and their mobility significantly worsens.

Due to poor nutrition and low physical activity, excess weight is formed, which provokes the development of the disease. Therefore, obese patients often experience back pain in the lumbar region.

Pain syndrome in the lumbar area can be a symptom of many diseases, of which 90% are problems with the spine and back muscles, kidney pathologies account for 6%, the remaining 4% are anomalies of other organs.

The nature of pain in diseases of the spinal muscles and spine

If the problem is related to the spine, then the pain is often localized in the middle of the lower back and radiates to lower limbs. It can be sharp or pulling, sometimes so intense that it is impossible to straighten your back. The main signs indicating pain caused by damage to the back muscles and the spine itself include:

  • the occurrence of discomfort when lifting heavy objects or excessive loads on the lower back (prolonged standing in one place, long walking);
  • the appearance of a pain attack during various movements of the body;
  • the formation of sharp pain that can temporarily immobilize a person.

It is worth noting that back discomfort caused by spinal pathology is not accompanied by an increase in temperature. An exception is acute radiculitis or its advanced stage, when the swelling and inflammation in the affected area are quite large.

The pain syndrome increases with radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Mobility in the lumbar region decreases due to muscle spasm. The intensity of pain decreases after the use of warming and anti-inflammatory drugs and ointments. Wearing a special orthopedic belt also helps.

Symptoms of kidney disease

How do you know if it’s your kidneys that hurt and not your lower back? This question is relevant for most people with a similar problem. To determine what hurts, you need to know the symptoms of kidney pathologies. The most common diseases that can cause discomfort in the lumbar area are pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis.

Due to urolithiasis, the back in the area of ​​the kidneys may also hurt. Most often, this disease manifests itself as acute paroxysmal pain, called renal colic.

First of all, you should find out where the discomfort is felt. The kidneys are located above the lumbar region, so the left or right side may hurt, but closer to the top point. The following symptoms will help you recognize the disease:

  • The first characteristic sign of the development of the disease is swelling. In the morning, swelling of the face, eyes, and legs is observed. Such symptoms indicate the occurrence of pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.
  • Back pain in the kidney area. Often there is discomfort in the pubic area and upper thigh.
  • If urination is impaired, pain in the kidneys, lack of urine, or, on the contrary, frequent urination are noted. All these symptoms indicate the development of pollakiuria, anuria, and oliguria.
  • There is blood in the urine. This phenomenon is explained by the presence of urolithiasis, neoplasms and inflammatory processes.

Kidney pathologies are characterized by deterioration of health, increased fatigue, general weakness, malaise, drowsiness, excessive sweating and lack of appetite.

Often a person has a prolonged low-grade fever, and the temperature can rise to higher numbers.

A diseased organ is unable to function fully and normally, resulting in the accumulation of toxins in the body, leading to intoxication and inflammatory processes.

The nature of the pain syndrome with kidney anomalies

The classic symptom of kidney pathologies is painful sensations, localized in the right or left hypochondrium. The nature of the pain syndrome is usually constant and aching, radiating to the groin area and lower abdomen. Sometimes patients feel discomfort on the outer thighs.

Similar symptoms are detected with inflammation of the kidneys, as they swell and increase in volume. The renal membrane stretches, containing many nerve endings. Their irritation leads to the formation of discomfort in the back in the kidney area. The described symptoms are characteristic of pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. In the presence of these anomalies, the pain is not pronounced, unlike diseases of the spine.

There are options when nagging pain in the kidney area is accompanied by the appearance of sharp acute attacks. This is explained by partial or complete blockage of the urinary tract. Sharp pain causes the movement of stones with sharp edges along the ureter. This manifestation cannot be confused with other diseases.

Many patients do not know what to do if their back hurts in the kidney area, and quite often they begin self-medication, which is strictly prohibited. Treatment of the disease should be carried out exclusively by a doctor.

However, you should follow some rules to help relieve symptoms:

  • provide plenty of fluids;
  • include fruit drinks in your daily diet;
  • give up alcohol;
  • reduce physical activity, avoid sudden movements.

Main differences

It is quite difficult for most people to determine whether the cause of lower back pain is the kidneys or whether it is a sign of another disease. A clear confirmation of the formation of renal tissue pathology is a change in urine. There is a cloudiness of the secreted liquid, it takes on a dark tea color, and there is an admixture of blood and mucus.

Body temperature will also help determine what exactly is hurting the kidneys or lower back. If there is discomfort in the back, there is no increase in temperature. And kidney diseases are accompanied by high fever.

Another important difference in symptoms is the occurrence of pain in the lumbar region, regardless of the position of the body and movement. And sudden attacks in the back area are provoked precisely because of body movements and changes in postures.

When answering the question: what hurts in the kidney or back, how to determine the source of discomfort, you need to pay attention to the location of the attack. Pain caused by kidney disease often occurs due to inflammation of the organ.

If the discomfort spreads to the legs, and at the same time the peak of pain is concentrated in the center of the lower back, it means that the spine is affected.

The listed signs and their differences help to roughly determine where the source of pain is located. However, it is impossible to independently determine the exact localization of discomfort. Therefore, only a specialist can find the true cause of the ailment.

The main thing is to seek medical help in time, before the disease begins to progress. Indeed, at an early stage, perhaps the most effective treatment diseases. Timely therapy will avoid serious complications, and as quickly as possible.

Hello to all blog readers! How to distinguish radiculitis from kidney pain is a question that concerns many people. I really want to answer it quickly, but will the answer be correct? Of course, this condition can be attributed, and most often it is associated with complications of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, but kidney pathology is no exception, up to 6%, which has the same symptoms. Other somatic diseases, few people care, although they also cannot be excluded from the -4% statistics. So, in order not to get into a situation where everything is neglected and the treatment was incorrect, let’s look at the difference between these diseases.

Radiculitis is a disease of the spinal nerve roots. The reason for the pain is pathological changes spine (osteochondrosis), excessive physical stress on the spine, heavy lifting, sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress. How to choose the right mattress is described

Lumbar radiculitis is the most common, due to the heavy load on the lumbosacral spine. How does your back hurt with radiculitis?

  • the nature of the pain is sharp, intense, shooting, pulling;
  • the appearance of symptoms is associated with physical activity, sleeping in an uncomfortable position;
  • temporary or permanent;
  • localized in the lumbosacral region, radiating to the lower extremities, often located in the center, rarely unilateral;
  • intensifies with movement, turns and tilts of the body;
  • muscle spasm and swelling at the site of infringement limits mobility, determined by palpation;
  • relief when rubbing in pain-relieving anti-inflammatory ointments and gels, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), wearing an orthopedic or warming belt, at rest.

A person familiar with spinal pathologies knows exactly how radiculitis hurts and where it goes. In the same way, renal colic cannot be confused with anything if you have experienced it yourself. Treatment for any problem can be shortened if the diagnosis is made correctly and on time.

How do your kidneys hurt?

With nephritis, or with the manifestation of urolithiasis - renal colic, back pain is observed.

  1. Localization of nephritis is usually one-sided (right or left), with irradiation to the groin, to the side of the abdomen, along the ureter, to the external genitalia and to the inner surface of the thigh from the side of the affected kidney.
  2. Renal colic gives acute, unbearable pain, with nephritis the pain is dull, aching, and at first experience it is difficult to distinguish it from radiculitis.
  3. Antispasmodics provide relief from colic; NSAIDs and pain-relieving ointments that help with radiculitis do not work. Warming the back, which helps with spinal disease, can aggravate nephritis.
  4. Positive Pasternatsky symptom - when tapping with the edge of the palm below the ribs in the area of ​​the affected organ, pain is noted.

Causes of back pain due to kidney pathology

In case of urolithiasis, manifested by renal colic, acute, unbearable pain is associated with the movement of sand or stone through the urinary tract. The calculus injures the mucous membrane and irritates the nerve receptors of the urinary canal and partially or completely clogs it. In this case, the outflow of urine is disrupted, the ureters spasm, and peristalsis increases.

With nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), the pain picture is different. As a result of inflammation, the kidney swells and increases in size, which stretches kidney capsule and irritates nerve receptors. The nature of the pain is dull, aching, on the right or left side of the lower back. Warming procedures for pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis can significantly complicate the process.

Symptoms of kidney disease

In addition to the manifestation of pain symptoms, kidney diseases show additional clinical signs:

  • violation general condition, fatigue, weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache;
  • increase in temperature from low-grade to high numbers, chills, sweating;
  • pressure surges;
  • swelling of the face and legs in the morning;
  • disturbance of urination (rare, small volumes, frequent, painful), change in the quality of urine (cloudy, rich color, mixed with mucus and blood);
  • a state of rest does not bring relief.

Kidney disease, as a rule, occurs some time after hypothermia or recent viral or bacterial infections (ARVI, influenza, or tonsillitis).

Diagnostics, how to distinguish radiculitis from kidney pain

At a doctor's appointment, there may be enough data to make a correct diagnosis, but if there is any doubt, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination.

When a diagnosis related to renal pathology is made, the range of tests will be expanded.

Treatment of lumbar radiculitis at home can be justified and understandable, especially if a person has already encountered more than once and is sure that back pain is caused by pinched nerve endings.
The most dangerous thing is improper self-medication, which can lead to serious complications. No need to guess, trust your health to specialists.

This is where I end the article. Until new publications!

When pain appears in the lower back, it can be difficult to understand what is bothering you - the lower back itself or the kidneys.

It turns out that spinal diseases take the lead in such manifestations - about 90% of cases. Kidney diseases account for only 6% of cases, and the remaining 4% are due to problems with other organs. But still - how to determine what hurts, the lower back or the kidneys?

Of course, there is no need to wait until the disease manifests itself in full force, and if you experience discomfort in your back, it is better to rush to the doctor.

Self-medication is very dangerous: ignorance of the true essence of the problem leads to incorrect actions and further deterioration of well-being. Many procedures and even medicines may be contraindicated and, at best, simply will not have any effect.

Main differences

You can find out the cause of pain by a number of characteristic symptoms. You can get an idea of ​​your health even before visiting a doctor, where you will receive a more thorough, professional diagnosis.

For diseases of the spine (, and others):

  • discomfort occurs in the back after: being in an uncomfortable position for a long time, lifting heavy objects, sudden movement or any unusual effort;
  • pain: pulling//shooting, localized in the middle of the lower back, sometimes in the legs;
  • difficult to move due to increased pain;
  • muscles are in spasm.

With such symptoms, special ointments and gels that have an anti-inflammatory, irritating, warming effect help. Acute manifestations usually gradually subside if you lie still, wrapped in a warm blanket or woolen scarf.

For kidney problems (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis), the symptoms are as follows:

  • pain after hypothermia / approximately two weeks after colds/infectious diseases;
  • change in the nature of urination - painful/frequent;
  • change in the quality and color of urine - colorless/bright; contains mucus, blood or something resembling sediment;
  • headache (due to high blood pressure);
  • fever, sweating, or chills;
  • morning swelling on the legs and face, disappearing in the evening;
  • weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • , vomit.

Important signs that allow you to distinguish renal pathology from problems with the spine are the nature of the pain:

  • paroxysmal, (with renal colic) or dull, weak (with inflammation);
  • relatively constant, its intensity does not depend in any way on the position of the body;
  • sensations, as a rule, are one-sided, localized not in the center of the back, but to the right or left of the spine, below the ribs;
  • radiates to the sides of the abdomen, the inner thighs or the external genitalia.

Warming the lower back in case of kidney disease is unacceptable! Until you are sure of your diagnosis, do not use warming ointments, heating pads, or other similar treatments.

Directions and features of diagnostics

After interviewing the patient, the doctor begins the examination. A simple technique that allows you to understand whether the patient may be hurting, the kidneys or the lower back, is tapping the back with the edge of the palm. Dull pain in this area indicates a kidney problem.

  • / magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar region (allows you to see degenerative changes in the spine, if any);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, abdominal cavity(determines the condition of organs, their possible increase in size, the presence of concretions, i.e. stones);
  • general blood test (as a rule, it does not show changes in the blood in case of spinal disease, but shows an increase in ESR, anemia or leukocytosis in case of kidney problems);
  • general urinalysis (in case of renal disease, it shows a change in the relative density of urine, high salt content, bacteriuria, hematuria, leukocyturia).

There are some features of diagnosing the cause of pain based on gender. If you suspect a pathology of the genital area, you must contact the appropriate specialists - a gynecologist, urologist-andrologist, undergo an examination and take tests.

Let's look at what diseases may be associated with lower back pain in women:

  • pregnancy - especially when the load increases around the fifth month, pain is dangerous if accompanied by unusual discharge (which may indicate abruption or rupture of the placenta);
  • gynecological diseases - painful sensations in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region on one or both sides, in combination with problems of the menstrual cycle and intimate sphere;
  • menopause - unpleasant sensations are associated with poor circulation in the pelvic organs.

Lower back pain in men can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • features of professional activity - difficult conditions, for example, cold;
  • prostatitis - in combination with unpleasant sensations in the anus, as well as weakness, weakness, fever;
  • epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis) - in combination with fever, groin pain, swelling of the scrotum.

Pathologies may be common for patients of both sexes gastrointestinal tract, adhesions after abdominal surgery, infections, muscle inflammation (), different kinds tumors and even obesity of the last (IV) degree.

In any case, no matter what happens, contacting a doctor is urgent. It is especially important to carry out differential diagnosis in order to understand the causes of deterioration in health. The situation can be very serious - so start treatment as quickly as possible.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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The human body is a rather complex system of interaction. internal organs, interconnected by muscle, articular and bone tissues, dotted with numerous venous and vascular structures. In the process of life, they are actively exploited, wearing out over the years, which transmits a message to the brain nervous system through pain. It is not always possible to accurately recognize the localization of pathological changes by palpation of the painful area. For example, if your lower back begins to hurt, it is impossible to accurately determine whether your back or kidneys hurt, relying solely on intuition.

Back pain in the kidney area can be associated with two factors:

In the first case, the following violations are typical:

  • manifestation of neurological signs of osteochondrosis;
  • the initial stage of the formation of intervertebral hernia;
  • shift of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc with rupture of the fibrous ring;
  • inflammatory processes that limit the mobility of the spinal column;
  • violation of the integrity of the bone tissue of the vertebrae;
  • displacement of the vertebrae with curvature of the spinal column.

In the second case, back pain in the kidney area can be provoked by the following conditions:

  • vertebral tumors;
  • increased bone fragility due to calcium deficiency;
  • inflammation of the bone tissue of the spine caused by infectious diseases (tuberculosis, brucellosis);
  • symmetrical inflammation of peripheral joints;
  • insufficient mineralization of the bone tissue of the spine (softening of the bones);
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • pathology of the trophic function of the spinal cord;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • nephrotic diseases.

If sharp pain develops in the lower back on any side, most often this may indicate kidney disease.

How to determine what hurts?

If sharp back pain occurs in the area where the kidneys are located on the left side, it can be assumed that the following pathologies are the causes:

  1. Secondary development of urolithiasis with the discharge of sand, salt or stones through the excretory ducts of the kidneys to the bladder. Characteristic symptom- cloudy urine with blood.
  2. Back pain on the left side may be caused by renal colic (it goes away a few days after the patient is on a salt-free diet).

If there is a tumor in the spine, the pain may increase due to the pressure of the tumor on the internal organs.

If the right side of the hypochondrium area of ​​the back hurts, the following disorders may be the causes:

  1. Inflammation of the kidneys after a person has been exposed to the cold for a long time can provoke severe pain.
  2. Urolithiasis has the same symptoms on the right side as with left-sided passage of sand or kidney stones.
  3. Malignant neoplasm (the cause is also characteristic of the left lobe).
  4. Persistent progressive expansion of the renal pelvis and calyces, caused by pathological discharge of urine.
  5. Tumor formations of the genitourinary system (fibroids, leukomas, fibromas, etc.).

Some diseases can cause discomfort in the subcostal area. People suffering from these ailments are considered to be at risk and should carefully monitor their health.

These include:

  • diabetics;
  • patients with infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pregnant women;
  • people genetically predisposed to kidney disease;
  • patients with low immunity levels;
  • patients who have previously suffered trauma and surgical interventions to internal organs;
  • alcoholics and drug addicts.

Why does my back hurt in the kidney area?

Pain in the renal area can be of various types. They can be expressed by various sensations that can characterize different pathologies.

Acute pain:

  • often occurs with deformation of the lumbosacral region and in the presence of herniated intervertebral discs;
  • sprains and dislocations of the vertebrae, as well as hypothermia.

Concomitant acute pain symptoms signs may include nausea, vomiting, hyperthermia, weakness, and fever.

Chronic pain (if your back is strained) indicates:

  • benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • acute infectious diseases with purulent lesions of bone structures;
  • proliferation of bone tissue of the vertebrae due to wear and tear with characteristic deformation of the joints.

Pain in the kidneys or back is characterized by the following sensations:

  • pulling - indicates the initial stage of development of nephropathy, can be caused by excessive physical activity, prolonged exposure to the cold or injuries to the spinal column;
  • aching - indicates the presence of inflammation, exacerbation of a kidney or urological disease;
  • dull - informs about pathological changes in the spine or urine, appears during the patient’s physical activity;
  • pulsating, accompanied by hyperthermia, lethargy, fever and vomiting indicates the development of pyelonephritis.

How to determine if your kidneys or back hurt

Many people do not know how to recognize whether their kidneys or back hurt. Pain syndrome cannot arise just like that; it must be provoked by some disturbance caused by mechanical damage, infection in an organ, or hypothermia.

If your back hurts in the hypochondrium area, it can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle or sudden heavy lifting. To identify the source of damage, it is necessary to accurately determine the location of the discomfort. Since the kidneys are located above the lower back, both sides can hurt, but closer to the top.

The following symptoms will help identify kidney pain:

  1. Edema is the first sign of pathologies in the kidney. Most often, swelling occurs in the morning and is localized on the face in the eye area, as well as on the legs.
  2. Pain in the back area on the right and left side, as well as discomfort in the pubic area and upper thigh area.
  3. Urine becomes cloudy with bloody spots.
  4. Disturbance of the urinary system (frequent urination).

How to distinguish pain in the kidneys from pain in the spine?

There are special diagnostic studies, helping to establish an accurate diagnosis.

How to check whether your kidneys hurt or not:

  1. X-ray of the lumbar region (if the patient has radiculitis or osteochondrosis, pathological changes in the internal organs are detected using X-rays).
  2. General analysis blood (if there are disorders of the bone tissue of the spinal column, special deviations from the norm are not visible in blood tests, unlike nephrotic pathologies).
  3. General urine analysis (changes in urine density, destabilization of salt balance, the presence of microorganisms in the urine and an increased content of leukocytes indicate the presence of nephropathy).
  4. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and peritoneum (enlargement of organs and disturbances in the properties of urine indicate renal disease).


Answering the question of what to do if your back hurts in the kidney area, we can recommend that you first undergo a diagnostic examination, which will reveal the true cause of the discomfort, allow doctors to establish a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

If the cause of pain lies in the kidneys, great attention must be paid proper nutrition, namely:

  • reduce salt and liquid intake;
  • minimize the consumption of foods high in phosphorus and potassium.

If the diagnosis shows inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed medications. For urolithiasis, painkillers, anabolic steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

When diagnosing disorders in the spine, ointments with an irritating effect, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Physiotherapeutic procedures, massages and warming are also used.

In order to accurately determine which disorder is troubling you, if any discomfort occurs, you must immediately obtain medical advice. Timely detection of any disease or its complications contributes to the speedy administration of treatment and relief from unpleasant sensations.

People who experience back pain may not immediately understand the cause. They take a heating pad, but if it’s kidneys, this is not recommended. It is important to understand that without an accurate diagnosis, warming cannot be done, since in the case of an inflammatory disease this can lead to complications.

Not everyone knows where the kidneys hurt. How can you tell if your kidney is hurting? To do this, you need to know the anatomy of the body, then it will be easy to recognize the symptoms.

How can you understand that it is your kidneys that are hurting? That painful phenomena in the lower back are not osteochondrosis or a manifestation of signs of appendicitis?

To understand whether the kidneys and not another organ are hurting, it is important to listen to your body to determine the location of the pain.

They manifest themselves in various diseases various symptoms. Back pain occurs due to diseases such as osteochondrosis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis, pelvic inflammation, and stomach ulcers.

You can determine whether your kidneys or back hurt by certain symptoms. The fact that it is the kidneys that hurt will only be confirmed by the doctor’s final diagnosis.

How can you check if a person's discomfort is a sign of kidney disease? The pain is often not felt in the kidney area. To find out whether your kidneys or lower back hurt, you need to pay attention to other symptoms. If you have:

  • pallor and swelling of the face;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • ammonia odor from the mouth;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • pain when urinating,
  • this indicates a violation of the kidneys.

Kidney diseases often begin with minor sensations in the bladder. Further, the process of urination becomes painful, burning and stinging appears. There may be a constant urge to go to the toilet and urinary incontinence.

Since the kidneys cannot cope with their function, the urine becomes cloudy, sand appears in it, and stained with blood.

Pain in the lower back in the center indicates a disorder in the spine. With scoliosis and osteochondrosis, discomfort occurs in certain areas of the back, namely in the upper part.

The cause of problems with the spine in the lower back may lie in radiculitis. There may be nagging or shooting pains radiating to the buttock and thigh. When discs are displaced or spina bifida, sensations appear in the central part of the lower back.

With pancreatitis, girdle pain occurs, radiating to left side back, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. In the right hypochondrium and in the back, pain appears when cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. General malaise is accompanied by nausea, yellowing of the face, and the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Provoking factors for the appearance of kidney diseases can be hypothermia, infectious diseases, a complication after a sore throat.

Additional causes of back pain are muscle strains after heavy physical labor. Anatomical structure kidney disease is such that the right kidney is most often affected by the disease. The organ is located above the lower back.

Pain occurs after pressing right rib. Right-sided colic appears. Vision deteriorates, skin rash is possible. There is an ammonia smell from the mouth.

Only a doctor can make a final diagnosis, since these may be symptoms of damage to other organs, such as the spleen, ureter.

Analyze your condition. Unpleasant pain in the back can be a manifestation of hypothermia. Pain syndrome can be a consequence of poisoning with alcohol, salts of heavy metals, a manifestation of cancer, or an autoimmune disease.

Professional drivers will experience lower back pain, which most often has nothing to do with the kidneys. Due to prolonged sitting, blood stagnates in the lower spine and a pinched nerve occurs. Gymnastics, massage, walking can correct the situation.

Distinctive signs of kidney diseases

How to distinguish kidney pain from other pains? With kidney disease, painful phenomena appear under the ribs on the right or left side.

When your kidneys hurt, you experience constant aching pain that radiates to the groin area or lower abdomen. There may be discomfort on the outside of the ribs. Kidney pain is characterized by acute attacks.

Kidney disease can be determined by where it goes.

When the pelvis is inflamed, a nagging pain is observed on the affected side. If there is severe pain on the left side, this indicates a disease of the left kidney. With pyelonephritis, the temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear. The face is very swollen in the morning. There may be a change in taste sensations.

The right kidney causes discomfort on the right side, which is why its disease is sometimes confused with appendicitis.

Kidney disease can be determined by the way it hurts.

How to determine if there are signs of kidney pain? Associated symptoms are:

  • the appearance of edema;
  • high pressure;
  • lethargy;

The appearance of edema signals a disruption in the functioning of the main detoxifying organ, as it is responsible for removing excess fluid from the body. Painful attacks that recur periodically indicate kidney pathology.

Kidney stones cause unbearable pain, which intensifies with changes in body position. Urolithiasis is accompanied by a burning sensation and bleeding when urinating.

Prolapse of the kidney - nephroptosis - is characterized by periodic pulling sensations, discomfort when urinating, and stagnation of urine.

A dull ache sensation may be a symptom of kidney failure.

Infectious kidney disease glomerulonephritis does not have obvious symptoms; an admixture of blood is detected in the urine.

Pregnant women should monitor the condition of their kidneys. Since characteristic back pain is present during this period, it is important not to lose sight of such symptoms as: increased pressure, pain in the lower back, pain when urinating, a feeling of an incompletely emptied bladder.

Possible increase in temperature. Only timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid complications.

Painful sensations can be a consequence of spondylolisthesis, vertebral hernia, or a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, an orthopedic belt and anti-inflammatory ointments are effective.

Other signs of kidney disease

How do you know if your kidneys hurt? Symptoms of intoxication will indicate kidney disease. Kidney disease is indicated by fever, headache, elevated temperature body, swelling on the face, especially in the morning, increased blood pressure, 12th rib syndrome, when when you tap on the rib, increased pain is observed, and thirst appears. discomfort when urinating.

Vision may deteriorate and appetite may disappear. The fact that the kidneys are not in order is indicated by a decrease in the amount of urine produced.

Pain occurs as a result of glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis. Severe colic may indicate urolithiasis.

Recognizable characteristic features, which cannot be confused with anything, are constant aching pain, worse at night.

The appearance of painful processes can be caused by dysfunction of the renal pelvis. The main purpose of the kidneys is to remove toxins from the body.

When activity is disrupted, intoxication of the body occurs, which causes malaise and weakness. If you suspect cancer the patient is sent for additional examination to an oncologist.


WITH kidney diseases contact a urologist. Diagnostic methods include interviewing and examining the patient. Pay attention to the patient's complaints to determine kidney disease.

An external examination of the face, body, and legs is performed. The doctor palpates the kidneys. This makes it possible to obtain a preliminary picture of the disease. For an accurate diagnosis, a urine test is done.

Urine tests for kidney diseases show the level of protein content and the number of red blood cells.

The patient is sent for a general and biochemical blood test. A general analysis allows you to find out the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and protein content in the blood, since when inflammatory diseases an increase in ESR is observed.

By using biochemical analysis establish the level of creatinine and urea concentration. To determine the type of bacterial pathogen, the antistreptolysin content is checked.

If necessary, the patient is referred for an ultrasound examination to determine the size of the kidney. Examination of the kidney using ultrasound helps determine its size and the thickness of the walls of the pelvis. In this way, urolithiasis is also detected.

What can you do about kidney disease?

The appearance of unpleasant sensations in the lower back should alert you and force you to listen to your body.

First you need to try to change your daily routine, diet, and drink more fluids. Salty, smoked, fatty foods, alcohol should be excluded from the diet, and chocolate consumption should be reduced. In the summer, be sure to include watermelon in the menu, as it helps remove fluid from the body and normalize metabolism.

In case of pain it is necessary to limit physical exercise. It should be remembered as an axiom: do not self-medicate, since without a clear diagnosis you can aggravate the course of the disease; advanced diseases are more difficult to treat. Some diseases require timely surgical intervention.

Oncological lesions of the renal pelvis are asymptomatic. Only in the later stages do signs appear, when metastases begin to spread throughout the body.

The pain is more widespread, causing pain in other organs. In order to detect the disease in time, you need to consult a doctor more often, especially if there is an increase in blood pressure. This may be one of the signs of kidney dysfunction.

To treat kidney pathology, a visit to the doctor is required. Only timely diagnosis and treatment will help restore health.

Colic that occurs should not be treated independently; this can lead to blockage of the urinary tract. As a result of the study, the doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

You should not treat pain yourself, as you first need to know the cause. Many people try to warm up the sore spot, which is not recommended for infectious and inflammatory diseases.

To prevent kidney diseases from bothering you, try to avoid hypothermia, drink natural drinks, and avoid spicy, fatty, and salty foods. Avoid dehydration, as this can lead to irreversible consequences.

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