Is short-term use of duphaston harmful? Reasons why the drug is prescribed

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Duphaston is quite famous hormonal drug. Unfortunately, last years, some inexplicable craving of gynecologists for this drug appeared. It is prescribed for maintaining pregnancy, and when planning a pregnancy, and with uterine bleeding, and in the absence of menstruation. And this is not the whole list! At the same time, they are convinced that side effects can not be afraid. I also had to take this drug, I will tell about this experience in the review.


The box is pleasant to look at, all so girly, in white and pink shades

duphaston packaging

side of the package

reverse side of the package

The package indicates the main component of dufaston, dydrogesterone, an analogue of natural progesterone.
The tablets are packed in a blister. There are 20 of them in a blister. Tablets are white, small in size.

Instructions for the drug in the photo

instruction start

instruction continued

The instructions contain the composition, indications for use, methods of administration, contraindications and other information.

My experience with duphaston

I was prescribed these pills for a threatened miscarriage for early dates. They told me to take 4 tablets a day. Each case is individual, and it is up to the doctor to select the dosage. The only thing worth paying attention to is that duphaston must be taken strictly at regular intervals! This is necessary in order to maintain the same concentration of the hormone progesterone, jumps in this hormone during pregnancy can adversely affect its course. It should be phased out gradually. The doctor has to write the drug withdrawal scheme himself, but for some reason they sometimes omit this point. Abrupt withdrawal of duphaston during pregnancy can be dangerous and lead to a threatened miscarriage or even miscarriage. Usually the dose is reduced by half a tablet every 3-4 days.

This hormonal drug is often prescribed without tests, especially for pregnant women, as if just in case. But this is an analogue of the hormone progesterone, and it will help maintain pregnancy if the body produces little of its own progesterone. Therefore, in order not to stuff yourself with extra pills, especially hormonal ones, before you start taking duphaston and its analogues, you need to take an analysis for progesterone, and based on its results, see if there is a progesterone deficiency and whether synthetic progesterone is really necessary.
Dufaston helped me to keep my pregnancy early (alas, it all ended badly anyway - a late miscarriage.)

Side effects

Side effects of duphaston

In my case, no side effects were observed when taking duphaston, except for an increase in toxicosis. Fortunately, I did not have weight gain, edema, or skin rashes from it. There were also no side effects after the abolition of duphaston.

Can duphaston be harmful?

I read the opinion of some doctors that taking duphaston during pregnancy can increase the risk of missed pregnancy, as it “clogs” the work of its corpus luteum, which not only produces progesterone, but also maintains an increased basal body temperature body for the normal development of pregnancy. To be honest, I cannot refute or confirm this theory, the real doctors (gynecologists and endocrinologists) with whom I had to communicate do not support this point of view.

It is also necessary to remember that this drug is allowed to be taken only up to the 20th week of pregnancy, and then, if indicated, they switch to its analogues.

And another point of contention. When prescribing dufaston to establish a cycle, gynecologists usually prescribe it from the 16th day of the cycle. Those. with an average cycle of 28 days, it turns out that it is prescribed just after ovulation has occurred to maintain the luteal phase of the cycle. But! How often have you met women who have a cycle of exactly 28 days? Do you belong to this category of lucky ones? If not, then you should start drinking any synthetic progesterone after confirmed ovulation, preferably with an ultrasound (this is the only reliable way), as a last resort, with the help of ovulation tests. Otherwise, you can slow down and extinguish your ovulation from cycle to cycle. Although, again, the opinions of doctors on this topic differ, some convince that duphaston does not suppress their own ovulation.

An interesting fact is that such drugs are not as popular abroad as we are. In some countries they are not used at all, in others only in the case of a proven low level of progesterone itself.
Duphaston is not such a harmless drug as it seems at first glance. These are not vitamins at all, so I can recommend this drug only on the prescription of a doctor and a preliminary blood test for progesterone!

The benefits and harms of duphaston

Dufaston when planning pregnancy: why and is there any harm?

90% of women today have health problems, in most cases they are associated with the genitourinary system. Therefore, more and more often they face obstacles on the way to motherhood.

One of the causes of infertility is hormonal background including a lack of progesterone. Fortunately, taking Duphaston tablets when planning a pregnancy helps to solve this problem.

It has almost no side effects and not only can, but is actively used until the 20th week of pregnancy. This is due to its selective action on the endometrium of the uterus, and not on the entire body.

Now pregnancy against the background of Duphaston is not uncommon, since it is a reliable drug that has been used for over 30 years. He is trusted by obstetricians and gynecologists and is actively used in many women's diseases.

By the way, pregnancy after Duphaston should be accompanied by its intake until the 20th week and a further gradual decrease in the dose. It is absolutely harmless to the baby and mother.

Doctors recommend Dufaston when planning pregnancy to drink 10 mg 2 times daily from day 11 to day 25 of the cycle. The intake regimen can be clarified by the gynecologist if it is irregular. Usually the duration of the course is 6 cycles.

In addition, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature. If its decrease does not occur, then you should continue taking the pills after the 25th day and, with a delay in menstruation, perform a pregnancy test, since conception may have occurred.

Today, Duphaston is the world's No. 1 drug for the treatment of infertility and the preservation of pregnancy. It is actively used for threatened and habitual miscarriages, which are caused by a lack of progesterone.

Dufaston is also successfully used for endometriosis, painful periods, secondary amenorrhea, irregular cycle, uterine bleeding. However, only a doctor should prescribe the drug, determine the dosage and treatment regimen. Since Duphaston is used differently when planning pregnancy than in the treatment of female diseases and threatened miscarriage.

In addition, one should not forget about the contraindications that the drug still has. These are individual intolerance to components, diseases of the cardiovascular system, migraine, renal failure, epilepsy, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes.

Side effects are extremely rare. However, in some cases, uterine bleeding may occur, which can be avoided and stopped by increasing the dose of the drug. Very rarely, hemolytic anemia, peripheral edema, urticaria, Quincke's edema, itching, skin rash, liver problems occur.

Taking Duphaston tablets when planning a pregnancy is also necessary for habitual abortion. The scheme is the same as for infertility. Usually they start with 10 mg of the drug, however, the optimal dose and duration of the course can be selected based on the results of vaginal cytology, since the drug has an effect on the vaginal epithelium.

If symptoms of a threatened miscarriage appear, treatment is continued according to the scheme recommended for this condition. A single dose of 40 mg of Duphaston, and then after 8 hours on a tablet. The dose is doubled at the next dose if symptoms persist. After their disappearance, the effective dose should be applied for another week, and then gradually reduced. If symptoms occur, treatment should be restarted.

Thus, Duphaston is an effective and safe remedy. Treatment with them before conception and 40 weeks after it is necessary for infertility and habitual abortion arising from a lack of progesterone. This allows you to endure and give birth to a healthy baby, even for a woman who has serious problems with a hormonal background.

Duphaston during pregnancy

Nowadays, very often you can face the problem that the fair sex cannot endure pregnancy the first time.

There are many reasons for this, but the most common is a disruption in the hormonal system, so many women with such a problem are interested in how to take Duphaston during pregnancy and whether it can harm.

It is worth saying that there is a double opinion about the use of this drug: some experts say that it is completely safe, while others try not to prescribe it to their patients without a good reason.

This hormonal remedy has been used for a long time, and even its analogue, Utrozhestan, was produced.

As for the appointment of the drug, it will become useful in such cases:

  • miscarriage prevention;
  • infertility;
  • climacteric disorders;
  • mastopathy;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis.

Many pregnant girls are interested in how Duphaston differs from Utrozhestan during an interesting situation. It is worth saying that there is only one small difference between them - this is a hormone.

In the first preparation, it is synthetic, and in the second, it is natural. As far as which one is the best, these two hormonal remedies are very popular among doctors in cases where a woman cannot become pregnant or bear a fetus.

Duphaston is a hormonal pill that matches progesterone. It is this female hormone that is responsible for the reproductive function in the body.

As for the composition of the drug, it includes a synthetic hormone in the form of coated tablets.

What role do hormones play in a woman's body? At the time when menstruation should come, progesterone begins to prepare the female genital organs for a possible pregnancy.

In addition, among its other functions, moisture retention and the creation of a loose uterine membrane are distinguished. With the help of retained fluid, the lining of the uterus becomes thicker, allowing the baby to be carried.

If in female body If the proper amount of progesterone is not produced, the cervix and mucous membrane relax, which leads to fetal incontinence. As a result of this, the death of the baby occurs.

If you take Duphaston on time, then you can normalize the production female hormone and put your pregnancy in order. In order for the use of Duphaston during pregnancy not to cause harm, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the rules for its use.

Benefit or harm?

Among specialists different countries disputes about the use of this medication during the interesting position of a woman do not stop.

Some are of the opinion that the hormonal drug is completely safe for both future mother as well as for the baby. As for others, they are in favor of stopping the appointment of Duphaston during the period of gestation.

About eight years ago, British experts forbade pregnant women to use the drug, as its components are of synthetic origin.

If you pay attention to the opinion of Russian doctors, they argue that Duphaston does not pose any threat during early pregnancy.

Moreover, the instructions do not contain information that this hormonal agent can cause any harm to the baby or the expectant mother.

In turn, the Duphaston instruction during pregnancy states that the drug can be taken under the supervision of a gynecologist until the twentieth week, and then it is gradually canceled.

In the event that a woman takes Duphaston according to the doctor's prescription, and before that her hormonal levels were tested, then the medication is completely safe.

If you trust the reviews of pregnant women who were prescribed this remedy, then it comes from them that the body tolerates this hormonal drug quite easily, and it does not have a negative effect on the baby.

It is dangerous to use the medication on your own, without the appointment of a gynecologist. Since it must be consumed in exact dosages, non-compliance with them can lead to sad consequences.

Special attention it is worth paying attention to the use of Duphaston when planning pregnancy, since before prescribing the desired dosage, the doctor checks the woman's basal temperature, conducts a hormone test.

Moreover, when planning a child, the pills should be taken based on the woman's ovulation, since if this rule is not followed, the consequence may be that the drug will act as a contraceptive.

In what cases is the use of Duphaston dangerous?

Usually, this hormonal drug does not negatively affect work. internal organs future mother and child, but there are a number of certain diseases in which it is strictly forbidden to use Duphaston.

Among them are:

  • pathology of the vascular-cardiac system;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • a state of depression;
  • psychical deviations;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Rotor syndrome;
  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome.

In addition, a woman is forbidden to use Duphaston tablets during the period when she is breastfeeding. Also, the instructions do not indicate information about what other medicines this hormonal agent can be used with.

What side effects can a woman expect?

How is it possible to use Duphaston during an interesting position, if he has side effects? Like any other medicine, a synthetic hormone in the form of tablets has some effect on a woman's body.

If a woman has revealed some changes in her state of health while using this drug, then it is worth informing her doctor about this. Some expectant mothers may experience vomiting, severe headaches, and nausea.

As for isolated cases, the body temperature may rise or an allergic reaction will appear. If we talk about the last side effect, then it manifests itself only when a woman has intolerance to one of the components of Duphaston.

Paying attention to statistics, 93 percent of pregnant girls do not experience side effects at all.

Particular attention, on the rules for the use of a hormonal medication, should be paid to those women who have previously taken birth control pills, since the combination of estrogen and progesterone can cause a pathology such as thrombophlebitis.

Very often you can encounter the case when women who are planning to conceive a child refuse to take Duphaston, which was prescribed to them by a specialist.

It is worth saying that it is absolutely impossible to do this, because this synthetic hormone has already helped many women overcome infertility and bear fruit without problems.

But in order for the cherished dream to conceive and endure a baby come true, you need to contact a gynecologist who will study the state of the pregnant woman's body, her hormonal levels, and the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Having passed some tests and received the results, you can be sure that the fairer sex who will take Duphaston will not have allergic reactions. As for synthetic progesterone, it can perfectly save a pregnancy that is undergoing a miscarriage.

The only thing that is required from the expectant mother is strict adherence to the instructions and dosage prescribed by the specialist. As for the period when it is necessary for the expectant mother to refuse to take Duphaston, only a doctor can inform about this.

It is strictly forbidden to stop using hormone pills overnight, as this will negatively affect the development of the embryo, the pregnant woman, and can even cause the death of the baby in the later stages of an interesting situation.

And this happens due to the fact that the amount of the hormone in the body of the expectant mother will sharply decrease, which leads to relaxation of the muscles of the cervix and mucous membrane, and reproductive organ is unable to hold the fetus.

Using Duphaston until the nineteenth gynecological week of pregnancy, the female body will already be able to produce the required amount of the hormone, so the twentieth week of an interesting situation begins precisely with the cessation of this hormonal medication.

It must be added that a favorable course of pregnancy will depend precisely on the observance of all the rules by a woman.


In conclusion, I would like to say that Duphaston, when planning a pregnancy with systematic use, is able to work a miracle and give parents such a long-awaited child.

Usually, it is prescribed during the planning of the baby for about three to six cycles, from days 11 to 25, but this only applies to those women whose menstrual cycle lasts strictly twenty-eight days.

As for the pregnancy that occurred while taking the synthetic hormone, the dosage of the drug does not change, and the fairer sex still needs to take about twenty milligrams of Duphaston, which corresponds to one tablet per day.

As mentioned above, a woman needs to take medication until the 20th week, but in some cases a specialist can cancel it even in the week of an interesting situation.

If the expectant mother is threatened with a miscarriage, then she is prescribed forty milligrams of the drug, and when the pregnancy returns to normal, the dosage is gradually reduced.

In order to clarify exactly what amount of a substance the female body needs, the gynecologist can refer the expectant mother to colpocytology - this is a procedure during which the condition of the epithelium in the uterus is checked.

If a woman has already had her first pregnancy, and during it there was pruritus, then it is worth taking Duphaston with increased caution.

And the thing is that such an uncomfortable feeling appears due to stagnation of bile in the liver, and the amount of bile acids in the woman's blood increases. It is the increase in the hormone estrogen that contributes to this, and if you take Duphaston, then such effects can increase several times.

Every body is different, so hormonal pills able to express themselves in different ways. Listening to such advice, you can bring down the hormonal background and forget about such a long-awaited pregnancy for a long time. And this means that all questions of interest regarding this drug should be asked only to the doctor.

Carrying a baby is the most wonderful period in a woman's life, especially when it happens for the first time in her life. It is necessary to carefully monitor your lifestyle and psychological state, because the creation of optimal conditions for bearing a baby is the key to an easy pregnancy and childbirth.

Dufaston when planning pregnancy

The inability to conceive a child is a sad event in the life of every woman. However, now thanks to modern methods treatment and the latest drugs Almost 90% of women who would have been diagnosed with infertility 30 years ago manage to conceive and bear a healthy baby, such as Duphaston.

According to statistics, about 10% of married couples experience difficulties in conceiving a child. Infertility is diagnosed when a couple has been unable to conceive a child for two years. The causes of infertility can be female and male, and therefore, in this situation, both parties should undergo examinations, and only then Duphaston is prescribed when planning a pregnancy.

The benefits of Duphaston

A common reason for the inability to become pregnant in women is the low production of the hormone progesterone, the insufficiency of which makes it difficult to become pregnant or bear a child. Today, this problem is completely solvable, since there are drugs that can successfully fill the hormonal "gap" in a woman's body and become pregnant.

Medication Duphaston - is an artificially created progesterone and includes dihydrogesterone - a molecule that is close to natural progesterone. Once in the body, the artificial hormone begins to perform the same function as the natural hormone.

It is known that such hormones existed before, but they had a lot of side effects, since they were based on male hormone. Women taking the drug based on the male hormone faced with metabolic disorders and hair growth.

The modern drug Duphaston does not have such side effects and can be taken by women when planning a pregnancy.

What is progesterone?

The hormone necessary for conception and maintenance of pregnancy is produced by the ovaries and, together with estrogen, the hormones affect the uterine mucosa. At the very beginning of the menstrual cycle, the concentration of progesterone is not high compared to estrogen, but after the egg has left the ovary, and a corpus luteum has formed in its place, active production of progesterone begins.

The production of the hormone increases, and progesterone begins to act on the inner layer of the uterus, making it loose so that the egg can successfully attach to the body of the uterus. Therefore, if there is not enough progesterone in the body, then the fertilized egg may not attach to the body of the uterus or, having attached, will not hold on.

Therefore, Duphaston, when planning a pregnancy, successfully increases hormonal levels and contributes to a successful pregnancy.

The appointment of Duphaston

If a woman went to a consultation with complaints about the impossibility of getting pregnant, she is required to undergo a hormonal examination, which will show the progesterone content. The examination is carried out on certain days that fall in the middle of the second phase of the cycle. If the examination shows an insufficient amount of hormones, then Duphaston is prescribed, which helps to get pregnant.

The drug can not be taken on its own, as the regimen is prescribed individually by the doctor. Duphaston is taken for 6 months, but if pregnancy does not occur after that, the doctor conducts an additional examination and changes the treatment tactics.

Duphaston and the onset of pregnancy

After a certain period of taking duphaston, favorable conditions are created in the uterus, and a long-awaited pregnancy may occur. However, never stop taking the drug if a pregnancy test shows positive result. At this stage, the medication most often does not stop, but continues with a vengeance in order to maintain the pregnancy.

After pregnancy, Dufaston is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the uterus in order to reduce its tone. Also, the hormone progesterone is necessary for the formation of the dominant pregnancy and the preparation of the mammary glands.

If pregnancy has come due to taking Duphaston, only the doctor observing you will tell you how to take it further and when you can stop. In order to find out how the pregnancy proceeds, laboratory tests and an ultrasound examination are prescribed. By about half the gestational age, the placenta develops so much that it can produce a hormone on its own and Duphaston is stopped.

When planning pregnancy, Duphaston helps women find the long-awaited happiness of motherhood. The effectiveness and benefits of the drug can be found by reading the forums of women who share their successes and victories.

Duphaston during pregnancy

Duphaston during planning and during pregnancy

Greetings, women and girls, dear future mothers! By nature, it is you who are responsible for bearing, giving birth to a healthy child and procreation. Every woman sooner or later comes to this, dreaming of the birth of a baby.

Only, unfortunately, not all women can fulfill the mission entrusted to them by nature. The reasons are different and the lack of progesterone is one of them.

Let's consider this in more detail. For you to understand, progesterone is a sex hormone that ensures the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the child. Progesterone prevents the tone of the uterus, helps to relax the uterine muscles, and therefore prevents the threat of miscarriage.

In order for progesterone in the female body to be brought back to normal, the drug duphaston is used. Let's see what this drug is, in what cases it is prescribed, and what result can be expected after treatment with duphaston?

Will duphaston help when planning a pregnancy?

We think that there is no need to remind that before taking any drug it is very important to get a consultation from a specialist who will decide whether its use is justified. After all, there is no identically proceeding pregnancy, as well as reactions to the same medicine.

Therefore, it is very important to first take tests and identify the reason that does not allow you to get pregnant, and only then resort to medications. Duphaston is related to hormonal drugs and it is very unreasonable to use it just like that, “just for every fireman”. You can cause great harm to the body, even if it is not immediately noticeable.

Surely you have already looked through the pregnancy forums, read a lot of reviews about duphaston. Indeed, for most women, the drug helps to get pregnant, but whether it will be effective specifically in your case - this can only be said by a doctor after conducting an examination.

Duphaston is a drug containing in its composition an analogue of the hormone progesterone - dydrogesterone.

Duphaston is prescribed in the following cases:

  • With an insufficient amount of natural progesterone in the female body;
  • With an irregular menstrual cycle in women;
  • When there is a history of pregnancies that ended in an unwanted interruption (miscarriages).

If you had this and the examination confirmed progesterone deficiency, then, most likely, duphaston will help correct the situation. It is important to know how to use it correctly and observe its effect on the body.

That is, use the drug only as prescribed by your doctor, in the doses that they recommend. After some time, it is necessary to take tests to track changes in the level of the hormone. It is worth mentioning that treatment with duphaston requires a fairly long time, at least six months.

The main thing is to use the tool correctly. If you are planning a pregnancy, the drug should be used in the second half of the monthly cycle, after ovulation. Taking the drug before ovulation will have the opposite, contraceptive effect.

Duphaston during pregnancy - harm or benefit?

If you become pregnant, in no case should you stop taking duphaston. The drug should be taken for a few more months to avoid the threat of miscarriage. Think for yourself, if you stop the drug, then the level of progesterone will drop sharply, which can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

With regards to the effect on the body of the expectant mother, it should be noted that the drug is well tolerated by women, does not affect the metabolism. Dufaston does not cause side effects, does not harm the developing fetus.

During pregnancy, taking duphaston helps eliminate uterine hypertonicity and reduce its muscle contractions. The drug has positive action on the formation of mucous membranes.

It happens that a woman's body perceives the nascent life as a foreign body and tries with all its might to reject it at the beginning of pregnancy. Dufaston also helps to correct this situation and prevent a possible miscarriage.

Once again, we draw attention to the fact that only a doctor prescribes drugs during pregnancy. At the same time, he must convey to you the expediency of his appointments. You need to know that duphaston has contraindications that should be considered in each case.

As for the safety of duphaston, no one will give a 100% guarantee, because it still has an effect on the natural processes of the female body. But, one way or another, so far no negative consequences have been recorded after its use.

Hormone therapy, determining the level of hormones in the body is an incredibly delicate, complex matter. Before making a decision about taking duphaston, you should think carefully, pass all the necessary tests and preferably in different clinics(for insurance).

May everything work out for you and the long-awaited baby will be born.

In modern gynecological practice, doctors are increasingly resorting to the appointment of various hormonal agents. Problems with female reproductive health can occur against the background of many predisposing factors. Bad habits, chronic stress and malnutrition in some cases lead to menstrual irregularities, spontaneous abortions or infertility.

One of the most effective drugs for hormone replacement therapy is Duphaston. accept given medicine should be strictly medically indicated. Before starting treatment, be sure to ask your doctor what contraindications and side effects of Duphaston may be. It must be remembered that self-medication with any hormonal drug can lead to serious consequences for your health.

The main properties of the drug

The biological effects of the drug are the same as those of one of the most important hormones in the female body - progesterone. The substance dydrogesterone, which is considered the main active ingredient of this drug, is a synthetic analogue of progesterone.

The female body needs progesterone to regulate the second phase of the menstrual cycle, which begins immediately after ovulation.

Also, this hormone plays a major role in preparing the uterus for pregnancy and gestation. Due to the action of progesterone, the mucous membrane lining the uterine cavity becomes more pliable, it forms many small blood vessels necessary for the early nutrition of the fetal egg.

If a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time or has had miscarriages in the past, then one of possible causes such a condition may be a lack of progesterone.

Indications for the appointment of Duphaston are:

  • threatened miscarriage at an early stage (in such cases, any side effects Duphaston may be an indication for discontinuation of the drug);
  • endometriosis;
  • menstrual disorders(description of the scheme for each specific violation in the instructions);
  • infertility in a couple (against the background of progesterone deficiency in a woman);
  • Availability spontaneous abortions in history.

The side effects of Duphaston are not as pronounced as those of other drugs based on natural progesterone. However, the risk of their occurrence still exists, so the gynecologist determines the treatment regimen for Duphaston after a comprehensive examination of the woman.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

Any drug is always characterized by some side effects(you can find them in the instructions). Depending on the clinical situation, side effects may be the reason for discontinuation of treatment and the search for another drug. Preparations, the active substance of which is natural progesterone, in some cases cause such side reactions:
  • headache;
  • psycho-emotional lability;
  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • sleep and appetite disorders.
For Duphaston, the above side effects are uncharacteristic, since the basis of the drug is synthetically obtained dydrogesterone. Among the side effects of the drug, individual hypersensitivity to active substance and the occurrence of "breakthrough" bleeding. Bleeding "breakthrough" is a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the body. With violations of the ratio between estrogen and progesterone, pathological bleeding from the genital tract may occur. In this case, you should immediately contact medical care. You may need to adjust the intake of hormonal drugs. As a rule, Dufaston and its side effects are easily tolerated by patients.

Do not prescribe Duphaston in any doses to women suffering from severe hereditary liver pathologies (Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor syndrome).

Before starting treatment, the patient must pass the necessary tests and undergo comprehensive examination the whole organism. Also an important contraindication is breastfeeding.

The most common myths about the side effects of the drug

Many women are afraid to take hormonal drugs due to the fact that they receive inaccurate information about the effects of the drug on the body. There are many prejudices and myths also around the hormonal drug Duphaston. The most common of them are considered to be an increase in body weight during treatment, a coarsening of the voice, the appearance of excessive hair on the face and body.

Side effects do not depend on the woman's body weight in any way, and taking the drug does not provoke obesity. The drug does not have a masculinizing effect on a woman and is safe to take during pregnancy. The information that Duphaston causes cancer has not been confirmed in any way in the course of scientific and clinical studies.

Unfortunately, not everyone manages to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby on the first try. Sometimes it takes years. Those who want to have children just for the purpose of taking tests and undergoing the necessary examinations line up in huge queues at antenatal clinics and gynecological rooms. Sometimes the problem can be hidden in a banal hormonal imbalance.

It is known that women are subject to certain biocycles. And once a month, approximately on the 13-14th day of the cycle, the ovaries mature and release the egg. It is during this period of time that a woman can become pregnant. The whole process is controlled by the hormone progesterone. In cases where this hormone is not enough, failures in the cycle are possible, and as a result, infertility. When planning a pregnancy, Duphaston can be a real lifesaver.

How does the medicine work?

The drug "Duphaston" is a synthetic analogue of the natural hormone progesterone, which is so necessary for conceiving and bearing a child. The medicine does not affect ovulation and blood clotting, moreover, it can be taken after pregnancy, which is why this drug is so in demand among doctors. "Dufaston" when planning a pregnancy increases the endometrium, thereby contributing to a better fixation of the fetus. On the other hand, infertility is not the only indicator for the use of these pills. Many women have noticed a significant improvement in their health with infertility treatment.

In what cases is Duphaston prescribed?

If the doctor prescribes Duphaston to the patient when planning a pregnancy, then there are direct indications for that. For example, the inability to conceive a child can be triggered by luteal insufficiency or hormonal dysfunction, which can lead to threatened miscarriage or recurrent miscarriages. In addition, judging by medical reviews, when planning a pregnancy, Duphaston is effective if the patient has the following diseases:

  • broken cycle, irregular menstruation;
  • pronounced PMS (bad mood, insomnia, nervous tension);
  • uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea.

When planning a pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed for at least 3 months, if conception has occurred during this time, then the drug cannot be immediately canceled. Usually, the duration of administration lasts up to 20 weeks, after which the dosage is gradually reduced. Naturally, all actions must be strictly coordinated with the attending physician.

How does the drug affect the cycle

As a rule, if a woman is healthy, menstruation occurs strictly every month. Sometimes there may be slight deviations, but such delays are more often physiological in nature and do not pose a threat to health. It is quite another matter when there is no menstruation for more than 6 months. In this case, we are already talking about amenorrhea, which can be caused by ovarian dysfunction.

When the ovaries do not produce enough progesterone, it negatively affects a woman's overall health. Secondary amenorrhea is a direct indicator for taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy. A lack of progesterone in the blood can cause the following problems:

  • changes in body temperature;
  • mood deterioration, tearfulness;
  • tendency to depression;
  • obesity;
  • migraine, frequent headaches;
  • passivity, apathy;
  • itching, burning, dryness in the vagina;
  • swelling.

Usually, the above symptoms appear a week before the expected menstruation. Judging by the reviews, "Dufaston" when planning pregnancy effectively restores hormonal balance, due to which all indirect symptoms are eliminated.

Contraindications and side effects

"Dufaston" is a hormonal drug, and accordingly, the abuse of such drugs can seriously harm. After some time, the woman's body begins to get used to artificial hormones and ceases to produce its own. That is why such drugs as "Utrozhestan", "Proginova" and "Dufaston", when planning a pregnancy, should in no case be abruptly canceled.

The instructions that come with the tablets indicate only three cases in which it is not recommended to drink the medicine:

  1. Rotor syndrome is a kind of liver disease caused by heredity.
  2. Malignant neoplasms dependent on progesterone.
  3. Individual intolerance.

Before taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, every woman must familiarize herself with the side effects of the drug. This does not mean that such symptoms will necessarily appear, but you need to be prepared for anything. So, in rare cases, you may experience:

  • skin rashes, itching or other allergic reaction;
  • headaches, sometimes very severe;
  • jaundice or a change in liver function;
  • anemia;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness.

"Dufaston" when planning pregnancy: scheme of application

The main rule that must be remembered by all patients: do not self-medicate! Because drinking "Dufaston" when planning without the supervision of a doctor is dangerous because you can achieve the opposite result. This drug can act on the body as a contraceptive.

Depending on the specific problem, the doctor will prescribe an individual pill regimen, which should be followed very strictly. Here are examples of appointments in accordance with the pathology:

  1. Disrupted cycle, PMS - 10 mg in the morning and evening starting from the 11th day of the cycle and up to the 25th day.
  2. If the periods are very weak, dysmenorrhea is observed - the drug is prescribed from the 4th to the 25th day of the cycle. The dosage is 10 mg twice a day.
  3. The use of "Duphaston" when planning pregnancy in the presence of endometriosis - from 5 to 25 days from the beginning of the last menstruation, 10 mg twice a day.
  4. Amenorrhea - from 10 to 25 days of the cycle. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe additional estrogens.

In cases where conception does not occur only due to a lack of progesterone, the Duphaston regimen when planning pregnancy is as follows: starting from the 14th day of the cycle - 10 mg once a day. The course of treatment is 6 cycles. If conception has occurred during this time, in no case should the drug be canceled and continue to drink for at least 3 more months.

How to behave after pregnancy

We found out how to drink Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, but what to do if the first signs of conception appear? First you need to remain calm and confirm the pregnancy. The best way to do this is to take tests for hormones, in particular, check progesterone and hCG.

Remember that "Dufaston" does not threaten the fetus, on the contrary, in some cases it is specifically prescribed to a pregnant woman. If a woman previously drank "Duphaston", then after conception, in no case should you abruptly quit the drug. Refusal of a medicine can provoke undesirable consequences.

If the pregnancy is going well, the doctor may allow you to reduce the drug dose by half and only after a while completely eliminate it. In cases where there is uterine tone or bloody issues, the doctor will recommend resuming the use of Duphaston.

Interaction with other drugs

Most often, Duphaston is prescribed in complex therapy with other medicines. Dydrogesterone is compatible with many modern drugs, in cases where a joint intake with estrogens is planned, contraindications of the latter should be taken into account. Consider the most popular drugs prescribed by doctors when planning a pregnancy:

    "Divigel". At the same time, these two drugs are prescribed for a lack of progesterone and estrogen. Perfectly compatible and with a properly selected regimen, they have an excellent effect on the hormonal background. It should be remembered that in this case, heavy menstruation is possible.

    "Femoston". The drug is prescribed at the beginning of the cycle, and "Dufaston" in this case is necessary to stimulate the second half of the cycle.

    "Metipred". The medicine is prescribed to patients with excessive testosterone in the blood. This male hormone prevents the release of an egg and conception. Therefore, the drug is prescribed in combination with "Dufaston"

Price, form of release, conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is produced in the form of tablets of 10 mg, coated white, biconvex with a risk on one side. Blisters of 14 or 20 pieces are placed in a cardboard box. The number of tablets in a pack is 20, 28, 84, 112 units.

The price for a pack of 20 tablets varies from 400 to 800 rubles. The average cost in Russia is 600 rubles. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Analogues of "Duphaston"

The role of the above drug in the treatment of women's problems is undeniable. But in the pharmaceutical market you can find analogues of any medicines. The most popular analogue of "Duphaston" is the drug "Utrozhestan".

These tablets are almost identical in composition and action. The difference between "Utrozhestan" and "Duphaston" is that the first drug uses progesterone of plant origin. In addition, "Utrozhestan" can be used simultaneously in the form of candles and in the form of tablets.

The human body is such a delicate and at the same time complex device that the slightest violations can lead to serious consequences, especially if they relate to hormonal balance. Unfortunately, such changes can lead to a number of diseases, as well as to such a terrible diagnosis as infertility, which more and more women have been hearing in their address lately. And if 30 years ago, with the background, this sentence was heard by a huge number of women without hope of recovery, now doctors are trying to influence the state of the body with the help of the Duphaston drug, and, as statistics show, such treatment helps many. The action of this drug is aimed at combating progesterone deficiency. This is a fairly common cause of reproductive dysfunction, which is faced by a huge number of girls who want to become a mother. This is a serious but solvable problem, about which there is now a lot of discussion among both doctors and patients.

How to use and why "Dufaston"

Nowadays, almost every woman who is faced with the problem of not being pregnant is prescribed hormone therapy. As a rule, progesterone-containing drugs are used for this. What is Duphaston for, if the cycle is not broken and outwardly it seems that everything is in order? It is this question that is most often asked to doctors by a huge number of girls to whom it is prescribed. The fact is that the regularity of the cycle can in no way be a guarantee of pregnancy. For its onset, ovulation is also necessary, which is simply impossible without a certain amount of the female hormone progesterone in the body. In addition, thanks to this drug, a favorable environment is formed in the uterus for fixing a fertilized egg.

The question is also often asked, “What is Dufaston for?” women suffering from various gynecological diseases. The answer to it can be found in the cause of these ailments. As a rule, this is the same background with a pronounced lack of progesterone.

Reception of "Duphaston" can only be prescribed by a doctor after a certain number of laboratory research. The dose in each individual case is different, however, the manufacturers of this medication indicated the recommended regimens in the instructions:

The composition of the drug "Dufaston"

The drug is a film-coated tablet containing 10 mg of the active substance dydrogesterone, which is an analogue of the real female hormone progesterone. The following substances were used as auxiliary components: lactose, starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate and talc. Such a composition medicinal product very effective, when applied internally, it provides proper development endometrium and neutralizes the effect of the male excess of which negatively affects the female body. When used correctly, the drug eliminates the deficiency of female sex hormones and thereby normalizes the reproductive system of the female body, including reproductive function.

The drug "Dufaston" - and warnings

Duphaston tablets, like any other chemical preparation, have a number of warnings and contraindications, which are clearly indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for the drug. One of the first there highlighted the intolerance of the components. If it is ignored, taking the medication can provoke allergic reactions ranging from a simple hives rash to a more severe form such as anaphylactic shock. It is also strictly forbidden to take the drug by people with Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes.

Along with prohibitions, the instructions also describe warnings when taking. So, for example, during the period of therapy, bleeding may occur, which are eliminated by increasing the dose of the drug. Particular attention should be paid to medical research of the patient before prescribing treatment, this is due to the fact that Duphaston is a hormonal drug, and its excess can negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

IN special instructions it is said that this drug can be used during pregnancy, but during lactation its use is highly undesirable, since the hormone penetrates into mother's milk, and the child does not need it at all.

Therapy with the drug "Dufaston" does not affect the ability to drive a car or work in a workplace with an increased degree of danger.

Side effects include the following conditions:

  • on the part of the circulatory system, in isolated cases, hemolytic anemia was observed;
  • hypersensitivity with severe skin rashes, and in rare cases Quincke's edema;
  • migraines and headaches;
  • sensitivity of the mammary glands and rare bleeding, eliminated by increasing the dose;
  • minor disturbances in the liver, jaundice and abdominal pain.

However, such manifestations occur in isolated cases, and often the drug "Dufaston", the side effects of which depend on the state of the body as a whole, is well tolerated.

The drug "Dufaston" and pregnancy

Enough common cause infertility and termination of pregnancy in the early stages in girls, there is a lack of female hormone in the body. That is why doctors prescribe a synthetic female hormone, which is included in the drug "Dufaston", when planning a pregnancy. The active substance of this drug is very close in structure to natural hormone and, getting into the female body, completely replaces it. But what is Duphaston for and how is it related to pregnancy? To answer these questions, you need to understand a little about how the female reproductive system works and what role progesterone plays in it. This female hormone is produced by the ovaries and, together with the equally important estrogen, it forms the mucosa in the uterus, in which certain changes occur throughout the entire monthly cycle. In the initial period of the cycle, when menstruation occurs, progesterone in the blood is not as pronounced as estrogen, due to which the cells lining the uterus multiply and grow. On a certain day, ovulation occurs, as a result of which the egg leaves its ovary, in which it developed, and in place of its follicle, the so-called is formed. It is this that produces such an important progesterone. The rapid change in the concentration of this hormone affects the uterine mucosa, making it loose. At the same time, cell growth decreases, and a mass of blood vessels appears in the structure of the internal cavity. Such changes are very important so that in the event of fertilization, the egg can be fixed and subsequently receive the necessary nutrition.

Knowing what changes occur in the female body in each specific segment of the monthly cycle, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of the level of progesterone concentration in the blood. And if its growth does not occur naturally, for this they use the drug "Dufaston", the pregnancy with which occurs much faster.

This drug is prescribed not only when planning a pregnancy. It is also used to preserve it. This is due to the fact that progesterone creates a favorable environment in the uterus for the life of the embryo, and the dose at this stage of therapy is often increased. For those who take this medication during pregnancy, you need to know not only about changes in the uterine mucosa. It should be noted that the drug acts on the muscles of the uterus, relaxing it and removing the tone, and prepares the mammary glands for lactation.

It should be noted that the Duphaston remedy is used not only in the case when pregnancy has occurred with its help. It is also prescribed to those women who, being healthy, became pregnant on their own, but for some reason have a threat of miscarriage in the early stages.

Taking the drug "Dufaston" for hormonal disorders

Quite often in hormone therapy need those women whose reproductive system for one reason or another has failed. The consequences of such violations can be very different. The most common problem is an irregular cycle with a partial or complete absence of menstruation, or a neoplasm in the ovary, such as a cyst. "Dufaston" as a hormonal surge in this case is simply necessary.

Often, a cyst forms in the corpus luteum and resolves on its own with a natural increase in the level of the female hormone, however, if the desired concentration of progesterone is not reached, it continues to increase. In this case, drug therapy is not only desirable, but mandatory.

Quite often, this drug is prescribed for delays that are not a sign of pregnancy. In this case, it is prescribed along with a course of so-called female vitamins, including vitamin E in oil and folic acid. If you consult a doctor in time and start taking Duphaston tablets, the delay will not be long and the next menstruation will come on time.

Do I need the drug "Dufaston"

Each woman decides for herself whether to use synthetic hormones or to hope that the process of increasing progesterone in the blood will restore itself. The reason for such failures may lie not only in some pathologies of the reproductive system, but also in stressful situations or nervous and emotional stresses. Such violations, as a rule, pass by themselves as soon as the psycho-emotional state is restored. To normalize the hormonal background in these cases, prescribe sedatives and a course of vitamins.

How to stop taking the drug "Dufaston"

In no case should hormone therapy be started without the appointment and supervision of the attending physician. Every woman should know this truth. After all, the independent use of such medicines adversely affects the health of any person. But not only the reception should begin with the recommendation of a doctor, the cancellation also cannot be abrupt, especially if pregnancy has occurred under the influence of Duphaston. Stop taking these pills, under the supervision of a doctor according to a certain scheme, especially if progesterone deficiency has been established by analysis. As a rule, they act like this: every few days they reduce the applied dose, first by a third, and then by half, gradually reaching the minimum and refusing the drug altogether. The harmless cancellation of Duphaston should last at least two weeks. Such actions are carried out both at the end of the treatment of gynecological diseases, and at the end of the medication during pregnancy. Usually, to preserve the fetus, the Duphaston drug is taken up to 12 weeks, after which the dose is gradually reduced to nothing. It is believed that in this period a spontaneous abortion can occur only if there are several serious factors that progesterone has no effect on.

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