Can I take birth control pills if I have fibroids? Contraceptives for fibroids What hormonal pills for fibroids.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Uterine fibroids are one of the most diagnosed gynecological pathologies. Recently, the disease has become younger and is increasingly diagnosed in women. childbearing age. Therefore, the question arises, what contraceptives can be used for uterine fibroids?


The effect of contraceptives on uterine fibroids

Intrauterine devices

It is permissible to use an IUD as a means of contraception in case of fibroids. During development benign tumor It is allowed to use a copper intrauterine device and the levonorgestrel-releasing Mirena system.

Also, if fibroids develop, it is allowed to use the intrauterine levonorgestrel releasing system (Mirena), which contains levonorgestrel. When used, not only a contraceptive effect is observed, but also:

  • it also reduces the duration of monthly bleeding, as well as the amount of blood loss;
  • when using it, no growth of myomatous nodes is observed;
  • it reduces the risk of relapse when the tumor is removed.

The advantages of the IUD include the following:

  • reliably protects against pregnancy;
  • it is placed for 3-5 years, during this entire time therapeutic effect does not decrease from it.

Unfortunately, it also has disadvantages:

  • as soon as it is installed, pain in the lower abdomen may appear;
  • when using it, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy;
  • it does not protect against STDs, the IUD is installed in such a way that the uterus is always slightly open, which reduces the risk of infection, so it is recommended for women who live with a reliable sexual partner.

Local contraception

If fibroids develop, you can use chemical (local) contraceptives. Their advantages include the fact that they:

  • have almost no contraindications, except for individual intolerance;
  • do not disrupt hormonal levels;
  • can be used simultaneously with condoms;
  • can be carried with you and used at the next sexual intercourse;
  • do not reduce sensations during sexual intercourse (unlike condoms);
  • have an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

But local contraceptives have a number of disadvantages:

  • they must be used strictly according to the instructions;
  • they often cause allergies;
  • they are not compatible with alkalis, so you should not wash yourself with soap for 2 hours before and after sexual intercourse;
  • they must be administered before each intimate relationship, since their effect is observed for a short time;
  • According to manufacturers, they protect against pregnancy by 90%, in reality this percentage is even lower;
  • they do not 100% protect against sexually transmitted infections.


One of the reliable means of contraception allowed for fibroids is condoms.

Their advantages include the following:

  • they can be used without a doctor’s prescription;
  • they not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also against sexually transmitted infections;
  • have a minimum number of contraindications and adverse reactions;
  • convenient and safe to use.

The disadvantages of condoms include the following:

  • some people may develop allergies to them;
  • they can reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, which can negatively affect the quality of sexual life; you can use ultra-thin condoms, which are almost invisible, but they are less effective at protecting against conception and STDs.

Today there are enough contraceptive methods approved for fibroids, but the doctor must decide which one to choose.

Medicines are aimed at stopping the growth of myomatous node or nodes in women of reproductive age. For this purpose, hormonal treatment is widely used to meet the body's needs for progesterone and activate its production.

Treatment with hormone therapy is quite long - at least six months, and upon the onset of menopause, the drugs are taken continuously.

Drugs for the treatment of uterine fibroids used in our country and providing good results are as follows:

  • Gestagens are able to restore the internal hormonal balance and thereby normalize the balance of the endometrium with small size nodes. These include: utrozhestan, duphaston, norkolut.
  • Due to their properties, androgens reduce the activity of estrogen when used for 6 months or more. They include danazol, gestrinone.
  • Mirena is a hormonal IUD, which, thanks to the minimal amount of levonorgestrel released daily, is capable of normalizing the hormonal status of a woman, leading to stopping the growth of the node.
  • Combined hormonal drugs are indicated for nodes whose size does not exceed 20 mm and are used for at least three months. Most often they use Yarina, Regulon, Janine.

Medicines for uterine fibroids are primarily hormonal, since they are able to alleviate the symptoms of its manifestation and inhibit the growth of a benign uterine tumor, but they are not able to completely dissolve or remove it, and after stopping their use, tumor growth may resume. Therefore, hormonal therapy for uterine fibroids is carried out in order to prepare for surgical treatment, which reduces the number of complications during conservative myomectomy or hysterectomy.

Most effective drug from uterine fibroids is part of a group of GnRH agonists that bind receptors in the pituitary gland, suppressing its function of producing gonadotropins. This leads to a decrease in the production of gonadotropins - estrogens and progesterone, and, accordingly, a decrease in the size of the node, elimination of the symptoms of its manifestation - pain and hemorrhagic and the cessation of division of myomatous cells. But considering side effects- vascular reactions, hot flashes, nausea and decreased bone density; drugs from this group are not recommended for long-term use, but only for preparation for surgery and reduction in the size of the node.

Treatment of uterine fibroids with medication is indicated in the absence of complications and with strict indications for surgical treatment. If a woman is diagnosed with a nodule that is more than 14 weeks old or larger than 10 cm in diameter, fast growth node during the reproductive period of life or tumor growth in postmenopause, submucosal node. If it is located cervically, the node on the leg is submucous, compression of adjacent organs with disruption of their function, necrosis of the node or infertility, then it is necessary to carry out surgical treatment, the volume determined by the doctor, taking into account concomitant pathology, age, and the desire to have children in the future.

The medicine for uterine fibroids, its price and types are quite variable, because several groups of drugs are available and effective for its treatment, which have a positive effect on the growth of the node, stopping it and preventing further growth.

Tablets for uterine fibroids, which have become quite widely used in preparatory stage before surgery - mifepristone. This is a drug from the group of antiestrogens, capable of short-term regression of the tumor.

The drugs used now for medium-sized uterine fibroids are quite common. Myoma at 10 - 12 weeks is considered a medium-sized fibroid, which most often occurs when the balance of biologically active substances is disturbed. Most often, such sizes do not damage the function of neighboring organs, so their treatment in some cases is conservative. If conservative treatment is ineffective or symptoms appear that disrupt the functioning of adjacent organs, then surgical treatment is necessary.
In most cases, if the node is not complicated, laparoscopic myomectomy with organ sparing is indicated. The method of embolization of the uterine vessels, which provide nutrition to the node, has become quite widespread. After embolization, the growth of the node stops, since the nutrition in them stops.

Tablets for uterine fibroids, called Esmiya, are quite modern and of a new generation, but their effect is already obvious. Thanks to these pills, many women of childbearing age managed to maintain reproductive organ due to the active substance - ulipristal, which affects the receptors that produce progesterone, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the body, under the influence of which, according to recent studies, the growth of the node occurs.

When the drug is used correctly, the endometrial layer of the uterus stops forming, which leads to the cessation of menstruation during its use, that is, artificial menopause occurs.

Its use not only leads to a decrease in the blood supply to the node, but also makes surgical intervention safer, since after its use the contours of the node become clearer and smaller, which facilitates the surgeon’s work and reduces blood loss. It is used from the first day of menstruation, 5 mg daily for 3-6 months, then after the cessation of menstruation, they resume. Apoptosis and cell proliferation occurring under the influence of Esmya lead to regression of the nodes and cessation of their growth.


Phytoestrogens are prohormones of plant origin that are used for a long time, until complete recovery.

Phytoestrogens are indicated for uterine fibroids to protect ERβ receptors from estradiol produced by the gonads or to block the activity of the aromatase enzyme. For this purpose, flavonoids and isoflavones are used: boron uterus, black cohosh root (cohosh) and prutnyak.

Herbalists advise taking echinacea to reduce inflammation, motherwort to relieve spasms and pain, and dandelion and milk thistle to improve metabolism.

Phytoestrogens for uterine fibroids, reviews from women who have taken them are ambiguous, because the effect of their use is not always predictable.

Norkolut for uterine fibroids

Norkolut is a hormonal drug used in the treatment of uterine fibroids and is widely popular not only among women, but also among doctors.

Norkolut for uterine fibroids, reviews from doctors about its use are more and more positive, since it, thanks to the active substance - norethisterone, helps normalize hormonal balance in the body, which allows many women to fight benign uterine tumors. For this purpose, its administration should be daily, orally, in a dose that is selected only by a doctor and the duration of its use is regulated only by the attending physician.


Cyclodinone is a herbal preparation that has a positive effect on the regulation of the menstrual cycle by stabilizing hormonal levels and correction of concomitant pathologies: endometrial hyperplasia, infertility, mastopathy and menstrual disorders.

Is it possible to take cyclodinone for uterine fibroids, reviews from doctors are in most cases positive, if a woman is diagnosed with infertility against the background of fibroids, although it does not affect the growth and size of the node, but, due to its properties, is able to restore the woman’s reproductive health, prevent the growth of the node. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy and lactation, the growth of uterine fibroids is prevented.

Novinet for uterine fibroids

Novinet is a new generation hormonal drug, microdosed, used in the treatment of uterine fibroids only after complete exclusion of pregnancy and examination of the body.

Novinet for uterine fibroids: reviews from doctors are quite common. Its effectiveness is associated not only with the contraceptive effect, but also with the normalization of cyclic changes in the ovaries and uterus, the regulation of hormonal levels, as well as the effect on the growth of myomatous nodes. In this case, their development is inhibited, even to the point of growth arrest, and with prolonged use, the likelihood of disintegration of the tumor process increases.

Klimadinon for uterine fibroids

Klimadinon is a drug from the group of plant origin that has an effect similar to estrogen, since it binds to estrogen-like receptors, which leads to a decrease in the production of luteinizing hormone by the cells of the anterior pituitary gland, and thereby eliminating the changes that occur during menopause against the background of decreased production of estrogen and increasing the production of gonadotropins.

Klimadinon for uterine fibroids - can it be used? This question interests many, but given its estrogenic effect, the manufacturer does not recommend its use for uterine fibroids, which can accelerate the growth of the node.

Is it possible to take climadinon with uterine fibroids: reviews from doctors say that its use is not recommended for uterine fibroids, but if a woman is contraindicated in taking hormonal drugs, then climadinon can be used under the supervision of a doctor, because, unlike replacement hormone therapy, is safe and does not cause severe disorders and changes in a woman’s body. Moreover, it effectively affects the symptoms of menopause, eliminating its manifestations almost always, and when interacting with other drugs, it is easily tolerated and compatible.

Fish oil for uterine fibroids

Another drug that helps inhibit the growth of myomatous nodes is fish oil, which is available in all pharmacy chains and is therefore widely used in the treatment of benign tumors of the uterus.

Fish oil for uterine fibroids, reviews from doctors and women are always positive, since with long-term use in complex treatment with drug therapy, regression of the tumor or stopping its development has always been observed. This is associated with antitumor activity fish oil, which is also found in fatty varieties of sea fish.

Wobenzym for uterine fibroids

In the treatment of uterine fibroids, Wobenzym is used, which belongs to the group of combined enzymes, consisting of both enzymes of plant origin and animal cells.

Wobenzym for uterine fibroids - reviews from doctors are contradictory, as some claim that the effect of its use is quite good, while others claim that it is not effective. According to observations, effectiveness in the treatment of uterine fibroids is observed when used for a course of up to two months in combination with combined contraceptives. Thanks to its actions, it helps improve blood rheology, stimulate immune system, and also has a thrombolytic effect, stimulates tissue healing and eliminates side effects when taking hormones.

Regulon for uterine fibroids

Among the drugs of the contraceptive group, the leading place in the treatment of uterine fibroids belongs to regulon, which is capable of inhibiting the production of gonadotropins by the anterior pituitary gland, reducing the levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, while ovulation is suppressed and therefore pregnancy is impossible, which is very important in the treatment of benign uterine tumors.

Regulon for uterine fibroids: reviews from doctors are positive, since with long-term use it can reduce the size of a node or nodes to a size that can be treated surgically.

Folic acid for uterine fibroids

Folic acid for uterine fibroids: reviews from doctors who use it in the complex treatment of fibroids to correct anemia are always positive. This is due to the fact that with fibroids, bleeding or hyperpolymenorrhea often occurs, leading to iron deficiency anemia, A folic acid can increase the bioavailability of iron in the body and thereby prevent or correct anemia. The dose is selected by the doctor individually: from 1 to 5 mg per day. It has been proven that folic acid acts not only on the level of red blood cells in the blood, but also on the process of cell division in the myomatous node.


Is it possible to take Cyclim for uterine fibroids in menopause or premenopause? Yes, the drug is widely used in the treatment of uterine fibroids due to biologically active substances similar in structure and function to female hormones and having an estrogenic effect. Its action is based on long-term use, while the growth of the node is inhibited or stopped completely.

Is it possible for a woman to drink Cyclim with uterine fibroids if she has severe sweating, irritability, mood swings, fluctuations in blood pressure or changes in the genital organs associated with age-related changes? Of course yes, because it does not have a stimulating effect on the growth of nodes, but helps eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of menopause when taken for a long time. But in no case should you take the drug without first consulting your doctor. only after a complete examination and prescription of the drug can it be used 1 tablet twice a day under supervision ultrasound examination: growth and state of the node. For uterine fibroids, it must be taken for a long time, in a continuous regimen, under the strict supervision and control of a doctor.

Ginestril: treatment of uterine fibroids

Recently, for the treatment of uterine fibroids, a drug used to normalize hormonal levels and regulate hormone levels is ginestril. It is a hormonal drug of synthetic origin based on mifepristone, a steroidal antigestagenic substance.

Ginestril: treatment of uterine fibroids is based on blocking the production of progesterone at the receptor level, which promotes the growth of the node. When used correctly, the cells of the myomatous node or nodes stop growing and regress, which leads to a decrease in tumor size. at the same time, on the mammary glands, endocrine glands and cardiovascular vascular system it has no effect.

Tablets for uterine fibroids - ginestril, are available in 10 pieces in a blister, light green or yellow, containing 50 mg of the active substance - mifepristone. The intake should be daily only after consultation with a doctor and under his strict supervision, and after 3 months it is necessary to conduct an additional examination and evaluate the growth and size of the node. If necessary, the use of the drug for therapeutic purposes can be extended.

Ginestril in the treatment of uterine fibroids, reviews from doctors are in most cases positive. From the point of view of specialists, the drug has an effective effect when the size of the nodes does not exceed 12 weeks, but if the size of the node exceeds these indicators, then the effectiveness of the drug has not been proven. Many women who took the drug claim that after stopping it, after some time, the growth of the node resumes. It must also be remembered that its use is contraindicated for submucous fibroids. Also, many women and doctors indicate the high effectiveness of its use after myomectomy, since the drug prevents the regrowth of myomatous cells and the formation of new nodes.


Many women who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids in combination with liver pathology requiring the use of silymarin - tradename Karsil: “Is it possible to take Karsil for uterine fibroids? And does it affect the growth of myomatous nodes? This question has become quite relevant, because the instructions for use of the drug do not contain uterine fibroids as a contraindication, while the packaging contains a note: use with caution for fibroids. Everything is quite simple - silymarin has a weak estrogen-like effect and with prolonged use of the drug its manifestations are possible. Therefore, the drug should be taken only after consultation with a doctor and when the effectiveness of its use outweighs the risks of complications for the woman.

Alfit for uterine fibroids

Alfit for uterine fibroids, how herbal tea, consisting of kelp, elecampane, knotweed and duckweed - is one of the alternative methods of treating diseases thyroid gland, uterine fibroids and mastopathy. Thanks to the properties of iodine contained in the plants that make up its composition, in addition to normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland, it is able to stop the growth of the myomatous node or nodes, reduce them in size, or lead to the complete disappearance of these formations. In addition, it is used in complex hormonal treatment of fibroids and uterus and can alleviate the side effects of hormonal therapy.

Utrozhestan for uterine fibroids and pregnancy

Utrozhestan for uterine fibroids and pregnancy has become quite widespread, since it contains natural micronized progesterone, which is necessary for hormonal disorders and hormonally dependent formations. Its use during pregnancy with the threat of abortion is quite common, since its effectiveness has been proven and the number of side effects is minimized.

Utrozhestan for uterine fibroids: doctors' reviews are slightly different. Supporters of the idea that the growth of fibroids is associated with hyperproduction of estrogen argue that the use of a synthetic analogue of progesterone - utrogestan - is justified and proven. But a small group of specialists argue that it is precisely because of the hyperproduction of progesterone in a woman’s body that myomatous nodes grow, as evidenced by minor observations.

But, taking into account the opinions of all doctors and reviews of women, about the use of utrozhestan for uterine fibroids, its advantages come to the fore, and observation of the results over the dynamics of its use indicates a good therapeutic effect.


Another drug used in the complex treatment of fibroids is remens, a homeopathic remedy that can eliminate or alleviate some of the symptoms that occur with uterine fibroids. These include bleeding that occurs regardless of the menstrual cycle, as well as pain syndrome, which occurs when adjacent organs and nerves are compressed.

Remens for uterine fibroids: reviews from doctors who used it in the complex treatment of uterine fibroids, in order to reduce inflammation leading to infertility in women of reproductive age, as well as to normalize hormonal levels that occur with the growth of the node, are always positive.

Phosphogliv can be taken for uterine fibroids

Phosphogliv is a drug that restores liver function and reduces the growth of connective tissue, containing phospholipids and glycyrrhizic acid, which can have an anti-inflammatory effect and immunomodulatory, membrane stabilizing and antiviral effects. Thanks to the phospholipids included in its composition, it restores structure and function, and also has a cytoprotective effect, while reducing the likelihood of fibrosis formation.

Can Phosphogliv be taken if you have uterine fibroids or not? A question often asked by women when they combine liver pathology with uterine fibroids. Phosphogliv can be used for uterine fibroids if there is no individual intolerance and according to strict indications for the use of the drug, established and approved in the instructions for it.

It must be remembered that self-medication in some cases can threaten a woman’s life, so before using the drug, undergo an examination and consult with a doctor about the need for its use, the dose and duration of treatment, as well as the likelihood of complications. And only after that you can take the drug under the supervision of a doctor according to the dosage regimen prescribed by him.

Mexidol for uterine fibroids

Mexidol is a drug from the group of antioxidants that are used to normalize metabolic processes and blood supply in organs, especially the brain, in order to relieve withdrawal symptoms and purulent-inflammatory conditions abdominal cavity. Mexidol for uterine fibroids can provoke the growth of myomatous cells, which leads to an increase in the size of the node, since the blood flow in the nodes increases with its use. As for the instructions for the drug, uterine fibroids are not included in the list of contraindications for use, but given that it can enhance trophic processes in tissues and metabolism in them, its use is possible only after a full examination and consultation with a doctor.

Another of the general strengthening drugs is mildronate. It improves metabolism within the cells and tissues of the body.

Mildronate can be used for uterine fibroids, since in the instructions fibroids are not a contraindication to its use, but given its main effect, it is better to consult a doctor before taking it, because long-term use can increase the growth of fibroids by increasing metabolism in the body's cells.

Is it possible to take Feminal if you have uterine fibroids?

Is it possible to take Feminal if you have uterine fibroids? A drug that is food additive during the menopause, allowing to eliminate the symptoms of menopause, providing an anti-menopausal effect and an estrogen-like effect on the woman’s body, that is, it acts similarly to estrogens, therefore, if a woman has fibroids, its use can stimulate the growth of estrogen-dependent formations, which include uterine fibroids. You should not start taking the drug yourself, since only a doctor, after examining a woman, can prescribe correct treatment, taking into account all concomitant diseases.


Silhouette is a hormonal monophasic drug that, in addition to the contraceptive effect, has an effect on the inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, helps prevent and treat endometriosis, and also prevents the growth of uterine fibroids. Moreover, it should be taken daily for 3 months with a seven-day break, and not only will the size of the node decrease, but also bleeding and pain will decrease.

Silhouette for uterine fibroids: reviews from doctors are always positive, because the results of its use in most cases are also positive.

Other drugs

In the treatment of uterine fibroids, a number of other drugs are also often used, and there are drugs that are strictly prohibited for it. Let's look at them in more detail. So, it is strictly forbidden to use Ovestin for uterine fibroids, because it is a drug containing estrogen of natural origin, and uterine fibroids are an estrogen-dependent tumor.

Divigel for uterine fibroids can stimulate the growth of uterine fibroids, since it is identical to endogenous estradiol, which is normally produced in women. Therefore, its prescription is carried out with caution and only under the supervision of a doctor.

Polyoxidonium for small uterine fibroids up to 9 weeks of pregnancy has been widely used in complex treatment and has shown great results. It is used in the form of rectal suppositories for three days in a row at night, and then for another 2 weeks every other day, which gives relatively good results in the complex treatment of uterine fibroids: reduction in the size of the node or nodes, elimination pain symptom. Moreover, over the course of a year after taking them, none of the women who underwent treatment for fibroids in combination with polyoxidonium experienced growth of nodes or the appearance of new ones.

Metronidazole for uterine fibroids does not have any effect on the growth of the node, but if there is inflammatory processes It is not prohibited to use it in the pelvic organs. Often with uterine fibroids it is prescribed in postoperative period, especially in women of reproductive age, to prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the early postoperative period.

Many specialists also use befungin for uterine fibroids as an auxiliary medicine. This is a herbal preparation based on chaga and has a tonic, immunostimulating and restorative effect on the woman’s body. For uterine fibroids, it is used to treat anemia that occurs against the background of heavy bleeding, as well as to reduce uterine bleeding. Taking it for myomatous nodes should be at least three months, then a two-week break and ultrasound monitoring. Use it 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals by preparing a solution: 2 teaspoons of befungin are diluted in a glass of boiled warm water.

Dimexide for uterine fibroids is used in combination with propolis in the form of suppositories for 14 days at night in the vagina, then a break of 5 days and, if necessary, the treatment can be repeated. Their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation, regeneration and has absorbing properties, and dimexide also promotes transport medicinal substances and enhances their effect.

One of the non-traditional methods of treating uterine fibroids is the hijama (bloodletting) method, especially when combined with infertility. Its principle is as follows: getting rid of the so-called bad blood that has stagnated in a woman’s body and this leads not only to normalization of metabolism, but also to improvement general condition the body, increasing the body's resistance and immunity, normalizing hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle. Hijama for uterine fibroids and infertility can, according to some experts, resolve the tumor in a few sessions and relieve infertility.

Logest for uterine fibroids is used as a combined oral contraceptive that reduces pain with fibroids and bleeding during menstruation. Its use is indicated only in young women with the presence of small - up to 1 cm, nodes, with an asymptomatic course and the action is aimed at stopping the growth of the node or nodes and reducing their size.

Diferelin is a GnRH analogue that inhibits the production of gonadotropin with inhibition of gonadotropin production. In the treatment of uterine fibroids, it occupies one of the leading areas, as it helps to reduce the size of the nodes. When using it, maximum effectiveness is observed after the third injection. According to the instructions for the drug, it is used to reduce the size of a node on the eve of surgical treatment or when there are no indications for surgery. Diferelin: reviews from doctors for uterine fibroids indicate that hormone injections must be carried out every 28 days, with the first being carried out during five days of menstruation for three months in order to prepare for surgical treatment, and for women for whom surgery is not indicated, treatment can be carried out up to six months.

To treat uterine fibroids, a minimally invasive method such as myolysis is also used. Its essence lies in the fact that due to the physical impact on the tissues in the tumor, suppuration and necrosis occurs.

Myolysis for uterine fibroids is carried out using various techniques and energy sources: laser, cryo, bipolar coagulation or using high-frequency ultrasound. They are used under MRI control through the patient's skin, but the process of tissue destruction is very difficult to diagnose, so not many clinics use this method. Myolysis can be carried out laparoscopically, where the destruction of myomatous nodes occurs with the help of laser energy or under the influence of current. The cryo myolysis technique is carried out using liquid nitrogen, which is injected through a probe and as a result the node or nodes are frozen and their growth stops. Myolysis is indicated only if no more than three nodes are identified in the uterus, not exceeding 5 cm. This procedure is carried out only under anesthesia and there are no scars after it, since the access is minimal. So, myolysis is one of the conservative surgical methods in the treatment of uterine fibroids, which is not inferior in its effectiveness to embolization of the uterine vessels. It is performed under fluoroscopic control and is based on catheterization femoral artery, which allows emboli to be delivered to the uterine artery, which leads to disruption of blood supply and degenerative changes in the node or nodes. at the same time, they also decrease in size and their growth subsequently stops.

Myoma is a benign neoplasm that often forms in the uterus in women of reproductive age. It is completely hormone dependent. This means that any changes in hormonal levels can affect his condition. This includes taking hormonal medications, such as birth control. Birth control pills for uterine fibroids are prescribed with some restrictions that are important to consider.


Contraception for fibroids

Most contraceptives include analogues of the female sex hormones progesterone and estrogen. It is also known that fibroids are hormone dependent. It grows precisely when estrogen levels increase. However, a lot depends on the level of progesterone. If estrogen is increased relative to progesterone, then the fibroid grows.

On the other hand, modern combined contraceptives do not have such an effect. They do not increase estrogen levels in the blood. On the contrary, their correct (in accordance with the menstrual cycle) intake can normalize hormonal balance. And, in addition, restore the menstrual cycle disrupted by fibroids. Moreover, some conservative treatment regimens for such neoplasms involve the use of combined oral contraceptives.

Types of fibroids in the uterus

At the age of up to 40 years, they can protect against unwanted pregnancy and normalize the cycle. After the age of 40, they are able to ease the course of menopause and the period before its onset. In any case, a properly selected contraceptive can have a positive effect on the body with fibroids.

Effect of contraceptives

Before the age of 40, birth control pills for uterine fibroids produce their main effect - protection against unwanted pregnancy. In addition, if they are chosen correctly, taking them can normalize hormonal balance and stop the growth of fibroids. They also significantly influence the severity of symptoms.

Normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce the intensity of menstruation and bleeding. Sometimes even the pain syndrome becomes less pronounced. It is for this reason that some types of birth control are used as therapy to treat tumors in the uterus.

In women over 40 years of age, another positive effect is possible. In addition to preventing unwanted pregnancy and having a positive effect on fibroids, the tablets have the following effects:

  1. Reducing the risk of cancer;
  2. Increasing bone density by normalizing hormonal balance;
  3. Reduced mood swings for the same reason;
  4. Improvement in general condition – absence of fever, sweating;
  5. Increased sexual desire;
  6. Elimination of insomnia;
  7. Reduced anxiety and improved mood.

It is important to remember that you need to select the drug very carefully. It is better if a doctor does this. After the age of 40, drugs that increase estrogen production are not advisable. After all, they can negatively affect fibroids and accelerate their growth.


Although oral medications are considered safe, not everyone can take them. There are the following contraindications:

  1. Women over 40 who have fibroids should not take progestin contraceptives, as they increase estrogen levels;
  2. Contraindicated for smoking patients at any age;
  3. Should not be taken if you have diabetes;
  4. Prohibited for those with cardiovascular diseases and susceptibility to them (after 40 years);
  5. If you have frequent tonsillitis and laryngitis, you should not take the drug either before or after 40 years of age;
  6. Prohibited for obesity;
  7. Do not take for migraines or other types of headaches;
  8. Usually contraindicated if you are prone to depression or mood swings;
  9. Should not be taken for varicose veins, etc.;
  10. For hypertension (especially in women over 40 years old).

The general recommendation is this. Oral contraceptives, especially progestogens, are recommended only for those women who have regular sex life. Regardless of age, if this condition is not met, the drug does not need to be taken.


All oral contraceptives that are currently on the market are divided into two groups - progestin and combined. They have various indications and contraindications for use. They also have their own characteristics of influence on uterine fibroids.


These are simple one-component drugs. They have the same operating principle and approximately similar composition. They are almost never prescribed if fibroids are present. These include tablets such as:

  1. Microlute;
  2. Ovret;
  3. Continuin;
  4. Charosetta;
  5. Primolut-Nor;
  6. Lactinet;
  7. Exoluton.

These remedies act most gently on the body. However, it is believed that their effectiveness is not high enough compared to the next type of drugs. They are indicated mainly for women under 40 years of age. They can slightly increase estrogen levels in the blood. Therefore, they are not prescribed during the premenopausal and menopausal periods.

Due to a small amount of estrogen, they can negatively affect fibroids, accelerating their growth. On the other hand, if properly selected by a doctor, they may not have a negative effect at all.


Such drugs are considered the most modern and safe. They are effective and do not have a strong negative effect on fibroids. This is due to the fact that they do not significantly change the patient’s hormonal levels and do not delay the onset of menopause. Birth control pills after 40 years of age must be prescribed by a doctor. Typically, this is one of the following:

  • Jess or Jess plus has an antiandrogenic effect, has a positive effect on the gynecological area as a whole and does not cause edema. Indicated for use at a younger age;
  • Depo-Provera is the safest. Positively affects the gynecological area. One of the newest hormonal agents in this group;
  • Silest inhibits ovulation and egg maturation by inhibiting the production of hormones by the pituitary gland. Does not have a significant effect on neoplasm;
  • Regulon restores the reproductive cycle. Regulon for nodes is prescribed as a treatment, as it can stop its growth and even cause the node to shrink;
  • normalizes hormone levels. This helps stop the growth of fibroids in the uterus;
  • affects the mucous membrane, delays ovulation. It is also prescribed as a treatment for benign formations in the female reproductive system. This is due to the fact that the drug can slow down the growth of the tumor or even cause it to shrink;
  • Femoden normalizes the reproductive cycle. Indicated for neoplasms, as it reduces the intensity of bleeding and the likelihood of developing persistent anemia;
  • Triziston does not have a significant effect on education, since it acts differently;
  • Triquilar normalizes hormonal balance. Suppresses the production of sex hormones and the onset of ovulation. Indirectly affects the nodes in the uterus;
  • Marvelon has a complex positive effect. Possesses high efficiency. Reduces body hair and improves skin. Normalizes hormonal balance, due to which tumor growth slows down.

Despite the fact that combined oral contraceptives are modern and safe drugs, they should be taken in consultation with a doctor. Only he can prescribe the most appropriate remedy in each case.

Admission rules

Contraceptives with uterine fibroids (as well as without them) must be taken according to certain rules. Compliance with them will increase the effectiveness of the drugs. And in the case of fibroids, it will allow the product to have the maximum positive effect on the body.

  1. The drugs must be prescribed individually by a doctor;
  2. You can take them only if you have regular sex life;
  3. Start taking it on the first or fifth day of your period;
  4. It must be taken at the same time;
  5. The drug is taken in courses of three weeks, with one week breaks between them;
  6. If medications are taken to treat fibroids, the dosage regimen should be developed individually.

You should not hope that taking contraceptives will have a significant positive effect on the tumor. This can only happen if its original dimensions were very small. In other cases, the method is ineffective.


IN Due to the well-known “originality” of our country, only in the last decade has the problem of contraception attracted due attention from doctors and the public. The question arose about the possibility of using certain methods of contraception in different age groups and in the presence of various diseases.

So, although uterine fibroids are one of the most common gynecological pathologies, there is still no clear idea about the methods of contraception that are acceptable for women suffering from this disease.

Until recently, the vast majority of patients with fibroids underwent supravaginal amputation of the uterus, which in itself was considered “the most reliable method of contraception” for this group of women. In many ways, this situation was due to the idea that existed at that time that uterine fibroids are an estrogen-dependent tumor that can become malignant, as well as the lack of opportunities for early diagnosis of the disease. Currently, uterine fibroids are increasingly being diagnosed at a younger age in women who are sexually active and planning pregnancy, which makes it necessary to exclude hysterectomy from the list of contraceptive methods offered to these women.

As a result latest research uterine fibroids managed to take a different look at the nature of this disease. According to modern ideas, uterine fibroids - monoclonal, hormone-sensitive proliferative (formation), consisting of phenotypically changed myometrial smooth muscle cells. As it turned out, h The frequency of occurrence of this disease in the population ranges from 70 to 85% - such indicators were obtained from a thorough analysis of the autopsy material. Uterine fibroids, manifested various symptoms, occurs in 30-35% of women over the age of 40, while in a significant proportion of women this disease is asymptomatic.

The issue of oncological alertness in patients with uterine fibroids has also been reconsidered. It has been established that the potential for malignancy in fibroids and normal myometrium is the same, that is, in the case of the formation of leiomyosarcoma in patients with uterine fibroids, the process occurs de novo, and not due to malignant transformation of the myomatous node. Additionally, the incidence of leiomyosarcoma is only 0.3%.

Regardless of how the precursor cell of uterine fibroids originated, its subsequent growth is determined by a number of factors. These, in particular, include: dysregulation of genes belonging to the family of high mobility group proteins, disturbances in the balance of various growth factors and their autocrine and paracrine regulation, dysfunction of local enzyme systems and dysregulation of the synthesis and degradation of connective tissue. According to the results of our research, trigger factors that initiate and/or support the growth of uterine fibroids include : infection, traumatic effects on the endometrium and/or myometrium (as a result of invasive medical interventions) and endometriosis. Apparently, the listed trigger factors are parts of one process.

The understanding of the role of various sex hormones in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids has also changed significantly. If earlier main role was attributed to estrogens in maintaining the growth of the myomatous node, it has now been proven that the growth of fibroids is mainly stimulated by progesterone, while estrogens play only an auxiliary role.

Today, enough data have been accumulated to allow, in the vast majority of cases, to resort to medication or organ-preserving surgical treatment of patients with uterine fibroids. Every year, the number of women with uterine fibroids who have not undergone the “old fashioned” hysterectomy, that is, women who have undergone drug reduction of the nodes to a clinically insignificant size or conservative myomectomy, is growing. It is for this group of women that the question of choosing a method of contraception is extremely relevant.

Sterilization, barrier methods, calendar method, interrupted sexual intercourse - it is obvious that, in principle, all these methods of contraception are acceptable in patients with uterine fibroids. That is why we will dwell in more detail here on such an aspect of the problem as the use of hormonal agents.

Oral contraceptives

One of the most common hormonal methods of contraception is oral contraceptives (OCs). According to a study involving a large group of women, it was shown that Long-term use of oral contraceptives reduces the risk of developing uterine fibroids . In particular, with a five-year duration of taking OCs, the risk of developing uterine fibroids is reduced by 17%, and with a ten-year duration - by 31%. A more differentiated statistical study, which included 843 women with uterine fibroids and 1557 women in the control group, found that with increasing duration of continuous OC use, the risk of developing uterine fibroids decreases. The authors hypothesized that the mechanism by which OCs prevent the development of uterine fibroids is most likely related to the progestin component.

The type and amount of the gestagen component of the OC also play a role in the complex effect of the contraceptive on the risk of developing uterine fibroids. Immunohistochemical studies of one of the representatives of the third generation of gestagens, desogestrel, revealed its ability to have a blocking effect on progesterone receptors, which probably explains the mechanism by which OCs have a preventive effect, since, as noted above, progesterone is the main hormone that stimulates the growth of uterine fibroids .

Taking oral contraceptives has not only a preventive effect. If a woman has uterine fibroids, OCs, in particular those containing desogestrel or other representatives of the third generation of gestagens, are able to stabilize the size of myomatous nodes, also due to competitive inhibition of progesterone receptors. However, the growth of myomatous nodes is not always effectively stabilized by taking OCs. As our research revealed, the stabilizing effect of OCs extends to myomatous nodes up to 1.5 cm in diameter; prescribing OCs for larger nodules can have both a positive and negative effect (myoma growth). Apparently, this is due to the fact that in small myomatous nodes the main pathological vicious circles (local enzyme systems, autonomous production of connective tissue) have not yet been fully formed, and therefore the growth of such a node is controlled by the exogenous influence of the gestagen OK, the “weaker” » compared to other drugs used for drug treatment uterine fibroids (GnRH agonists, mifepristone, etc.).

Thus, long-term use of oral contraceptives significantly reduces the risk of developing uterine fibroids. The use of OCs by patients with uterine fibroids should be differentiated. If the size of myomatous nodes does not exceed 1.5 cm in diameter, the use of oral contraceptives (especially those containing third generation gestagens) is not only not contraindicated, but is also one of the most effective means of preventing further growth fibroids. If the size of the nodes is larger, then such patients should undergo a medicinal reduction in the size of the nodes to the maximum possible. In the future, such women can use OCs, which, in addition to the contraceptive effect, will provide prevention of recurrence of uterine fibroids. In cases where conservative myomectomy is unavoidable, women can use OCs after removal of myomatous nodes, which will also provide reliable contraception and prevention of relapses. In other words, oral contraceptives are possible and even indicated for women with small nodes. In the presence of large fibroids, oral contraceptives are also possible and indicated to be taken, but only after treatment.

Intrauterine devices

Intrauterine devices are a common method of contraception, especially in older age groups. There are three types of intrauterine contraception: the copper IUD, the progesterone-releasing intrauterine system, and the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.

Copper spirals have become the most widespread in the world. The mechanism of action is associated with the spermicidal activity of copper and the reaction of the endometrium to a foreign body, which disrupts the processes of fertilization and nidation. The only purpose of this type of IUD is contraception.

Such spirals can be used by women with uterine fibroids if the fibroids do not deform the uterine cavity. The use of this type of IUD will only provide a contraceptive effect, however, we must remember that if the woman is not sufficiently decontaminated before installing the IUD, there is a high probability of developing inflammatory processes, which will lead to the growth of myomatous nodes.

Progesterone releasing system mainly provide their contraceptive effect by changing the properties of cervical mucus and the reaction of the endometrium to a foreign body. Their period of use is limited to 12 months. Considering the role of progesterone in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids, the use of such coils in patients with fibroids is contraindicated.

Intrauterine levonorgestrel releasing system (Mirena) is a polyethylene T-shaped system containing a container that contains levonorgestrel. This container is coated with a special membrane that provides a continuous, controlled release of 20 mcg of levonorgestrel per day. The period of effective contraception when using Mirena is 5 years.

Unlike others intrauterine contraceptives Mirena has a number of non-contraceptive effects. The use of Mirena leads to a decrease in the volume and duration of menstruation and, in some cases, to oligo- and amenorrhea. It was this effect that became the basis for the use of Mirena in patients with menometrorrhagia associated with uterine fibroids and adenomyosis. As a result of a series of studies, including a large number of women with uterine fibroids and adenomyosis, accompanied by menometrorrhagia, it was reliably shown that the introduction of Mirena leads to normalization of menstrual function, a significant decrease in the volume and duration of menstruation, in 20-25% of cases amenorrhea develops, hemoglobin levels increase back to normal. With the use of Mirena, there is no increase in the size of myomatous nodes, that is, their stabilization is observed. And in this case, the smaller the size of the myomatous nodes, the more pronounced the stabilizing effect of Mirena.

In addition, the introduction of Mirena is effective means, ensuring the prevention of relapses in the growth of myomatous nodes and the normal volume and duration of menstruation after medical or organ-preserving surgical treatment of uterine fibroids.

It is obvious that all patients with uterine fibroids, regardless of the size of the nodes, should receive adequate treatment. Position - “we will watch, if it grows, we will cut it off” in modern conditions is a crime! Only after treatment has been completed it is necessary to decide on the choice of contraception method. The exception is small myomatous nodes, which, as noted above, are stabilized while taking oral contraceptives. Thus, the choice of contraception in patients with uterine fibroids is generally determined not only by the preference for one method or another, but also by the need to prevent relapse of fibroid growth, that is, preference should be given to oral contraceptives containing modern gestagens and the intrauterine levonorgestrel-releasing system. It should also be noted that longer woman takes oral contraceptives, the lower her risk of developing uterine fibroids becomes.

Local remedies

The use of all of the above contraceptives must take into account all contraindications to their use. If none of the listed drugs can be used due to the presence of contraindications to their use, the use of local agents can be recommended, one of which is a domestic drug Contraceptin T . It contains hydroxyquinoline sulfate, boric acid and tannin. Tannin causes mucus proteins to coagulate to form a protective film, which prevents seminal fluid from contacting the vaginal mucosa. Hydroxyquinoline sulfate has a spermicidal effect. Boric acid creates an acidic vaginal environment, which is unfavorable for the survival of sperm. In addition, hydroxyquinoline sulfate and boric acid have an antiseptic effect.


1. Ross R.K., Pike M.C., Vessey M.P., et al. Br. Med. J. 1986

3. Chiaffarino F, Parazzini F, La Vecchia C, et. Br. J Obstet Gynaecol 1999; 106:857-860

Many women among existing species contraceptives are preferred hormonal drugs. In addition, these drugs can be prescribed to patients for therapeutic purposes. Some gynecologists prescribe hormonal pills with fibroids. However, they do not have a pronounced effect on myomatous nodes in the uterus.

Please note that this text was prepared without the support of our website.

When treating a tumor in medical institutions methods are used whose effectiveness has been proven all over the world. Modern ones offer patients the help of experienced specialists in the field of gynecology.

Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is becoming widespread in gynecology. It is a unique procedure, after which the tumor is irreversibly reduced. Embolization is a safe procedure with virtually no contraindications.

Reasons for the development of myomatous nodes

There is a misconception that the main reason for the development of fibroids is hormonal imbalance. Myoma is chronic disease, in which nodes form from the smooth muscle cells of the uterus, so birth control pills are ineffective for fibroids.

There are two approaches to identifying the causes of this pathology. According to the first theory, the rudiments of fibroids are formed during intrauterine development. Myometrial defects that appear at this time can develop into uterine fibroids during the reproductive period.

Gynecologists who adhere to a different theory believe that fibroids are formed due to the fact that uterine tissue is damaged during menstruation. The high prevalence of pathology among modern women is explained by the fact that pregnancy and childbirth occur on average 1-2 times in their lifetime. If conception does not occur, then menstruation occurs, after which the body again prepares for conception.

Gynecologists identify a number of factors, the presence of which can contribute to the transformation of myomatous rudiments and the growth of tumors:

  • abortions;
  • scraping;
  • frequent inflammatory processes;
  • operations on the uterus;
  • complications after childbirth.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Dmitry Mikhailovich Lubnin tells his patients in most detail about the reasons for the development of fibroids. He has been studying this problem and searching for effective therapeutic methods for a long time.

A woman’s reproductive health largely depends on how regularly she visits the gynecologist. Pathologies at the initial stage of their development are often detected during a routine examination. In order to get answers to your questions about contraceptive methods, effective contraceptives, methods of treating fibroids, you should consult a gynecologist.

Basic methods of treating fibroids

For many women diagnosed with fibroids, gynecologists recommend a hysterectomy, an operation in which the uterus is removed. At the same time, many doctors are silent about the consequences of surgical intervention and possible complications. This approach to the treatment of myomatosis is incorrect; in developed countries, when treating the pathology, a safe technique is used that preserves reproductive function and eliminates the re-development of formations.

When choosing a treatment method for fibroids, several factors should be taken into account:

  • presence and intensity of symptoms;
  • whether the woman is planning a pregnancy;
  • location of myomatous nodes.

Drug treatment of fibroids is prescribed when small nodes are identified, they do not deform the uterine cavity and develop asymptomatically. Experienced gynecologist Dmitry Mikhailovich Lubnin warns women that the tumor cannot be treated with Duphaston, as it provokes the growth of fibroids. Contraceptives for uterine fibroids do not have a long-term effect, so after stopping them unpleasant symptoms may return.

Surgical treatment of myomatosis is used in cases where the fibroid prevents the conception of a child or is of enormous size. Surgery allows you to quickly remove a tumor that may be putting pressure on your internal organs and give other symptoms, but after the operation the woman needs to undergo rehabilitation.

Uterine artery embolization is the optimal treatment for benign lesions that are symptomatic and continue to grow. This procedure is safer compared to surgical methods. The leading specialist in the field of UAE is Boris Yuryevich Bobrov, an endovascular surgeon. It confirms the fact that embolization in most cases allows us to finally solve the problem of myomatous nodes.

If a gynecologist prescribes contraceptives for fibroids or surgical removal tumor, a woman should consider uterine artery embolization as an alternative, which causes minimal trauma to the body.

Uterine artery embolization

Uterine artery embolization is widely used in developed countries for the treatment of fibroids. In Russia, this technique is used in private clinics, since government agencies They do not have sufficient funds and personnel qualified in this matter, so they often prescribe hormones for fibroids and removal of the reproductive organ.

The UAE procedure involves blocking the vessels supplying the fibroid using a special preparation containing tiny particles - emboli. The main advantages of EMA are:

  • during embolization the uterus is not injured, in addition, the adhesive process is completely eliminated;
  • during UAE, the power supply to all nodes located in the uterus is stopped;
  • patients do not experience relapses;
  • EMA does not prevent pregnancy. So, the patient can plan to conceive 10 months after embolization;
  • The duration of the procedure is no more than 40 minutes;
  • UAE does not require anesthesia;
  • After the procedure, the woman does not need to take hormones for uterine fibroids, or any medications.

After uterine artery embolization benign formations begin to gradually decrease in size, after which they are replaced connective tissue which does not give any symptoms. This effect cannot be obtained when taking contraceptives, so they should be considered as a preventive measure.

Endovascular surgeon B.Yu. Bobrov has the most experience in embolization in Russia. He helps patients restore reproductive health every day.

Contraceptives for uterine fibroids: main action

According to modern research by scientists and specialists in the field of gynecology, hormonal contraceptives for fibroids do not have a long-term or pronounced effect. Thus, contraceptives for fibroids are unable to start the process of its reduction.

Prescribing contraceptives can be considered as one of the measures to prevent myomatosis, since there is evidence that the likelihood of developing a tumor with their use is reduced by 27%. Gynecologists prescribe contraceptives not only as contraception, but also to prevent myomatosis in young nulliparous girls.

The effect of contraceptives is that they reduce the abundance of menstruation. While taking contraceptives, bleeding becomes scanty and its duration decreases. A woman taking contraceptives as one of the measures of symptomatic therapy should understand that contraceptives do not affect the growth of nodes.

Contraceptives for uterine fibroids are symptomatic. However, it is unacceptable to use them without a prescription from a gynecologist. A woman can receive a consultation, during which a specialist will answer questions and explain how to make an appointment and get diagnosed.

Hormonal contraceptives for fibroids: side effects

The development of myomatous nodes is provoked by the hormone progesterone, so you should refrain from using contraceptives with this component. There are certain restrictions when taking birth control pills.

You should not take birth control pills:

  • women who abuse alcoholic drinks and smokers;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • for malignant tumors;
  • with deep vein thrombosis;
  • with uterine bleeding;
  • patients with liver diseases.

The best treatment for myomatous nodes is uterine artery embolization. Compared to contraceptive drugs, it allows you to achieve maximum results. An important advantage of embolization is that after its use it is not required additional therapy, and the patient can plan to conceive after 8-12 months.

Women of reproductive age should remember that the likelihood of developing myomatous nodes is extremely high. One of the preventive measures is regular visits to a gynecologist at least once every 6 months. Nodes in the uterus develop gradually, so during a routine examination, the doctor may detect small formations.


  • Assessment of the quality of life in patients with uterine fibroids after various types surgical treatment / D.V. Doletskaya, M.A. Botvin, N.M. Pobedinsky et al. // Obstetrics and gynecology. 2006. No. 1. P. 10-13.
  • Nazhnov S.V. Studying the quality of life of women before and after embolization of the uterine arteries for uterine fibroids // Bulletin of ChSPU. No. 8. 2011. P.245-251.
  • Benign diseases of the uterus / A.N. Strizhakov, A.I. Davydov, V.M. Pashkov, V. A Lebedev. M.: 2 Geotar-Media. 2010. P.288.

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