Will the test show correctly before the delay. Can a pregnancy test show a result a week before menstruation

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

A pregnancy test is a woman's main assistant in determining the onset of conception.

This device can quite reliably show the presence of pregnancy after the onset of the delay, but situations often arise when it is necessary to find out the fact of conception before this moment.

A reasonable question arises: “Can a test determine pregnancy before a delay in pregnancy? big share probabilities?"

It is rather difficult to immediately give an exact answer, since many factors influence the reliability of a pregnancy test before a missed period.

To find the right answer, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of operation of the devices and the degree of influence of these factors on the result, as well as the probable error.

How the test works

Despite the variety of devices for diagnosing pregnancy at home, the principle of their operation is the same. Pregnancy tests are absolutely all set to detect an increase in the hormone hCG in the urine. So on what day of the delay does the test show pregnancy?

For reliability, measure the basal temperature!

This hormone begins to be actively synthesized in a woman's body after implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, which occurs about a few days after fertilization, usually about a week.

The accuracy of the result obtained during testing depends on the sensitivity of the device, on compliance with the rules for its use and on the expiration date. The mechanism of action of pregnancy tests does not affect the reliability, since even in a variety of devices it does not differ.

Mechanism of action

In the normal state, a woman's blood contains up to 5 mm / ml of human chorionic gonadotropin. In the urine, these figures are much lower, and pregnancy tests are aimed specifically at determining the presence of the hormone in the urine.

The essence of the work lies in the reaction of hCG with the reagents with which the device is charged. For this, antibodies that react to human chorionic gonadotropin are used.

As a result of the interaction of these substances, the notorious second strip appears. The first is designed to indicate the correctness of the pregnancy test.

Types of tests

Today, the pharmaceutical industry is so developed that it offers a large number of varieties of pregnancy tests.

All of them have their own characteristics.

So what test determines pregnancy before a delay?

Let's get to know them:

  • test strips. The advantage of this type is availability, it has a low cost, this fact explains its phenomenal popularity. The test strip must be lowered to the specified level in the collected urine. The sensitivity of such a device is from 25 mmu / ml and the cost usually does not exceed 100 rubles.
  • Tablet. Their cost is slightly higher from 50 to 150 rubles. It is necessary to drip urine into the field provided for this. Reacts to hCG at a concentration of 10 - 25 mIU / ml.
  • Inkjet. Do not require preliminary collection of urine, it is supplied directly to the urine stream. The cost is 150-300 rubles and the sensitivity starts from 10 mmu/ml.
  • Electronic. The newest variety is represented even by reusable devices. The cost is high, from 180 to 900 rubles. The sensitivity is the highest of all - from 9 mmu / ml. It indicates the gestational age.

The list shows the minimum values ​​at which the device will show the onset of pregnancy. But there are some factors that affect the accuracy of the devices:

  • expired storage period;
  • violation of storage conditions;
  • violations in the production of the test;
  • application errors;
  • the presence of a tumor that can increase the level of hCG;
  • taking certain hormonal drugs;
  • disorders in the work of the ovaries;
  • pathology of the diagnosed pregnancy (with an ectopic pregnancy, the hormone level grows more slowly);
  • previously interrupted pregnancy;
  • the use of diuretic products before the test (with increased urine output, the hormone level may decrease);
  • protein in the urine.

To achieve the most reliable result, it is necessary, if possible, to exclude factors that affect the error. For this, the test process must be absolutely correct.

Blood analysis
To find out with a 100% result whether you are pregnant or not even before the delay, you can take a blood test for hCG.
The content of the hormone in the blood is much higher than in the urine, and is easily determined in the laboratory.

Instructions for use

All pregnancy tests come with instructions for use. It is necessary to follow it exactly, then the reliability of the result will be the same as indicated on the packaging of the device.

Use the first urine for the test!

It usually contains the following items:

  1. Prepare a container for urine, it will be good to buy a sterile one at a pharmacy, it is better to do this in the evening.
  2. Immediately after waking up in the morning, go to the toilet for the test.
  3. Immediately before use, remove the test from the package; you should not do this earlier.
  4. First, urinate into the toilet, and then into the prepared container.
  5. Place the test strip in your urine or drip liquid into a special window, depending on the type of device.
  6. After a while, the result will appear.

For the most accurate diagnosis, several tests can be done. In this case, if at least one result is positive, then most likely you are pregnant. It is better to buy the device in a pharmacy, they strictly monitor the shelf life.

Folk diagnostics
Women are offered to guess on the bulb: plant one bulb in two glasses of water.
On one, make a pregnancy, on the other - its absence. Whichever sprouts first, that is the answer.

Reliability of results

The gestational age is counted from the day of ovulation..

During ovulation, a zygote is formed.

For all ladies, this period may vary, it all depends on the length of the cycle. The maximum opportunity to become pregnant appears in the middle of the cycle.

Count the number of days between the first days of your period. For example, if this period is 28 days, then the most favorable moment for conception occurs on the 14th day. The duration of ovulation is 16-48 hours.

To determine whether a pregnancy test can make a correct diagnosis before the onset of a delay in menstruation, you need to consider the table of increasing the level of the hCG hormone in the first days in the first days of embryo development:

In urine, this level is somewhat lower, reaching the indicated value approximately 1-2 days later.

The table shows that it is possible to determine the presence of pregnancy using a home test 4-5 days before the onset of menstruation. Of course, this rule only applies to devices with a sensitivity of 10 mmU/ml. Tests with a sensitivity of 25 mmu / ml can give a reliable result two days before menstruation.

In the case of multiple pregnancies, these terms may come earlier, since the hCG hormone is produced in much larger quantities. And with an ectopic conception, pregnancy tests will show the exact result much later, since the production of the hormone is slower.

Why mistakes happen

Of course, erroneous results during pregnancy tests happen.

Even on the packaging of devices or in the instructions for them, a probable error is indicated.

Most often, errors occur in the presence of factors that reduce the sensitivity of pregnancy tests. In the early stages, the error is much higher; in the later stages, the accuracy of diagnosis approaches 100%.

False positive result is an extremely rare occurrence. It occurs only in cases where the hCG hormone is synthesized in the body of a woman for reasons not related to pregnancy.

Moreover, however paradoxical it may sound, even a pregnancy test performed by a male representative in cases of malignant tumors can give a positive result.

100% result will give ultrasound.

False negative result during a pregnancy test is much more common. Usually, this happens due to too early a test or in the presence of pregnancy pathologies.

If the pregnancy does not have pathologies, and the woman is physically healthy, then it is quite possible to rely on the results of such a diagnosis. If the test showed a negative answer, and menstruation did not come, then it is better to do the diagnosis again.

For women for whom the issue of conception is of particular importance, it is better not to rely on home diagnostic methods. Such situations arise when pregnancy is undesirable or if the previous conception ended in a miscarriage.

Do not endanger your health and the health of the unborn baby, visit a doctor. The gynecologist will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary tests. In extreme cases, he will refer you to an ultrasound diagnostics.

A blood test will show a reliable result much earlier than a test to determine early pregnancy before the delay, since the level of hCG in the blood increases at conception faster than in the urine.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Not all women want children, but almost everyone wants to know about a possible pregnancy right away. Nowadays, the main tool for determining pregnancy can be considered home test. If you ask a practicing gynecologist, he will tell you that most of those who came to the appointment about a possible pregnancy have already received a positive result with the test.

The very first sign of pregnancy is a delay in the onset of menstruation. As a rule, the test is carried out only after menstruation has not come. However, some are in a hurry to find out about their situation almost immediately after conception. And then the question arises: will the test show the correct result before the delay of menstruation? To answer the question in detail, you should know that this tool analyzes the presence in the urine of a woman of a specific hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin.

Pregnancy test before delay

It is absolutely known that the mentioned hormone begins to be produced in a woman almost immediately after conception, however, its concentration is initially low. In a non-pregnant woman, human chorionic gonadotropin may be present in the body in small amounts - up to 15 IU / l. In a pregnant woman, it is produced in much larger volumes. In the first week - an average of 150 IU / l, in the second or third - 2000 IU / l.

Therefore, it becomes clear that there is a high probability that before the delay, the test will show pregnancy, if any. You can conduct a study at the end of the first week after conception. However, it is worth remembering that the earlier the test is carried out, the greater the likelihood of error. Sometimes two stripes appear on the dough sheet, but one of them is slightly pronounced. In this case, it is impossible to broadcast with confidence that the test is positive. This pattern can be observed in several cases. For example, the concentration of the hCG hormone is still low. Therefore, it is advisable to repeat the test in one or two days.

Delayed menstruation week - negative test

In the case when there is already a delay, the test will be carried out as correctly as possible. However, in this case, inaccuracies are also possible. Recall that the reliability of the test reaches the full 97%. Therefore, there is a chance that your result fell into the remaining 3%.

Usually, when menstruation has not come for a week, the saturation of the hormone in the blood of a pregnant woman is already quite high. But there are also exceptions. In addition, various pathologies are possible. For example, a decrease in the level of the hCG hormone may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or the possibility of a miscarriage.

If the delay in menstruation for a month is a negative test, then in addition to the above reasons, the woman may have malfunctions in the body as a whole. For example, a malfunction of the ovaries, which do not produce the hormone correctly. Thus, a delay in menstruation may well be due to reasons not related to a probable pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important, with a delay in regular menstruation, to contact a gynecologist, regardless of what the test showed.

What are the most sensitive pregnancy tests before a delay? On what principle do they work? Will a test show pregnancy before a missed period? What kind of tests are there? And why does it happen that the test misleads a woman, showing a false negative or false positive result? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

A short digression into female physiology

Theoretically, every month a woman is ready for fertilization. Every month, cycle after cycle, continuous, well-established processes take place in the female reproductive system. Each of them - complex mechanism invented by nature itself.

Cycle phases. Follicular

The female menstrual cycle consists of three phases: follicular, ovulatory and luteal.

The first coincides with the beginning of critical days, it lasts about two weeks. During this time, a large amount of estrogens is released into the blood, the growth of follicles and the endometrium of the uterus occurs. Already at this, the first stage of the cycle, the woman's body begins to prepare for possible fertilization and creates a favorable environment for the attachment and further development of the future embryo.

Cycle phases. ovulatory and luteal

The second, the shortest of all three phases, lasts about three days. Simply put, this is ovulation. The same process that some women try to determine with the help of special tests (similar to those tests that determine pregnancy), the calendar and their own feelings. At this phase of the menstrual cycle, under the action of hormones, the follicle that has matured in the first phase turns into a full-fledged egg. In fact, only these three days are the only chance for those women who want to get pregnant. The onset of ovulation can also be felt by slight pains in the lower abdomen from the left or right ovaries. Along with all this, light discharge may be present, similar in texture and structure to egg white.

The third and last, luteal phase, occurs if ovulation has passed, but there has been no fertilization. Under the influence of the hormones progesterone and estrogen, women develop a peculiar set of symptoms known to everyone as PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Throughout the luteal phase, about two weeks, the fair sex has swelling of the mammary glands, frequent mood swings, irritability or tearfulness, increased appetite. Since the pregnancy, for which the woman’s body was so prepared, did not take place, the uterus begins to actively get rid of unnecessary endometrium, and menstruation begins.

When does the delay occur?

If on a certain day menstruation does not begin, we can talk about the delay that has begun. This phenomenon can occur for a number of reasons: if, nevertheless, the fertilization of the egg has occurred and the body is actively rebuilding in a “pregnant” way, or with various gynecological and inflammatory diseases, hormonal disruptions in the body, experienced stress, a sharp change in climate, or, for example, with frequent colds and taking any strong medications.

Now about the most important

The most sensitive pregnancy test before a delay, is there one?

Eat! But first, let's see how they work.

The principle of absolutely all pregnancy tests for home use is to capture the hCG hormone in the urine of a woman. What is HCG? This is a specific substance that produces the shell of a fertilized egg - a fetal egg. The production of the hCG hormone begins exactly from the moment when the implantation process took place and the fetal egg successfully attached to the wall of the uterus.

At this time, the concentration of the hormone in the woman's body gradually increases, increasing every two days. And around the expected day when menstruation should begin, it reaches a decent level. Often, any test can catch such a concentration of hCG and give a result.

Yes, pregnancy can be determined before a delay. It is important to choose a test with the highest sensitivity, approximately 10-20 MMU. In the body of a healthy non-pregnant woman, the concentration of the hCG hormone ranges from 0-5 MME.

There are a few simple rules that must be observed for the correct result of the study.

Let's call them:

  1. Testing is preferably done in the morning.
  2. The urine container must be clean and dry.
  3. It is undesirable in the evening, or at least 5-6 hours before testing, to drink a large amount of liquid, as well as take any diuretic drugs.

If these elementary conditions are not observed, even the most sensitive pregnancy test before the delay (and after it) may show an incorrect result. Therefore, the conduct of the study must be approached with all responsibility and not neglect these conditions. Otherwise, the result may be unreliable and the test will have to be redone.

Now let's look at the best pregnancy tests that pharmacies offer us, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Let's list them:

1. "BB test".

Manufacturer - France, sensitivity - 10MME / ml, original manufacturing technology. The control strip reagent contains solid phase polyclonal and monoclonal conjugated bodies. Due to this "composition" variety female hormones remains without “attention”, and hCG is captured very accurately, which significantly increases the reliability of the pregnancy test. Before the delay, it can be done no earlier than three days.

In use "BB-test" no different from other similar ones. A small amount of urine is collected in a clean, dry container, then the strip must be lowered to the indicated place. After that, the test must be put on a flat surface and wait five minutes. One strip indicates the absence of pregnancy, two - about its presence.

Advantages of the test: high sensitivity, ease of use, reliable results.

2.Clear blue digital.

UK Trademark, sensitivity - 25 MIU/ml, original and modern technology manufacturing. Clearblue digital is a digital test with an indicator and an intelligent dual sensor that not only indicates the presence of pregnancy, but also determines the duration of an interesting position with an accuracy of one to two weeks.

In use, this test is slightly different from its own kind. It is not necessary to collect urine. This is an inkjet test. Before use, remove the blue cap and place the absorbent tip under the urine stream for just a few seconds. After that, a round clock will appear on the screen. This will mean that the result is being processed. The examination can be considered completed as soon as the words Pregnant/Not pregnant and the numerical value in weeks (1+/2+/3+) appear on the display.

Advantages of the test: high sensitivity, ease of use, informative not only in terms of the presence or absence of pregnancy, but also its duration.

Disadvantages: high cost.

3. Sezam test.

US trade mark, sensitivity - 10MME/ml, test cassette. Sezam is a set of a special cassette and a pipette. Thus, it is the prototype of a real laboratory, because thanks to this design, the interaction of the reagent and liquid is most effective.

How to conduct research? In the window on the test cassette, you need to drop a couple of drops of urine, previously collected in a pipette. Then put the test on a flat surface for a few minutes. The result is read in the next window. One strip - no pregnancy, two - yes.

Advantages: high sensitivity, accurate results.

Disadvantages: high cost, complexity of application.

A few more options

Consider the following:

"Evi-test"- sensitivity 20 MME / ml, manufacturer - Germany. Produced in three varieties. Strip strips, tablet (cassette), inkjet.

Disadvantages: high cost of cassette and tablet tests.

fray-test- sensitivity 15-20 MME / ml, manufacturer - Germany. Produced in three types.

Advantages: ease of use, high sensitivity, can be done before the delay.

Disadvantages: high cost.

A test that determines pregnancy before a delay, know-now,- with high sensitivity 5 MME/ml, manufacturer - Canada. It is found in the form of wide strip strips and cassettes.

Advantages: super sensitivity, ease of use, reliable results.

A test that determines pregnancy before a delay, FemiTest, - sensitivity 25 MIU / ml, manufacturer - Great Britain. Produced in three types.

Advantages: low price.

Cons: Not available everywhere.

But besides imported ones, there are also our, domestic tests. It is difficult to attribute them to the best pregnancy tests, but they are still popular with women.

Russian hypersensitive pregnancy tests

"Eva" and "Vera" - sensitivity 25 MME / ml, manufacturer - Russia. Available in the form of strips. They are relatively inexpensive, but sometimes give a false positive result.

"Be sure" - sensitivity 25 MME / ml, manufacturer - Russia. Available only in the form of strip strips. Their cost is also low, but these tests often lie.

"I was born!" - sensitivity 5-10 MME / ml, manufacturer - Russia. Available in the form of strip strips, cassettes and jet modules. High precision, value for money. Perhaps this is the best pregnancy test before the delay in domestic production.

About inaccurate test results

Unfortunately, sometimes the reliability of a pregnancy test before a delay (and sometimes after it) is questioned by a woman. And not in vain. After all, it happens that even the most sensitive pregnancy test before the delay shows the wrong result. Sometimes the reason lies in non-compliance with the simplest rules and precautions during the study. And sometimes various internal problems of the body are to blame.

A little about false positive and false negative results. Why does it happen?

False positive test result

It may occur for a number of reasons. The thirteen most common causes of "failed tests" are:

  1. The quality of the test itself. Sometimes we come across not the highest quality products that contain defects. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. If there is a suspicion of a defective test, you need to do another one, a control one.
  2. Ovarian cyst or fibroid. With such problems, a woman's urine may contain a small amount of the hCG hormone, for which the test will give a positive result. You can suspect a cyst or fibroids by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, retention and spotting. You need to contact a specialist.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy. It happens that a fertilized egg is implanted not to the wall of the uterus, but outside it. into the fallopian tube or abdominal cavity, For example. It is possible to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy only by ultrasound, because sometimes even any symptoms may be absent. Such a violation requires immediate medical care because it threatens the life and health of women.
  4. Recent miscarriage or abortion. In this situation, the test responds to the hCG hormone, which has not yet had time to drop to normal. After a miscarriage or abortion, hCG returns to normal slowly over the next 6 weeks.
  5. Reagent. On some tests, you can see a second faintly dyed white-gray stripe. This is the reagent line, the real second strip looks different.
  6. Various medicines. When taking certain drugs (diuretics, tranquilizers, ovulation stimulation and female reproductive system, neuroleptics, anticonvulsants, narcotics, antihistamines, and drugs for Parkinson's disease) may result in an incorrect result.
  7. Problems and pathologies of the pituitary gland.
  8. Problems and disorders in the kidneys. Sometimes the hCG hormone does not have time to accumulate in an amount that the test would catch. This happens with various pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system.
  9. The test was taken too early. HCG normally doubles every two days. And it grows according to this scheme: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and so on. But it also happens that the hormone grows much more slowly than usual. In this case, you need to repeat the test in a couple of days or donate blood for hCG in the laboratory.
  10. Violations in the menstrual cycle of a woman. Normally, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. But it happens that, for unknown reasons, it shifts in one direction or another. Sometimes it even happens that ovulation occurs on the days of menstruation. Then all average statistical terms are shifted and you can not guess when to do the test. If, after a negative result, doubts still remain, you need to conduct another test with an interval of a week.
  11. Plentiful drink. Perhaps, on the eve of the study, a lot of excess fluid was drunk and thus the hCG level “diluted”. It is not recommended to drink liquid 5 hours before the test.
  12. If it is known for sure that there is a pregnancy, and the test stubbornly shows a negative result, an ectopic pregnancy can be suspected (as in the case of a false positive result, this also happens), a threatened miscarriage, or a miscarriage. Then you need to go for an ultrasound to dispel your doubts and fears.
  13. The temperature regime was not respected or the test was stored at high humidity.

Whatever the test shows, do not delay visiting a specialist.

Based on the foregoing, an unequivocal answer to the question “How many days before the delay does the test show pregnancy?” No. Even the most hypersensitive tests discussed in the article can be wrong. Despite their seemingly accurate, brand and research technology, each of the above tests can give a false result. Therefore, do not postpone a visit to the antenatal clinic. Only a doctor during examination, in combination with ultrasound diagnostics and a blood test for hCG, will be able to give a 100% accurate answer - is there a pregnancy or not. Do not delay the moment, because this health is not only possible future mother but also a baby. Be healthy!

The expectation of death is similar, especially when it comes to pregnancy. Someone is looking forward to it, dreaming of seeing the second strip on the test.

Someone, on the contrary, is afraid of it like fire, prays to God to “carry” an unwanted gift past.

Whatever the reasons, every woman wants to know the answer right here and now. In this case, the question arises, can a pregnancy test show the result a week before menstruation? Let's find out the correct answer.

With regular monthly periods, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, about fourteen days before the next "clearing". What happens in a woman's body when an egg is fertilized?

Let's start with the fact that the sperm takes time to finish first in the egg, this path can take more than one day.

Even if we assume that they (spermatozoa) are already “waiting” for the egg in the uterus, having got there in advance, then the fertilized egg will take some time to move into the uterine cavity and “connect” to it.

HCG hormone

Only after that, the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG for short, will begin to be produced, on the identification of which the diagnosis is built. Moreover, in the early days, the hormone is produced in fairly small quantities, which are not enough for the test.

That is, several days may pass from the moment of ovulation before the body begins to produce hCG in the required volume, to which the tests respond.

This suggests that earlier than 7 days before the onset of menstruation, the result cannot be determined. Yes, and seven days before menstruation, you can see the second stripe only if the egg was fertilized on the day of ovulation.

About a week before the onset of menstruation, an ultra-sensitive test, in theory, will be able to see the presence of the hormone in the body. Then he will show you the result in the form of a weak, pink strip, provided that you are pregnant.

Although, hCG is produced, in the amount necessary for the test to “feel” it, only on the third, fourth day after the egg is fixed on the uterus.

Therefore, it is best to determine the presence of pregnancy, not earlier than four days before the onset of menstruation.

Hypersensitive tests

And now let's talk about devices (testers) that can determine pregnancy in the early stages.

Among the popular, highly sensitive devices, the following tests are most trusted:

  • Pregnancy test Kleablu electronic (Clearblue digital);
  • Pregnancy test. Pregnancy test. Online!;
  • Pregnancy test Evitest (Evitest);

How to determine pregnancy early

Even before pregnancy can be detected by a test, women can determine if they are pregnant.

Determination of early pregnancy according to the following indirect signs:

  • A feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, as if its “fullness”, this is due to the fact that an additional blood flow is directed to the uterus, which is necessary for the normal course of the process of introducing the egg into the uterine cavity. Of course, on the eve of the menstrual cycle, women also feel heaviness in the lower abdomen, but it is slightly different, accompanied by painful sensations, discomfort. In the case of pregnancy, the feeling of fullness is not associated with pain discomfort.
  • Some women literally from the first day of pregnancy can feel a change in the taste of products, some experience an aggravation of smell, or toxicosis. But these symptoms do not appear in all women.
  • It happens that the first days of pregnancy women experience mood swings, tearfulness, as they say - eyes in a wet place. This is also an indirect sign of pregnancy.
  • Not always, but it happens that women change their taste preferences, they are drawn to “salty” or sweet, they want to eat something that they have not used before.
  • Another sure sign is increased appetite. Although the fetus is still small, and the body is already starting to take care of the baby, and forces you to eat for two. Sometimes bouts of hunger can wake you up in the middle of the night, and require an extraordinary meal.
  • The next symptom is frequent urination. If you began to run around a little often, and not much urine comes out, then there is a high probability that you are pregnant. True, if you can exclude the fact that you could chill your genitourinary system. Although, in case of a cold, urination will be painful, but in the case of pregnancy, there are no painful sensations.
  • Some women in the first days of pregnancy noticed signs of unusual fatigue, lethargy. Sometimes there are symptoms of ARI, that is, slight increase fever, runny nose, body aches. This is due to the fact that the body deliberately dampens the woman's immunity, allowing the embryo to gain a foothold in the uterus and preventing its rejection.
  • "The chest is pouring." Every woman experiences breast swelling before her period. However, if you feel that the breast began to swell much earlier than usual. She is more sensitive to touch, painful sensations appeared - this is another indirect sign indicating the presence of pregnancy.

Can a pregnancy test show a result a week before menstruation, the result

It is too difficult for us to wait time, uncertainty, we are in a hurry to find out the answer to all our questions. Be patient, even if you do not have any of the above indirect signs - it still does not mean anything.

It is quite natural for a woman to want to know about her pregnancy as early as possible. But it is known that the first surest sign of its onset is a delay in menstruation. On ultrasound, you can see the pregnancy not earlier than the fifth week, most tests for home use are also effective only after a missed period. Therefore, women often have a completely logical question: are there pregnancy tests before the delay?

Consider what the action of home tests is based on, and which tests will show pregnancy before the delay.

How home pregnancy tests work

The effect of tests to determine pregnancy at home is based on measuring the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in a woman's urine. HCG is a special hormone that the embryo produces immediately after implantation in the uterine wall. Depending on the concentration of this hormone in the blood, it is possible to determine not only the presence, but also the approximate duration of pregnancy. Meanwhile, how its level in the urine only indicates the presence or absence of an interesting situation.

According to experts, a pregnancy test after a delay is more effective, since at this time the level of hCG rises significantly and can be determined with maximum accuracy.

In order to better understand this, we present the standard values ​​​​of the content of hCG (mIU / ml) depending on the duration of pregnancy:

  • Pregnancy is absent - 0-5;
  • There is a chance of pregnancy - 5-25;
  • 1-2 weeks of pregnancy - 25-156;
  • 2-3 weeks of pregnancy - 101-4870;
  • 3-4 weeks of pregnancy - 1110-31500.

As you can see, the longer the period after implantation of the embryo into the uterus, the more accurate the result. Doctors recommend doing a pregnancy test after a delay.

Most home tests detect an hCG value that is greater than 25 mIU/mL. However, in our time, highly sensitive tests with a threshold of 20 mIU / ml and even supersensitive ones with a threshold of 10 mIU / ml can be purchased.

Supersensitive pregnancy tests before the delay make it possible to reveal an interesting situation after 7-10 days from the moment of conception.

Types of tests that determine pregnancy before a delay

At the pharmacy, you can buy different tests for home pregnancy determination. The most popular among women are test strips (strip tests). They belong to the first generation of pregnancy tests and have the lowest price.

A strip strip (impregnated with a reagent with hCG antibodies) is lowered to a certain mark in a container with urine (always morning). After 10-20 seconds, it is removed and placed on a horizontal surface. A few minutes - and the result is ready. One red stripe - no pregnancy, two red stripes - a high probability of its presence.

Among the test strips, the most sensitive is the pregnancy test before the ULTRA delay. With its help, pregnancy can be detected already on the seventh day after conception, that is, 5-7 days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation. The sensitivity of this test is 10 mIU / ml, with an accuracy of 95-99%.

The disadvantage of strip tests is that urine must be collected in a container for analysis, morning urine must be used. In addition, the result may be incorrect if the strip is underexposed or overexposed in the urine.

More convenient, but also more expensive, are test cassettes (tablet tests). In fact, this is the same strip strip, but located in a plastic tablet. On the front side of such a tablet there are two windows. With a pipette, which is included in the test kit, you need to drop urine into the first window. Within a few minutes, the result will be visible in the second (control) window.

One of the most sensitive tablet pregnancy tests before a delay is called the SEZAM test. With its help, it is possible to establish the presence of pregnancy already 7 days after the implantation of the embryo. The sensitivity of this test is 10 mIU / ml, the advantage of using it is that you can take urine for analysis at any time of the day.

The most modern tests include inkjet. To confirm an interesting situation, you need to substitute the receiving end of such a test under a stream of urine, then wait a few minutes. If one strip appears - there is no pregnancy, if two - there is a high probability of it.

Of the inkjet models, the DUET test will show the pregnancy before the delay. Due to its high sensitivity (20 mIU / ml), it is possible to determine the presence of pregnancy, starting from 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg.

There are some advantages to inkjet tests. Firstly, such models are convenient to use, since there is no need to collect urine. Secondly, they can be used at any time of the day.

In addition to the above models, electronic tests can be purchased at the pharmacy. They are convenient in that instead of stripes and crosses, inscriptions are highlighted: if there is pregnancy, you can see “pregnant”, if not, “notpregnant”.

Why pregnancy tests before a delay sometimes show a false result

Tests that determine pregnancy before a delay are 85-99% accurate. The later the analysis is made from the moment of conception, the more accurate the result will be.

A false negative pregnancy test is associated with the following cases:

  • Too early a test, when the hCG level has not yet had time to rise enough;
  • The instructions for conducting the analysis were not followed;
  • Before using the test, the woman consumed too much liquid;
  • The test is overdue. When buying a pregnancy test, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. An expired test reagent may give an incorrect result.

A false positive pregnancy test result before a delay is usually observed in cases where elevated level hCG hormone is provoked by a tumor disease or ovarian dysfunction.

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