It gives under the shoulder blade on the left. Why does the shoulder blade go numb - under the left, under the right shoulder blade

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If you begin to feel numbness under your left or right shoulder blade, then the reason is a pathology of the spine. In addition, discomfort in the area of ​​the shoulder blades may indicate recent injuries, as well as inflammatory and infectious pathologies, which still occur. The first thing a patient should know is that it is impossible to make a diagnosis on their own, which will be the cause of pain. You really can’t do this without the help of a doctor. Therefore, today you will need to make an appointment with a specialist surgeon, traumatologist or therapist. Important! Even a slight feeling of numbness leads to problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Causes of numbness of the shoulder blades

The first and most common cause of numbness in the area of ​​the left or right shoulder blade is, namely thoracic. Yes, this type of pathology is much less common than osteochondrosis lumbar region or cervical, then the likelihood of its occurrence cannot be denied.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spinal column is not so common because the human chest has a rather specific structure. In particular, it consists of 12 vertebrae, connected by ribs and numerous joints. In front, the ribs are connected to each other by the rib cage. This design forms a rigid frame that reliably protects human internal organs from damage, in particular, the most important of all organs, the heart.

The second cause of numbness in the shoulder blades is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. By all characteristic features this pathology has many differences from thoracic or lumbar. In particular, this anatomical structure neck. If we talk about the size of the cervical vertebra, they are much smaller than the bones of other parts of the spine. However, quite a lot of stress is placed on the neck. In particular, these are head tilts, as well as the ability to support the weight of the skull. In addition, the cervical spine is extremely mobile due to the large number blood vessels, nerve roots, and venous arteries.

If a person constantly strains his neck muscles, the vertebrae will begin to shift and be compressed. This leads directly to the suppression of the majority nerve endings. As a result, osteophytes (degenerative growths) will gradually form on the body of the neck vertebrae. As is known, any degenerative process is accompanied by the formation of hernias or protrusions, which lead to edema and disruption of venous flow. As a result, a real inflammatory process develops.

The danger is that a person’s spinal cord begins to be compressed. Due to the fact that the cervical canal is very small, severe and serious complications develop. Important! If you don't apply on time medical care, then osteochondrosis of the cervical spine may result in disability.

The third reason for numbness of the left or right shoulder blade is. That is, this is an extreme pathological condition during which compression of the nerve roots occurs. If we compare intercostal neuralgia with osteochondrosis, then this is the most unpleasant problem that torments a person. The patient experiences severe numbness both under the shoulder blades and between them. In addition, pain begins directly in the thoracic spine. Some even begin to confuse such pain with angina or other heart pathologies. At this stage, you really can’t hesitate - urgently consult a vertebrologist.

Spinal and rib injuries

Numbness of the shoulder blades can be the result of mechanical damage to the ribs, in particular. If you experience numbness after an injury, seek advice from a traumatologist and surgeon.

It is worth noting that Sprengel's disease (congenital pathology) often affects the sensitivity and mobility of the shoulder blades. In particular, this spinal defect is characterized by a high position of one shoulder blade above the other. Visually, the presence of pathology can be determined by an anatomically shortened neck. The reason for this is the pathological degenerative connection of the cervical vertebrae into one undifferentiated mass.

The pathology originates from improper formation of the embryo. In addition, the child may experience club-handedness, degenerative destruction or even the complete absence of several ribs, as well as splitting of the vertebrae both at the ends and near the base.

The last cause of numbness of the shoulder blades is myofascial syndrome, which is expressed in the form of severe pain, as well as muscle spasms. Some compactions, so-called trigger points, will be diagnosed directly in the patient’s muscle mass. It is not possible to eliminate muscle spasms on your own.

Symptoms of numbness of the left and right shoulder blade

External signs of numbness of the left and right scapula are expressed as follows:

  • Presence of girdling back pain;
  • Unpleasant nagging pain on one side of the back, then on the other;
  • Attacks can be either constant or periodic;
  • Pain in the chest area during movement;
  • A persistent cough that is neither viral nor infectious in nature;
  • Aponeurosis;
  • Paresthesia;
  • Transmission of impulses along the nerve trunk;
  • Pain reflected in the heart area, in the lumbar region, in the back, and also in the area under the shoulder blades.
  • Paresthesia;
  • Burning unbearable pain;
  • Pain that increases throughout the day and at the same time radiates to one shoulder blade and then to the other;
  • Hypertonicity of the scapula and back.

It may wax and wane. In some cases, a person may feel a pain in the shoulder blades while turning the body, or a rapid attack of vomiting and nausea. All these signs indicate an unhealthy pathological condition. A person needs to contact medical institution for help.

Numbness under the left or right shoulder blade may be caused by an underlying cause, namely, diseases of the spine. In addition, discomfort under the left shoulder blade may be secondary signs of injuries, various pathological processes, which gradually develop in organ systems.

A timely visit to the specialists of Dr. Ignatiev’s clinic can preserve a person’s full health. Even slight numbness becomes a harbinger of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Causes of numbness in the shoulder blades

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spinal column. It is much less common than osteochondrosis of the lumbar and cervical regions and often causes severe pain under the shoulder blades. This low prevalence is explained by the fact that the thoracic region differs in its structure. It contains twelve vertebrae. The ribs are connected to it through the joints. And in front, the ribs are connected to the sternum. As a result, the spine, sternum and ribs will form a rigid frame where the chest organs are placed. The vertebrae themselves in the thoracic vertebral region are small in height and equipped with long spinous processes, which are arranged one above the other like a tile. This structure significantly limits freedom of movement in this part of the spine.

Osteochondrosis in the cervical spine. In terms of symptoms, it is very different from lumbar and thoracic osteochondrosis. These signs are directly related to the anatomical manifestations in the cervical spine. In terms of volume, the size of the vertebrae that support the head is significantly inferior to the bone structures of the remaining vertebral sections. The cervical spine is constantly under high load. And he himself is characterized by impressive mobility. The cervical region contains many arteries, vessels, and nerves. After a minor muscle tension or displacement of the vertebrae will create conditions for vascular and nerve formations in the cervical region. Gradually, osteophytes will form on the vertebral body. And degenerative processes are accompanied by the development of hernias and protrusions. They also contribute to the appearance of edema and disruption of venous outflow. This is how real inflammation develops. Cervical osteochondrosis will give compression spinal cord. Due to the small size of the canal, this happens quite often, which leads to major pathologies. It is worth noting that it is osteochondrosis in the cervical spine that most often leads to disability due to the anatomy of the bone structures.

Intercostal neuralgia is a pathological condition that consists of irritation or compression of the intercostal nerves. This problem is the most unpleasant in terms of pain and strength. Numbness under the shoulder blades and pain in the thoracic spine are often confused with heart disease. It is important to contact a vertebrologist without delay.

Traumatic injuries to the scapula, such as compression damage to the suprascapular nerve.

Rib fractures.

Pterygoid scapula or Sprengel's disease. This is a congenital defect that appears as a result of pathologies in the development of the fetus. Will be characterized by a high position of the scapula. Clinical manifestations consist of a shortened neck. This is caused by the connection of the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae into a poorly differentiated mass. Disturbed embryonic development is due to the origin of the disease. The development of the scapula continues along with the shoulder girdle. At first, it is located quite high, and then lowers during intrauterine development until it reaches its normal position. When the process is disrupted, the scapula stops at the same level as it was at the embryonic stage. A congenital pathology will be indicated by the presence of a high scapula with other defects, anomalies of skeletal development, such as clubfoot, club-handedness, the absence of several ribs, and split vertebrae.

Myofascial syndrome, which manifests itself as strong painful sensations, muscle spasms, tension in the muscle mass of compactions - trigger points. Trigger active points located just within the compacted, tense bundles of skeletal muscles. An active trigger point is an area of ​​involuntary spasm of painful muscle fibers.

Symptoms are caused by the following pathological mechanisms:

  • Numbness along with girdling pain, which is localized on one side. This symptom is characterized by constant manifestations. It happens that attacks are periodic. The pain increases with movement, shortness of breath, and coughing. Symptoms spread along the location of the muscular intercostal spaces and aponeurosis.
  • Burning pain with paresthesia. They are caused by the transmission of impulses along the located nerve trunk. Pain can be reflected in the heart muscle, lower back, back, and subscapular region.
  • Increasing pain that radiates to the arm, under the shoulder blade. They are connected with hypertonicity of the scapula, shoulders, back.

Pain in the left shoulder blade can vary from aching to an acute, tolerable, cutting, burning condition. There are specific typical complaints about numbness under the shoulder blades:

  • sharp pain on the left side in the scapular region. When turning, the pain only intensifies, but subsides in a calm state;
  • cutting sensations moving into the interscapular area;
  • aching, dull painful sensations below the shoulder blade. It is especially felt when you raise your arms up. The manifestation of pain is directly related to a specific body position;
  • nagging pain. Symptoms spread down the left shoulder blade and to the lower back. There is constant pain;
  • reflective sharp pain, which subsides after vomiting, nausea;
  • constant pain symptoms in the scapular region, which does not stop at rest. The pain may increase and cause a burning sensation;
  • the pain intensifies with deep inspiration and during coughing. It subsides in a reclining position when the head is raised.
It’s a truism, but it should be mentioned: numbness, nagging and aching pain under the shoulder blade are secondary signs of old injuries, inflammatory and tumor processes that can develop in the internal organs and systems of the body. Numbness under the shoulder blade can be caused by diseases of the spine, or may be the result of a long-term deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals.

Among the reasons causing numbness, discomfort and pain under the shoulder blade are:

1. Thoracic osteochondrosis, as well as complicated thoracic osteochondrosis, which is often accompanied by numbness, stiffness and pain under the shoulder blades. “Computer mouse syndrome” or otherwise “tunnel syndrome” causes discomfort in the back due to local compression of the muscles and bones through which the nerve trunks pass.
2. Intervertebral hernia (disc herniation).
3. Kyphosis of the thoracic spine, as well as juvenile kyphoscoliosis.
4. Intercostal neuralgia(pinched intercostal nerve).
5. Scoliosis (curvature of the spine: thoracic and lumbar).
6. Spinal injuries (fracture, for example) and vertebral deformation, spinal arthritis - all diseases reduce the mobility of the vertebrae and create great inconvenience.
7. Pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis and other lung diseases. The discomfort when coughing is especially noticeable when the back muscles are involved.
If pneumonia is right-sided, the pain radiates to the right. If you experience constant aching pain when coughing, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
8. Malignant neoplasms, tumors, including bones, are almost always accompanied unpleasant symptoms. With multiple myeloma, aching pain spreads throughout the body.
9. Cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic disease heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction, angina pectoris.
10. Gastrointestinal diseases ( gastrointestinal tract), such as cholecystitis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, cirrhosis, hepatic colic, purulent peritonitis, can also give aching pain and manifests itself in the form of numbness.
11. Diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis), including cancer, may be accompanied by unpleasant, intensifying pain.
12. Deficiency of some vital microelements and vitamins that ensure proper functioning nervous system and muscles, may result in numbness, tingling under the shoulder blades and pain.
13. Spondyloarthrosis, including shoulder periarthrosis, sometimes causes numbness and aching pain.
14. Special mention should be made about food intolerance, since not all people are so observant that they can connect the foods they eat and the consequences that arise after some time.
For example, yeast, causing fermentation, extremely swells and deforms the intestines, which cannot but affect the location and even the shape of the gallbladder. Internal organs, in turn, are connected to the diaphragm, which creates a certain pressure in chest, attracting blood for cleansing from different parts of the body (arms, legs, head).
15. Colds, an increase in body temperature may be accompanied by numbness and pain in the shoulder blades.

The pain can be severe, dull, sharp, sharp, aching, pulling, pinching, constant, burning, radiating to other parts of the body, and can also manifest itself as numbness.

To find out the main cause, and exclude all possible ones, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies, including: urine and blood tests, ultrasound, MRI, X-ray, CT scan, analysis for food intolerance and possibly other nonspecific tests.
The best specialists to visit if discomfort and pain persist for a long time and periodically remind themselves:
- neurologist
- traumatologist
- cardiologist
- gastroenterologist
- vertebroneurologist.

How to relieve swelling from a bruise or fracture - www.

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