What tea is best for a bath? Tea for a bath: which is better, recipes for herbal drinks

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Good day, dear readers of our site! The benefits of the bath have long been proven and much has been written about it. Generally speaking, the bathhouse helps rid the human body of harmful substances, including toxins and waste. Recipes for bath teas will only enhance the beneficial properties and give you vital energy for a long time. In addition, teas will replenish lost fluid, which the body always needs.

In order to get the maximum effect from the drink, you need to know how to prepare it correctly. It is not always enough to simply pour boiling water over the herb, as the benefits may disappear. The most important thing is to choose high-quality clean water. If the water is hard, it is recommended to first filter it and then use it to make tea. It should not contain various impurities and the main thing is that it should not smell of anything.

The basic basic recipe for a bath drink is as follows:

  • Take a porcelain or clay container and pour the herbs you are going to brew into it;
  • Pour cold, clean water over everything, let it boil, and then immediately remove from heat. If tea is prepared from roots or pieces of berries and fruits, then it is worth boiling the drink over low heat for about a quarter of an hour;
  • Leave covered for about 10-15 minutes. If the herbs are large, then the infusion time can be extended to 30 minutes. During this time, you can wrap the container with a towel so that the heat does not escape.

In order to get the maximum effect from the drink, you need to know how to prepare it correctly.

There are many recipes for such teas, but the one described above is used most often and is basic.

All drinks that are intended for consumption in the bath or immediately after it are recommended to be consumed only warm and hot. Chilled teas should be left for later, since after you have steamed, drinking them can lead to a cold or, even worse, a sore throat.

There are various teas that are drunk before the bath, in the steam room, and also after it. Choosing the right drink will bring you maximum benefit and will help replenish lost fluid.

So, before entering the bathhouse, you can enjoy rosehip infusion or make tea from strawberry or lingonberry leaves.

During bath procedures, you can enjoy diaphoretic teas, for which cherries, strawberries, currants, chamomile and others are used. After the procedures are completed, you can take relaxing tea, which is prepared from mint, oregano and other herbs.

Herbal teas for baths

The most beneficial for a bath are herbal teas due to their huge content of vitamins and beneficial properties. It is better to collect raw materials for the drink yourself, of course, if you understand herbs and can distinguish useful from harmful. Among the most popular herbs are the following: strawberry leaves, strawberries, raspberries with and without fruits.

A delicious vitamin tea can be made from rosehip flowers and fruits. It is important to note here that people prone to blood clots should limit their intake of this drink. People with heart and vascular diseases should also take it with caution.

Herbal teas: benefits and harms

As usual, benefit and harm go hand in hand here. If we talk about the benefits of herbal drinks, then due to the content of flavonoids in them, heavy metal salts are removed from the body, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is restored, and digestion is also improved.

In addition, such substances help strengthen capillaries and heal wounds. They have anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral and other beneficial effects for the whole body.

This is what useful looks like Herb tea for a bath

Also, herbal teas contain tannins, which have a beneficial effect on inflammation. various organs. They also help remove toxins and prevent cell destruction.

The benefits of herbal teas are due to the fact that they are rich in a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Also help prevent colds in the cold season and during periods of exacerbation. In addition, the delicacy has a huge advantage over, for example, black tea, in that it does not contain caffeine, which is not at all needed for a bath.

As for the harm of the herbal drink, it is important to consider the following:

  • Are there any allergic reactions on herbs. Allergy sufferers are not recommended to drink drinks with herbs to which a person may be allergic. Especially when visiting a bathhouse, it is not recommended to test your reactions, since by relaxing in the steam room you may miss the first symptoms of an allergy;
  • The presence of diseases for which certain types of herbs are contraindicated. It is important to take only those herbs that will not aggravate your disease;
  • Particularly toxic and poisonous herbs. They are used in small quantities for medicinal purposes. In this regard, such herbs are not suitable for a bath drink. It is recommended to consume them separately, brewing an individual portion for yourself, and in the bathhouse this drink can be tasted by everyone who visits it.

By following the rules for using the infusion, you will protect yourself, your family and loved ones from the harm of some herbal teas. Here you just need to carefully select the composition of herbs that can be used by everyone.

In order for a herbal drink to be beneficial, it must be prepared correctly. Herbal tea in the bath, the recipes of which may be different, always has similar preparation rules. The method of preparation will depend on what exactly you are using: roots, fruits, leaves, stems or flowers. The rules for preparing a drink from different parts of the plant are as follows:

  • Flower tea is brewed in a porcelain container. To do this, they need to be poured with boiling water and left for 15 minutes, under a warm shelter;
  • The leaves are also poured with boiling water, their additional boiling is not recommended, as the beneficial properties disappear;
  • Fruits, especially if they are dried, it is recommended to crush or knead well. Pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes under a heating pad;
  • Coarse parts of the grass: roots, stems, etc., need to be boiled for 10 minutes. Thus, you can "get" from them a maximum of useful valuable properties. Then the drink is also infused under a heating pad for 15 minutes.

Diaphoretic herbs for baths

Great for making diaphoretic teas:

  • Raspberries;
  • Black elderberry;
  • Strawberries;
  • Linden inflorescences;
  • Coltsfoot;
  • Some others.

In addition to diaphoretic properties, they all have beneficial effects on the immune system and overall health.

Most often and more affordable to prepare a drink from berries and raspberry leaves, as well as linden inflorescences. This collection is brewed in a ratio of 1: 1, that is, a tablespoon of herbal collection + 1 cup of boiling water. The collection is brewed with boiling water, but is not boiled additionally. It is recommended to insist a quarter of an hour under a warm heating pad so that the tea does not have time to cool.

Black elderberry along with linden flowers also has an effective effect. Another composition of the drink is as follows: mint, elderberry and chamomile flowers, linden inflorescences. You can also make a collection from the following components: oregano, coltsfoot, raspberries. Any composition is brewed the same way:

  • Place a tablespoon of the mixture into the container;
  • Pour in a glass of boiling water (250 ml);
  • Infuse under a warm heating pad for a quarter of an hour.

As you can see, cooking does not take much time, so a delicacy for a bath can be prepared immediately before visiting it.

Bath tea: recipe

This drink is usually prepared from herbs and berries. A composition of different herbs is taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. for 1 tbsp. boiling water It is best to take the following types of herbs for cooking: strawberries, mint, oregano, knotweed, chamomile, calendula, rowan berries, raspberries, cherries and strawberries, rose hips, hawthorn or linden roses, as well as some others.

Rarely, 1 type of raw material is taken to make a drink, more often it is made up of 2-3 types.

Sometimes oats are added to the drink, as it has quite a few properties, including excellent immunity and stamina boost.

Vitamin drink for the bath:

  • Rosehip – 5 tbsp, pour a liter of ice water and bring to a boil. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes and remove from heat. It is advisable to mash the rose hips first;
  • 1 tbsp. crushed currant leaves pour ½ liter of boiling water and insist for half an hour;
  • Prepare a mixture of strawberries and rose hips in a ratio of 2:1. 1 tbsp. pour boiling water (200 ml) over the raw materials. Leave under a heating pad for 10 minutes;
  • Prepare a mixture of equal portions of St. John's wort, sage and chamomile leaves. Take tbsp. raw materials and pour boiling water into it, 1 cup. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

Sauna, tea from natural herbs - what could be more beautiful and healthy?

All of these teas can be supplemented with a little honey for taste. This will add beneficial properties to the tea. However, it is important to remember that honey is an allergen, so it can be consumed by those people who are not allergic to it. Also, in order not to lose the healing properties of honey, it should be added only to a warm drink, and not to a hot one.

Tea after the bath

What tea to drink after a bath? The question is quite interesting, the answer to it is as follows: drinks consumed immediately after a bath are aimed at calming, therefore the composition should only contain calming herbs, such as mint, oregano, chamomile and others.

The recipes for such a drink are as follows:

  • Ch.l. chamomile flowers and 1 tbsp boiling water are placed in a container, left for half an hour, covered with a warm towel;
  • Make a collection of equal portions of oregano, mint and St. John's wort. 1 tsp place herbs in a bowl, pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for a quarter of an hour;
  • Linden inflorescences 1 tsp. send to the teapot, pour boiling water over 1 tbsp and leave for 20 minutes.

All such teas are prepared in almost the same way. However, from the different composition of herbs and the effect is different.

Bath tea for weight loss

TO beneficial properties baths are also considered to have an effect on weight loss. To enhance this effect, you can use a bath drink with the appropriate properties. To prepare it you will need:

  • ½ orange;
  • 50 g lingonberries;
  • ½ tsp. or 1 cinnamon stick;
  • Mint – 1 tsp;
  • Green tea - 2 tsp;
  • Boiling water – 1 l.

Cut the orange into small pieces or slices. Place all the ingredients in a container and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Close the lid, put on a heating pad and let it brew for 15-30 minutes. It is recommended to first strain the finished liquid and then consume it.

The properties of the drink are truly excellent. However, we must not forget that its effectiveness will be visible only in combination with other measures. If you eat a lot of sweets and pastries, then no drink will help you lose weight. That is why you must first limit the consumption of such products, and then start drinking the drink in combination with bath procedures.

Another delicious drink for weight loss can be made from orange, grapefruit, lime, honey and boiling water. It is prepared in the same way as the first one.

You should not use any herbal teas in large quantities, as an overabundance can lead to unpleasant consequences or even poisoning. In order to brew a drink from any herb, you need to know how it affects the body, and whether you or your relatives and friends are allergic to it.

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Experienced bath attendants recommend drinking plenty of fluids to replenish the fluid in the body after health-improving bath procedures.

Often, beginners ask themselves questions about what drinks for a bath and in what quantity can be taken so as not to harm the body and reduce the effectiveness of the procedures performed.

Rules for drinking drinks in the bathhouse

When carrying out procedures in a bath or sauna, a certain drinking regimen is provided, which must be observed with health benefits. It includes the following rules:

  • The optimal choice for saunas and baths is acidified liquid of moderate temperature (from 25 to 60 degrees). It can quickly quench thirst and replenish the necessary supply of water in the body.
  • You need to drink liquid moderately and in small sips, while chilled drinks will warm up to body temperature, and hot drinks will cool down.
  • It is not recommended to drink drinks with ice, which can create unnecessary contrast between elevated temperature body and liquid.
  • You should not drink large amounts of liquid at one time. The best option– from 200 to 400 mg per hour. This is enough to replenish the necessary water supply in the body.
  • Taking small, frequent fluids is best for maintaining water balance.
  • Recommended when visiting a steam room.

What to drink in the bath to get maximum benefits for the body? There is only one answer – tasty and healthy drinks, the choice of which is extremely large.

Toning teas: green and black

Bath tea is one of the most popular drinks that can be consumed both before the start of the procedures and after their completion. Black tea with a little sugar will invigorate and give you strength.

To fill the body with energy, it is enough to take moderately strong black tea, chilled or warm.

Iced tea will cool and refresh a warm body, while warm tea will speed up sweating and the elimination of toxins.

No less popular is green tea in the bath. It can be prepared with the addition of honey, milk or ginger. This is a wonderful remedy for quenching thirst and cleansing the body. People with blood pressure problems should not overuse green tea.

In general, green and black tea has a good effect on human health, improves metabolic processes, removes waste and toxins, strengthens the immune system, improves mood and well-being.

Various types of tea contain more than 300 unique chemical components that have powerful anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and strengthening effects. In addition, teas can improve performance digestive system, central nervous system, heart and kidneys.

Hot tea after a bath promotes rapid relaxation, rest and recovery. A fragrant slice of lemon or a teaspoon of sugar syrup added to warm tea will turn it into a light tonic drink.

Revitalizing herbal tinctures and decoctions

Herbal teas, tinctures and decoctions are another category of equally popular drinks that can be drunk in a sauna or bathhouse. It features drinks from medicinal herbs and berries.

Herbal tea for baths is absolutely not inferior to traditional teas in its healing characteristics. Such mixtures contain a large number of active components that help replenish water balance and improve biochemical parameters bodies.

Thus, the most popular are teas brewed with field herbs - chamomile, thyme, lemon balm, mint and St. John's wort. Also used are flowers, leaves of shrubs and trees - linden, raspberry, viburnum, rose hips, strawberries, blackberries, elderberries and blueberries.

When using medicinal herbs, what tea is best to drink in a bath?

  • Tonic tea. It restores strength well and energizes. To prepare the drink, blueberry, strawberry, lingonberry and wild strawberry leaves are used, as well as rose hips.
  • Soothing tea. Affects the central nervous system and muscles, relieves fatigue and irritability. Chamomile, lemon balm, mint, St. John's wort and oregano are used for brewing.
  • Breast tea. Good for diseases of the lungs and bronchi, eliminates prolonged cough. The main ingredients are coltsfoot leaves, plantain and licorice.
  • Sweatshop tea. Used to quickly warm up the body and increase sweating. Sudorific tea for baths can be prepared from linden and raspberry inflorescences.

Refreshing bread kvass

Kvass is one of the most popular drinks that can be consumed after a bath. It perfectly quenches thirst and gives vigor after a hot steam room. Kvass is consumed chilled and has a spicy taste, thick foam and bready aroma. If desired, you can prepare it yourself at home.

A simple recipe for bread kvass

Black bread is cut into cubes and dried in the oven until crispy. Place the crackers in a deep container and pour boiling water over them, leave for up to 3 hours.

Strain the bread wort into an enamel pan through a piece of gauze, add diluted yeast and sugar and cover with a clean towel. Leave to ferment for 14 hours.

The fermented mass is filtered into bottles, 3-4 raisins are added (per 0.5 liter container) and closed tightly.

The liquid is kept for a couple of hours in the room, and then cleaned in a cool place.

For 5 liters of pure water: 500 g crackers, 100 g sugar, 10 g yeast, 20 g raisins.

Invigorating berry juice

If you like sour drinks with a pronounced berry note, then fruit drinks are the best choice. They are prepared from natural wild berries: lingonberries, cranberries, blackberries, strawberries - and contain a large amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

The record holder for the content of vitamins C and PP is cranberry juice. It normalizes blood pressure relieves fever, quenches thirst, improves immunity. In addition, cranberries are rich in flavonoids - natural antioxidants that protect the body from the effects of pathogenic microflora and prevent the development of malignant tumors.

Cranberry juice is a powerful tool in the fight against heart attacks, strokes and cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels.

Purified drinking water

Water is a resource that is necessary for the full functioning of a person. It quickly restores the necessary supply of fluid and important elements in the body.

In addition, drinking water quenches thirst well, cleanses cells of waste and toxins, and improves the condition of skin and hair.

After bath procedures, do not abuse mineral water, which is not always useful for people suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system, heart and blood vessels. Also, you should not use distilled liquid for drinking, which leads to the leaching of salts from the human body.

Bath and sauna - a place where you can quickly improve your health and fully relax. And for a comfortable stay there you need tasty, healthy and high-quality drink. Then holding baths procedures will take place with tangible benefits.

After the steam room and before entering it, you need to use special infusions for the bath to increase sweating and, if possible, remove toxins from the body as much as possible. After all, this is why we go to the bath. For one hour spent in the steam room, a person loses from 0.5 to 1.5 kg. This is associated with profuse sweating, so you need to drink plenty of fluids both in the bath and after the bath.

The best drink in the bath and after it is well-brewed fresh tea with herbs or a herbal vitamin drink. Green tea is good to drink if you go for a steam bath in the morning or daytime. If you drink a lot of it in the evening, you risk not sleeping all night. Therefore, in the evening it is better to brew yourself a weak black tea with the addition of lemon balm and mint. Better yet, just herbal tea, as herbal teas are a true storehouse of trace elements, vitamins, various bioactive substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.


1. You should not drink coffee or alcohol in the bathhouse.

2. Cold drinks - kvass, fruit drink and juice - are best left for later, as they reduce sweating, and you will be very thirsty.

3. In between steaming sessions, in the dressing room, quench your thirst with hot tea.

4. For brewing, use a non-metallic teapot, preferably porcelain or glass.

5. Tea should be fresh, as light herbal infusions quickly lose their beneficial properties.

6. When sharing tea with honey, put honey in a cup, and not in a teapot or thermos, so that its healing components are not destroyed by high temperature.

7. Do not mix many different plants in one brew. Firstly, not all are compatible with each other, and secondly, you may not like the taste of such tea.

8. ATTENTION! Too much fluid can cause additional stress on the kidneys and heart. Therefore, 2-3 glasses of tea, drunk in small portions, will be quite enough.


Bought herbal tea put in a saucepan (kettle) and pour cold water(preferably not from a tap, but from a well). Bring to a boil, but do not boil too much!

IMPORTANT: If tea consists only of leaves and flowers, then it is better to prepare and brew it in porcelain dishes (and even better clay). Leave for 5-7 minutes.

If your tea has rough leaves, then the tea infusion should steep for 25-35 minutes. If you decide to prepare a tea drink from the rough stems, fruits and roots of various plants, then you need to grind them well and cook for 8-12 minutes after boiling. After this, let the tea brew for 5-10 minutes.

It is not advisable to re-boil teas that are ready for consumption. When boiled again, they lose their beneficial properties.


Remember that before visiting the bath and sauna you need to drink tonic teas, and after that - soothing tea drinks. Vitamin teas are suitable to strengthen immunity, and from treatment and prevention viral diseases Teas for colds are suitable.

Toning teas before the bath

1. Before visiting the bathhouse, it will be good and beneficial for your body to rosehip tea.

2. We recommend trying it strawberry, blueberry and rosehip tea with dried lingonberry leaves. Pour the entire mixture with cold water in the proportion of one teaspoon of the mixture to a glass of water, and gradually bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 5-10 minutes. Then leave for 15 minutes.

3. Another wonderful tonic tea is tea from meadowsweet and St. John's wort. The mixture of herbs is prepared in a 1:1 ratio. To prepare this tea, you first need to boil water, and then pour boiling water over this mixture and leave for 25-35 minutes.

The best diaphoretic and diuretic teas for baths

1. Linden tea. Brew one tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes and drink warm. Linden decoction is useful to take for diseases of the lungs, bronchi, and increased nervous excitability.

2. Cranberry tea. Mash two tablespoons of cranberries with 1 tablespoon of sugar, pour boiling water and leave for 6-8 minutes. This tea cools, refreshes, improves sweating, and invigorates.

3. Strawberry tea. Strawberries slow down the heart rate, dilate blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, has a mild diuretic effect. For 1 cup of boiling water, take 1 teaspoon of dried strawberry leaves, a pinch (about 2 g) of St. John's wort and mint. Leave for 7-10 minutes and drink warm.

4. Mint tea. Mint has a diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, calming, analgesic effect, relieves spasms and pain in the intestines, increases appetite, and improves digestion. Add 5-7 mint leaves to a 0.5 liter teapot along with the tea leaves and leave for 10 minutes. Strain and drink warm.

5. Lingonberry tea. Lingonberry has a diuretic effect, improves immunity, and restores the body's metabolic processes. For 1 glass of boiling water, take 1 teaspoon of lingonberry leaf, leave for 15 minutes, filter. Add honey or sugar to taste.

6. Red rowan tea. Red rowan has a diuretic and hemostatic effect, has choleretic properties. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried rowan berries, half a teaspoon of dried raspberries and a pinch (no more than 2 g) of dried blackcurrant leaves with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 5–7 minutes. Use as tea leaves.

7. Herbal cocktail. Mix chamomile flowers, oregano and thyme in equal proportions. Pour 4 teaspoons of the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 10–15 minutes and drink warm. This one is fragrant and very healthy tea will help restore strength, charge you with vigor and good mood.

Medicinal teas for baths

1. For colds and to sweat more Brew dried raspberry leaves or berries, linden flowers, currant and strawberry leaves. Herbs can be mixed, or you can brew each one separately. Drink this tea should be 150 gr. at one time in small, frequent sips.

2. Excellent folk remedy against colds - horseradish drink and mustard. Steam fresh horseradish leaves in a bucket of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain and add a little undiluted. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of mustard in 3 liters of boiling water. Be sure to pre-fry the mustard powder in a dry frying pan.

3. For respiratory and skin diseases thyme and oregano help. Pour a few sprigs of dried thyme or oregano (or a mixture of herbs) into two glasses of boiling water, cover with a lid and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave covered for 45 minutes, then strain. Mix 100 ml of infusion and 3 liters of hot water. Such inhalations also calm the nervous system, have a disinfectant property.

4. Juniper and eucalyptus tone the nervous system. Useful with pustular and ulcerative skin lesions, chronic inflammation respiratory tract . Pour 2 tablespoons of juniper needles or crushed eucalyptus leaves in a thermos with 500 ml of boiling water, close tightly and leave for about an hour.


1. After visiting the bath, it is best to refrain from eating and drinking for some time. It is best to rinse your mouth with cool water. If this does not help, then you can drink a small cup of hot tea in small sips.

2. ATTENTION! All alcoholic drinks, including beer, have a negative effect on cardiovascular system, increasing the load on it. Especially after a bath or sauna. Therefore, the use of alcohol in this case is harmful to the human body.

3. Kvass quenches thirst well after a bath. Currently, kvass is sold everywhere in retail outlets. But you can cook it yourself.

Kvass recipe


  • water - 5 l.
  • rye bread - 5-6 pieces
  • sugar - 5 tbsp.
  • dry kvass - 3 tbsp. (sold in the store)
  • yeast – 20-25g.
  • raisins – 10 pcs.

Pour sugar, yeast, slices of bread, dry kvass into a glass or enamel bowl and pour boiling water over it. Stir everything and add raisins. Then loosely close the vessel and leave for two days in a warm place for fermentation. After two days, pour kvass into bottles or a jug, close tightly and leave for storage in a cool room.

You can prepare kvass to your taste by adding rowan berries, cranberries, currants and others instead of raisins.

Soothing teas after a bath

1. Chamomile tea. 1 tsp Pour 1 cup of boiling water over regular chamomile flowers. Leave for 25-35 minutes.

2. Tea made from mint, St. John's wort and oregano. Make a mixture of equal proportions of St. John's wort, oregano and mint. 1 tsp pour 1 cup of boiling water over the mixture. You only need to steep this tea for 10-15 minutes.

3. Currant tea. Pour boiling water over the crushed leaves and shoots of black currant in the proportion: 1 tbsp. raw materials per 0.5 l. boiling water Leave for 20-25 minutes.

4. Linden tea. 1 tsp pour linden flowers with 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 15-20 minutes.

5. Raspberry tea. Add berries to dry raspberry leaves in a ratio of 2 to 1. For 1 tbsp. the mixture will require 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 30-40 minutes.

6. Tea made from chamomile, sage and St. John's wort. Take all herbs for tea in equal proportions. 1 tbsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the mixture. Leave for 1 hour.

How else can you quench your thirst after a bath?

After bath procedures, it is very useful to quench your thirst with an infusion of ripened rose hips, hawthorn, barberry, fruit or vegetable juice.

Lactic acid products: yogurt or kefir quench your thirst very well after a hot bath and restore your strength. Here you can use both products purchased in the store and those obtained by processing milk at home.

The benefits of the bath are not limited to the effects of cleansing the body. People who constantly take steam baths get sick much less often, since the bathhouse significantly strengthens the immune system. Alternating high and cold temperatures strengthens the elasticity of blood vessels.

In the steam room, the human body temperature rises to 39 degrees, which allows you to get rid of most harmful microbes. The air in the steam room is sterile, because when high temperatures germs don't survive. The load on the cardiovascular system strengthens the heart muscle, thereby reducing the likelihood of a heart attack.

Table of contents:

Traditional bath tea

Tea after a bath is the most the best remedy in order to tone the body, refresh it and perfectly quench thirst. After all, at the end of the bath procedures, a person is very thirsty. This is explained by the fact that as a result of profuse sweating in the steam room, the body needs to restore lost fluid.

Tea is rightfully considered the most famous and popular drink of all times. Experts do not limit the consumption of tea, and anyone can drink it as much as they want. Herbal infusions, which are often used to brew medicinal infusions, are especially useful if taken while visiting a steam room. You can prepare bath teas in many ways, knowledge of which guarantees vigor, good mood and health.

Herbal tea will not only improve your health internal organs, but will also increase the usefulness of the entire complex of bath procedures.

Green tea after the steam room

Immediately after visiting the sauna you should drink a large amount of liquid. Not so long ago, people preferred regular black tea, but recently other varieties have come into fashion, among which green tea took first place. Despite the fact that this drink is less aromatic compared to black, it is not inferior to it in terms of the number of active ingredients, vitamins and beneficial properties.

Green tea is healthier

Green tea is a special variety, the production of which does not involve fermentation or steeping processes. Thanks to the careful processing of green leaves, the infusion retains the entire necessary complex of microelements and vitamins. It has a greenish tint, a pleasant faint odor and a bitter taste.

IN chemical composition Green tea contains such a special component as theanine. This substance helps stimulate brain cells, has a calming effect on the entire body and helps the body relax after the heat in the steam room. At the same time, the person does not fall into a sleepy state, but on the contrary, feels cheerful and filled with energy. Green tea allows you to:

  • Think clearly
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Get rid of fatigue completely

In order for green tea to be most effective after a steam room, you need to use a recipe for its preparation that was known to our ancestors. It is important to know that when brewing tea, it is forbidden to use boiling water.

  1. Boil water and let it cool down a bit.
  2. When the water has reached the required temperature, pour it over the green tea leaves and drain immediately. This is necessary so that the drink is not bitter.
  3. Next, the washed tea leaves are poured with new boiled water and infused for 5 minutes.

It is necessary to remember one rule: when drinking a drink at the end of the bath procedures, you do not need to add milk or sugar to it. If a person is not used to drinking unsweetened tea, sugar can be replaced with one spoon of honey. The use of other sweeteners is not recommended.

Black tea

Despite the popularity of green tea, many people prefer to use some recipe inherited from their grandmother. This is argued by the fact that it was in the old days that people treated the bath with respect. Even the smallest details, without which not a single bath procedure can do, were approached with great responsibility.

Black velvet tea

Maintaining ancient traditions, the majority continues to brew simple black tea in samovars, as it:

  • Considered the best solution to quench thirst
  • Gives you the opportunity to get a breath of freshness
  • Helps cleanse the kidneys
  • Allows you to stabilize the process of capillary blood circulation

To get the most benefit from this wonderful drink, in addition to black tea, it is advisable to add washed raspberry leaves or linden inflorescences to the teapot. Thanks to this combination, you can increase sweating. However, doctors strongly recommend not to get too carried away with such a drink, since a large amount of the drink can have a negative effect on the kidneys.

A good solution would be to combine black tea with dry leaves of strawberries, mint, currants or St. John's wort. You can also add any jam to it. Drink tea with the addition of various herbs or berries should be 20 minutes after the completion of bath procedures and in small portions. Basically, 150-200 ml of a drink will be enough to restore the water balance in the body, but if you want to drink more, you can simply rinse your mouth with tea.

Herbal infusions for brewing after a bath

If a person is not a fan of black tea, then experts recommend paying attention to the useful collection of medicinal herbs. Experienced herbalists advise giving preference to tea leaves from rose hips, which has long been known for its healing properties. You can prepare this infusion according to old recipes from the Urals:

  • Rose hips are crushed and mixed with dry oregano herb
  • St. John's wort is added to the mixture
  • The herbal mixture is poured with hot water and infused for 20 minutes.

A rosehip drink must be brewed after each visit to the steam room. You can use it in unlimited quantities. The only contraindication would be an allergy to the components or chronic illness kidney

Chamomile tea strengthens the immune system

Back in the 80s of the last century, the Scientific Institute of Medicinal Plants conducted research and proposed its own recipe for a healthy drink that should be drunk after visiting the bathhouse. The refreshing and restorative tea includes ten types of plants that are sold in every pharmacy. All of the following herbs have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, cardiovascular system and nerve cells. The list includes the following plants:

  • pharmaceutical camomile
  • Corn silk
  • Dog-rose fruit
  • St. John's wort
  • Peppermint
  • Oregano
  • Valerian roots
  • Eucalyptus leaves
  • Hawthorn
  • Coltsfoot

These plants are mixed in equal proportions and stored in a dark place in a tightly closed jar. After visiting the bathhouse, the herbal mixture is brewed and infused for at least 20-30 minutes. The infusion is cooled and consumed in an amount not exceeding 200 ml.

Surely none of you have any doubts about the benefits that visiting a bathhouse brings. While staying in the steam room, a person actively gets rid of waste and toxins. But along with harmful substances Fluid is removed from the body, the reserves of which must be replenished. After reading today's article, you will learn the benefits of bath teas and how to brew them.

It is extremely important not only to choose the right drink, but also to prepare it correctly. To preserve most of the valuable properties of tea, it is advisable to brew it using clean water. It is important that there are no foreign odors or impurities in it.

A good tea is made from a mixture of peppermint leaves and elderberry, linden and chamomile flowers. To brew the drink, all the above components are mixed in equal proportions and poured with boiling water.

Tea made from one part of oregano herb and two parts of raspberries and coltsfoot leaves has an excellent diaphoretic effect. Pour a tablespoon of this mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for at least five minutes.

Recipes for teas for baths

Of course, the choice of drink depends on the taste preferences of each individual person and on the goals that he pursues. So, some drink a drink made from linden, others from mint, and still others from berries.

Those who have not yet decided what tea to drink in the bathhouse can be advised to pay attention to the lingonberry version. It has excellent diuretic and antiseptic properties. It is recommended for use by people suffering diabetes mellitus, cystitis, gout, obesity and liver diseases. To prepare such a drink, combine green tea and crushed lingonberry leaves in a 1:2 ratio in one container and pour boiling water over it. For a glass of hot water you will need a teaspoon of this mixture. Infuse the drink for a quarter of an hour.

To strengthen the immune system and tone the body, we can recommend another recipe. Perhaps this is for a bath, since it has excellent restorative properties. To prepare it, dried oregano stems are used. One teaspoon of crushed herbal raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for several minutes. It is important not to over-exert the drink. Otherwise, it will lose its delicious natural aroma.

What tea to drink after a bath?

This is the question that worries those who first decided to visit the steam room. Tonic drinks with aromatic additives are best suited for such purposes. Today, there are many recipes that can be used to prepare such teas.

To brew one of these drinks, you will need a liter of filtered water, a whole lemon and three tablespoons of tea. You will have to cook it at home, before going to the bath. To do this, carefully remove the peel from the lemon, dry it in a preheated oven, carefully chop it and combine it with the tea leaves. The resulting mixture is poured into a pre-prepared kettle and poured boiling water. After five minutes, the drink is poured into a thermos and taken with you to the sauna. Add sugar or honey if desired.

Bath tea for weight loss

A drink made from a mixture of rosehip and stinging nettle decoctions is considered an excellent way to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, you can add lemon balm, mint, tansy, wormwood, viburnum, raspberry and hawthorn fruits to them. It is advisable to put a little honey in the finished drink, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar.

Pu-erh tea is also considered a good way to lose weight. In the bath, its effect only intensifies. This drink helps to remove toxins, toxins and excess fluid. It speeds up the process of digestion of food and normalizes metabolism. It should not be taken on an empty stomach. Since this tea has an invigorating and tonic effect, it is not advisable to drink it in the evening.

Herbal recipe

This option will be a real find for those who like to drink tea after a bath. The recipe is interesting in that it contains various medicinal herbs. To prepare a similar drink, which was known to our distant ancestors, crushed rose hips and dried oregano herb are combined in one container. St. John's wort is also sent there. Mix everything thoroughly, add hot water and leave for twenty minutes.

Refreshing drink

The recipe in question was developed in the eighties of the last century. It was invented by employees of the Scientific Institute of Medicinal Plants. This healthy tea should be drunk immediately after visiting the steam room. The restorative and refreshing drink contains ten herbs, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The use of this collection helps to normalize the activity of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.

In one bowl, combine an equal amount of chamomile, corn silk, rose hips, St. John's wort, peppermint, oregano, valerian root, eucalyptus leaves, hawthorn and coltsfoot. Store the finished mixture in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark place. You need to infuse the brewed drink for about half an hour. It is advisable to consume this tea chilled and no more than two hundred milliliters.

Soothing herbal teas

Those who are still thinking about what kind of tea to drink in the bathhouse can be advised to try preparing another option. It has a sedative effect and helps get rid of sleep problems. To make this herbal mixture, you will need one tablespoon each of crushed valerian root flowers, lemon balm and mint leaves. All this is mixed in a clean glass container and stored in a cool, dark place. To brew tea, pour a tablespoon of the herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, filter and pour into cups.

Another drink made from dried hop cones, crushed valerian root, motherwort and mint has a good sedative effect. To make a soothing bath tea, you will need to mix one tablespoon of these ingredients, pour half a liter of boiling water over them and leave for twenty minutes.

Moroccan mint tea recipe

To prepare this tasty and healthy drink, you need to stock up on all the ingredients in advance. In this case you will need:

  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • Five sprigs of fresh mint.
  • A couple of teaspoons of green tea.
  • 400 milliliters of water.

Sugar and washed and dried mint leaves are placed at the bottom of a pre-prepared teapot. All this is poured with 150 milliliters of boiling water and covered with a lid. Green tea and the remaining hot water are placed in another bowl. After five minutes, the infusions are mixed in one bowl and poured into cups. The water used to prepare this drink should not boil for long. It is removed from the heat immediately after the first bubbles appear.

Tea balm recipe

To prepare this drink, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary ingredients on hand. To get an aromatic and tasty drink you will need:

  • A couple of spoons of black tea.
  • Three teaspoons each of chopped rose hips and hawthorn.
  • A couple of fresh mint leaves.

Combine all the bulk ingredients in one bowl and pour boiling water over them. For every two teaspoons of the resulting mixture, 250 milliliters of hot water will be required. The drink should be infused for at least fifteen minutes. After this time, it is filtered, sweetened with natural honey and poured into cups.

Option with rose hips

This time you should have:

  • 20 grams of black tea.
  • A couple of tablespoons of sugar
  • Liter of water.
  • 200 grams of rose hips.
  • Orange zest.

In a deep bowl, mix water with sugar and put it on the stove. After the liquid boils, add rose hips and cook for another five minutes. The resulting infusion is poured into black tea combined with orange zest and set aside for a quarter of an hour. After this, the drink is filtered, sweetened with honey and poured into cups.

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